The UR Data Hub is a central institution of the University Regensburg and supports you in all questions concerning research data management. Our services include consulting during the planning, implementation and completion phase of your project, and the provision of digital services.
Are you currently working on a project proposal and need a data management plan? Would you like to use services to document and organise data for you and your team? Are you thinking about the best way to share, publish and store your data? We will be happy to advise you on these issues in a personal meeting, please get in touch with our team.
Our offers include:
At the University of Regensburg, the following digital services are currently available for your research data management:
Tool for creating structured data management plans: this service is currently under development.
Tool for documentation and quality assurance of research data
We currently offer eLabFTW (please contact for information about using eLabFTW for your working group and for teaching) and chemotion (for chemistry).
Tool for versioning files: Link GitLab
You can publish your research data via the Publication Server of the University Regensburg. The publication server enables, among others, assignment to a DOI and secure long-term storage. Further information can be found here.
Do you have any suggestions for setting up further services or virtual environments or do you need an individual tool for organising your data within your project? Please feel free to contact us.
We offer you and your teams individual training courses and information events on topics related to research data management. Get in touch with us.
Why is research data management important and when should I start? This event provides an overview of the phases that research data goes through and of what is expected of a good research data management.
We offer introduction events on eLabFTW for you and your teams.
Do you have any questions about research data management at the University Regensburg, digital services, or training and events? Or would you like to arrange an appointment with us? Please get in touch with our team:
Enquiries about the electronic lab notebook eLabFTW can be sent directly to
In 2022, the University Regensburg has introduced a policy on research data management. This policy promotes the publication of research data in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
Guidelines at a glance:
Dr. Gernot Deinzer | University Library |
Prof. Dr. Björn Brembs | Biology and Pre-Clinical Medicine |
Dr. Michael Hartung | Computer Centre |
Constantin Lehenmeier | University Library |
Dr. Sophie Stolzenberger | University Library |
tba | |
Prof. Dr. Ernst Tamm | Vice President for Research and Support for Emerging Academics |
Prof. Dr. Susanne Leist | Vice President for Digitalization, Networks and Transfer |
Dr. Dirk Gärtner | Catholic Theology |
Prof. Dr. Martin Löhnig | Law |
Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian | Business, Economics, Management Inform. Systems |
Dr. Regina Fischer | Medicine |
Prof. Dr. Meike Klettke | Informatics and Data Science |
Prof. Dr. Mark Spoerer | Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities |
Dr. Wilhelm Malloni | Human Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Mareike Schumacher | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Prof. Dr. Tim Laux | Mathematics |
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Bali | Physics |
Prof. Dr. Till Rudack | Biology and Pre-Clinical Medicine |
Prof. Dr. Frank-Michael Matysik | Chemistry and Pharmacy |
Dr. Tanja Auge | |
Dr. Gernot Deinzer | Management of UR Data Hub |
Dr. André Schüller-Zwierlein | Head of University Library |
Dr. Christoph Bauer | Head of Computer Centre |
Daniel Konadl | Project Office Digitalization |
Dr. Annette Grohmann | Research Development |
Susanne Stingl | Data Protection Officer |
Elena Maria Kellinghaus | IT-Security Officer |
The UR Data Hub is in exchange with other research data management institutions and networked on a regional and national level.
visit the Online Catalogue
visit the Virtual Laboratory
visit the Online Database
"In principle, research data (...) are all data that are created and/or processed in a course of a scientific discovery process."*
* from "Guidelines of the University of Regensburg on handling research data" (see Guidelines and Orders)
The UR publication server offers all researchers the possibility to publish both texts and research data. The latter include datasets, experimental descriptions, images, audio and video files, as well as software.
Research data on the publication server
Publication Server
0941 943 -4239 or -69394
0941 943 -3904
Research data:
0941 943 -5707