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Publizieren: oa@ur.de
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Bibliographie der Universität Regensburg

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Gruppieren nach: Datum | Autoren | Dokumentenart | Keine Gruppierung
Gehe zu: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1990
Anzahl der Einträge in dieser Kategorie: 190.


Brembs, Björn (2025) Torque learning with foraging knock-down. [Datensatz (in Arbeit)] (Unveröffentlicht)


Brembs, Björn (2024) Torque Learning with CRISPR aPKC knock-out in steering motor neurons. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas, Duch, Carsten und Brembs, Björn (2024) Wings of Change: aPKC/FoxP-dependent plasticity in steering motor neurons underlies operant self-learning in Drosophila. F1000Research 13, S. 116.


Brembs, Björn (2023) Wild Type Berlin Torque Learning, left+right. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andi (2023) gBaz knockout in all neuronsalf time. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2023) gKibra adult 2g. [Datensatz]


Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) The neuronal basis of operant self-learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) Ato x Cas9gFoxP. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) Baz knockout in all neurons. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) FoxP cond knockout. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR11F02-GAL4 x Cas9gFoxP. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR20A02 x tetoxE/Kir. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR20H05-Gal4 x Cas9gFoxP. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR52B10 x tetoxG/Kir. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR55G08 x Cas9gFoxP (PCB). [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR55G08 x tetoxG/Kir. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR64H04 x tetoxG/Kir. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) GMR65A06-Gal4 x Cas9gFoxP. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) Knockout of aPKC or PKC53e. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) PKCi expression in all or FoxPiB postive neurons. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) aPKC knockout. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) aPKCdelta adult expression. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) aPKCdelta adult expression. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) aPKCdelta developmental expression. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) aPKCdelta developmental expression, half time. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) gen switch (nSyb) adult Foxp knockout. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) nsyb-GS adult Foxp knockout, test after 14 days. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) nsyb-GS adult Foxp knockout, test after 7 days blind. [Datensatz]

Ehweiner, Andreas (2022) tetoxE retest. [Datensatz]


Skoulakis, Efthimios M. C., Steymans, Isabelle, Pujol-Lereis, Luciana M., Brembs, Björn und Gorostiza, E. Axel (2021) Collective action or individual choice: Spontaneity and individuality contribute to decision-making in Drosophila. PLOS ONE 16 (8), S. 1-17.

Damrau, Christine, Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2021) Sensitivity to expression levels underlies differential dominance of a putative null allele of the Drosophila tβh gene in behavioral phenotypes. PLOS Biology 19 (5), e3001228.

Palazzo, Ottavia (2021) Molecular and behavioral study of the FoxP locus in Drosophila melanogaster. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Brembs, Björn (2021) The brain as a dynamically active organ. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 564, S. 55-69. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Palazzo, Ottavia, Rass, Mathias und Brembs, Björn (2020) Identification of FoxP circuits involved in locomotion and object fixation in Drosophila. Open Biology 10 (12), S. 200295.

Wolf, Reinhard, Heisenberg, Martin, Brembs, Björn, Waddell, Scott, Mishra, Aditi , Kehrer, Abigail und Simenson, Angelynn (2020) Memory, anticipation, action – working with Troy D. Zars. Journal of Neurogenetics 34 (1), S. 9-20. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2020) The brain as a dynamically active organ. https://psyarxiv.com. (Eingereicht)


Rohrsen, Christian (2019) The neuronal substrates of reinforcement and punishment in Drosophila melanogaster. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Brembs, Björn (2019) Reliable novelty: New should not trump true. PLOS Biology 17 (2), e3000117. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Brembs, Björn, Damrau, Christine, Toshima, Naoko, Colomb, Julien und Tanimura, Teiichi (2018) Octopamine and Tyramine Contribute Separately to the Counter-Regulatory Response to Sugar Deficit in Drosophila. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11 (100), S. 1-11.


Kohler, Simone, Behrens, Gundula, Olden, Matthias, Baumeister, Sebastian E., Horsch, Alexander, Fischer, Beate und Leitzmann, Michael F. (2017) Design and Evaluation of a Computer-Based 24-Hour Physical Activity Recall (cpar24) Instrument. Journal of Medical Internet Research 19 (5), e186. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Brembs, Björn , Gorostiza, E. Axel und Colomb, Julien (2016) A decision underlies phototaxis in an insecticide. Open Biology 6 (160229), S. 1-16.

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2016) PKC in motorneurons underlies self-learning, a form of motor learning inDrosophila. PeerJ 4, e1971.


Brembs, Björn (2015) Wuchernde Verwaltung. [Datensatz]

Rahman, Reazur, Chirn, Gung-wei, Kanodia, Abhay, Sytnikova, Yuliya A. , Brembs, Björn , Bergman, Casey M. und Lau, Nelson C. (2015) Unique transposon landscapes are pervasive acrossDrosophila melanogastergenomes. Nucleic Acids Research 43 (22), S. 10655-10672. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Damrau, Christine, Brembs, Björn und Colomb, Julien (2014) Drosophila sugar response is increased by starvation duration and sucrose concentration in a locomotion-independent proboscis extension test. [Bild]

Damrau, Christine, Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2014) tßh mutant flies walk slower and deviate less from stripes in Buridan's paradigm. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Conceptual architecture of operant feedback loops. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Deficiency ED5438 uncovers the FoxP³⁹⁵⁵ self-learning phenotype. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel , Colomb, Julien , Raybak, Jürgen , Pflügler, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy , Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Drosophila FoxP Mutants Are Deficient in Operant Self-Learning. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e100648.

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Drosophila FoxP Mutants Are Deficient in Operant Self-Learning. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Drosophila FoxP full length isoform B is required for operant self-learning. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Insertion mutants of the Drosophila FoxP gene affect isoform expression and flight performance. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) List of sequences used for the phylogenetic analysis of FoxP subfamily members. [Datensatz]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Subtle morphological alterations in the brains of FoxP³⁹⁵⁵ mutants. [Bild]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) The mutant line FoxP³⁹⁵⁵ was impaired in operant self- but not world-learning. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2014) Buridan raw data: Sub-strains of Drosophila Canton-S differ markedly in their locomotor behavior. [Datensatz]

Brembs, Björn (2014) Order in spontaneous behavior. [Datensatz]


Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 16_PKCi_d42G4_chaG80_c380. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 17_PKCi_d42G4w_woUASGFP. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 18_PKCi_d42G4HAg80_c380_UASGFP. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 19_TNT_c232_c105_fliesgenotypenotcertain. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 20_PKCRNAI. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 21_TrpA. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 2_PKC53emutant_outcrossed. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 3_FoxPdicerRNAi. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 4_PKC53_RNAi. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 5_HS_test. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 6_HS_test. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 7_HS_test. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 8_HS_test. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 9_PKC53_putativemutant_mi. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 10_PKCinac_putativemutant. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 1_HS_test. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 11_PKCdelta_putativemutant. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 12_foxpmutant. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 13_PKC53emutant. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 14_PKCi_screen. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) rawfiles for 15_PKCi_d42G4_chaG80. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) Learning data in flight simulator -result. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) Buridan. [Datensatz]

Mendoza, Ezequiel, Colomb, Julien, Rybak, Jürgen, Pflüger, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy, Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2013) Drosophila FoxP molecular, anatomical and behavioral raw data. [Datensatz]

Brembs, Björn, Button, Katherine und Munafò, Marcus (2013) Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, S. 291.

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2013) Data of torque meter experiments. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien (2013) LabView code for Drososphila flight simulator. [Software]

Brembs, Björn und Damrau, Christine (2013) Haemolymph extraction of adult Drosophila. [Experiment]

Colomb, Julien (2013) raw trajectory data. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien (2013) trajectory experiment metadata. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien (2013) trajectory metadata. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien (2013) Only hungry flies learn odor-sugar association. [Datensatz]


Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2012) code used for analysing Drosophila self-learning. Inhibition of PKC in d42Gal4 neurons, effect of additional UAS-GFP and cha-Gal80 constructs. [Software]

Colomb, Julien und Brembs, Björn (2012) PKC53e putative mutant in self learning. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Activity calculations using different computations give similar results for endogenous locomotion and computer-generated data (grouping codes given below the graph). [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Calculation of angles and number of walks. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Correlation plot for the different groups of data. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Fly trajectory metrics for endogenous locomotion (gray bars), Buridan's paradigm with narrow stripes (white bars) or wide stripes (striped pattern). [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Inexpensive Hardware for Buridan's paradigm. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Open Source Tracking and Analysis of Adult Drosophila Locomotion in Buridan's Paradigm with and without Visual Targets. [Bild]

Colomb, J., Reiter, L., Blaszkiewicz, J., Wessnitzer, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) Open Source Tracking and Analysis of Adult Drosophila Locomotion in Buridan’s Paradigm with and without Visual Targets. PLoS ONE 7 (8), e42247.

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Reduced state space of fly locomotion behavior after PCA separates the three experimental conditions. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Software schematics. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Trajectory parameters of real flies and computer-generated data (grouping codes given below the graph). [Bild]

Colomb, Julien, Reiter, Lutz, Blaszkiewicz, Jedrzej, Wessnitzer, Jan und Brembs, Björn (2012) Transition plots for the different groups of data. [Bild]

Colomb, Julien (2012) Buridan experiment_test1. [Datensatz]

Colomb, Julien (2012) buridan_test1_rawdata. [Datensatz]

Brembs, Björn (2012) Brains as output/input devices (in prep.). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) Identification and localization of the Protein Kinase C requirement for operant self-learning in Drosophila. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 582.23.

Raja, S. und Brembs, Björn (2012) Identification of neural circuits required for spontaneous behavioral variability. In: 10th International Congress of Neuroethology, August 5-10, 2012, College Park, Maryland, USA. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) PKC and dFoxP are necessary for operant self-learning. In: FENS Abstr., Volume 6. , 022.06. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Damrau, C., Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) Role of Octopamine in walking behavior and sucrose responsiveness. In: 14. European Drosophila Neurobiology Conference (Neurofly), 3. - 7. September 2012, Padua, Italy.

Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) The what and where of operant self-learning: PKC53e necessity in motorneurons? In: 14. European Drosophila Neurobiology Conference (Neurofly), 3. - 7. September 2012, Padua, Italy. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Damrau, C., Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2012) What role does octopamine play in behavioral control in Drosophila? Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 398.04.


Brembs, Björn und Raja, Sathishkumar (2011) Ritalin rescue of radish flight phenotype. [Bild]

Damrau, C., Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2011) Does starvation-resistance in flies without octopamine explain differences in sucrose preference and learning? Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 615.11.

Gilles, M., Graf, Y., Rughöft, S., Leinhoß, K. und Brembs, Björn (2011) Drosophila courtship: Male hybrid vigor after crossing isogenic lines? In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report, LP-T19-1B.

Brembs, Björn, Colomb, J., Beuster, B. und Rentinck, M.-N. (2011) Hide if you cannot fly? Behavioral plasticity in flightless Drosophila. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 198.24.

Colomb, J., Beuster, B., Rentinck, M.-N. und Brembs, Björn (2011) Hide or fly: phototaxis in flightless Drosophila. In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report, LP-T24-1B. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2011) Spontaneous decisions and operant conditioning in fruit flies. Behavioural Processes 87 (1), S. 157-164.

Brembs, Björn, Pauly, D., Schade, R., Mendoza, E., Pflüger, H-J., Rybak, J., Scharff, C. und Zars, T. (2011) The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self-learning: Implications for the evolutionary origins of language. In: Göttingen Neurobiology Report, LP-T25-1B.

Brembs, Björn (2011) Towards a scientific concept of free will as a biological trait: spontaneous actions and decision-making in invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 278 (1707), S. 930-939.


van Swinderen, B. und Brembs, Björn (2010) Attention deficit and hyperactivity in a Drosophila memory mutant. The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (3), S. 1003-1014.

Brembs, Björn (2010) Q & A. Current Biology 20 (14), R588-R589.

Brembs, Björn, Pauly, D., Schade, R., Mendoza, E., Pflüger, J., Rybak, J., Scharff, C. und Zars, T. (2010) The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self-learning: implications for the evolutionary origins of language. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 704.7.

Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2010) The biology of psychology ‘Simple’ conditioning? Communicative & integrative biology 3 (2), S. 142-145.

Colomb, J. und Brembs, Björn (2010) The what and where of PKC action during operant learning in Drosophila. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 704.21. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Colomb, J., Mendoza, E., Pauly, D., Raja, S. und Brembs, Björn (2010) The what and where of operant self-learning mechanisms in Drosophila. In: 9th International Congress of Neuroethology, August 2, 2010 to August 7, 2010, Salamanca, Spain.

Brembs, Björn, Rughöft, S. und Leinhoß, K. (2010) Unattractive males can sire attractive sons in Drosophila melanogaster. In: 9th International Congress of Neuroethology, August 2, 2010 to August 7, 2010, Salamanca, Spain.


Brembs, Björn und van Swinderen, B. (2009) Attention deficit and hyperactivity in a Drosophila memory mutant. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 478.3.

van Swinderen, B. und Brembs, Björn (2009) Attention deficit and hyperactivity in a Drosophila memory mutant. In: 19th Annual meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement, April 28 – May 3, 2009, Waikoloa, Hawaii.

Rentinck, M. N., Beuster, B. und Brembs, Björn (2009) Mechanisms of plasticity in simple taxis behaviors in Drosophila. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 580.13.

Pflüger, H.-J., Vierk, R., Kononenko, N. L., Brembs, Björn, Stocker, B. und Duch, C. (2009) Modulatory function of octopamine and tyramine in insects. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 178.8. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2009) Mushroom-bodies regulate habit formation in Drosophila. Current Biology 19 (16), S. 1351-1355.

Brembs, Björn (2009) The importance of being active. Journal of Neurogenetics 23 (1), S. 120-126.


Brembs, Björn (2008) Adenylyl cyclase and PKC differentiate operant and classical learning in Drosophila. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 792.12.

Brembs, Björn und Plendl, W. (2008) Double dissociation of protein-kinase C and adenylyl cyclase manipulations on operant and classical learning in Drosophila. Current Biology 18 (15), S. 1168-1171.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Double dissociation of protein-kinase C and adenylyl cyclase manipulations on operant and classical learning in Drosophila. In: 12th European Drosophila Neurobiology Conference, 6 -10 September 2008, Würzburg, Germany.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Flies are creatures of habit. In: The Naked Scientists, BBC Radio, Sat, 4th Oct 2008.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Mushroom-bodies regulate habit formation in Drosophila. In: 6th FENS Forum - Geneva, 2008. FENS, 134.2(talk). Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Neurogenetic dissection of learning-by-doing in Drosophila. In: Gordon Research Conference “Genes & Behavior”, February 24-29, 2008, Barga, Italy.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Operant conditioning. In: Binder, Marc D. und Hirokawa, Nobutaka und Windhorst, Uwe, (eds.) Encyclopedia of neuroscience. Springer, Berlin, S. 3031-3033. ISBN 3-540-29678-6.

Brembs, Björn (2008) Operant learning of Drosophila at the torque meter. Journal of visualized experiments.

Brembs, Björn (2008) The neurobiology of operant learning: biophysical and molecular mechanisms in a hierarchical organization of multiple memory systems. Habilitation, Freie Univerität Berlin.


Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Alternative models conceptualizing the open-loop experiment. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Correlation dimension. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Flight simulator set-up. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Long-range correlations in fly ISIs. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Nonlinearity implies instability. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Order in Spontaneous Behavior. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Spontaneous behavior is not simply random. [Bild]

Maye, Alexander, Hsieh, Chih-hao, Sugihara, George und Brembs, Björn (2007) Suggested models for open-and closed-loop experiments. [Bild]

Brembs, Björn, Maye, A., Hsieh, C. und Sugihara, G. (2007) Do fruit flies have free will? In: 8th International Congress of Neuroethology, July 22nd - 27th, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.

Brembs, Björn, Christiansen, F., Pflüger, J. und Duch, C. (2007) Flight initiation and maintenance deficits in flies with genetically altered biogenic amine levels. The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (41), S. 11122-11131.

Brembs, Björn, Christiansen, F., Pflüger, J. und Duch, C. (2007) Flight motor performance deficits in flies with genetically altered biogenic amine levels. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 453.9-talk. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2007) Mushroom-bodies regulate habit formation in Drosophila. In: 8th International Congress of Neuroethology, July 22nd - 27th, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.

Maye, A., Hsieh, C., Sugihara, G. und Brembs, Björn (2007) Order in spontaneous behavior. PLoS ONE 2 (5), e443.


Menzel, R., Brembs, Björn und Giurfa, M. (2006) 1.26. Cognition in Invertebrates. In: Kaas, Jon H., (ed.) Evolution of nervous systems Band 1: Theories, development, invertebrates. Academic Press, Amsterdam, S. 403-422. ISBN 0-12-392561-4, 978-0-12-392561-9.

Brembs, Björn und Wiener, J. (2006) Context generalization and occasion setting in Drosophila visual learning. Learning & memory : molecules, cells, systems, and behavior 13 (5), S. 618-628.

Brembs, Björn und Hempel de Ibarra, N. (2006) Different parameters support discrimination and generalization in Drosophila at the flight simulator. Learning & memory : molecules, cells, systems, and behavior 13 (5), S. 629-637.

Brembs, Björn, Hsieh, C., Sugihara, G. und Maye, A. (2006) Do fruit flies have free will? In: 5th Forum of European Neuroscience : Programme & Abstracts ; Vienna, Austria, July 8-12, 2006. FENS, Wien, A233.7. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2006) Operant and classical components interact hierarchically in Drosophila predictive learning. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 813.26.

Christiansen, F., Pflüger, J., Duch, C. und Brembs, Björn (2006) Profound flight performance deficit in Drosophila lacking octopamine. In: 5th Forum of European Neuroscience : Programme & Abstracts ; Vienna, Austria, July 8-12, 2006. FENS, Wien, A218.2. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Wiener, J., Gerber, B., Hempel de Ibarra, N., Menzel, R. und Brembs, Björn (2005) Occasion setting in Drosophila at the flight simulator. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 777.9.

Brembs, Björn, Maye, A. und Greggers, U. (2005) Order in spontaneous behavior. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 754.2.

Phillips, A. M., Smart, R., Strauss, R., Brembs, Björn und Kelly, L. E. (2005) The Drosophila black enigma: the molecular and behavioural characterization of the black1 mutant allele. Gene : an international journal focusing on gene cloning and gene structure and function 351, S. 131-142.


Brembs, Björn, Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2004) Extending in vitro conditioning in Aplysia to analyze operant and classical processes in the same preparation. Learning & memory : molecules, cells, systems, and behavior 11 (4), S. 412-420.

Brembs, Björn, Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2004) Extending in vitro conditioning in Aplysia to analyze operant and classical processes in the same preparation. In: 7th International Congress of Neuroethology, August 8th to 13th, 2004, Nyborg, Denmark.

Carbon, C. C., Leder, H., Weber, J., Sander, T., Trahms, L., Grueter, M., Grueter, T., Brembs, Björn und Lueschow, A. (2004) Specific impairments of configural processing in prosopagnosics. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 200.23.


Evans, C. G., Jing, J., Proekt, A., Brembs, Björn, Rosen, S. und Cropper, E. C. (2003) Frequency-dependent regulation of afferent transmission in the feeding circuitry of Aplysia. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 604.1. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn (2003) Operant conditioning in invertebrates. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13 (6), S. 710-717.

Brembs, Björn (2003) Operant reward learning in Aplysia. Current Directions In Psychological Science 12 (6), S. 218-221.


Brembs, Björn, Lorenzetti, F. D., Reyes, F. D., Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2002) Operant Reward Learning in Aplysia: Neuronal Correlates and Mechanisms. Science 296 (5573), S. 1706-1709.

Baier, A., Wittek, B. und Brembs, Björn (2002) Drosophila as a new model organism for the neurobiology of aggression? The Journal of Experimental Biology 205 (9), S. 1233-1240.


Brembs, Björn und Heisenberg, M. (2001) Conditioning with compound stimuli in Drosophila at the flight simulator. The Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (16), S. 2849-2859.

Heisenberg, M., Wolf, R. und Brembs, Björn (2001) Flexibility in a single behavioral variable of Drosophila. Learning & memory : molecules, cells, systems, and behavior 8 (1), S. 1-10.

Brembs, Björn (2001) Hamilton's Theory. In: Brenner, Sydney und Miller, J., (eds.) Encyclopedia of genetics. Academic Press, San Diego, S. 906-910. ISBN 0-12-227080-0.

Baxter, D. A., Brembs, Björn und Byrne, J. H. (2001) Operant conditioning of feeding behavior in Aplysia. In: Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Learning and Memory, 2001.

Brembs, Björn, Wilkinson, E., Reyes, F. D., Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2001) Operant conditioning of feeding behavior in Aplysia. In: 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, 29. Juli - 03. August 2001, Bonn, Germany. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn, Wilkinson, E., Reyes, F., Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2001) Operant conditioning of feeding behavior in Aplysia using self-stimulation. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience, 644.19.

Brembs, Björn, Wilkinson, E., Reyes, F., Baxter, D. A. und Byrne, J. H. (2001) Operant conditioning using self-stimulation in Aplysia. In: Elsner, Norbert und Kreutzberg, George W., (eds.) Göttingen neurobiology report 2001. Thieme, Stuttgart.


Brembs, Björn (2000) An Analysis of Associative Learning in Drosophila at the Flight Simulator. Dissertation, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

Baxter, D. A., Cai, Y., Brembs, Björn und Byrne, J. H. (2000) Simulating physiological and morphological properties of neurons with SNNAP (Simulator for Neural Networks and Action Potentials). Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. (Abstracts / Society for Neuroscience 26, 21.64..

Brembs, Björn und Heisenberg, M. (2000) The Operant and the Classical in conditioned orientation of Drosophila melanogaster at the flight simulator. Learning & memory : molecules, cells, systems, and behavior 7 (2), S. 104-115.


Brembs, Björn, Wolf, R. und Heisenberg, M. (1999) Classical Questions in an Operant Learning Paradigm. In: Elsner, Norbert und Eysel, Ulf, (eds.) Göttingen neurobiology report 1999. Thieme, Stuttgart, S. 545.

Cutts, C. J., Brembs, Björn, Metcalfe, N. B. und Taylor, A. C. (1999) Prior residence, territory quality and life-history strategies in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Journal of Fish Biology 55, S. 784-794.


Wolf, R., Brembs, Björn und Heisenberg, M. (1998) Classification of learning in tethered flying Drosophila. In: Elsner, Norbert und Wehner, Rüdiger, (eds.) New neuroethology on the move : proceedings of the 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1998. Thieme, Stuttgart, S. 111.

Brembs, Björn, Wolf, R. und Heisenberg, M. (1998) How different are operant and classical conditioning at the flight simulator? In: 5th International Congress of Neuroethology, August 1998, San Diego, Ca.. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brembs, Björn, Wolf, R. und Heisenberg, M. (1998) Operant and Classical Learning at the Flight Simulator: What is the Role of the Context? In: Elsner, Norbert und Wehner, Rüdiger, (eds.) New neuroethology on the move : proceedings of the 26th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference 1998. Thieme, Stuttgart, S. 514.


Brembs, Björn, Wolf, R. und Heisenberg, M. (1997) Is operant behavior facilitating classical conditioning of Drosophila at the flight simulator? In: Elsner, Norbert und Waessle, H., (eds.) Göttingen neurobiology report 1997. Thieme, Stuttgart, S. 652.


Brembs, Björn (1996) Classical and operant conditioning in Drosophila at the flight simulator. Diplomarbeit, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

Brembs, Björn (1996) Chaos, cheating and cooperation: potential solutions to the Prisoner's Dilemma. Oikos 76 (1), S. 14-24.


Brembs, Björn (1990) Die Laichwanderung der Lachse - Ein kritischer Überblick mit besonderer Gewichtung der Orientierungsmechanismen. Facharbeit. Andere, Wirsberg-Gymnasium Würzburg.

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