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Blobel, Bernd und
Hasman, A. und
Zvárová, J., eds.
Data and Knowledge for Medical Decision Support.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 186.
IOS Press, Amsterdam.
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Duhr, Andreas und
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Management Control and Reporting of Intangibles.
Schmalenbach Business Review, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (sbr) 4,
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Fluctuating exciton localization in giant π-conjugated spoked-wheel macrocycles.
Nature Chemistry 5, S. 964-970.
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Owusu, G., (ed.)
Transforming Field and Service Operations. Methodologies for Successful Technology-Driven Business Transformation.
Springer, Berlin, S. 117-132.
ISBN 978-3-642-44969-7.
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Amslinger, Sabine,
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Winter, Katrin,
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Reactivity Assessment of Chalcones by a Kinetic Thiol Assay.
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Characteristics and Provision of Care in Patients with Chronic Hand Eczema: Updated Data from the CARPE Registry.
Acta dermato-venereologica 93.
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DNA methylation alterations exhibit intraindividual stability and interindividual heterogeneity in prostate cancer metastases.
Science translational medicine 5 (169), 169ra10.
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Ott, German,
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Rosenwald, Andreas,
Szczepanowski, Monika,
Schwaenen, Carsten,
Stein, Harald,
Trautmann, Heiko,
Wessendorf, Swen,
Trümper, Lorenz,
Loeffler, Markus,
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Biological characterization of adult MYC-translocation-positive mature B-cell lymphomas other than molecular Burkitt lymphoma.
Haematologica 99 (4), S. 726-735.
Avola, Sabine,
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Kunz, Werner und
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Organic chemistry under hydrothermal conditions.
Pure and Applied Chemistry 85 (1), S. 89-103.
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Aziz, Atiqullah,
Gierth, Michael,
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Oncological Outcome of Primary versus Secondary Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Is Comparable after Radical Cystectomy.
Urologia internationalis 91, S. 97-102.
Bachl, Jürgen,
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Cativiela, Carlos,
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Organophotocatalysis in nanostructured soft gel materials as tunable reaction vessels: comparison with homogeneous and micellar solutions.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, S. 4577-4588.
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Backhaus, Roland,
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Bogdahn, Ulrich,
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4. Grundlagen bibliometrischer Analysen.
Bibliometrie : einfach - verständlich - nachvollziehbar.
Praxiswissen (4).
de Gruyter Saur, Berlin, S. 23-37.
ISBN 9783110293753 (e-book).
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Carcinogenesis 34, S. 2622-2628.
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ChemMedChem 8 (11), S. 1773-1778.
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Bauman, A.,
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Transplant international 26 (Suppl1), S. 37.
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Baumert, J.,
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Neubrand, M.
Professional Competence of Teachers, Cognitively Activating Instruction, and the Development of Students’ Mathematical Literacy (COACTIV).
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 1-21.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
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Berghoff, Anna Sophie,
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PloS one 8 (2), e55464.
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Replacement of Thr32 and Gln34 in the C-terminal neuropeptide Y fragment 25-36 by cis-cyclobutane- and cis-cyclopentane β-amino acids shifts selectivity toward the Y4 receptor.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56 (21), S. 8422-8431.
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Bernadotte, Stephan,
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The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (4), S. 1863-1878.
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Nachhaltigkeit als zyklusübergreifender Trend.
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Kommunales Immobilienmanagement : Perspektiven einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung.
Logos-Verlag, Berlin.
ISBN 978-3832535384.
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Physical Review B (PRB) 8 (87), S. 81405.
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Stud Health Technol Inform. 186, v-vi.
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Stud Health Technol Inform. 189, v-vi.
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Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, S. 5556-5557.
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Braunnagel, Daniel und
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In: 11. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik - Student Track.Vol. 2, Leipzig.
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Acta neurochirurgica 155 (1), S. 193.
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Strasburger's plant sciences : including prokaryotes and fungi. Band 2.
Springer, Berlin, S. 675-877.
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Bruckmaier, Georg,
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Leiss, D.,
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COACTIV-Video: Eine unterrichtsnahe Erfassung fachdidaktischen Wissens mittels Videovignetten.
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Brunner, M.,
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Hachfeld, A. und
Krauss, Stefan
The Diagnostic Skills of Mathematics Teachers.
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 229-248.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Brunner, M.,
Gogol, K. M.,
Sonnleitner, P.,
Keller, U.,
Krauss, Stefan und
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Gender Differences in Mean Level, Variability, and Profile Shape of Student Achievement: Results from 41 Countries.
Intelligence : a multidisciplinary journal 41 (5), S. 378-395.
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Brunner, Stefan,
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Transplantation Research 2, S. 16.
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Dissociations in the effects of beta2-adrenergic receptor agonists on cAMP formation and superoxide production in human neutrophils: Support for the concept of functional selectivity.
PLoS One 8 (5), e64556.
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Modelle des Informationsverhaltens bei der Websuche.
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Handbuch Internet-Suchmaschinen 3 – Suchmaschinen zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft.
AKA, Akad. Verl.-Ges., Heidelberg, S. 111-141.
ISBN 978-3-89838-680-7.
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Burghardt, Manuel,
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Usability-Probleme bei Desktop-Suchmaschinen.
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Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten: Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013).
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ISBN 978-3-86488-035-3.
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Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Centred Design Approaches, Methods, Tools, and Environments. HCI 2013.
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Springer, Berlin, S. 176-183.
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LMX1B is essential for the maintenance of differentiated podocytes in adult kidneys.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 24 (11), S. 1830-1848.
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Casteigt, Julie
Deux exemples de rencontres entre philosophes juifs, musulmans et chrétiens : Thomas d'Aquin/Averroès et Maître Eckhart/Maïmonide.
Controverses religieuses au Moyen Âge et enjeux contemporains - autour de Ramon Llull, Maïmonide, Averroès, Thomas d’Aquin, Centre théologique Ramon Llull de Perpignan, Diocèse de Perpignan, colloque des 5-6 octobre 2007.
Gràfiques Alzamora, Girona, S. 63-92.
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Chamberlain, Jon,
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Gurevych, I. und
Kim, J., (eds.)
The People’s Web Meets NLP. Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing.
Springer, Berlin, S. 3-44.
ISBN 978-3-642-35084-9, 978-3-642-35085-6.
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Chamberlain, Jon,
Kruschwitz, Udo und
Poesio, Massimo
Methods for engaging and evaluating users of human computation systems.
Michelucci, P., (ed.)
Handbook of Human Computation.
Springer, New York, NY, S. 679-694.
ISBN 978-1-4614-8805-7, 978-1-4614-8806-4.
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Chen, W.,
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Gaßner, B.,
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ANP-mediated inhibition of microcirculatory endothelial Ca 2+ and permeability response to histamine involves cGMP-dependent protein kinase I and TRPC6 channels.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 33 (9), S. 2121-2129.
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Chirasani, Sridhar Reddy,
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Gottfried, Eva,
Hochrein, Jochen,
Stadler, Katrin,
Neumann, Bernhard,
Oefner, Peter J.,
Gronwald, Wolfram,
Bogdahn, Ulrich,
Hau, Peter,
Kreutz, Marina und
Grauer, Oliver M.
Diclofenac inhibits lactate formation and efficiently counteracts local immune suppression in a murine glioma model.
International Journal of Cancer 132 (4), S. 843-853.
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Colomb, Julien und
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Couch, F. J.,
Wang, X.,
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Kuchenbaecker, K. B.,
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Genome-wide association study in BRCA1 mutation carriers identifies novel loci associated with breast and ovarian cancer risk.
PLoS Genetics 9 (3), e1003212.
Crönlein, Tatjana,
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Popp, Roland,
Lukesch, Helmut,
Pieh, Christoph,
Hajak, Göran und
Geisler, Peter
Regensburg Insomnia Scale (RIS): a new short rating scale for the assessment of psychological symptoms and sleep in insomnia; study design: development and validation of a new short self-rating scale in a sample of 218 patients suffering from insomnia and 94 healthy controls.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 11, S. 65.
Czech, Barbara,
Dettmer, Katja,
Valletta, Daniela,
Saugspier, Michael Sebastian,
Koch, Andreas,
Stevens, Axel Peter,
Thasler, Wolfgang E.,
Müller, Martina,
Oefner, Peter J.,
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und
Hellerbrand, Claus
Expression and function of methylthioadenosine phosphorylase in chronic liver disease.
PloS ONE 8 (12), e80703.
Dadova, Jitka,
Kümmel, Susanne,
Feldmeier, Christian,
Cibulkova, Jana,
Pazout, Richard,
Maixner, Jaroslav,
Gschwind, Ruth M.,
König, Burkhard und
Cibulka, Radek
Aggregation Effects in Visible-Light Flavin Photocatalysts: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity of 10-Arylflavins.
Chemistry A European Journal 19, S. 1066-1075.
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Damm, Georg,
Pfeiffer, Elisa,
Burkhardt, Britta,
Vermehren, Jan,
Nüssler, Andreas K. und
Weiss, Thomas S.
Human parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cell isolation, culture and characterization.
Hepatology International 7, S. 951-958.
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Dayoub, Rania,
Vogel, Arndt,
Schuett, Jutta,
Lupke, Madeleine,
Spieker, Susannah M.,
Kettern, Nadja,
Hildt, Eberhardt,
Melter, Michael und
Weiss, Thomas S.
Nrf2 activates augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) via antioxidant response element and links oxidative stress to liver regeneration.
Molecular Medicine 19, S. 237-244.
Delany, E. G.,
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Broja, Thomas,
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Connon, S. J.
NHC-catalysed aerobic aldehyde-esterifications with alcohols: no additives or cocatalysts required.
Chemical Communications 49, S. 6510-6512.
Demir, Fatih,
Horntrich, Claudia,
Blachutzik, Jörg O.,
Scherzer, Sönke,
Reinders, Yvonne,
Kierszniowska, Sylwia,
Schulze, Waltraud X.,
Harms, Gregory S.,
Hedrich, Rainer,
Geiger, Dietmar und
Kreuzer, Ines
Arabidopsis nanodomain-delimited ABA signaling pathway regulates the anion channel SLAH3.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110 (20), S. 8296-82301.
Dettmer, Katja,
Vogl, Franziska C.,
Ritter, Axel P.,
Zhu, Wentao,
Nürnberger, Nadine,
Kreutz, Marina,
Oefner, Peter J.,
Gronwald, Wolfram und
Gottfried, Eva
Distinct metabolic differences between various human cancer and primary cells.
ELECTROPHORESIS 34 (19), S. 2836-2847.
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Diat, Oliver,
Klossek, Michael,
Touraud, Didier,
Deme, Bruno,
Grillo, Isabelle,
Kunz, Werner und
Zemb, Thomas
Octanol-rich and water-rich domains in dynamic equilibrium in the pre-ouzo region of ternary systems containing a hydrotrope.
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46 (6), S. 1665-1669.
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Dietrich, P.,
Moleda, Lukas,
Kees, Frieder K.,
Müller, M.,
Straub, R. H.,
Hellerbrand, C. und
Wiest, R.
Dysbalance in sympathetic neurotransmitter release and action in cirrhotic rats: impact of exogenous neuropeptide Y.
Journal of hepatology 58 (2), S. 254-261.
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Drexler, C.,
Tarasenko, Sergey,
Olbrich, P.,
Karch, J.,
Hirmer, M.,
Müller, F.,
Gmitra, Martin,
Fabian, Jaroslav,
Yakimova, R.,
Lara-Avila, S.,
Kubatkin, S.,
Wang, M.,
Vajtai, R.,
Ajayan, P. M.,
Kono, J. und
Ganichev, Sergey
Magnetic quantum ratchet effect in graphene.
Nature Nanotechnology 8 (2), S. 104-107.
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Duijzings, Ger
1. Introduction.
Duijzings, Ger, (ed.)
Global villages : rural and urban transformations in contemporary Bulgaria.
Anthem series on Russian, East European and Eurasian studies (1).
Anthem Press, London, S. 1-31.
ISBN 0-85728-073-2, 978-0-85728-073-2.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Duijzings, Ger
Pallasmaa, Juhani, (ed.)
A world of fragments: essays on East and Central European architecture.
Arhitext design Foundation Publishing house, Bucharest, S. 27-28.
ISBN 978-606-92734-7-0.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Dulla, Balakrishna,
Kirla, Krishna T.,
Rathore, V.,
Deora, G. S.,
Kavela, S.,
Maddika, S.,
Chatti, K. und
Reiser, Oliver
Synthesis and evaluation of 3-amino/guanidine substituted phenyl oxazoles as a novel class of LSD1 inhibitors with anti-proliferative properties.
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Dörhöfer, Lena,
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Dirty hands: photodynamic killing of human pathogens like EHEC, MRSA and Candida within seconds.
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World neurosurgery.
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Feigl, Guenther C.,
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Ferreira, Rui,
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Microwave Assisted Extraction of betulin from birch outer bark.
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Ferstl, Matthias,
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Rachel, Reinhard,
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European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 102, S. 2599-2607.
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Fischer, Peter,
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Neural mechanisms of selective exposure: An EEG study on the processing of decision-consistent and inconsistent information.
International Journal of Psychophysiology 87, S. 13-18.
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Floerchinger, Bernhard,
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Delayed cardiac tamponade after open heart surgery - is supplemental CT imaging reasonable?
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Frick, Ulrich,
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Hübner-Liebermann, Bettina und
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The revolving door phenomenon revisited: Time to readmission in 17.
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Friedrich, Carsten,
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Kwiecien, Robert,
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Treatment of adult nonmetastatic medulloblastoma patients according to the paediatric HIT 2000 protocol: a prospective observational multicentre study.
European journal of cancer 49 (4), S. 893-903.
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Fuchs, Ludwig und
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Qualitätssicherung im Identity- und Access Management.
Knoll, Matthias, (ed.)
IT-Prüfung und IT-Revision.
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 289.
dpunkt-verlag, Heidelberg.
ISBN 978-3-86490-057-0.
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PloS one 8 (5), e65134.
Fuermaier, Anselm B. M.,
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Complex prospective memory in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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Gaetano, Carlo,
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Resveratrol as a Pan-HDAC Inhibitor Alters the Acetylation Status of Jistone Proteins in Human-Derived Hepatoblastoma Cells.
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PISA 2012. Fortschritte und Herausforderungen in Deutschland.
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Critical Care 17, R80.
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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 85 (3), S. 328.
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Österreichische Computer-Gesellschaft (ÖCG), Wien, S. 393-402.
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Haider, Christine,
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Rotheneder, Hans,
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Novel Inhibitors of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Combat Hepatocellular Carcinoma without Inducing Chemoresistance.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 12 (10), S. 1947-1957.
Haimerl, Michael,
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Assessment of clinical signs of liver cirrhosis using T1 mapping on Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced 3T MRI.
Plos One 8 (12).
Haimerl, Michael,
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Added value of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced Hepatobiliary phase MR imaging in evaluation of focal solid hepatic lesions.
BMC Medical Imaging 13.
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„Einheitsbilanz“ in Deutschland – Status quo und potentielle Entwicklungen.
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Bilanzpolitik – Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2012.
Linde Verlag Ges.m.b.H., Wien, S. 55-94.
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Acta neurochirurgica 155 (8), S. 1417-1424.
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8214.
Springer Internat. Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), S. 153-164.
ISBN 978-3-319-02432-5 (online), 978-3-319-02431-8 (print).
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Hastreiter, Isabella,
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Digitale Annotation im akademischen Kontext : Empirische Untersuchung zur Annotationspraxis von Studierenden auf Tablet-Computern.
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Hülsbusch, Glückstadt, S. 118-129.
ISBN 978-3-86488-035-3.
Haubner, Frank,
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Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 66.
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International Journal of Business and Globalisation 11 (3), S. 217-242.
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Herbst, A.,
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Proescholdt, Martin A.,
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WHO grade III anaplastic meningioma metastasizing to the parotid gland and the lungs: case report and review of the literature.
Journal of neurological surgery. Part A, Central European neurosurgery 74 (3), S. 197-202.
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Herzner, Gudrun,
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Morphology, Chemistry and Function of the Postpharyngeal Gland in the South American Digger Wasps Trachypus boharti and Trachypus elongatus.
PloS ONE 8 (12), e82780.
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Trust and Privacy in The Userware.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International).
Springer, Berlin.
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Hinreiner, Matthias,
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Schütz, Martin und
Richter, Klaus
Influencing the conductance in biphenyl-like molecular junctions with THz radiation.
physica status solidi b 250 (11), S. 2408-2416.
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Hittinger, Markus,
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Huesemann, Yves,
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Molecular profiling of single Sca-1+/CD34+,- cells - the putative murine lung stem cells.
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Hoffmann, Jasmin,
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Himmelsbach, Kiyoshi,
Donnerhak, Christian,
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Ploen, Daniela und
Hildt, Eberhard
Identification of α-taxilin as an essential factor for the life cycle of hepatitis B virus.
Journal of Hepatology 59 (5), S. 934-941.
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Hoffmann, Sebastian,
Shulter, Jamie,
Lobbes, Marc,
Burgeth, Bernhard und
Meyer-Bäse, Anke
Automated analysis of non-mass-enhancing lesions in breast MRI based on morphological, kinetic, and spatio-temporal moments and joint segmentation-motion compensation technique.
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2013, S. 172.
Huber, Thimo,
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Cativiela, Carlos und
Diaz Diaz, David
Molbank 2013, M795.
Hunger, Cornelia,
Ojo, Wilfried-Solo,
Bauer, Susanne,
Xu, Shu,
Zabel, Manfred,
Chaudret, Bruno,
Lacroix, Lise-Marie und
Scheer, Manfred
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Chemical Communications 49, S. 11788-11790.
Hunger, Johannes,
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Buchner, Richard und
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A Conductance Study of Guanidinium Chloride, Thiocyanate, Sulfate, and Carbonate in Dilute Aqueous Solutions: Ion-Association and Carbonate Hydrolysis Effects.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (2), S. 615-622.
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Hutterer, Markus,
Nowosielski, Martha,
Putzer, Daniel,
Jansen, Nathalie L.,
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Schocke, Michael,
McCoy, Mark,
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Trinka, Eugen,
Jacobs, Andreas H. und
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[18F]-fluoro-ethyl-L-tyrosine PET: a valuable diagnostic tool in neuro-oncology, but not all that glitters is glioma.
Neuro-oncology 15 (3), S. 341-351.
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Hutterer, Markus,
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Putzer, Daniel,
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Virgolini, Irene J.,
Jacobs, Andreas H. und
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Neuro-Oncology 15 (7), S. 814-815.
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Hutterer, Markus,
Steurer, Michael,
Höftberger, Romana,
Hainfellner, Johannes A.,
Pircher, Andreas,
Nowosielski, Martha,
Hau, Peter,
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Gunsilius, Eberhard,
Berger, Thomas und
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Härtl, Petra,
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Frameless fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy of intracranial lesions: impact of cone beam CT based setup correction on dose distribution.
Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 153.
Ignatov, Tanja,
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Arabidopsis DEAD-box RNA helicase UAP56 interacts with both RNA and DNA as well as with mRNA export factors.
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Uso de interface distribuída para avaliar a tomada de decisão na nuvem.
RTI Magzine (Sao Paulo, Brazil) (1/2013), S. 82-89.
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Kattenbeck, Markus,
Brockelmann, Martin,
Hammwöhner, Rainer,
Jackermeier, Robert und
Ludwig, Bernd
Vermessungsdaten - OpenStreetMap - In-Situ-Experimente. Die Datengrundlage von URWalking.
Hobohm, Hans-Christoph, (ed.)
Informationswissenschaft zwischen virtueller Infrastruktur und materiellen Lebenswelten. Proceedings des 13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013) Potsdam, 19. bis 22. März 2013.
Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, 63.
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Kaveev, Andrey K.,
Kropotov, Grigory I.,
Tsygankova, Ekaterina V.,
Tzibizov, Ivan A.,
Ganichev, Sergey,
Danilov, Sergey N.,
Olbrich, Peter,
Zoth, Christina,
Kaveeva, Elizaveta G.,
Zhdanov, Alexander I.,
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Deyanov, Ramil Z. und
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Terahertz polarization conversion with quartz waveplate sets.
Applied Optics 52 (4), B60-B69.
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Kees, Martin Georg,
Schaeftlein, André,
Haeberle, Helene Anna,
Kees, Frieder K.,
Kloft, Charlotte und
Heininger, Alexandra
Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic evaluation of intravenous and enteral moxifloxacin in surgical intensive care unit patients.
The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.
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Kellermeier, Matthias,
Gebauer, Denis,
Melero-Garcia, Emilio,
Drechsler, Markus,
Talmon, Y.,
Kienle, Lorenz,
Cölfen, Helmut,
Garcia-Ruiz, Juan Manuel und
Kunz, Werner
Colloidal Stabilization of Calcium Carbonate Prenucleation Clusters with Silica.
Advanced Functional Materials 22, S. 4301-4311.
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Kellermeier, Matthias,
Glaab, Fabian,
Klein, Regina,
Melero-Garcia, Emilio,
Kunz, Werner und
Garcia-Ruiz, Juan Manuel
The effect of silica on polymorphic precipitation of calcium carbonate: an on-line energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXRD) study.
Nanoscale 5 (15), S. 7054-7065.
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Kelly, Gemma L,
Stylianou, Julianna,
Rasaiyaah, Jane,
Wei, Wenbin,
Thomas, Wendy,
Croom-Carter, Deborah,
Kohler, Christian,
Spang, Rainer,
Woodman, Ciaran,
Kellam, Paul,
Rickinson, Alan N. und
Bell, Andrew I.
Different patterns of Epstein-Barr virus latency in endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) lead to distinct variants within the BL-associated gene expression signature.
Journal of virology 87 (5), S. 2882-2894.
Keyser, Andreas,
Hilker, Michael,
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Wittmann, Sigrid,
Schmid, Christof und
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Significance of intraoperative testing in right-sided implantable cardioverter-defibrillators.
Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 8, S. 77.
Klamt, Andreas,
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Deglmann, Peter und
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Comment on “Computational studies on organic reactivity in ionic liquids” by C. Chiappe and C. S. Pomelli, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 412.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, S. 11139-11140.
Kleickmann, T.,
Richter, D.,
Kunter, M.,
Elsner, J.,
Besser, M.,
Krauss, Stefan und
Baumert, J.
Pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge of mathematics teachers: The role of structural differences in teacher education.
Journal of Teacher Education 64 (1), S. 90-106.
Volltext nicht vorhanden.
Kleickmann, T.,
Richter, Dirk,
Kunter, M.,
Elsner, Jürgen,
Besser, M.,
Krauss, Stefan und
Baumert, Jürgen
Teachers' Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The Role of Structural Differences in Teacher Education.
Journal of Teacher Education 64, S. 90-106.
Klein, Matthias S.,
Almstetter, Martin F.,
Nürnberger, Nadine,
Sigl, Gregor,
Gronwald, Wolfram,
Wiedemann, Steffi,
Dettmer, Katja und
Oefner, Peter J.
Correlations between milk and plasma levels of amino and carboxylic acids in dairy cows.
Journal of Proteome Research 12 (11), S. 5223-5232.
Klein, Regina,
Müller, Eva,
Kraus, Birgit,
Brunner, Gabi,
Estrine, Boris,
Touraud, Didier,
Heilmann, Jörg,
Kellermeier, Matthias und
Kunz, Werner
Biodegradability and cytotoxicity on human cell lines of choline soaps: effects of chain length and cation.
RSC Advances 3 (45), S. 23347-23354.
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Kliese, N.,
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Andrae, N.,
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miRNA-145 is downregulated in atypical and anaplastic meningiomas and negatively regulates motility and proliferation of meningioma cells.
Oncogene 32 (39), S. 4712-4720.
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Knoedler, M.,
Gauler, T. C.,
Gruenwald, V.,
Matzdorff, A.,
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Dietz, A.,
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Arnold, B.,
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Phase II Study of Cetuximab in Combination with Docetaxel in Patients with Recurrent and/or Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck after Platinum-Containing Therapy: A Multicenter Study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie.
Oncology 84, S. 284-289.
Korzekwa, K.,
Gradl, Christian,
Kugler, Michael,
Furthmeier, Stephan,
Griesbeck, Michael,
Hirmer, Michael,
Schuh, Dieter,
Wegscheider, Werner,
Kuhn, T.,
Schueller, Christian,
Korn, Tobias und
Machnikowski, Pawel
Spin dynamics in p-doped semiconductor nanostructures subject to a magnetic field tilted from the Voigt geometry.
Physical Review B (PRB) 88 (15), S. 1553031-1553038.
Krause, Philipp,
Heindl, Johannes,
Jung, Andreas,
Langguth, Berthold,
Hajak, Göran und
Sand, Philipp G.
Risk Attitudes and Birth Order.
Journal of Health Psychology 19, S. 858-868.
Krauss, Stefan ,
Blum, W.,
Brunner, M.,
Neubrand, M.,
Baumert, J.,
Kunter, M.,
Besser, M. und
Elsner, J.
Mathematics Teachers’ Domain-Specific Professional Knowledge: Conceptualization and Test Construction in COACTIV.
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 147-174.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Lupke, Madeleine,
Wanninger, Josef,
Ruemmele, Petra,
Hader, Yvonne,
Weiss, Thomas S. und
Buechler, Christa
Manganese superoxide dismutase is reduced in the liver of male but not female humans and rodents with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 95 (3), S. 330-335.
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Krautbauer, Sabrina,
Wanninger, Josef,
Eisinger, Kristina,
Hader, Yvonne,
Beck, Michael,
Kopp, Andrea,
Schmid, Andreas,
Weiss, Thomas S. ,
Dorn, Christoph und
Buechler, Christa
Chemerin is highly expressed in hepatocytes and is induced in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis liver.
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 95 (2), S. 199-205.
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Krentz, S.,
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Mendioroz, A.,
Vaggopoulou, R.,
Dörge, P.,
Lottaz, Claudio,
Engelmann, Julia,
Groeneveld, T. W. L.,
Körner, G.,
Seeger, K.,
Hagemeier, C.,
Henze, G.,
Eckert, C.,
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Prognostic value of genetic alterations in children with first bone marrow relapse of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Leukemia 27 (2), S. 295-304.
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Kreutz, Marina,
Gottfried, Eva,
Lang, Sven A.,
Renner, Kathrin,
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin,
Gronwald, Wolfram,
Rehli, Michael,
Einhell, Sabine,
Gedig, Isabel,
Singer, Katrin,
Seilbeck, Anton,
Mackensen, Andreas,
Grauer, Oliver,
Hau, Peter,
Dettmer, Katja,
Andreesen, Reinhard und
Oefner, Peter
New aspects of an old drug: Diclofenac targets MYC and glucose metabolism in tumor cells.
PLoS ONE 8 (7), e66987.
Kreuzer, A.,
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Reiser, Oliver
Asymmetric Synthesis of both Enantiomers of Arteludovicinolide A.
Org. Lett. 15, S. 3420-3423.
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Kreuzpointner, Ludwig
IQ, EQ, ohne Q – Muss denn alles Intelligenz sein?
Wisniewski, Benedikt und
Vogel, Andreas, (eds.)
Schule auf Abwegen: Mythen, Irrtümer und Aberglaube in der Pädagogik.
Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler, S. 77-88.
ISBN 978-3834012562.
Kunter, M.,
Baumert, J.,
Blum, W.,
Klusmann, U.,
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, M.
Publications from the COACTIV Research Program (January 2013).
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 369-374.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Kvon, Z. D.,
Kozlov, D. A.,
Danilov, Sergey,
Zoth, Christina,
Vierling, P.,
Stachel, Sebastian,
Belkov, Vassilij,
Bakarov, A. K.,
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Toropov, A. I. und
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Terahertz Radiation-Induced Magnetoresistance Oscillations of a High-Density and High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas.
JETP Letters 97 (1), S. 41-44.
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Käse, M.,
Dresler, Thomas,
Andreatta, M.,
Ehlis, A.-C.,
Wolff, B.,
Kittel-Schneider, S.,
Polak, T.,
Fallgatter, A. J. und
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Is There a Negative Interpretation Bias in Depressed Patients? An Affective Startle Modulation Study.
Neuropsychobiology 67, S. 201-209.
Landis, Cristina
Analisi della normativa.
Anselmi, Luca und
Donato, Fabio und
Marinó, Ludovico und
Pavan, Aldo und
Zuccardi Merli, Maria, (eds.)
Il declino del sistema dei controlli manageriali nelle pubbliche amministrazioni. Dal Federalismo ai Costi standard.
Economia delle aziende e delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Contributi e riflessioni, 2.
Angeli, Mailand.
ISBN 978-88-204-6290-1.
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Launay, Odile,
Duval, Xavier,
Fitoussi, Serge,
Jilg, Wolfgang,
Kerdpanich, Angkool,
Montellano, May,
Schwarz, Tino F.,
Watanveerade, Veerachai,
Wenzel, Jürgen J. ,
Zalcman, Gerard,
Bambure, Vinod,
Li, Ping,
Caplanusi, Adrian,
Madan, Anuradha,
Gillard, Paul und
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Extended antigen sparing potential of AS03-adjuvanted pandemic H1N1 vaccines in children, and immunological equivalence of two formulations of AS03-adjuvanted H1N1 vaccines: results from two randomised trials.
BMC Infectious Diseases 13 (1).
Lehner, Astrid,
Schecklmann, Martin,
Kreuzer, Peter M.,
Poeppl, Timm B.,
Rupprecht, Rainer und
Langguth, Berthold
Comparing single-site with multisite rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus - clinical effects and neuroscientific insights: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials 14 (1), S. 269.
Leist, Susanne,
Griesberger, Philipp und
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A Systematic Approach for the Improvement of Business Processes based on Techniques and Patterns.
Becker, Jörg und
Matzner, Martin, (eds.)
Promoting Business Process Management Excellence in Russia : proceedings and report of the PropelleR 2012 Workshop held in Moscow, April 24 to 26, 2012.
Working papers / ERCIS - European Research Center for Information Systems, 15.
Westf. Wilhelms-Univ. Münster, ERCIS, Münster, S. 57-66.
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Limm, Katharina,
Ott, Corinna,
Wallner, Susanne,
Mueller, Daniel W.,
Oefner, Peter J.,
Hellerbrand, Claus und
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Deregulation of protein methylation in melanoma.
European journal of cancer 49 (6), S. 1305-1313.
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Lopez, Javier,
Nikova, Svetla,
Pashalidis, Andreas,
Pernul, Günther und
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Computers & Mathematics with Applications 65 (5), S. 747.
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Ludwig, Bernd
B 14r. Spracherkennung.
Kuhlen, Rainer und
Semar, Wolfgang und
Strauch, Dietmar, (eds.)
Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. 6.Aufl.
De Gruyter, S. 313-321.
ISBN 978-3-11-025826-4.
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Ludwig, Bernd,
Bienk, Stefan,
Kattenbeck, Markus,
Müller, Manuel,
Ohm, Christina,
Einmal, Michael,
Glaser, Thomas,
Hackl, Markus,
Oreskovich, Mark und
Schubart, Lea
Do You Recognize that Building's Facade?
Künstliche Intelligenz 27 (3), S. 241-246.
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Luschmann, Christoph,
Tessmar, Joerg,
Schoeberl, Simon,
Framme, Carsten,
Luschmann, Karl und
Goepferich, Achim
Developing an in situ nanosuspension: A novel approach towards the efficient administration of poorly soluble drugs at the anterior eye.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 50 (3-4), S. 385-392.
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Löwen, K.,
Baumert, J.,
Kunter, M.,
Krauss, Stefan und
Brunner, M.
The COACTIV Research Program: Methodological Framework.
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 79-96.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Machleidt, Anna,
Buchholz, Stefan,
Diermeier-Daucher, S.,
Zeman, Florian,
Ortmann, Olaf und
Brockhoff, Gero
The prognostic value of Her4 receptor isoform expression in triple-negative and Her2 positive breast cancer patients.
BMC Cancer 13.
Martin, E. M.,
Remke, A.,
Pfeifer, E.,
Polz, Johannes,
Pietryga-Krieger, A.,
Steffens-Weber, D.,
Freudenberg, M.,
Mostböck, Sven und
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TNFR2 maintains adequate IL-12 production by dendritic cells in inflammatory responses by regulating endogenous TNF levels.
Innate Immunity 20, S. 712-720.
Mederle, Katharina,
Schweda, Frank,
Kattler, Veronika,
Doblinger, Elisabeth,
Keishi, Miyata,
Höcherl, Klaus,
Oike, Yuichi und
Castrop, Hayo
The angiotensin II AT1 receptor-associated protein Arap1 is involved in sepsis-induced hypotension.
Critical Care 17, R130.
Meinel, Christoph
Adams neue Augen: Mikroskopische Imaginationen.
Greenlee, Mark W. und
Hammwöhner, Rainer und
Körber, Bernd und
Wagner, Christoph und
Wolff, Christian, (eds.)
Bilder Sehen: Perspektiven der Bildwissenschaft.
Regensburger Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, 10.
Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg, S. 139-154.
ISBN 978-3-7954-2242-4.
Mendoza, Ezequiel,
Colomb, Julien,
Rybak, Jürgen,
Pflüger, Hans-Joachim,
Zars, Troy,
Scharff, Constance und
Brembs, Björn
Drosophila FoxP molecular, anatomical and behavioral raw data.
Meng, Yan,
Wu, Qi,
Chen, Lei,
Wangmo, Sonam,
Gao, Yang,
Wang, Zhigang,
Zhang, Rui-Qin,
Ding, Dajun,
Niehaus, Thomas A. und
Frauenheim, Thomas
Signatures in vibrational and UV-visible absorption spectra for identifying cyclic hydrocarbons by graphene fragments.
Nanoscale 5, S. 12178.
(Im Druck)
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Merz, Thomas,
Wenninger, M.,
Weinberger, Michael,
Riedle, E.,
Wagenknecht, Hans-Achim und
Schütz, Martin
Conformational control of benzophenone-sensitized charge transfer in dinucleotides.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15, S. 18607-18619.
Miller, Tobias,
Breyer, S.,
van Colen, G.,
Mier, W.,
Haberkorn, U.,
Geissler, S.,
Voss, S.,
Weigandt, Markus und
Goepferich, Achim
Premature drug release of polymeric micelles and its effects on tumor targeting.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 445 (1-2), S. 117-124.
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Miller, Tobias,
van Colen, G.,
Sander, B.,
Golas, M.,
Uezguen, Senta,
Weigandt, Markus und
Goepferich, Achim
Drug Loading of Polymerics Micelles.
Pharmaceutical Research 30 (2), S. 484-595.
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Mittendorf, Martin,
Winnerl, Stephan,
Kamann, Josef,
Eroms, Jonathan,
Weiss, Dieter,
Schneider, Harald und
Held, Manfred
Ultrafast graphene-based broadband THz detector.
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), S. 21113.
Mokros, Andreas,
Nitschke, J.,
Gebhard, Michael,
Heinz, Volker und
Marshall, W. L.
Computerized Assessment of Pedophilic Sexual Interest Through Self-Report and Viewing Time: Reliability, Validity, and Classification Accuracy of the Affinity Program.
Sexual Abuse 25, S. 230-258.
Mueller, M.,
Blunk, Torsten,
Appel, Bernhard,
Maschke, Angelika,
Goepferich, Achim und
Zellner, J.
Insulin is essential for in vitro chondrogenesis of mesenchymal progenitor cells and influences chondrogenesis in a dose-dependent manner.
International orthopaedics 37 (1), S. 153-158.
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Müller, Henning Ernst und
Schmoll, Annemarie
"Ein Sommerabend".
Juristische Arbeitsblätter 45 (10), S. 756-765.
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Müller, Jens-Uwe,
Semmel, T.,
Stepan, R.,
Seyfried, Timo,
Popov, Aron F.,
Graf, Bernhard und
Wiese, Christoph H.
The use of the laryngeal tube disposable by paramedics during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospectively observational study (2008–2012.
Emergency Medicine Journal 30, S. 1012-1016.
Netter, Michael,
Herbst, Sebastian und
Pernul, Günther
Interdisciplinary Impact Analysis of Privacy in Social Networks.
Altshuler, Yaniv und
Elovici, Yuva und
Cremers, Armin B. und
Aharony, Nadav und
Pentland, Alex, (eds.)
Security and Privacy in Social Networks.
Springer, S. 7-26.
ISBN 978-1-4614-4138-0.
Netter, Michael,
Riesner, Moritz,
Weber, Michael und
Pernul, Günther
Privacy Settings in Online Social Networks-Preferences, Perception, and Reality (Best Paper Award Nominee).
Proc of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS).
Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Neubauer, Björn,
Machura, Katharina,
Rupp, V.,
Tallquist, M. D.,
Bestholtz, C.,
Sequeira-Lopez, M. L.,
Ariel Gomez, R. und
Wagner, C.
Development of renal renin-expressing cells does not involve PDGF-B-PDGFR-β signaling.
Physiological Reports 1.
Neubrand, M.,
Jordan, A.,
Krauss, Stefan ,
Blum, W. und
Löwen, K.
Task Analysis in COACTIV: Examining the Potential for Cognitive Activation in German Mathematics Classrooms.
Kunter, Mareike und
Baumert, Jürgen und
Blum, Werner und
Klusmann, Uta und
Krauss, Stefan und
Neubrand, Michael, (eds.)
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers : results from the COACTIV project.
Mathematics teacher education, 8.
Springer, New York, S. 125-144.
ISBN 978-1-4614-5148-8; 978-1-4614-5149-5.
Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.
Neumeier, Maria,
Fendt, Franziska,
Gärtner, Stefanie,
Koch, Carina,
Gärtner, Tobias,
Korber, Nikolaus und
Gschwind, Ruth M.
Detection of the Elusive Highly Charged Zintl Ions Si4 (4-) and Sn4 (4-) in Liquid Ammonia by NMR Spectroscopy.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52, S. 4483-4486.
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Niessen, Christoph,
Jung, Ernst-Michael,
Schreyer, Andreas G.,
Wohlgemuth, Walter A.,
Trabold, Benedikt,
Hahn, Joachim,
Rechenmacher, Michael,
Stroszczynski, Christian und
Wiggermann, Philipp
Palliative treatment of presacral recurrence of endometrial cancer using irreversible electroporation: a case report.
Journal of medical case reports 7 (1), S. 128.
Nordemann, Uwe,
Wifling, David,
Schnell, David,
Bernhardt, Günther,
Stark, Holger,
Seifert, Roland und
Buschauer, Armin
Luciferase reporter gene assay on human, murine and rat histamine H4 receptor orthologs: correlations and discrepancies between distal and proximal readouts.
PLoS One 8 (9), e73961.
Nothdurfter, Caroline,
Tanasic, S.,
Di Benedetto, Barbara,
Uhr, M.,
Wagner, Eva-Maria,
Gilling, K.,
Parsons, C.,
Rein, T.,
Holsboer, F.,
Rupprecht, Rainer und
Rammes, G.
Lipid raft integrity affects GABAA receptor, but not NMDA receptor modulation by psychopharmacological compounds.
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 16, S. 1361-1371.
Nowosielski, M.,
DiFranco, M. D.,
Putzer, D.,
Seiz, M.,
Recheis, W.,
Jacobs, A. H.,
Stockhammer, G. und
Hutterer, M.
An intra-individual analysis of [18F]FET and [18F]FLT PET in patients with high grade gliomas reveals additional areas of biological tumor activity as compared to MRI.
Volltext nicht vorhanden.
Nowosielski, M.,
Wiestler, B.,
Goebel, G.,
Hutterer, M.,
Schlemmer, H. P.,
Stockhammer, G.,
Wick, W.,
Bendzsus, M. und
Radbruch, A.
Radiological progression types following anti-angiogenic therapy predict survival in recurrent glioblastoma patients.
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Obergrusberger, Florian,
Baloglu, Baris,
Sänger, Johannes und
Senk, Christian
Biometric Identity Trust: Toward Secure Biometric Enrollment in Web Environments.
Yousif, Mazin und
Schubert, Lutz, (eds.)
Cloud Computing: Third International Conference, CloudComp 2012. Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 112.
Springer International Publishing, Cham, S. 124-133.
ISBN 978-3-319-03873-5.
Volltext nicht vorhanden.
Oberhuber, Florian,
Blien, Stefan,
Heydrich, Stefanie,
Yaghobian, Fatemeh,
Korn, Tobias,
Schueller, Christian,
Strunk, Christoph,
Weiss, Dieter und
Eroms, Jonathan
Weak localization and Raman study of anisotropically etched graphene antidots.
Applied Physics Letters 14 (103), S. 143111-143115.
Obst, Oliver,
Hofmann, Christiane,
Knüttel, Helge und
Zöller, Petra
„Frage stellen, Antwort bekommen, weiterarbeiten!“ – Umfrage zur Benutzung von UpToDate an den Universitäten Freiburg, Leipzig, Münster und Regensburg.
GMS Medizin — Bibliothek — Information 3 (3), Doc26.
Ochoa-Puentes, Cristian,
Bauer, Stefanie,
Kühnle, Matthias,
Bernhardt, Günther,
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Journal for the History of Modern Theology 20 (1), S. 134-143.
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Informationsgerechtigkeit : Theorie und Praxis der gesellschaftlichen Informationsversorgung.
Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft, 1.
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Einleitung (Informationsgerechtigkeit).
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Informationsgerechtigkeit : Theorie und Praxis der gesellschaftlichen Informationsversorgung.
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Molecular and cellular analysis of human histamine receptor subtypes.
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