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Tracking Exciton Diffusion and Exciton Annihilation in Single Nanoparticles of Conjugated Polymers by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy

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Schedlbauer, Jakob ; Streicher, Sabrina ; Forster, Michael ; Scherf, Ullrich ; Vogelsang, Jan ; Lupton, John M.
Date of publication of this fulltext: 26 Jul 2022 09:52

This publication is part of the DEAL contract with Wiley.


A fundamental question relating to the nature of light emission and absorption in organic semiconductors is the dimension of the domain within a bulk material responsible for the interaction of light and matter. How large can a nanoparticle become to retain the quantized nature of light emission? Excitons are only a few nanometers in size, but because they diffuse in space, they probe a much ...


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