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Insight into the Reaction of a Dinuclear Phosphinidene Complex with Nitriles

Seidl, Michael ; Weinzierl, Rudolf ; Timoshkin, Alexey Y. ; Scheer, Manfred


The phosphinidene complex [Cp*P{W(CO)(5)}(2)] (1; Cp*=C5Me5) reacted with malononitrile to give the 1,2-dihydro-1,3,2-diazaphosphinine derivative 2. The reaction of 1 with 1,4-benzodinitrile gave [1,4-{{W(CO)(5)}(2)P-N=C(Cp*)}(2)(C6H4)] (3), the first example of a cumulene-like aminophosphinidene complex. The reaction of 1 with aniline gave the aminophosphinidene complex [(Ph)N(H)P{W(CO)(5)}(2)] ...


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