Providing weight sensations in Virtual Reality (VR) is a persistent challenge. In this video, we present MobileGravity [3], a novel mobile weight interface utilizing liquid transfer to change the weight of a handheld VR proxy. MobileGravity overcomes the conflict between mobility and performance by decoupling its heavy components, such as the actuator and the liquid supply, from the ...
Providing weight sensations in Virtual Reality (VR) is a persistent challenge. In this video, we present MobileGravity [3], a novel mobile weight interface utilizing liquid transfer to change the weight of a handheld VR proxy. MobileGravity overcomes the conflict between mobility and performance by decoupling its heavy components, such as the actuator and the liquid supply, from the weight-changing object. This enables the system to apply weight changes of up to 1 kg in 235 g/s and yet allows users to walk around and turn in any direction. The video showcases the interaction with MobileGravity, sheds light on its technical implementation, and illustrates previously restricted use cases.