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Dokumentenart: | Artikel |
Titel eines Journals oder einer Zeitschrift: | Indagationes Mathematicae |
Ort der Veröffentlichung: | AMSTERDAM |
Band: | 14 |
Nummer des Zeitschriftenheftes oder des Kapitels: | 2 |
Seitenbereich: | S. 241-248 |
Datum: | 2003 |
Institutionen: | Mathematik |
Identifikationsnummer: | Wert | Typ |
10.1016/S0019-3577(03)90008-5 | DOI |
Stichwörter / Keywords: | CURVES; |
Dewey-Dezimal-Klassifikation: | 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 510 Mathematik |
Status: | Veröffentlicht |
Begutachtet: | Ja, diese Version wurde begutachtet |
An der Universität Regensburg entstanden: | Ja |
Dokumenten-ID: | 72215 |
Involutions on composition algebras over rings where 2 is invertible are investigated. It is proved that there is a one-one correspondence between non-standard involutions of the first kind, and composition subalgebras of half rank. Every non-standard involution of the first kind is isomorphic to the natural generalization of Lewis's hat-involution [L]. Any involution of the second kind on a ...
Involutions on composition algebras over rings where 2 is invertible are investigated. It is proved that there is a one-one correspondence between non-standard involutions of the first kind, and composition subalgebras of half rank. Every non-standard involution of the first kind is isomorphic to the natural generalization of Lewis's hat-involution [L]. Any involution of the second kind on a composition algebra C over a quadratic etale R-algebra S can be written as the tensor product of the standard involution of a unique R-composition subalgebra of C and the standard involution of SIR. The latter generalizes a well-known theorem of Albert on quaternion algebras with unitary involutions.