Aim of study This study aims to provide population-based reference values for heart rate-based indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness for adults with physical activity readiness aged 18 to 64 years living in Germany. Methods Based on data on 2,826 individuals who participated in a submaximal cycle ergometer exercise test as part of the Ger- man National Health Interview and Examination Survey ...
Aim of study This study aims to provide population-based reference values for heart rate-based indicators of cardiorespiratory fitness for adults with physical activity readiness aged 18 to 64 years living in Germany. Methods Based on data on 2,826 individuals who participated in a submaximal cycle ergometer exercise test as part of the Ger- man National Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) between 2008 and 2011, we calculated the following indicators: physical working capacity at 150 and 130 beats/min and at 75 % of estimated maximum heart rate (PWC150, PWC130 and PWC75 %) as well as heart rate-based estimated maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). We used the LMS method by Cole & Green 1992 to calculate reference values. Results 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of PWC150 were 1.5, 1.77 and 2.08 watts/kg among men and 1.18, 1.44 and 1.69 among women. 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of PWC130 were 1.16, 1.41 and 1.68 watts/ kg among men and 0.81, 1.05 and 1.29 among women. Age-dependent median PWC75 % values among men and women were 1.87 - age in years x 0.01 and 1.31 - (age in years/100)2 x 0.98, respectively, and VO2max among men is 41.7 - age x 0.15. Conclusions The references values presented can be used for individual rating of cardiorespiratory fitness among adults living in Germany. Furthermore, they can serve as a basis for regular monitoring purposes.