Wingless (ergatoid) males of the tramp ant Cardiocondyla minutior attack and kill their young ergatoid rivals and thus attempt to monopolize mating with female sexuals reared in the colony. Because of the different strength of local mate competition in colonies with one or several reproductive queens, we expected the production of new ergatoid males to vary with queen number. Sex ratios were ...
Wingless (ergatoid) males of the tramp ant Cardiocondyla minutior attack and kill their young ergatoid rivals and thus attempt to monopolize mating with female sexuals reared in the colony. Because of the different strength of local mate competition in colonies with one or several reproductive queens, we expected the production of new ergatoid males to vary with queen number. Sex ratios were mostly female-biased, but in contrast to the sympatric species C. obscurior (Cremer and Heinze, 2002) neither the percentage of ergatoid males nor of female sexuals among the first 20 sexuals produced varied considerably with queen number. As in C. obscurior, experimental colony fragmentation led to the production of winged males, whereas in unfragmented control colonies only ergatoid males eclosed.