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Photodynamic inactivation of different pathogenic bacteria on human skin using a novel photosensitizer hydrogel

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Eckl, Daniel Bernhard ; Hoffmann, Anja Karen ; Landgraf, Nicole ; Kalb, Larissa ; Bäßler, Pauline ; Wallner, Susanne ; Eichner, Anja ; Huber, Harald ; Hackbarth, Steffen ; Bäumler, Wolfgang
Date of publication of this fulltext: 04 May 2023 08:28

This publication is part of the DEAL contract with Wiley.


Background The colonization of skin with pathogenic, partially antibiotic-resistant bacteria is frequently a severe problem in dermatological therapies. For instance, skin colonization with Staphylococcus aureus is even a disease-promoting factor in atopic dermatitis. The photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of bacteria could be a new antibacterial procedure. Upon irradiation with visible light, a ...


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