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Number of items at this level: 69.

Balestrini, Daniel Patrick and Stoeger, Heidrun (2024) Cultural Framing of Giftedness in Recent US Fictional Texts (Version 2). [Dataset]

Biermeier, Thomas (2024) Endonormative stabilization in Philippine English lexis. World Englishes.

SCHNEIDER, EDGAR W. (2023) Lexicosemantic diffusion in World Englishes: variable meaning–form relations in prospective verbs. English Language and Linguistics, pp. 1-30.

Dolan-Weber, Miriam (2023) 'Beacons of Civilisation': The London School Board, Women Professionals, and Female Emancipation, 1870-1904. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Laube, Alexander (2022) Variation in the imperfective in Bahamian English. World Englishes 42 (1), pp. 27-47.

Loos, Theodora T. (2022) That Accursed Island. Treasure Island and Imperial Disappointments. ForAP: Forschungsergebnisse von Absolventen und Promovierenden der Fakultät für Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften 5 (5), pp. 81-96.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2022) Parameters of epicentral status. World Englishes 41 (3), pp. 462-474.

Laube, Alexander and Rothmund, Janina (2022) ‘Broken English’, ‘dialect’ or ‘Bahamianese’? Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 36 (2), pp. 362-394. Fulltext not available.

Schmidt, Thomas, Grünler, Johanna, Schönwerth, Nicole and Wolff, Christian (2021) Towards the Analysis of Fan Fictions in German Language: Exploration of a Corpus from the Platform Archive of Our Own. In: 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH 2021), 21.-25. September 2021, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Meer, Philipp , Brato, Thorsten and Matute Flores, José Alejandro (2021) Extending automatic vowel formant extraction to New Englishes. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 42 (1), pp. 54-84. Fulltext not available.

Neubert, Cornelia (2021) Language variation in South Africa: A sociophonetic study of the vowel system of Black South African English. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Heaslip, Nele (2021) William Shakespeare - The Tempest. Universitätsbibiothek Regensburg, Regensburg. ISBN 978-3-88246-443-6.

Moßburger, Luis, Wende, Felix, Brinkmann, Kay and Schmidt, Thomas (2020) Exploring Online Depression Forums via Text Mining: A Comparison of Reddit and a Curated Online Forum. Proceedings of the Fifth Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task, pp. 70-81.

Schmidt, Thomas, Kaindl, Florian and Wolff, Christian (2020) Distant Reading of Religious Online Communities: A Case Study for Three Religious Forums on Reddit. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (DHN 2020), 2020, Riga, Latvia.

Schmidt, Thomas, Engl, Isabella, Herzog, Juliane and Judisch, Lisa (2020) Towards an Analysis of Gender in Video Game Culture: Exploring Gender specific Vocabulary in Video Game Magazines. In: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (DHN 2020), 2020, Riga, Latvia.

Schmidt, Thomas, Hartl, Philip, Ramsauer, Dominik, Fischer, Thomas, Hilzenthaler, Andreas and Wolff, Christian (2020) Acquisition and Analysis of a Meme Corpus to Investigate Web Culture. In: Estill, Laura and Guiliano, Jennifer, (eds.) 15th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (DH 2020), Conference Abstracts. Ottawa, Canada.

Schmidt, Thomas, Kaindl, Florian and Wolff, Christian (2020) Visualizing Collocations in Religious Online Forums. In: 15th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (DH 2020), Conference Abstracts, July 20-25, 2020, Ottawa, Canada.

Schröder, Anne, Zähres, Frederic and Kautzsch, Alexander (2020) Ethnic variation in the phonology of Namibian English. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 41 (2), pp. 193-224. Fulltext not available.

Brato, Thorsten (2020) Noun phrase complexity in Ghanaian English. World Englishes 39, pp. 377-393.

Neumaier, Theresa (2019) Patterns of Conversational Interaction in Varieties of English. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Richter, Kerstin (2019) Non-Standard Bird Names in England, Bavaria and Austria: A Diachronic Comparative Study. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schilcher, Anita and Möhrle, Solveig (2018) Adventures in Mysantis. In einem Schreibspiel eine fantasy-Geschichte verfassen. Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Englisch (151), pp. 44-48. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Edgar (2018) Rezension: Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer (ed.), Can we predict linguistic change? (Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 16). 2015. www.helsinki.fi/varieng/series/volumes/16/. English Language and Linguistics 22, pp. 531-536.

Buschfeld, Sarah (2018) Rezension: Elena Seoane and Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds.), World Englishes: New theoretical and methodological considerations (Varieties of English Around the World G57). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016. English Language and Linguistics 22, pp. 546-551.

Brato, Thorsten (2018) ‘Outdooring’ the Historical Corpus of English in Ghana: Insights from the compilation of a historical corpus of New English. English Today 34, pp. 25-34.

Heckel, Florian (2017) Demystifying Celtic Identity. James Macpherson, Samuel Ferguson and the Stabilisation of Constructed Nationalist Sentiment prior to the Celtic Revival. Zulassungsarbeit, Universität Regensburg.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2017) The linguistic consequences of Brexit? No reason to get excited! World Englishes 36 (3), pp. 353-355. Fulltext not available.

Herzog, Alexandra (2016) "We, the Fans": Power in the Democratic Archive of Fanfiction. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Buschfeld, Sarah (2016) English as a contact language. DanielSchreier and MarianneHundt (eds.). 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xvi + 388 pp. World Englishes 35 (2), pp. 329-332. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2016) Grassroots Englishes in tourism interactions. English Today 32 (3), pp. 2-10. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2016) Hybrid Englishes: An exploratory survey. World Englishes 35 (3), pp. 339-354. Fulltext not available.

Brato, Thorsten (2016) Ole Schützler , A sociophonetic approach to Scottish Standard English (Varieties of English Around the World G53). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. Pp. xx + 179. English Language and Linguistics 20 (2), pp. 364-369. Fulltext not available.

Buschfeld, Sarah and Kautzsch, Alexander (2016) Towards an integrated approach to postcolonial and non-postcolonial Englishes. World Englishes 36 (1), pp. 104-126. Fulltext not available.

Probst, Borislava Borisova (2015) Dialectic of the enlightenment in America: the woman suffrage debate 1865-1919. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Brekle, Herbert E. (2015) Autobiographische Erinnerungen von 1943 bis 1969 2. Teil.

Buschfeld, Sarah and Kautzsch, Alexander (2014) English in Namibia. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 35 (2), pp. 121-160. Fulltext not available.

SCHNEIDER, EDGAR W. (2014) New reflections on the evolutionary dynamics of world Englishes. World Englishes 33 (1), pp. 9-32. Fulltext not available.

Brunner, Thomas (2014) Structural nativization, typology and complexity: noun phrase structures in British, Kenyan and Singaporean English. English Language and Linguistics 18, pp. 23-48.

Schneider, Edgar W. , Hundt, Marianne and Schreier, Daniel (2014) The times they are a-changin’ — and so are the editors of EWW. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 35 (1), pp. 1-5. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2013) Interactions across Englishes. Linguistic choices in local and international contact situations. ChristianeMeierkord. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, xvi + 247 pp. World Englishes 32 (3), pp. 451-453. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Edgar W. (2013) Review of Leech, Hundt, Mair & Smith (2009): Change in Contemporary English: A Grammatical Study. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 34 (1), pp. 110-113. Fulltext not available.

Schneider, Gerald Ulrich (2011) Investigativer Journalismus in den Vereinigten Staaten und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Zwischen Wiederaufbau und Wiedervereinigung. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Bruckmaier, Elisabeth and Hackert, Stephanie (2011) Bahamian Standard English. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 32 (2), pp. 174-205. Fulltext not available.

Fuchs, Markus (2010) Aufbau eines wissenschaftlichen Textcorpus auf der Basis der Daten der englischsprachigen Wikipedia. Masters, Universität Regensburg.

Reischer, Jürgen (2010) Wort- und Phrasenblends im Deutschen und Englischen - eine korpusbasierte Studie. In: Linguistisches Forum LIFO, 10.2.2010, Regensburg.

Kautzsch, Alexander (2010) Review of Waniek-Klimczak (2008): Issues in Accents of English. English World-Wide. A Journal of Varieties of English 31 (3), pp. 361-365. Fulltext not available.

Matos-Abiague, Alex A. and Rodriguez-Suarez, R. L. (2009) Spin-orbit coupling mediated spin torque in a single ferromagnetic layer. Physical Review B (PRB) 80, 094424.

Sing, Christine S. (2008) "And, so today, a new season of American renewal has begun." A Critical Metaphor Analysis of NEWNESS in American Presidential Discourse. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Hackert, Stephanie (2008) Counting and coding the past: Circumscribing the variable context in quantitative analyses of past inflection. Language Variation and Change 20 (1), pp. 127-153. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (2007) Englischhausaufgaben, die Spaß machen. Auer, Donauwörth. ISBN 978-3-403-04769-8, 3-403-04769-5. Fulltext not available.

Trüb, Regina (2006) NONSTANDARD VERBAL PARADIGMS IN EARLIER WHITE SOUTHERN AMERICAN ENGLISH. American Speech 81 (3), pp. 250-265. Fulltext not available.

Reymann, Marc (2005) The textual dimension "Involved-Informational": A corpus-based study. Diplomarbeit, Universität Regensburg.

Saurenbach, Holger (2005) Challenging discrete approaches to secondary-predicate constructions. Towards a non-discrete account of resultative, depictive and qualifying constructions in English. PhD, Universität Regensburg.

Schreier, Daniel (2003) Convergence and language shift in New Zealand: Consonant cluster reduction in 19th Century Maori English. Journal of Sociolinguistics 7 (3), pp. 378-391. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1999) Englisch lernen mit System. Cornelsen, Berlin. Fulltext not available.

Raab-Fischer, Roswitha (1994) "A Hyperinflation of Lexical Mega-Monsters?" Eine korpusgestützte Analyse zum Gebrauch der Wortbildungselemente "mega-, ultra-, super-" und "hyper-" im heutigen Englisch. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik : AAA 19 (1), pp. 83-111.

Fischer, Roswitha (1994) A Hyperinflation of Lexical Mega-Monsters? Mega-, Ultra-, Super-, and Hyper- as Intensifying Prefixes: A Corpus-Based Study. In: Kiefer, Ferenc and Kiss, Gábor and Pajzs, Júlia, (eds.) Papers in computational lexicography, Complex '94. Research Inst. for Linguistics, Hungarian Acad. of Sciences, Budapest, pp. 215-223. ISBN 963-8461-78-0. Fulltext not available.

Raab-Fischer, Roswitha (1994) Die Sprache der fachbezogenen englischen 'Speaks', exemplarisch dargestellt anhand von 'Nukespeak'. In: Spillner, Bernd, (ed.) Fachkommunikation. Kongreßbeiträge zur 24. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, GAL e. V. Forum Angewandte Linguistik, 27. Lang, Frankfurt a. M., pp. 196-197. ISBN 3-631-47706-6.

Raab-Fischer, Roswitha (1993) Book Review: Greenbaum, Sidney and R. Quirk, A Student's Grammar of the English Language. Harlow: Longman, 1990. Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik : AAA 18 (1), pp. 142-143.

Raab-Fischer, Roswitha (1993) Book Review: Grimm Ursula, Lexikalisierung im heutigen English am Beispiel der '-er'-Ableitungen. Tübingen: Narr, 1991. Anglia 111 (3/4), pp. 472-475.

Fischer, Roswitha (1993) From the Hamburger to the Freiburger. The Fryburger : Freiburg's English language magazine, p. 5. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1993) Lernen wie man fremdsprachig schreiben lernt: Der mühsame Weg zur Selbständigkeit. Praxis 40 (3), pp. 229-237. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1991) Guess, read and talk about it: Kommunikativer Lektüreunterricht. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen 44 (1), pp. 37-42. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1990) Kommunikativer Fremdsprachenunterricht im Sprachlabor. Praxis 37 (4), pp. 352-360. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1990) Schüler können auch das Lernen lernen. Gedächtnispsychologie und Wortschatzarbeit in der Sekundarstufe II. Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht 24 (102), pp. 41-47. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1990) Von der Textarbeit zur literarischen Analyse: Thesen und Vorschläge für die Drameninterpretation in der 11. Klasse. Die Neueren Sprachen 89 (1), pp. 20-38. Fulltext not available.

Aßbeck, Johann (1987) Wider das Vergessen: Gedächtnistechniken im Fremdsprachenunterricht. PRAXIS des neusprachlichen Unterrichts (2), pp. 115-124.

Raab, Roswitha (1986) Die Geschichte der englischen und amerikanischen Varietätsforschung unter Einbeziehung der lexikographischen Praxis. Tuduv-Studien : Reihe Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, 20. tuduv-Verlagsgesellschaft, München. ISBN 3-88073-214-0.

Brekle, Herbert E., Kastovsky, Dieter, Lipka, Leonhard and Stein, Gabriele (1979) Nachruf für Hans Marchand in der Zeitschrift Anglia (Band 97 - 1979). Anglia 97, pp. 287-289.

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