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Gehe zu: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007
Anzahl der Einträge: 18.


Albrecht, Florian, Pavliček, Niko, Herranz-Lancho, Coral, Ruben, Mario und Repp, Jascha (2015) Characterization of a Surface Reaction by Means of Atomic Force Microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (23), S. 7424-7428. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Neu, Mathias, Moll, Nikolaj, Gross, Leo, Meyer, Gerhard, Giessibl, Franz J. und Repp, Jascha (2014) Image correction for atomic force microscopy images with functionalized tips. Physical Review B 89 (20), S. 205407.


Münnich, Gerhard, Donarini, Andrea, Wenderoth, Martin und Repp, Jascha (2013) Fixing the Energy Scale in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Semiconductor Surfaces. Physical Review Letters 111, S. 216802.

Siegert, Benjamin, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2013) The role of the tip symmetry on the STM topography of π-conjugated molecules. physica status solidi (b) 250 (11), S. 2444-2451. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Hinreiner, Matthias, Ryndyk, Dmitry, Usvyat, Denis, Merz, Thomas, Schütz, Martin und Richter, Klaus (2013) Influencing the conductance in biphenyl-like molecular junctions with THz radiation. physica status solidi b 250 (11), S. 2408-2416. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Pavliček, Niko, Herranz-Lancho, Coral, Fleury, Benoit, Neu, Mathias, Niedenführ, Judith, Ruben, Mario und Repp, Jascha (2013) High-resolution scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy of stereochemically resolved dibenzo[a,h]thianthrene molecules. physica status solidi b 250 (11), S. 2424-2430. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Ryndyk, Dmitry A., Donarini, Andrea, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2013) Many-body localized molecular orbital approach to molecular transport. Physical Review B (PRB) 88 (8), 085404.

Albrecht, Florian, Neu, Mathias, Quest, Christina, Swart, Ingmar und Repp, Jascha (2013) Formation and Characterization of a Molecule–Metal–Molecule Bridge in Real Space. Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (24), S. 9200-9203. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Donarini, Andrea, Siegert, Benjamin, Sobczyk, Sandra und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Topographical fingerprints of many-body interference in STM junctions on thin insulating films. Phys. Rev. B 86, S. 155451.

Pavliček, Niko, Fleury, Benoit, Neu, Mathias, Niedenführ, Judith, Herranz-Lancho, Coral, Ruben, Mario und Repp, Jascha (2012) Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals Bistable Configurations of Dibenzo[a,h]thianthrene and their Interconversion Pathway. Physical Review Letters 108 (8), 086101.


Koller, S., Leijnse, M., Wegewijs, M. R. und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Density-operator approaches to transport through interacting quantum dots: Simplifications in fourth-order perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. B 82 (23), S. 235307.

Donarini, Andrea, Begemann, Georg und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Interference effects in the Coulomb blockade regime: Current blocking and spin preparation in symmetric nanojunctions. Phys. Rev. B 82, S. 125451.

Begemann, Georg, Koller, Sonja, Grifoni, Milena und Paaske, Jens (2010) Inelastic cotunneling in quantum dots and molecules with weakly broken degeneracies. Phys. Rev. B 82 (4), 045316.

Ryndyk, Dmitry, D'Amico, Pino und Richter, Klaus (2010) Single-spin polaron memory effect in quantum dots and single molecules. Physical Review B (PRB) 81 (11), S. 115333.


D'Amico, Pino, Ryndyk, Dmitry, Cuniberti, Gianaurelio und Richter, Klaus (2008) Charge-memory effect in a polaron model: equation-of-motion method for Green functions. New Journal of Physics 10, 085002-1.

Ryndyk, Dmitry, D'Amico, Pino, Cuniberti, Gianaurelio und Richter, Klaus (2008) Charge-memory polaron effect in molecular junctions. Physical Review B (PRB) 78 (8), 085409.


Giazotto, F., Taddei, F., Fazio, R. und Beltram, F. (2007) Nonequilibrium spin-dependent phenomena in mesoscopic superconductor-normal metal tunnel structures. Physical Review B 76, S. 184518.

Giazotto, F., Taddei, F., D'Amico, Pino, Fazio, R. und Beltram, F. (2007) Nonequilibrium spin-dependent phenomena in superconductor-normal metal tunnel nanostructures. Physical Review B 76, S. 184518.

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