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Medicine > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie |
Medicine > Abteilung für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektiologie |
Medicine > Abteilung für Neuropathologie |
Medicine > Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin |
Medicine > Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin |
Catholic Theology > Biblische Theologie |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Central Analytical Services |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Ferdinand Evers |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Chair Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer |
Catholic Theology > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Dieter Weiss |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Jaroslav Fabian |
Informatics and Data Science |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie |
Medicine > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Physiologie |
Human Sciences > Institut für Sportwissenschaft |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Financial Accounting and Auditing (Prof. Dr. Axel Haller) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde) |
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Immunologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurochirurgie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Orthopädie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik |
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Computational Life Science > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Strahlentherapie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Urologie |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnärztliche Prothetik |
Catholic Theology > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Pastoraltheologie und Homiletik - Prof. Dr. Ute Leimgruber |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institute of Pharmacy > Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry II (Prof. Buschauer) |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institute of Pharmacy > Pharmacology and Toxicology (Prof. Schlossmann, formerly Prof. Seifert) |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry VI - Physical Chemistry (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz |
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik insbesondere IoT-basierte Informationssysteme – Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönig
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik insbesondere IoT-basierte Informationssysteme – Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönig |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V. |
Central Institutions > University Library |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT) |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien |
Medicine > Zentrum für Neuroradiologie |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)Number of items: 175.
Medicine > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Medicine > Abteilung für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektiologie
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Medicine > Abteilung für Neuropathologie
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Medicine > Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin
Schindler, Lisa,
Moosbauer, Jutta,
Schmidt, Daniel ,
Spruss, Thilo,
Grätz, Lukas,
Lüdeke, Steffen,
Hofheinz, Frank,
Meister, Sebastian,
Echtenacher, Bernd,
Bernhardt, Günther,
Pietzsch, Jens ,
Hellwig, Dirk and
Keller, Max
Development of a Neurotensin-Derived 68Ga-Labeled PET Ligand with High In Vivo Stability for Imaging of NTS1 Receptor-Expressing Tumors.
Cancers 14 (19), p. 4922.
Medicine > Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Catholic Theology > Biblische Theologie
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Central Analytical Services
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Ferdinand Evers
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Chair Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer
Elsayed Moussa, Mehdi,
Bauer, Susanne,
Graßl, Christian,
Riesinger, Christoph,
Balázs, Gábor and
Scheer, Manfred
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Cobalt Carbonyl Phosphorus and Arsenic Clusters.
Molecules 29 (9), p. 2025.
Catholic Theology > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Dieter Weiss
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Jaroslav Fabian
Informatics and Data Science
Schmidt, Thomas,
Dennerlein, Katrin and
Wolff, Christian
Emotion Classification in German Plays with Transformer-based Language Models Pretrained on Historical and Contemporary Language.
In: The 5th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, November 11, 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (online).
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Elsayed Moussa, Mehdi,
Bauer, Susanne,
Graßl, Christian,
Riesinger, Christoph,
Balázs, Gábor and
Scheer, Manfred
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Cobalt Carbonyl Phosphorus and Arsenic Clusters.
Molecules 29 (9), p. 2025.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie
Smeda, Martyna,
Galler, Kerstin M.,
Woelflick, Melanie,
Rosendahl, Andreas,
Moehle, Christoph,
Lenhardt, Beate,
Buchalla, Wolfgang and
Widbiller, Matthias
Molecular Biological Comparison of Dental Pulp- and Apical Papilla-Derived Stem Cells.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (5), p. 2615.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie
Parkinson, Eric K. ,
Haferkamp, Sebastian and
Mycielska, Maria E.
Cancer Cell Metabolism.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (13), p. 7210.
Medicine > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin
Weber, Andrea ,
Kroiss, Katharina ,
Reismann, Lydia,
Jansen, Petra ,
Hirschfelder, Gunther,
Sedlmeier, Anja M. ,
Stein, Michael J. ,
Bohmann, Patricia ,
Leitzmann, Michael F. and
Jochem, Carmen
Health-Promoting and Sustainable Behavior in University Students in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (7), p. 5238.
Prantl, Lukas,
Gerken, Michael,
Zeman, Florian,
Leitzmann, Michael,
Koller, Michael,
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika,
Evert, Matthias,
Kuehlmann, Britta and
Biermann, Niklas
Incidence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Breast-Implant-Associated Lymphoma—An Analysis of a Certified Tumor Registry over 17 Years.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), p. 1247.
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Physiologie
Human Sciences > Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Weber, Andrea ,
Kroiss, Katharina ,
Reismann, Lydia,
Jansen, Petra ,
Hirschfelder, Gunther,
Sedlmeier, Anja M. ,
Stein, Michael J. ,
Bohmann, Patricia ,
Leitzmann, Michael F. and
Jochem, Carmen
Health-Promoting and Sustainable Behavior in University Students in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (7), p. 5238.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I
Pohl, Rebekka,
Feder, Susanne,
Haberl, Elisabeth M. ,
Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Spirk, Marlen,
Bruckmann, Astrid,
McMullen, Nichole ,
Sinal, Christopher J. and
Buechler, Christa
Chemerin Overexpression in the Liver Protects against Inflammation in Experimental Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Biomedicines 10 (1), p. 132.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie
Bruss, Christina,
Kellner, Kerstin,
Albert, Veruschka,
Hutchinson, James A. ,
Seitz, Stephan,
Ortmann, Olaf ,
Brockhoff, Gero and
Wege, Anja K.
Immune Checkpoint Profiling in Humanized Breast Cancer Mice Revealed Cell-Specific LAG-3/PD-1/TIM-3 Co-Expression and Elevated PD-1/TIM-3 Secretion.
Cancers 15 (9), p. 2615.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie
Drexler, Konstantin,
Bollmann, Lara,
Karrer, Sigrid ,
Berneburg, Mark ,
Haferkamp, Sebastian and
Niebel, Dennis
Retrospective Single-Center Case Study of Clinical Variables and the Degree of Actinic Elastosis Associated with Rare Skin Cancers.
Biology 13 (7), p. 529.
Barsch, Friedrich ,
Mamilos, Andreas ,
Schmitt, Volker H. ,
Babel, Maximilian,
Winter, Lina ,
Wagner, Willi,
Winther, Hinrich ,
Ottomann, Christian,
Niedermair, Tanja,
Schreml, Stephan ,
Hierlemann, Helmut and
Brochhausen, Christoph
In Vivo Comparison of Synthetic Macroporous Filamentous and Sponge-like Skin Substitute Matrices Reveals Morphometric Features of the Foreign Body Reaction According to 3D Biomaterial Designs.
Cells 11 (18), p. 2834.
Parkinson, Eric K. ,
Haferkamp, Sebastian and
Mycielska, Maria E.
Cancer Cell Metabolism.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (13), p. 7210.
Niebel, Dennis ,
Wilsmann-Theis, Dagmar,
Bieber, Thomas,
Berneburg, Mark ,
Wenzel, Joerg and
Braegelmann, Christine
Bullous Pemphigoid in Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Psoriatic Patients — Focus on Clinical and Histopathological Variation.
Dermatopathology 9 (1), pp. 60-81.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Financial Accounting and Auditing (Prof. Dr. Axel Haller)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde)
Schüler-Toprak, Susanne ,
Skrzypczak, Maciej,
Gründker, Carsten,
Ortmann, Olaf and
Treeck, Oliver
Role of Estrogen Receptor β, G-Protein Coupled Estrogen Receptor and Estrogen-Related Receptors in Endometrial and Ovarian Cancer.
Cancers 15 (10), p. 2845.
Bruss, Christina,
Kellner, Kerstin,
Albert, Veruschka,
Hutchinson, James A. ,
Seitz, Stephan,
Ortmann, Olaf ,
Brockhoff, Gero and
Wege, Anja K.
Immune Checkpoint Profiling in Humanized Breast Cancer Mice Revealed Cell-Specific LAG-3/PD-1/TIM-3 Co-Expression and Elevated PD-1/TIM-3 Secretion.
Cancers 15 (9), p. 2615.
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner)
Fadil, Fadi ,
Samol, Claudia,
Berger, Raffaela S. ,
Kellermeier, Fabian,
Gronwald, Wolfram ,
Oefner, Peter J. and
Dettmer, Katja
Isotope Ratio Outlier Analysis (IROA) for HPLC–TOFMS-Based Metabolomics of Human Urine.
Metabolites 12 (8), p. 741.
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde
Ettl, Tobias ,
Gottsauner, Maximilian,
Kühnel, Thomas ,
Maurer, Michael ,
Schuderer, Johannes G. ,
Spörl, Steffen,
Taxis, Jürgen,
Reichert, Torsten E.,
Fiedler, Mathias and
Meier, Johannes K.
The Folded Radial Forearm Flap in Lip and Nose Reconstruction—Still a Unique Choice.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (11), p. 3636.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie
Goetz, Wolfgang A.,
Yao, Jiang,
Brener, Michael,
Puri, Rishi,
Swaans, Martin,
Schopka, Simon ,
Wiesner, Sigrid,
Creutzenberg, Marcus,
Sievert, Horst and
Kassab, Ghassan S.
Inversion of Left Ventricular Axial Shortening: In Silico Proof of Concept for Treatment of HFpEF.
Bioengineering 11 (7), p. 676.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Immunologie
Schindler, Lisa,
Moosbauer, Jutta,
Schmidt, Daniel ,
Spruss, Thilo,
Grätz, Lukas,
Lüdeke, Steffen,
Hofheinz, Frank,
Meister, Sebastian,
Echtenacher, Bernd,
Bernhardt, Günther,
Pietzsch, Jens ,
Hellwig, Dirk and
Keller, Max
Development of a Neurotensin-Derived 68Ga-Labeled PET Ligand with High In Vivo Stability for Imaging of NTS1 Receptor-Expressing Tumors.
Cancers 14 (19), p. 4922.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I
Mester, Patricia,
Keller, Dennis,
Kunst, Claudia,
Räth, Ulrich,
Rusch, Sophia,
Schmid, Stephan ,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Müller, Martina,
Buechler, Christa and
Pavel, Vlad
High Serum S100A12 as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Severity, Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria Superinfection and Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation in COVID-19.
Viruses 16 (7), p. 1084.
Mester, Patricia,
Räth, Ulrich,
Schmid, Stephan ,
Müller, Martina,
Buechler, Christa and
Pavel, Vlad
Exploring the Relationship between Plasma Adiponectin, Gender, and Underlying Diseases in Severe Illness.
Biomedicines 11 (12), p. 3287.
Mester, Patricia,
Amend, Pablo,
Schmid, Stephan ,
Müller, Martina,
Buechler, Christa and
Pavel, Vlad
Plasma Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 (PCSK9) as a Possible Biomarker for Severe COVID-19.
Viruses 15 (7), p. 1511.
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Pohl, Rebekka,
Feder, Susanne,
Haberl, Elisabeth M. ,
Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Spirk, Marlen,
Bruckmann, Astrid,
McMullen, Nichole ,
Sinal, Christopher J. and
Buechler, Christa
Chemerin Overexpression in the Liver Protects against Inflammation in Experimental Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Biomedicines 10 (1), p. 132.
Haberl, Elisabeth M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Peschel, Georg,
Weigand, Kilian,
Köhler, Nikolai ,
Pauling, Josch K.,
Wenzel, Jürgen J. ,
Höring, Marcus,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Liebisch, Gerhard and
Buechler, Christa
Liver Lipids of Patients with Hepatitis B and C and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10), p. 5297.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie)
Harrer, Dennis Christoph ,
Eder, Matthias,
Barden, Markus,
Pan, Hong,
Herr, Wolfgang and
Abken, Hinrich
Ectopic PU.1 Expression Provides Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cells with Innate Cell Capacities Including IFN-β Release.
Cancers 16 (15), p. 2737.
Brummer, Christina,
Pukrop, Tobias ,
Wiskemann, Joachim,
Bruss, Christina,
Ugele, Ines and
Renner, Kathrin
Can Exercise Enhance the Efficacy of Checkpoint Inhibition by Modulating Anti-Tumor Immunity?
Cancers 15 (18), p. 4668.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie
Schröder, Agnes ,
Örs, Talia,
Byeon, Ye-Oun,
Cieplik, Fabian ,
Proff, Peter ,
Kirschneck, Christian and
Paddenberg, Eva
Impact of Mechanical Strain and Nicotinamide on RUNX2-Deficient Osteoblast Mimicking Cleidocranial Dysplasia.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (23), p. 16581.
Paddenberg, Eva,
Forneck, Anne,
Widbiller, Matthias ,
Smeda, Martyna,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Proff, Peter,
Kirschneck, Christian and
Schröder, Agnes
Impact of Melatonin on RAW264.7 Macrophages during Mechanical Strain.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21), p. 13397.
Calvano Küchler, Erika ,
Henklein, Suelyn Danielle,
Proff, Peter,
Lepri, César Penazzo,
Perin, Camila Paiva,
Paddenberg, Eva,
Roskamp, Liliane,
Baratto-Filho, Flares ,
de Menezes-Oliveira, Maria Angélica Hueb and
Kirschneck, Christian
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in COX2 Is Associated with Persistent Primary Tooth and Delayed Permanent Tooth Eruption.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (16), p. 10047.
Jungbauer, Rebecca ,
Breunig, Jonas,
Schmid, Alois,
Hüfner, Mira,
Kerberger, Robert,
Rauch, Nicole,
Proff, Peter,
Drescher, Dieter and
Becker, Kathrin
Transfer Accuracy of Two 3D Printed Trays for Indirect Bracket Bonding—An In Vitro Pilot Study.
Applied Sciences 11 (13), p. 6013.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Pohl, Rebekka,
Feder, Susanne,
Haberl, Elisabeth M. ,
Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Spirk, Marlen,
Bruckmann, Astrid,
McMullen, Nichole ,
Sinal, Christopher J. and
Buechler, Christa
Chemerin Overexpression in the Liver Protects against Inflammation in Experimental Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Biomedicines 10 (1), p. 132.
Haberl, Elisabeth M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Peschel, Georg,
Weigand, Kilian,
Köhler, Nikolai ,
Pauling, Josch K.,
Wenzel, Jürgen J. ,
Höring, Marcus,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Liebisch, Gerhard and
Buechler, Christa
Liver Lipids of Patients with Hepatitis B and C and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10), p. 5297.
Kaur, Savneet,
Rawal, Preety,
Siddiqui, Hamda,
Rohilla, Sumai,
Sharma, Shvetank,
Tripathi, Dinesh M.,
Baweja, Sukriti,
Hassan, Mohsin,
Vlaic, Sebastian,
Guthke, Reinhard,
Thomas, Maria,
Dayoub, Rania ,
Bihari, Chaggan,
Sarin, Shiv K. and
Weiss, Thomas S.
Increased Expression of RUNX1 in Liver Correlates with NASH Activity Score in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH).
Cells 8 (10), p. 1277.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin
Haberl, Elisabeth M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Peschel, Georg,
Weigand, Kilian,
Köhler, Nikolai ,
Pauling, Josch K.,
Wenzel, Jürgen J. ,
Höring, Marcus,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Liebisch, Gerhard and
Buechler, Christa
Liver Lipids of Patients with Hepatitis B and C and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10), p. 5297.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Schmidt, Thomas,
Dennerlein, Katrin and
Wolff, Christian
Emotion Classification in German Plays with Transformer-based Language Models Pretrained on Historical and Contemporary Language.
In: The 5th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, November 11, 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (online).
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Paddenberg, Eva,
Forneck, Anne,
Widbiller, Matthias ,
Smeda, Martyna,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Proff, Peter,
Kirschneck, Christian and
Schröder, Agnes
Impact of Melatonin on RAW264.7 Macrophages during Mechanical Strain.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21), p. 13397.
Haberl, Elisabeth M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Peschel, Georg,
Weigand, Kilian,
Köhler, Nikolai ,
Pauling, Josch K.,
Wenzel, Jürgen J. ,
Höring, Marcus,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Liebisch, Gerhard and
Buechler, Christa
Liver Lipids of Patients with Hepatitis B and C and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (10), p. 5297.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie
Dorn, Anna Rebecca,
Neff, Sara ,
Hupp, Sophia,
Engelhardt, Melissa,
Pion, Eric,
Lenze, Ulrich,
Knebel, Carolin ,
Duprée, Anna,
Schewe, Simone,
Weber, Markus ,
Wulbrand, Christian,
Hillmann, Axel,
Weber, Florian ,
Clarke, Phillip,
Kainz, Philipp ,
Aung, Thiha and
Haerteis, Silke
Analysis of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines and Patient Tissue Using a 3D In Vivo Tumor Model—Possible Effects of Punicalagin.
Organoids 3 (1), pp. 35-53.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Maurer, Michael ,
Schlipköter, Cornelius,
Gottsauner, Maximilian,
Waiss, Waltraud,
Meier, Johannes K.,
Fiedler, Mathias,
Schuderer, Johannes G. ,
Taxis, Juergen ,
Reichert, Torsten E. and
Ettl, Tobias
Animal Bite Injuries to the Face: A Retrospective Evaluation of 111 Cases.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (21), p. 6942.
Schmutzler, Anne,
Stingu, Catalina Suzana,
Günther, Elena,
Lang, Reinhold,
Fuchs, Florian,
Koenig, Andreas ,
Rauch, Angelika and
Hahnel, Sebastian
Attachment of Respiratory Pathogens and Candida to Denture Base Materials—A Pilot Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (19), p. 6127.
Ettl, Tobias ,
Gottsauner, Maximilian,
Kühnel, Thomas ,
Maurer, Michael ,
Schuderer, Johannes G. ,
Spörl, Steffen,
Taxis, Jürgen,
Reichert, Torsten E.,
Fiedler, Mathias and
Meier, Johannes K.
The Folded Radial Forearm Flap in Lip and Nose Reconstruction—Still a Unique Choice.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (11), p. 3636.
Klein, Silvan ,
Siegmund, Andreas,
Eigenberger, Andreas ,
Hartmann, Valerie,
Langewost, Felix,
Hammer, Nicolas,
Anker, Alexandra,
Klein, Konstantin ,
Morsczeck, Christian,
Prantl, Lukas and
Felthaus, Oliver
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration–Adipose-Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Differentiated by a Three-Step Protocol Promote Neurite Elongation via NGF Secretion.
Cells 11 (18), p. 2887.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurochirurgie
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Hau, Peter ,
Frappaz, Didier,
Hovey, Elizabeth,
McCabe, Martin G. ,
Pajtler, Kristian W.,
Wiestler, Benedikt ,
Seidel, Clemens,
Combs, Stephanie E.,
Dirven, Linda,
Klein, Martin,
Anazodo, Antoinette ,
Hattingen, Elke ,
Hofer, Silvia,
Pfister, Stefan M. ,
Zimmer, Claus,
Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter,
Sunyach, Marie-Pierre,
Tanguy, Ronan,
Effeney, Rachel,
von Deimling, Andreas ,
Sahm, Felix ,
Rutkowski, Stefan,
Berghoff, Anna S.,
Franceschi, Enrico,
Pineda, Estela,
Beier, Dagmar ,
Peeters, Ellen,
Gorlia, Thierry,
Vanlancker, Maureen,
Bromberg, Jacoline E. C.,
Gautier, Julien,
Ziegler, David S. ,
Preusser, Matthias,
Wick, Wolfgang and
Weller, Michael
Development of Randomized Trials in Adults with Medulloblastoma—The Example of EORTC 1634-BTG/NOA-23.
Cancers 13 (14), p. 3451.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Orthopädie
Pagano, Stefano,
Müller, Karolina ,
Götz, Julia ,
Reinhard, Jan ,
Schindler, Melanie,
Grifka, Joachim and
Maderbacher, Günther
The Role and Efficiency of an AI-Powered Software in the Evaluation of Lower Limb Radiographs before and after Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (17), p. 5498.
Weber, Markus ,
Meyer, Matthias ,
Von Kunow, Frederik,
Füchtmeier, Bernd,
Hillmann, Axel and
Wulbrand, Christian
How Relevant Is the Parallax Effect on Low Centered Pelvic Radiographs in Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (6), p. 881.
Wank, Isabel,
Niedermair, Tanja,
Kronenberg, Daniel,
Stange, Richard,
Brochhausen, Christoph ,
Hess, Andreas and
Grässel, Susanne
Influence of the Peripheral Nervous System on Murine Osteoporotic Fracture Healing and Fracture-Induced Hyperalgesia.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (1), p. 510.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie
Dorn, Anna Rebecca,
Neff, Sara ,
Hupp, Sophia,
Engelhardt, Melissa,
Pion, Eric,
Lenze, Ulrich,
Knebel, Carolin ,
Duprée, Anna,
Schewe, Simone,
Weber, Markus ,
Wulbrand, Christian,
Hillmann, Axel,
Weber, Florian ,
Clarke, Phillip,
Kainz, Philipp ,
Aung, Thiha and
Haerteis, Silke
Analysis of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines and Patient Tissue Using a 3D In Vivo Tumor Model—Possible Effects of Punicalagin.
Organoids 3 (1), pp. 35-53.
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Wank, Isabel,
Niedermair, Tanja,
Kronenberg, Daniel,
Stange, Richard,
Brochhausen, Christoph ,
Hess, Andreas and
Grässel, Susanne
Influence of the Peripheral Nervous System on Murine Osteoporotic Fracture Healing and Fracture-Induced Hyperalgesia.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (1), p. 510.
Barsch, Friedrich ,
Mamilos, Andreas ,
Schmitt, Volker H. ,
Babel, Maximilian,
Winter, Lina ,
Wagner, Willi,
Winther, Hinrich ,
Ottomann, Christian,
Niedermair, Tanja,
Schreml, Stephan ,
Hierlemann, Helmut and
Brochhausen, Christoph
In Vivo Comparison of Synthetic Macroporous Filamentous and Sponge-like Skin Substitute Matrices Reveals Morphometric Features of the Foreign Body Reaction According to 3D Biomaterial Designs.
Cells 11 (18), p. 2834.
Prantl, Lukas,
Gerken, Michael,
Zeman, Florian,
Leitzmann, Michael,
Koller, Michael,
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika,
Evert, Matthias,
Kuehlmann, Britta and
Biermann, Niklas
Incidence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Breast-Implant-Associated Lymphoma—An Analysis of a Certified Tumor Registry over 17 Years.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), p. 1247.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik
Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha ,
Scharf, Gregor,
Lürken, Lukas ,
Verloh, Niklas ,
Schleder, Stephan ,
Stroszczynski, Christian ,
Jung, Ernst Michael and
Haimerl, Michael
Different Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography Techniques as Novel Imaging-Based Approaches for Quantitative Evaluation of Hepatic Steatosis—Preliminary Findings.
Tomography 9 (2), pp. 681-692.
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Schleder, Stephan ,
May, Matthias,
Scholz, Carsten,
Dinkel, Johannes,
Strotzer, Quirin David ,
Einspieler, Ingo,
Dollinger, Marco ,
Schreyer, Andreas G.,
Grassinger, Jochen and
Schicho, Andreas
Diagnostic Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression (DWIBS) for the Pre-Therapeutic Loco-Regional Staging of Cervical Cancer: A Feasibility and Interobserver Reliability Study.
Current Oncology 30 (1), pp. 1164-1173.
Schleder, Stephan,
May, Matthias,
Habicher, Werner,
Dinkel, Johannes,
Schreyer, Andreas G.,
Gostian, Antoniu-Oreste and
Schicho, Andreas
Additional Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression (DWIBS) Improves Pre-Therapeutical Detection of Early-Stage (pT1a) Glottic Cancer: A Feasibility and Interobserver Reliability Study.
Diagnostics 12 (12), p. 3200.
Schicho, Andreas ,
Habicher, Werner,
Wendl, Christina,
Stroszczynski, Christian ,
Strotzer, Quirin,
Dollinger, Marco ,
Schreyer, Andreas G. and
Schleder, Stephan
Clinical Value of Diffusion-Weighted Whole-Body Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression (DWIBS) for Staging of Patients with Suspected Head and Neck Cancer.
Tomography 8 (5), pp. 2522-2532.
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Computational Life Science > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Strahlentherapie
Goetz, Andrea,
Verloh, Niklas ,
Utpatel, Kirsten ,
Fellner, Claudia ,
Rennert, Janine,
Einspieler, Ingo,
Doppler, Michael,
Luerken, Lukas,
Alizadeh, Leona S.,
Uller, Wibke,
Stroszczynski, Christian and
Haimerl, Michael
Differentiating Well-Differentiated from Poorly-Differentiated HCC: The Potential and the Limitation of Gd-EOB-DTPA in the Presence of Liver Cirrhosis.
Diagnostics 14 (15), p. 1676.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Weber, Johannes ,
Huber, Lorenz,
Frankewycz, Borys ,
Krutsch, Werner,
Alt, Volker and
Szymski, Dominik
Sports-Related Concussion Is a Personalized Issue—Evaluation of Medical Assessment and Subjective Feeling of the Athlete in a German Level 1 Trauma Center.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (10), p. 1596.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Urologie
Goßler, Christopher ,
May, Matthias,
Weikert, Steffen,
Lenart, Sebastian,
Ponholzer, Anton,
Dreissig, Christina,
Stojanoski, Gjoko,
Anzinger, Isabel,
Riester, Josef,
Burger, Maximilian,
Gilfrich, Christian,
Mayr, Roman and
Bründl, Johannes
Long-Term Follow-Up of Peritoneal Interposition Flap in Symptomatic Lymphocele Reduction following Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Insights from the PIANOFORTE Trial.
Cancers 16 (10), p. 1932.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft
Weber, Andrea ,
Kroiss, Katharina ,
Reismann, Lydia,
Jansen, Petra ,
Hirschfelder, Gunther,
Sedlmeier, Anja M. ,
Stein, Michael J. ,
Bohmann, Patricia ,
Leitzmann, Michael F. and
Jochem, Carmen
Health-Promoting and Sustainable Behavior in University Students in Germany: A Cross-Sectional Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (7), p. 5238.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie
Paddenberg, Eva,
Forneck, Anne,
Widbiller, Matthias ,
Smeda, Martyna,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Proff, Peter,
Kirschneck, Christian and
Schröder, Agnes
Impact of Melatonin on RAW264.7 Macrophages during Mechanical Strain.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (21), p. 13397.
Smeda, Martyna,
Galler, Kerstin M.,
Woelflick, Melanie,
Rosendahl, Andreas,
Moehle, Christoph,
Lenhardt, Beate,
Buchalla, Wolfgang and
Widbiller, Matthias
Molecular Biological Comparison of Dental Pulp- and Apical Papilla-Derived Stem Cells.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (5), p. 2615.
Scholz, Konstantin J. ,
Bittner, Aleksandra,
Cieplik, Fabian ,
Hiller, Karl-Anton ,
Schmalz, Gottfried,
Buchalla, Wolfgang and
Federlin, Marianne
Micromorphology of the Adhesive Interface of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements to Enamel and Dentin.
Materials 2021 (14,492), pp. 1-15.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnärztliche Prothetik
Rauch, Angelika,
Heinzmann, Wendy,
Rosentritt, Martin ,
Hahnel, Sebastian,
Schmidt, Michael Benno,
Fuchs, Florian and
Koenig, Andreas
Aging and Fracture Resistance of Implant-Supported Molar Crowns with a CAD/CAM Resin Composite Veneer Structure.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (18), p. 5997.
Jungbauer, Rebecca ,
Breunig, Jonas,
Schmid, Alois,
Hüfner, Mira,
Kerberger, Robert,
Rauch, Nicole,
Proff, Peter,
Drescher, Dieter and
Becker, Kathrin
Transfer Accuracy of Two 3D Printed Trays for Indirect Bracket Bonding—An In Vitro Pilot Study.
Applied Sciences 11 (13), p. 6013.
Catholic Theology > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Pastoraltheologie und Homiletik - Prof. Dr. Ute Leimgruber
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institute of Pharmacy > Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry II (Prof. Buschauer)
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institute of Pharmacy > Pharmacology and Toxicology (Prof. Schlossmann, formerly Prof. Seifert)
Schindler, Lisa,
Moosbauer, Jutta,
Schmidt, Daniel ,
Spruss, Thilo,
Grätz, Lukas,
Lüdeke, Steffen,
Hofheinz, Frank,
Meister, Sebastian,
Echtenacher, Bernd,
Bernhardt, Günther,
Pietzsch, Jens ,
Hellwig, Dirk and
Keller, Max
Development of a Neurotensin-Derived 68Ga-Labeled PET Ligand with High In Vivo Stability for Imaging of NTS1 Receptor-Expressing Tumors.
Cancers 14 (19), p. 4922.
Schramm, Andrea,
Mueller-Thuemen, Philip,
Littmann, Timo,
Harloff, Manuela,
Ozawa, Takeaki and
Schlossmann, Jens
Establishing a Split Luciferase Assay for Proteinkinase G (PKG) Interaction Studies.
International Journal o f Molecular Sciences 19 (4), p. 1180.
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry VI - Physical Chemistry (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik insbesondere IoT-basierte Informationssysteme – Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönig
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik insbesondere IoT-basierte Informationssysteme – Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönig
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V.
Völkel, Vinzenz,
Gerken, Michael,
Kleihues-van Tol, Kees,
Schoffer, Olaf,
Bierbaum, Veronika,
Bobeth, Christoph,
Roessler, Martin,
Reissfelder, Christoph ,
Fürst, Alois,
Benz, Stefan,
Rau, Bettina M.,
Piso, Pompiliu,
Distler, Marius,
Günster, Christian,
Hansinger, Judith,
Schmitt, Jochen and
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika
Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in Certified Centers: Results of a Large German Registry Study Focusing on Long-Term Survival.
Cancers 15 (18), p. 4568.
Prantl, Lukas,
Gerken, Michael,
Zeman, Florian,
Leitzmann, Michael,
Koller, Michael,
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika,
Evert, Matthias,
Kuehlmann, Britta and
Biermann, Niklas
Incidence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Breast-Implant-Associated Lymphoma—An Analysis of a Certified Tumor Registry over 17 Years.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), p. 1247.
Central Institutions > University Library
Vierkant, Paul ,
Siegert, Olaf ,
Deinzer, Gernot ,
Gebert, Agathe ,
Herbstritt, Marc ,
Pampel, Heinz ,
Tobias, Regine and
Wagner, Alexander
Workflows zur Bereitstellung von Zeitschriftenartikeln auf Open-Access-Repositorien - Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze.
O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal 4 (1), pp. 151-169.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT)
Hau, Peter ,
Frappaz, Didier,
Hovey, Elizabeth,
McCabe, Martin G. ,
Pajtler, Kristian W.,
Wiestler, Benedikt ,
Seidel, Clemens,
Combs, Stephanie E.,
Dirven, Linda,
Klein, Martin,
Anazodo, Antoinette ,
Hattingen, Elke ,
Hofer, Silvia,
Pfister, Stefan M. ,
Zimmer, Claus,
Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter,
Sunyach, Marie-Pierre,
Tanguy, Ronan,
Effeney, Rachel,
von Deimling, Andreas ,
Sahm, Felix ,
Rutkowski, Stefan,
Berghoff, Anna S.,
Franceschi, Enrico,
Pineda, Estela,
Beier, Dagmar ,
Peeters, Ellen,
Gorlia, Thierry,
Vanlancker, Maureen,
Bromberg, Jacoline E. C.,
Gautier, Julien,
Ziegler, David S. ,
Preusser, Matthias,
Wick, Wolfgang and
Weller, Michael
Development of Randomized Trials in Adults with Medulloblastoma—The Example of EORTC 1634-BTG/NOA-23.
Cancers 13 (14), p. 3451.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien
Prantl, Lukas,
Gerken, Michael,
Zeman, Florian,
Leitzmann, Michael,
Koller, Michael,
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika,
Evert, Matthias,
Kuehlmann, Britta and
Biermann, Niklas
Incidence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Breast-Implant-Associated Lymphoma—An Analysis of a Certified Tumor Registry over 17 Years.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), p. 1247.
Medicine > Zentrum für Neuroradiologie
Bumes, Elisabeth ,
Fellner, Claudia,
Fellner, Franz A.,
Fleischanderl, Karin,
Häckl, Martina,
Lenz, Stefan,
Linker, Ralf A.,
Mirus, Tim,
Oefner, Peter J. ,
Paar, Christian,
Proescholdt, Martin A. ,
Riemenschneider, Markus J. ,
Rosengarth, Katharina,
Weis, Serge,
Wendl, Christina,
Wimmer, Sibylle,
Hau, Peter ,
Gronwald, Wolfram and
Hutterer, Markus
Validation Study for Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation Status in Patients with Glioma Using In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning.
Cancers 14 (11), p. 2762.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
Ahmad, Nura,
Anker, Alexandra M. ,
Klein, Silvan M.,
Dean, Jillian,
Knoedler, Leonard ,
Remy, Katya,
Pagani, Andrea,
Kempa, Sally ,
Terhaag, Amraj and
Prantl, Lukas
Autologous Fat Grafting—A Panacea for Scar Tissue Therapy?
Cells 13 (16), p. 1384.
Rupp, Markus ,
Walter, Nike ,
Popp, Daniel ,
Hitzenbichler, Florian ,
Heyd, Robert,
Geis, Sebastian,
Kandulski, Melanie,
Thurn, Sylvia,
Betz, Thomas,
Brochhausen, Christoph and
Alt, Volker
Multidisciplinary Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection Has a Positive Impact on Clinical Outcome—A Retrospective Case Control Study at a Tertiary Referral Center.
Antibiotics 12 (2), p. 230.
Klein, Silvan ,
Siegmund, Andreas,
Eigenberger, Andreas ,
Hartmann, Valerie,
Langewost, Felix,
Hammer, Nicolas,
Anker, Alexandra,
Klein, Konstantin ,
Morsczeck, Christian,
Prantl, Lukas and
Felthaus, Oliver
Peripheral Nerve Regeneration–Adipose-Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Differentiated by a Three-Step Protocol Promote Neurite Elongation via NGF Secretion.
Cells 11 (18), p. 2887.
Heidekrueger, Paul I. ,
Moellhoff, Nicholas,
Horch, Raymund E. ,
Lohmeyer, Jörn A. ,
Marx, Mario,
Heitmann, Christoph,
Fansa, Hisham,
Geenen, Matthias,
Gabka, Christian J.,
Handstein, Steffen ,
Prantl, Lukas and
von Fritschen, Uwe
Overall complication rates of DIEP flap breast reconstructions in Germany – a multi-center analysis based on the DGPRÄC prospective national online registry for microsurgical breast reconstructions.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (1016), pp. 1-12.
Prantl, Lukas,
Gerken, Michael,
Zeman, Florian,
Leitzmann, Michael,
Koller, Michael,
Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika,
Evert, Matthias,
Kuehlmann, Britta and
Biermann, Niklas
Incidence of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Breast-Implant-Associated Lymphoma—An Analysis of a Certified Tumor Registry over 17 Years.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (5), p. 1247.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)
Schubart, Christoph D. ,
Deli, Temim ,
Mancinelli, Giorgio,
Cilenti, Lucrezia,
Gil Fernández, Alberto,
Falco, Silvia and
Berger, Selina
Phylogeography of the Atlantic Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus (Brachyura: Portunidae) in the Americas versus the Mediterranean Sea: Determining Origins and Genetic Connectivity of a Large-Scale Invasion.
Biology 12 (1), p. 35.
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