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Extended analysis of intratumoral heterogeneity of primary osteosarcoma tissue using 3D-in-vivo-tumor-model

Feder, Anna-Lena ; Pion, Eric ; Troebs, Johannes ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Prantl, Lukas ; Htwe, Maung Mg ; Phyo, Aung ; Haerteis, Silke ; Aung, Thiha ; Hiebl, B. ; Krüger-Genge, A. ; Jung, F.


BACKGROUND: Osteosarcomas are a rare, heterogeneous and malignant group of bone tumors that have a high potential for metastasis and aggressive growth patterns. Treatment of metastasized osteosarcoma is often insufficient and research is compromised by problems encountered when culturing cells or analyzing genetic alterations due to the high level of intratumoral and intertumoral heterogeneity. ...


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