Anzahl der Einträge: 2.
Morava, Eva,
Wevers, Ron A. 
Cantagrel, Vincent 
Hoefsloot, Lies H.,
Al-Gazali, Lihadh,
Schoots, Jeroen,
van Rooij, Arno,
Huijben, Karin,
van Ravenswaaij-Arts, Connie M. A.,
Jongmans, Marjolein C. J.,
Sykut-Cegielska, Jolanta,
Hoffmann, Georg F.,
Bluemel, Peter,
Adamowicz, Maciej,
van Reeuwijk, Jeroen 
Ng, Bobby G.,
Bergman, Jorieke E. H. 
van Bokhoven, Hans 
Körner, Christian,
Babovic-Vuksanovic, Dusica,
Willemsen, Michel A.,
Gleeson, Joseph G.,
Lehle, Ludwig,
de Brouwer, Arjan P. M. und
Lefeber, Dirk J.
A novel cerebello-ocular syndrome with abnormal glycosylation due to abnormalities in dolichol metabolism.
Brain 133 (11), S. 3210-3220.
Volltext nicht vorhanden.
Wieczorek, Dagmar,
Gener, Blanca,
González, Ma Jesús Martínez,
Seland, Saskia,
Fischer, Sven,
Hehr, Ute,
Kuechler, Alma,
Hoefsloot, Lies H.,
de Leeuw, Nicole,
Gillessen‐Kaesbach, Gabriele und
Lohmann, Dietmar R. 
Microcephaly, microtia, preauricular tags, choanal atresia and developmental delay in three unrelated patients: A mandibulofacial dysostosis distinct from Treacher Collins syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 149A (5), S. 837-843.
Volltext nicht vorhanden.
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