Recent evidence points to an overlap in the neural systems processing pain and social distress. In this functional MRI study we focus on the possible interplay between the processing of a psychosocial stressor and somatic pain within pain responsive brain regions, the latter being identified in an independent localizer experiment. A paradigm based on emotional induction (Hariri et al., 2000, ...
Recent evidence points to an overlap in the neural systems processing pain and social distress. In this functional MRI study we focus on the possible interplay between the processing of a psychosocial stressor and somatic pain within pain responsive brain regions, the latter being identified in an independent localizer experiment. A paradigm based on emotional induction (Hariri et al., 2000, Neuroreport 11(1):43-48) was combined with moderate heat pain to yield a factorial design with factor 'pain' as somatic stressor and factor 'faces' as nonpainful psychosocial stressor. Pain responsive regions of interest in the insula, SII cortex, and thalamus were activated by the factor 'faces' to a various extent. The hemodynamic response to both factors tends to aggregate in a compressive manner in these regions.