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Medicine > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie |
Medicine > Abteilung für Nephrologie |
Medicine > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation |
Catholic Theology > Historische Theologie > Alte Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie - Prof. Dr. Andreas Merkt |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Robert Wolf |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Ruth Gschwind |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Bayerische Geschichte - Prof. Dr. Bernhard Löffler |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Ferdinand Evers |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Chair Prof. Dr. Arno Pfitzner |
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Chair of Artificial Inteligence in IT Security (Prof. Dr. Maria Leitner) |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Chair of Production Management (Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz) |
Informatics and Data Science > Department Foundation of Computer Science > Data Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meike Klettke) |
Informatics and Data Science > Department Foundation of Computer Science > Datensicherheit und Kryptohraphie (Prof. Dr. Juliane Krämer) |
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems |
Catholic Theology > Biblische Theologie > Exegese und Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments - Prof. Dr. Tobias Nicklas |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Lupton > Group Christian Schüller |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Christoph Strunk |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Dieter Weiss |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Huber > Group Dominique Bougeard |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Jaroslav Fabian |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Giessibl > Group Jascha Repp |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Lupton > Group John Lupton |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Klaus Richter |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Grifoni > Group Milena Grifoni |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Huber > Group Rupert Huber |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Professor Ganichev > Group Sergey Ganichev |
Informatics and Data Science |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Didaktik der Biologie |
Medicine > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Evangelische Theologie |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Kunstgeschichte |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Musikwissenschaft |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie |
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie |
Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IESES) |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics |
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Alumni or Retired Professors > Junior Research Group Alexey Chernikov |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Anästhesiologie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaft, insbesondere Strategisches Industriegütermarketing (Prof. Dr. Roland Helm) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher) |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung (Prof. Dr. Gregor Dorfleitner) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde) |
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner) |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Philosophie > Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Philosophie (Prof. Dr. phil. Rolf Schönberger) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienfinanzierung (Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian)
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienfinanzierung (Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian) |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienwirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Tobias Just) |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin |
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Lernbehindertenpädagogik einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Markus Gebhardt |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Alumni or Retired Professors > Lehrstuhl für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft I (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gajek) |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft I (Prof. Dr. Ursula Regener) |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie |
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III (Biologische, Klinische und Rehabilitationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Lange |
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner |
Human Sciences > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik III (Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber) |
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik bei geistiger Behinderung einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dworschak |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Risikomanagement (Prof. Dr. Rösch) |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Evangelische Theologie > Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie und theologische Gegenwartsfragen - Prof. Dr. Matthias Heesch |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul) |
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik IV (Prof. Dr. Doğan Kesdoğan)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik IV (Prof. Dr. Doğan Kesdoğan) |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Philosophie > Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Meinel |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter Poschlod) |
Mathematics |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Mittelalterliche Geschichte - Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Kortüm |
Catholic Theology > Historische Theologie > Mittlere und Neue Kirchengeschichte - Prof. Dr. Klaus Unterburger |
Catholic Theology > Philosophie |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer) |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Physical Chemistry I > Prof. Dr. Patrick Nürnberger |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Alumni or Retired Professors > Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Richard Warth |
Mathematics > Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss |
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry VI - Physical Chemistry (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz |
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie > Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Schweikl |
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Prof. Jörg Wunderlich |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Professur für Informationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Professur für Informationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig) |
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Professur für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Niels Henze)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Professur für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Niels Henze) |
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Regensburger Centrum für Interventionelle Immunologie (RCI) |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Rettungszentrum Regensburg e.V. |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Tierphysiologie/Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann) |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V. |
Central Institutions > University Library |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Alumni or Retired > Verhaltensbiologie und Verhaltensphysiologie (Prof. Dr. Bernd Kramer) |
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Vor- und Frühgeschichte - Prof. Dr. Thomas Saile |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT) |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien |
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie |
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)Number of items: 700.
Medicine > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie
Betz, Thomas,
Pfister, Karin,
Schierling, Wilma,
Sachsamanis, Georgios,
Radunski, Jörn,
Nolte Ernsting, Claus and
Stehr, Alexander
Treatment of symptomatic popliteal artery lesions: An obituary of the GORE® TIGRIS® vascular stent.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, pp. 1-9.
Sachsamanis, Georgios,
Delgado, Julio Perez,
Oikonomou, Kyriakos,
Schierling, Wilma ![ORCID 0000-0002-3276-9063](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Pfister, Karin,
Zuelke, Carl and
Betz, Thomas
Wound healing and hernia after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair – Onlay self-gripping polyester mesh reinforcement compared with small bite sutured closure.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, pp. 1-8.
Wilma, Schierling,
Kathrin, Bachleitner,
Piotr, Kasprzak ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thomas, Betz,
Alexander, Stehr and
Karin, Pfister
Safety aspect of intraoperative, local urokinase lysis in patients with acute lower limb ischemia.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 78 (1), pp. 83-92.
Medicine > Abteilung für Nephrologie
Tews, Hauke C.,
Kandulski, Arne,
Schmid, S.,
Schlosser, Sophie,
Schirner, S.,
Putz, Franz Josef ![ORCID 0000-0001-7903-7890](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cosma, Lidia-Sabina,
Gülow, K.,
Müller, M. and
Jung, Ernst Michael
Multimodal ultrasound imaging with conventional B-mode, elastography, and parametric analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS): A novel approach to assess small bowel manifestation in severe COVID-19 disease.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation pre-press.
(In Press)
Fulltext restricted.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
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Medicine > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation
Mühlbauer, M.,
Fleck, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Schütz, C.,
Blank, C.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, C.
PD-L1 expression in human hepatocytes induces T-cell apoptosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A23.
Fulltext not available.
Catholic Theology > Historische Theologie > Alte Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie - Prof. Dr. Andreas Merkt
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Robert Wolf
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Ruth Gschwind
Grotjahn, Sascha,
Müller, Lea,
Pattanaik, Aryaman,
Falk, Alexander,
Barison, Giorgia ![ORCID 0000-0001-8125-3293](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bauer, Jonathan O. ![ORCID 0000-0002-9575-7430](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rehbein, Julia ![ORCID 0000-0001-9241-0637](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gschwind, Ruth M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3052-0077](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Burkhard ![ORCID 0000-0002-6131-4850](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivity in the photocatalytic generation of carbanions via hydrogen atom transfer and reductive radical-polar crossover.
Organic Chemistry Frontiers 11 (20), pp. 5890-5900.
Fulltext not available.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Bayerische Geschichte - Prof. Dr. Bernhard Löffler
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Ferdinand Evers
Peng, Jinbo ![ORCID 0000-0001-5935-0847](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sokolov, Sophia,
Hernangómez-Pérez, Daniel,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Gross, Leo,
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Atomically resolved single-molecule triplet quenching".
Schmid, C. P.,
Weigl, Leonard,
Grössing, P.,
Junk, Vanessa ![ORCID 0000-0003-1675-8548](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gorini, Cosimo ![ORCID 0000-0002-3197-8322](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Ito, Seera,
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Hofmann, Niklas,
Afanasiev, Dmitry,
Crewse, Jack,
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Wilhelm, J.,
Richter, Klaus,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tuneable non-integer high-harmonic generation in a topological insulator'.
Fulltext restricted.
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Chair Prof. Dr. Arno Pfitzner
Plokhikh, Igor V.,
Tsirlin, Alexander A.,
Khalyavin, Dmitry D.,
Fischer, Henry E.,
Shevelkov, Andrei V. and
Pfitzner, Arno ![ORCID 0000-0001-8653-7439](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Effect of antifluorite layer on the magnetic order in Eu-based 1111 compounds, EuTAsF (T = Zn, Mn, and Fe).
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (6), pp. 4862-4871.
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Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Chair of Artificial Inteligence in IT Security (Prof. Dr. Maria Leitner)
Rudolf, Nico,
Böhmer, Kristof and
Leitner, Maria ![ORCID 0000-0003-1371-5446](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
BAnDIT: Business Process Anomaly Detection in Transactions.
In: Cooperative Information Systems - 29th International Conference, CoopIS 2023, Proceedings, October 30 - November 3, 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands.
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Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Chair of Production Management (Prof. Dr. Justus Arne Schwarz)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Foundation of Computer Science > Data Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Meike Klettke)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Foundation of Computer Science > Datensicherheit und Kryptohraphie (Prof. Dr. Juliane Krämer)
Marzougui, Soundes,
Wisiol, Nils,
Gersch, Patrick,
Krämer, Juliane and
Seifert, Jean-Pierre
Machine-Learning Side-Channel Attacks on the GALACTICS Constant-Time Implementation of BLISS.
In: ARES 2022: The 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 23-26 August 2022, Vienna.
Fulltext not available.
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems
Wittig, Maximilian and
Kesdoğan, Doğan
Detecting Web Tracking at the Network Layer.
Meyer, N. and
Grocholewska-Czuryło, A., (eds.)
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. SEC 2023.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 679.
Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 131-148.
ISBN 978-3-031-56326-3.
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Catholic Theology > Biblische Theologie > Exegese und Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments - Prof. Dr. Tobias Nicklas
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Lupton > Group Christian Schüller
Holler, Johannes ![ORCID 0000-0002-5271-5265](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Meier, Sebastian,
Kempf, Michael,
Nagler, Philipp,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Low-frequency Raman scattering in WSe2−MoSe2 heterobilayers: Evidence for atomic reconstruction".
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Merkl, Philipp,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Girnghuber, Anna,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nagler, Philipp,
Holler, Johannes,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ovesen, S.,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Ultrafast transition between exciton phases in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Merkl, Philipp,
Graf, Alexander,
Nagler, Philipp,
Wantanabe, Kenji,
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Zipfel, Jonas,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Selig, Malte,
Berghäuser, Gunnar and
Malic, Ermin
Data archive of "Dielectric engineering of electronic correlations in a van der Waals heterostructure".
Fulltext restricted.
Langer, Fabian,
Schmid, Christoph P.,
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Gmitra, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-1118-3028](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nagler, Philipp,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hawkins, P. G.,
Steiner, J. T.,
Huttner, U.,
Koch, S. W.,
Kira, M. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Lightwave valleytronics in a monolayer of tungsten diselenide".
Fulltext restricted.
Nagler, Philipp,
Ballottin, Mariana V.,
Mitioglu, Anatolie A.,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Christianen, Peter C. M.,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Christoph Strunk
Costa, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-5706-2198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baumgartner, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-5479-6361](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reinhardt, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0002-5266-7355](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Berger, Johanna,
Gronin, Sergei,
Gardner, Geoffrey,
Lindemann, Tyler,
Manfra, Michael,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kochan, Denis ![ORCID 0000-0003-0613-5996](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sign reversal of the Josephson inductance magnetochiral anisotropy and 0–π-like transitions in supercurrent diodes.
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (11), pp. 1266-1272.
Baumgartner, Christian,
Fuchs, Lorenz,
Costa, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-5706-2198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reinhardt, Simon,
Gronin, Sergei,
Gardner, Geoffrey C. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5469-9257](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindemann, Tyler,
Manfra, Michael James,
Faria Junior, Paulo Eduardo,
Kochan, Denis,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Supercurrent rectification and magnetochiral effects in symmetric Josephson junctions.
Nature Nanotechnology 17, pp. 39-44.
Nagler, Philipp,
Ballottin, Mariana V.,
Mitioglu, Anatolie A.,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Christianen, Peter C. M.,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Weiss > Group Dieter Weiss
Amann, Julia,
Völkl, Tobias,
Rockinger, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0002-9702-4580](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kochan, Denis,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Dieter and
Eroms, Jonathan
Data archive of "Counterintuitive gate dependence of weak antilocalization in bilayer graphene/WSe2 heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Huber > Group Dominique Bougeard
Mornhinweg, Joshua ![ORCID 0000-0001-5984-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Diebel, Laura K.,
Halbhuber, Maike,
Prager, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-0645-6143](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Riepl, Josef ![ORCID 0000-0002-8374-3891](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Inzenhofer, Tobias,
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Mode-multiplexing deep-strong light-matter coupling".
Fulltext restricted.
Meineke, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0003-0328-1816](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Prager, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-0645-6143](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hayes, Johannes ![ORCID 0000-0001-8446-1573](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wen, Qiannan,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Schuh, Dieter,
Fritsch, K.,
Pronin, Oleg,
Stein, M.,
Schäfer, F.,
Chatterjee, Sangam,
Kira, M.,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Scalable high-repetition-rate sub-half-cycle terahertz pulses from spatially indirect interband transitions'.
Fulltext restricted.
Mornhinweg, Joshua ![ORCID 0000-0001-5984-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Halbhuber, Maike,
Ciuti, C.,
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tailored Subcycle Nonlinearities of Ultrastrong Light-Matter-Coupling'.
Fulltext restricted.
Nagler, Philipp,
Ballottin, Mariana V.,
Mitioglu, Anatolie A.,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Christianen, Peter C. M.,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Jaroslav Fabian
Costa, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-5706-2198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baumgartner, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-5479-6361](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reinhardt, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0002-5266-7355](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Berger, Johanna,
Gronin, Sergei,
Gardner, Geoffrey,
Lindemann, Tyler,
Manfra, Michael,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kochan, Denis ![ORCID 0000-0003-0613-5996](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sign reversal of the Josephson inductance magnetochiral anisotropy and 0–π-like transitions in supercurrent diodes.
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (11), pp. 1266-1272.
Baumgartner, Christian,
Fuchs, Lorenz,
Costa, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-5706-2198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reinhardt, Simon,
Gronin, Sergei,
Gardner, Geoffrey C. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5469-9257](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindemann, Tyler,
Manfra, Michael James,
Faria Junior, Paulo Eduardo,
Kochan, Denis,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Supercurrent rectification and magnetochiral effects in symmetric Josephson junctions.
Nature Nanotechnology 17, pp. 39-44.
Plankl, Markus,
Faria Junior, Paulo E.,
Mooshammer, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Siday, Tom,
Zizlsperger, Martin,
Sandner, Fabian,
Schiegl, Felix,
Maier, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0002-5647-8359](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gmitra, Martin,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Boland, Jessica L. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6351-5699](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cocker, Tyler L. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Subcycle contact-free nanoscopy of ultrafast interlayer transport in atomically thin heterostructures.
Nature Photonics 15, pp. 594-600.
Fulltext restricted.
Plankl, Markus,
Faria Junior, Paulo E.,
Mooshammer, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Siday, Tom,
Zizlsperger, Martin,
Sandner, Fabian,
Schiegl, Felix,
Maier, Simon,
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gmitra, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-1118-3028](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Boland, Jessica L. ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cocker, Tyler L. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Subcycle contact-free nanoscopy of ultrafast interlayer transport in atomically thin heterostructures'.
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Giessibl > Group Jascha Repp
Peng, Jinbo ![ORCID 0000-0001-5935-0847](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sokolov, Sophia,
Hernangómez-Pérez, Daniel,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Gross, Leo,
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Atomically resolved single-molecule triplet quenching".
Peller, Dominik,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-1803-3196](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Roelcke, Carmen ![ORCID 0000-0003-0032-4235](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Albrecht, Florian,
Moll, Nikolaj ![ORCID 0000-0001-5645-4667](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert and
Repp, Jascha
Sub-cycle atomic-scale forces coherently control a single-molecule switch.
Nature 585 (7823), pp. 58-62.
Peller, Dominik ![ORCID 0000-0002-0823-7198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Roelcke, Carmen ![ORCID 0000-0003-0032-4235](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-1803-3196](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Neef, Alexander,
Hayes, Johannes,
Bonafé, Franco,
Sidler, Dominik,
Ruggenthaler, Michael,
Rubio, Angel,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Quantitative sampling of atomic-scale electromagnetic waveforms'.
Fulltext restricted.
Peller, Dominik,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas,
Roelcke, Carmen,
Albrecht, Florian,
Moll, Nikolaj,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Sub-cycle atomic-scale forces coherently control a single-molecule switch'.
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Lupton > Group John Lupton
Braun, Felix ![ORCID 0000-0002-8861-823X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Scharff, Tobias,
Grünbaum, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4065-5442](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schmid, Eva ![ORCID 0000-0001-7801-8073](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bange, Sebastian ![ORCID 0000-0002-5850-264X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Mkhitaryan, V. V. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7182-9671](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Polaron-induced upconversion from triplets to singlets: Fluorescence- and phosphorescence-resolved optically detected magnetic resonance of OLEDs".
Fulltext restricted.
Bauer, Jonas M.,
Chen, Lijue ![ORCID 0000-0002-8872-2723](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wilhelm, Philipp,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Bange, Sebastian,
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Excitonic resonances control the temporal dynamics of nonlinear optical wave mixing in monolayer semiconductors.
Nature Photonics.
Peng, Jinbo ![ORCID 0000-0001-5935-0847](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sokolov, Sophia,
Hernangómez-Pérez, Daniel,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Gross, Leo,
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Atomically resolved single-molecule triplet quenching".
Merkl, Philipp,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Girnghuber, Anna,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weigl, Leonard,
Liebich, Marlene,
Yong, Chaw-Keong,
Gillen, Roland,
Maultzsch, Janina ![ORCID 0000-0002-6088-2442](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert
Data archive of "Twist-tailoring Coulomb correlations in van der Waals homobilayers".
Fulltext restricted.
Merkl, Philipp,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Girnghuber, Anna,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nagler, Philipp,
Holler, Johannes,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ovesen, S.,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Ultrafast transition between exciton phases in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Richter > Group Klaus Richter
Mrenca-Kolasinska, Alina,
Rickhaus, Peter ![ORCID 0000-0003-3828-8153](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zheng, Giulia,
Richter, Klaus ![ORCID 0000-0001-7296-4237](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ihn, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0002-5587-6953](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ensslin, Klaus and
Liu, Ming-Hao ![ORCID 0000-0001-5602-4181](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Quantum capacitive coupling between large-angle twisted graphene layers.
2D Materials 9 (2), 025013.
Fulltext restricted.
Schmid, C. P.,
Weigl, Leonard,
Grössing, P.,
Junk, Vanessa ![ORCID 0000-0003-1675-8548](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gorini, Cosimo ![ORCID 0000-0002-3197-8322](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Ito, Seera,
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Hofmann, Niklas,
Afanasiev, Dmitry,
Crewse, Jack,
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Wilhelm, J.,
Richter, Klaus,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tuneable non-integer high-harmonic generation in a topological insulator'.
Fulltext restricted.
Bereczuk, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0003-4167-1225](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dietz, Barbara ![ORCID 0000-0002-8251-6531](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Che, Jiongning ![ORCID 0000-0001-8512-8991](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kuipers, Jack ![ORCID 0000-0001-5357-2705](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Urbina, Juan Diego ![ORCID 0000-0002-0818-0072](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Richter, Klaus
Data archive of "Universal S-matrix correlations for complex scattering of many-body wavepackets: theory, simulation and experiment".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics > Chair Professor Grifoni > Group Milena Grifoni
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Chair Professor Huber > Group Rupert Huber
Zizlsperger, Martin ![ORCID 0009-0005-9581-2398](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nerreter, Svenja ![ORCID 0009-0008-8799-7144](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Yuan, Q.,
Lohmann, K. B.,
Sandner, Fabian,
Schiegl, Felix ![ORCID 0009-0002-2963-4130](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Meineke, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0003-0328-1816](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gerasimenko, Yaroslav A. ![ORCID 0000-0002-5337-284X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herz, L. M.,
Siday, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-0157-3233](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Johnston, M. B. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
In situ nanoscopy of single-grain nanomorphology and ultrafast carrier dynamics in metal halide perovskites.
Nature Photonics.
Fulltext not available.
Mornhinweg, Joshua ![ORCID 0000-0001-5984-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Diebel, Laura K.,
Halbhuber, Maike,
Prager, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-0645-6143](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Riepl, Josef ![ORCID 0000-0002-8374-3891](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Inzenhofer, Tobias,
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Mode-multiplexing deep-strong light-matter coupling".
Fulltext restricted.
Ito, Suguru,
Schüler, M.,
Meierhofer, Manuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-6719-9913](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Freudenstein, Josef ![ORCID 0000-0002-3140-576X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reimann, J.,
Afanasiev, Dmitry ![ORCID 0000-0001-6726-3479](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Sentef, M. A.,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Build-up and dephasing of Floquet-Bloch bands on subcycle timescales.
Nature 616 (7958), pp. 696-701.
Fulltext restricted.
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Maier, Simon,
Afanasiev, Dmytro,
Freudenstein, Josef,
Riepl, Josef,
Helml, Jakob,
Schmid, Christoph P. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of Optics Letters 48, 1112 (2023) 'Interferometric carrier-envelope phase stabilization for ultrashort pulses in the mid-infrared'.
Fulltext restricted.
Freudenstein, Josef ![ORCID 0000-0002-3140-576X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Borsch, M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6152-1921](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Meierhofer, Manuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-6719-9913](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Afanasiev, Dmytro ![ORCID 0000-0001-6726-3479](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schmid, Christoph P.,
Sandner, Fabian,
Liebich, Marlene,
Girnghuber, Anna,
Knorr, Matthias,
Kira, M. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Attosecond clocking of correlations between Bloch electrons.
Nature 610, pp. 290-295.
Knorr, Matthias,
Manceau, J. M.,
Mornhinweg, Joshua ![ORCID 0000-0001-5984-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nespolo, J.,
Biasiol, G.,
Tran, N. L.,
Malerba, M.,
Goulain, P.,
Lafosse, X.,
Jeannin, M.,
Stefinger, Maximilian,
Carusotto, I.,
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Colombelli, R. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Intersubband Polariton-Polariton Scattering in a Dispersive Microcavity'.
Fulltext restricted.
Freudenstein, Josef,
Borsch, M.,
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Afanasiev, Dmitry,
Schmid, Christoph P.,
Sandner, Fabian,
Liebich, Marlene,
Girnghuber, Anna,
Knorr, Matthias,
Kira, M. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of ' Attosecond clocking of correlations between Bloch electrons'.
Fulltext restricted.
Meineke, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0003-0328-1816](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Prager, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-0645-6143](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hayes, Johannes ![ORCID 0000-0001-8446-1573](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wen, Qiannan,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Schuh, Dieter,
Fritsch, K.,
Pronin, Oleg,
Stein, M.,
Schäfer, F.,
Chatterjee, Sangam,
Kira, M.,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Scalable high-repetition-rate sub-half-cycle terahertz pulses from spatially indirect interband transitions'.
Fulltext restricted.
Riepl, Josef,
Raab, Jürgen,
Nong, H.,
Freeman, J. R.,
Li, L. H.,
Linfield, Edmund H. ![ORCID 0000-0001-6912-0535](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Davies, A. Giles ![ORCID 0000-0002-1987-4846](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wacker, A.,
Albes, T.,
Jirauschek, C.,
Dhillon, S. S. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Field-resolved high-order sub-cycle nonlinearities in a terahertz semiconductor laser'.
Fulltext restricted.
Wallauer, Robert ![ORCID 0000-0002-0359-0814](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Perea-Causin, Raul,
Münster, Lasse,
Zajusch, Sarah,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Güdde, Jens,
Tanimiura, Katsumi,
Lin, Kai‐Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Höfer, U.
Momentum-Resolved Observation of Exciton Formation Dynamics in Monolayer WS2.
Nano Letters 21 (13), pp. 5867-5873.
Fulltext restricted.
Plankl, Markus,
Faria Junior, Paulo E.,
Mooshammer, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Siday, Tom,
Zizlsperger, Martin,
Sandner, Fabian,
Schiegl, Felix,
Maier, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0002-5647-8359](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gmitra, Martin,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Boland, Jessica L. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6351-5699](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cocker, Tyler L. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Subcycle contact-free nanoscopy of ultrafast interlayer transport in atomically thin heterostructures.
Nature Photonics 15, pp. 594-600.
Fulltext restricted.
Plankl, Markus,
Faria Junior, Paulo E.,
Mooshammer, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Siday, Tom,
Zizlsperger, Martin,
Sandner, Fabian,
Schiegl, Felix,
Maier, Simon,
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gmitra, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-1118-3028](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Boland, Jessica L. ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cocker, Tyler L. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Subcycle contact-free nanoscopy of ultrafast interlayer transport in atomically thin heterostructures'.
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Schmid, C. P.,
Weigl, Leonard,
Grössing, P.,
Junk, Vanessa ![ORCID 0000-0003-1675-8548](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gorini, Cosimo ![ORCID 0000-0002-3197-8322](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Ito, Seera,
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Hofmann, Niklas,
Afanasiev, Dmitry,
Crewse, Jack,
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Wilhelm, J.,
Richter, Klaus,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tuneable non-integer high-harmonic generation in a topological insulator'.
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Merkl, Philipp,
Yong, Chaw-Keong,
Liebich, Marlene,
Hofmeister, Isabella,
Berghäuser, Gunnar,
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Proximity control of interlayer exciton-phonon hybridization in van der Waals heterostructures'.
Fulltext restricted.
Mornhinweg, Joshua ![ORCID 0000-0001-5984-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Halbhuber, Maike,
Ciuti, C.,
Bougeard, Dominique ![ORCID 0000-0003-3793-2787](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tailored Subcycle Nonlinearities of Ultrastrong Light-Matter-Coupling'.
Fulltext restricted.
Borsch, M.,
Schmid, Christof P.,
Weigl, Leonard,
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Hofmann, Niklas,
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Steiner, J. T.,
Koch, S. W.,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kira, M.
Data archive of 'Super-resolution lightwave tomography of electronic bands in quantum materials'.
Fulltext restricted.
Peller, Dominik,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-1803-3196](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Roelcke, Carmen ![ORCID 0000-0003-0032-4235](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Albrecht, Florian,
Moll, Nikolaj ![ORCID 0000-0001-5645-4667](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert and
Repp, Jascha
Sub-cycle atomic-scale forces coherently control a single-molecule switch.
Nature 585 (7823), pp. 58-62.
Merkl, Philipp,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Girnghuber, Anna,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weigl, Leonard,
Liebich, Marlene,
Yong, Chaw-Keong,
Gillen, Roland,
Maultzsch, Janina ![ORCID 0000-0002-6088-2442](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert
Data archive of "Twist-tailoring Coulomb correlations in van der Waals homobilayers".
Fulltext restricted.
Peller, Dominik ![ORCID 0000-0002-0823-7198](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Roelcke, Carmen ![ORCID 0000-0003-0032-4235](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-1803-3196](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Neef, Alexander,
Hayes, Johannes,
Bonafé, Franco,
Sidler, Dominik,
Ruggenthaler, Michael,
Rubio, Angel,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Quantitative sampling of atomic-scale electromagnetic waveforms'.
Fulltext restricted.
Peller, Dominik,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Buchner, Thomas,
Roelcke, Carmen,
Albrecht, Florian,
Moll, Nikolaj,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Repp, Jascha ![ORCID 0000-0003-2883-7083](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Sub-cycle atomic-scale forces coherently control a single-molecule switch'.
Fulltext restricted.
Merkl, Philipp,
Knorr, Matthias,
Meineke, Christian,
Kastner, Lukas Z.,
Peller, Dominik and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Multibranch pulse synthesis and electro-optic detection of subcycle multi-terahertz electric fields".
Fulltext restricted.
Merkl, Philipp,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Girnghuber, Anna,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nagler, Philipp,
Holler, Johannes,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ovesen, S.,
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Malic, Ermin and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Ultrafast transition between exciton phases in van der Waals heterostructures".
Fulltext restricted.
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Merkl, Philipp,
Graf, Alexander,
Nagler, Philipp,
Wantanabe, Kenji,
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Zipfel, Jonas,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Selig, Malte,
Berghäuser, Gunnar and
Malic, Ermin
Data archive of "Dielectric engineering of electronic correlations in a van der Waals heterostructure".
Fulltext restricted.
Langer, Fabian,
Schmid, Christoph P.,
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Gmitra, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-1118-3028](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nagler, Philipp,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hawkins, P. G.,
Steiner, J. T.,
Huttner, U.,
Koch, S. W.,
Kira, M. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Lightwave valleytronics in a monolayer of tungsten diselenide".
Fulltext restricted.
Berghäuser, Gunnar,
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Merkl, Philipp,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Knorr, Andreas and
Malic, Ermin
Data archive of "Mapping of the dark exciton landscape in transition metal dichalcogenides".
Fulltext restricted.
Mooshammer, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-9744-2694](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sandner, Fabian,
Huber, Markus A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-5324-9895](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zizlsperger, Martin,
Weigand, Helena,
Plankl, Markus,
Weyrich, Christian,
Lanius, Martin,
Kampmeier, Jörn,
Mussler, Gregor,
Grützmacher, Detlev,
Boland, Jessica L. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6351-5699](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cocker, Tyler L. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Nanoscale Near-Field Tomography of Surface States on (Bi0.5Sb0.5)2Te3".
Fulltext restricted.
Reimann, J.,
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Schmid, Christoph P.,
Langer, Fabian,
Baierl, Sebastian,
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Kimura, A.,
Lange, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-2134-6612](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Güdde, Jens,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Subcycle observation of lightwave-driven Dirac currents in a topological surface band".
Fulltext restricted.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Professor Ganichev > Group Sergey Ganichev
Matyushkin, Yakov ![ORCID 0000-0002-4139-7716](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Danilov, Sergey,
Moskotin, Maxim,
Belosevich, Vsevolod,
Kaurova, Natalia,
Rybin, Maxim ![ORCID 0000-0003-1529-5326](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Obraztsova, Elena D.,
Fedorov, Georgy,
Gorbenko, Ilya ![ORCID 0000-0001-9447-6680](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kachorovskii, Valentin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9684-2135](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ganichev, Sergey
Helicity-Sensitive Plasmonic Terahertz Interferometer.
Nano Letters 20 (10), pp. 7296-7303.
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Informatics and Data Science
Rudolf, Nico,
Böhmer, Kristof and
Leitner, Maria ![ORCID 0000-0003-1371-5446](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
BAnDIT: Business Process Anomaly Detection in Transactions.
In: Cooperative Information Systems - 29th International Conference, CoopIS 2023, Proceedings, October 30 - November 3, 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands.
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Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schauhuber, Philipp,
Schwind, Valentin,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Henze, Niels
The Effects of Self- and External Perception of Avatars on Cognitive Task Performance in Virtual Reality.
In: VRST '20: 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 1 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event Canada.
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Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dechant, Martin Johannes,
Lankes, Michael,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Mandryk, Regan ![ORCID 0000-0003-0772-6616](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
63. Eye Caramba: Gaze-based Assistance for Virtual Reality Aiming and Throwing Tasks in Games.
Bulling, Andreas and
Huckauf, Anke, (eds.)
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ETRA '20 Short Papers, June 2–5, 2020, Stuttgart, Germany.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, United States.
ISBN 978-1-4503-7134-6.
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Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kloss, Melanie,
Schwind, Valentin,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Henze, Niels
Flexing Muscles in Virtual Reality: Effects of Avatars' Muscular Appearance on Physical Performance.
In: CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, November 2 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
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Schmargendorf, Maike,
Schuller, Hans-Martin,
Dengler, Daniel,
Mielke, Bettina and
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Legal Tech in der Praxis: Entwicklung eines Vertragsgenerators.
Schweighofer, Erich and
Kummer, Franz and
Saarenpää, Ahti, (eds.)
Internet of things : Tagungsband des 22. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions = IRIS 2019 : proceedings of the 22nd International Legal Infomatics Symposium.
Edition Weblaw. 2, Colloquium, 26.
Editions Weblaw, Bern, pp. 289-298.
ISBN 978-3-96443-724-2.
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Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Didaktik der Biologie
Ehras, Christina,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Frei, Mario,
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erklären lernen – Ein Seminarkonzept zur Förderung von Erklärkompetenz durch Videografie als Reflexionsanlass.
Matthes, Eva and
Siegel, Stefan T. and
Heiland, Thomas, (eds.)
Lehrvideos – das Bildungsmedium der Zukunft? Erziehungswissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Perspektiven.
Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, pp. 203-212.
ISBN 978-3-7815-2465-1, 978-3-7815-5910-3.
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Medicine > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin
Heinrich, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-6462-1151](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hofmann, Luisa,
Baurecht, Hansjörg ![ORCID 0000-0002-9265-5594](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kreuzer, Peter M.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Leitzmann, Michael F. ![ORCID 0000-0002-0371-2789](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seliger, Corinna ![ORCID 0000-0002-4923-4495](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer.
Nature Medicine 28 (4), pp. 852-859.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Evangelische Theologie
Schwarz, Hans
Notwendigkeit und Grenzen einer lutherischen slowakischen Theologie.
Nicák, Maroš and
Tamcke, Martin, (eds.)
Theologie – Dienst und Notwendigkeit: 100 Jahre evangelisch-theologische Ausbildung in der Slowakei.
Kirchengeschichte, 3.
LIT, Berlin, pp. 13-22.
ISBN 978-3-643-14789-9, 978-3-643-34789-3.
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Schwarz, Hans
Migration, Flucht und Vertreibung aus systematisch-theologischer Sicht.
Heesch, Matthias and
Megheşan, Dumitru and
Schwarz, Hans, (eds.)
Vertreibung, Flucht, Migration.
Untersuchungen zum christlichen Glauben in einer säkularen Welt, 7.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 29-42.
ISBN 978-3-631-73435-3, 3-631-73435-2.
Fulltext not available.
Heesch, Matthias and
Megheşan, Dumitru and
Schwarz, Hans, eds.
Vertreibung, Flucht, Migration: Festsymposium anlässlich der 20-jährigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Orthodoxen Theologischen Fakultät Oradea, Rumänien, und dem Institut für Evangelische Theologie, Regensburg.
Untersuchungen zum christlichen Glauben in einer säkularen Welt, 7.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
ISBN 978-3-631-73435-3, 3-631-73435-2, 978-3-631-73942-6.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Wengert, Timothy J. and
Granquist, Mark A. and
Haemig, Mary Jane and
Kolb, Robert and
Mattes, Mark C. and
Strom, Jonathan, (eds.)
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions.
Baker, Grand Rapids, MI, pp. 176-179.
ISBN 978-0-8010-4969-9.
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Schwarz, Hans
Eschatology (Apocalypticism, Chiliasm, Millennialism, Millenarianism).
Wengert, Timothy J. and
Granquist, Mark A. and
Haemig, Mary Jane and
Kolb, Robert and
Mattes, Mark C. and
Strom, Jonathan, (eds.)
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions.
Baker, Grand Rapids, MI, pp. 229-233.
ISBN 978-0-8010-4969-9.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
God Hidden and Revealed.
Lamport, Mark A., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation Volume 1. A-L.
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, pp. 310-312.
ISBN 1442271582, 978-1442271586, 978-1-4422-7159-3.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Heim, Karl.
Wengert, Timothy J. and
Granquist, Mark A. and
Haemig, Mary Jane and
Kolb, Robert and
Mattes, Mark C. and
Strom, Jonathan, (eds.)
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions.
Baker, Grand Rapids, MI, pp. 320-321.
ISBN 978-0-8010-4969-9.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Luther and Islam.
Lamport, Mark A., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation Volume 1. A-L.
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, pp. 381-383.
ISBN 1442271582, 978-1442271586, 978-1-4422-7159-3.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Reformation Papacy.
Lamport, Mark A., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation Volume 2. M-Z.
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, pp. 647-649.
ISBN 1442271582, 978-1442271586, 978-1-4422-7159-3.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Renaissance Papacy.
Lamport, Mark A., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation Volume 2. M-Z.
Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, pp. 656-657.
ISBN 1442271582, 978-1442271586, 978-1-4422-7159-3.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Traum und Wirklichkeit (Predigt).
Hartmann, Mathias, (ed.)
Auch ihr seid fremd gewesen: Wege zu einer christlichen Willkommenskultur.
Fastenpredigten in St. Laurentius, 2016.
ESC-Ecumenical Spiritual Center, Neuendettelsau, pp. 12-17.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Deutsche und Tschechen am Beispiel des Verhältnisses von Luther zu Hus.
Lášek, Jan B. and
Veverková, Kamila and
Vogel, Jiří, (eds.)
Gratia autem Dei sum id quod sum et gratia eius in me vacua non fuit: pocta profesoru Zdeňku Kučerovi k osmdesátým pátým narozeninám.
Pontes Pragenses, 74.
L. Marek, Prag, pp. 159-170.
ISBN 978-80-87127-70-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Diakonie als Kennzeichen des christlichen Glaubens.
Megheşan, Dumitru and
Schwarz, Hans, (eds.)
Diakonie und Philanthropie: Der Dienst der Kirche an der Welt.
Theorie und Forschung / Theologie, 51.
Roderer, Regensburg, pp. 83-96.
ISBN 978-3-89783-790-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Telling the Story. But How?
Journal for the History of Modern Theology 20 (1), pp. 134-143.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Runehov, Anne L. C. and
Oviedo, Lluis, (eds.)
Enclylopedia of Sciences and Religions Band 1: A - C.
Springer, Dortrecht, p. 355.
ISBN 1402082649, 978-1402082641.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Hope, Theology of.
Runehov, Anne L. C. and
Oviedo, Lluis, (eds.)
Enclylopedia of Sciences and Religions Band 2: D - L.
Springer, Dortrecht, pp. 1010-1017.
ISBN 1402082649, 978-1402082641.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Hranice Vĕdy.
Vogel, Jiří and
Vik, Dalibor, (eds.)
Kapitoly z Dialogu mezi Vĕdou a Vírou.
Pontes Pragenses, 66.
L. Marek, Prag, pp. 19-29.
ISBN 978-80-87127-65-0.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Theological Education in the Lutheran Tradition in Germany?
Megheşan, Dumitru and
Cioară, Emil and
Popa, Viorel-Cristian and
Fer, Vasile Doru, (eds.)
90 de ani de la înfiinţarea învăţământului academic teologic ortodox în Oradea : (1923-2013).
Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Oradea, pp. 453-461.
ISBN 978-606-10-1175-9.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Telling the Story – But How?
Tuite, James Swan and
Gooch, Todd, (eds.)
Papers of the Nineteenth-Century Theology Group vol. 43.
Wipf & Stock, Eugene, OR, pp. 92-101.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Wolfhart Pannenberg.
Stump, J. B. and
Padgett, Alan G., (eds.)
The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity.
Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, pp. 611-621.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3571-2, 1-4443-3571-5.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
A tudmány határai.
Studia Theologica Debrecinensis: a Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem teológiai szakfolyóirata (1), pp. 95-104.
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Schwarz, Hans
Az igazság/igazságosság teológiai nézöpontból.
Fekete, Károly and
Kustár, Zoltán and
Kovács, Ábrahám, (eds.)
Átjárható Határok: Ünnepi kötet dr. Gaál Botond professzor 65. születésnapjára.
Acta Theologica Debrecinensis, 2.
Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem, Debrecen, pp. 479-492.
ISBN 978-963-8429667.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Descent into Hell.
McFarland, Ian A. and
Ferguson, David A. S. and
Kilby, Karen and
Torrance, Iain R., (eds.)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, p. 136.
ISBN 9780521880923, 0521880920.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Varkey, Wilson, (ed.)
Role of the Holy Spirit in Protestant Systematic Theology: a Comparative Study of Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann, and Wolfhart Pannenberg.
Langham Monographs, Carlisle, Cumbria, ix-xi.
ISBN 978-1-907713-10-1, 1-907713-10-7.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
McFarland, Ian A. and
Ferguson, David A. S. and
Kilby, Karen and
Torrance, Iain R., (eds.)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, p. 206.
ISBN 9780521880923, 0521880920.
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Schwarz, Hans
McFarland, Ian A. and
Ferguson, David A. S. and
Kilby, Karen and
Torrance, Iain R., (eds.)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 208-209.
ISBN 9780521880923, 0521880920.
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Schwarz, Hans
Humans and Animals in Theological Perspective.
Watson, Hubert Manohar, (ed.)
Eco Justice: Implication for Faith and Theology.
Karnataka Theological College, Mangalore, Indien, pp. 1-14.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Humans and Animals in Theological Perspective.
Rothgangel, Martin and
Beuttler, Ulrich, (eds.)
Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft 24. Jahrgang 2011.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 49-60.
ISBN 978-3-631-62171-4, 363162171X.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Melanchthon als Dogmatiker.
Fricke, Michael and
Heesch, Matthias, (eds.)
Der Humanist als Reformator: über Leben, Werk und Wirkung Philipp Melanchthons.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 161-182.
ISBN 978-3-374-02887-0.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
McFarland, Ian A. and
Ferguson, David A. S. and
Kilby, Karen and
Torrance, Iain R., (eds.)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology.
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 526-527.
ISBN 9780521880923, 0521880920.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Wofür steht die Kirche in Deutschland? Ein Vorwort.
Späth, Andreas, (ed.)
… und schuf sie als Mann und Frau : Kirche in der Zerreißprobe zwischen Homsexuellen-Lobby und Heiliger Schrift.
Logos Editions, Ansbach, p. 9.
ISBN 978-3-9814303-0-1.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Der Papst und die Weltreligionen.
Thiede, Werner, (ed.)
Der Papst aus Bayern: protestantische Wahrnehmungen.
Evangelische Verlangsanstalt, Leipzig, pp. 239-252.
ISBN 978-3-374-02751-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Der christliche Glaube und die bildende Kunst.
Dietl, Albert and
Dobler, Gerald and
Paulus, Stefan and
Schüller, Hans, (eds.)
Roma Quanta Fuit: Beiträge zur Architektur-, Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart: Festschrift für Hans-Christoph Dittscheid zum 60. Geburtstag.
Wißner, Augsburg, pp. 119-134.
ISBN 978-3-89639-799-7.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Die modernen Gottsucher.
Schwarz, Hans, (ed.)
Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft - 23. Jahrgang 2010.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 119-130.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Doing Theology in a Global Era.
The Mission of Paul and the Multicultural Society.
Comenius University, Bratislava, pp. 9-15.
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Schwarz, Hans
Boloş, Lucian-Traian, (ed.)
Die Ekklesiologien von Dumitru Staniloae und Wolfhart Pannenberg: ein ökumenisch-theologischer Vergleich.
Ed. Univ. din Oradea, Oradea, pp. 11-12.
ISBN 978-606-10-0114-9.
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Schwarz, Hans
Grenzen der Wissenschaft.
Lederhilger, Severin J., (ed.)
Den Himmel offen lassen: der christliche Glaube in der Herausforderung des wissenschaftlichen Weltbildes.
Linzer philosophisch-theologische Beiträge, 20.
Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 60-72.
ISBN 3631599544, 978-3631599549.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Doing Theology in a Global Era.
Internationale Theologische Tagung. Alumni-Treffen 2009.
Luther University, Shingal, Korea, pp. 8-14.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Ende der Geschichte und ihre Vollendung.
Koslowski, Peter and
Koslowski, Jana and
Hermanni, Friedrich, (eds.)
Endangst und Erlösung Teil 1. Untergang, ewiges Leben und Vollendung der Geschichte in Philosophie und Theologie.
Fink, Paderborn, pp. 223-232.
ISBN 978-3-7705-4757-9, 978-3-8467-4757-5.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Gegenwärtige Tendenzen in der evangelischen Theologie.
Kucera, Zdenek and
Vogel, Jiri, (eds.)
Gespräch über Gott. Eine Untersuchung der gegenwärtigen theologischen Lage von der Sicht der mitteleuropäischen Nachbarschaft.
Martin Verlag, Prag, pp. 64-76.
ISBN 978-80-85955-38-5.
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Schwarz, Hans
Luthers Verständnis der Person.
Mühling, Markus, (ed.)
Gezwungene Freiheit? Personale Freiheit im pluralistischen Europa.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 101-108.
ISBN 978-3-525-56000-6.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Wilhelm Löhe zu sozialen Fragen seiner Zeit.
Blaufuß, Dietrich, (ed.)
Wilhelm Löhe - Erbe und Vision.
Die Lutherische Kirche - Geschichte und Gestalten, 26.
Güterloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh, pp. 239-247.
ISBN 978-3-579-05781-1.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Norms for Life and Living.
By what authority? : confronting churches who no longer believe their own message.
Hoffman House Press, Hoffman, Minnesota, pp. 196-204.
ISBN 9780980183504, 0980183502.
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Schwarz, Hans
PART 2 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Chapter 1: God and Humankind; The Triune God; The Nature of Humankind; Faith, Grace, and Salvation; Divine Justice, The New World: Death and the Afterlife.
Hillerbrand, Hans J., (ed.)
Christianity: The Illustrated History: Church and Society, Culture and Civilization, Sacred Art and Architecture.
Duncan Baird Publishers, London, pp. 68-84.
ISBN 1844837696, 1844836673, 1844837696.
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Schwarz, Hans
Der Dialog der Theologie mit der Welt.
Hermann, Christian, (ed.)
Rechenschaft des Glaubens: Festschrift für Rolf Hille zum 60. Geburtstag.
Brockhaus, Wuppertal, pp. 39-49.
ISBN 9783417290233, 3417290236.
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Schwarz, Hans
Schmitz-Moormann, Karl Maria Anton.
Bautz, Friedrich Wilhelm and
Bautz, Traugott, (eds.)
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon Band 27: [Ergänzungen ; 14].
Verlag Traugott Bautz, Hamm (Westf.), Sp.1256-1258.
ISBN 9783883093932, 3883093939.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Who is Jesus the Christ?
Haigis, Peter, (ed.)
Christus Jesus - Mitte der Geschichte!? : Beiträge des X. Internationalen Paul-Tillich-Symposiums, Frankfurt/Main 2004 = Christ Jesus - the center of history!?
Tillich-Studien, 13.
Lit-Verl., Berlin, pp. 3-10.
ISBN 978-3-8258-7561-9, 3-8258-7561-X.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
The Centrality of Religion in the Oeuvre of the Nazarenes.
Chia, Roland and
Chan, Mark L.Y., (eds.)
A Graced Horizon: Essays in Gospel, Culture and Church. In Honour of the Rev. Dr. Choong Chee Pang.
Genesis Books, Singapore, pp. 133-148.
ISBN 9789814138239, 9814138231.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
The Unity of the Church from a Lutheran Perspective.
Leb, Ioan-Vasile, (ed.)
Unitatea Bisericii: accente eclesiologice pentru mileniul III.
Biblie şi multiculturalitate, 2.
Ed. Limes, Cluj-Napoca/Rumänien, pp. 202-214.
ISBN 973-726-079-1, 9789737260796.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Bible and tradition in Tillich's concept of the Trinity.
Hummel, Gert and
Lax, Doris, (eds.)
Trinität und/oder Quaternität - Tillichs Neuerschließung der trinitarischen Problematik.
Tillich-Studien, 10.
LIT-Verlag, Münster, pp. 253-259.
ISBN 3-8258-7252-1, 978-3-8258-7252-6.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Die Bedeutung der Theologie für die Universität.
Kučera, Zdenek and
Lášek, Jan B., (eds.)
Docete Omnes Gentes.
Pontes Pragenses, 35.
Marek, Brno, pp. 13-21.
ISBN 80-86263-55-X, 9788086263557.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Sozialdarwinismus als Selbstwiderspruch.
Grešo, Ján, (ed.)
Radost' z teológie / zborník pri príležitosti sedemdesiatky Igora Kišša.
Tranoscius, Bratislava, pp. 210-219.
ISBN 80-7140-237-0, 978-80-7140-237-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
van Huyssteen, Jacobus W. V., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion Band 1: A-J 2. ed.
Macmillan reference USA, New York, pp. 59-61.
ISBN 0028657047, 9780028657042, 0028657055.
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Schwarz, Hans
van Huyssteen, Jacobus W. V., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion Band 1: A-J 2. ed.
Macmillan reference USA, New York, pp. 144-145.
ISBN 0028657047, 9780028657042, 0028657055.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Das Böse im Alten Testament.
Ammicht Quinn, Regina and
Biser, Eugen and
Bonß, Wolfgang and
Breuninger, Renate, (eds.)
Das Böse.
Bausteine zur Philosophie, 20.
Humboldt-Studienzentrum, Ulm, pp. 93-105.
ISBN 3-928579-19-3.
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Schwarz, Hans
Die religiöse Dimension von Essen und Trinken.
Mittlmeier, Josef, (ed.)
BROT - ZEIT : Beobachtungen des Vertrauten.
Erhardi-Druck, Regensburg, pp. 28-39.
ISBN 978-3-9808020-3-1, 3-9808020-3-5.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Evil and the Evil One.
Reid, Duncan and
Worthing, Mark William, (eds.)
Sin and Salvation.
Task of theology today, 3.
ATF Press, Hindmarsh, SA 5007, Australia, pp. 6-19.
ISBN 1920691049, 9781920691042.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Holy Spirit.
van Huyssteen, Jacobus W. V., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion Band 1: A-J 2. ed.
Macmillan reference USA, New York, pp. 415-416.
ISBN 0028657047, 9780028657042, 0028657055.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Salvation in the Otherwordly?
Reid, Duncan and
Worthing, Mark William, (eds.)
Sin and Salvation.
Task of theology today, 3.
ATF Press, Hindmarsh, SA 5007, Australia, pp. 222-236.
ISBN 1920691049, 9781920691042.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
The Significance of Theology for the University Context.
Prostredník, Ondrej and
Ábel, František, (eds.)
Apokaradokia : zborník pri príležitosti sedemdesiatky Doc. ThDr. Jána Greša.
Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, pp. 221-231.
ISBN 80-88827-28-0.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Toward a Global Ethos: Necessity, Problems, Concrete Steps.
Bunda, Nestor D. and
Carnaje, Esther G. and
Diesto Jr., Genaro D. and
Ruiz, Lester Edwin J., (eds.)
Journeys in Faith and Ministry: Missions, Theologies, Ministries.
Institute for Advanced Studies, Iloilo City/Philippines, pp. 258-267.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich..
ISBN 0-8028-6066-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
European Theology (Modern Period).
Fahlbusch, Erwin, (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Christianity Vol. 2., E - I.
Eerdmans/Brill, Grand Rapids, MI/Leiden, pp. 193-206.
ISBN 0-8028-2414-5, 90-04-11695-8.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Current Trends in Protestant Theology.
Lo, Pilgrim W. K., (ed.)
Theology & Life no. 23: Dual Themes for the New Millennium – Papers presented in the symposium "Theological Education in Hong Kong Facing 21st Century.
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, pp. 231-250.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich..
ISBN 0-8028-4733-1.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Is It All Words?
Hummel, Gert and
Lax, Doris, (eds.)
Being Versus Word in Paul Tillich's Theology? / Sein versus Wort in Paul Tillichs Theologie?
Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann, 101.
de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp. 277-284.
ISBN 978-3-11-016524-1, 3-11-016524-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Bewahrung der Schöpfung durch Gentechnologie.
Schwarz, Hans, (ed.)
Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft - 11. Jahrgang 1998.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 127-137.
ISBN 978-3-631-34216-9 steht nicht im Buch, ist aber im KVK.
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Schwarz, Hans
Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich..
ISBN 0-8028-4463-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Fact and Impact in Tillich's Theology.
Hummel, Gert, (ed.)
Truth and History – a Dialogue with Paul Tillich / Wahrheit und Geschichte – ein Dialog mit Paul Tillich.
Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann, 95.
De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 79-88.
ISBN 3-11-015885-X.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Chellaian, Lawrence, (ed.)
Jesus as Prophet in Christianity and Islam: A Model for Inter Faith Dialogue.
ISPCK, Delhi, xv-xix.
ISBN 81-7214-352-4.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Contemporary Relevance of Luther's Insistence on the Otherness of God.
Worthing, Mark William, (ed.)
Perspectives on Martin Luther : Papers from the Luther Symposium held at Luther Seminary, Adelaide, South Australia 22-23 March, 1996. Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of the Reformer's Death.
Fac. of Luther Campus, North Adelaide, pp. 59-70.
ISBN 0-646-30745-2.
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Schwarz, Hans
Kirchen, Kirchlichkeit und Ökumene.
Schwarz, Hans, (ed.)
Glaube und Denken: Jahrbuch der Karl-Heim-Gesellschaft - 9. Jahrgang 1996.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 157-171.
ISBN 978-3631311431, 3631311435.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Luther's Understanding of Vocation in the Light of Today's Problems.
Worthing, Mark William, (ed.)
Perspectives on Martin Luther : Papers from the Luther Symposium held at Luther Seminary, Adelaide, South Australia 22-23 March, 1996. Commemorating the 450th Anniversary of the Reformer's Death.
Fac. of Luther Campus, North Adelaide, pp. 155-164.
ISBN 0-646-30745-2.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
Tod und Sterben in der theologischen Literatur der Gegenwart.
Thiede, Carsten Peter, (ed.)
Zu hoffen wider die Hoffnung : Endzeiterwartungen und menschliches Leid in der neueren Literatur.
Christlicher Glaube und Literatur, 6/7.
Bonifatius, Paderborn, pp. 193-211.
ISBN 3-87088-753-2, 978-3-87088-753-7.
Fulltext not available.
Schwarz, Hans
In eine gottlose Welt gestoßen.
Pappert, Peter, (ed.)
Den Nerv getroffen: engagierte Stimmen zum Kruzifix-Urteil von Karlsruhe.
Bergmoser + Höller, Aachen, 70f.
ISBN 3-88997-064-8.
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Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK)
Bink, Markus,
Schwarz, Sebastian,
Draws, Tim and
Elsweiler, David ![ORCID 0000-0002-5791-0641](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Investigating the Influence of Featured Snippets on User Attitudes.
In: CHIIR '23: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, March 19 - 23, 2023, Austin, TX, USA.
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Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Balogh, Péter Piusz,
Hancz, Gábor Tamás,
Holnapy, Dénes Márton,
Kovács, Ágnes,
Kusler, Ágnes and
Orbán, Csaba Frigyes
900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden - 900 éves a premontrei rend.
In: Hochrangige internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz anlässlich des 900. Gründungstages des Prämonstratenserordens, 17.-19. März 2020, Gödöllő/Getterle, Ungarn.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie
Ghosh, Indrajit ![ORCID 0000-0002-5127-2271](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Shlapakov, Nikita S. ![ORCID 0000-0002-1874-8450](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Karl, Tobias A. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6414-0673](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Düker, Jonas ![ORCID 0000-0001-8503-811X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nikitin, Maksim,
Burykina, Julia V. ![ORCID 0000-0001-6286-1699](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ananikov, Valentine P. ![ORCID 0000-0002-6447-557X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Burkhard ![ORCID 0000-0002-6131-4850](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
General cross-coupling reactions with adaptive dynamic homogeneous catalysis.
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie
Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IESES)
Balogh, Péter Piusz,
Hancz, Gábor Tamás,
Holnapy, Dénes Márton,
Kovács, Ágnes,
Kusler, Ágnes and
Orbán, Csaba Frigyes
900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden - 900 éves a premontrei rend.
In: Hochrangige internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz anlässlich des 900. Gründungstages des Prämonstratenserordens, 17.-19. März 2020, Gödöllő/Getterle, Ungarn.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics
Ito, Suguru,
Schüler, M.,
Meierhofer, Manuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-6719-9913](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Freudenstein, Josef ![ORCID 0000-0002-3140-576X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Reimann, J.,
Afanasiev, Dmitry ![ORCID 0000-0001-6726-3479](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Sentef, M. A.,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Build-up and dephasing of Floquet-Bloch bands on subcycle timescales.
Nature 616 (7958), pp. 696-701.
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Holler, Johannes ![ORCID 0000-0002-5271-5265](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Meier, Sebastian,
Kempf, Michael,
Nagler, Philipp,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Low-frequency Raman scattering in WSe2−MoSe2 heterobilayers: Evidence for atomic reconstruction".
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Bauriedl, Lorenz,
Bäuml, Christian,
Fuchs, Lorenz ![ORCID 0000-0001-6380-686X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baumgartner, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-5479-6361](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paulik, Nicholas,
Jonas, Bauer,
Lin, Kai-Qiang ![ORCID 0000-0001-9609-749X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lupton, John M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-7899-7598](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive for the article: Supercurrent diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in few-layer NbSe2.
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Berghäuser, Gunnar,
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Merkl, Philipp,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Knorr, Andreas and
Malic, Ermin
Data archive of "Mapping of the dark exciton landscape in transition metal dichalcogenides".
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Physics > Institute of Theroretical Physics
Amann, Julia,
Völkl, Tobias,
Rockinger, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0002-9702-4580](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kochan, Denis,
Watanabe, Kenji ![ORCID 0000-0003-3701-8119](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Fabian, Jaroslav ![ORCID 0000-0002-3009-4525](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Dieter and
Eroms, Jonathan
Data archive of "Counterintuitive gate dependence of weak antilocalization in bilayer graphene/WSe2 heterostructures".
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Schmid, C. P.,
Weigl, Leonard,
Grössing, P.,
Junk, Vanessa ![ORCID 0000-0003-1675-8548](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gorini, Cosimo ![ORCID 0000-0002-3197-8322](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlauderer, Stefan,
Ito, Seera,
Meierhofer, Manuel,
Hofmann, Niklas,
Afanasiev, Dmitry,
Crewse, Jack,
Kokh, K. A.,
Tereshchenko, O. E.,
Güdde, Jens,
Evers, Ferdinand,
Wilhelm, J.,
Richter, Klaus,
Höfer, U. and
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of 'Tuneable non-integer high-harmonic generation in a topological insulator'.
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Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Alumni or Retired Professors > Junior Research Group Alexey Chernikov
Steinleitner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0001-6808-5547](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Merkl, Philipp,
Graf, Alexander,
Nagler, Philipp,
Wantanabe, Kenji,
Taniguchi, Takashi,
Zipfel, Jonas,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brem, Samuel ![ORCID 0000-0001-8823-1302](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Selig, Malte,
Berghäuser, Gunnar and
Malic, Ermin
Data archive of "Dielectric engineering of electronic correlations in a van der Waals heterostructure".
Fulltext restricted.
Nagler, Philipp,
Ballottin, Mariana V.,
Mitioglu, Anatolie A.,
Mooshammer, Fabian,
Paradiso, Nicola ![ORCID 0000-0002-1797-2901](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strunk, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0001-9982-0022](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Rupert ![ORCID 0000-0001-6617-9283](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chernikov, Alexey,
Christianen, Peter C. M.,
Schüller, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-6043-5263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Korn, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0003-4808-391X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data archive of "Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures".
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Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König
Grotjahn, Sascha,
Müller, Lea,
Pattanaik, Aryaman,
Falk, Alexander,
Barison, Giorgia ![ORCID 0000-0001-8125-3293](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bauer, Jonathan O. ![ORCID 0000-0002-9575-7430](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rehbein, Julia ![ORCID 0000-0001-9241-0637](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gschwind, Ruth M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3052-0077](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Burkhard ![ORCID 0000-0002-6131-4850](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivity in the photocatalytic generation of carbanions via hydrogen atom transfer and reductive radical-polar crossover.
Organic Chemistry Frontiers 11 (20), pp. 5890-5900.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Anästhesiologie
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Weller, Astrid,
Seyfried, Timo,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baier-Kleinhenz, Lucia,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen,
Peschel, Georg,
Graf, Bernhard M. and
Sinner, Barbara
Cell Salvage During Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of Tumor Recurrence Following Irradiation of the Salvaged Blood.
Transplantation Proceedings 53 (5), pp. 1639-1644.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaft, insbesondere Strategisches Industriegütermarketing (Prof. Dr. Roland Helm)
Endres, Herbert
Working Paper.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie
Adenugba, Akinbami,
Hornung, Matthias ![ORCID 0000-0001-9759-8958](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weigand, Kilian ![ORCID 0000-0003-4216-2991](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Peschel, Georg,
Junger, Henrik,
Kupke, Paul,
Lang, Hauke,
Marquardt, Jens U.,
Zimmermann, Tim,
Geissler, Edward K. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3661-6168](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Werner, Jens M.
Ribavirin Improves NK Cell IFNγ Response During Sofosbuvir-based DAA Therapy in HCV-infected Liver Transplant Recipients.
Transplantation 105 (10), pp. 2226-2238.
Fulltext restricted.
Weller, Astrid,
Seyfried, Timo,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baier-Kleinhenz, Lucia,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen,
Peschel, Georg,
Graf, Bernhard M. and
Sinner, Barbara
Cell Salvage During Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of Tumor Recurrence Following Irradiation of the Salvaged Blood.
Transplantation Proceedings 53 (5), pp. 1639-1644.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Foxa2 (HNF-3β) regulates expression of hepatotrophic factor ALR in liver cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 395 (4), pp. 465-470.
Fulltext not available.
Ugocsai, Peter,
Hohenstatt, Antonia,
Paragh, György,
Liebisch, Gerhard ![ORCID 0000-0003-4886-0811](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Langmann, Thomas,
Wolf, Zsuzsanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Kasprzak, Piotr M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göbölös, László,
Falkert, Andreas,
Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit,
Gellhaus, Alexandra,
Winterhager, Elke,
Schmidt, Markus,
Semenza, Gregg L. and
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
HIF-1beta determines ABCA1 expression under hypoxia in human macrophages.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2), pp. 241-252.
Fulltext not available.
Wobser, Hella,
Dorn, C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bollheimer, C.,
Buettner, R.,
Schoelmerich, J. and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 46 (1), S290.
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, Markus,
Sigruener, Alexander,
Eggenhofer, Elke,
Weigert, Johanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schaeffler, Andreas,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Piso, Pompiliu,
Langmann, Thomas,
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
High molecular weight adiponectin reduces apolipoprotein B and E release in human hepatocytes.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 352 (2), pp. 543-548.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, M.,
Fleck, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Schütz, C.,
Blank, C.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, C.
PD-L1 expression in human hepatocytes induces T-cell apoptosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A23.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, W. E.,
Schlott, T.,
Thelen, P.,
Bataille, F.,
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jauch, K. W. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Human augmenter of liver regeneration is highly expressed in regenerative nodules of liver cirrhosis.
In: 40th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, APR 13-17, 2005, Paris, FRANCE.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herfarth, H.,
Obermeier, F.,
Ouart, J.,
Vogl, D.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen,
Jauch, K. W. and
Rogler, G.
Intracellular Polyamine Levels of Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 10 (5), pp. 529-535.
Fulltext not available.
Orr, Samantha,
Alexandre, Eliane,
Clark, Brain,
Combes, Robert,
Fels, Lueder M.,
Gray, Neil,
Jönsson-Rylander, Ann-Cathrine,
Helin, Heikki,
Koistinen, Jukka,
Oinonen, Teija,
Richert, Lysiane,
Ravid, Rivka,
Salonen, Jarmo,
Teesalu, Tambet,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Trafford, Jacki,
van der Valk, Jan,
von Versen, Rudiger,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Womack, Chris and
Ylikomi, Timo
The establishment of a network of European human research tissue banks.
Cell and Tissue Banking 3, pp. 133-137.
Fulltext not available.
Tange, Stefan,
Scherer, Marcus N.,
Graeb, Christian,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Justl, Martin,
Frank, Erika,
Andrassy, Joachim,
Jauch, Karl-Walter and
Geissler, Edward K. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3661-6168](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Transplantation 73 (2), pp. 216-223.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Heinmoeller, E.,
Buschauer, Armin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9709-1433](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bernhardt, Günther ![ORCID 0000-0001-6491-9874](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gruber, R.,
Rueschoff, J. and
Zirngibl, H.
A new HPLC-method for the determination of polyamines (PA) in the subpicomolar range: PA and ornithine-decarboxylase (ODC) in human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines.
European Journal of Cell Biology 69 (42), p. 157.
Fulltext not available.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie
Andorfer, Kornelia E.C.,
Seebauer, Caroline T.,
Koller, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0001-5252-6010](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zeman, Florian,
Berneburg, Mark ![ORCID 0000-0002-5344-4970](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fischer, René,
Vielsmeier, Veronika ![ORCID 0000-0002-1750-7380](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bohr, Christopher and
Kühnel, Thomas S.
TIMolol nasal spray as a treatment for epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) – study protocol of the prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled cross-over TIM-HHT trial.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 80 (3), pp. 307-315.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher)
Ehras, Christina,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Frei, Mario,
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erklären lernen – Ein Seminarkonzept zur Förderung von Erklärkompetenz durch Videografie als Reflexionsanlass.
Matthes, Eva and
Siegel, Stefan T. and
Heiland, Thomas, (eds.)
Lehrvideos – das Bildungsmedium der Zukunft? Erziehungswissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Perspektiven.
Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, pp. 203-212.
ISBN 978-3-7815-2465-1, 978-3-7815-5910-3.
Fulltext restricted.
Frei, Mario,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Die Wirksamkeit von Erklärvideos im Rahmen der Methode Flipped Classroom.
Kaspar, Kai and
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael and
Hofhues, Sandra and
König, Johannes and
Schmeinck, Daniela, (eds.)
Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung.
Waxmann, Münster, pp. 284-290.
ISBN 978-3-8309-4246-7, 978-3-8309-9246-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindl, Alfred ![ORCID 0000-0002-6969-8385](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schilcher, Anita and
Blum, Werner
Fachwissen und fachdidaktisches Wissen von Lehrkräften: Welche Befunde zeigen sich auch in anderen Fächern und welche nicht?
Kortenkamp, Ulrich and
Kuzle, Ana, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017, Band 2.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 569-572.
ISBN 978-3-95987-072-6, 978-3-95987-071-9.
Fulltext restricted.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung (Prof. Dr. Gregor Dorfleitner)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde)
Medicine > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner)
Issler, Naomi,
Afonso, Sara,
Weissman, Irith,
Jordan, Katrin,
Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto,
Meindl, Katrin,
Dahlke, Eileen,
Tziridis, Konstantin,
Yan, Guanhua,
Robles-López, José M.,
Tabernero, Lydia ![ORCID 0000-0001-8867-455X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Patel, Vaksha,
Kesselheim, Anne,
Klootwijk, Enriko D.,
Stanescu, Horia C.,
Dumitriu, Simona,
Iancu, Daniela,
Tekman, Mehmet,
Mozere, Monika,
Jaureguiberry, Graciana,
Outtandy, Priya,
Russell, Claire,
Forst, Anna-Lena,
Sterner, Christina,
Heinl, Elena-Sofia,
Othmen, Helga,
Tegtmeier, Ines,
Reichold, Markus,
Schiessl, Ina Maria ![ORCID 0000-0003-1613-2000](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Limm, Katharina,
Oefner, Peter,
Witzgall, Ralph,
Fu, Lifei,
Theilig, Franziska,
Schilling, Achim,
Shuster Biton, Efrat,
Kalfon, Limor,
Fedida, Ayalla,
Arnon-Sheleg, Elite,
Ben Izhak, Ofer,
Magen, Daniella,
Anikster, Yair,
Schulze, Holger,
Ziegler, Christine,
Lowe, Martin,
Davies, Benjamin,
Böckenhauer, Detlef,
Kleta, Robert,
Falik Zaccai, Tzipora C. and
Warth, Richard ![ORCID 0000-0001-6084-0659](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
A Founder Mutation in EHD1 Presents with Tubular Proteinuria and Deafness.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (4), pp. 732-745.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Philosophie > Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Philosophie (Prof. Dr. phil. Rolf Schönberger)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde
Andorfer, Kornelia E.C.,
Seebauer, Caroline T.,
Koller, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0001-5252-6010](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zeman, Florian,
Berneburg, Mark ![ORCID 0000-0002-5344-4970](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fischer, René,
Vielsmeier, Veronika ![ORCID 0000-0002-1750-7380](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bohr, Christopher and
Kühnel, Thomas S.
TIMolol nasal spray as a treatment for epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) – study protocol of the prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled cross-over TIM-HHT trial.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 80 (3), pp. 307-315.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie
Verloh, Niklas ![ORCID 0000-0002-8424-5827](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Scharf, Gregor,
Bäumler, Wolf,
Pfister, Karin,
Oikonomou, Kyriakos,
Stroszczynski, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0003-4828-0067](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Uller, Wibke and
Dollinger, Marco ![ORCID 0000-0001-8820-4961](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erroneous placement of central venous catheters in subclavian artery: Retrieval and successful hemostasis with a femoral closure device.
The Journal of Vascular Access.
Fulltext restricted.
Ugocsai, Peter,
Hohenstatt, Antonia,
Paragh, György,
Liebisch, Gerhard ![ORCID 0000-0003-4886-0811](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Langmann, Thomas,
Wolf, Zsuzsanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Kasprzak, Piotr M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göbölös, László,
Falkert, Andreas,
Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit,
Gellhaus, Alexandra,
Winterhager, Elke,
Schmidt, Markus,
Semenza, Gregg L. and
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
HIF-1beta determines ABCA1 expression under hypoxia in human macrophages.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2), pp. 241-252.
Fulltext not available.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienfinanzierung (Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian)
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienfinanzierung (Prof. Dr. Steffen Sebastian)
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Immobilienenwirtschaft / IRE|BS > Lehrstuhl für Immobilienwirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Tobias Just)
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
Yusufi, Ziba,
Preis, Simon J.,
Kraus, Daniel,
Kruschwitz, Udo ![ORCID 0000-0002-5503-0341](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ludwig, Bernd ![ORCID 0000-0003-3599-2081](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data Value Assessment in Semiconductor Production.
In: ICEEG 2022: 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government, April 27 - 29, 2022, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Fulltext not available.
Madge, Chris,
Brightmore, Jussi,
Kicikoglu, Doruk,
Althani, Fatima,
Bartle, Richard,
Chamberlain, Jon,
Kruschwitz, Udo ![ORCID 0000-0002-5503-0341](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Poesio, Massimo
LingoTowns: A Virtual World For Natural Language Annotation and Language Learning.
In: CHI PLAY '22: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, November 2 – 5, 2022, Bremen, Germany.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I
Tews, Hauke Christian,
Müller, Martina,
Kempa, Sally ![ORCID 0000-0003-0306-4555](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kandulski, Arne,
Gülow, Karsten,
Büchler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jung, Ernst Michael and
Albaladejo-Fuertes, Sheila
High-resolution Visualization of Intestinal Microcirculation using Ultra-microangiography in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Pilot Study.
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 33 (2), pp. 194-202.
Tews, Hauke C.,
Kandulski, Arne,
Schmid, S.,
Schlosser, Sophie,
Schirner, S.,
Putz, Franz Josef ![ORCID 0000-0001-7903-7890](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cosma, Lidia-Sabina,
Gülow, K.,
Müller, M. and
Jung, Ernst Michael
Multimodal ultrasound imaging with conventional B-mode, elastography, and parametric analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS): A novel approach to assess small bowel manifestation in severe COVID-19 disease.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation pre-press.
(In Press)
Fulltext restricted.
Tews, Hauke Christian,
Kandulski, A.,
Schmid, S.,
Peschel, G.,
Gülow, K.,
Schlosser, S.,
Schirner, S.,
Stroszczynski, C.,
Müller, M. and
Jung, E.M.
Contrast enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) a novel tool to detect intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in severe COVID-19 disease.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 81 (2), pp. 177-190.
Fulltext restricted.
Hölzl, Fabian,
Steindl, Carina,
Haderer, Marika,
Neubert, Philip,
Mester-Pavel, Patricia,
Kandulski, Arne,
Kunst, Claudia,
Gülow, Karsten and
Müller-Schilling, Martina
Bacterial-epithelial interplay in liver cirrhosis – regulation of intestinal epithelial barrier function, p53 proteins and cell death as a novel pathomechanism of bacterial translocation.
In: EASL - International Liver Congress 2022.
Hölzl, Fabian,
Steindl, Carina,
Haderer, Marika,
Neubert, Philip,
Mester-Pavel, Patricia,
Kandulski, Arne,
Kunst, Claudia,
Gülow, Karsten and
Müller-Schilling, Martina
Bacterial-epithelial interplay in liver cirrhosis – regulation of intestinal epithelial barrier function, p53 proteins and cell death as a novel pathomechanism of bacterial translocation.
In: AASLD The liver meeting.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Adenugba, Akinbami,
Hornung, Matthias ![ORCID 0000-0001-9759-8958](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weigand, Kilian ![ORCID 0000-0003-4216-2991](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Peschel, Georg,
Junger, Henrik,
Kupke, Paul,
Lang, Hauke,
Marquardt, Jens U.,
Zimmermann, Tim,
Geissler, Edward K. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3661-6168](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Werner, Jens M.
Ribavirin Improves NK Cell IFNγ Response During Sofosbuvir-based DAA Therapy in HCV-infected Liver Transplant Recipients.
Transplantation 105 (10), pp. 2226-2238.
Fulltext restricted.
Wanninger, Josef,
Neumeier, Markus,
Bauer, S.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schoelmerich, Juergen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Antifibrotic effects of adiponectin include induction of BMP-activated and membrane bound inhibitor (Bambi) in liver cells which antagonizes TGF-beta activity.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 49 (2), P1_56.
Fulltext not available.
Wobser, Hella,
Dorn, C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bollheimer, C.,
Buettner, R.,
Schoelmerich, J. and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 46 (1), S290.
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, Markus,
Sigruener, Alexander,
Eggenhofer, Elke,
Weigert, Johanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schaeffler, Andreas,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Piso, Pompiliu,
Langmann, Thomas,
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
High molecular weight adiponectin reduces apolipoprotein B and E release in human hepatocytes.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 352 (2), pp. 543-548.
Fulltext not available.
Walbrun, Peter,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Netter, Susanne,
Gäbele, Erwin,
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Wiest, Reiner ![ORCID 0000-0002-1469-7107](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Froh, Matthias
Cryopreservation of human kupffer cells.
In: 57th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, OCT 27-31, 2006, Boston, MA.
Fulltext not available.
Büttner, R.,
Neumeier, M.,
Schäffler, A.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gäbele, E.,
Bollheimer, C.,
Weigert, J.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schölmerich, J. and
Büchler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 in rodent models of fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A15.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, M.,
Fleck, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Schütz, C.,
Blank, C.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, C.
PD-L1 expression in human hepatocytes induces T-cell apoptosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A23.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Letschert, K.,
Tausch, U.,
Jilg, Wolfgang,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jauch, K. W.
The human liver in vitro model: Potential of primary human hepatocytes for experimental and clinical research.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 386 (6), pp. 475-476.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Ringel, Susanne,
Hartmann, Arndt,
Lallinger, Gertrud,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gäbele, Erwin,
Wünsch, Peter,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lack of association between the functional CX3CR1 polymorphism V249I and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Oncology Reports 13 (5), pp. 957-963.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herfarth, H.,
Obermeier, F.,
Ouart, J.,
Vogl, D.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen,
Jauch, K. W. and
Rogler, G.
Intracellular Polyamine Levels of Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 10 (5), pp. 529-535.
Fulltext not available.
Armeanu, Sorin,
Lauer, Ulrich M.,
Smirnow, Irina,
Schenk, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gregor, M. and
Bitzer, M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-4463-8263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adenoviral gene transfer of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand overcomes an impaired response of hepatoma cells but causes severe apoptosis in primary human hepatocytes.
Cancer Research 63 (10), pp. 2369-2372.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
An in vitro model with kryoconserved human activated hepatic stellate cells: Reflecting heterogeneity of profibrotic and proinflammatory gene expression.
In: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), NOV 01-05, 2002, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS.
Fulltext not available.
Kalkuhl, Arno,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Krebsfaenger, N.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bader, R.,
Jauch, K. W. and
Singer, T.
Use of primary rat and human hepatocytes in early peclinical drug safety evaluation.
Naunyn - Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 363 (4), R163.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Abels, C.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bolder, U.,
Wagner, J.,
Szeimies, R. M. and
Jauch, Karl-Walter
Oxidative cell damage induced by repeated application of 5-aminolevulinic acid in human hepatocyte cultures.
Hepatology 30 (4), 400A.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Letschert, K. C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weinberger, K. M.,
Bolder, U. and
Jauch, Karl-Walter
Vaccinia mediated gene transfer into human hepatocytes - Efficiency and function under transplant conditions in vitro.
Langenbecks Archives of Surgery (1), pp. 247-251.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bernhardt, G.,
Buschauer, Armin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9709-1433](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Spruss, Thilo,
Dolgner, Doris,
Jauch, K. W. and
Zirngibl, H.
An in vitro / in vivo model for studying the role of polyamines in human pancreatic carcinoma.
Gastroenterology 112 (4), A1485.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Heinmoeller, E.,
Buschauer, Armin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9709-1433](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bernhardt, Günther ![ORCID 0000-0001-6491-9874](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gruber, R.,
Rueschoff, J. and
Zirngibl, H.
A new HPLC-method for the determination of polyamines (PA) in the subpicomolar range: PA and ornithine-decarboxylase (ODC) in human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines.
European Journal of Cell Biology 69 (42), p. 157.
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Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II
Lebek, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0003-4525-797X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hegner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0003-1776-777X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hultsch, Rosa,
Rohde, Jonas,
Rupprecht, Leopold,
Schmid, Christof,
Sossalla, Samuel,
Maier, Lars Siegfried,
Arzt, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4408-722X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wagner, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-9471-1166](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.8 Dysregulates Na and Ca, Leading to Arrhythmias in Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 206 (11).
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Lebek, Simon ![ORCID 0000-0003-4525-797X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hegner, Philipp ![ORCID 0000-0003-1776-777X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hultsch, Rosa,
Rohde, Jonas,
Rupprecht, Leopold,
Schmid, Christof,
Sossalla, Samuel,
Maier, Lars Siegfried,
Arzt, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4408-722X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wagner, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-9471-1166](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.8 Dysregulates Na and Ca, Leading to Arrhythmias in Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 206 (11).
Fulltext restricted.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Büttner, R.,
Neumeier, M.,
Schäffler, A.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gäbele, E.,
Bollheimer, C.,
Weigert, J.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schölmerich, J. and
Büchler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 in rodent models of fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A15.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie)
Meedt, Elisabeth,
Weber, Daniela,
Bonifacius, Agnes,
Eiz-Vesper, Britta,
Maecker-Kolhoff, Britta,
Delecluse, Susanne,
Delecluse, Henri-Jacques,
Lorenz, Myriam,
Schwarz, Klaus,
Meedt, Stefan T.,
Braess, Jan,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Holler, Ernst,
Edinger, Matthias and
Wolff, Daniel ![ORCID 0000-0001-7015-3190](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Infection Controlled by Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation and EBV-Specific T Cells.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 76 (12), pp. 2200-2202.
Karl, F.,
Liang, C.,
Böttcher-Loschinski, R.,
Stoll, A.,
Flamann, C.,
Richter, S.,
Lischer, C.,
Völkl, S.,
Jacobs, B.,
Böttcher, M.,
Jitschin, R.,
Bruns, H.,
Fischer, T.,
Holler, E.,
Rösler, W.,
Dandekar, T.,
Mackensen, A. and
Mougiakakos, D.
Oxidative DNA damage in reconstituting T cells is associated with relapse and inferior survival after allo-SCT.
Blood 141 (13), pp. 1626-1639.
Fulltext restricted.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie
Calvano Küchler, Erika ![ORCID 0000-0001-5351-2526](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
de Oliveira Stroparo, Jeferson Luis,
Bitencourt Reis, Caio Luiz,
Ullrich, Niklas,
Olsson, Bernardo,
Scariot, Rafaela ![ORCID 0000-0002-4911-6413](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Matsumoto, Mirian Nakane,
Ribeiro Mattos, Natanael Henrique,
Proff, Peter ![ORCID 0000-0003-1137-5361](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baratto-Filho, Flares ![ORCID 0000-0002-5649-7234](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kirschneck, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-9473-8724](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Oral Cleft Related-Genes may be Involved in Root Curvature of Maxillary Lateral Incisors.
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, p. 105566562211210.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Kaur, Savneet,
Rawal, Preety Rawal,
Siddiqui, Hamda,
Rohilla, Sumati,
Sukriti, Sukriti,
Bhat, Mohsin Hasan,
Kumari, Anupama,
Sharma, Shvetank,
Bihari, Chhagan,
Sarin, Shiv Kumar and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
RUNX1 Regulates Angiogenesis and Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
In: Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, NOV 09-13, 2018, San Francisco, CA.
Fulltext not available.
Myllys, Maiju ![ORCID 0000-0001-9117-4572](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Albrecht, Ute,
Dooley, Steven,
Hammad, Seddik,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jan G., H. and
Godoy, Patricio
Role of the interleukin 15/macrophage axis in the immune response of liver fibrosis.
Journal of Hepatology 68 (1), S405.
Fulltext not available.
Dengler, M.,
Staufer, K.,
Huber, H.,
Stauber, R.,
Bantel, H.,
Weiss, K.H.,
Starlinger, P.,
Pock, H.,
Klöters-Plachky, P.,
Gotthardt, D.N.,
Rauch, P.,
Lackner, C.,
Stift, J.,
Brostjan, C.,
Gruenberger, T.,
Kumada, T.,
Toyoda, H.,
Tada, T.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Trauner, M. and
Mikulits, W.
Soluble Axl identifies patients at higher risk for hepatocellular carcinoma development: results from a large scale multicenter analysis.
Journal of Hepatology 66 (1), S626.
Fulltext not available.
Kaur, Savneet,
Hasan, Mohsin,
Siddiqui, Hamda,
Thomas, Maria,
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sharma, Shvetank,
Sarin, Shiv Kumar and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Angiogenesis in the Pathogenesis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD).
In: 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), NOV 11-15, 2016, Boston, MA.
Fulltext not available.
Kaur, S.,
Bhat, M.H.,
Siddiqui, H.,
Thomas, M.,
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sarin, S.K. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Exploring Novel Links between Angiogenesis and Lipid Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases.
Journal of Hepatology 64 (2), S678-S679.
Fulltext not available.
Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa,
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Pohl, Rebekka,
Meier, Elisabeth M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hepatic scavenger receptor BI is associated with type 2 diabetes but unrelated to human and murine non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 467 (2), pp. 377-382.
Fulltext not available.
Braeuning, Albert,
Thomas, Maria,
Hofmann, Ute,
Vetter, Silvia,
Zeller, Eva,
Petzuch, Barbara,
Johänning, Janina,
Schroth, Werner,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zanger, Ulrich M. and
Schwarz, Michael
Comparative Analysis and Functional Characterization of HC-AFW1 Hepatocarcinoma Cells: Cytochrome P450 Expression and Induction by Nuclear Receptor Agonists.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition 43 (11), pp. 1781-1787.
Fulltext not available.
Kaur, Savneet,
Vlaic, Sebastian,
Guthke, Reinhard,
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hasan, Mohsin,
Siddiqui, Hamda,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sarin, Shiv Kumar
Angiogenesis in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a differential gene expression study.
In: 66th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), NOV 13-17, 2015, San Francisco, CA.
Fulltext not available.
Feng, Teng,
Dzieran, Johanna,
Gu, Xing,
Marhenke, Silke,
Vogel, Arndt,
Machida, Keigo,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ruemmele, Petra,
Kollmar, Otto,
Hoffmann, Patrick,
Grässer, Friedrich,
Allgayer, Heike,
Fabian, Jasmin,
Weng, Hong Lei,
Teufel, Andreas,
Maass, Thorsten,
Meyer, Christoph,
Lehmann, Ulrich,
Zhu, Cheng,
Mertens, Peter R.,
Gao, Chun Fang,
Dooley, Steven and
Meindl-Beinker, Nadja M.
Smad7 regulates compensatory hepatocyte proliferation in damaged mouse liver and positively relates to better clinical outcome in human hepatocellular carcinoma.
Clinical Science 128 (11), pp. 761-774.
Fulltext not available.
Schuster, Susanne,
Penke, Melanie,
Gorski, Theresa,
Gebhardt, Rolf,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kiess, Wieland and
Garten, Antje
FK866-induced NAMPT inhibition activates AMPK and downregulates mTOR signaling in hepatocarcinoma cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458 (2), pp. 334-340.
Fulltext not available.
Grinberg, Marianna,
Stöber, Regina M.,
Edlund, Karolina,
Rempel, Eugen,
Godoy, Patricio,
Reif, Raymond,
Widera, Agata,
Madjar, Katrin,
Schmidt-Heck, Wolfgang,
Marchan, Rosemarie,
Sachinidis, Agapios,
Spitkovsky, Dimitry,
Hescheler, Jürgen,
Carmo, Helena,
Arbo, Marcelo D.,
van de Water, Bob,
Wink, Steven,
Vinken, Mathieu,
Rogiers, Vera,
Escher, Sylvia,
Hardy, Barry,
Mitic, Dragana,
Myatt, Glenn,
Waldmann, Tanja,
Mardinoglu, Adil,
Damm, Georg,
Seehofer, Daniel,
Nüssler, Andreas,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Oberemm, Axel,
Lampen, Alfons,
Schaap, Mirjam M.,
Luijten, Mirjam,
van Steeg, Harry,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Kleinjans, Jos C. S.,
Stierum, Rob H.,
Leist, Marcel,
Rahnenführer, Jörg and
Hengstler, Jan G.
Toxicogenomics directory of chemically exposed human hepatocytes.
Archives of Toxicology 88, pp. 2261-2287.
Fulltext not available.
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Lupke, Madeleine,
Wanninger, Josef,
Ruemmele, Petra,
Hader, Yvonne,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Buechler, Christa
Manganese superoxide dismutase is reduced in the liver of male but not female humans and rodents with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 95 (3), pp. 330-335.
Fulltext not available.
Damm, Georg,
Pfeiffer, Elisa,
Burkhardt, Britta,
Vermehren, Jan,
Nüssler, Andreas K. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Human parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cell isolation, culture and characterization.
Hepatology International 7, pp. 951-958.
Fulltext not available.
Hoffmann, Jasmin,
Boehm, Caroline,
Himmelsbach, Kiyoshi,
Donnerhak, Christian,
Roettger, Hendrik,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ploen, Daniela and
Hildt, Eberhard
Identification of α-taxilin as an essential factor for the life cycle of hepatitis B virus.
Journal of Hepatology 59 (5), pp. 934-941.
Fulltext not available.
Thomas, Maria,
Burk, Oliver,
Klumpp, Britta,
Kandel, Benjamin A.,
Damm, Georg,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Klein, Kathrin,
Schwab, Matthias and
Zanger, Ulrich M.
Direct Transcriptional Regulation of Human Hepatic Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) by Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor Alpha (PPARα).
Molecular Pharmacology 83 (3), pp. 709-718.
Fulltext not available.
Ploen, Daniela,
Hafirassou, Mohamed Lamine,
Himmelsbach, Kiyoshi,
Sauter, Daniel,
Biniossek, Martin L.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baumert, Thomas F.,
Schuster, Catherine and
Hildt, Eberhard
TIP47 plays a crucial role in the life cycle of hepatitis C virus.
Journal of Hepatology 58 (6), pp. 1081-1088.
Fulltext not available.
Berger, Alexander,
Venturelli, Sascha,
Kallnischkies, Mascha,
Böcker, Alexander,
Busch, Christian,
Weiland, Timo,
Noor, Seema,
Leischner, Christian,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lauer, Ulrich M.,
Bischoff, Stephan C. and
Bitzer, Michael
Kaempferol, a new nutrition-derived pan-inhibitor of human histone deacetylases.
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 24 (6), pp. 977-985.
Fulltext not available.
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wanninger, Josef,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Schacherer, Doris,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schaffler, Andreas
Hepatic Chemerin is Induced in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Diabetes 61 (1), A691-A692.
Fulltext not available.
Bauer, Sabrina,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wiest, Reiner,
Schacherer, Doris,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Farkas, Stefan,
Scherer, Marcus N.,
Ritter, Mirko,
Schmitz, Gerd,
Schäffler, Andreas and
Buechler, Christa
Corrigendum to “Soluble CD163 is not increased in visceral fat and steatotic liver and is even suppressed by free fatty acids in-vitro” [Exp. Mol. Pathol. 91-3 (2011) 733–739].
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 93 (2), p. 283.
Fulltext not available.
Valletta, Daniela,
Czech, Barbara,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin ![ORCID 0000-0001-8147-394X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
In: 47th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), APR 18-22, 2012, Barcelona, SPAIN.
Fulltext not available.
Melas, Ioannis N.,
Mitsos, Alexander,
Messinis, Dimitris E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rodriguez, Julio-Saez and
Alexopoulos, Leonidas G.
Construction of large signaling pathways using an adaptive perturbation approach with phosphoproteomic data.
Molecular BioSystems 8 (5), pp. 1571-1584.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Walter, Roland,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Higuchi, Akiko,
Walsh, Kenneth and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Corrigendum to “Adiponectin upregulates hepatocyte CMKLR1 which is reduced in human fatty liver” [Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 349 (2012) 248–254].
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 355 (1), p. 190.
Fulltext not available.
Melas, Ioannis N.,
Mitsos, Alexander,
Messinis, Dimitris E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rodriguez, Julio-Saez and
Alexopoulos, Leonidas G.
Construction of large signaling pathways using an adaptive perturbation approach with phosphoproteomic data (vol 8, pg 1571, 2012).
Molecular BioSystems 8 (12), p. 3345.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Walter, Roland,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Higuchi, Akiko,
Walsh, Kenneth and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adiponectin upregulates hepatocyte CMKLR1 which is reduced in human fatty liver.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 349 (2), pp. 248-254.
Fulltext not available.
Klein, Kathrin,
Thomas, Maria,
Winter, Stefan,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schwab, Matthias and
Zanger, Ulrich M.
Extensive pathway oriented candidate gene approach allows identification of factors influencing CYP3A4 expression and function.
Drug Metabolism Reviews 43 (2), p. 170.
Fulltext not available.
Schlagheck, Julian,
Godoy, Patricio,
Campos, Gisela,
Stöber, Regina,
Hengstler, Jan G.,
Vogt, R.,
Melter, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4194-0758](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Transplant International 24 (3), p. 43.
Fulltext not available.
Vogt, R.,
Godoy, Patricio,
Campos, Gisela,
Stöber, Regina,
Hengstler, Jan G.,
Melter, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4194-0758](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
In: 62nd Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), NOV 04-08, 2011, San Francisco, CA.
Fulltext not available.
Walter, Roland,
Wanninger, Josef,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Neumeier, Markus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Amann, Thomas,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa
Adiponectin reduces connective tissue growth factor in human hepatocytes which is already induced in non-fibrotic non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 91 (3), pp. 740-744.
Fulltext not available.
Bauer, Sabrina,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wiest, Reiner,
Schacherer, Doris,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Farkas, Stefan,
Scherer, Marcus N.,
Ritter, Mirko,
Schmitz, Gerd,
Schäffler, Andreas and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Soluble CD163 is not increased in visceral fat and steatotic liver and is even suppressed by free fatty acids in vitro.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 91 (3), pp. 733-739.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Weigert, Johanna,
Wiest, Reiner,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Karrasch, Thomas,
Farkas, Stefan,
Scherer, Marcus N.,
Walter, Roland,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Neumeier, Markus,
Schäffler, Andreas and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Systemic and hepatic vein galectin-3 are increased in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis and negatively correlate with liver function.
Cytokine 55 (3), pp. 435-440.
Fulltext not available.
Nussler, Andreas K.,
Zeilinger, Katrin,
Schyschka, Lilianna,
Ehnert, Sabrina,
Gerlach, Jörg C.,
Yan, Xueying,
Lee, Serene M. L.,
Ilowski, Maren,
Thasler, Wolfgang E. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cell therapeutic options in liver diseases: cell types, medical devices and regulatory issues.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 22 (5), pp. 1087-1099.
Fulltext not available.
Vogt, R.,
Godoy, Patricio,
Campos, Gisela,
Stöber, Regina,
Hengstler, Jan G.,
Schlagheck, J. M. F.,
Schlitt, H. J.,
Melter, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4194-0758](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
In: 46th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), MAR 30-APR 03, 2011, Berlin, GERMANY.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, J.,
Neumeier, M.,
Bauer, S.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, C.,
Schoelmerich, J. and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Antifibrotic effects of adiponectin include induction of BMP-activated and membrane bound inhibitor (Bambi) in liver cells which antagonizes TGF-beta activity.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 49, pp. 1-56.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Neumeier, Markus,
Bauer, S.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schoelmerich, Juergen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Antifibrotic effects of adiponectin include induction of BMP-activated and membrane bound inhibitor (Bambi) in liver cells which antagonizes TGF-beta activity.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 49 (2), P1_56.
Fulltext not available.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lamlé, J.,
Vogel, A.,
Werner, S.,
Schlitt, H. J.,
Melter, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-4194-0758](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Nrf2, a transcription factor mainly involved in antioxidant defense, regulates the expression of ALR, Augmenter of Liver Regeneration.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 49, pp. 1-12.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Neumeier, Markus,
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Schacherer, Doris,
Bauer, Sabrina,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Huber, Hanna,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lipid accumulation impairs adiponectin-mediated induction of activin A by increasing TGFbeta in primary human hepatocytes.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1811 (10), pp. 626-633.
Fulltext not available.
Maiwald, Tim,
Schneider, Annette,
Busch, Hauke,
Sahle, Sven,
Gretz, Norbert,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kummer, Ursula and
Klingmüller, Ursula
Combining theoretical analysis and experimental data generation reveals IRF9 as a crucial factor for accelerating interferon α‐induced early antiviral signalling.
The FEBS Journal 277 (22), pp. 4741-4754.
Fulltext not available.
Feidt, Diana M.,
Klein, Kathrin,
Hofmann, Ute,
Riedmaier, Stephan,
Knobeloch, Daniel,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schwab, Matthias and
Zanger, Ulrich M.
Profiling Induction of Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Activity by Statins Using a New Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Cocktail Assay in Human Hepatocytes.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition 38 (9), pp. 1589-1597.
Fulltext not available.
Reinartz, Andrea,
Ehling, Josef,
Leue, Andrea,
Liedtke, Christian,
Schneider, Ursula,
Kopitz, Jürgen,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus,
Weiskirchen, Ralf,
Knüchel, Ruth and
Gassler, Nikolaus
Lipid-induced up-regulation of human acyl-CoA synthetase 5 promotes hepatocellular apoptosis.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1801 (9), pp. 1025-1035.
Fulltext not available.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Foxa2 (HNF-3β) regulates expression of hepatotrophic factor ALR in liver cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 395 (4), pp. 465-470.
Fulltext not available.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Foxa2 (HNF-3β) regulates expression of hepatotrophic factor ALR in liver cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 395 (4), pp. 465-470.
Fulltext not available.
Ilowski, Maren,
Putz, Christine,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brand, Stephan,
Jauch, Karl-Walter,
Hengstler, Jan G. and
Thasler, Wolfgang Erwin
Augmenter of liver regeneration causes different kinetics of ERK1/2 and Akt/PKB phosphorylation than EGF and induces hepatocyte proliferation in an EGF receptor independent and liver specific manner.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 394 (4), pp. 915-920.
Fulltext not available.
Hackl, Christina,
Mori, Akira,
Moser, Christian,
Lang, Sven A.,
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, Hans J.,
Geissler, Edward K.,
Hellerbrand, Claus and
Stoeltzing, Oliver
Effect of heat-shock protein-90 (HSP90) inhibition on human hepatocytes and on liver regeneration in experimental models.
Surgery 147 (5), pp. 704-712.
Fulltext not available.
Ugocsai, Peter,
Hohenstatt, Antonia,
Paragh, György,
Liebisch, Gerhard ![ORCID 0000-0003-4886-0811](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Langmann, Thomas,
Wolf, Zsuzsanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Kasprzak, Piotr M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göbölös, László,
Falkert, Andreas,
Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit,
Gellhaus, Alexandra,
Winterhager, Elke,
Schmidt, Markus,
Semenza, Gregg L. and
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
HIF-1beta determines ABCA1 expression under hypoxia in human macrophages.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2), pp. 241-252.
Fulltext not available.
Hoffart, Ella,
Nuessler, Andreas K.,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schwab, Matthias and
Burk, Oliver
Molecular mechanism of cytochrome P450 induction by atorvastatin and atorvastatin metabolites.
In: 16th North American Regional ISSX Meeting, OCT 18-22, 2009, Baltimore, MD.
Fulltext not available.
Slany, Astrid,
Haudek, Verena J.,
Zwickl, Hannes,
Gundacker, Nina C.,
Grusch, Michael,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seir, Katja,
Rodgarkia-Dara, Chantal,
Hellerbrand, Claus and
Gerner, Christopher
Cell Characterization by Proteome Profiling Applied to Primary Hepatocytes and Hepatocyte Cell Lines Hep-G2 and Hep-3B.
Journal of Proteome Research 9 (1), pp. 6-21.
Fulltext not available.
Dorn, C.,
Fleck, M.,
Gäbele, E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Blank, C. and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 50 (1), S55.
Fulltext not available.
Amann, Thomas,
U, U. Maegdefrau,
Hartmann, A.,
Stoeltzing, O.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen,
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin ![ORCID 0000-0001-8147-394X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 50 (1), S188.
Fulltext not available.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hauer, B.,
Schulze, N.,
Dorn, C.,
Buettner, R.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, H. J. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 50 (1), S256-S257.
Fulltext not available.
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schäffler, Andreas,
Johann, Monika,
Neumeier, Markus,
Köhl, Philip,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wodarz, Norbert,
Kiefer, Paul and
Hellerbrand, Claus
Elevated adiponectin serum levels in patients with chronic alcohol abuse rapidly decline during alcohol withdrawal.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 24 (4), pp. 558-563.
Fulltext not available.
Wanninger, Josef,
Neumeier, Markus,
Weigert, Johanna,
Liebisch, Gerhard,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schäffler, Andreas,
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Schmitz, Gerd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Metformin reduces cellular lysophosphatidylcholine and thereby may lower apolipoprotein B secretion in primary human hepatocytes.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1781 (6-7), pp. 321-325.
Fulltext not available.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dobner, T.,
Groitl, P.,
Thasler, W. E.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bosserhoff, A. K. ![ORCID 0000-0001-8147-394X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, H. J. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 48 (2), S193.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lichtenauer, M.,
Kirchner, S.,
Stock, P.,
Aurich, H.,
Christ, B.,
Brockhoff, G.,
Kunz-Schughart, L. A.,
Jauch, K.-W.,
Schlitt, H.-J. and
Thasler, W. E.
Hepatic progenitor cells from adult human livers for cell transplantation.
Gut 57, pp. 1129-1138.
Fulltext not available.
Wobser, H.,
Dorn, C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bollheimer, C.,
Buettner, R.,
Schoelmerich, J. and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 46 (1), S290.
Fulltext not available.
Wobser, Hella,
Dorn, C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bollheimer, C.,
Buettner, R.,
Schoelmerich, J. and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Journal of Hepatology 46 (1), S290.
Fulltext not available.
Venturelli, Sascha,
Armeanu, Sorin,
Pathil, Anita,
Hsieh, Chih‐Jen,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Vonthein, Reinhard,
Wehrmann, Manfred,
Gregor, Michael,
Lauer, Ulrich M. and
Bitzer, Michael
Epigenetic combination therapy as a tumor‐selective treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Cancer 109 (10), pp. 2132-2141.
Fulltext not available.
Walbrun, Peter,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Netter, Susanne,
Neumaier, Daniel,
Gaebele, Erwin,
Wiest, Reiner ![ORCID 0000-0002-1469-7107](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schoelmerich, Juergen and
Froh, Matthias
Characterization of rat and human Kupffer cells after cryopreservation.
Cryobiology 54 (2), pp. 164-172.
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, M.,
Schäffler, A.,
Weigert, J.,
Eggenhofer, E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, J. and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adiponectin induces IL-6 and CXCL8 in primary human hepatocytes and thereby may alleviate hepatic steatosis.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 115 (S 1).
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, Markus,
Sigruener, Alexander,
Eggenhofer, Elke,
Weigert, Johanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schaeffler, Andreas,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Piso, Pompiliu,
Langmann, Thomas,
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
High molecular weight adiponectin reduces apolipoprotein B and E release in human hepatocytes.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 352 (2), pp. 543-548.
Fulltext not available.
Walbrun, Peter,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Netter, Susanne,
Gäbele, Erwin,
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Wiest, Reiner ![ORCID 0000-0002-1469-7107](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Froh, Matthias
Cryopreservation of human kupffer cells.
In: 57th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, OCT 27-31, 2006, Boston, MA.
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, Markus,
Weigert, Johanna,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schmidl, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0002-0522-202X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Büttner, Roland,
Bollheimer, Cornelius,
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Aldehyde oxidase 1 is highly abundant in hepatic steatosis and is downregulated by adiponectin and fenofibric acid in hepatocytes in vitro.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 350 (3), pp. 731-735.
Fulltext not available.
Röhrl, E.,
Bauer, T.,
Böhm, S.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schlitt, H. and
Jilg, W.
P.067 Impact of vaccine-induced HBsAg-specific CD4+ T cells on in vitro hepatitis B-virus infection of primary human hepatocytes.
Journal of Clinical Virology 36 (2), S81-S82.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Schlott, Thilo,
Kalkuhl, Arno,
Plän, Thomas,
Irrgang, Bernhard,
Jauch, Karl-Walter and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Human Tissue for In Vitro Research as an Alternative to Animal Experiments: A Charitable “Honest Broker” Model to Fulfil Ethical and Legal Regulations and to Protect Research Participants.
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 34 (4), pp. 387-392.
Fulltext not available.
Bitzer, M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-4463-8263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Venturelli, S.,
Armeanu, S.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gregor, M. and
Lauer, U. M.
Combinatorial epigenetic treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma.
In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology, JUN 02-06, 2006, Atlanta, GA.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Fleck, Martin,
Schütz, Christian,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Blank, Christian,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
PD-L1 is induced in hepatocytes by viral infection and by interferon-α and -γ and mediates T cell apoptosis.
Journal of Hepatology 45 (4), pp. 520-528.
Fulltext not available.
Büttner, R.,
Neumeier, M.,
Schäffler, A.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gäbele, E.,
Bollheimer, C.,
Weigert, J.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schölmerich, J. and
Büchler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adiponectin and adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 in rodent models of fatty liver and liver cirrhosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A15.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, M.,
Fleck, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Schütz, C.,
Blank, C.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, C.
PD-L1 expression in human hepatocytes induces T-cell apoptosis.
Medizinische Klinik 101 (4), A23.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Letschert, K.,
Tausch, U.,
Jilg, Wolfgang,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jauch, K. W.
The human liver in vitro model: Potential of primary human hepatocytes for experimental and clinical research.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 386 (6), pp. 475-476.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Fleck, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Froh, Matthias,
Hoves, Sabine,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Interferons induce programmed death-1 ligand-1 expression in hepatocytes.
In: 56th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, NOV 11-15, 2005, San Francisco, CA.
Fulltext not available.
Neumeier, Markus,
Weigert, Johanna,
Schäffler, Andreas,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kirchner, Stefan,
Laberer, Sabine,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Regulation of adiponectin receptor 1 in human hepatocytes by agonists of nuclear receptors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 334 (3), pp. 924-929.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, W. E.,
Schlott, T.,
Thelen, P.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bataille, F.,
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schlitt, H. J.,
Jauch, K. W. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Expression of augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) in human liver cirrhosis and carcinoma.
Histopathology 47 (1), pp. 57-66.
Fulltext not available.
Orr, Samantha,
Alexandre, Eliane,
Clark, Brian J.,
Gray, Neil,
Helin, Heiki,
Ravid, Rivka,
Read, Mel,
Richert, Lysiane,
Roosipuu, Retlav,
Jonsson-Rylander, Ann-Cathrine,
Syring, Carina,
Teesalu, Tambet,
Thasler, Wolfgang E,
Trafford, Jacki,
Van Der Valk, Jan,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Womack, Chris and
Ylikomi, Timo
Fourth meeting of the European Network of Research Tissue Banks – Future strategy to increase collaborations in the supply of human tissue for biomedical research.
Cell and Tissue Banking 6, pp. 131-138.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Ringel, Susanne,
Hartmann, Arndt,
Lallinger, Gertrud,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gäbele, Erwin,
Wünsch, Peter,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lack of association between the functional CX3CR1 polymorphism V249I and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Oncology Reports 13 (5), pp. 957-963.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, W. E.,
Schlott, T.,
Thelen, P.,
Bataille, F.,
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jauch, K. W. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Human augmenter of liver regeneration is highly expressed in regenerative nodules of liver cirrhosis.
In: 40th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, APR 13-17, 2005, Paris, FRANCE.
Fulltext not available.
Armeanu, Sorin,
Pathil, Anita,
Venturelli, Sascha,
Mascagni, Paolo,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göttlicher, Martin,
Gregor, Michael,
Lauer, Ulrich M. and
Bitzer, Michael
Apoptosis on hepatoma cells but not on primary hepatocytes by histone deacetylase inhibitors valproate and ITF2357.
Journal of Hepatology 42 (2), pp. 210-217.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Gelbmann, Cornelia M.,
Schnabl, Bernd,
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
LPS-mediated NFκB activation varies between activated human hepatic stellate cells from different donors.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 325 (1), pp. 191-197.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herfarth, H.,
Obermeier, F.,
Ouart, J.,
Vogl, D.,
Schölmerich, Jürgen,
Jauch, K. W. and
Rogler, G.
Intracellular Polyamine Levels of Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 10 (5), pp. 529-535.
Fulltext not available.
Froh, Matthias,
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Stickel, Felix,
Seitz, H. K.,
Hartmann, A.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Different effects of the functional MCP-1 polymorphism (A-2518G) on hepatic fibrosis and hepatocancerogenesis.
In: Digestive Disease Week/105th Annual Meeting of the American-Gastroenterological-Association, MAY 16-19, 2004, New Orleans, LA.
Fulltext not available.
Armeanu, Sorin,
Lauer, Ulrich M.,
Smirnow, Irina,
Schenk, M.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gregor, M. and
Bitzer, M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-4463-8263](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Adenoviral gene transfer of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand overcomes an impaired response of hepatoma cells but causes severe apoptosis in primary human hepatocytes.
Cancer Research 63 (10), pp. 2369-2372.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schillhorn, Kerrin,
Stoll, Peter-Tobias,
Irrgang, Bernhard and
Jauch, Karl-Walter
Charitable State-Controlled Foundation Human Tissue and Cell Research: Ethic and Legal Aspects in the Supply of Surgically Removed Human Tissue For Research in the Academic and Commercial Sector in Germany.
Cell and Tissue Banking 4, pp. 49-56.
Fulltext not available.
Mühlbauer, Marcus,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
An in vitro model with kryoconserved human activated hepatic stellate cells: Reflecting heterogeneity of profibrotic and proinflammatory gene expression.
In: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), NOV 01-05, 2002, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS.
Fulltext not available.
Orr, Samantha,
Alexandre, Eliane,
Clark, Brain,
Combes, Robert,
Fels, Lueder M.,
Gray, Neil,
Jönsson-Rylander, Ann-Cathrine,
Helin, Heikki,
Koistinen, Jukka,
Oinonen, Teija,
Richert, Lysiane,
Ravid, Rivka,
Salonen, Jarmo,
Teesalu, Tambet,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Trafford, Jacki,
van der Valk, Jan,
von Versen, Rudiger,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Womack, Chris and
Ylikomi, Timo
The establishment of a network of European human research tissue banks.
Cell and Tissue Banking 3, pp. 133-137.
Fulltext not available.
Tange, Stefan,
Scherer, Marcus N.,
Graeb, Christian,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Justl, Martin,
Frank, Erika,
Andrassy, Joachim,
Jauch, Karl-Walter and
Geissler, Edward K. ![ORCID 0000-0003-3661-6168](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Transplantation 73 (2), pp. 216-223.
Fulltext not available.
Kalkuhl, Arno,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Krebsfaenger, N.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bader, R.,
Jauch, K. W. and
Singer, T.
Use of primary rat and human hepatocytes in early peclinical drug safety evaluation.
Naunyn - Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 363 (4), R163.
Fulltext not available.
Anderson, Robert,
Balls, Michael,
Burke, M. Danny,
Cummins, Marie,
Fehily, Deirdre,
Gray, Neil,
de Groot, Marleen G.,
Helin, Heikki,
Hunt, Charles,
Jones, David,
Price, David A. ![ORCID 0000-0001-9416-2737](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Richert, Lysiane,
Ravid, Rivka,
Shute, David,
Śladowski, Dariusz,
Stone, Helena,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Trafford, Jacki,
van der Valk, Jan,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Womack, Chris and
Ylikomi, Timo
The Establishment of Human Research Tissue Banking in the UK and Several Western European Countries.
In: ECVAM Workshop 44, 8–10 September 2000, The Belfry, Birmingham, UK.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Abels, C.,
Hellerbrand, Claus ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-4461](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bolder, U.,
Wagner, J.,
Szeimies, R. M. and
Jauch, Karl-Walter
Oxidative cell damage induced by repeated application of 5-aminolevulinic acid in human hepatocyte cultures.
Hepatology 30 (4), 400A.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Letschert, K. C.,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weinberger, K. M.,
Bolder, U. and
Jauch, Karl-Walter
Vaccinia mediated gene transfer into human hepatocytes - Efficiency and function under transplant conditions in vitro.
Langenbecks Archives of Surgery (1), pp. 247-251.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bernhardt, G.,
Buschauer, Armin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9709-1433](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Spruss, Thilo,
Dolgner, Doris,
Jauch, K. W. and
Zirngibl, H.
An in vitro / in vivo model for studying the role of polyamines in human pancreatic carcinoma.
Gastroenterology 112 (4), A1485.
Fulltext not available.
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Heinmoeller, E.,
Buschauer, Armin ![ORCID 0000-0002-9709-1433](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bernhardt, Günther ![ORCID 0000-0001-6491-9874](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gruber, R.,
Rueschoff, J. and
Zirngibl, H.
A new HPLC-method for the determination of polyamines (PA) in the subpicomolar range: PA and ornithine-decarboxylase (ODC) in human pancreatic carcinoma cell lines.
European Journal of Cell Biology 69 (42), p. 157.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Weller, Astrid,
Seyfried, Timo,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Baier-Kleinhenz, Lucia,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen,
Peschel, Georg,
Graf, Bernhard M. and
Sinner, Barbara
Cell Salvage During Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of Tumor Recurrence Following Irradiation of the Salvaged Blood.
Transplantation Proceedings 53 (5), pp. 1639-1644.
Ugocsai, Peter,
Hohenstatt, Antonia,
Paragh, György,
Liebisch, Gerhard ![ORCID 0000-0003-4886-0811](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Langmann, Thomas,
Wolf, Zsuzsanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Kasprzak, Piotr M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göbölös, László,
Falkert, Andreas,
Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit,
Gellhaus, Alexandra,
Winterhager, Elke,
Schmidt, Markus,
Semenza, Gregg L. and
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
HIF-1beta determines ABCA1 expression under hypoxia in human macrophages.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2), pp. 241-252.
Fulltext not available.
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Höflich, C.,
Bombard, S.,
Lochs, H.,
Kiesewetter, H. and
Salama, A.
Immune tolerance induction in patients with IgA anaphylactoid reactions following long-term intravenous IgG treatment.
Clinical & experimental immunology 151 (3), pp. 455-458.
Agaylan, A.,
Meyer, O.,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dudenhausen, J.,
Bombard, S. and
Salama, A.
A rapid gel agglutination test for the determination of fetomaternal haemorrhage.
Transfusion medicine 17 (5), pp. 395-398.
Neumeier, Markus,
Sigruener, Alexander,
Eggenhofer, Elke,
Weigert, Johanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schaeffler, Andreas,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Aslanidis, Charalampos,
Piso, Pompiliu,
Langmann, Thomas,
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schölmerich, Jürgen and
Buechler, Christa ![ORCID 0000-0002-5635-3994](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
High molecular weight adiponectin reduces apolipoprotein B and E release in human hepatocytes.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 352 (2), pp. 543-548.
Fulltext not available.
Poole, J.,
Tilley, L.,
Warke, N.,
Banks, J.,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Armstrong, D.,
Williams, M. and
Daniels, G.
Molecular Basis of Two Novel High Incidence Antigenson CD44 (Indian Blood Group System).
In: XXIII Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Blood Transfusion Society, 02. bis 04. Dezember 2005.
Banks, J.,
Poole, J.,
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seltsam, A.,
Salama, A.,
Hue-Roye, K.,
Storry, J. R.,
Palacajornsuk, P.,
Ma, B.-W.,
Lublin, D. M. and
Reid, M. E.
SERF: a new antigen in the Cromer blood group system.
Transfusion medicine 14 (4), pp. 313-318.
Ahrens, Norbert ![ORCID 0000-0002-4680-2688](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Heymann, G.,
Genth, R.,
Halle, K.,
Pruß, A.,
Kiesewetter, K. and
Salama, A.
RBC alloantibodies masked by antibodies to high-incidenceantigens.
In: XX Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Blood Transfusion Society, 4. bis 8. September 2002, Edinburgh, UK.
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Lernbehindertenpädagogik einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Markus Gebhardt
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schauhuber, Philipp,
Schwind, Valentin,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Henze, Niels
The Effects of Self- and External Perception of Avatars on Cognitive Task Performance in Virtual Reality.
In: VRST '20: 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 1 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event Canada.
Fulltext restricted.
Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Graf, Sarah and
Schwind, Valentin
The Impact of Missing Fingers in Virtual Reality.
In: VRST '20: 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 1 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event Canada.
Fulltext not available.
Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dechant, Martin Johannes,
Lankes, Michael,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Mandryk, Regan ![ORCID 0000-0003-0772-6616](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
63. Eye Caramba: Gaze-based Assistance for Virtual Reality Aiming and Throwing Tasks in Games.
Bulling, Andreas and
Huckauf, Anke, (eds.)
ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ETRA '20 Short Papers, June 2–5, 2020, Stuttgart, Germany.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, United States.
ISBN 978-1-4503-7134-6.
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Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kloss, Melanie,
Schwind, Valentin,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Henze, Niels
Flexing Muscles in Virtual Reality: Effects of Avatars' Muscular Appearance on Physical Performance.
In: CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, November 2 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event, Canada.
Fulltext restricted.
Schmargendorf, Maike,
Schuller, Hans-Martin,
Dengler, Daniel,
Mielke, Bettina and
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Legal Tech in der Praxis: Entwicklung eines Vertragsgenerators.
Schweighofer, Erich and
Kummer, Franz and
Saarenpää, Ahti, (eds.)
Internet of things : Tagungsband des 22. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions = IRIS 2019 : proceedings of the 22nd International Legal Infomatics Symposium.
Edition Weblaw. 2, Colloquium, 26.
Editions Weblaw, Bern, pp. 289-298.
ISBN 978-3-96443-724-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Ugocsai, Peter,
Hohenstatt, Antonia,
Paragh, György,
Liebisch, Gerhard ![ORCID 0000-0003-4886-0811](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Langmann, Thomas,
Wolf, Zsuzsanna,
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Kasprzak, Piotr M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-4926-5213](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Göbölös, László,
Falkert, Andreas,
Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit,
Gellhaus, Alexandra,
Winterhager, Elke,
Schmidt, Markus,
Semenza, Gregg L. and
Schmitz, Gerd ![ORCID 0000-0002-1325-1007](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
HIF-1beta determines ABCA1 expression under hypoxia in human macrophages.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2), pp. 241-252.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Ludwig, Nils ![ORCID 0000-0001-5561-2184](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Yerneni, Saigopalakrishna S.,
Harasymczuk, Malgorzata,
Szczepański, Mirosław J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-5206-137X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Głuszko, Alicja,
Kukwa, Wojciech,
Jordan, Theresa,
Spanier, Gerrit ![ORCID 0000-0002-0226-7580](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Taxis, Juergen ![ORCID 0000-0002-9733-3703](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Spoerl, Steffen,
Meier, Johannes K.,
Hinck, Cynthia S.,
Campbell, Phil G.,
Reichert, Torsten E.,
Hinck, Andrew P. and
Whiteside, Theresa L. ![ORCID 0000-0001-7316-6181](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
TGFβ carrying exosomes in plasma: potential biomarkers of cancer progression in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
British Journal of Cancer 128 (9), pp. 1733-1741.
Fulltext not available.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Alumni or Retired Professors > Lehrstuhl für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft I (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Gajek)
Gajek, Bernhard
Ludwig Thomas Romanfragment „Kaspar Lorinser“ (1920).
Lange, Günter, (ed.)
Lese-Erlebnisse und Literatur-Erfahrungen : Annäherungen an literarische Werke von Luther bis Enzensberger; Festschrift für Kurt Franz zum 60. Geburtstag.
Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler, pp. 263-275.
ISBN 3-89676-382-2.
Fulltext not available.
Gajek, Bernhard
Ludwig Thoma.
Kasper, Walter, (ed.)
Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche/begr. v. Michael Buchberger; Band 9. 3. Aufl.
Herder, Freiburg, Sp.1504.
ISBN 3-451-22009-1.
Fulltext not available.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft I (Prof. Dr. Ursula Regener)
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Huhn, Konstantin,
Linz, Peter ![ORCID 0000-0002-8232-1443](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Pemsel, Franziska,
Michalke, Bernhard ![ORCID 0000-0001-6376-2588](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seyferth, Stefan,
Kopp, Christoph,
Chaudri, Mohammad Anwar,
Rothhammer, Veit,
Dörfler, Arnd,
Uder, Michael,
Nagel, Armin M. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0948-1421](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Müller, Dominik N.,
Waschbisch, Anne,
Lee, De-Hyung,
Bäuerle, Tobias,
Linker, Ralf A. and
Haase, Stefanie
Skin sodium is increased in male patients with multiple sclerosis and related animal models.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (28).
Fulltext not available.
Popp, Roland,
Fierlbeck, Anna K.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Nicole,
Rupprecht, Rainer,
Weissert, Robert and
Wetter, Thomas C.
Sleepiness and fatigue in multiple sclerosis - same same but different? A systematic review on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale as an assessment tool.
Journal Of Sleep Research 25 (S1), p. 222.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie
Wang, Gongteng,
Alagboso, Francisca,
Wagner, Nike,
Baertl, Susanne,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Docheva, Denitsa ![ORCID 0000-0002-7588-1290](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rupp, Markus and
Alt, Volker ![ORCID 0000-0003-0208-4650](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bone regeneration after marginal bone resection in two-stage treatment of chronic long bone infection - a combined histopathological and clinical pilot study.
Injury 50 (10), pp. 3446-3457.
Fulltext restricted.
Niedermair, Tanja,
Bhatt, Meet,
Babel, Maximilian,
Feustel, Moritz,
Mamilos, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0002-0895-5675](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schweikl, Helmut,
Ferstl, Gerlinde,
Hofman, Paul and
Brochhausen, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-4296-3863](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Interim Storage of Biospecimen at Satellite Collection Centers: Dewar and Cryotube Choice Are Important for Temporary Storage in Liquid Nitrogen.
Biopreservation and Biobanking.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Dayoub, Rania ![ORCID 0000-0001-5848-5571](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Groitl, Peter,
Dobner, Thomas,
Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin,
Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Foxa2 (HNF-3β) regulates expression of hepatotrophic factor ALR in liver cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 395 (4), pp. 465-470.
Fulltext not available.
Thasler, W. E.,
Schlott, T.,
Thelen, P.,
Bataille, F.,
Lichtenauer, M.,
Schlitt, Hans J. ![ORCID 0000-0002-3874-0296](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Jauch, K. W. and
Weiss, Thomas S. ![ORCID 0000-0003-0336-0581](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Human augmenter of liver regeneration is highly expressed in regenerative nodules of liver cirrhosis.
In: 40th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, APR 13-17, 2005, Paris, FRANCE.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Ottersbach, Julia,
Wetter, Thomas C.,
König, Nicole,
Fierlbeck, Anna K.,
Weissert, Robert ![ORCID 0000-0002-1295-1271](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Popp, Roland F. J.
Prospective analyses of alertness, sleep, and fitness to drive one year after de novo multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 79, p. 104930.
Riebel, Marco,
von Pappenheim, Benedikt,
Kanig, Carolina,
Nothdurfter, Caroline,
Wetter, Thomas C.,
Rupprecht, Rainer and
Schwarzbach, Jens V. ![ORCID 0000-0002-0303-6979](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
GABAergic Effects of Etifoxine and Alprazolam Assessed by Double Pulse TMS.
Pharmacopsychiatry 56 (04), pp. 154-161.
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Rupprecht, Rainer ![ORCID 0000-0003-2939-9062](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wetzel, Christian H. ![ORCID 0000-0002-5762-0003](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dorostkar, Mario ![ORCID 0000-0001-8037-4907](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herms, Jochen,
Albert, Nathalie L.,
Schwarzbach, Jens V.,
Schumacher, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0001-6117-5371](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Neumann, Inga D.
Translocator protein (18kDa) TSPO: a new diagnostic or therapeutic target for stress-related disorders?
Molecular Psychiatry.
Heinrich, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-6462-1151](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hofmann, Luisa,
Baurecht, Hansjörg ![ORCID 0000-0002-9265-5594](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kreuzer, Peter M.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Leitzmann, Michael F. ![ORCID 0000-0002-0371-2789](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seliger, Corinna ![ORCID 0000-0002-4923-4495](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer.
Nature Medicine 28 (4), pp. 852-859.
Popp, Roland,
Fierlbeck, Anna K.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Nicole,
Rupprecht, Rainer,
Weissert, Robert and
Wetter, Thomas C.
Sleepiness and fatigue in multiple sclerosis - same same but different? A systematic review on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale as an assessment tool.
Journal Of Sleep Research 25 (S1), p. 222.
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III (Biologische, Klinische und Rehabilitationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Lange
Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner
Human Sciences > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik III (Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber)
Hauser, Florian,
Grabinger, Lisa,
Mottok, Jürgen and
Gruber, Hans ![ORCID 0000-0002-0893-2027](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Visual Expertise in Code Reviews.
In: ETRA '23: 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 30 May 2023- 2 June 2023, Tübingen Germany.
Fulltext not available.
Gruber, Hans ![ORCID 0000-0002-0893-2027](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Scheumann, Michael and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
3. Problemlösen und Expertiseerwerb.
Urhahne, Detlef and
Dresel, Markus and
Fischer, Frank, (eds.)
Psychologie für den Lehrberuf.
Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 53-65.
ISBN 978-3-662-55753-2, 3-662-55753-3.
Fulltext restricted.
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik bei geistiger Behinderung einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dworschak
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik
Tews, Hauke C.,
Kandulski, Arne,
Schmid, S.,
Schlosser, Sophie,
Schirner, S.,
Putz, Franz Josef ![ORCID 0000-0001-7903-7890](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Cosma, Lidia-Sabina,
Gülow, K.,
Müller, M. and
Jung, Ernst Michael
Multimodal ultrasound imaging with conventional B-mode, elastography, and parametric analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS): A novel approach to assess small bowel manifestation in severe COVID-19 disease.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation pre-press.
(In Press)
Fulltext restricted.
Tews, Hauke Christian,
Kandulski, A.,
Schmid, S.,
Peschel, G.,
Gülow, K.,
Schlosser, S.,
Schirner, S.,
Stroszczynski, C.,
Müller, M. and
Jung, E.M.
Contrast enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) a novel tool to detect intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction in severe COVID-19 disease.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 81 (2), pp. 177-190.
Fulltext restricted.
Verloh, Niklas ![ORCID 0000-0002-8424-5827](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Scharf, Gregor,
Bäumler, Wolf,
Pfister, Karin,
Oikonomou, Kyriakos,
Stroszczynski, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0003-4828-0067](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Uller, Wibke and
Dollinger, Marco ![ORCID 0000-0001-8820-4961](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erroneous placement of central venous catheters in subclavian artery: Retrieval and successful hemostasis with a femoral closure device.
The Journal of Vascular Access.
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Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Risikomanagement (Prof. Dr. Rösch)
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Evangelische Theologie > Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie und theologische Gegenwartsfragen - Prof. Dr. Matthias Heesch
Heesch, Matthias and
Megheşan, Dumitru and
Schwarz, Hans, eds.
Vertreibung, Flucht, Migration: Festsymposium anlässlich der 20-jährigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Orthodoxen Theologischen Fakultät Oradea, Rumänien, und dem Institut für Evangelische Theologie, Regensburg.
Untersuchungen zum christlichen Glauben in einer säkularen Welt, 7.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.
ISBN 978-3-631-73435-3, 3-631-73435-2, 978-3-631-73942-6.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie
Alt, Volker ![ORCID 0000-0003-0208-4650](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
McNally, Martin,
Wouthuyzen-Bakker, Marjan,
Metsemakers, Willem-Jan,
Marais, Leonard,
Zalavras, Charalampos and
Morgenstern, Mario
The FRI classification – A new classification of fracture-related infections.
Injury 55 (11), p. 111831.
Fulltext not available.
Wang, Gongteng,
Alagboso, Francisca,
Wagner, Nike,
Baertl, Susanne,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Docheva, Denitsa ![ORCID 0000-0002-7588-1290](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Rupp, Markus and
Alt, Volker ![ORCID 0000-0003-0208-4650](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bone regeneration after marginal bone resection in two-stage treatment of chronic long bone infection - a combined histopathological and clinical pilot study.
Injury 50 (10), pp. 3446-3457.
Fulltext restricted.
Angerpointner, Katharina,
Weber, Stefanie,
Tschech, Karen,
Schubert, Hannah,
Herbst, Tanja ![ORCID 0000-0001-9000-1776](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ernstberger, Antonio and
Kerschbaum, Maximilian ![ORCID 0000-0003-4996-8808](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Posttraumatic stress disorder after minor trauma – A prospective cohort study.
Medical Hypotheses 135 (109465).
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Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
Friedl, Sabrina ![ORCID 0000-0001-5065-713X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Glas, Magdalena ![ORCID 0000-0003-0239-7526](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Englbrecht, Ludwig ![ORCID 0000-0002-8546-3017](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Böhm, Fabian ![ORCID 0000-0002-0023-6051](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Pernul, Günther ![ORCID 0000-0003-1338-9003](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
ForCyRange: An Educational IoT Cyber Range for Live Digital Forensics.
Drevin, Lynette and
Miloslavskaya, Natalia and
Leung, Wai Sze and
Solms, Suné von, (eds.)
Information Security Education - Adapting to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 650.
Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 77-91.
ISBN 978-3-031-08172-9, 978-3-031-08171-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Business, Economics and Information Systems > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik IV (Prof. Dr. Doğan Kesdoğan)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Information Systems > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik IV (Prof. Dr. Doğan Kesdoğan)
Wittig, Maximilian and
Kesdoğan, Doğan
Detecting Web Tracking at the Network Layer.
Meyer, N. and
Grocholewska-Czuryło, A., (eds.)
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. SEC 2023.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 679.
Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 131-148.
ISBN 978-3-031-56326-3.
Fulltext restricted.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Philosophie > Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Meinel
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter Poschlod)
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Mittelalterliche Geschichte - Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Kortüm
Catholic Theology > Historische Theologie > Mittlere und Neue Kirchengeschichte - Prof. Dr. Klaus Unterburger
Balogh, Péter Piusz,
Hancz, Gábor Tamás,
Holnapy, Dénes Márton,
Kovács, Ágnes,
Kusler, Ágnes and
Orbán, Csaba Frigyes
900 Jahre Prämonstratenserorden - 900 éves a premontrei rend.
In: Hochrangige internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz anlässlich des 900. Gründungstages des Prämonstratenserordens, 17.-19. März 2020, Gödöllő/Getterle, Ungarn.
Catholic Theology > Philosophie
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff) > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Physical-Digital Affordances (Dr. Raphael Wimmer)
Echtler, Florian ![ORCID 0000-0002-7175-9503](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Maierhöfer, Vitus,
Hansen, Nicolai Brodersen and
Wimmer, Raphael ![ORCID 0000-0001-5162-5113](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Demonstrating SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device Surface Sharing.
In: ISS '23: Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, November 5 - 8, 2023, Pittsburgh PA USA.
Fulltext not available.
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Physical Chemistry I > Prof. Dr. Patrick Nürnberger
Knorr, Johannes,
Sokkar, Pandian,
Costa, Paolo ![ORCID 0000-0001-6324-1424](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Sander, Wolfram,
Sanchez-Garcia, Elsa and
Nuernberger, Patrick ![ORCID 0000-0002-4690-0229](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
How protic solvents determine the reaction mechanisms of diphenylcarbene in solution.
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 84 (18), pp. 11450-11457.
Fulltext restricted.
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Alumni or Retired Professors > Prof. Dr. Peter Schmid
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall
Issler, Naomi,
Afonso, Sara,
Weissman, Irith,
Jordan, Katrin,
Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto,
Meindl, Katrin,
Dahlke, Eileen,
Tziridis, Konstantin,
Yan, Guanhua,
Robles-López, José M.,
Tabernero, Lydia ![ORCID 0000-0001-8867-455X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Patel, Vaksha,
Kesselheim, Anne,
Klootwijk, Enriko D.,
Stanescu, Horia C.,
Dumitriu, Simona,
Iancu, Daniela,
Tekman, Mehmet,
Mozere, Monika,
Jaureguiberry, Graciana,
Outtandy, Priya,
Russell, Claire,
Forst, Anna-Lena,
Sterner, Christina,
Heinl, Elena-Sofia,
Othmen, Helga,
Tegtmeier, Ines,
Reichold, Markus,
Schiessl, Ina Maria ![ORCID 0000-0003-1613-2000](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Limm, Katharina,
Oefner, Peter,
Witzgall, Ralph,
Fu, Lifei,
Theilig, Franziska,
Schilling, Achim,
Shuster Biton, Efrat,
Kalfon, Limor,
Fedida, Ayalla,
Arnon-Sheleg, Elite,
Ben Izhak, Ofer,
Magen, Daniella,
Anikster, Yair,
Schulze, Holger,
Ziegler, Christine,
Lowe, Martin,
Davies, Benjamin,
Böckenhauer, Detlef,
Kleta, Robert,
Falik Zaccai, Tzipora C. and
Warth, Richard ![ORCID 0000-0001-6084-0659](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
A Founder Mutation in EHD1 Presents with Tubular Proteinuria and Deafness.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (4), pp. 732-745.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Richard Warth
Issler, Naomi,
Afonso, Sara,
Weissman, Irith,
Jordan, Katrin,
Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto,
Meindl, Katrin,
Dahlke, Eileen,
Tziridis, Konstantin,
Yan, Guanhua,
Robles-López, José M.,
Tabernero, Lydia ![ORCID 0000-0001-8867-455X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Patel, Vaksha,
Kesselheim, Anne,
Klootwijk, Enriko D.,
Stanescu, Horia C.,
Dumitriu, Simona,
Iancu, Daniela,
Tekman, Mehmet,
Mozere, Monika,
Jaureguiberry, Graciana,
Outtandy, Priya,
Russell, Claire,
Forst, Anna-Lena,
Sterner, Christina,
Heinl, Elena-Sofia,
Othmen, Helga,
Tegtmeier, Ines,
Reichold, Markus,
Schiessl, Ina Maria ![ORCID 0000-0003-1613-2000](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Limm, Katharina,
Oefner, Peter,
Witzgall, Ralph,
Fu, Lifei,
Theilig, Franziska,
Schilling, Achim,
Shuster Biton, Efrat,
Kalfon, Limor,
Fedida, Ayalla,
Arnon-Sheleg, Elite,
Ben Izhak, Ofer,
Magen, Daniella,
Anikster, Yair,
Schulze, Holger,
Ziegler, Christine,
Lowe, Martin,
Davies, Benjamin,
Böckenhauer, Detlef,
Kleta, Robert,
Falik Zaccai, Tzipora C. and
Warth, Richard ![ORCID 0000-0001-6084-0659](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
A Founder Mutation in EHD1 Presents with Tubular Proteinuria and Deafness.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 33 (4), pp. 732-745.
Mathematics > Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss
Böcherer-Linder, Katharina,
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Büchter, Theresa,
Eichler, Andreas,
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Steib, Nicole and
Vogel, Markus
Communicating Conditional Probabilities in Medical Practice.
In: 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11) 2022, 11 – 16 September 2022, Rosario, Argentina.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Vogel, Markus,
Böcherer-Linder, Katharina,
Büchter, Theresa,
Eichler, Andreas,
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Steib, Nicole
How to Understand Covariation in Bayesian Reasoning Situations With Double-Trees and Unit Squares.
In: 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11) 2022, 11 – 16 September 2022, Rosario, Argentina.
Fulltext restricted.
Ehras, Christina,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Frei, Mario,
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erklären lernen – Ein Seminarkonzept zur Förderung von Erklärkompetenz durch Videografie als Reflexionsanlass.
Matthes, Eva and
Siegel, Stefan T. and
Heiland, Thomas, (eds.)
Lehrvideos – das Bildungsmedium der Zukunft? Erziehungswissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Perspektiven.
Klinkhardt, Bad Heilbrunn, pp. 203-212.
ISBN 978-3-7815-2465-1, 978-3-7815-5910-3.
Fulltext restricted.
Eberl, Andreas,
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Moßburger, Matthias,
Rauch, Thomas and
Weber, Patrick
Inwieweit kann universitäres mathematisches Fachwissen helfen, auf Schüler(fehl)vorstellungen zu reagieren?
MNU Journal (1), pp. 62-66.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bruckmaier, Georg,
Lindl, Alfred,
Hilbert, Sven,
Binder, Karin,
Steib, Nicole and
Blum, Werner
Competence as a continuum in the COACTIV study: the “cascade model”.
ZDM 52 (2), pp. 311-327.
Fulltext restricted.
Wiesner, Patrick ![ORCID 0000-0001-8271-6042](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Das Häufigkeitsnetz – Häufigkeiten und Wahrscheinlichkeiten geschickt verNETZt.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, p. 1539.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Das Häufigkeitsnetz – Wahrscheinlichkeiten einfach und verständlich kommunizieren.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 1.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 137-140.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Frei, Mario,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Die Wirksamkeit von Erklärvideos im Rahmen der Methode Flipped Classroom.
Kaspar, Kai and
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael and
Hofhues, Sandra and
König, Johannes and
Schmeinck, Daniela, (eds.)
Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung.
Waxmann, Münster, pp. 284-290.
ISBN 978-3-8309-4246-7, 978-3-8309-9246-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
18. Expertise-Paradigma in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung.
Cramer, Colin and
König, Johannes and
Rothland, Martin and
Blömeke, Sigrid, (eds.)
Handbuch Lehrerinnen und Lehrerbildung.
Klinkhardt, Stuttgart, pp. 154-162.
ISBN 978-3-8252-5473-5, 978-3-8385-5473-0.
Fulltext restricted.
Steib, Nicole,
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hast du NETZ? Die Verbindung, mit der man Wahrscheinlichkeiten endlich versteht.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, p. 1537.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Buchholtz, Nils,
Kaiser, Gabriele and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Innovative Ansätze in der Forschung zur Lehrerprofessionalität.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1159-1160.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Weber, Patrick,
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Mehr als erwartete Häufigkeiten: Was wir noch nicht über natürliche Häufigkeiten wissen.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 2.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1005-1008.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindl, Alfred ![ORCID 0000-0002-6969-8385](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Re-Analysen des COACTIV-Datensatzes mit Machine Learning.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1169-1172.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Bruckmaier, Georg,
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Strategien beim Lösen statistischer Aufgaben – Eine Eyetracking-Studie zur visuellen Durchmusterung von Baumdiagrammen und Vierfeldertafeln.
Frank, Andreas and
Binder, Karin and
Krauss, Stefan, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019, 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1235-1238.
ISBN 978-3-95987-123-5, 3-95987-123-6.
Fulltext restricted.
Gruber, Hans ![ORCID 0000-0002-0893-2027](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Scheumann, Michael and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
3. Problemlösen und Expertiseerwerb.
Urhahne, Detlef and
Dresel, Markus and
Fischer, Frank, (eds.)
Psychologie für den Lehrberuf.
Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 53-65.
ISBN 978-3-662-55753-2, 3-662-55753-3.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Weber, Patrick and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Visualisierungen als Begründungshilfen in der Stochastik.
von Schroeders, Nicolai, (ed.)
Argumentieren, Begründen, Beweisen.
MaMut - Materialien für den Mathematikunterricht, 7.
Franzbecker, Hildesheim, pp. 36-61.
ISBN 978-3-88120-890-1.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brunner, Martin,
Ander, Yvonne and
Kunter, Mareike
Diagnostic Skills of Mathematics Teachers in the COACTIV study.
Leuders, Timo and
Philipp, Kathleen and
Leuders, Juliane, (eds.)
Diagnostic Competence of Mathematics Teachers - Unpacking a complex construct in teacher education and teacher practice.
Mathematics teacher education, 11.
Springer, Cham, pp. 33-53.
ISBN 978-3-319-66327-2, 978-3-319-66325-8.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Blum, Werner
Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften in COACTIV und deren Auswirkung auf Unterrichtsqualität und den Lernzuwachs von Schülerinnen und Schülern.
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018, Band 1.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 297-300.
ISBN 978-3-95987-090-0, 978-3-95987-089-4.
Fulltext restricted.
Bruckmaier, Georg,
Blum, Werner,
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schmeisser, Christine
Aspekte professioneller Kompetenz: Ein empirischer Vergleich verschiedener Stichproben.
Kortenkamp, Ulrich and
Kuzle, Ana, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017, Band 1.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 131-134.
ISBN 978-3-95987-072-6, 978-3-95987-071-9.
Fulltext restricted.
Röhrl, Simone and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Erfolgreiches Erklären im Mathematikunterricht.
Kortenkamp, Ulrich and
Kuzle, Ana, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1149-1152.
ISBN 978-3-95987-072-6, 978-3-95987-071-9.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindl, Alfred ![ORCID 0000-0002-6969-8385](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schilcher, Anita and
Blum, Werner
Fachwissen und fachdidaktisches Wissen von Lehrkräften: Welche Befunde zeigen sich auch in anderen Fächern und welche nicht?
Kortenkamp, Ulrich and
Kuzle, Ana, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2017, Band 2.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 569-572.
ISBN 978-3-95987-072-6, 978-3-95987-071-9.
Fulltext restricted.
Lindl, Alfred ![ORCID 0000-0002-6969-8385](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
9. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf domänenspezifische Lehrerkompetenzen. Eine Metaanalyse zentraler Resultate der Forschungsprojektes FALKO.
Krauss, Stefan and
Lindl, Alfred and
Schilcher, Anita and
Fricke, Michael and
Göhring, Anja and
Hofmann, Bernhard and
Mulder, Regina H., (eds.)
FALKO: Fachspezifische Lehrerkompetenzen. Konzeption von Professionswissenstests in den Fächern Deutsch, Englisch, Latein, Physik, Musik, Evangelische Religion und Pädagogik.
Waxmann, Münster, pp. 381-438.
ISBN 978-3-8309-3445-5, 978-3-8309-8445-0.
Fulltext restricted.
Chemistry and Pharmacy > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry VI - Physical Chemistry (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz
Rother, Martin,
Quintard, Guilhem,
Kronseder, Matthias ![ORCID 0000-0002-0103-4566](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bauduin, Pierre,
Zemb, Thomas and
Kunz, Werner ![ORCID 0000-0002-9463-632X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dilution and packing of anionic liquid surfactant in presence of divalent and trivalent counter-ions.
Journal of Molecular Liquids 384, p. 122195.
Fulltext not available.
Medicine > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie > Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Schweikl
Niedermair, Tanja,
Bhatt, Meet,
Babel, Maximilian,
Feustel, Moritz,
Mamilos, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0002-0895-5675](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schweikl, Helmut,
Ferstl, Gerlinde,
Hofman, Paul and
Brochhausen, Christoph ![ORCID 0000-0002-4296-3863](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Interim Storage of Biospecimen at Satellite Collection Centers: Dewar and Cryotube Choice Are Important for Temporary Storage in Liquid Nitrogen.
Biopreservation and Biobanking.
Physics > Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics > Prof. Jörg Wunderlich
Rother, Martin,
Quintard, Guilhem,
Kronseder, Matthias ![ORCID 0000-0002-0103-4566](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bauduin, Pierre,
Zemb, Thomas and
Kunz, Werner ![ORCID 0000-0002-9463-632X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dilution and packing of anionic liquid surfactant in presence of divalent and trivalent counter-ions.
Journal of Molecular Liquids 384, p. 122195.
Fulltext not available.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Professur für Informationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Professur für Informationslinguistik (Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig)
Yusufi, Ziba,
Preis, Simon J.,
Kraus, Daniel,
Kruschwitz, Udo ![ORCID 0000-0002-5503-0341](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ludwig, Bernd ![ORCID 0000-0003-3599-2081](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Data Value Assessment in Semiconductor Production.
In: ICEEG 2022: 2022 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government, April 27 - 29, 2022, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Fulltext not available.
Languages and Literatures > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Professur für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Niels Henze)
Informatics and Data Science > Department Human-Centered Computing > Professur für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Niels Henze)
Kocur, Martin ![ORCID 0000-0003-3077-6267](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schauhuber, Philipp,
Schwind, Valentin,
Wolff, Christian ![ORCID 0000-0001-7278-8595](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Henze, Niels
The Effects of Self- and External Perception of Avatars on Cognitive Task Performance in Virtual Reality.
In: VRST '20: 26th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, November 1 - 4, 2020, Virtual Event Canada.
Fulltext restricted.
Human Sciences > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bruckmaier, Georg,
Lindl, Alfred,
Hilbert, Sven,
Binder, Karin,
Steib, Nicole and
Blum, Werner
Competence as a continuum in the COACTIV study: the “cascade model”.
ZDM 52 (2), pp. 311-327.
Fulltext restricted.
Frei, Mario,
Asen-Molz, Katharina,
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Schilcher, Anita and
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Die Wirksamkeit von Erklärvideos im Rahmen der Methode Flipped Classroom.
Kaspar, Kai and
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael and
Hofhues, Sandra and
König, Johannes and
Schmeinck, Daniela, (eds.)
Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung.
Waxmann, Münster, pp. 284-290.
ISBN 978-3-8309-4246-7, 978-3-8309-9246-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lindl, Alfred ![ORCID 0000-0002-6969-8385](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Re-Analysen des COACTIV-Datensatzes mit Machine Learning.
Siller, Hans-Stefan and
Weigel, Wolfgang and
Wörler, Jan Franz, (eds.)
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020, Band 3.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 1169-1172.
ISBN 978-3-95987-139-6, 3-95987-139-2.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Brunner, Martin,
Ander, Yvonne and
Kunter, Mareike
Diagnostic Skills of Mathematics Teachers in the COACTIV study.
Leuders, Timo and
Philipp, Kathleen and
Leuders, Juliane, (eds.)
Diagnostic Competence of Mathematics Teachers - Unpacking a complex construct in teacher education and teacher practice.
Mathematics teacher education, 11.
Springer, Cham, pp. 33-53.
ISBN 978-3-319-66327-2, 978-3-319-66325-8.
Fulltext restricted.
Binder, Karin ![ORCID 0000-0003-0416-3029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Krauss, Stefan ![ORCID 0000-0002-7440-9154](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hilbert, Sven ![ORCID 0000-0001-5808-8357](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Blum, Werner
Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften in COACTIV und deren Auswirkung auf Unterrichtsqualität und den Lernzuwachs von Schülerinnen und Schülern.
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018, Band 1.
WTM-Verlag, Münster, pp. 297-300.
ISBN 978-3-95987-090-0, 978-3-95987-089-4.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Regensburger Centrum für Interventionelle Immunologie (RCI)
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Rettungszentrum Regensburg e.V.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Tierphysiologie/Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann)
Rupprecht, Rainer ![ORCID 0000-0003-2939-9062](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wetzel, Christian H. ![ORCID 0000-0002-5762-0003](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dorostkar, Mario ![ORCID 0000-0001-8037-4907](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Herms, Jochen,
Albert, Nathalie L.,
Schwarzbach, Jens V.,
Schumacher, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0001-6117-5371](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Neumann, Inga D.
Translocator protein (18kDa) TSPO: a new diagnostic or therapeutic target for stress-related disorders?
Molecular Psychiatry.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V.
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Central Institutions > University Library
Heinrich, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0002-6462-1151](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hofmann, Luisa,
Baurecht, Hansjörg ![ORCID 0000-0002-9265-5594](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kreuzer, Peter M.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Leitzmann, Michael F. ![ORCID 0000-0002-0371-2789](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Seliger, Corinna ![ORCID 0000-0002-4923-4495](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Suicide risk and mortality among patients with cancer.
Nature Medicine 28 (4), pp. 852-859.
Popp, Roland,
Fierlbeck, Anna K.,
Knüttel, Helge ![ORCID 0000-0002-2654-6517](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
König, Nicole,
Rupprecht, Rainer,
Weissert, Robert and
Wetter, Thomas C.
Sleepiness and fatigue in multiple sclerosis - same same but different? A systematic review on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale as an assessment tool.
Journal Of Sleep Research 25 (S1), p. 222.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Alumni or Retired > Verhaltensbiologie und Verhaltensphysiologie (Prof. Dr. Bernd Kramer)
Philosophy, Art History, History, and Humanities > Institut für Geschichte > Vor- und Frühgeschichte - Prof. Dr. Thomas Saile
Saile, Thomas ![ORCID 0000-0003-0834-5567](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Posselt, Martin
Diemarden in Lower Saxony: An Early Neolithic settlement and its environs.
Maciej, Dębiec and
Górski, Jacek, (eds.)
From farmers to heroes? archaeological studies in honor of Sławomir Kadrow.
Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 376.
Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn, pp. 43-64.
ISBN 3-7749-4298-6, 978-3-7749-4298-1.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT)
Siska, Peter J.,
Decking, Sonja-Maria,
Babl, Nathalie,
Matos, Carina,
Bruss, Christina,
Singer, Katrin,
Klitzke, Jana,
Schön, Marian,
Simeth, Jakob ![ORCID 0000-0002-7832-2582](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Köstler, Josef,
Siegmund, Heiko,
Ugele, Ines,
Paulus, Michael,
Dietl, Alexander,
Kolodova, Kristina,
Steines, Louisa ![ORCID 0000-0002-6027-2986](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitag, Katharina,
Peuker, Alice,
Schönhammer, Gabriele,
Raithel, Johanna,
Graf, Bernhard,
Geismann, Florian,
Lubnow, Matthias,
Mack, Matthias,
Hau, Peter,
Bohr, Christopher,
Burkhardt, Ralph ![ORCID 0000-0003-1924-1202](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Gessner, Andre,
Salzberger, Bernd,
Wagner, Ralf,
Hanses, Frank,
Hitzenbichler, Florian,
Heudobler, Daniel,
Lüke, Florian,
Pukrop, Tobias,
Herr, Wolfgang,
Wolff, Daniel,
Spang, Rainer,
Poeck, Hendrik,
Hoffmann, Petra,
Jantsch, Jonathan,
Brochhausen, Christoph,
Lunz, Dirk,
Rehli, Michael,
Kreutz, Marina and
Renner, Kathrin
Metabolic imbalance of T cells in COVID-19 is hallmarked by basigin and mitigated by dexamethasone.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131 (22), e148225.
Fulltext restricted.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien
Andorfer, Kornelia E.C.,
Seebauer, Caroline T.,
Koller, Michael ![ORCID 0000-0001-5252-6010](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Zeman, Florian,
Berneburg, Mark ![ORCID 0000-0002-5344-4970](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Fischer, René,
Vielsmeier, Veronika ![ORCID 0000-0002-1750-7380](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Bohr, Christopher and
Kühnel, Thomas S.
TIMolol nasal spray as a treatment for epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) – study protocol of the prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled cross-over TIM-HHT trial.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation 80 (3), pp. 307-315.
Medicine > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
Knoedler, Samuel,
Knoedler, Leonard ![ORCID 0000-0002-8949-3168](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Hoch, Cosima C.,
Kauke-Navarro, Martin,
Kehrer, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-7662](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Friedman, Leigh,
Prantl, Lukas ![ORCID 0000-0003-2454-2499](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Machens, Hans-Guenther,
Orgill, Dennis P. and
Panayi, Adriana C.
An ACS-NSQIP Data Analysis of 30-Day Outcomes Following Surgery for Bell’s Palsy.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.
Fulltext not available.
Anker, Alexandra M. ![ORCID 0000-0002-9004-073X](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lenhard, Jasmin,
Klein, Silvan M.,
Felthaus, Oliver ![ORCID 0000-0003-3967-5841](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Prantl, Lukas ![ORCID 0000-0003-2454-2499](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Ruewe, Marc
Standard doses of Triamcinolone do not affect fibroblast cell migration of abdominoplasty patients in-vitro1.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Prepress.
Wenzel, C.,
Brix, E.,
Heidekrueger, Paul ![ORCID 0000-0002-4656-3808](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Lonic, D.,
Lamby, P.,
Klein, S. M.,
Anker, A.,
Taeger, C.,
Prantl, Lukas ![ORCID 0000-0003-2454-2499](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Kehrer, Andreas ![ORCID 0000-0001-9472-7662](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
A favorable donor site in microsurgery: Nerve and vein graft harvest from the dorsum of the foot.
Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, pp. 1-10.
Biology, Preclinical Medicine > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)
Schultner, Eva ![ORCID 0000-0002-5069-9732](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Wallner, Tobias ![ORCID 0000-0001-9135-6456](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Dofka, Benjamin,
Brülhart, Jeanne ![ORCID 0000-0002-4120-5622](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Heinze, Jürgen ![ORCID 0000-0002-9403-5946](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Freitak, Dalial,
Pokorny, Tamara ![ORCID 0000-0002-8183-9638](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Oettler, Jan ![ORCID 0000-0002-8539-6029](/images/orcid_16x16.gif)
Queens control caste allocation in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (1992).
This list was generated on Tue Nov 12 23:38:43 2024 CET.