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Extracorporeal perfusion – reduced to a one-way infusion

Taeger, Christian D. ; Friedrich, Oliver ; Horch, Raymund E. ; Drechsler, Caroline ; Weigand, Annika ; Hopf, Fabio ; Geppert, Carol I. ; Münch, Frank ; Birkholz, Torsten ; Wenzel, Carina ; Geis, Sebastian ; Prantl, Lukas ; Buchholz, Rainer ; Präbst, Konstantin


BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal perfusion (EP) is moving into focus of research in reconstructive and transplantation medicine for the preservation of amputates and free tissue transplants. The idea behind EP is the reduction of ischemia-related cell damage between separation from blood circulation and reanastomosis of the transplant. Most experimental approaches are based on a complex system that ...


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