We associate to a compact spin manifold M a real-valued invariant (M) by taking the supremum over all conformal classes of the infimum inside each conformal class of the first positive Dirac eigenvalue, when the metrics are normalized to unit volume. This invariant is a spinorial analogue of Schoen's sigma-constant, also known as the smooth Yamabe invariant. We prove that if N is obtained from M ...
We associate to a compact spin manifold M a real-valued invariant (M) by taking the supremum over all conformal classes of the infimum inside each conformal class of the first positive Dirac eigenvalue, when the metrics are normalized to unit volume. This invariant is a spinorial analogue of Schoen's sigma-constant, also known as the smooth Yamabe invariant. We prove that if N is obtained from M by surgery of codimension at least 2 then (N) epsilon min{(M), n}, where n is a positive constant depending only on n=dim M. Various topological conclusions can be drawn, in particular that is a spin-bordism invariant below n. Also, below n the values of cannot accumulate from above when varied over all manifolds of dimension n.