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Number of items at this level: 1389.


Mlcochova, Eva (2025) Die Rolle des Geschlechts bei der Wirksamkeit der repetitiven transkraniellen Magnetstimulation bei Depression. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Alahäivälä, Aino-Lotta Ilona (2025) Neural Representations of Appetitive and Aversive Learning. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Engelke, Milena , Simões, Jorge Piano, Basso, Laura , Wunder, Nina, Langguth, Berthold , Probst, Thomas, Pryss, Rüdiger and Schlee, Winfried (2025) Understanding tinnitus symptom dynamics and clinical improvement through intensive longitudinal data. npj Digital Medicine 8 (1).


Fischer, Lilith, Paschke, Bjarne, Gareis, Franziska, Schumacher, Michael, Liere, Philippe, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Rupprecht, Rainer, Neumann, Inga D. and Bosch, Oliver J. (2024) The translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO) ligand etifoxine in an animal model of anxiety: Line- and sex-dependent effects on emotionality, stress reactivity, spine density, oxytocin receptors, steroids, and microbiome composition. Neuropharmacology 266, p. 110282.

Otto, Alexandra , Jarvers, Irina, Kandsperger, Stephanie, Bosek, Robert, Schwarzbach, Jens , Brunner, Romuald and Volberg, Gregor (2024) Altered emotion regulation at the earliest stage of visual perception in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Affective Disorders 372, pp. 572-581.

Bader, Stefanie , Jahner, Tatjana, Dörfelt, Anett, Melchner, Doris, Cardon, Iseline , Siegmund, Heiko Ingo, Brochhausen, Christoph , Rupprecht, Rainer , Milenkovic, Vladimir M. and Wetzel, Christian H. (2024) A Comprehensive Functional Investigation of the Human Translocator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO) in a Novel Human Neuronal Cell Knockout Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (23), p. 12882.

Dragon, Katharina , Janthur, Carina, Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Reißmann, Andreas, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2024) Four weeks standard vs. one week accelerated intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation for the treatment of depression – A retrospective analysis. Behavioural Brain Research 479, p. 115361.

Achatz, Magdalena (2024) Systematischer Vergleich verschiedener Patientencharakteristika am Tinnituszentrum Regensburg. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Cording, Clemens (2024) Die Bedeutung neurobiologischer Befunde und vertiefender Psychopathologie für die Forensische Psychiatrie. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 18 (4), pp. 323-331.

Guillard, Robin, Schecklmann, Martin, Simoes, Jorge, Langguth, Berthold, Londero, Alain, Congedo, Marco, Michiels, Sarah, Vesala, Markku, Goedhart, Hazel, Wetter, Thomas and Weber, Franziska C. (2024) Results of two cross-sectional database analyses regarding nap-induced modulations of tinnitus. Scientific Reports 14 (1).

Fischer, Lilith (2024) The role of the Translocatorprotein (TSPO) 18 kDa in a psychopathological animal model for anxiety and depression. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Ngu, Anthony (2024) Retrospektive MRT-basierte Analyse subkortikaler Strukturen bei Tinnituspatienten und gesunden Kontrollen: Volumenunterschiede und Korrelationen mit Hörverlust. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Kleinjung, Tobias, Peter, Nicole, Schecklmann, Martin and Langguth, Berthold (2024) The Current State of Tinnitus Diagnosis and Treatment: a Multidisciplinary Expert Perspective. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology.

Pollinger, Laura (2024) Schmerzwahrnehmung und Verhaltensreaktionen unter verschiedenen Außenreizbedingungen. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Riebel, Marco , Brunner, Lisa-Marie, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Wein, Simon, Schwarzbach, Jens V. , Liere, Philippe, Schumacher, Michael and Rupprecht, Rainer (2024) Neurosteroids and translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO) ligands as novel treatment options in depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, pp. 1-11.

Jarvers, Irina , Pfisterer, Johannes, Döhnel, Katrin, Blaas, Lore, Ullmann, Manuela, Langguth, Berthold , Rupprecht, Rainer and Sommer, Monika (2024) Specificity of the short‐story task for autism diagnosis when controlling for depression. Autism Research.

Falhani, Nadia (2024) Changes in Peripheral Inflammation and Neurotrophic Factors and Brain Network Connectivity in Depressive Patients under Treatment with Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Wein, Simon , Riebel, Marco, Seidel, Philipp, Brunner, Lisa-Marie , Wagner, Viola, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer and Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2024) Local and global effects of sedation in resting-state fMRI: a randomized, placebo-controlled comparison between etifoxine and alprazolam. Neuropsychopharmacology 49, pp. 1738-1748.

Horn, Francisca, Kreuzpointner, Ludwig , Wüst, Stefan , Schwarzbach, Jens V. and Kudielka, Brigitte M. (2024) Individual Affective Space (Individueller affektiver Raum). In: 49. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn, 29.05. bis 01.06.2024, Hamburg.

Popp, Roland F. J. , Ottersbach, Julia , Wetter, Thomas C. , Schüler, Sebastian, Rothe, Siegfried, Betz, Daniel, Staggl, Siegmund and Canazei, Markus (2024) Multimodal in-vehicle lighting system increases daytime light exposure and alertness in truck drivers under Arctic winter conditions. Scientific Reports 14 (1).

Brunner, Lisa-Marie , Riebel, Marco, Wein, Simon, Koller, Michael , Zeman, Florian, Huppertz, Gunnar, Emmer, Tanja, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Schwarzbach, Jens, Rupprecht, Rainer and Nothdurfter, Caroline (2024) The translocator protein 18kDa ligand etifoxine in the treatment of depressive disorders—a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled proof-of-concept study. Trials 25 (1).

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Kanig, Carolina, Osnabruegge, Mirja, Agboada, Desmond, Langguth, Berthold , Rethwilm, Roman, Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Mack, Wolfgang, Seiberl, Wolfgang, Kuder, Manuel and Schecklmann, Martin (2024) Monitoring Changes in TMS-Evoked EEG and EMG Activity During 1 Hz rTMS of the Healthy Motor Cortex. eneuro 11 (4), ENEURO.0309-23.2024.

Vivi, Eugenia and Di Benedetto, Barbara (2024) Brain stars take the lead during critical periods of early postnatal brain development: relevance of astrocytes in health and mental disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 29, pp. 2821-2833.

Eckl, Linda (2024) Implementierung der wissenschaftlichen Kriterien zur Diagnostik des Delirs bei Demenz auf einer gerontopsychiatrischen Station. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Cardon, Iseline , Grobecker, Sonja , Jenne, Frederike, Jahner, Tatjana, Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. and Wetzel, Christian H. (2024) Serotonin effects on human iPSC-derived neural cell functions: from mitochondria to depression. Molecular Psychiatry 29, pp. 2689-2700.

Langguth, Berthold , De Ridder, Dirk, Schlee, Winfried and Kleinjung, Tobias (2024) Tinnitus: Clinical Insights in Its Pathophysiology-A Perspective. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 25, pp. 249-258.

Issa, Rahaf (2024) Probing Functional Network Topology in Major Depressive Disorder on the Cellular and Systems Levels. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Eich, Anna-Lena, Ottersbach, Julia , Geisler, Peter , Hajak, Göran, Wetter, Thomas C. and Popp, Roland F. J. (2024) Daytime sleepiness in patients with untreated restless legs syndrome. Somnologie 28, pp. 149-155.

Stanković, Milos, Allenmark, Fredrik and Shi, Zhuanghua (2024) High task demand in dual-target paradigm redirects experimentally increased anxiety to uphold goal-directed attention. Perception 53 (4), pp. 263-275.

Dragon, Katharina , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Weber, Franziska C. , Heuschert, Markus, Englert, Leonie, Langguth, Berthold , Hebel, Tobias and Schecklmann, Martin (2024) Treating depression at home with transcranial direct current stimulation: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, p. 1335243.

Tahedl, Marlene (2024) Early remission in multiple sclerosis is linked to altered coherence of the Cerebellar Network. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Führlein, Lisa (2024) Individualisierte auditorische Stimulation bei Tinnitus: Die App „Shades of Noise“. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Odenthal, Anna-Maria, Ottersbach, Julia , Weber, Franziska C. , Wetter, Thomas C. and Popp, Roland F. J. (2024) Daytime sleepiness in depression—underestimated in psychiatric inpatients. Somnologie 28, pp. 49-57.

Ottersbach, Julia , Eich, Anna-Lena, Ringeisen, Katharina, Wetter, Thomas C. and Popp, Roland F. J. (2024) Light therapy glasses during night shift work: a field study. Somnologie 28, pp. 27-35.

Cardon, Iseline , Grobecker, Sonja, Kücükoktay, Selin, Bader, Stefanie , Jahner, Tatjana, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Koschitzki, Kevin, Berneburg, Mark , Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Stöhr, Heidi, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard , Braun, Frank K., Rothammer-Hampl, Tanja, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. and Wetzel, Christian H. (2024) Mitochondrial and Cellular Function in Fibroblasts, Induced Neurons, and Astrocytes Derived from Case Study Patients: Insights into Major Depression as a Mitochondria-Associated Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (2), p. 963.


Hohenester, Michaela, Langguth, Berthold , Wetter, Thomas Christian, Geisler, Peter, Schecklmann, Martin and Reissmann, Andreas (2023) Single sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial random noise stimulation exert no effect on sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.

Vivi, Eugenia, Seeholzer, Lea R., Nagumanova, Anastasiia and Di Benedetto, Barbara (2023) Early Age- and Sex-Dependent Regulation of Astrocyte-Mediated Glutamatergic Synapse Elimination in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: Establishing an Organotypic Brain Slice Culture Investigating Tool. Cells 12 (23), p. 2761.

Langguth, Berthold and De Ridder, Dirk (2023) Minimal Clinically Important Difference of Tinnitus Outcome Measurement Instruments—A Scoping Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (22), p. 7117.

Maurer, Franziska Maria (2023) Die Rolle von Translokator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO) assoziiertem Metabolismus für die Stressregulation beim Menschen. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Kißkalt, Jonathan (2023) Neuronale Korrelate und Prädiktoren der Tinnitussuppression mittels rauschhafter Stimuli. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Lang-Hambauer, VerenA, Hebel, Tobias , Schoisswohl, Stefan , Schecklmann, Martin , Deuter, Daniel, Schlaier, Juergen and Langguth, Berthold (2023) Deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant obsessive compulsive disorder; an observational study with ten patients under real-life conditions. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.

Kanig, Carolina, Osnabruegge, Mirja, Schwitzgebel, Florian, Litschel, Karsten, Seiberl, Wolfgang, Mack, Wolfgang, Schoisswohl, Stefan and Schecklmann, Martin (2023) Retest reliability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the healthy human motor cortex: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17.

Weidner, Lorraine, Lorenz, Julia, Quach, Stefanie, Braun, Frank K., Rothhammer-Hampl, Tanja, Ammer, Laura-Marie, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Bartos, Laura M., Dekorsy, Franziska J., Holzgreve, Adrien, Kirchleitner, Sabrina V., Thon, Niklas, Greve, Tobias, Ruf, Viktoria, Herms, Jochen, Bader, Stefanie, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., von Baumgarten, Louisa, Menevse, Ayse N., Hussein, Abir, Sax, Julian, Wetzel, Christian H., Rupprecht, Rainer, Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils O., Beckhove, Philipp, Hau, Peter, Tonn, Joerg-Christian, Bartenstein, Peter, Brendel, Matthias, Albert, Nathalie L. and Riemenschneider, Markus J. (2023) Translocator protein (18kDA) (TSPO) marks mesenchymal glioblastoma cell populations characterized by elevated numbers of tumor-associated macrophages. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 11 (1).

Osnabruegge, Mirja, Kanig, Carolina, Schwitzgebel, Florian, Litschel, Karsten, Seiberl, Wolfgang, Mack, Wolfgang, Schecklmann, Martin and Schoisswohl, Stefan (2023) On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: a systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17.

Prei, Kilian, Kanig, Carolina, Osnabruegge, Mirja, Langguth, Berthold , Mack, Wolfgang, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Schecklmann, Martin and Schoisswohl, Stefan (2023) Limited evidence for reliability of low and high frequency rTMS over the motor cortex. Brain Research 1820, p. 148534.

Ottersbach, Julia, Wetter, Thomas C., König, Nicole, Fierlbeck, Anna K., Weissert, Robert and Popp, Roland F. J. (2023) Prospective analyses of alertness, sleep, and fitness to drive one year after de novo multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 79, p. 104930.

Simoes, Jorge Piano, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Schlee, Winfried , Basso, Laura, Bernal-Robledano, Alberto, Boecking, Benjamin, Cima, Rilana , Denys, Sam, Engelke, Milena , Escalera-Balsera, Alba, Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro, Gallus, Silvano , Kikidis, Dimitris , López-Escámez, Jose A., Marcrum, Steven C. , Markatos, Nikolaos, Martin-Lagos, Juan, Martinez-Martinez, Marta, Mazurek, Birgit, Vassou, Evgenia, Jarach, Carlotta Micaela, Mueller-Locatelli, Nicolas, Neff, Patrick , Niemann, Uli, Omar, Hafez Kader, Puga, Clara, Schleicher, Miro, Unnikrishnan, Vishnu, Perez-Carpena, Patricia, Pryss, Rüdiger , Robles-Bolivar, Paula, Rosenauer, Matthias, Schecklmann, Martin , Schiele, Tabea, Schobel, Johannes, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Stark, Sabine, Vogel, Carsten, Wunder, Nina, Zachou, Zoi and Langguth, Berthold (2023) The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT). Trials 24 (1).

Almheiri, Eisa, Alhelali, Abdullah, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Weber, Franziska C. , Langguth, Berthold , Schecklmann, Martin and Hebel, Tobias (2023) Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Depression in the Elderly: A Retrospective Natural Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (14), p. 4748.

Hasyan, Ali (2023) Einfluss der Tageszeit auf rTMS bei Depression: eine retrospektive Analyse. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Odenthal, Anna-Maria (2023) Tagesschläfrigkeit und Fatigue als unterschätzte Krankheitszeichen – Häufigkeit und Einflussfaktoren von Tagesschläfrigkeit und Fatigue bei Patienten mit depressiver Episode. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Riebel, Marco, von Pappenheim, Benedikt, Kanig, Carolina, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Wetter, Thomas C., Rupprecht, Rainer and Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2023) GABAergic Effects of Etifoxine and Alprazolam Assessed by Double Pulse TMS. Pharmacopsychiatry 56 (04), pp. 154-161. Fulltext restricted.

Forstner, Leonie (2023) Individualisierung repetitiver transkranieller Magnetstimulation anhand von Testsitzungen bei Patienten mit Tinnitus: eine EEG – Studie. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Langguth, Berthold , Bulla, Jan, Fischer, Beate , Baurecht, Hansjoerg, Schecklmann, Martin , Marcrum, Steven C. and Vielsmeier, Veronika (2023) Tinnitus Is Marginally Associated with Body Mass Index, Heart Rate and Arterial Blood Pressure: Results from a Large Clinical Sample. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (9), p. 3321.

Bader, Stefanie, Würfel, Thea , Jahner, Tatjana, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. and Wetzel, Christian H. (2023) Impact of Translocator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO) Deficiency on Mitochondrial Function and the Inflammatory State of Human C20 Microglia Cells. Cells 12 (6), p. 954.

Heinrich, Michael , Hofmann, Luisa, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. and Seliger, Corinna (2023) Author Correction: Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer. Nature medicine.

Charlot, Georg (2023) Trigeminal-akustische Stimulation des chronischen Tinnitus: Einfluss des bimodalen Timings auf die Tinnitus-Belastung. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schecklmann, Martin , Weber, Franziska C. , Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold and Schoisswohl, Stefan (2023) Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Chronic Tinnitus in a German Tertiary Clinical Real-World Setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6), p. 4982.

Male-Norman, Marie (2023) Wie Gesundheitskompetenz und Selbstwirksamkeit das Symptom Tinnitus durch die TinnitusTipps-App beeinflussen. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Hofmann, Luisa, Heinrich, Michael, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Langguth, Berthold , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. and Seliger, Corinna (2023) Suicide Mortality Risk among Patients with Lung Cancer—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), p. 4146.

Kandsperger, Stephanie , Ecker, Angelika , Schleicher, Daniel , Wirth, Michael, Brunner, Romuald and Jarvers, Irina (2023) Emergency-related inpatient admissions in child and adolescent psychiatry: comparison of clinical characteristics of involuntary and voluntary admissions from a survey in Bavaria, Germany. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 33, pp. 303-313.

Engelke, Milena , Simões, Jorge, Vogel, Carsten, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Schecklmann, Martin , Wölflick, Stella, Pryss, Rüdiger, Probst, Thomas, Langguth, Berthold and Schlee, Winfried (2023) Pilot study of a smartphone-based tinnitus therapy using structured counseling and sound therapy: A multiple-baseline design with ecological momentary assessment. PLOS Digital Health 2 (1), e0000183.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold , Weber, Franziska C., Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Hebel, Tobias and Schecklmann, Martin (2023) Activate & fire: a feasibility study in combining acoustic stimulation and continuous theta burst stimulation in chronic tinnitus. BMC Neurology 23 (1).

Alahäivälä, Aino-Lotta I., Thaploo, Divesh, Wein, Simon, Seidel, Philipp, Riebel, Marco, Hummel, Thomas and Schwarzbach, Jens Volkmar (2023) Inhalation-modulated detection of olfactory BOLD responses in the human brain. Frontiers in Neuroimaging 2.


Marcrum, Steven C. , Engelke, Milena , Goedhart, Hazel, Langguth, Berthold, Schlee, Winfried , Vesala, Markku and Simoes, Jorge p: (2022) The Influence of Diet on Tinnitus Severity: Results of a Large-Scale, Online Survey. Nutrients 14 (24), p. 5356.

Jarvers, Irina , Döhnel, Katrin, Blaas, Lore, Ullmann, Manuela, Langguth, Berthold , Rupprecht, Rainer and Sommer, Monika (2022) “Why do they do it?”: The short‐story task for measuring fiction‐based mentalizing in autistic and non‐autistic individuals. Autism Research 16 (3), pp. 558-568.

Arnds, Johannes Maximilian (2022) Amplitudenmodulierte akustische Stimulation bei tonalem und noise-like Tinnitus. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Nöth, Victoria (2022) Neuronale Korrelate der belief-Attribution bei Personen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung: Eine fMRT-Studie. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Tahedl, Marlene, Levine, Seth M., Weissert, Robert , Kohl, Zacharias, Lee, De-Hyung, Linker, Ralf A. and Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2022) Early remission in multiple sclerosis is linked to altered coherence of the Cerebellar Network. Journal of Translational Medicine 20, art.no.488.

Figueiredo, Ricardo R., Penido, Norma de O. , Azevedo, Andréia A. de, Oliveira, Patrícia M. de, Siqueira, Adriana G. de, Figueiredo, Guilherme de M. R., Schlee, Winfried and Langguth, Berthold (2022) Tinnitus emerging in the context of a COVID-19 infection seems not to differ in its characteristics from tinnitus unrelated to COVID-19. Frontiers in Neurology 13, p. 974179.

Kufner, Marco , Nothdurfter, Caroline, Steffling, Dagmar, Baessler, Andrea, Maier, Lars S. and Qamar, Yasmin (2022) Electroconvulsive therapy in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A case report. Clinical Case Reports 10 (9), e6286.

Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Lorenz, Sebastian, Schmidt, Barbara , Laqtom, Nouf Nasser M., Mazzulli, Joseph R., Francelle, Laetitia , Yu, Timothy W., Greenberg, Benjamin , Storch, Stephan, Tegtmeier, Ines, Othmen, Helga, Maurer, Katja, Steinfurth, Malin, Witzgall, Ralph, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Wetzel, Christian H. and Reichold, Markus (2022) CLN7/MFSD8 may be an important factor for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry. iScience 25 (10), p. 105082.

Schmid, Verena, Wurzel, Alexander , Wetzel, Christian H. , Plössl, Karolina, Bruckmann, Astrid, Luckner, Patricia, Weber, Bernhard H. F. and Friedrich, Ulrike (2022) Retinoschisin and novel Na/K-ATPase interaction partners Kv2.1 and Kv8.2 define a growing protein complex at the inner segments of mammalian photoreceptors. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79 (8), p. 448.

Sakreida, Katrin , Chiu, Wei-Hua, Dukart, Juergen, Eickhoff, Simon B. , Frodl, Thomas, Gaser, Christian, Landgrebe, Michael, Langguth, Berthold , Mirlach, Daniela, Rautu, Ioana-Sabina , Wittmann, Markus and Poeppl, Timm B. (2022) Disentangling dyskinesia from parkinsonism in motor structures of patients with schizophrenia. Brain Communications 4 (4).

Wild, Laura M. and Poeppl, Timm B. (2022) Zur Neurobiologie der Psychopathie. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 16, pp. 259-264.

Simoes, Jorge, Bulla, Jan, Neff, Patrick, Pryss, Rüdiger , Marcrum, Steven C. , Langguth, Berthold and Schlee, Winfried (2022) Daily Contributors of Tinnitus Loudness and Distress: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022 (16), p. 883665.

Triebelhorn, Julian , Cardon, Iseline , Kuffner, Kerstin, Bader, Stefanie, Jahner, Tatjana, Meindl, Katrin , Rothhammer-Hampl, Tanja , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Drexler, Konstantin, Berneburg, Mark, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Manook, André, Brochhausen, Christoph, Baghai, Thomas C., Hilbert, Sven , Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. and Wetzel, Christian H. (2022) Induced neural progenitor cells and iPS-neurons from major depressive disorder patients show altered bioenergetics and electrophysiological properties. Molecular Psychiatry.

Rupprecht, Rainer , Wetzel, Christian H. , Dorostkar, Mario , Herms, Jochen, Albert, Nathalie L., Schwarzbach, Jens V., Schumacher, Michael and Neumann, Inga D. (2022) Translocator protein (18kDa) TSPO: a new diagnostic or therapeutic target for stress-related disorders? Molecular Psychiatry.

Lipecki, Yannick and Haen, Ekkehard (2022) Simultaneous Quantification of 11 Antiseizure Medications and Metabolites in Serum for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection: A Short Communication. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 44 (2), pp. 345-350. Fulltext not available.

Heinrich, Michael , Hofmann, Luisa, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. and Seliger, Corinna (2022) Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer. Nature Medicine 28 (4), pp. 852-859.

Weber, Franziska C. , Danker-Hopfe, Heidi, Dogan-Sander, Ezgi, Frase, Lukas, Hansel, Anna, Mauche, Nicole, Mikutta, Christian, Nemeth, Diana, Richter, Kneginja, Schilling, Claudia, Sebestova, Martina, Spath, Marian M., Nissen, Christoph and Wetter, Thomas C. (2022) Restless Legs Syndrome Prevalence and Clinical Correlates Among Psychiatric Inpatients: A Multicenter Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 (13), p. 846165.

Brunner, Lisa-Marie , Maurer, Franziska, Weber, Kevin, Weigl, Johannes, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Nothdurfter, Caroline and Mühlberger, Andreas (2022) Differential effects of the translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO) ligand etifoxine and the benzodiazepine alprazolam on startle response to predictable threat in a NPU-threat task after acute and short-term treatment. Psychopharmacology.

Alhelali, Abdullah, Almheiri, Eisa, Abdelnaim, Mohamed , Weber, Franziska C. , Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin and Hebel, Tobias (2022) Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Comparison to the Treatment of Unipolar Depression in a Naturalistic Setting. Brain sciences 12 (3), p. 298.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold, Hebel, Tobias, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. and Schecklmann, Martin (2022) Personalization of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Brain Sciences 12 (2), p. 203.

Hebel, Tobias , Langguth, Berthold , Schecklmann, Martin , Schoisswohl, Stefan , Staudinger, Susanne, Schiller, Alexander, Ustohal, L., Sverak, T., Horky, M., Kasparek, T., Skront, T., Hyza, M., Poeppl, T.B., Riester, M.L., Schwemmer, L., Zimmermann, Steffen and Sakreida, Katrin (2022) Rationale and study design of a trial to assess rTMS add-on value for the amelioration of negative symptoms of schizophrenia (RADOVAN). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 26, p. 100891.

Huber, Sabine Andrea (2022) Functional Parcellation of the Human Hippocampus. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schuderer, Monika (2022) Achtsamkeitsbasierte Therapie zur Behandlung von chronischem Tinnitus: eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Pilotstudie zur Tinnitus-Atemtherapie nach Holl. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Meyer, Magdalena , Jurek, Benjamin , Alfonso-Prieto, Mercedes , Ribeiro, Rui , Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Winter, Julia , Hoffmann, Petra, Wetzel, Christian H. , Giorgetti, Alejandro, Carloni, Paolo and Neumann, Inga D. (2022) Structure-function relationships of the disease-linked A218T oxytocin receptor variant. Molecular Psychiatry 97, pp. 907-917.

Bacri, Timothée, Berentsen, Geir D., Bulla, Jan and Hølleland, Sondre (2022) A gentle tutorial on accelerated parameter and confidence interval estimation for hidden Markov models using Template Model Builder. Biometrical Journal 64 (7), pp. 1260-1288. Fulltext not available.

Bloms-Funke, Petra, Schumacher, Michael , Liu, Song , Su, Diya, Li, Jing, Liere, Philippe, Rupprecht, Rainer, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Bahrenberg, Gregor, Christoph, Thomas, Habermann, Christopher, Kneip, Christa, Schröder, Wolfgang, Tzschentke, Thomas M. and Saunders, Derek (2022) A novel dual mode-of-action anti-hyperalgesic compound in rats which is neuroprotective and promotes neuroregeneration. European Journal of Pharmacology 923, p. 174935. Fulltext not available.

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Puga, Clara , Schleicher, Miro, Niemann, Uli, Unnikrishnan, Vishnu, Boecking, Benjamin, Brueggemann, Petra, Simoes, Jorge, Langguth, Berthold, Schlee, Winfried, Mazurek, Birgit and Spiliopoulou, Myra (2022) Juxtaposing Medical Centers Using Different Questionnaires Through Score Predictors. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16. Fulltext not available.

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Ladwig, Karl-Heinz , Baghai, Thomas C, Doyle, Frank , Hamer, Mark , Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph, Kunschitz, Evelyn, Lemogne, Cédric, Beresnevaite, Margarita, Compare, Angelo, von Känel, Roland, Sager, Hendrik B and Kop, Willem Johan (2022) Mental health-related risk factors and interventions in patients with heart failure: a position paper endorsed by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 29 (7), pp. 1124-1141. Fulltext not available.

Rauchmann, Boris‐Stephan , Brendel, Matthias , Franzmeier, Nicolai , Trappmann, Lena, Zaganjori, Mirlind, Ersoezlue, Ersin , Morenas‐Rodriguez, Estrella, Guersel, Selim, Burow, Lena, Kurz, Carolin, Haeckert, Jan , Tatò, Maia, Utecht, Julia, Papazov, Boris, Pogarell, Oliver, Janowitz, Daniel, Buerger, Katharina, Ewers, Michael, Palleis, Carla, Weidinger, Endy, Biechele, Gloria, Schuster, Sebastian, Finze, Anika, Eckenweber, Florian, Rupprecht, Rainer, Rominger, Axel , Goldhardt, Oliver, Grimmer, Timo, Keeser, Daniel , Stoecklein, Sophia, Dietrich, Olaf , Bartenstein, Peter, Levin, Johannes , Höglinger, Günter and Perneczky, Robert (2022) Microglial Activation and Connectivity in Alzheimer Disease and Aging. Annals of Neurology 92 (5), pp. 768-781.

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Basso, Laura , Boecking, Benjamin , Neff, Patrick, Brueggemann, Petra, El-Ahmad, Linda, Brasanac, Jelena, Rose, Matthias, Gold, Stefan M. and Mazurek, Birgit (2022) Negative Associations of Stress and Anxiety Levels With Cytotoxic and Regulatory Natural Killer Cell Frequency in Chronic Tinnitus. Frontiers in Psychology 13. Fulltext not available.

Shahania, Saijal, Unnikrishnan, Vishnu, Pryss, Rüdiger , Kraft, Robin , Schobel, Johannes, Hannemann, Ronny, Schlee, Winny and Spiliopoulou, Myra (2022) Predicting Ecological Momentary Assessments in an App for Tinnitus by Learning From Each User's Stream With a Contextual Multi-Armed Bandit. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16. Fulltext not available.

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Aster, Hans-Christoph, Romanos, Marcel , Walitza, Susanne , Gerlach, Manfred, Mühlberger, Andreas, Rizzo, Albert, Andreatta, Marta , Hasenauer, Natalie, Hartrampf, Philipp E., Nerlich, Kai, Reiners, Christoph, Lorenz, Reinhard, Buck, Andreas K. and Deserno, Lorenz (2022) Responsivity of the Striatal Dopamine System to Methylphenidate—A Within-Subject I-123-β-CIT-SPECT Study in Male Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry 13.

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Egberts, Karin M., Gerlach, Manfred, Correll, Christoph U. , Plener, Paul L. , Malzahn, Uwe, Heuschmann, Peter, Unterecker, Stefan, Scherf-Clavel, Maike, Rock, Hans, Antony, Gisela, Briegel, Wolfgang, Fleischhaker, Christian, Häge, Alexander, Hellenschmidt, Tobias, Imgart, Harmut, Kaess, Michael , Karwautz, Andreas, Kölch, Michael, Reitzle, Karl, Renner, Tobias, Reuter-Dang, Su-Yin, Rexroth, Christian, Schulte-Körne, Gerd, Theisen, Frank M., Walitza, Susanne , Wewetzer, Christoph, Fekete, Stefanie, Taurines, Regina and Romanos, Marcel (2022) Serious Adverse Drug Reactions in Children and Adolescents Treated On- and Off-Label with Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in Clinical Practice. Pharmacopsychiatry 55 (05), pp. 255-265. Fulltext not available.

Basso, Laura , Boecking, Benjamin , Neff, Patrick, Brueggemann, Petra, Cederroth, Christopher R. , Rose, Matthias and Mazurek, Birgit (2022) Sex Differences in Comorbidity Combinations in the Swedish Population. Biomolecules 12 (7), p. 949. Fulltext not available.

Schlee, Winfried , Neff, Patrick , Simoes, Jorge, Langguth, Berthold, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Steinberger, Heidi, Norman, Marie , Spiliopoulou, Myra, Schobel, Johannes, Hannemann, Ronny and Pryss, Rüdiger (2022) Smartphone-Guided Educational Counseling and Self-Help for Chronic Tinnitus. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (7), p. 1825. Fulltext not available.

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Jarach, Carlotta Micaela , Lugo, Alessandra , Stival, Chiara, Bosetti, Cristina, Amerio, Andrea, Cavalieri d'Oro, Luca, Iacoviello, Licia , Odone, Anna, Stuckler, David, Zucchi, Alberto, van den Brandt, Piet , Garavello, Werner, Cederroth, Christopher R., Schlee, Winfried and Gallus, Silvano (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Tinnitus and Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Data From the LOST in Lombardia Study. Frontiers in Neurology 13. Fulltext not available.

Michiels, Sarah , Cardon, Emilie , Gilles, Annick, Goedhart, Hazel, Vesala, Markku, Van Rompaey, Vincent , Van de Heyning, Paul and Schlee, Winfried (2022) The Rapid Screening for Somatosensory Tinnitus Tool: a Data-Driven Decision Tree Based on Specific Diagnostic Criteria. Ear & Hearing 43 (5), pp. 1466-1471. Fulltext not available.

Tini, Elvira, Smigielski, Lukasz , Romanos, Marcel , Wewetzer, Christoph, Karwautz, Andreas, Reitzle, Karl, Correll, Christoph U. , Plener, Paul L. , Malzahn, Uwe, Heuschmann, Peter, Unterecker, Stefan, Scherf-Clavel, Maike, Rock, Hans, Antony, Gisela, Briegel, Wolfgang, Fleischhaker, Christian, Banaschewski, Tobias, Hellenschmidt, Tobias, Imgart, Hartmut, Kaess, Michael , Kölch, Michael, Renner, Tobias, Reuter-Dang, Su-Yin, Rexroth, Christian, Schulte-Körne, Gerd, Theisen, Frank, Fekete, Stefanie, Taurines, Regina, Gerlach, Manfred, Egberts, Karin Maria and Walitza, Susanne (2022) Therapeutic drug monitoring of sertraline in children and adolescents: A naturalistic study with insights into the clinical response and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry 115, p. 152301. Fulltext not available.

Martins, Mariana Lopes, Kleinjung, Tobias, Meyer, Martin, Raveenthiran, Vithushika, Wellauer, Zino, Peter, Nicole and Neff, Patrick (2022) Transcranial electric and acoustic stimulation for tinnitus: study protocol for a randomized double-blind controlled trial assessing the influence of combined transcranial random noise and acoustic stimulation on tinnitus loudness and distress. Trials 23 (1). Fulltext not available.

Haen, Ekkehard, Wenzel-Seifert, Katharina, Seifert, Johanna, Fay, Bianca, Strueven, Nina Theresa and Schiekofer, Stephan (2022) Unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen in der Gerontopsychiatrie. Psychiatrische Praxis 49 (01), pp. 37-45. Fulltext not available.

Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro , Escalera-Balsera, Alba, Trpchevska, Natalia , Robles-Bolivar, Paula, Roman-Naranjo, Pablo, Frejo, Lidia, Perez-Carpena, Patricia , Bulla, Jan, Gallus, Silvano, Canlon, Barbara, Cederroth, Christopher R. and Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. (2022) Using coding and non-coding rare variants to target candidate genes in patients with severe tinnitus. npj Genomic Medicine 7 (1). Fulltext not available.

Paraskevopoulos, Evangelos , Avraamides, Marios, Bamidis, Panagiotis D. , Dobel, Christian, Gilou, Sotiria, Ioannou, Christos I., Kikidis, Dimitris, Mazurek, Birgit , Schlee, Winfried , Shimi, Andria and Vellidou, Eleftheria (2022) Utilizing Co-Creative Principles to Develop an E-Learning Platform for Interprofessional Training on Tinnitus: The Erasmus+ Project Tin-TRAC. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (14), p. 8323. Fulltext not available.


Simões, Jorge Piano (2021) Tinnitus Profiling to Guide Personalized Therapeutic Decisions – Diagnosis Improved with Large-Scale, Longitudinal Data. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Loch, Yvonne (2021) Misophonie bei psychiatrischen Erkrankungen. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin, Bernal-Robledano, Alberto, Boecking, Benjamin, Cederroth, Christopher R., Chalanouli, Dimitra, Cima, Rilana, Denys, Sam, Dettling-Papargyris, Juliane, Escalera-Balsera, Alba, Espinosa-Sanchez, Juan Manuel, Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro , Giannopoulou, Efi, Hidalgo-Lopez, Leyre, Hummel, Michael, Kikidis, Dimitris, Koller, Michael, Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. , Marcrum, Steven C., Markatos, Nikolaos, Martin-Lagos, Juan, Martinez-Martinez, Maria, Martinez-Martinez, Marta, Ferron, Maria Mata, Mazurek, Birgit, Mueller-Locatelli, Nicolas, Neff, Patrick, Oppel, Kevin, Perez-Carpena, Patricia, Robles-Bolivar, Paula, Rose, Matthias, Schiele, Tabea, Schiller, Axel, Simoes, Jorge, Stark, Sabine, Staudinger, Susanne, Stege, Alexandra , Verhaert, Nicolas and Schlee, Winfried (2021) Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients (UNITI): a study protocol for a multi-center randomized clinical trial. Trials 22, art.no.875.

Levine, Seth M. and Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2021) Individualizing Representational Similarity Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), pp. 1-7.

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Schlee, Winfried, Simoes, Jorge and Pryss, Rüdiger C. (2021) Auricular Acupressure Combined with Self-Help Intervention for Treating Chronic Tinnitus: A Longitudinal Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (18), p. 4201.

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Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A., Deppe, Markus, Kreuzer, Peter M., Mohonko, Alexey, Poeppl, Timm B., Rupprecht, Rainer, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2021) Antidepressant effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is not impaired by intake of lithium or antiepileptic drugs. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 271, pp. 1245-1253.

Schlee, Winfried , Lugo, Alessandra , Borroni, Elisa, Cederroth, Christopher R. , Cima, Rilana, Kikidis, Dimitris, Langguth, Berthold, Gallus, Silvano and Trochidis, Ilias (2021) Systematic Review on Healthcare and Societal Costs of Tinnitus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 (18), p. 6881.

Schoisswohl, Stefan (2021) Towards a Moment of Silence: Individualization of Acoustic Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Tinnitus. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Simoes, Jorge P., Daoud, Elza, Shabbir, Maryam, Amanat, Sana, Assouly, Kelly, Biswas, Roshni, Casolani, Chiara, Dobe, Albi, Enzler, Falco, Jacquemin, Laure, Joergensen, Mie, Kok, Tori, Liyange, Nuwan, Lourenco, Matheus, Makani, Punitkumar, Mehdi, Muntazir, Ramadhani, Anissa, Riha, Constanze, Santacruz, Jose L., Schiller, Axel, Schoisswohl, Stefan, Trpchevska, Natalia and Genitsaridi, Eleni (2021) Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions from the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2021 (13), p. 647285. (Submitted)

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold , Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Volberg, Gregor and Schecklmann, Martin (2021) Heading for Personalized rTMS in Tinnitus: Reliability of Individualized Stimulation Protocols in Behavioral and Electrophysiological Responses. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2021 (11), p. 536. (In Press)

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Kikidis, Dimitrios, Vassou, Evgenia, Markatos, Nikolaos, Schlee, Winfried and Iliadou, Eleftheria (2021) Hearing Aid Fitting in Tinnitus: A Scoping Review of Methodological Aspects and Effect on Tinnitus Distress and Perception. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (13), p. 2896. Fulltext not available.

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Schoretsanitis, Georgios, Haen, Ekkehard, Piacentino, Daria, Conca, Andreas, Endres, Katharina, Carpi, Fabio, Hiemke, Christoph, Gründer, Gerhard and Paulzen, Michael (2021) Pharmacokinetic Correlates of Once-Monthly Paliperidone Palmitate-Related Adverse Drug Reactions. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 60 (12), pp. 1583-1589. Fulltext not available.

Allgaier, Johannes, Schlee, Winfried, Langguth, Berthold, Probst, Thomas and Pryss, Rüdiger (2021) Predicting the gender of individuals with tinnitus based on daily life data of the TrackYourTinnitus mHealth platform. Scientific Reports 11 (1). Fulltext not available.

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Dittrich, Katja , Bermpohl, Felix, Kluczniok, Dorothea, Hindi Attar, Catherine, Jaite, Charlotte, Fuchs, Anna , Neukel, Corinne, Herpertz, Sabine C. , Brunner, Romuald, Winter, Sibylle Maria, Lehmkuhl, Ulrike, Roepke, Stefan, Kaess, Michael, Heim, Christine and Boedeker, Katja (2020) Alterations of empathy in mothers with a history of early life maltreatment, depression, and borderline personality disorder and their effects on child psychopathology. Psychological Medicine 50 (7), pp. 1182-1190. Fulltext not available.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Arnds, Johannes, Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold, Schlee, Winfried and Neff, Patrick (2020) Amplitude Modulated Noise for Tinnitus Suppression in Tonal and Noise-Like Tinnitus. Audiology and Neurotology 24 (6), pp. 309-321. Fulltext not available.

Pryss, Rüdiger , Schlee, Winfried, Hoppenstedt, Burkhard, Reichert, Manfred, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Langguth, Berthold , Breitmayer, Marius and Probst, Thomas (2020) Applying Machine Learning to Daily-Life Data From the TrackYourTinnitus Mobile Health Crowdsensing Platform to Predict the Mobile Operating System Used With High Accuracy: Longitudinal Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (6), e15547. Fulltext not available.

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Hebel, Tobias, Abdelnaim, Mohamed, Deppe, Markus, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2020) Attenuation of antidepressive effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients whose medication includes drugs for psychosis. Journal of Psychopharmacology 34 (10), pp. 1119-1124. Fulltext not available.

Kleinjung, Tobias and Langguth, Berthold (2020) Avenue for Future Tinnitus Treatments. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 53 (4), pp. 667-683. Fulltext not available.

Conlon, Brendan, Langguth, Berthold , Hamilton, Caroline, Hughes, Stephen, Meade, Emma, Connor, Ciara O., Schecklmann, Martin , Hall, Deborah A. , Vanneste, Sven, Leong, Sook Ling , Subramaniam, Thavakumar, D’Arcy, Shona and Lim, Hubert H. (2020) Bimodal neuromodulation combining sound and tongue stimulation reduces tinnitus symptoms in a large randomized clinical study. Science Translational Medicine 12 (564), eabb2830. Fulltext not available.

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Crönlein, Tatjana, Wetter, Thomas C., Rupprecht, Rainer and Spiegelhalder, Kai (2020) Cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia is equally effective in insomnia patients with objective short and normal sleep duration. Sleep Medicine 66, pp. 271-275. Fulltext not available.

Fuller, Thomas, Cima, Rilana, Langguth, Berthold, Mazurek, Birgit, Vlaeyen, Johan WS and Hoare, Derek J (2020) Cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Fulltext not available.

Kraft, Robin , Schlee, Winfried, Stach, Michael , Reichert, Manfred, Langguth, Berthold, Baumeister, Harald, Probst, Thomas , Hannemann, Ronny and Pryss, Rüdiger (2020) Combining Mobile Crowdsensing and Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Healthcare Domain. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14. Fulltext not available.

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Kraft, Robin , Birk, Ferdinand, Reichert, Manfred, Deshpande, Aniruddha , Schlee, Winfried, Langguth, Berthold, Baumeister, Harald, Probst, Thomas , Spiliopoulou, Myra and Pryss, Rüdiger (2020) Efficient Processing of Geospatial mHealth Data Using a Scalable Crowdsensing Platform. Sensors 20 (12), p. 3456. Fulltext not available.

Hoppenstedt, Burkhard, Probst, Thomas , Reichert, Manfred, Schlee, Winfried, Kammerer, Klaus, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Schobel, Johannes, Winter, Michael, Felnhofer, Anna, Kothgassner, Oswald D. and Pryss, Rüdiger (2020) Evaluating Usability Aspects of a Mixed Reality Solution for Immersive Analytics in Industry 4.0 Scenarios. Journal of Visualized Experiments (164). Fulltext not available.

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Frase, Lukas, Duss, Simone B., Gieselmann, Annika , Penzel, Thomas , Wetter, Thomas C. and Pollmächer, Thomas (2020) Internetbasierte kognitive Verhaltenstherapie der Insomnie und Albtraumstörung. Der Nervenarzt 91 (7), pp. 617-623. Fulltext not available.

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Hoppenstedt, Burkhard, Probst, Thomas , Reichert, Manfred, Schlee, Winfried, Kammerer, Klaus, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Schobel, Johannes, Winter, Michael, Felnhofer, Anna, Kothgassner, Oswald D. and Pryss, Rudiger (2019) Applicability of Immersive Analytics in Mixed Reality: Usability Study. IEEE Access 7, pp. 71921-71932. Fulltext not available.

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Kellner, Michael, Zwanzger, Peter, Rupprecht, Rainer, Eser, Daniela, Yassouridis, Alexander and Wiedemann, Klaus (2019) Copeptin in CCK-4-induced panic in healthy man: Sexual dimorphisms in secretion pattern and panic response, but no correlation of copeptin with panic symptoms. Psychoneuroendocrinology 110, p. 104433. Fulltext not available.

Kowalewski, Christoph, Haen, Ekkehard, Hiemke, Christoph, Ridders, Florian, Endres, Katharina, Gründer, Gerhard, Paulzen, Michael and Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2019) Cytochrome P450-mediated inhibition of venlafaxine metabolism by trimipramine. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 34 (5), pp. 241-246. Fulltext not available.

Bader, Stefanie, Wolf, Luisa, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Gruber, Michael , Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer and Wetzel, Christian H. (2019) Differential effects of TSPO ligands on mitochondrial function in mouse microglia cells. Psychoneuroendocrinology 106, pp. 65-76. Fulltext not available.

Hoppenstedt, Burkhard , Reichert, Manfred, Kammerer, Klaus, Probst, Thomas , Schlee, Winfried, Spiliopoulou, Myra and Pryss, Rüdiger (2019) Dimensionality Reduction and Subspace Clustering in Mixed Reality for Condition Monitoring of High-Dimensional Production Data. Sensors 19 (18), p. 3903. Fulltext not available.

Veselinović, Tanja, Scharpenberg, Martin, Heinze, Martin, Cordes, Joachim, Mühlbauer, Bernd, Juckel, Georg, Rüther, Eckart, Paulzen, Michael, Haen, Ekkehard, Hiemke, Christoph, Timm, Jürgen, Gründer, Gerhard, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference and make_name_string expected hash reference (2019) Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy Estimated From Plasma Concentrations of Four Different Antipsychotics and the Subjective Experience of Physical and Mental Well-Being in Schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 39 (6), pp. 550-560. Fulltext not available.

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Markewitz, Robert, Engel, Sarah, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2019) Effects of Acoustic Paired Associative Stimulation on Late Auditory Evoked Potentials. Brain Topography 32 (3), pp. 343-353. Fulltext not available.

Wagner, Elias, Wobrock, Thomas, Kunze, Birgit, Langguth, Berthold , Landgrebe, Michael, Eichhammer, Peter, Frank, Elmar, Cordes, Joachim, Wölwer, Wolfgang, Winterer, Georg, Gaebel, Wolfgang, Hajak, Göran, Ohmann, Christian, Verde, Pablo E., Rietschel, Marcella, Ahmed, Raees, Honer, William G., Siskind, Dan , Malchow, Berend, Strube, Wolfgang, Schneider-Axmann, Thomas, Falkai, Peter and Hasan, Alkomiet (2019) Efficacy of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in schizophrenia patients with treatment-resistant negative symptoms treated with clozapine. Schizophrenia Research 208, pp. 370-376. Fulltext not available.

Pryss, Rüdiger , John, Dennis, Schlee, Winfried, Schlotz, Wolff, Schobel, Johannes, Kraft, Robin, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Langguth, Berthold , Reichert, Manfred, O'Rourke, Teresa , Peters, Henning, Pieh, Christoph , Lahmann, Claas and Probst, Thomas (2019) Exploring the Time Trend of Stress Levels While Using the Crowdsensing Mobile Health Platform, TrackYourStress, and the Influence of Perceived Stress Reactivity: Ecological Momentary Assessment Pilot Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (10), e13978. Fulltext not available.

Huckins, Laura M., Dobbyn, Amanda, Ruderfer, Douglas M., Hoffman, Gabriel, Wang, Weiqing, Pardiñas, Antonio F. , Rajagopal, Veera M., Als, Thomas D. , T. Nguyen, Hoang, Girdhar, Kiran, Boocock, James, Roussos, Panos, Fromer, Menachem, Kramer, Robin, Domenici, Enrico, Gamazon, Eric R. , Purcell, Shaun, Demontis, Ditte, Børglum, Anders D. , Walters, James T. R., O’Donovan, Michael C., Sullivan, Patrick, Owen, Michael J., Devlin, Bernie, Sieberts, Solveig K., Cox, Nancy J., Im, Hae Kyung, Sklar, Pamela, Stahl, Eli A., make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash 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make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference and make_name_string expected hash reference (2019) Gene expression imputation across multiple brain regions provides insights into schizophrenia risk. Nature Genetics 51 (4), pp. 659-674. Fulltext not available.

Bonham, Luke W., Steele, Natasha Z. R., Karch, Celeste M., Broce, Iris, Geier, Ethan G., Wen, Natalie L., Momeni, Parastoo, Hardy, John, Miller, Zachary A. , Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa, Hess, Christopher P., Lewis, Patrick, Miller, Bruce L. , Seeley, William W., Manzoni, Claudia , Desikan, Rahul S., Baranzini, Sergio E., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string 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expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference and make_name_string expected hash reference (2019) Genetic variation across RNA metabolism and cell death gene networks is implicated in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia. Scientific Reports 9 (1). Fulltext not available.

Swarup, Vivek , Hinz, Flora I., Rexach, Jessica E., Noguchi, Ken-ichi, Toyoshiba, Hiroyoshi, Oda, Akira, Hirai, Keisuke, Sarkar, Arjun, Seyfried, Nicholas T., Cheng, Chialin, Haggarty, Stephen J., Grossman, Murray, Van Deerlin, Vivianna M., Trojanowski, John Q., Lah, James J., Levey, Allan I., Kondou, Shinichi, Geschwind, Daniel H., make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string 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reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference and make_name_string expected hash reference (2019) Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia. Nature Medicine 25 (1), pp. 152-164. Fulltext not available.

Edvall, Niklas K., Gunan, Edis, Genitsaridi, Eleni, Lazar, Andra, Mehraei, Golbarg, Billing, Mattias, Tullberg, Marie, Bulla, Jan, Whitton, Jonathon, Canlon, Barbara, Hall, Deborah A. and Cederroth, Christopher R. (2019) Impact of Temporomandibular Joint Complaints on Tinnitus-Related Distress. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13. Fulltext not available.

Buchner, Ursula Gisela, Koytek, Annalena, Wodarz, Norbert and Wolstein, Jörg (2019) Is an e-mental health programme a viable way to reach affected others of disordered gamblers? A feasibility study focusing on access and retention. International Gambling Studies 19 (1), pp. 85-105. Fulltext not available.

Lam, Alexandra P., Matthies, Swantje, Graf, Erika, Colla, Michael, Jacob, Christian, Sobanski, Esther, Alm, Barbara, Rösler, Michael, Retz, Wolfgang , Retz-Junginger, Petra, Kis, Bernhard, Abdel-Hamid, Mona, Müller, Helge H. O., Lücke, Caroline, Huss, Michael, Jans, Thomas, Berger, Mathias, Tebartz van Elst, Ludger, Philipsen, Alexandra, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference and make_name_string expected hash reference (2019) Long-term Effects of Multimodal Treatment on Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms. JAMA Network Open 2 (5), e194980. Fulltext not available.

Ghinea, Denisa, Koenig, Julian, Parzer, Peter, Brunner, Romuald, Carli, Vladimir, Hoven, Christina W., Sarchiapone, Marco, Wasserman, Danuta, Resch, Franz and Kaess, Michael (2019) Longitudinal development of risk-taking and self-injurious behavior in association with late adolescent borderline personality disorder symptoms. Psychiatry Research 273, pp. 127-133. Fulltext not available.

Poeppl, Timm B., Langguth, Berthold, Laird, Angela R. and Eickhoff, Simon B. (2019) Meta-analytic Evidence for Neural Dysactivity Underlying Sexual Dysfunction. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 16 (5), pp. 614-617. Fulltext not available.

Da Pozzo, E., Tremolanti, C. , Costa, B., Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Bader, Stefanie, Wetzel, Christian H. and Rupprecht, Rainer (2019) Microglial Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Phenotypes Are Modulated by Translocator Protein Activation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, p. 4467.

Schoretsanitis, Georgios , Haen, Ekkehard, Hiemke, Christoph, Endres, Katharina, Ridders, Florian, Veselinovic, Tanja, Gründer, Gerhard and Paulzen, Michael (2019) Pharmacokinetic correlates of venlafaxine: associated adverse reactions. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 269 (7), pp. 851-857. Fulltext not available.

Schoretsanitis, Georgios , Haen, Ekkehard, Gründer, Gerhard, Hiemke, Christoph, Endres, Katharina, Ridders, Florian, Correll, Christoph U. and Paulzen, Michael (2019) Pharmacokinetics of venlafaxine in treatment responders and non-responders: a retrospective analysis of a large naturalistic database. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 75 (8), pp. 1109-1116. Fulltext not available.

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PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schecklmann, Martin, Mann, Alexander, Langguth, Berthold, Ehlis, Ann-Christine, Fallgatter, Andreas J. and Haeussinger, Florian B. (2017) The Temporal Muscle of the Head Can Cause Artifacts in Optical Imaging Studies with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11 (456), pp. 1-13.

Langguth, Berthold, Hund, Verena, Landgrebe, Michael and Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Tinnitus Patients with Comorbid Headaches: The Influence of Headache Type and Laterality on Tinnitus Characteristics. Frontiers in Neurology 8 (440), pp. 1-8.

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Neff, Patrick, Michels, Jackob, Meyer, Martin , Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold and Schlee, Winfried (2017) 10 Hz amplitude modulated sounds induce short-term tinnitus suppression. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9 (130), pp. 1-11.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Individualized rTMS treatment in chronic tinnitus? Frontiers in Neurology 8 (126), pp. 1-10.

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Langguth, Berthold , Landgrebe, Michael, Schlee, Winfried, Schecklmann, Martin, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Steffens, Thomas, Staudinger, Susanne, Frick, Hannah and Frick, Ulrich (2017) Differnet patterns of hearing loss among tinnitus patients: a latent class analysis of a large sample. Frontiers in Neurology 8 (46), pp. 1-27.

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Poeppl, Timm B., Langguth, Berthold, Lehner, Astrid, Frodl, Thomas, Rupprecht, Rainer, Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael and Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Brain stimulation-induced neuroplasticity underlying therapeutic response in phantom sounds. Human Brain Mapping 39 (1), pp. 554-562. Fulltext not available.

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Paulzen, Michael , Haen, Ekkehard, Hiemke, Christoph, Stegmann, Benedikt, Lammertz, Sarah E., Gründer, Gerhard and Schoretsanitis, Georgios (2017) Cytochrome P450-mediated interaction between perazine and risperidone: implications for antipsychotic polypharmacy. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 83 (8), pp. 1668-1675. Fulltext not available.

Levine, Seth M. and Schwarzbach, Jens (2017) Decoding of auditory and tactile perceptual decisions in parietal cortex. NeuroImage 162, pp. 297-305. Fulltext not available.

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Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger C., Langguth, Berthold, Rauschecker, Josef P., Schobel, Johannes, Reichert, Manfred, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Schlee, Winfried and Zimmermann, Johannes (2017) Does Tinnitus Depend on Time-of-Day? An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study with the “TrackYourTinnitus” Application. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9. Fulltext not available.

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Lefaucheur, Jean-Pascal, Antal, Andrea, Ayache, Samar S. , Benninger, David H. , Brunelin, Jérôme, Cogiamanian, Filippo, Cotelli, Maria , De Ridder, Dirk, Ferrucci, Roberta, Langguth, Berthold, Marangolo, Paola, Mylius, Veit, Nitsche, Michael A., Padberg, Frank, Palm, Ulrich, Poulet, Emmanuel, Priori, Alberto, Rossi, Simone, Schecklmann, Martin, Vanneste, Sven, Ziemann, Ulf, Garcia-Larrea, Luis and Paulus, Walter (2017) Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (1), pp. 56-92. Fulltext not available.

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Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, Euphrosyne, Härtel-Petri, Roland, Hamdorf, Willem, Havemann-Reinecke, Ursula, Mühlig, Stephan and Wodarz, Norbert (2017) Methamphetamine-Related Disorders. Deutsches Aerzteblatt Online. Fulltext not available.

Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger C., Langguth, Berthold, Spiliopoulou, Myra, Landgrebe, Michael, Vesala, Markku, Harrison, Stephen, Schobel, Johannes, Reichert, Manfred, Stach, Michael and Schlee, Winfried (2017) Outpatient Tinnitus Clinic, Self-Help Web Platform, or Mobile Application to Recruit Tinnitus Study Samples? Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9. Fulltext not available.

Koutsouleris, Nikolaos, Wobrock, Thomas, Guse, Birgit, Langguth, Berthold, Landgrebe, Michael, Eichhammer, Peter, Frank, Elmar, Cordes, Joachim, Wölwer, Wolfgang, Musso, Francesco, Winterer, Georg, Gaebel, Wolfgang, Hajak, Göran, Ohmann, Christian, Verde, Pablo E., Rietschel, Marcella, Ahmed, Raees, Honer, William G., Dwyer, Dominic , Ghaseminejad, Farhad, Dechent, Peter, Malchow, Berend, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Tim B., Schneider-Axmann, Thomas, Falkai, Peter and Hasan, Alkomiet (2017) Predicting Response to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With Schizophrenia Using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Multisite Machine Learning Analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin 44 (5), pp. 1021-1034. Fulltext not available.

Hufnagel, Anna, Frick, Ulrich, Ridinger, Monika and Wodarz, Norbert (2017) Recovery from alcohol dependence: Do smoking indicators predict abstinence? The American Journal on Addictions 26 (4), pp. 366-373. Fulltext not available.

Levine, Seth M, Pfaller, Michael, Reichenberger, Jonas, Shiban, Youssef, Mühlberger, Andreas, Rupprecht, Rainer and Schwarzbach, Jens V (2017) Relating experimentally-induced fear to pre-existing phobic fear in the human brain. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 13 (2), pp. 164-172. Fulltext not available.

Oberle, Doris, Pavel, Jutta, Mayer, Geert, Geisler, Peter and Keller-Stanislawski, Brigitte (2017) Retrospective multicenter matched case–control study on the risk factors for narcolepsy with special focus on vaccinations (including pandemic influenza vaccination) and infections in Germany. Sleep Medicine 34, pp. 71-83. Fulltext not available.

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Hasan, A., Wobrock, T., Guse, B., Langguth, B., Landgrebe, M., Eichhammer, P., Frank, E., Cordes, J., Wölwer, W., Musso, F., Winterer, G., Gaebel, W., Hajak, G., Ohmann, C., Verde, P. E., Rietschel, M., Ahmed, R., Honer, W. G., Dechent, P., Malchow, B., Castro, M. F. U., Dwyer, D., Cabral, C., Kreuzer, P. M., Poeppl, T. B. , Schneider-Axmann, T., Falkai, P. and Koutsouleris, N. (2017) Structural brain changes are associated with response of negative symptoms to prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 22 (6), pp. 857-864. Fulltext not available.

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Vomacka, Lena, Albert, Nathalie Lisa, Lindner, Simon, Unterrainer, Marcus, Mahler, Christoph, Brendel, Matthias, Ermoschkin, Larissa, Gosewisch, Astrid, Brunegraf, Anika, Buckley, Christopher, Kümpfel, Tania, Rupprecht, Rainer, Ziegler, Sibylle, Kerschensteiner, Martin, Bartenstein, Peter and Böning, Guido (2017) TSPO imaging using the novel PET ligand [18F]GE-180: quantification approaches in patients with multiple sclerosis. EJNMMI Research 7 (1). Fulltext not available.

Azevedo, Andreia Aparecida, Figueiredo, Ricardo Rodrigues, Elgoyhen, Ana Belen, Langguth, Berthold, Penido, Norma De Oliveira and Schlee, Winfried (2017) Tinnitus Treatment with Oxytocin: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Neurology 8. Fulltext not available.


Langguth, Berthold , Schlee, Winfried , Pryss, Rüdiger C. , Probst, Thomas, Schobel, Johannes, Bachmeier, Alexander and Reichert, Manfred (2016) Measuring the Moment-to-Moment Variability of Tinnitus: The TrackYourTinnitus Smart Phone App. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (294), pp. 1-8.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Kreuzer, Peter M., Haubner, Frank, Steffens, Thomas, Semmler, Philipp R. O., Kleinjung, Tobias , Schlee, Winfried , Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2016) Speech Comprehension Difficulties in Chronic Tinnitus and Its Relation to Hyperacusis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (293), pp. 1-8.

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Crönlein, Tatjana, Langguth, Berthold, Eichhammer, Peter and Busch, Volker (2016) Impaired Recognition of Facially Expressed Emotions in Different Groups of Patients with Sleep Disorders. PLoS ONE 11 (4), e0152754.

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Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Bulla, Jan, Schlee, Winfried , Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold and Schecklmann, Martin (2016) A proof-of-concept study on the combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and relaxation techniques in chronic tinnitus. Journal of Neural Transmission 123 (10), pp. 1147-1157. Fulltext not available.

Meconi, Federica, Anderl-Straub, Sarah, Raum, Heidelore, Landgrebe, Michael, Langguth, Berthold, Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. and Hanslmayr, Simon (2016) Aberrant prefrontal beta oscillations predict episodic memory encoding deficits in schizophreni. NeuroImage: Clinical 12, pp. 499-505.

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