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Bibliographie der Universität Regensburg

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Gehe zu: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993
Anzahl der Einträge in dieser Kategorie: 200.


Donarini, Andrea , Niklas, Michael und Grifoni, Milena (2024) Data archive of "Interference and shot noise in a degenerate Anderson-Holstein model". [Datensatz]

Picó-Cortés, Jordi, Platero, Gloria , Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2024) Data archive of: Nonequilibrium cotunneling in quantum dot Josephson junctions. [Datensatz]

Frankerl, Moritz (2024) Investigating spin-orbit induced dynamics and Jahn-Teller distortion in charged copper-phthalocyanine. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Sellies, Lisanne , Eckrich, Jakob, Gross, Leo, Donarini, Andrea und Repp, Jascha (2024) Controlled single-electron transfer enables time-resolved excited-state spectroscopy of individual molecules. Nature Nanotechnology -.

Picó-Cortés, Jordi, Platero, Gloria, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2024) Nonequilibrium cotunneling in quantum dot Josephson junctions. Phys. Rev. B 110 (12), S. 125418. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Sellies, Lisanne , Eckrich, Jakob, Gross, Leo , Donarini, Andrea und Repp, Jascha (2024) Data archive of: "Controlled single-electron transfer enables time-resolved excited-state spectroscopy of individual molecules". [Datensatz]

Magazzù, Luca , Paladino, Elisabetta und Grifoni, Milena (2024) Unified diagrammatic approach to quantum transport in few-level junctions for bosonic and fermionic reservoirs: Application to the quantum Rabi model. Physical Review B 110 (8), 085419. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Brückner, Christoph (2024) Pseudospin dynamics in hybrid nanojunctions. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Pietanesi, Laura, Marganska, Magdalena , Mayer, Thomas, Barth, Michael , Chen, Lin, Zou, Ji, Weindl, Adrian , Liebig, Alexander , Diaz-Pardo, Rebeca, Suri, Dhavala , Schmid, Florian, Giessibl, Franz J. , Richter, Klaus , Tserkovnyak, Yaroslav, Kronseder, Matthias und Back, Christian H. (2024) Tracing Dirac points of topological surface states by ferromagnetic resonance. Phys. Rev. B 109 (6), 064424.


Schlömer, Henning und Bohrdt, Annabelle (2023) Fluctuation based interpretable analysis scheme for quantum many-body snapshots. SciPost Physics 15 (3).

Leumer, Nico Gerhard (2023) Data archive of "On symmetric Tetranacci polynomials in mathematics and physics". [Datensatz]

Siegl, Julian , Picó-Cortés, Jordi und Grifoni, Milena (2023) Particle conserving approach to ac-dc driven interacting quantum dots with superconducting leads. Physical Review B 107 (11), S. 115405.

Kern, Johannes (2023) Theoretical Approach to the Tunneling Current across an Interacting Quantum Dot: The Dressed-Second-Order Diagram Selection. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Siegl, Julian und Picó-Cortés, Jordi (2023) Data archive of: Particle conserving approach to ac-dc driven interacting quantum dots with superconducting leads. [Datensatz]

Hernangómez-Pérez, Daniel , Donarini, Andrea und Refaely-Abramson, Sivan (2023) Charge quenching at defect states in transition metal dichalcogenide–graphene van der Waals heterobilayers. Physical Review B 107 (7), 075419.

Hörhold, Sebastian, Graf, Juliane, Marganska, Magdalena und Grifoni, Milena (2023) Two-bands Ising superconductivity from Coulomb interactions in monolayer NbSe2. 2D Materials 10 (2), 025008.

Hernangómez-Pérez, Daniel , Donarini, Andrea und Refaely-Abramson, Sivan (2023) Data archive of "Charge quenching at defect states in transition metal dichalcogenide–graphene van derWaals heterobilayers". [Datensatz]


Wenk, Paul , Grifoni, Milena und Schliemann, John (2022) Topological transitions in two-dimensional Floquet superconductors. Phys. Rev. B 106, S. 134508.

Rohrmeier, Christoph und Donarini, Andrea (2022) Data archive of "Precession of entangled spin and pseudospin in double quantum dots". [Datensatz] Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Rohrmeier, Christoph und Donarini, Andrea (2022) Precession of entangled spin and pseudospin in double quantum dots. Physical Review B 105 (20), S. 205418.

Magazzù, Luca und Grifoni, Milena (2022) Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach to quantum transport in interacting nanojunctions: An analytical hierarchical study. Phys. Rev. B 105, S. 125417.

Fischer, Ralf, Picó-Cortés, Jordi, Himmler, Wolfgang, Platero, Gloria, Grifoni, Milena , Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, N. N., Dvoretsky, Sergey A., Strunk, Christoph und Weiss, Dieter (2022) 4π -periodic supercurrent tuned by an axial magnetic flux in topological insulator nanowires. Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013087. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Magazzù, Luca (2022) Data archive of "Feynman-Vernon influence functional approach to quantum transport in interacting nanojunctions: An analytical hierarchical study" / Luca Magazzù und Milena Grifoni. Phys. Rev. B 105, 125417 (2022). [Datensatz]

Marganska, Magdalena und Hoerhold, Sebastian (2022) Data archive of "Two-bands Ising superconductivity from Coulomb interactions in monolayer NbSe2", 2D Materials 10 (2023) 025008. [Datensatz]


Magazzù, L. , Forn-Díaz, P. und Grifoni, M. (2021) Transmission spectra of the driven, dissipative Rabi model in the ultrastrong-coupling regime. Physical Review A 104 (5), 053711. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Leumer, Nico Gerhard (2021) Spectral and transport signatures of 1d topological superconductors of finite size in the sub- and supra-gap regime: An analytical study. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Bäuml, Christian, Bauriedl, Lorenz, Marganska, Magdalena, Grifoni, Milena, Strunk, Christoph und Paradiso, Nicola (2021) Supercurrent and Phase Slips in a Ballistic Carbon Nanotube Bundle Embedded into a van der Waals Heterostructure. Nano Letters 21 (20), S. 8627-8633. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Rohrmeier, Christoph und Donarini, Andrea (2021) Data set to "Pseudospin resonances reveal synthetic spin-orbit interaction". [Datensatz] Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Leumer, Nico , Grifoni, Milena, Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Marganska, Magdalena (2021) Linear and nonlinear transport across a finite Kitaev chain: An exact analytical study. Physical Review B 103, S. 165432.

Frankerl, Moritz und Donarini, Andrea (2021) Data archive of "Spin-orbit interaction induces charge beatings in a lightwave-STM -- single molecule junction", published in Physical Review B. [Datensatz]


Yang, Wei, Urgell, C., De Bonis, S. L. , Marganska, Magdalena, Grifoni, Milena und Bachthold, A. (2020) Fabry-Pérot Oscillations in Correlated Carbon Nanotubes. Physical Review Letters 125, S. 187701.

Donarini, Andrea, Niklas, Michael und Grifoni, Milena (2020) Interference and shot noise in a degenerate Anderson-Holstein model. Physical Review B 102, S. 125422.

Leumer, Nico , Marganska, Magdalena , Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Grifoni, Milena (2020) Exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the finite Kitaev chain and its topological properties. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, S. 445502.

Lahiri, Aritra, Hata, Tokuro, Smirnov, Sergey , Ferrier, Meydi, Arakawa, Tomonori, Niklas, Michael , Marganska, Magdalena , Kobayashi, Kensuke und Grifoni, Milena (2020) Unraveling a concealed resonance by multiple Kondo transitions in a quantum dot. Phys. Rev. B 101, 041102.


Milz, Lars (2019) Topological phenomena and proximity-induced
superconductivity in carbon nanotubes.
Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Milz, Lars, Izumida, Wataru , Grifoni, Milena und Marganska, Magdalena (2019) Transverse profile and three-dimensional spin canting of a Majorana state in carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 100, S. 155417.

Magazzù, Luca und Grifoni, Milena (2019) Transmission spectra of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-dissipative resonator system. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 104002.

Rohrmeier, Christoph (2019) Interference effects in the cotunnelling transport regime. Abschlussarbeit zum Master, Universität Regensburg.

Marganska, Magdalena , Schmid, Daniel R., Dirnaichner, Alois, Stiller, Peter L., Strunk, Christoph, Grifoni, Milena und Hüttel, Andreas K. (2019) Shaping Electron Wave Functions in a Carbon Nanotube with a Parallel Magnetic Field. Physical Review Letters 122 (8), 086802.

Donarini, Andrea , Niklas, Michael, Schafberger, Michael, Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2019) Coherent population trapping by dark state formation in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. Nature Communications 10 (1), S. 1-8.

Magazzù, Luca (2019) Data archive of "Transmission spectra of an ultrastrongly coupled qubit-dissipative resonator system" / Luca Magazzù und Milena Grifoni. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 104002 (2019). [Datensatz]

Gehrmann, Christian und Egger, David A. (2019) Dynamic shortening of disorder potentials in anharmonic halide perovskites. Nature Communications 10 (1). Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Niklas, Michael (2018) Current and noise properties of interacting nanojunctions. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Magazzù, Luca, Forn-Díaz, P., Belyansky, R., Orgiazzi, J.-L., Yurtalan, M. A., Otto, M. R., Lapascu, A., Wilson, C. M. und Grifoni, Milena (2018) Probing the strongly driven spin-boson model in a superconducting quantum circuit. Nature Communications 9 (1), S. 1403.

Donarini, Andrea , Niklas, Michael, Schafberger, Michael, Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2018) Dark states in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. (Eingereicht)

Marganska, Magdalena , Milz, Lars, Izumida, Wataru , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2018) Majorana quasiparticles in semiconducting carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 97, 075141.


Izumida, W. , Milz, L., Marganska, M. und Grifoni, Milena (2017) Topology and zero energy edge states in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing. Phys. Rev. B 96 (12), S. 125414.

Yu, Ping , Kocić, Nemanja, Repp, Jascha , Siegert, Benjamin und Donarini, Andrea (2017) Apparent Reversal of Molecular Orbitals Reveals Entanglement. Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 056801.

Niklas, Michael, Trottmann, Andreas, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2017) Fano stability diagram of a symmetric triple quantum dot. Physical Review B (PRB) 95, S. 115133.

Dirnaichner, Alois Roman (2017) Charge and spin transport in carbon nanotubes:
From Coulomb blockade to Fabry-Perot interference.
Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Niklas, Michael , Trottmann, Andreas, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2017) Fano stability diagram of a symmetric triple quantum dot. Physical Review B 95 (11).

Zudov, M. A., Dmitriev, I. A. , Friess, B., Shi, Q., Umansky, V., von Klitzing, K. und Smet, J. (2017) Hall field-induced resistance oscillations in a tunable-density GaAs quantum well. Physical Review B 96 (12).

Ado, I. A., Dmitriev, I. A. , Ostrovsky, P. M. und Titov, M. (2017) Sensitivity of the anomalous Hall effect to disorder correlations. Physical Review B 96 (23).


Benito, Mónica, Niklas, Michael und Kohler, Sigmund (2016) Full-counting statistics of time-dependent conductors. Physical Review B (PRB) (94), S. 195433.

Dirnaichner, Alois, Valle, Miriam del, Götz, Karl J., Schupp, Felix , Paradiso, Nicola , Grifoni, Milena, Strunk, Christoph und Hüttel, Andreas K. (2016) Secondary Electron Interference from Trigonal Warping in Clean Carbon Nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, S. 166804.

Niklas, Michael , Smirnov, Sergey , Mantelli, Davide, Marganska, Magdalena , Nguyen, Ngoc-Viet, Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang , Cleuziou, Jean-Pierre und Grifoni, Milena (2016) Blocking transport resonances via Kondo many-body entanglement in quantum dots. Nature Communications 7, S. 12442.

Mantelli, Davide (2016) Analytical and numerical study of quantum impurity systems in the intermediate and strong coupling regimes. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Kammermeier, Michael, Wenk, Paul und Schliemann, John (2016) Control of spin helix symmetry in semiconductor quantum wells by crystal orientation. Physical Review Letters (PRL). (Eingereicht)

Schliemann, John (2016) Persistent Spin Textures in Semiconductor Nanostructures. Reviews of Modern Physics. (Eingereicht)

Mantelli, Davide, Moca, Catalin Pascu, Zarand, Gergely und Grifoni, Milena (2016) Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube with spin-orbit interaction and valley mixing: A DM-NRG study. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 77, 180 - 190. (Im Druck) Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Yelin, T., Korytár, R., Sukenik, N., Vardimon, R., Kumar, B., Nuckolls, C., Evers, F. und Tal, O. (2016) Conductance saturation in highly conductive molecular junctions. Nature Materials 15, S. 444-449.

Mantelli, Davide, Paşcu Moca, Cătălin, Zaránd, Gergely und Grifoni, Milena (2016) Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube with spin–orbit interaction and valley mixing: A DM-NRG study. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 77, S. 180-190. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Siegert, Benjamin, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2016) Nonequilibrium spin crossover in copper phthalocyanine. Physical Review B (PRB) 93, 121406(R).

Mantelli, Davide, Paşcu Moca, Cătălin, Zaránd, Gergely und Grifoni, Milena (2016) Reprint of : Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube with spin–orbit interaction and valley mixing: A DM-NRG study. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 82, S. 39-49. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Siegert, Benjamin, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2015) Effects of spin–orbit coupling and many-body correlations in STM transport through copper phthalocyanine. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 6, S. 2452-2462.

Siegert, Benjamin (2015) STM transport through copper phthalocyanine on thin insulating films. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Smirnov, Sergey (2015) Majorana tunneling entropy. Physical Review B (PRB) 92 (19), S. 195312.

Pfaller, Sebastian (2015) Transport properties of superconducting and ferromagnetic hybrid structures. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Magazzù, Luca, Valenti, Davide, Spagnolo, Bernardo und Grifoni, Milena (2015) Dissipative dynamics in a quantum bistable system: Crossover from weak to strong damping. Phys. Rev. E 92, 032123.

Marganska, Magdalena, Chudzinski, Piotr und Grifoni, Milena (2015) The two classes of low-energy spectra in finite carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 92, 075433.

Smirnov, Sergey (2015) Orthogonal Cherenkov sound in spin-orbit coupled systems. Scientific Reports 5, S. 11159.

Geißler, Stefan, Pfaller, Sebastian, Utz, Martin, Bougeard, Dominique, Donarini, Andrea, Grifoni, Milena und Weiss, Dieter (2015) Double-island Coulomb blockade in (Ga,Mn)As nanoconstrictions. Phys. Rev. B 91, S. 195432.

Dirnaichner, Alois, Grifoni, Milena, Prüfling, Andreas, Steininger, Daniel, Hüttel, Andreas K. und Strunk, Christoph (2015) Transport across a carbon nanotube quantum dot contacted with ferromagnetic leads: Experiment and nonperturbative modeling. Physical Review B (PRB) 91, S. 195402.

Schmid, Daniel R., Smirnov, Sergey, Marganska, Magdalena, Dirnaichner, Alois, Stiller, Peter L., Grifoni, Milena, Hüttel, Andreas K. und Strunk, Christoph (2015) Broken SU(4) symmetry in a Kondo-correlated carbon nanotube. Physical Review B (PRB) 91, S. 155435.

Wilhelm, J., Walz, M. und Evers, F. (2015) Ab initio spin-flip conductance of hydrogenated graphene nanoribbons: spin- orbit interaction and scattering with local impurity sites. Physical Review B (PRB) (92), 014405.

van Setten, M. J., Caruso, F., Sharifzadeh, S., Ren, X., Scheffler, M., Liu, F., Lischner, J., Lin, L., Deslippe, J. R., Louie, S., Yang, C., Weigend, F., Neaton, J. B., Evers, F. und Rinke, P. (2015) GW 100: Benchmarking G0W0 for molecular systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (12), S. 5665-5687.


Ratz, Sascha, Donarini, Andrea, Steininger, Daniel, Geiger, Thomas, Kumar, Amit, Hüttel, Andreas K. , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2014) Thermally induced subgap features in the cotunneling spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube. New Journal of Physics 16 (12), S. 123040.

Smirnov, Sergey (2014) Asymmetric Cherenkov acoustic reverse in topological insulators. Phys. Rev. B 90 (12), S. 125305. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Gaaß, Markus, Pfaller, Sebastian, Geiger, T., Donarini, Andrea, Grifoni, Milena, Hüttel, Andreas K. und Strunk, Christoph (2014) Subgap spectroscopy of thermally excited quasiparticles in a Nb-contacted carbon nanotube quantum dot. Phys. Rev. B 89, 241405(R). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2014) Interference Single Electron Transistors Based on Quantum Dot Molecules. In: Wang, Z. M. und Wu, J., (eds.) Quantum Dot Molecules. Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology, 14. Springer, New York, S. 209-258. ISBN 978-1-4614-8130-0. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Münnich, Gerhard, Donarini, Andrea, Wenderoth, Martin und Repp, Jascha (2013) Fixing the Energy Scale in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Semiconductor Surfaces. Physical Review Letters 111, S. 216802.

Smirnov, Sergey (2013) Cherenkov sound on a surface of a topological insulator. Phys. Rev. B 88 (20), S. 205301. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Siegert, Benjamin, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2013) The role of the tip symmetry on the STM topography of π-conjugated molecules. physica status solidi (b) 250 (11), S. 2444-2451. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Kern, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Transport across an Anderson quantum dot in the intermediate coupling regime. Eur. Phys. J. B 86, S. 384.

Ryndyk, Dmitry A., Donarini, Andrea, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2013) Many-body localized molecular orbital approach to molecular transport. Physical Review B (PRB) 88 (8), 085404.

Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Nonequilibrium Kondo transport through a quantum dot in a magnetic field. New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 073047-1.

Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Thermoelectric spin accumulation and long-time spin precession in a noncollinear quantum dot spin valve. Phys. Rev. B 88, 045402.

Pfaller, Sebastian, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Subgap features due to quasiparticle tunneling in quantum dots coupled to superconducting leads. Phys. Rev. B 87, S. 155439.

Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Keldysh effective action theory for universal physics in spin-1/2 Kondo dots. Phys. Rev. B 87 (12), S. 121302.


Donarini, Andrea, Siegert, Benjamin, Sobczyk, Sandra und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Topographical fingerprints of many-body interference in STM junctions on thin insulating films. Phys. Rev. B 86, S. 155451.

Donarini, Andrea, Yar, Abdullah und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Vibration induced memory effects and switching in ac-driven
molecular nanojunctions.
Eur. Phys. J. B 85, S. 316.

Yar, Abdullah (2012) Electron-vibron effects in interacting quantum dot systems. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Saberi, Hamed und Mardoukhi, Yousof (2012) Sequential quantum cloning under real-life conditions. Phys. Rev. A 85, 052323-052330.

Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Spin-channel Keldysh field theory for weakly interacting quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 85, S. 195310.

Sobczyk, Sandra, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Theory of STM junctions for π-conjugated molecules on thin insulating films. Phys. Rev. B 85, S. 205408.

Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Performance analysis of an interacting quantum dot thermoelectric setup. Phys. Rev. B 85, S. 155423.

Donarini, Andrea, Yar, Abdullah und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Spectrum and Franck--Condon factors of interacting suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes. New J. Phys. 14, 023045.

Koller, Sonja, Paaske, Jens und Grifoni, Milena (2012) Sources of negative tunneling magnetoresistance in multilevel quantum dots with ferromagnetic contacts. Phys. Rev. B 85, 045313.


Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Kondo effect in interacting nanoscopic systems: Keldysh field integral theory. Phys. Rev. B 84 (23), S. 235314.

del Valle, Miriam, Marganska, Magdalena und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Signatures of spin-orbit interaction in transport properties of finite carbon nanotubes in a parallel magnetic field. Phys. Rev. B 84, S. 165427.

Jhang, Sung Ho, Marganska, Magdalena, del Valle, Miriam, Skourski, Yurii, Grifoni, Milena, Wosnitza, Joachim und Strunk, Christoph (2011) Magnetoconductance of carbon nanotubes probed in parallel magnetic fields up to 60 T. phys. status solidi b 248, S. 2672-2675. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Yar, Abdullah, Donarini, Andrea, Koller, Sonja und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Dynamical symmetry breaking in vibration-assisted transport through nanostructures. Phys. Rev. B 84, S. 115432.

Saberi, Hamed (2011) Ancilla-assisted sequential approximation of nonlocal unitary operations. Phys. Rev. A 84 (3), 032323.

Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Slave-boson Keldysh field theory for the Kondo effect in quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 84 (12), S. 125303-1. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Datta, Subhadeep, Wang, Shidong, Tilmaciu, Carmen, Flahaut, Emmanuel, Marty, Laëtitia, Grifoni, Milena und Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang (2011) Electronic transport properties of double-wall carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 84, 035408.

Vierheilig, Carmen (2011) Interplay between dissipation and driving in nonlinear quantum systems. Dissertationsreihe der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Regensburg 19, Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Marganska, Magdalena, del Valle, Miriam, Jhang, Sung Ho, Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Localization induced by magnetic fields in carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 83 (19), S. 193407.

Hausinger, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Qubit-oscillator system under ultrastrong coupling and extreme driving. Phys. Rev. A 83 (3), 030301(R).

Jhang, Sung Ho, Marganska, Magdalena, Skourski, Y., Preusche, Dominik, Grifoni, Milena, Wosnitza, Joachim und Strunk, Christoph (2011) Direct Observation of Band-Gap Closure for a Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube in a Large Parallel Magnetic Field. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 (9), 096802.

Smirnov, Sergey (2011) Anomalous Cherenkov spin-orbit sound. Phys. Rev. B 83 (8), 081308(R). Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Vierheilig, Carmen, Bercioux, Dario und Grifoni, Milena (2011) Dynamics of a qubit coupled to a dissipative nonlinear quantum oscillator: An effective-bath approach. Phys. Rev. A 83 (1), 012106.


Hausinger, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Qubit-oscillator system: An analytical treatment of the ultrastrong coupling regime. Phys. Rev. A 82 (6), 062320.

Hausinger, Johannes (2010) Dissipative dynamics of a qubit-oscillator system in the ultrastrong coupling and driving regimes. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Koller, S., Leijnse, M., Wegewijs, M. R. und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Density-operator approaches to transport through interacting quantum dots: Simplifications in fourth-order perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. B 82 (23), S. 235307.

Donarini, Andrea, Begemann, Georg und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Interference effects in the Coulomb blockade regime: Current blocking and spin preparation in symmetric nanojunctions. Phys. Rev. B 82, S. 125451.

Begemann, Georg, Koller, Sonja, Grifoni, Milena und Paaske, Jens (2010) Inelastic cotunneling in quantum dots and molecules with weakly broken degeneracies. Phys. Rev. B 82 (4), 045316.

Jhang, Sung Ho, Marganska, Magdalena, Skoursi, Yurii, Preusche, Dominik, Witkamp, Benoit, Grifoni, Milena, van der Zant, Herre, Strunk, Christoph und Wosnitza, Joachim (2010) Spin-orbit interaction in chiral carbon nanotubes probed in pulsed magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 82, 041404. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Vierheilig, Carmen und Grifoni, Milena (2010) The dissipative quantum Duffing oscillator: a comparison of Floquet-based approaches. Chem. Phys. 375, S. 216. (Im Druck) Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Smirnov, Sergey (2010) Mass modification of itinerant carriers in RKKY oscillations induced by finite range exchange interactions. Phys. Rev. B 81 (21), S. 214425. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Koller, Sonja (2010) Spin phenomena and higher order effects in transport across interacting quantum-dots. Dissertationsreihe der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Regensburg 10, Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Koller, Sonja (2010) Errata zur Dissertation "Spin phenomena and higher order effects in transport across interacting quantum-dots". , Universität Regensburg.

Koller, Sonja, Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Spin-dependent transport through interacting graphene armchair nanoribbons. New J. Phys. 12, 033038.

Hausinger, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2010) Dissipative two-level system under strong ac driving: A combination of Floquet and Van Vleck perturbation theory. Phys. Rev. A 81 (2), 022117. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Grifoni, Milena (2010) Quantum Dissipative Ratchets. In: Radons, G. und Rumpf, B. und Schuster, G., (eds.) Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanosystems. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, S. 111-120. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Begemann, Georg (2009) Quantum interference phenomena in transport through molecules and multiple quantum dots. Dissertationsreihe der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Regensburg 9, Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Vierheilig, Carmen, Hausinger, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2009) Dissipative dynamics of a qubit coupled to a nonlinear oscillator. Phys. Rev. A 80, 052331. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Smirnov, Sergey (2009) Ratchet phenomena in quantum dissipative systems with spin-orbit interactions. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Smirnov, Sergey, Bercioux, Dario, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2009) Charge ratchet from spin flip: space-time symmetry paradox. Physical Review B (PRB) 80 (20), 201310(R).

Darau, Dana, Begemann, Georg, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2009) Interference effects on the transport characteristics of a benzene single-electron transistor. Phys. Rev. B 79 (23; 16), S. 235404. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Smirnov, Sergey (2009) Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida spin density oscillations: impact of the finite radius of the exchange interaction. Phys. Rev. B 79 (6 Seit), S. 134403. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Marganska, Magdalena, Wang, Shidong und Grifoni, Milena (2009) Electronic spectra of commensurate and incommensurate DWNTs in parallel magnectic field. New J. Phys. 11, 033031.

Donarini, Andrea, Begemann, G. und Grifoni, Milena (2009) All-electric-spin control in interference single-electron transistors. Nano Lett. 9, S. 2897. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Schenke, C., Koller, Sonja, Mayrhofer, L. und Grifoni, Milena (2009) Exchange effects in spin polarized transport through carbon nanotube quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 80, 035412.

Koller, Sonja, Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2009) Graphene armchair nanoribbon single-electron transistors: The peculiar influence of end states. Eur. Phys. Lett. 88, S. 57001.


Smirnov, Sergey, Bercioux, Dario, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2008) Interplay between quantum dissipation and an in-plane magnetic field in the spin ratchet effect. Physical Review B (PRB) 78 (24), S. 245323.

Hornberger, R. P., Koller, S., Begemann, G., Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2008) Transport through a double-quantum-dot system with noncollinearly polarized leads. Phys. Rev. B 77 (24; 18), S. 245313. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Smirnov, Sergey, Bercioux, Dario, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2008) Quantum Dissipative Rashba Spin Ratchets. Physical Review Letters (PRL) 100 (23), S. 230601.

Begemann, Georg, Darau, Dana, Donarini, Andrea und Grifoni, Milena (2008) Symmetry fingerprints of a benzene single-electron transistor: Interplay between Coulomb interaction and orbital symmetry. Phys. Rev. B 77 (20; 4), S. 201406. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2008) The spectrum of interacting metallic carbon nanotubes: exchange effects and universality. Eur. Phys. J. B 63 (1), S. 43-58. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Wang, Shidong und Grifoni, Milena (2008) Transport properties of double-walled carbon nanotube quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 77 (8; 16), 085431. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Mayrhofer, Leonhard (2008) Spectrum and transport properties of interacting carbon nanotubes. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Hausinger, Johannes und Grifoni, Milena (2008) Dissipative dynamics of a biased qubit coupled to a harmonic oscillator: Analytical results beyond the rotating wave approximation. New J. Phys. 10, S. 115015.


Nesi, Francesco, Paladino, Elisabetta, Thorwart, Michael und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Spin-boson dynamics beyond conventional perturbation theories. Phys. Rev. B 76 (15; 15), S. 155323. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Nesi, Francesco (2007) Characterization of a qubit in presence of dissipation and external driving. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.

Smirnov, Sergey, Bercioux, D. und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Bloch's theory in periodic structures with Rashba's spin-orbit interaction. Europhys. Lett. 80, S. 27003. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Nesi, Francesco, Grifoni, Milena und Paladino, E. (2007) Dynamics of a qubit coupled to a broadened harmonic mode at finite detuning. New J. Phys. 9, S. 316. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Linear and nonlinear transport across carbon nanotube quantum dots. Eur. Phys. J. B 56, S. 107. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Wang, Shidong und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Schottky-barrier double-walled carbon nanotube field- effect transistors. Phys. Rev. B. 76, 033413. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Koller, Sonja, Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Spin transport across carbon nanotube quantum dots. New J. Phys. 9, S. 348. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Nesi, Francesco, Paladino, Elisabetta, Thorwart, Michael und Grifoni, Milena (2007) Spin-boson dynamics: A unified approach from weak to strong coupling. Europhys. Lett. 80, S. 40005.


Donarini, Andrea, Grifoni, Milena und Richter, Klaus (2006) Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Transport through Molecules. Physical Review Letters (PRL) 97 (16), S. 166801-1.

Wang, Shidong, Grifoni, Milena und Roche, S. (2006) Anomalous diffusion and elastic mean free path in disorder-free multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 74 (12; 4), S. 121407. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Peguiron, J. und Grifoni, Milena (2006) Quantum Brownian motion in ratchet potentials: duality relation and its consequences. Chem. Phys. 322 (1-2), S. 169-186.

Wetzels, Wouter, Bauer, Gerrit E. W. und Grifoni, Milena (2006) Exchange effects on electron transport through single-electron spin-valve transistors. Phys. Rev. B 74, S. 224406. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Mayrhofer, Leonhard und Grifoni, Milena (2006) Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in transport across carbon nanotube quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 74, 121403(R). Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.


Wang, Shidong und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Helicity and Electron-Correlation Effects on Transport Properties of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, S. 266802. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Donarini, Andrea, Novotny, T. und Jauho, A.-P. (2005) Simple models suffice for the single-dot quantum shuttle. New J. of Phys. 7, S. 237. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Hentschel, Martina, Ullmo, Denis und Baranger, Harold U. (2005) Fermi-Edge Singularities in the Mesoscopic X-Ray Edge Problem. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (17, 4), S. 176807. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Wetzels, Wouter, Bauer, Gerrit E. W. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Noncollinear single-electron spin-valve transistors. Phys. Rev. B 72 (2; 4 S), 020407. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Thorwart, Michael, Egger, R. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Correlated sequential tunneling through a double barrier for interacting one-dimensional electrons. Phys. Rev. B 72 (14 Sei), 035330. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Hentschel, Martina, Ullmo, Denis und Baranger, Harold U. (2005) Fermi edge singularities in the mesoscopic regime: Anderson orthogonality catastrophe. Phys. Rev. B 72 (6 Seit), 035310. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Goorden, M., Thorwart, M. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Spectroscopy of a driven solid-state qubit coupled to a structured environment. Eur. Phys. J. B 45, S. 405-417. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Peguiron, J. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Duality relation for quantum ratchets. Phys. Rev. E 71 (4 Seit), 010101. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Thorwart, Michael, Egger, R. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Correlated sequential tunneling in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid quantum dots. phys. status solidi b 242 (2), S. 218-225. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Izumida, Wataru und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Phonon-assisted tunneling in interacting suspended single wall carbon nanotubes. New J. Phys. 7, S. 244. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Wang, Shidong und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Transport properties of double-.walled carbon nanotubes. In: Kuzmany, Hans und Flink, J. und Mehring, M. und Roth, S., (eds.) Electronic properties of novel nanostructures: XIX International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials; Kirchberg, Tirol, Austria, 12-19 March, 2005. AIP conference proceedings, 786. American Institute of Physics, Melville, N.Y., S. 469-474. ISBN 0-7354-0275-2. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Thorwart, M., Egger, R. und Grifoni, Milena (2005) Transport through intrinsic quantum dots in interacting carbon nanotubes. In: Cuniberti, Gianaurelio und Fagas, G. und Richter, Klaus, (eds.) Introducing molecular electronics: International Workshop Advances in Molecular Electronics: From Molecular Materials to Single-Molecule Devices held in February 2004 in Dresden (Germany). Lecture notes in physics, 680. Springer, Berlin, S. 229-248. ISBN 3-540-27994-6. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Goorden, M. C., Thorwart, Michael und Grifoni, Milena (2004) Entanglement Spectroscopy of a Driven Solid-State Qubit and Its Detector. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, S. 267005. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Nesi, Francesco und Modugno, Michele (2004) Loss and revival of phase coherence in a Bose–Einstein condensate moving through an optical lattice. J. Phys. B 37 (7), S. 101-113. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Thorwart, M., Paladino, E. und Grifoni, Milena (2004) Dynamics of the spin-boson model with a structured environment. Chem. Phys. 296 (2-3), S. 333-344.


Majer, J. B., Peguiron, J., Grifoni, Milena, Tusveld, M. und Mooij, J. E. (2003) Quantum Ratchet Effect for Vortices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (5; 4 S), 056802. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.


Grifoni, Milena , Ferreira, M. S., Peguiron, J. und Majer, J. B. (2002) Quantum Ratchets with Few Bands below the Barrier. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (14; 4), S. 146801. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Thorwart, M. und Grifoni, Milena (2002) Luttinger correlations and resonant tunneling in carbon nanotube intramolecular dots. Chem. Phys. 281 (2-3), S. 477-487. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.


Postma, H. W. Ch., Teepen, T., Yao, Z., Grifoni, Milena und Dekkert, C. (2001) Carbon Nanotube Single-Electron Transistors at Room Temperature. Science 293 (5527), S. 76-79. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Governale, M., Grifoni, Milena und Schön, G. (2001) Decoherence and dephasing in coupled Josephson qubits. Chemical Physics 268 (1-3), S. 273-283. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Thorwart, M., Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, P. (2001) Strong Coupling Theory for Tunneling and Vibrational Relaxation in Driven Bistable Systems. Annals of Physics 293 (1), S. 15-66. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Governale, Michele, Grifoni, Milena und Schön, Gerd (2000) Tunneling spectroscopy calculations of a Luttinger wire. Physical Review B 62 (23), S. 15996-16000. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Thorwart, M., Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, P. (2000) Strong Coupling Theory for Driven Tunneling and Vibrational Relaxation. Physical Review Letters 85 (4), S. 860-863. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Winterstetter, Manfred und Grifoni, Milena (2000) Dissipative dynamics of four-site tunneling of H. Physical Review B 62 (5), S. 3237-3240. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Hartmann, Ludwig, Goychuk, Igor, Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (2000) Driven tunneling dynamics: Bloch-Redfield theory versus path-integral approach. Physical Review E 61 (5), R4687-R4690. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Braggio, A., Grifoni, Milena , Sassetti, Maura und Napoli, F. (2000) Plasmon and charge quantization effects in a double-barrier quantum wire. Europhysics Letters (EPL) 50 (2), S. 236-242. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Adam, Holger, Winterstetter, Manfred, Grifoni, Milena und Weiss, Ulrich (1999) Driving-Induced Symmetry Breaking in the Spin-Boson System. Physical Review Letters 83 (2), S. 252-255. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Grifoni, Milena , Paladino, Elisabetta und Weiss, Ulrich (1999) Dissipation, decoherence and preparation effects in the spin-boson system. The European Physical Journal B 10 (4), S. 719-729. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1998) Driven quantum tunneling. Physics Reports 304 (5-6), S. 229-354. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Hartmann, Ludwig, Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1998) Dissipative tunneling control by elliptically polarized fields. The Journal of Chemical Physics 109 (7), S. 2635-2643.

Goychuk, Igor, Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1998) Nonadiabatic Quantum Brownian Rectifiers. Physical Review Letters 81 (3), S. 649-652. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Grifoni, Milena , Winterstetter, Manfred und Weiss, Ulrich (1997) Coherences and populations in the driven damped two-state system. Physical Review E 56 (1), S. 334-345. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Reimann, Peter, Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1997) Quantum Ratchets. Physical Review Letters 79 (1), S. 10-13. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Hartmann, L., Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1997) Dissipative transport in dc-ac–driven tight-binding lattices. Europhysics Letters (EPL) 38 (7), S. 497-502. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Grifoni, Milena , Hartmann, Ludwig und Hänggi, Peter (1997) Dissipative tunneling with periodic polychromatic driving: Exact results and tractable approximations. Chemical Physics 217 (2-3), S. 167-178. Volltext nicht vorhanden.

Grifoni, Milena , Hartmann, Ludwig und Hänggi, Peter (1997) Comment on “Transient dynamics of Ohmic dissipative two-level systems driven by dc-ac fields” by Wang and Zhao. Physics Letters A 225 (4-6), S. 356-358. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Grifoni, Milena (1996) Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system under ac modulation of bias and coupling energy. Physical Review E 54 (4), R3086-R3089.

Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1996) Nonlinear quantum stochastic resonance. Physical Review E 54 (2), S. 1390-1401.

Grifoni, Milena , Hartmann, Ludwig, Berchtold, Sabine und Hänggi, Peter (1996) Quantum tunneling and stochastic resonance. Physical Review E 53 (6), S. 5890-5898.

Grifoni, Milena und Hänggi, Peter (1996) Coherent and Incoherent Quantum Stochastic Resonance. Physical Review Letters 76 (10), S. 1611-1614.

Grifoni, Milena , Sassetti, Maura und Weiss, Ulrich (1996) Exact master equations for driven dissipative tight-binding models. Physical Review E 53 (3), R2033-R2036.


Grifoni, Milena , Sassetti, Maura, Hänggi, Peter und Weiss, Ulrich (1995) Cooperative effects in the nonlinearly driven spin-boson system. Physical Review E 52 (4), S. 3596-3607.

Stockburger, Jürgen T., Grifoni, Milena und Sassetti, Maura (1995) Nonlinear acoustic response of glasses in the tunneling model. Physical Review B 51 (5), S. 2835-2843.


Stockburger, Jürgen, Grifoni, Milena , Sassetti, Maura und Weiss, Ulrich (1994) Nonlinear acoustic response of amorphous metals in the tunneling model. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 94 (4), S. 447-459. Volltext nicht vorhanden.


Grifoni, Milena , Sassetti, Maura, Stockburger, Jürgen und Weiss, Ulrich (1993) Nonlinear response of a periodically driven damped two-state system. Physical Review E 48 (5), S. 3497-3509.

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