Objective Because only few data are available, inpatient care of patients with mental retardation was evaluated to get a valid data base concerning quality and quantity of care and to reveal their deficits. Methods All patients with first admission to a psychiatric hospital between 1996 and 2002 were included in the cohort study (n = 9727). The analyses were based on the psychiatric basis ...
Objective Because only few data are available, inpatient care of patients with mental retardation was evaluated to get a valid data base concerning quality and quantity of care and to reveal their deficits. Methods All patients with first admission to a psychiatric hospital between 1996 and 2002 were included in the cohort study (n = 9727). The analyses were based on the psychiatric basis documentation system (DGPPN-BADO). 192 patients (2%) had the diagnosis of a mental retardation according to ICD-10. Results 62% of patients suffered from a mild (F70), 26% from a moderate (F71) and 9% from a severe mental retardation (F72). The most frequent comorbid disorders were disruptive behaviour disorders, adjustment disorders, alcohol-related disorders, schizophrenia and mood disorders. Mean length of stay was 34.8 days, rate of rehospitalisation within one year was 0.3. GAF improved on 11.8, CGI (improvement scale) was 3.4. Some predictors for these outcome criteria could be revealed. Conclusions The data allow a depth insight into inpatient care of patients with mental retardation. They deliver important clues for quality improvement in psychiatric hospital and for collaboration with outpatient services.