Consulting teams are increasingly characterized by diversity. Teams with members from different backgrounds offer both opportunities and risks for team processes and performance. In order to understand how consultants can and should deal with diversity to improve performance, data were gathered in two three-round Delphi studies (N = 27 and N = 29). In experts’ perception, activities highlighted ...
Consulting teams are increasingly characterized by diversity. Teams with members from different backgrounds offer both opportunities and risks for team processes and performance. In order to understand how consultants can and should deal with diversity to improve performance, data were gathered in two three-round Delphi studies (N = 27 and N = 29). In experts’ perception, activities highlighted in both studies indicate that human resource development practitioners should provide (1) open and regular communication within the team and with those representing the client, (2) sufficient time for work processes and for the development of a team spirit, of a team mental model and of intercultural skills and (3) team-building to guarantee the coordination of tasks, clarification of goals, development of visions and generation of joint goal responsibility to enhance performance in knowledge-intensive business service teams.