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Understanding Archaea-type Ether Lipids - searching for new derivatives in Bacteria and Archaea, functional studies on Geranylgeranylglyceryl Phosphate Synthase

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Kropp, Cosimo
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Digital supplement for the relative quantification of monoether lipids in Bacillus subtilis.
Date of publication of this fulltext: 02 May 2023 05:40

Abstract (English)

A trademark of Archaea is their exclusive membrane lipid composition. They possess so-called ether lipids that differ from bacterial ones in three characteristics: (i) isoprenoid chains, commonly C20, are connected to (ii) sn-glycerol 1-phosphate (G1P) by (iii) ether linkages. These characteristics are introduced by the geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase (GGGPS) which catalyzes the ...


Translation of the abstract (German)

Ein Markenzeichen von Archaea ist ihre exklusive Membranlipidzusammensetzung. Sie besitzen so genannte Etherlipide, die sich von den bakteriellen Lipiden durch drei Merkmale unterscheiden: (i) Isoprenoidketten, in der Regel C20, sind mit (ii) sn-Glycerin-1-Phosphat (G1P) über (iii) Etherbindungen verknüpft. Diese drei Attribute werden durch die Geranylgeranylglycerylphosphat Synthase (GGGPS) ...


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