Number of items at this level: 642.
Blobel, Bernd,
Ruotsalainen, Pekka,
Oemig, Frank,
Giacomini, Mauro,
Sottile, Pier Angelo and
Endsleff, Frederik
Principles and Standards for Designing and Managing Integrable and Interoperable Transformed Health Ecosystems.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (11), p. 1579.
Mora, Sara ,
Attene, Jacopo,
Gazzarata, Roberta,
Giacobbe, Daniele Roberto ,
Blobel, Bernd,
Parruti, Giustino and
Giacomini, Mauro
A NLP Pipeline for the Automatic Extraction of a Complete Microorganism’s Picture from Microbiological Notes.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (9), p. 1424.
Brochhausen, Mathias,
Whorton, Justin M.,
Zayas, Cilia E.,
Kimbrell, Monica P.,
Bost, Sarah J.,
Singh, Nitya,
Brochhausen, Christoph ,
Sexton, Kevin W. and
Blobel, Bernd
Assessing the Need for Semantic Data Integration for Surgical Biobanks—A Knowledge Representation Perspective.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (5), p. 757.
Paleari, Laura,
Malini, Virginia,
Paoli, Gabriella,
Scillieri, Stefano,
Bighin, Claudia,
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro
EU-Funded Telemedicine Projects – Assessment of, and Lessons Learned From, in the Light of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.
Frontiers in Medicine 9, p. 849998.
Mora, S.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Gazzarata, R. and
Giacomini, M.
CTS2 OWL - Mapping OWL Ontologies to CTS2 Terminology Resources.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian and
Giacomini, Mauro, (eds.)
PHealth 2022 : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 299.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 44-52.
ISBN 978-1-64368-348-5 (print), 978-1-64368-349-2 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Yang, B. and
Giacomini, M.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, B. and
Giacomini, M., (eds.)
PHealth 2022 : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 299.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, V-VII.
ISBN 978-1-64368-348-5 (print), 978-1-64368-349-2 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Mora, S.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Gazzarata, R. and
Giacomini, M.
Privacy and Trust in pHealth – Past, Present and Future.
Blobel, Bernd and
Ruotsalainen, Pekka, (eds.)
PHealth 2022 : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 299.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 104-107.
ISBN 978-1-64368-348-5 (print), 978-1-64368-349-2 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Ruotsalainen, Pekka and
Giacomini, M.
Standards and Principles to Enable Interoperability and Integration of 5P Medicine Ecosystems.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, B. and
Giacomini, M., (eds.)
PHealth 2022 : Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 299.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-19.
ISBN 978-1-64368-348-5 (print), 978-1-64368-349-2 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Ruotsalainen, P. and
Brochhausen, P.
Autonomous systems and artificial intelligence – Hype or prerequisite for P5 medicine?
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro, (eds.)
pHealth 2021. Proc. of the 18th Internat. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, 8-10 November 2021, Genoa, Italy.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 285.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-14.
ISBN 978-1-64368-226-6 (print), 978-1-64368-227-3 (online).
Ruotsalainen, P. and
Blobel, Bernd
How a service user knows the level of privacy and to whom trust in pHealth systems?
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro, (eds.)
pHealth 2021. Proc. of the 18th Internat. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, 8-10 November 2021, Genoa, Italy.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 285.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 39-48.
ISBN 978-1-64368-226-6 (print), 978-1-64368-227-3 (online).
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro, (eds.)
pHealth 2021. Proc. of the 18th Internat. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, 8-10 November 2021, Genoa, Italy.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 285.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, V-VII.
ISBN 978-1-64368-226-6 (print), 978-1-64368-227-3 (online).
Spanier, Gerrit ,
Ugele, Ines,
Nieberle, Felix ,
Symeou, Luisa,
Schmidhofer, Sandra,
Brand, Almut,
Meier, Johannes,
Spoerl, Steffen,
Krupar, Rosemarie,
Rümmele, Petra,
Siska, Peter ,
Renner, Kathrin ,
Peter, Katrin,
Gerken, Michael,
Beckhove, Philipp,
Reichert, Torsten E.,
Kreutz, Marina and
Singer, Katrin
The predictive power of CD3+ T cell infiltration of oral squamous cell tumors is limited to non-diabetic patients.
Cancer Letters 499, pp. 209-219.
Fulltext not available.
Brochhausen, M.,
Bost, S. J.,
Singh, N.,
Brochhausen, C. and
Blobel, Bernd
Understanding the gap between information models an realism-based ontologies using the generic component model.
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro, (eds.)
pHealth 2021. Proc. of the 18th Internat. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, 8-10 November 2021, Genoa, Italy.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 285.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 159-164.
ISBN 978-1-64368-226-6 (print), 978-1-64368-227-3 (online).
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, Mauro, eds.
pHealth 2021. Proc. of the 18th Internat. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, 8-10 November 2021, Genoa, Italy.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 285.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, V-VII.
ISBN 978-1-64368-226-6 (print), 978-1-64368-227-3 (online).
Blobel, Bernd,
Lhotska, L.,
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F.
Stud Health Technol Inform 273, V- VII.
Fulltext not available.
Lugo, Alessandra ,
Edvall, Niklas K.,
Lazar, Andra,
Mehraei, Golbarg,
Lopez-Escamez, Jose-Antonio ,
Bulla, Jan,
Uhlen, Inger,
Canlon, Barbara,
Gallus, Silvano and
Cederroth, Christopher R.
Relationship between headaches and tinnitus in a Swedish study.
Scientific Reports 10 (1).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Lhotska, L. and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., eds.
pHealth 2020.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 273.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-64368-112-2 (print), 978-1-64368-113-9 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, M.
Stud Health Technol Inform 261, V-VII.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, M., eds.
pHealth 2019.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 261.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-61499-974-4; 978-1-61499-975-1.
Fulltext not available.
Ruotsalainen, P. and
Blobel, Bernd
A Model for Calculated Privacy and Trust.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian, (eds.)
pHealth Ecosystems. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 12-14 June 2018, Gjøvik, Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 249.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 29-37.
ISBN 978-1-61499-867-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Oemig, Frank and
Ruotsalainen, P.
Data Modeling Challenges of Advanced Interoperability.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian, (eds.)
pHealth 2018. Proc.of the 15th Int. Conff on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 12-14 June 2018, Gjøvik, Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 247.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 860-864.
ISBN 978-1-61499-867-9.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
E-HEALTH-COM 18 (6), p. 65.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Brochhausen, M. and
Ruotsalainen, P.
Modeling the Personal Health Ecosystem.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian, (eds.)
pHealth 2018. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 12-14 June 2018, Gjøvik, Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 249.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-16.
ISBN 978-1-61499-867-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian, (eds.)
pHealth 2018. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 12-14 June 2018, Gjøvik, Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 249.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vii.
ISBN 978-1-61499-867-9.
Fulltext not available.
Brochhausen, M.,
Bona, J. and
Blobel, Bernd
The Role of Axiomatically-Rich Ontologies in Transforming Medical Data to Knowledge.
Blobel, Bernd and
Yang, Bian, (eds.)
pHealth 2018. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf, on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, 12-14 June 2018, Gjøvik, Norway.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 249.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 38-49.
ISBN 978-1-61499-867-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Data Protection and Information Security for eHealth and Digital Medicine.
Quaglini, Silvana and
Cesarelli, M. and
Giacomini, M. and
Pinciroli, F., (eds.)
E-health : medicina digitale.
Gruppo nazionale di bioingegneria, 36.
Pàtron, Bologna, pp. 287-318.
ISBN 9788855533874, 8855533878.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Interoperabilität von Spezifikationen und Standards.
Duesberg, F., (ed.)
E-Health 2017 – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Gesundheitswesen.
medical future verlag, Solingen, pp. 10-13.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Goossen, W.
Blobel, Bernd and
Goossen, W., (eds.)
pHealth 2017.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 237.
IOS Press, V-VII.
ISBN 978-1-61499-760-3; 978-1-61499-761-0.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Reference Architecture Model Enabling Standards Interoperability.
Randell, R. and
Cornet, R. and
McCowan, C. and
Peek, N., (eds.)
Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population Health.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 235.
IOS Press, pp. 401-405.
ISBN 978-1-61499-752-8; 978-1-61499-753-5.
Blobel, Bernd,
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Lopez, D. M. and
Oemig, Frank
Requirements and Solutions for Personalized Health Systems.
Blobel, Bernd and
Goossen, W., (eds.)
pHealth 2017.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 237.
IOS Press, pp. 3-21.
ISBN 978-1-61499-760-3; 978-1-61499-761-0.
Fulltext not available.
Rico-Olarte, C.,
López, D. M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Kepplinger, S.
User Experience Evaluations in Rehabilitation Video Games for Children: A Systematic Mapping of the Literature.
Röhrig, R. and
Timmer, A. and
Binder, H. and
Sax, U., (eds.)
German Medical Data Sciences: Visions and Bridges.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 243.
IOS Press, pp. 13-17.
ISBN 978-1-61499-808-2; 978-1-61499-807-5;.
Blobel, Bernd and
Goossen, W., eds.
pHealth 2017.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 237.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-61499-760-3.
Fulltext not available.
Giacomini, M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Proceedings of the 16th International HL7 Interoperability Conference 2016, University of Genoa, June 13 - 15 2016.
, p. 1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Thun, S.,
Heitmann, K. U.,
Oemig, Frank,
Heckmann, S.,
Mense, A.,
Sabutsch, S. and
Kalra, D.
How to get interoperability standards interoperable?
European Journal of Epidemiology 31 Suppl 1, S25.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Giacomini, M.
IHIC 2016 in Genua.
HL7-Mitteilungen (38), pp. 18-19.
Fulltext not available.
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Delgado, J.,
Lacroix, P.,
Kurihara, Y.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, P.,
Stechova, K. and
Sahama, T.
Personal health data—privacy policy harmonization and global enforcement.
European Journal of Epidemiology 31 Suppl 1, S166.
Fulltext not available.
Uribe, G. A.,
López, D. M. and
Blobel, Bernd
An Architecture-Centric and Ontology-Based Approach to Cross-Domain Interoperability of Health Information Systems for Diabetes Care.
Gallón, A. R. and
García, J. C. Y. and
Ramirez-Gonzalez, G., (eds.)
Memorias del VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Telemática CITA2015.
researchandinnovationbook, Colombia, pp. 241-244.
ISBN 978-0-9898393-8-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Lindén, M. and
Ahmed, M. U.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 211, V-VI.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Lindén, M. and
Ahmed, M. U., eds.
pHealth 2015.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 211.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-61499-515-9 (print) | 978-1-61499-516-6 (online).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Sauermann, S. and
Mense, A.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 200, V-VI.
Blobel, Bernd and
Hasman, A. and
Zvárová, J., eds.
Data and Knowledge for Medical Decision Support.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 186.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-61499-239-4 (online), 978-1-61499-240-0 (print).
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
HL7-Mitteilungen (33), pp. 5-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Neue Ansätze für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit.
Handels, Heinz, (ed.)
GMDS 2013. 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS). Lübeck, 01.-05.09.2013.
German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, Düsseldorf.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Parv, L.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 189, v-vi.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Hasman, A. and
Zvárová, J.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 186, v-vi.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Brochhausen, M.,
Gonzalez, C.,
Lopez, D. M. and
Oemig, Frank
A System-Theoretical, Architecture-Based Approach to Ontology Management.
Mantas, J. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Mazzoleni, M. C. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A., (eds.)
Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE 2012.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1087-1089.
ISBN 978-1-614-99100-7.
Fulltext not available.
Gonzalez, C.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Lopez, D. M.
Adaptive Intelligent Systems for pHealth – An Architectural Approach.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., (eds.)
pHealth 2012 ; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26 - 28, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 177.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 170-175.
ISBN 978-1-614-99068-0.
Fulltext not available.
Yildirim - Yayilgan, S.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Petersen, F.,
Hovsto, Asbjorn,
Pharow, Peter,
Waaler, D. and
Hijazi, Y.
An Architectural Approach to Building Ambient Intelligent Travel Companions.
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications 3 (3), pp. 86-95.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
An Ontological Approach to Manage and Harmonize Document Types.
Mantas, J. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Mazzoleni, M. C. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A., (eds.)
Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE 2012.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 184-188.
ISBN 978-1-614-99100-7.
Fulltext not available.
Uribe, G. A.,
Lopez, D. M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Architectural Analysis of Clinical Ontologies for pHealth Interoperability.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., (eds.)
pHealth 2012 ; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26 - 28, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 177.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 176-182.
ISBN 978-1-614-99068-0.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, D. M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Gonzalez, C.
Architectural Approach for Quality and Safety Aware HealthCare Social Networks.
Mantas, J. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Mazzoleni, M. C. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A., (eds.)
Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE 2012.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 193-197.
ISBN 978-1-614-99100-7.
Fulltext not available.
Bernal, J. G.,
Lopez, D. M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Architectural Approach for Semantic EHR Systems Development Based on Detailed Clinical Models.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., (eds.)
pHealth 2012 ; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26 - 28, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 177.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 164-169.
ISBN 978-1-614-99068-0.
Fulltext not available.
Ruiz, F.,
García, F.,
Calohorra, L.,
Llorente, C.,
Gonçalves, L.,
Daniel, C. and
Blobel, Bernd
Business Process Modeling in Healthcare.
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 75-87.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Mihalas, G.,
Detmer, D.,
Li, Y. C. J.,
Haux, R. and
Blobel, Bernd
EFMI Initiatives for Inter-Regional Cooperation: The TrEHRT Project.
Blobel, Bernd and
Engelbrecht, R. and
Shifrin, M. A., (eds.)
Large scale projects in ehealth : partnership in modernization ; proceedings of the EFMI special topic conference, 18 - 20 April 2012, Moscow, Russia.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 174.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-7.
ISBN 978-1-614-99051-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Brochhausen, M.,
Oemig, Frank,
González, C. and
Lopez, D.
Ein systemtheoretischer architekturbasierter Ansatz für das Ontologiemanagement.
Staußberg, J., (ed.)
Informatik 2012. Was bewegt uns in der/die Zukunft?; 42. Jahrestagung der Ges. für Med. Informatik, GMDS 2012, Braunschweig, 16.-20.9.2012. Abstractbd.
Ges. für Informatik, Bonn, pp. 237-238.
Fulltext not available.
Gonzalez, C.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Lopez, D. M.
Formal Specification of an Ontology-Based Service for EHR Interoperability.
Mantas, J. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Mazzoleni, M. C. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A., (eds.)
Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE 2012.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 78-82.
ISBN 978-1-614-99100-7.
Fulltext not available.
Hay, C.,
Moen, A.,
Chronaki, C.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Kreysa, U. and
Jaffe, C.
Joint workshop HL7-GS1: Information Exchange Standards meet Supply Chain Standard.
Mantas, J., (ed.)
Quality of life through quality of information. 24th International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics - MIE2012. CD, Workshops.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Allaert, F.,
Kalra, D.,
Pharow, P.,
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Sauermann, S. and
Yildirim, S.
Mobile Technologies and Policies on the Move to Pervasive Care.
Mantas, J., (ed.)
Quality of life through quality of information. 24th International Conference of the European Federation for Medical Informatics - MIE2012. CD, Workshops.
Fulltext not available.
Hall, J. A. and
Blobel, Bernd
Paradigm Changes in Health Lead to Paradigm Changes in Pathology.
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 38-50.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engelbrecht, R. and
Shifrin, M. A.
Blobel, Bernd and
Engelbrecht, R. and
Shifrin, M. A., (eds.)
Large scale projects in ehealth : partnership in modernization ; proceedings of the EFMI special topic conference, 18 - 20 April 2012, Moscow, Russia.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 174.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 978-1-614-99051-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., (eds.)
pHealth 2012 ; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26 - 28, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 177.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 978-1-614-99068-0.
Fulltext not available.
Garcia-Rojo, M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A.
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Mantas, J.,
Andersen, S. K.,
Mazzoleni, M. C.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A.
Mantas, J. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Mazzoleni, M. C. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Quaglini, S. and
Moen, A., (eds.)
Quality of life through quality of information : proceedings of MIE 2012.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 180.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 978-1-614-99100-7.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Standards and Solutions for Architecture Based, Ontology Driven and Individualized Pervasive Health.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, P. and
Sousa, F., (eds.)
pHealth 2012 ; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26 - 28, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 177.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 147-157.
ISBN 978-1-614-99068-0.
Fulltext not available.
Schrader, T.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Garcia-Rojo, M.,
Daniel, C. and
Slodkowska, J.
State of the Art in Pathology Business Process Analysis, Modeling, Design and Optimization.
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 88-102.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Telepathology Interoperability – A System Architectural Approach.
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 51-61.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Ernstberger, A.,
Herbst, T.,
Leis, A.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Nerlich, Michael
Teleradiologie in Ostbayern. Teil 1.
Krankenhaus-IT Journal (1), pp. 106-107.
Fulltext not available.
Ernstberger, A.,
Herbst, T.,
Leis, A.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Nerlich, Michael
Teleradiologie in Ostbayern. Teil 2.
Krankenhaus-IT Journal (4), pp. 92-93.
Fulltext not available.
Garcia-Rojo, M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Gonçalves, L.
The COST Action IC0604 “Telepathology Network in Europe” (EURO-TELEPATH).
Garcia-Rojo, M. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Laurinavicius, A., (eds.)
Perspectives on Digital Pathology : results of the COST Action IC0604 EURO-TELEPATH.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 179.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-12.
ISBN 978-1-614-99085-7.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
A Formal Analysis of HL7 Version 2.x.
Moen, A. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Aarts, J. and
Hurlen, P., (eds.)
User centred networked health care; proceedings of MIE 2011.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 704-708.
ISBN 978-1-60750-805-2.
Fulltext not available.
de la Cruz, E.,
Lopéz, D. M.,
Uribe, G.,
González, C. and
Blobel, Bernd
A Reference Architecture for Integrated EHR in Colombia.
Moen, A. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Aarts, J. and
Hurlen, P., (eds.)
User centred networked health care; proceedings of MIE 2011.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 305-309.
ISBN 978-1-60750-805-2.
Fulltext not available.
Brochhausen, M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Architectural Approach for Providing Relations in Biomedical Terminologies and Ontologies.
Moen, A. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Aarts, J. and
Hurlen, P., (eds.)
User centred networked health care; proceedings of MIE 2011.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 739-743.
ISBN 978-1-60750-805-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Architecture Framework for Ubiquitous Health.
Delhomme, G., (ed.)
Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health, pHealth 2011, 29 June to 1 July 2011, Lyon, France.
, pp. 94-95.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Character Sets: an Invisible Pre-requisite towards Cross-Border Interoperability?
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marčun, T. and
Orel, A., (eds.)
E-Health Across Borders Without Boundaries. E-salus trans confinia sine finibus; Proceedings of the ERMI Special Topic Conference 14-15 April 2011 Lasko, Slovenia.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 165.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 149-154.
ISBN 978-1-60750-734-5 ; 978-1-60750-735-2.
Fulltext not available.
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marčun, T. and
Orel, A., eds.
E-health across borders without boundaries : proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference, 14 - 15 April 2011, Las̆ko, Slovenia (= E-salus trans confinia sine finibus).
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 165.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-607-50734-5.
Fulltext not available.
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Nykänen, P. and
Sorvari, H.
Framework Model and Principles for Trusted Information Sharing in Pervasive Health.
Moen, A. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Aarts, J. and
Hurlen, P., (eds.)
User centred networked health care; proceedings of MIE 2011.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 497-501.
ISBN 978-1-60750-805-2.
Fulltext not available.
Hay, C.,
Moen, A.,
Chronaki, C.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Kreysa, U. and
Jaffe, C.
Joint HL7-GS1 workshop at MIE 2012.
HL7 Europe Newsletter (2/2011), pp. 14-15.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Ontologies, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence – Hype or Prerequisite for International pHealth Interoperability?
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marčun, T. and
Orel, A., (eds.)
E-Health Across Borders Without Boundaries. E-salus trans confinia sine finibus; Proceedings of the ERMI Special Topic Conference 14-15 April 2011 Lasko, Slovenia.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 165.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 11-20.
ISBN 978-1-60750-734-5 ; 978-1-60750-735-2.
Fulltext not available.
González, C.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Lopéz, D. M.
Ontology-Based Framework for Electronic Health Records Interoperability.
Moen, A. and
Andersen, S. K. and
Aarts, J. and
Hurlen, P., (eds.)
User centred networked health care; proceedings of MIE 2011.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 169.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 694-698.
ISBN 978-1-60750-805-2.
Fulltext not available.
Stoicu-Tivadar, L.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Marčun, T. and
Orel, A.
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marčun, T. and
Orel, A., (eds.)
E-Health Across Borders Without Boundaries. E-salus trans confinia sine finibus; Proceedings of the ERMI Special Topic Conference 14-15 April 2011 Lasko, Slovenia.
Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 165.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 978-1-60750-734-5 ; 978-1-60750-735-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Taxonomie für eHealth-Interoperabilitätsstandards.
Duesberg, Frank and
Ackermann, Eugen, (eds.)
E-Health 2012: Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen.
Medical Future Verl., Solingen, pp. 14-19.
ISBN 978-3-9814005-1-9.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
A Communication Standards Ontology Using Basic Formal Ontologies.
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, D., (eds.)
Medical and Care Compunetics 6, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 105-113.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Munoz, D. C.,
Ortiz, A.,
Gonzalez, C.,
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Effective e-Learning for Health Professionals and Medical Students: The Experience with SIAS-Intelligent Tutoring System.
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, D., (eds.)
Medical and Care Compunetics 6, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 89-102.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Eine Ontologie für Kommunikationsstandards (CSO) zur Etablierung semantischer Interoperabilität zwischen HL7 v2.x und V3.
Schmücker, P. and
Ellsässer, K.-H. and
Hayna, S., (eds.)
Effiziente und wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung von heute und morgen - nur mit Medizinischer Dokumentation, Medizinischer Informatik, Medizinischer Biometrie und Epidemiologie.
55. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Mannheim, 5.-9.9.2010, Abstractba.
Mannheim, pp. 584-585.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Harmonizing the Semantics of Technical Terms by the Generic Component Model.
Blobel, Bernd and
Hvannberg, E. P. and
Gunnarsdottir, V., (eds.)
Seamless Care - Safe Care: The Challenges of Interoperability and Patient Safety in Health Care.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 115-121.
ISBN 978-1-60750-562-4; 1607505622.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, Denis, eds.
Medical and Care Compunetics 6.
Studies in Health technology and Informatics, 156.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Gonzalez, C.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Lopez, Diego M.
Ontology-Based Interoperability Service for HL7 Interface Implementation.
Blobel, Bernd and
Hvannberg, E. P. and
Gunnarsdottir, V., (eds.)
Seamless Care - Safe Care: The Challenges of Interoperability and Patient Safety in Health Care.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 108-114.
ISBN 978-1-60750-562-4; 1607505622.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, D., (eds.)
Medical and Care Compunetics 6, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., V.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Hvannberg, E. P. and
Gunnarsdottir, V.
Blobel, Bernd and
Hvannberg, E. P. and
Gunnarsdottir, V., (eds.)
Seamless Care - Safe Care: The Challenges of Interoperability and Patient Safety in Health Care.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., V-VI.
ISBN 978-1-60750-562-4; 1607505622.
Fulltext not available.
Brochhausen, M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Problems in Representing Relationships in Medical Terminologies and Ontologies and their Resolution through Adopting the GCM Point of View.
Schmücker, P. and
Ellsässer, K.-H. and
Hayna, S., (eds.)
Effiziente und wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung von heute und morgen - nur mit Medizinischer Dokumentation, Medizinischer Informatik, Medizinischer Biometrie und Epidemiologie.
55. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Mannheim, 5.-9.9.2010, Abstractba.
Mannheim, pp. 504-505.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, D.M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Gonzales, C.
Quality Evaluation of Health Information System's Architectures Developed Using the HIS-DF Methodology.
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, D., (eds.)
Medical and Care Compunetics 6, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 21-31.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Demski, H.,
Hildebrand, C.,
Knaup, P. and
Kohl, C.
Semantische Interoperabilität medizinischer Daten durch den Einsatz Archetyp-basierter Informationssysteme gemäß ISO/CEN 13606 und openEHR.
Schmücker, P. and
Ellsässer, K.-H. and
Hayna, S., (eds.)
Effiziente und wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung von heute und morgen - nur mit Medizinischer Dokumentation, Medizinischer Informatik, Medizinischer Biometrie und Epidemiologie.
55. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Mannheim, 5.-9.9.2010, Abstractba.
Mannheim, p. 751.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Gonzalez, C.,
Oemig, Frank,
Lopez, Diego M.,
Nykänen, P. and
Ruotsalainen, P.
The Role of Architecture and Ontology for Interoperability.
Blobel, Bernd and
Hvannberg, E. P. and
Gunnarsdottir, V., (eds.)
Seamless Care - Safe Care: The Challenges of Interoperability and Patient Safety in Health Care.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 33-39.
ISBN 978-1-60750-562-4; 1607505622.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Brochhausen, M. and
Oemig, Frank
Unterstützt HL7 die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit?
Schmücker, P. and
Ellsässer, K.-H. and
Hayna, S., (eds.)
Effiziente und wirtschaftliche Gesundheitsversorgung von heute und morgen - nur mit Medizinischer Dokumentation, Medizinischer Informatik, Medizinischer Biometrie und Epidemiologie.
55. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Mannheim, 5.-9.9.2010, Abstractba.
Mannheim, pp. 502-503.
Blobel, Bernd,
Oemig, Frank,
Gonzalez, C. and
Lopez, Diego M.
What is Missing in Health Informatics Standardization for pHealth.
Bos, L. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Benton, S. and
Carroll, D., (eds.)
Medical and Care Compunetics 6, Series Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam u.a., pp. 3-12.
ISBN 1607505649; 978-1607505648.
Fulltext not available.
Garcia Rojo, M.,
Punys, V.,
Slodkowska, J.,
Schrader, T.,
Daniel, Ch. and
Blobel, Bernd
Digital Pathology in Europe: Coordinating Care and Research Efforts.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 997-1001.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Domänenübergreifende Systemmodelle und unterstützende Standards.
Jöckel, K.-H., (ed.)
Spitzenmedizin und Menschlichkeit – Krankheit behandeln und Gesundheit fördern.
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Essen, 7.-10.9.2009, Abstractba.
, p. 423.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Gibt es universelle Prinzipien und wie kann man sie meistern?
Jöckel, K.-H., (ed.)
Spitzenmedizin und Menschlichkeit – Krankheit behandeln und Gesundheit fördern.
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Essen, 7.-10.9.2009, Abstractba.
, p. 424.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Chronaki, C.,
Stegwee, R.,
Grain, H.,
Hammond, W. E.,
Jaffe, Ch.,
Kalra, Dipak,
Koehn, M.,
Macary, F.,
Sabutsch, S.,
Sheetham, E.,
Schulz, S. and
Tan, M.
HL7’s Comprehensive Standard Set and Its International Collaboration for Enabling Semantically Interoperable eHealth and pHealth Solutions.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 982-986.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Stoicu-Tivadar, L.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Kern, J.,
Masic, I.,
Mihalas, G.,
Orel, A.,
Surjan, G. and
Urosevic, V.
Is there a Common Background to Support Better Healthcare in Central and South East Europe?
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1002-1006.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, eds.
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Cheshire, P.,
Hovsto, Asbjorn,
Trpisovsky, T. and
Blobel, Bernd
More than Cards – The Application of Personalized Portable Devices Supporting Travellers Needs.
Mihalas, G. and
Saka, O. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Gülkesen, K. H. and
Mazzoleni, C. and
Pharow, Peter, (eds.)
Travel Health Informatics and Telehealth.
"Victor Babes" University Publishing House, Timisoara, pp. 81-90.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Ontology-Driven Health Information Systems Architectures.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 195-199.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd,
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Petersen, F. and
Hovsto, Asbjorn
Portable Devices, Sensors and Networks: Wireless Personalized eHealth Services.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1012-1016.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter,
Blobel, Bernd,
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, v-vi.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Nykänen, P.,
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Seppälä, A.
Research on Trusted Personal Health and Wellness Information in Ubiquitous Health Information Space.
Dössel, O. and
Schlegel, W. C., (eds.)
IFMBE Proceedings.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 432-435.
ISBN 978-3-642-03892-1; 978-3-642-03893-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Semantic Interoperability between Health Communication Standards through Formal Ontologies.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 200-204.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Semantische Interoperabilität durch HL7: Was kommt nach HDF und SAEAF?
Jöckel, K.-H., (ed.)
Spitzenmedizin und Menschlichkeit – Krankheit behandeln und Gesundheit fördern.
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Essen, 7.-10.9.2009, Abstractba.
, p. 73.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Ingenerf, J. and
Norgall, T.
Semantische Interoperabilität durch ontologiegetriebene EHR-Architekturen.
Jöckel, K.-H., (ed.)
Spitzenmedizin und Menschlichkeit – Krankheit behandeln und Gesundheit fördern.
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Essen, 7.-10.9.2009, Abstractba.
, p. 95.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Kalra, Dipak,
Koehn, M.,
Lunn, K.,
Pharow, Peter,
Ruotsalainen, P.,
Schulz, P. and
Smith, B.
The Role of Ontologies for Sustainable, Semantically Interoperable and Trustworthy EHR Solutions.
Adlassnig, Klaus-Peter and
Blobel, Bernd and
Mantas, John and
Masic, Izet, (eds.)
Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe – Proceedings of MIE 2009.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 150.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 953-957.
ISBN 1607500442; 978-1607500445.
Fulltext not available.
Mihalas, G. and
Saka, O. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Gülkesen, K. H. and
Mazzoleni, C. and
Pharow, Peter, eds.
Travel Health Informatics and Telehealth.
"Victor Babes" University Publishing House, Timisoara.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Oemig, Frank
Was bedeutet eHealth-Interoperabilität wirklich?
Duesberg, F., (ed.)
E-Health 2010 – Informationstechnologien und Telematik im Gesundheitswesen.
medical future, Solingen, pp. 13-16.
ISBN 978-3-00-029297-2.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Was ist ein Patient? – Codes für Klarheit.
Jöckel, K.-H., (ed.)
Spitzenmedizin und Menschlichkeit – Krankheit behandeln und Gesundheit fördern.
54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) e.V. Essen, 7.-10.9.2009, Abstractba.
, p. 70.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Analysis and Evaluation of EHR Approaches.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 359-364.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Architectural Approaches for HL7-Based Legacy Systems Integration.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Zvarova, J. and
Lopez, Diego M., (eds.)
EHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: conference proceedings 2007 / CeHR.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 117-124.
ISBN 978-3-89838-089-8; 3-89838-089-0; 978-1-58603-834-2.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Engel, Kjeld
Cards in Health Telematics Applications - Tool or Token.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Zvarova, J. and
Lopez, Diego M., (eds.)
EHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: conference proceedings 2007 / CeHR.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 41-48.
ISBN 978-3-89838-089-8; 3-89838-089-0; 978-1-58603-834-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Comparing EHR Models.
Zens, Maria, (ed.)
Experts' special interest sessions / EHealth Conference 2007. Gesellschaft f. Versicherungswissenschaft u. -gestaltung e.V. (GVG).
Schriftenreihe der GVG, 58.
Nanos-Verlag, Bonn, pp. 63-80.
ISBN 978-3-9811491-3-5; 3-9811491-3-0.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Aschenbrenner, Stefan
Der Weg von eHealth zu mHealth – Komplexe funktionale und Sicherheitsanforderungen in der Welt mobiler medizinischer Geräte.
Schreier, Günter and
Hayn, D. and
Ammenwerth, E., (eds.)
eHealth 2008 – Medical Informatics meets eHealth.
Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Wien, pp. 61-66.
ISBN 978-3-85403-235-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Die Rolle des EHR bei der Modernisierung des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Zvarova, J. and
Lopez, Diego M., (eds.)
EHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: conference proceedings 2007 / CeHR.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 343-350.
ISBN 978-3-89838-089-8; 3-89838-089-0; 978-1-58603-834-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
EHR Architectures – Comparison and Trends.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Nerlich, Michael, (eds.)
eHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: global experts summit textbook.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 134.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 59-73.
ISBN 1-586-03835-4; 978-1-586-03835-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Kalra, Dipak
Electronic Health Records and eHealth – State of the Art.
Zens, Maria, (ed.)
Experts' special interest sessions / EHealth Conference 2007. Gesellschaft f. Versicherungswissenschaft u. -gestaltung e.V. (GVG).
Schriftenreihe der GVG, 58.
Nanos-Verlag, Bonn, pp. 39-46.
ISBN 978-3-9811491-3-5; 3-9811491-3-0.
Fulltext not available.
Herbst, Matthias,
Busch, Christoph,
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Empowerment of Health Professionals: How High Level Security Education Can Raise Awareness and Confidence.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 673-678.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Enhanced Semantic Interpretability by HealthCare Standards Profiling.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 735-740.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Introduction into Advanced eHealth – The Personal Health Challenge.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Nerlich, Michael, (eds.)
eHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: global experts summit textbook.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 134.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 3-14.
ISBN 1-586-03835-4; 978-1-586-03835-9.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marsh, Andy and
Carroll, Denis, eds.
Medical and Care Compunetics 5.
Studies in Health technology and Informatics, 137.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1586038680; 978-1586038687.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd and
Marsh, A. and
Carroll, D., eds.
Medical and care compunetics 5.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 137.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-586-03868-7.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Mobile Health Requires Mobile Security – Challenges, Solutions, and Standardization.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 697-702.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Savastano, Mario,
Hovsto, Asbjorn,
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Security, Safety, and Related Technology – The Triangle of eHealth Service Provision.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 709-714.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Semantic Interoperability Adheres to Proper Models and Code Systems: An Examination of Different Approaches for Score Systems.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter and
Zvarova, J. and
Lopez, Diego M., (eds.)
EHealth: combining health telematics, telemedicine, biomedical engineering and bioinformatics to the edge: conference proceedings 2007 / CeHR.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 97-104.
ISBN 978-3-89838-089-8; 3-89838-089-0; 978-1-58603-834-2.
Fulltext not available.
Hildebrand, C.,
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
The Role of Patients and their Health Cards in Integrated eHealth Environments.
Andersen, Stig Kjær and
Klein, G. O. and
Schulz, S. and
Arts, J. and
Mazzoleni, M. C., (eds.)
eHealth beyond the horizon - get IT there: proceedings of MIE 2008, the XXIst international congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 136.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 629-634.
ISBN 978-1-586-03864-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Advanced Architectures for Trustworthy and Semantically Interoperable Electronic Health Records.
Bryden, John S. and
de Lusignan, S. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Petrovecki, M., (eds.)
Medical informatics in enlarged Europe: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2007, May 30 - June 1, 2007, Brijuni, Croatia.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 145-155.
ISBN 978-3-89838-083-6; 3-89838-083-1; 978-1-586-03763-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Cards and Tokens for Accessing Personal Health Records in an Enlarged Europe.
Bryden, John S. and
de Lusignan, S. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Petrovecki, M., (eds.)
Medical informatics in enlarged Europe: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2007, May 30 - June 1, 2007, Brijuni, Croatia.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 180-186.
ISBN 978-3-89838-083-6; 3-89838-083-1; 978-1-586-03763-5.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Connecting Public Health and Clinical Information Systems by Using a Standardized Methodology.
Kuhn, Klaus A. and
Warren, James R. and
Leong, T. Z., (eds.)
Building sustainable health systems: MEDINFO 2007; proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics. Pt. 1.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 129,1.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 132-136.
ISBN 978-1-586-03774-1.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 Conformance: How to do Proper Messaging.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 4.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 298-307.
ISBN 978-1-586-03751-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Norgall, Thomas
How to Enhance Integrated Care towards the Personal Health Paradigm?
Kuhn, Klaus A. and
Warren, James R. and
Leong, T. Z., (eds.)
Building sustainable health systems: MEDINFO 2007; proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics. Pt. 1.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 129,1.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 172-176.
ISBN 978-1-586-03774-1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
IT-Unterstützung für die patientenorientierte Versorgung.
Schmücker, Paul and
Ellsässer, Karl-Heinz, (eds.)
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung in Krankenhaus und Versorgungsnetzen (KIS): 12. Fachtagung; KIS-Auftaktveranstaltung während der eHealth Conference 2007 am 19. April 2007 in der Messe Berlin; KIS-Tagung 2007 vom 20.-22. Juni 2007.
GIT Verlag, Darmstadt, pp. 45-52.
ISBN 978-1-928865-42-1.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Hildebrand, Claudia and
Blobel, Bernd
Identity Management im Bereich eHealth – Stand und Perspektiven.
Wichmann, Heinz E. and
Nowak, D. and
Zapf, A., (eds.)
Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007: Augsburg, 17. - 21. Septembrt 2007; Abstractband.
Rheinware-Verlag, Mönchengladbach, p. 265.
ISBN 3-938975-12-1.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Legal Requirements and Technical Solutions for Trustworthy Pan-European eHealth Services.
Bryden, John S. and
de Lusignan, S. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Petrovecki, M., (eds.)
Medical informatics in enlarged Europe: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2007, May 30 - June 1, 2007, Brijuni, Croatia.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 126-132.
ISBN 978-3-89838-083-6; 3-89838-083-1; 978-1-586-03763-5.
Fulltext not available.
Bryden, John and
Lusignan, Simon de and
Blobel, Bernd and
Petrovecki, Mladen, eds.
Medical Informatics in Enlarged Europe.
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka GmbH, Amsterdam.
ISBN 3898380831; 978-3898380836.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, eds.
Medical and Care Compunetics 4.
Studies in Health technology and Informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 158603751X; 978-1586037512.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, eds.
Medical and care compunetics 4.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 978-1-586-03751-2.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Engel, Kjeld
Migration from Legasy to Advanced Approaches for Semantic Interoperability.
Wichmann, Heinz E. and
Nowak, D. and
Zapf, A., (eds.)
Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007: Augsburg, 17. - 21. Septembrt 2007; Abstractband.
Rheinware-Verlag, Mönchengladbach, p. 208.
ISBN 3-938975-12-1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Paradigm Change towards Personal Health.
Bryden, John S. and
de Lusignan, S. and
Blobel, Bernd and
Petrovecki, M., (eds.)
Medical informatics in enlarged Europe: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2007, May 30 - June 1, 2007, Brijuni, Croatia.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 97-102.
ISBN 978-3-89838-083-6; 3-89838-083-1; 978-1-586-03763-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Security and Privacy Issues of Personal Health.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 4.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 288-297.
ISBN 978-1-586-03751-2.
Fulltext not available.
Kalra, Dipak and
Blobel, Bernd
Semantic interoperability of EHR systems.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 4.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 231-245.
ISBN 978-1-586-03751-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Sicheres und nachhaltiges eHealth.
Schmücker, Paul and
Ellsässer, Karl-Heinz, (eds.)
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung in Krankenhaus und Versorgungsnetzen (KIS): 12. Fachtagung; KIS-Auftaktveranstaltung während der eHealth Conference 2007 am 19. April 2007 in der Messe Berlin; KIS-Tagung 2007 vom 20.-22. Juni 2007.
GIT Verlag, Darmstadt, pp. 343-358.
ISBN 978-1-928865-42-1.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Stand der Internationalen eHealth-Standardisierung.
Wichmann, Heinz E. and
Nowak, D. and
Zapf, A., (eds.)
Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007: Augsburg, 17. - 21. Septembrt 2007; Abstractband.
Rheinware-Verlag, Mönchengladbach, p. 75.
ISBN 3-938975-12-1.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Savastano, Mario
The Aspects of Safety in Future Care Settings.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 4.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 127.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 276-287.
ISBN 978-1-586-03751-2.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Blobel, Bernd,
Lopez, Diego M. and
Pharow, Peter
Veränderung der Entwicklungsumgebungen für die HL7-Spezifikationsentwicklung.
Wichmann, Heinz E. and
Nowak, D. and
Zapf, A., (eds.)
Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007: Augsburg, 17. - 21. Septembrt 2007; Abstractband.
Rheinware-Verlag, Mönchengladbach, p. 75.
ISBN 3-938975-12-1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld and
Pharow, Peter
eHealth-Standardisierung – eine komplexe Herausforderung.
Wichmann, Heinz E. and
Nowak, D. and
Zapf, A., (eds.)
Kongress Medizin und Gesellschaft 2007: Augsburg, 17. - 21. Septembrt 2007; Abstractband.
Rheinware-Verlag, Mönchengladbach, p. 31.
ISBN 3-938975-12-1.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Benefits and Weaknesses of Health Cards Used in Health Information Systems.
Hasman, Arie and
Haux, R. and
van der Lei, J. and
De Clercq, E. and
Roger-France, F., (eds.)
Ubiquity: technologies for better health in aging societies: proceedings of MIE2006.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 124.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 320-325.
ISBN 1-586-03647-5.
Fulltext not available.
Hildebrand, Claudia,
Pharow, Peter,
Engelbrecht, Rolf,
Blobel, Bernd,
Savastano, Mario and
Hovsto, Asbjorn
BioHealth – The Need for Security and Identity Standards in eHealth.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 327-336.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Concept Representation in Health Informatics for Enabling Intelligent Architectures.
Hasman, Arie and
Haux, R. and
van der Lei, J. and
De Clercq, E. and
Roger-France, F., (eds.)
Ubiquity: technologies for better health in aging societies: proceedings of MIE2006.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 124.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 285-291.
ISBN 1-586-03647-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Engel, Kjeld
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in medizinischen Informationssystemen.
Rexer, Hans Ulrich and
Friedrich, M. and
Fankhänel, A. and
Thorn, K., (eds.)
Medizinische Dokumentation - wichtig oder nichtig? 30.-31. März 2006 in Erlangen; Tagungsband.
Fachtagung des Deutschen Verbandes Medizinischer Dokumentare, 9.
Alius, Reichenbach/Vogtland, pp. 377-385.
ISBN 3-938792-99-X.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Steinebach, M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Dokumentensicherheit in multimedialen klinischen Informationssystemen.
Löffler, Markus and
Winter, Alfred, (eds.)
Klinische Forschung Vernetzen: 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) 10.-14. September 2006; Programm- und Abstractband.
Jahrestagung der GMDS, 51.
Univ., Pressestelle, Leipzig, pp. 115-116.
ISBN 978-3-934178-63-2; 3-934178-63-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
EHR Standards – A Comparative Study.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 198-206.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Formal Design of Electronic Public Health Records.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 337-348.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Formal Policies for Flexible EHR Security.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 307-316.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 Version 3 – Interversion Compatibility Issues.
Hasman, Arie, (ed.)
Ubiquity [Elektronische Ressource]: technologies for better health in aging societies/ MIE 2006, Maastricht NL.
European notes in medical informatics, Vol.2, No..
Europ. Fed. for Medical Informatics c/o GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health, München-Neuherberg, pp. 475-479.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, Laura and
Yogesan, Kanagasingam and
O'Connell, Brian and
Marsh, Andy and
Blobel, Bernd, eds.
Medical and Care Compunetics 3.
Studies in Health technology and Informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1586036203; 978-1586036201.
Fulltext not available.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, eds.
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Norgall, Thomas,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Personal Health – The Future Care Paradigm.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 299-306.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Realising Semantic Interoperability by Using the Unified Process.
Hasman, Arie, (ed.)
Ubiquity [Elektronische Ressource]: technologies for better health in aging societies/ MIE 2006, Maastricht NL.
European notes in medical informatics, Vol.2, No..
Europ. Fed. for Medical Informatics c/o GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health, München-Neuherberg, pp. 316-321.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Sicherheitsprotokolle bei der Anwendung von HL7.
Löffler, Markus and
Winter, Alfred, (eds.)
Klinische Forschung Vernetzen: 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) 10.-14. September 2006; Programm- und Abstractband.
Jahrestagung der GMDS, 51.
Univ., Pressestelle, Leipzig, pp. 111-112.
ISBN 978-3-934178-63-2; 3-934178-63-4.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Specific Interoperability Problems of Security Infrastructure Services.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Roa, L. and
Yogesan, K. and
O'Connell, B. and
Marsh, A. and
Blobel, Bernd, (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 3.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 121.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 349-363.
ISBN 1-586-03620-3.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Standards for Enabling Health Informatics Interoperability.
Hasman, Arie and
Haux, R. and
van der Lei, J. and
De Clercq, E. and
Roger-France, F., (eds.)
Ubiquity: technologies for better health in aging societies: proceedings of MIE2006.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 124.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 145-150.
ISBN 1-586-03647-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Hildebrand, Claudia and
Blobel, Bernd
The Changing Role of Patient and their Health Cards in Integrated eHealth Environments.
Reichert, Assa and
Mihalaş, George and
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Schulz, S. and
Engelbrecht, R., (eds.)
Integrating biomedical information: from e-cell to e-patient: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2006, April 6 - 8, 2006 [Timişoara, Romania].
Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka, Berlin, pp. 70-74.
ISBN 3-89838-072-6; 1-586-03614-9; 973-625303-1.
Fulltext not available.
Lopez, Diego M. and
Blobel, Bernd
The Role of the Unified Process for Semantic Interoperability.
Löffler, Markus and
Winter, Alfred, (eds.)
Klinische Forschung Vernetzen: 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) 10.-14. September 2006; Programm- und Abstractband.
Jahrestagung der GMDS, 51.
Univ., Pressestelle, Leipzig, pp. 287-289.
ISBN 978-3-934178-63-2; 3-934178-63-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Norgall, Thomas and
Pharow, Peter
Weiterentwicklung von eHealth im Kontext des Personal Health Paradigmas.
Löffler, Markus and
Winter, Alfred, (eds.)
Klinische Forschung Vernetzen: 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) 10.-14. September 2006; Programm- und Abstractband.
Jahrestagung der GMDS, 51.
Univ., Pressestelle, Leipzig, pp. 74-75.
ISBN 978-3-934178-63-2; 3-934178-63-4.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Engel, Kjeld
Workshop der GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe „Datenschutz in Gesundheitsinformationssystemen“ in Kooperation mit der GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe „Standards für Kommunikation und Interoperabilität“ und dem EU-Projekt „BioHealth – Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in Anwendungen des Gesundheitswesens“.
Löffler, Markus and
Winter, Alfred, (eds.)
Klinische Forschung Vernetzen: 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) 10.-14. September 2006; Programm- und Abstractband.
Jahrestagung der GMDS, 51.
Univ., Pressestelle, Leipzig, pp. 407-408.
ISBN 978-3-934178-63-2; 3-934178-63-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Bake, C.,
Engel, Kjeld,
Erdmann, J.,
Kaiser, J.,
Mohr, G.,
Pharow, Peter and
Wentz, B.
Workshop zu Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in der medizinischen Dokumentation.
Rexer, Hans Ulrich and
Friedrich, M. and
Fankhänel, A. and
Thorn, K., (eds.)
Medizinische Dokumentation - wichtig oder nichtig? 30.-31. März 2006 in Erlangen; Tagungsband.
Fachtagung des Deutschen Verbandes Medizinischer Dokumentare, 9.
Alius, Reichenbach/Vogtland, pp. 449-456.
ISBN 3-938792-99-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
eHealth Revolution – Ways to Describe Biomedical Data from eCell to ePatient.
Reichert, Assa and
Mihalaş, George and
Stoicu-Tivadar, L. and
Schulz, S. and
Engelbrecht, R., (eds.)
Integrating biomedical information: from e-cell to e-patient: proceedings of the European Federation for Medical Informatics special topic conference 2006, April 6 - 8, 2006 [Timişoara, Romania].
Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka, Berlin, pp. 20-25.
ISBN 3-89838-072-6; 1-586-03614-9; 973-625303-1.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Bericht von der ITeG.
HL7-Mitteilungen: offizielle Mitteilung der HL7-Benutzergruppe in Deutschland e.V. (19), 14-.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 goes eHealth!
HL7-Mitteilungen: offizielle Mitteilung der HL7-Benutzergruppe in Deutschland e.V. (19), pp. 5-7.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 und das bIT4health-Projekt.
HL7-Mitteilungen: offizielle Mitteilung der HL7-Benutzergruppe in Deutschland e.V. (19), pp. 17-21.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
eHealth Revolution to Meet the Challenge of Health.
Gehrhäuser, Heinz and
Heuberger, A., (eds.)
Anniversary Symposium 20 Years Fraunhofer IIS “Microelectronics Applications for Information and Communication Technology”.
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Erlangen, pp. 62-63.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
A Model-Driven Approach for the German Health Telematics Architectural Framework and Security Infrastructure.
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Geissbuhler, A. and
Lovis, Ch. and
Mihalas, G., (eds.)
Connecting medical informatics and bio-informatics: proceedings of MIE2005.
International journal of medical informatics. 76.2007,2/3: Special issue, Studies in.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 391-396.
ISBN 1-586-03549-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld and
Pharow, Peter
Die Nutzung des HL7 Standard Set zur Sicherung semantischer Interoperabilität.
Klar, Rüdiger and
Koepcke, W. and
Kuhn, K. and
Lax, H. and
Weiland, S. and
Zaiß, A., (eds.)
Abstracts der 50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Freiburg im Breisgau, 12. bis 15. September 2005 und der 12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Epidemiologie (DAE).
Freiburg im Breisgau, pp. 167-169.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Does HL7 Go towards an Architecture Standard?
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Geissbuhler, A. and
Lovis, Ch. and
Mihalas, G., (eds.)
Connecting medical informatics and bio-informatics: proceedings of MIE2005.
International journal of medical informatics. 76.2007,2/3: Special issue, Studies in.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 761-766.
ISBN 1-586-03549-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Electronic Health Cards and Respective Health Network Security Requirements.
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Geissbuhler, A. and
Lovis, Ch. and
Mihalas, G., (eds.)
Connecting medical informatics and bio-informatics: proceedings of MIE2005.
International journal of medical informatics. 76.2007,2/3: Special issue, Studies in.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 403-408.
ISBN 1-586-03549-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Kap. 1. Elektronische Patientenakte.
Lehmann, Thomas M., (ed.)
Handbuch der medizinischen Informatik. 2. Auflage.
Hanser, München, pp. 649-672.
ISBN 3-446-22701-6; 978-3-446-22701-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Davis, John M.
Chapte. HealthePeople Security Architecture.
Demetriades, James E. and
Kolodner, R. M. and
Christopherson, G. A., (eds.)
Person centered health records: toward HealthePeople.
Health informatics series (Chapte).
Springer, New York, pp. 147-168.
ISBN 0-387-23282-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Interoperability – Key Issue of the Telematics Platform.
Sutherland, Graham and
Zens, Maria, (eds.)
eHealth 2005 - Telematics in health care: health cards in Europe - the mobile patient.
Schriftenreihe der GVG, 52.
Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka; IOS Press, Berlin, pp. 61-70.
ISBN 3-89838-070-X; 1-586-03579-7.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd,
Goetz, C. F. J. and
Engel, Kjeld
Karten im deutschen Gesundheitswesen und der Einfluss der internationalen Standardisierung.
Klar, Rüdiger and
Koepcke, W. and
Kuhn, K. and
Lax, H. and
Weiland, S. and
Zaiß, A., (eds.)
Abstracts der 50. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), Freiburg im Breisgau, 12. bis 15. September 2005 und der 12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Epidemiologie (DAE.
Freiburg im Breisgau, pp. 134-137.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Lehren für die eGK aus relevanten internationalen Strukturprojekten.
eHealth 2005 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen: elektronische Gesundheitskarte: Kernelement sektorenübergreifender IT-Anwendungen / Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V. (GVG).
Schriftenreihe der GVG, 51.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 213-218.
ISBN 3-89838-069-6.
Fulltext not available.
Rubin, Kenneth S.,
Beale, Thomas and
Blobel, Bernd
Chapte. Modeling for Health Care.
Demetriades, James E. and
Kolodner, R. M. and
Christopherson, G. A., (eds.)
Person centered health records: toward HealthePeople.
Health informatics series (Chapte).
Springer, New York, pp. 125-146.
ISBN 0-387-23282-6.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Kuziela, Heiko,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Security Services for HemaCAM Project.
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Geissbuhler, A. and
Lovis, Ch. and
Mihalas, G., (eds.)
Connecting medical informatics and bio-informatics: proceedings of MIE2005.
International journal of medical informatics. 76.2007,2/3: Special issue, Studies in.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 409-414.
ISBN 1-586-03549-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Advanced EHR architectures – promises or reality.
Blobel, Bernd and
Gell, G. and
Hildebrand, C. and
Engelbrecht, R., (eds.)
Contribution of medical informatics to health: integrated clinical data and knowledge to support primary, secondary, tertiary and home care.
AKA, Berlin, pp. 73-78.
ISBN 3-89838-055-6; 1-58603-435-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
EHR Advanced and Secure Architectural Approaches.
Zvárová, Jana and
Hanzlicek, P. and
Peleska, J. and
Precková, P. and
Svátec, V. and
Valenta, Z., (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004.
EuroMISE, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 51.
ISBN 8-0903-4310-4; 978-8-0903-4310-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 Models for advanced health information systems architecture.
Zvárová, Jana and
Hanzlicek, P. and
Peleska, J. and
Precková, P. and
Svátec, V. and
Valenta, Z., (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004.
EuroMISE, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 169.
ISBN 8-0903-4310-4; 978-8-0903-4310-8.
Fulltext not available.
Dudeck, Joachim,
v. Gehlen, S. and
Blobel, Bernd
HL7, DICOM und IHE – Grundlagen, Stand und Neuigkeiten.
Schmücker, Paul and
Ellsässer, K.-H., (eds.)
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung in Krankenhaus und Versorgungsnetzen (KIS): 9. Fachtagung; 24. bis 26. März 2004 in Mannheim.
Mannheim, pp. 125-132.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Implementing MDA-based Distributed Interoperable, Flexible, Scalable, Portable and Secure EHR Systems.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Laxminarayan, S. and
Marsh, A., (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 1: International Congress on Medical and Care Compunetics, NCC, The Hague, June 2-4, 2004.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 103.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 394-399.
ISBN 1-586-03431-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
MDA-based EHR Application Security Services.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Laxminarayan, S. and
Marsh, A., (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 1: International Congress on Medical and Care Compunetics, NCC, The Hague, June 2-4, 2004.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 103.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 387-393.
ISBN 1-586-03431-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Nordberg, Ragnar
Modellierung von Anwendungssicherheitsdiensten.
Horster, Patrick, (ed.)
D-A-CH Security 2004: Bestandsaufnahme, Konzepte, Anwendungen, Perspektiven.
Syssec, Klagenfurt, pp. 206-216.
ISBN 3-00-013137-X.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Security Infrastructure Services for Electronic Archives and Electronic Health Records.
Bos, Lodewijk and
Laxminarayan, S. and
Marsh, A., (eds.)
Medical and care compunetics 1: International Congress on Medical and Care Compunetics, NCC, The Hague, June 2-4, 2004.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 103.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 434-440.
ISBN 1-586-03431-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld and
Pharow, Peter
Teil II: Datensicherheit.
Bake, Christian and
Blobel, Bernd and
Münch, Peter, (eds.)
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen. 2., aktualisierte und überarb. Aufl.
Datakontext, Frechen, pp. 133-258.
ISBN 3-89577-293-3.
Fulltext not available.
Abie, Habtamu,
Foyn, Bent,
Bing, Jon,
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter,
Delgado, Jaime,
Karnouskos, Stamatis,
Pitkänen, Olli and
Tzovaras, Dimitrios
The need for a digital rights management framework for the next generation of e-government services.
Electronic Government, an International Journal (EG) 1 (1), pp. 8-28.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Hoepner, Petra,
Joop, R.,
Karnouskos, S.,
Kleinhuis, G. and
Stassinopoulos, George
Using a privilege management infrastructure for secure web-based e-health applications.
Computer Communications 26 (16), pp. 1863-1872.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Architecture and tools for open, interoperable and portable EHRs.
Nerlich, Michael and
Schaechinger, Ulrich, (eds.)
Integration of health telematics into medical practice.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 97.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 25-33.
ISBN 1-586-03375-1; 4-274-90619-1.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Datenschutz im Gesundheitswesen – Ausgewählte Aspekte.
Horster, Patrick, (ed.)
D-A-CH security: Bestandsaufnahme, Konzepte, Anwendungen, Perspektiven.
Syssec, Klagenfurt, pp. 459-471.
ISBN 3-00-010941-2.
Fulltext not available.
Abie, H.,
Bing, J.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Delgado, J.,
Foyn, B.,
Karnouskos, S.,
Pharow, Peter and
Pitkänen, Olli
DigiRight: Network of Excellence for a Framework for Policy, Privacy, Security, Trust and Risk Management for Digital Rights Management.
Pitkänen, Olli, (ed.)
Proceedings of the First International Mobile IPR Workshop: Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet.
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Helsinki, pp. 117-126.
Fulltext not available.
Abie, H.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Delgado, J.,
Karnouskos, S.,
Marti, R.,
Pharow, Peter,
Pitkänen, Olli and
Tzovaras, D.
DigiRight: Relevance to and Potential Impact on Europe’s Need to Strengthen the Science and Technology Excellence on DRM.
Pitkänen, Olli, (ed.)
Proceedings of the First International Mobile IPR Workshop: Rights Management of Information Products on the Mobile Internet.
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Helsinki, pp. 127-134.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Electronic Signatures for Long-lasting Storage Purposes in Electronic Archives.
Baud, Robert and
Fieschi, M. and
LeBeux, P. and
Ruch, P., (eds.)
The New Navigators: From Professionals to Patients; proceedings of MIE2003.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 95.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 316-321.
ISBN 1-586-03347-6; 4-274-90590-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, K. J. and
Pharow, Peter
Handbuch Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen, Teil II: Datensicherheit. 2. aktual. und überarb. Aufl.
Bake, Christian and
Blobel, Bernd and
Münch, Peter, (eds.)
Handbuch Datenschutz und Datensicherheit im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen.
Datakontext, Frechen.
Fulltext not available.
McDonald, C. and
Blobel, Bernd
Health Telematics and Telemedicine for Improving Patients’ Care.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter, (eds.)
Advanced health telematics and telemedicine: the Magdeburg expert summit textbook.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 96.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 157-162.
ISBN 1-58603-350-6; 4-274-90601-9.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd and
Dittmann, J.
Beitra. Integrität und Verbindlichkeit in digitalen Medien.
Steyer, Günter and
Löhr, K.P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '2003 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 07.11.2003 - 08.11.2003.
, pp. 104-114.
Fulltext not available.
Oemig, Frank and
Blobel, Bernd
Making Messaging Standards Work: From Definition to Interoperability at Runtime.
Baud, Robert and
Fieschi, M. and
LeBeux, P. and
Ruch, P., (eds.)
The New Navigators: From Professionals to Patients; proceedings of MIE2003.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 95.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 679-683.
ISBN 1-586-03347-6; 4-274-90590-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Stassinopoulos, George and
Pharow, Peter
Model-Based Design and Implementation of Secure, Interoperable EHR Systems.
Musen, Mark A. and
Friedman, C. P. and
Teich, J. M., (eds.)
Biomedical and health informatics: from foundations to applications: November 8 - 12, 2003, Washington, DC. Elektronische Ressource.
American Med. Informatics Assoc., Bethesda, Md., pp. 96-100.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Nordberg, Ragnar
Beitra. Modellierung von Privilege Management und Zugriffskontrolle in Electronic Health Records.
Steyer, Günter and
Löhr, K.P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '2003 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 07.11.2003 - 08.11.2003.
, pp. 89-100.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Nordberg, Ragnar
Privilege Management and Access Control in Shared Care IS and EHR.
Baud, Robert and
Fieschi, M. and
LeBeux, P. and
Ruch, P., (eds.)
The New Navigators: From Professionals to Patients; proceedings of MIE2003.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 95.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 251-256.
ISBN 1-586-03347-6; 4-274-90590-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Nordberg, Ragnar and
Pharow, Peter
Privilege Management und Zugriffskontrolle in verteilten Gesundheitsinformationssystemen.
Horster, Patrick, (ed.)
D-A-CH security: Bestandsaufnahme, Konzepte, Anwendungen, Perspektiven.
Syssec, Klagenfurt, pp. 374-382.
ISBN 3-00-010941-2.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Public Key Infrastructures for Health.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter, (eds.)
Advanced health telematics and telemedicine: the Magdeburg expert summit textbook.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 96.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 111-117.
ISBN 1-58603-350-6; 4-274-90601-9.
Fulltext not available.
Schmidt, U.,
Marusch, F.,
Koch, A.,
Burger, E. and
Blobel, Bernd
Qualitätssicherung des kolorektalen Karzinoms.
In: Krebsregister und vernetzte Strukturen in der Onkologischen Betreuung: 15. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation, 02. - 04. April 2003, Regensburg.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Burger, E.,
Schmidt, P.,
Buckisch, A.,
Wienhold, M and
Schmidt, U.
Qualitätssicherung in der Versorgung von Patientinnen mit einem Mammakarzinom in Sachsen-Anhalt.
In: Krebsregister und vernetzte Strukturen in der Onkologischen Betreuung: 15. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation, 02. - 04. April 2003, Regensburg.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Architecture of Secure Portable and Interoperable Electronic Health Records.
Sloot, Peter M. A. and
Tan, C. J. K. and
Dongara, J. J. and
Hoekstra, A. G., (eds.)
Computational Science — ICCS 2002: international conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21 - 24, 2002; proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2330.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 982-994.
ISBN 978-3-540-43593-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Comparing Concepts for Electronic Healthcare Record Architectures.
Surján, György and
Engelbrecht, R. and
McNair, P., (eds.)
Health data in the information society: proceedings of MIE2002.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 90.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 118-122.
ISBN 1-58603-279-8; 4-274-90530-6.
Fulltext not available.
Hildebrand, Claudia,
Blobel, Bernd,
Demski, H.,
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Goetz, Ch.
Einsatz von Patientenkarten in ByMedCard – HCPP.
Jäckel, Achim, (ed.)
Telemedizinführer Deutschland Ausgabe 2003.
Medizin Forum AG, Ober-Mörlen, pp. 199-203.
ISBN 3-00-008519-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Poster. Erweiterte Dienstleistungen einer Trusted Third Party für die elektronische Gesundheitsakte (Electronic Health Record).
Steyer, Günter and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '2002 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 08.11.2002.
Berufsverband Medizinischer Informatiker, Berlin, pp. 180-191.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Secure and future-proof electronic health records over the Internet.
Lemke, Heinz U. and
Vannier, M. W. and
Inamura, K. and
Farman, A. G. and
Doi, K. and
Reiber, J. H. C., (eds.)
Computer assisted radiology and surgery : proceedings of the 16th international congress and exhibition / CARS 2002, Paris, June 26 - 29, 2002.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 635-640.
ISBN 3-540-43655-3.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Spiegel, V.,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld and
Krohn, R.
Standard Guide for EDI (HL7) Communications Security.
Allaert, François-André and
Blobel, Bernd and
Louwerse, K. and
Barber, B., (eds.)
Security standards for healthcare information systems: a perspective from the EU ISIS MEDSEC Project.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 69.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 153-182.
ISBN 1-58603-000-0; 4-274-90519-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Spiegel, V.,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld and
Krohn, R.
Standard Guide for Implementing EDI (HL7) Communications Security.
Allaert, François-André and
Blobel, Bernd and
Louwerse, K. and
Barber, B., (eds.)
Security standards for healthcare information systems: a perspective from the EU ISIS MEDSEC Project.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 69.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 183-220.
ISBN 1-58603-000-0; 4-274-90519-5.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Time Stamp Services for Trustworthy Health Communications.
Surján, György and
Engelbrecht, R. and
McNair, P., (eds.)
Health data in the information society: proceedings of MIE2002.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 90.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 209-214.
ISBN 1-58603-279-8; 4-274-90530-6.
Fulltext not available.
Heitman, K. U.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, Joachim
Von der Nachricht zur Krankenakte. HL7 Version 3 – Was können wir erwarten?
Schmücker, Paul and
Ellsässer, K.-H. and
Haas, P. and
Kuhn, K., (eds.)
Tagungsband zur 7. Fachtagung "Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung in Krankenhaus und Versorgungsnetzen (KIS)" am 11. und 12. April 2002 in Heidelberg.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Dudeck, Joachim,
Engelbrecht, Rolf,
Gell, Gunther,
Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich and
Hasman, Arie
Editoria - Special Issue - Medical Informatics Europe 2000 (MIE2000).
International Journal of Medical Informatics 64 (2-3 (s), pp. 67-492.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Engel, Kjeld
Enhanced Security Services for Enabling Pan-European Healthcare Networks.
Patel, Vimla L. and
Rogers, R. and
Haux, R., (eds.)
Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Medical Informatics / MEDINFO 2001.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 84.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1234-1238.
ISBN 1-586-03194-5; 4-274-90461-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld,
Viezens, F. and
Mohnike, K.
Generisches sicheres und interoperables Dokumentenmanagement im Internet demonstriert am Beispiel einer Qualitätssicherungsstudie.
Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie 32 (2-3), pp. 117-118.
Fulltext not available.
Heitman, K. U. and
Blobel, Bernd
HL7 – Viel mehr als gute Nachrichten ...
Jäckel, Achim, (ed.)
Telemedizinführer Deutschland. Ausgabe 2002.
Deutsches Medizin Forum, Bad Nauheim, pp. 225-229.
ISBN 3-00-008519-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Engel, Kjeld
Onconet: A Telematics Application Programme Project Result.
Buzug, Thorsten M. and
Handels, Heinz and
Holz, Dietrich, (eds.)
Telemedicine: medicine and communication.
Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ., New York, pp. 125-142.
ISBN 0-306-46552-3.
Fulltext not available.
Schmidt, U.,
Marusch, F.,
Koch, A.,
Burger, E. and
Blobel, Bernd
Qualitätssicherung des kolorektalen Karzinoms.
Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie 32 (2-3), pp. 271-272.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Stassinopoulos, George and
Hoepner, Petra
Secure and Interoperable Document Management over the Internet — The Generic HARP Cross-Security Platform for Clinical Studies.
Crespo, Jose, (ed.)
Medical data analysis: second international symposium; proceedings / ISMDA 2001, Madrid, Spain, October 8 - 9.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2199.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 69-74.
ISBN 3-540-42734-1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld,
Viezens, F. and
Pharow, Peter
Beitra. Vertrauenwürdiges Data Retrieval in einem Internet-basierten Register mittels User Agents.
Steyer, Günter and
Engelhorn, M. and
Fabricius, W. and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '2001 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 09.11.2001-10.11.2001.
, pp. 87-88.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Confidentiality and Security on the Internet.
In: XIII International Conference "Third Millenium CCL" The e-laboratory in the healthcare of the future (Sigurelli), 21. - 23. September 2000, Milano, Italy.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Eine Public-Key-Infrastruktur für Demonstratoren der Health Professional Card.
Hasman, Arie and
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, J. and
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Gell, G. and
Prokosch, H.-U., (eds.)
Medical infobahn for Europe.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 77.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1090-1095.
ISBN 1-58603-063-9; 4-274-90395-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld,
Pharow, Peter and
Wenzlaff, P.
Beitra. Implementierung einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur und Evaluierung ihrer Akzeptanz.
Steyer, Günter and
Engelhorn, M. and
Fabricius, W. and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '2000 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 10.11.2000-11.11.2000.
, pp. 63-82.
Fulltext not available.
Hasman, Arie and
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, Joachim and
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Gell, Günther and
Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich, eds.
Medical infobahn for Europe: proceedings of MIE2000 and GMDS2000.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 77.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 1-586-03063-9; 4-274-90395-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Spiegel, V.,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld and
Engelbrecht, Rolf
Secure Interoperability of Patient Data Cards in Health Networks.
Hasman, Arie and
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, J. and
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Gell, G. and
Prokosch, H.-U., (eds.)
Medical infobahn for Europe.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 77.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1059-1068.
ISBN 1-58603-063-9; 4-274-90395-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Security Infrastructure Enabling Healthcare Telematics Applications.
Gordon, Dan and
Grant, Andrew and
Huesing, Steven A., (eds.)
INFOcus 2000: harmonizing health information initiatives.
Healthcare Computing & Communications Canada, Edmonton, AB, pp. 35-41.
ISBN 0-9697-4146-4; 978-0-9697-4146-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Security Infrastructure for a Regional Electronic Medical Record.
Klein, Gunnar O., (ed.)
Case studies of security problems and their solutions.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 75.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 65-74.
ISBN 1-586-03050-7; 4-274-90372-9.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Sicherheitsdienste im XML Standard Set.
MDI: Forum der Medizin-Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik / Deutscher Verband Medizinischer Dokumentare 2 (3), pp. 86-89.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Spiegel, V.,
Pharow, Peter and
Engel, Kjeld
Sicherheitsumgebung für chipkartenbasierte Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen - Die DIABCARD-Lösung.
Horster, Patrick, (ed.)
Systemsicherheit: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Realisierungen, Anwendungen.
Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 56-68.
ISBN 3-528-05745-9.
Fulltext not available.
Telematics in health care: medical infobahn for Europe; proceedings - workshops - posters / MIE 2000.
Engelbrecht, Rolf and
Hasman, Arie and
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, Joachim and
Gell, Günther and
Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich, (eds.)
Quintessenz, CD.
Quintessenz-Verl., Berlin, 1 CD-ROM; 12 cm.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld,
Spiegel, V. and
Krohn, R.
Communication Security in Open Health Care Networks.
Kokol, Peter and
Zupan, B. and
Stare, J. and
Premik, M. and
Engelbrecht, Rolf, (eds.)
Medical informatics Europe '99: MIE '99.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 68.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 291-296.
ISBN 0-9673355-1-5; 4-274-90313-3.
Fulltext not available.
Spiegel, V.,
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Das PASTEL-Projekt.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit: DuD 23 (3), pp. 165-166.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Data Protection in Healthcare and Welfare - Education of Data Protection Officials in Germany.
Yngström, Louise and
Fischer-Hübner, Simone, (eds.)
WISE 1: proceedings of the IFIP TC11 WG 11.8 First World Conference on Information Security Education, 17 -19 June 1999, Kista, Sweden.
Stockholm Univ./ Royal Inst. of Technology, Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Kista, Sweden, pp. 63-82.
ISBN 91-7153-910-7.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter,
Blobel, Bernd,
Spiegel, V. and
Engel, Kjeld
Die Health Professional Card als Basis-Tool für sichere Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen.
Baumgart, Rainer and
Rannenberg, K. and
Wähner, D. and
Weck, G., (eds.)
Verläßliche Informationssysteme: IT-Sicherheit an der Schwelle des neuen Jahrtausends.
Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 313-333.
ISBN 3-528-05728-9.
Fulltext not available.
Wenzlaff, P.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Health Professional Cards: Awareness for Security in Health Care Networks.
Sicurello, Francesco, (ed.)
Health cards '99: proceedings of the Health cards '99 conference, Milan, Italy, 5-7 October 1999.
SIRSE, Brescia, pp. 121-125.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter,
Engel, Kjeld and
Spiegel, V.
Interoperabilität - Bedrohungen, Risiken und Lösungen für Datensicherheit in “Shared Care”-Informationssystemen.
Baumgart, Rainer and
Rannenberg, K. and
Wähner, D. and
Weck, G., (eds.)
Verläßliche Informationssysteme: IT-Sicherheit an der Schwelle des neuen Jahrtausends.
Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 335-356.
ISBN 3-528-05728-9.
Fulltext not available.
Schmidt, U.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Burger, E.,
Marusch, F.,
Gastinger, I. and
Lippert, H.
Qualitätssicherungsstudie und Tumordokumentation.
In: 12. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation “Perspektiven Klinischer Krebsregister für Patientenversorgung, Qualitätsmanagement und Forschung" Informationszentrum für Standards in der Onkologie (ISTO), 24. - 26. März 1999, Dresden.
Fulltext not available.
Engelbrecht, Rolf,
Hildebrand, C.,
Demski, H.,
Gogou, G.,
Maglaveras, N.,
Pappas, C. and
Blobel, Bernd
Scalable Medical Record Systems: Example DIABCARD Core Application System.
Waegemann, C. P., (ed.)
Toward An Electronic Health Record in Europe ´99.
Medical Record Institute, Newton, MA, pp. 241-250.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Roger-France, Francis
Security analysis and design based on a general conceptual security model and UML.
Sloot, Peter and
Bubak, M. and
Hoekstra, A. and
Hertzberger, B., (eds.)
High-performance computing and networking: 7th international conference, HPCN Europe 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 12 - 14, 1999; proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1593.
Springer, Berlin, pp. 919-930.
ISBN 978-3-540-65821-4.
Fulltext not available.
Engel, Kjeld,
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Spiegel, V.
Beitra. Sichere Integration medizinischer Anwendungen in offenen Netzen.
Steyer, Günter and
Engelhorn, M. and
Fabricius, W. and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '99 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, 4. Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Arbeitstagung der LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 05.11.1999-06.11.1999.
, pp. 82-93.
Fulltext not available.
Spiegel, V.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Engel, Kjeld and
Pharow, Peter
Beitra. Sicherheitsdienste für das DIABCARD-System mittels Health Professional Card und TTP-Services - Ergebnisse aus dem DIABCARD3-Projekt.
Steyer, Günter and
Engelhorn, M. and
Fabricius, W. and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '99 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, 4. Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Arbeitstagung der LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 05.11.1999-06.11.1999.
, pp. 94-102.
Fulltext not available.
Bürkle, T.,
Schweiger, R.,
Altmann, U.,
Holena, M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, J.
Transferring Data from One EPR to Another: Content – Syntax – Semantic.
Methods of Information in Medicine 38 (4/5), pp. 321-325.
Fulltext not available.
Pharow, Peter and
Blobel, Bernd
Trusted Third Party Services for Internet Security.
Mastorakis, Nikos E., (ed.)
Recent advances in signal processing and communications.
World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, ., pp. 379-385.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
UML-based Modelling and Implementation Support for Secure Health Information Systems.
Victor, Norbert and
Blettner, M. and
Edler, L. and
Haux, R. and
Knaup-Gregori, P. and
Pritsch, M. and
Wahrendorf, J. and
Windeler, J. and
Ziegler, S., (eds.)
Medical informatics, biostatistics and epidemiology for efficient health care and medical research.
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 85.
Urban und Vogel, München, pp. 224-227.
ISBN 3-86094-112-7.
Fulltext not available.
Holena, M.,
Schweiger, R.,
Blobel, Bernd,
Bürkle, T.,
Altmann, U. and
Dudeck, J.
Communication Between a Clinical Front-End and an Oncological EHR Using a Middleware Based on a European Prestandard.
Moorman, Peter Willem and
van der Lei, Johannes and
Musen, M. A., (eds.)
EPRIMP: the international working conference on Electronic Patient Records in Medical Practice: preceedings of IMIA working group 17, Rotterdam, 8th-10th October 1998.
IMIA, pp. 93-96.
ISBN 90-9012128-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter,
Spiegel, V.,
Engel, Kjeld and
Krohn, R.
Datensicherheit in medizinischen Netzen.
Steyer, Günter and
Engelhorn, M. and
Fabricius, W. and
Löhr, K-P. and
Tolxdorff, T., (eds.)
TELEMED '98 - Telematik im Gesundheitswesen, 3. Fortbildungsveranstaltung und Arbeitstagung der LV Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, 06.11.1998-07.11.1998.
, pp. 72-83.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Pharow, Peter
Results of European Projects Improving Security of Distributed Health Information Systems.
Cesnik, B. and
McCray, A. T. and
Scherrer, J.-R., (eds.)
MedInfo'98. Band 2.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 52,2.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1119-1123.
ISBN 90-5199-407-9; 4-274-90231-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Pharow, Peter and
Spiegel, V.
Shared Care Information Systems Based on Secure EDI.
Moorman, Peter Willem and
van der Lei, Johannes and
Musen, M. A., (eds.)
EPRIMP: the international working conference on Electronic Patient Records in Medical Practice: preceedings of IMIA working group 17, Rotterdam, 8th-10th October 1998.
IMIA, pp. 164-171.
ISBN 90-9012128-5.
Fulltext not available.
Bürkle, T.,
Schweiger, R.,
Altmann, U.,
Holena, M.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Dudeck, J.
Transferring data from one EPR to another: content-syntax-semantic.
Moorman, Peter Willem and
van der Lei, Johannes and
Musen, M. A., (eds.)
EPRIMP: the international working conference on Electronic Patient Records in Medical Practice: preceedings of IMIA working group 17, Rotterdam, 8th-10th October 1998.
IMIA, pp. 326-329.
ISBN 90-9012128-5.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Assessment of Middleware Concepts Using a Generic Component Model.
Waegemann, C. Peter, (ed.)
Toward an Electronic Health Record Europe '97: Conference on the Creation of a European Electronic Health Record: 19 - 22 October, Cumberland Hotel London.
Medical Records Institute, Newton, Mass., pp. 221-228.
ISBN 0-9640667-3-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Bedrohungen und Lösungen für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit in Informationssystemen des Gesundheitswesens.
Kuhn, Klaus and
Haas, P. and
Pietrzyk, P. and
Prokosch, U. and
Schmücker, P., (eds.)
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung im Krankenhaus: 2. Fachtagung der GMDS.
Informationsverarbeitung im Gesundheitswesen, 14.
Ecomed, Landsberg, pp. 1-18.
ISBN 3-609-51300-4.
Fulltext not available.
Engelbrecht, Rolf,
Böhm, V.,
Hildebrand, C.,
Moser, W.,
Landgraf, R.,
Hierl, F.,
Töppel, S.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Diedrich, T.
ByMedCard - An Electronic Patient Record with Chip Card Functionality.
van den Broek, Laurens and
Sikkel, A. J., (eds.)
Health cards ’97.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 49.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 313-317.
ISBN 90-5199-379-X; 4-274-90192-0.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Holena, M.
Comparison, Evaluation, and Possible Harmonisation of the HL7, DHE, and CORBA Middleware.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Blobel, Bernd and
Lordieck, W. and
Bürkle, T., (eds.)
New technologies in hospital information systems.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 45.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 40-47.
ISBN 90-5199-363-3; 4-274-90185-8.
Fulltext not available.
Schmidt, U.,
Burger, E.,
Krohn, R.,
Blobel, Bernd and
Buckisch, A.
Die Verbindung der Dokumentation klinischer und ambulanter Versorgung Krebskranker - Ein Erfahrungsbericht.
In: 10. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation. "Tumordokumentation und Telemedizin in der Onkologischen Versorgung", 11. - 12.3.1997, Gießen.
Fulltext not available.
Holena, M. and
Blobel, Bernd
Healthcare Information System Approaches Based on Middleware Concepts.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Blobel, Bernd and
Lordieck, W. and
Bürkle, T., (eds.)
New technologies in hospital information systems.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 45.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 178-185.
ISBN 90-5199-363-3; 4-274-90185-8.
Fulltext not available.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Blobel, Bernd and
Lordieck, W. and
Bürkle, T., eds.
New technologies in hospital information systems.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 45.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
ISBN 90-5199-363-3; 4-274-90185-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd and
Holena, M.
Security Threats and Solutions in Distributed, Interoperable Health Information Systems Using Middleware.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Blobel, Bernd and
Lordieck, W. and
Bürkle, T., (eds.)
New technologies in hospital information systems.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 45.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 66-73.
ISBN 90-5199-363-3; 4-274-90185-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Unterstützung des “Shared Care” durch verteilte sichere Informationssysteme und Telematikanwendungen.
Baur, Max Peter and
Fimmers, R. and
Blettner, M., (eds.)
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie: GMDS '96.
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie; 81, ... Jahres.
MMV, Medizin-Verl., München, pp. 233-238.
ISBN 3-8208-1295-4.
Fulltext not available.
Krohn, R. and
Blobel, Bernd
Validierung der SEISMED Risk Analysis.
Muche, Rainer and
Büchele, G. and
Harder, D. and
Gauss, W., (eds.)
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie: GMDS '97.
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie; 82, ... Jahres.
MMV, Medizin-Verl., München, pp. 177-180.
ISBN 3-8208-1315-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
A Regional, Secure Cancer Documentation System for an Optimal “Shared Care” in Oncology.
Brender, Jytte and
Christensen, J. P. and
Scherrer, J-R. and
McNair, P., (eds.)
Medical informatics Europe '96: human facets in information technologies.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 34.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1019-1026.
ISBN 90-5199-278-5; 4-274-90106-8.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Buckisch, A.,
Burger, E.,
Jage, G. and
Schmidt, U.
Möglichkeiten einer regional verteilten, durchgehenden Tumordokumentation für medizinische und pflegerische Qualitätssicherung - Darstellung am Beispiel der Melanome.
In: 22. Deutscher Krebskongress, 20. - 24.2.1996, Berlin.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Open Information Systems and Data Security in Medicine.
Barber, Barry and
Treacher, A. and
Louwerse, K., (eds.)
Towards security in medical telematics: legal and technical aspects.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 27.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 168-182.
ISBN 90-5199-246-7; 4-274-90074-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Security in Distributed Cancer Registers.
In: 12th International Information Security Conference (IFIP SEC ‘96), IKAROS Seminar, 21. - 24. Mai 1996, Samos Island, Greece.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Datenschutz in offenen Krankenhausinformationssystemen - Probleme und Lösungen.
Kunath, Hildebrand and
Lochmann, U. and
Straube, R. and
Jöckel, K. H. and
Köhler, C. O., (eds.)
Medizin und Information / Tagung Epidemiologie der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Epidemiologie, Dresden, September 1994.
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie; 79, Jahrestagu.
MMV, Medizin-Verlag, München, pp. 91-94.
ISBN 3-8208-1264-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Burger, E. and
Schmidt, U.
Die Unterstützung der Qualitätssicherung bei der Betreuung Krebskranker mit Hilfe der Tumordokumentation - Magdeburger Aktivitäten und Erfahrungen.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Altmann, U. and
Dalbert, U. and
Wächter, W., (eds.)
Qualitätssicherung in der Onkologie: Konzepte, Kontroversen, Konsequenzen; Vorträge der 8. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation, 14.-15. November 1994 in Neu-Ulm.
Ferber, Gießen, pp. 183-198.
ISBN 3-927835-69-2.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Modellierung und Realisierung sicherer offener medizinischer Informationssysteme.
Trampisch, Hans Joachim and
Lange, S., (eds.)
Medizinische Forschung - ärztliches Handeln: 4O. Jahrestagung der GMDS, Bochum, September 1995.
Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 80.
MMV, Medizin-Verlag, München, pp. 377-381.
ISBN 3-8208-1278-4.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Schmidt, U. and
Burger, E.
Die Realisierung eines integrierten, überregionalen Tumorregisters unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Datenschutzes.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Altmann, U. and
Dalbert, U. and
Wächter, W., (eds.)
Klinische Krebsregister und Qualitätsmanagement der onkologischen Versorgung: Vorträge der 7. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation, 15.-16. November 1993 in Cottbus.
Ferber, Gießen, pp. 151-160.
ISBN 3-927835-58-7.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Moderne Architektur für ein integriertes Krankenhausinformationssystem - Grundzüge und Magdeburger Realisierungsbeispiel.
Pöppl, Siegfried J. and
Lipinski, H-G. and
Mansky, T., (eds.)
Medizinische Informatik: ein integrierender Teil arztunterstützender Technologien; Lübeck, September 1993.
... Jahrestagung der GMDS; 38, Medizinisc.
MMV, Medizin-Verlag, München, pp. 46-49.
ISBN 3-8208-1232-6.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Burger, E. and
Schmidt, U.
Strategien zur Integration des Tumorregisters in ein Krankenhausinformationssystem.
Dudeck, Joachim and
Altmann, U. and
Dalbert, U. and
Wächter, W., (eds.)
Entwicklungstendenzen der Tumordokumentation in Klinik und Nachsorge: Vorträge der 6. Informationstagung Tumordokumentation, 16.-17. November 1992 in Dortmund.
Ferber, Gießen, pp. 167-174.
ISBN 3-927835-51-X.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd
Die Realisierung eines integrierten Krankenhausinformationssystems - pro oder contra HL7?
Michaelis, Jörg and
Hommel, G. and
Wellek, S., (eds.)
Europäische Perspektiven der medizinischen Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie.
... Jahrestagung der GMDS; 37, Medizinisc.
MMV, Medizin-Verlag, München, pp. 384-387.
ISBN 3-8208-1209-1.
Fulltext not available.
Blobel, Bernd,
Heinrich, Ch. and
Falk, M.
Mikrorechnergestützte Bearbeitung der Bedarfsermittlung, Bestellung und Verbrauchsanalyse von Arzneimitteln.
Steyer, Günter and
Straach, P., (eds.)
Proceedings der 1. Arbeitstagung Medizinische Informatik der Sektion Automatisierte Informationsverarbeitung der Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik und Informationsverarbeitung der DDR und des Instituts f. Medizinische Statistik. Band 2.
Inst. für Med. Statistik und Datenverarbeitung, Berlin, pp. 393-398.
Fulltext not available.
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