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Gehe zu: Medizin > Abteilung für Forensische Psychiatrie | Medizin > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie | Medizin > Abteilung für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektiologie | Medizin > Abteilung für Nephrologie | Medizin > Abteilung für Neuropathologie | Medizin > Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin | Medizin > Abteilung für Onkogenomik | Medizin > Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin | Medizin > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation | Medizin > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Ophthalmologie, Strabismologie und Ophthalmogenetik | Medizin > Abteilung für Thoraxchirurgie | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Arbeitsgruppe Alfons Penzkofer | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Andreas K. Hüttel | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Schäfer > Arbeitsgruppe Andreas Schäfer | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl Professor Back > Arbeitsgruppe Christian Back | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Lupton > Arbeitsgruppe Christian Schüller | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Christoph Strunk | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Dieter Weiss | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Huber > Arbeitsgruppe Dominique Bougeard | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Arbeitsgruppe Evolution und Systematik der Pflanzen (Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler) | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Giessibl > Arbeitsgruppe Franz J. Giessibl | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Professor Morgenstern > Arbeitsgruppe Ingo Morgenstern | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Richter > Arbeitsgruppe Jaroslav Fabian | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Lupton > Arbeitsgruppe John Lupton | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Grifoni > Arbeitsgruppe John Schliemann | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl Professor Back > Arbeitsgruppe Josef Zweck | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Richter > Arbeitsgruppe Klaus Richter | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Arbeitsgruppe Klinische Pharmazie (Dr. Dorn) | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Grifoni > Arbeitsgruppe Milena Grifoni | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Huber > Arbeitsgruppe Rupert Huber | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Professor Ganichev > Arbeitsgruppe Sergey Ganichev | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Florian Hartig) | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Arbeitsgruppe Tobias Kramer | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Dr. Sabine Amslinger | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Korber | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Chemische Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Joachim Ruther) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik > Chemo- und Biosensorik (Prof. Antje J. Bäumner, ehemals Prof. Wolfbeis) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Dr. Joachim Griesenbeck | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Dr. Philipp Milkereit | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie > Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Anton Hiller | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > EHealth Competence Center | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Entwicklungsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Stephan Schneuwly) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Evolutionäre Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > House of the Ribosome | Informatik und Data Science | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Didaktik der Biologie | Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik | Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Geschichte | Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie | Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Philosophie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie | Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Politikwissenschaft | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Sportwissenschaft | Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik > Instrumentelle Analytik (Prof. Frank-Michael Matysik) | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Zentrum | Medizin > Lehreinheit Pharmakologie | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (Prof. Schlossmann, ehemals Prof. Seifert) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische / Medizinische Chemie I (Prof. Elz) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische / Medizinische Chemie II (Prof. Buschauer) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische Biologie (Prof. Heilmann) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische Technologie (Prof. Göpferich) | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Arno Pfitzner | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Oliver Reiser | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Anästhesiologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Augenheilkunde | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Cognitive Neuroscience – Prof. Dr. Angelika Lingnau | Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Bioinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Computational Immunology (Prof. Dr. Florian Erhard) | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie | Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher) | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung (Prof. Dr. Gregor Dorfleitner) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Geburtshilfe) | Medizin > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner) | Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin > Lehrstuhl für Genetische Epidemiologie | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik > Lehrstuhl für Grundschulpädagogik und -didaktik (Prof. Dr. Astrid Rank) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Humangenetik | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Immunologie | Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Menschzentrierte Informatik > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
| Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie - Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VIII - Prof. Dr. Andreas Mühlberger | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Lernbehindertenpädagogik einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Markus Gebhardt | Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Menschzentrierte Informatik > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
| Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie > Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Roider) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Neurochirurgie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Orthopädie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I (Allgemeine Psychologie I und Methodenlehre) - Prof. Dr. Mark W. Greenlee | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie II (Allgemeine und Angewandte Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III (Biologische, Klinische und Rehabilitationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Lange | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie IV (Entwicklungs- und Kognitionspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Bäuml | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie V (Sozial-, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie und Medienpsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Helmut Lukesch | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VII (Medizinische Psychologie, Psychologische Diagnostik und Methodenlehre) - Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kudielka | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik I (Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wild) | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik II (Prof. Dr. Regina Mulder) | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik III (Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Schulpädagogik (Prof. Dr. Heidrun Stöger) | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Risikomanagement (Prof. Dr. Rösch) | Medizin > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Bioinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
| Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Strahlentherapie | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie > Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Volkswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Lutz Arnold) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Urologie | Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
| Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnärztliche Prothetik | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Zellbiologie und Pflanzenphysiologie (Prof. Dr. Klaus Grasser) | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für experimentelle Medizin und Therapieverfahren | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter Poschlod) | Mathematik | Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin > Medizinische Soziologie | Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie > Molekulare Neurowissenschaften | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Molekulare und Zelluläre Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter J. Flor) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Neurogenetik (Prof. Dr. Björn Brembs) | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Neurophysiologie (Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger) | Medizin > Notfallambulanz | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry III - Physical Chemistry (Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry) > Prof Dr. Alkwin Slenczka | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Armin Kurtz | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Christine Ziegler | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Chemie IV - Physikalische Chemie (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Dominik Horinek | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Robert Kalbitzer | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Elmar Lang | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie > Prof. Dr. Ernst Tamm | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Frank Schweda | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Prof. Dr. Gernot Längst | Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I > Prof. Dr. Gunter Meister | Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Prof. Dr. Herbert Tschochner | Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Prof. Dr. Isabella Gierz | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Karl Kunzelmann | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Michael Thomm | Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Niko Naumann | Chemie und Pharmazie > Didaktik der Chemie > Prof. Dr. Oliver Tepner | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I > Prof. Dr. Patrick Nürnberger | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I > Prof. Dr. Rainer Deutzmann | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Rainer Merkl | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Sterner | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wirth | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Richard Warth | Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss | Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Chemie IV - Physikalische Chemie (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Will Minuth | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Wolf Hayo Castrop | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Cell Cycle Control > Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seufert | Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert | Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Politikwissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der politikwissenschaft - Prof. Dr. Melanie Walter-Rogg | Zentrale Einrichtungen > Rechenzentrum | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Regensburger Centrum für Interventionelle Immunologie (RCI) | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Rettungszentrum Regensburg e.V. | Rechtswissenschaften > Strafrecht | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Tierphysiologie/Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann) | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V. | Medizin > Universitäres Herzzentrum Regensburg (UHR) | Zentrale Einrichtungen > Universitätsbibliothek | Chemie und Pharmazie > Zentrale Analytik | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT) | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien | Medizin > Zentrum für Neuroradiologie | Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie | Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)
Anzahl der Einträge: 2981.

Medizin > Abteilung für Forensische Psychiatrie

Landgraf, Steffen und Osterheider, Michael (2013) "To see or not to see: that is the question." The "Protection-Against-Schizophrenia" (PaSZ) model: evidence from congenital blindness and visuo-cognitive aberrations. Frontiers in psychology 4, S. 352.

Medizin > Abteilung für Gefäßchirurgie

Sachsamanis, Georgios, Stahl, Judith, Pfister, Karin, Schierling, Wilma , Betz, Thomas und Jage, Simon (2024) The Impact of Sarcopenia in the Long-Term Survival of Patients following Complex Endovascular Aortic Surgery for Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Diagnostics 14 (7), S. 751.

Oikonomou, Kyriakos, Pfister, Karin, Kasprzak, Piotr M. , Schierling, Wilma , Betz, Thomas und Sachsamanis, Georgios (2022) Treatment of Secondary Aortoenteric Fistulas Following AORTIC Aneurysm Repair in a Tertiary Reference Center. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (15), S. 4427.

Medizin > Abteilung für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektiologie

Bauernfeind, Stilla, Einhauser, Sebastian , Tydykov, Leonid, Mader, Anna-Lena, Salzberger, Bernd, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Mohr, Arno, Burkhardt, Ralph , Wagner, Ralf und Peterhoff, David (2022) Association between Adverse Reactions and Humoral Immune Response No Longer Detectable after BNT162b2 Booster Vaccination. Vaccines 10 (10), S. 1608.

Kieninger, Martin , Dietl, Sarah, Sinning, Annemarie, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram , Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas , Schmid, Stephan , Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas , Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2022) Evaluation of models for prognosing mortality in critical care patients with COVID-19: First- and second-wave data from a German university hospital. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0268734.

Mader, Anna-Lena, Tydykov, Leonid, Glück, Vivian, Bertok, Manuela, Weidlich, Tanja, Gottwald, Christine, Stefl, Alexa, Vogel, Matthias, Plentz, Annelie, Köstler, Josef, Salzberger, Bernd, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Wagner, Ralf, Schmidt, Barbara, Glück, Thomas, Gessner, André und Peterhoff, David (2022) Omicron’s binding to sotrovimab, casirivimab, imdevimab, CR3022, and sera from previously infected or vaccinated individuals. iScience 25 (4), S. 104076.

Bauernfeind, Stilla , Huppertz, Gunnar, Mueller, Karolina, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Hardmann, Loredana, Pemmerl, Sylvia, Hollnberger, Harald, Sieber, Wolfgang, Wettstein, Matthias, Seeliger, Stephan, Kienle, Klaus, Paetzel, Christian, Kutz, Norbert, Daller, Dionys, Zorger, Niels, Mohr, Arno, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. und Salzberger, Bernd (2022) Health Care Workers’ Sick Leave due to COVID-19 Vaccination in Context With SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Quarantine—A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9 (7).

Baertl, Susanne , Walter, Nike , Engelstaedter, Ulrike , Ehrenschwender, Martin , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) What Is the Most Effective Empirical Antibiotic Treatment for Early, Delayed, and Late Fracture-Related Infections? Antibiotics 11 (3), S. 287.

Baertl, Susanne , Walter, Nike , Engelstaedter, Ulrike , Ehrenschwender, Martin , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) What Is the Most Effective Empirical Antibiotic Treatment for Early, Delayed, and Late Fracture-Related Infections? Antibiotics 11 (3), S. 287.

Bauswein, Markus, Peterhoff, David , Plentz, Annelie, Hiergeist, Andreas, Wagner, Ralf, Gessner, André, Salzberger, Bernd, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauernfeind, Stilla (2022) Increased neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant after heterologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/BNT162b2 versus homologous BNT162b2 vaccination. iScience 25 (2), S. 103694.

Kalb, Larissa, Bäßler, Pauline, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf und Eckl, Daniel Bernhard (2022) Antimicrobial Photodynamic Coatings Reduce the Microbial Burden on Environmental Surfaces in Public Transportation—A Field Study in Buses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), S. 2325.

Medizin > Abteilung für Nephrologie

Kranert, Paul Christian, Kranert, Paula, Banas, Miriam C. , Jung, Ernst Michael, Banas, Bernhard und Putz, Franz Josef (2024) Utility of Ultrasound-Guided Attenuation Parameter (UGAP) in Renal Angiomyolipoma (AML): First Results. Diagnostics 14 (18), S. 2002.

Donhauser, Ferdinand J., Zimmermann, Martina E., Steinkirchner, Anna B., Wiegrebe, Simon, Dietl, Alexander, Brandl, Caroline , Burkhardt, Ralph , Gessner, André , Schweda, Frank, Bergler, Tobias , Schäffner, Elke, Böger, Carsten A., Kronenberg, Florian, Luchner, Andreas, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in 70- to 95-Year-Old Individuals: Cross-Sectional Results from the Population-Based AugUR Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), S. 2102.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Friedl, Sarah, Jung, Ernst Michael, Bergler, Tobias, Tews, Hauke C., Banas, Miriam C. , Banas, Bernhard und Putz, Franz Josef (2022) Factors influencing the time-intensity curve analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in kidney transplanted patients: Toward a standardized contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination. Frontiers in Medicine 9.

Schuster, Antonia Margarete, Steines, Louisa, Müller, Karolina, Zeman, Florian, Findeisen, Peter, Banas, Bernhard und Bergler, Tobias (2022) Dickkopf 3—A New Indicator for the Deterioration of Allograft Function After Kidney Transplantation. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 885018.

Scholz, Julia Katharina, Kraus, Andre, Lüder, Dominik, Skoczynski, Kathrin, Schiffer, Mario, Schödel, Johannes und Buchholz, Björn (2022) Loss of Polycystin-1 causes cAMP-dependent switch from tubule to cyst formation. iScience 25 (6), S. 104359.

Baumgartner, Andreas, Reichelt-Wurm, Simone , Gronwald, Wolfram , Samol, Claudia, Schröder, Josef A., Fellner, Claudia, Holler, Kathrin, Steege, Andreas, Putz, Franz Josef, Oefner, Peter J., Banas, Bernhard und Banas, Miriam C. (2022) Assessment of Physiological Rat Kidney Ageing—Implications for the Evaluation of Allograft Quality Prior to Renal Transplantation. Metabolites 12 (2), S. 162.

Balam, Saidou , Buchtler, Simone, Winter, Frederike, Schmidbauer, Kathrin, Neumayer, Sophia, Talke, Yvonne, Renner, Kerstin, Geissler, Edward K. und Mack, Matthias (2022) Donor-But Not Recipient-Derived Cells Produce Collagen-1 in Chronically Rejected Cardiac Allografts. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 (12), S. 1-12.

Schaller, Louisa, Arzt, Michael, Jung, Bettina, Böger, Carsten A., Heid, Iris M. und Stadler, Stefan (2021) Long-Term Weight Change and Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Treated vs. Untreated Sleep-Disordered Breathing—Analysis From the DIAbetes COhoRtE. Frontiers in Neurology 2021 (12), S. 1-11.

Drasch, Thomas, Bach, Christian, Luber, Markus, Spriewald, Bernd, Utpatel, Kirsten , Büttner-Herold, Maike, Banas, Bernhard und Zecher, Daniel (2021) Increased Levels of sCD30 Have No Impact on the Incidence of Early ABMR and Long-Term Outcome in Intermediate-Risk Renal Transplant Patients With Preformed DSA. Frontiers in Medicine 2021 (8), S. 1-8.

Halmy, Laszlo, Riedel, Joshua, Zeman, Florian, Tege, Birgit, Linder, Volker, Gnewuch, Carsten, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Bergler, Tobias und Göcze, Ivan (2021) Renal Recovery after the Implementation of an Electronic Alert and Biomarker-Guided Kidney-Protection Strategy following Major Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-13.

Steines, Louisa , Poth, Helen, Schuster, Antonia, Amann, Kerstin, Banas, Bernhard und Bergler, Tobias (2021) Disruption of Tfh:B Cell Interactions Prevents Antibody-Mediated Rejection in a Kidney Transplant Model in Rats: Impact of Calcineurin Inhibitor Dose. Immunology 2021 (12), S. 657894. (Eingereicht)

Steines, Louisa , Poth, Helen, Herrmann, Marlene, Schuster, Antonia, Banas, Bernhard und Bergler, Tobias (2020) B Cell Activating Factor (BAFF) Is Required for the Development of Intra-Renal Tertiary Lymphoid Organs in Experimental Kidney Transplantation in Rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21), S. 8045.

Neumann, K., Arzt, M., Heid, I., Böger, C. und Stadler, S. (2019) Sleep-Disordered Breathing Is Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Outpatients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Journal of Diabetes Research 2019, S. 1-11.

Wege, Anja Kathrin, Chittka, Dominik, Buchholz, Stefan, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Diermeier-Daucher, Simone, Zeman, Florian, Ortmann, Olaf und Brockhoff, Gero (2018) HER4 expression in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer is associated with decreased sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment and reduced overall survival of postmenopausal women. Breast Cancer Research 20 (1), S. 1-15.

Riquelme, Paloma , Haarer, Jan, Kammler, Anja, Walter, Lisa , Tomiuk, Stefan, Ahrens, Norbert , Wege, Anja K. , Goecze, Ivan, Zecher, Daniel, Banas, Bernhard , Spang, Rainer , Fändrich, Fred, Lutz, Manfred B., Sawitzki, Birgit, Schlitt, Hans J. , Ochando, Jordi , Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2018) TIGIT+ iTregs elicited by human regulatory macrophages control T cell immunity. Nature Communications 9 (2858), S. 1-18.

Kühne, Louisa, Jung, Bettina, Poth, Helen, Schuster, Antonia, Wurm, Simone, Ruemmele, Petra, Banas, Bernhard und Bergler, Tobias (2017) Renal allograft rejection, lymphocyte infiltration, and de novo donor-specific antibodies in a novel model of non-adherence to immunosuppressive therapy. BMC Immunology 18 (1), S. 1-14.

Gorski, Mathias, van der Most, Peter J., Teumer, Alexander, Chu, Audrey Y., Li, Man , Mijatovic, Vladan, Nolte, Ilja M., Cocca, Massimiliano , Taliun, Daniel, Gomez, Felicia, Li, Yong , Tayo, Bamidele, Tin, Adrienne, Feitosa, Mary F., Aspelund, Thor , Attia, John, Biffar, Reiner, Bochud, Murielle, Boerwinkle, Eric, Borecki, Ingrid, Bottinger, Erwin P., Chen, Ming-Huei, Chouraki, Vincent , Ciullo, Marina , Coresh, Josef, Cornelis, Marilyn C., Curhan, Gary C., d’Adamo, Adamo Pio , Dehghan, Abbas, Dengler, Laura, Ding, Jingzhong, Eiriksdottir, Gudny, Endlich, Karlhans , Enroth, Stefan , Esko, Tõnu, Franco, Oscar H. , Gasparini, Paolo, Gieger, Christian, Girotto, Giorgia, Gottesman, Omri, Gudnason, Vilmundur, Gyllensten, Ulf, Hancock, Stephen J., Harris, Tamara B., Helmer, Catherine, Höllerer, Simon, Hofer, Edith, Hofman, Albert, Holliday, Elizabeth G., Homuth, Georg, Hu, Frank B., Huth, Cornelia , Hutri-Kähönen, Nina, Hwang, Shih-Jen, Imboden, Medea, Johansson, Åsa , Kähönen, Mika , König, Wolfgang, Kramer, Holly, Krämer, Bernhard K., Kumar, Ashish, Kutalik, Zoltan, Lambert, Jean-Charles , Launer, Lenore J., Lehtimäki, Terho, de Borst, Martin, Navis, Gerjan, Swertz, Morris, Liu, Yongmei, Lohman, Kurt, Loos, Ruth J. F. , Lu, Yingchang, Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka, McEvoy, Mark A., Meisinger, Christa, Meitinger, Thomas, Metspalu, Andres, Metzger, Marie, Mihailov, Evelin, Mitchell, Paul, Nauck, Matthias, Oldehinkel, Albertine J., Olden, Matthias, Penninx, Brenda W. J. H., Pistis, Giorgio, Pramstaller, Peter P., Probst-Hensch, Nicole, Raitakari, Olli T., Rettig, Rainer, Ridker, Paul M., Rivadeneira, Fernando, Robino, Antonietta, Rosas, Sylvia E., Ruderfer, Douglas, Ruggiero, Daniela, Saba, Yasaman, Sala, Cinzia, Schmidt, Helena, Schmidt, Reinhold, Scott, Rodney J., Sedaghat, Sanaz, Smith, Albert V. , Sorice, Rossella, Stengel, Benedicte , Stracke, Sylvia, Strauch, Konstantin, Toniolo, Daniela, Uitterlinden, Andre G., Ulivi, Sheila, Viikari, Jorma S., Völker, Uwe, Vollenweider, Peter, Völzke, Henry, Vuckovic, Dragana, Waldenberger, Melanie , Jin Wang, Jie, Yang, Qiong, Chasman, Daniel I., Tromp, Gerard, Snieder, Harold, Heid, Iris M., Fox, Caroline S., Köttgen, Anna, Pattaro, Cristian, Böger, Carsten A. und Fuchsberger, Christian (2017) 1000 Genomes-based meta-analysis identifies 10 novel loci for kidney function. Scientific Reports 2017 (7), S. 45040.

Banas, Bernhard, Böger, Carsten A., Krüger, Bernd, Barabas, Sascha, Batzilla, Julia, Schemmerer, Mathias, Köstler, Josef, Bendfeldt, Hanna, Rascle, Anne, Wagner, Ralf, Deml, Ludwig, Leicht, Joachim, Krämer, Bernhard K. und Lückhoff, Gerhard (2017) Validation of T-Track® CMV to assess the functionality of cytomegalovirus-reactive cell-mediated immunity in hemodialysis patients. BMC Immunology 18 (15), S. 1-11.

Heid, Iris M., Stark, Klaus, Olden, Matthias , Brandl, Caroline, Dietl, Alexander, Zimmermann, Martina E., Schelter, Sabine C., Loss, Julika, Leitzmann, Michael F., Böger, Carsten A., Luchner, Andreas , Kronenberg, Florian, Helbig, Horst und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2015) The German AugUR study: study protocol of a prospective study to investigate chronic diseases in the elderly. BMC Geriatrics 15 (130), S. 1-8.

Medizin > Abteilung für Neuropathologie

Braun, Frank K., Rothhammer-Hampl, Tanja , Lorenz, Julia, Pohl, Sandra, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Bumes, Elisabeth , Büttner, Maren, Zoubaa, Saida, Proescholdt, Martin , Schmidt, Nils O., Hau, Peter , Beckhove, Philipp , Winner, Beate und Riemenschneider, Markus J. (2023) Scaffold-Based (Matrigel™) 3D Culture Technique of Glioblastoma Recovers a Patient-like Immunosuppressive Phenotype. Cells 12 (14), S. 1856.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Blazquez, Rachel, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Klauser, Marlene, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Heudobler, Daniel , Stange, Lena, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Rosengarth, Katharina, Schicho, Andreas , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Brawanski, Alexander, Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2022) Breakouts - a radiological sign of poor prognosis in patients with brain metastases. Frontiers in Oncology.

Neumann, Bernhard, Angstwurm, Klemens, Linker, Ralf A., Knoll, Gertrud, Eidenschink, Lisa, Rubbenstroth, Dennis, Schlottau, Kore, Beer, Martin, Schreiner, Patrick, Soutschek, Erwin, Böhmer, Merle M., Lampl, Benedikt M.J. , Pregler, Matthias, Scheiter, Alexander, Evert, Katja, Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Asbach, Benedikt, Gessner, André, Niller, Hans Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2022) Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (1), S. 100499.

Rothhammer-Hampl, Tanja, Liesenberg, Franziska, Hansen, Natalie, Hoja, Sabine, Delic, Sabit, Reifenberger, Guido und Riemenschneider, Markus J. (2021) Frequent Epigenetic Inactivation of DIRAS-1 and DIRAS-2 Contributes to Chemo-Resistance in Gliomas. Cancers 13 (20), S. 1-17.

Bumes, Elisabeth , Wirtz, Fro-Philip, Fellner, Claudia, Grosse, Jirka, Hellwig, Dirk , Oefner, Peter J., Häckl, Martina, Linker, Ralf A., Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Samol, Claudia, Rosengarth, Katharina, Wendl, Christina M., Hau, Peter, Gronwald, Wolfram und Hutterer, Markus (2020) Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation in Patients with Glioma WHO II/III/IV Based on F-18-FET PET-Guided In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. Cancers 12 (11), S. 3406.

Ammer, Laura-Marie, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Ruf, Viktoria, Wetzel, Christian H. , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Albert, Nathalie L., Beckhove, Philipp und Hau, Peter (2020) The Role of Translocator Protein TSPO in Hallmarks of Glioblastoma. Cancers 12 (10), S. 2973.

Alieva, Maria, Leidgens, Verena, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Klein, Christoph A., Hau, Peter und van Rheenen, Jacco (2019) Intravital imaging of glioma border morphology reveals distinctive cellular dynamics and contribution to tumor cell invasion. Scientific Reports 9 (2054), S. 1-11.

Schulze, Markus, Sommer, Annika, Plötz, Sonja, Farrell, Michaela, Winner, Beate , Grosch, Janina, Winkler, Jürgen und Riemenschneider, Markus J. (2018) Sporadic Parkinson’s disease derived neuronal cells show disease-specific mRNA and small RNA signatures with abundant deregulation of piRNAs. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 6 (58), S. 1-18.

Schulze, Markus, Hutterer, Maria, Sabo, Anja, Hoja, Sabine, Lorenz, Julia, Rothhammer-Hampl, Tanja, Herold-Mende, Christel, Floßbach, Lucia, Monoranu, Camelia und Riemenschneider, Markus J. (2018) Chronophin regulates active vitamin B6 levels and transcriptomic features of glioblastoma cell lines cultured under non-adherent, serum-free conditions. BMC Cancer 18 (524), S. 1-15.

Haj, Amer, Doenitz, Christian, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Ehrensberger, Denise, Hau, Peter , Putnik, Kurt, Riemenschneider, Markus, Wendl, Christina, Gerken, Michael, Pukrop, Tobias, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin (2017) Extent of Resection in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Impact of a Specialized Neuro-Oncology Care Center. Brain Sciences 8 (1), S. 5.

Riemenschneider, Markus J., Hoja, Sabine, Schulze, Markus, Rehli, Michael, Proescholdt, Martin A., Herold-Mende, Christel und Hau, Peter (2016) Molecular dissection of the valproic acid effects on glioma cells. Oncotarget 7 (39), S. 62989-63002.

Moeckel, Sylvia, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, A. K. , Spang, Rainer und Hau, Peter (2016) Validation Study: Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 11 (3), e0151312.

Medizin > Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin

Reuthner, Kathrin, Aubele, P., Menhart, Karin , Rath, Philipp, Harrer, D. C., Herr, Wolfgang, Hahn, Joachim, Vogelhuber, Martin, Heudobler, Daniel , Lueke, F., Reichle, Albrecht und Grube, Matthias (2024) Case report: Sustained complete remission with all-oral MEPED therapy in a patient with Hodgkin’s disease developing resistance to pembrolizumab. Frontiers in Pharmacology 15.

Fante, Matthias A., Harrer, Dennis C. , Zartner, Barbara, Lüke, Florian , Mayer, Stephanie, Menhart, Karin , Reichle, Albrecht , Herr, Wolfgang, Vogelhuber, Martin und Heudobler, Daniel (2023) All-oral low-dose chemotherapy TEPIP is effective and well-tolerated in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Frontiers in Oncology 13.

Li, Jing, Ruegamer, Tamara, Brochhausen, Christoph , Menhart, Karin , Hiergeist, Andreas , Kraemer, Lukas, Hellwig, Dirk , Maier, Lars S., Schmid, Christof, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schach, Christian (2022) Infective Endocarditis: Predictive Factors for Diagnosis and Mortality in Surgically Treated Patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9 (12), S. 467.

Heudobler, Daniel, Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Lüke, Florian , Einspieler, Ingo, Menhart, Karin, Hellwig, Dirk , Utpatel, Kirsten , Herr, Wolfgang und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) Case Report: Extramedullary Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: An Unusual Case and Mini-Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-7.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Buschauer, Sebastian, Sterz, Ulrich, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina, Heudobler, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Pukrop, Tobias , Herr, Wolfgang und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Gemcitabine Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Metastasized Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Frontiers in Oncology 2021 (11), S. 1-7.

Sterz, Ulrich, Grube, Matthias, Herr, Wolfgang, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Case Report: Dual Checkpoint Inhibition in Advanced Metastatic Osteosarcoma Results in Remission of All Tumor Manifestations—A Report of a Stunning Success in a 37-Year-Old Patient. Frontiers in Oncology 11 (684733), S. 1-7.

Lüke, Florian, Harrer, Dennis C., Menhart, Karin, Wolff, Daniel, Holler, Ernst, Hellwig, Dirk, Herr, Wolfgang, Grube, Matthias, Vogelhuber, Martin, Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Biomodulatory Treatment Regimen, MEPED, Rescues Relapsed and Refractory Classic Hodgkin’s Disease. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (599561), S. 1-8.

Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Bumes, Elisabeth , Wirtz, Fro-Philip, Fellner, Claudia, Grosse, Jirka, Hellwig, Dirk , Oefner, Peter J., Häckl, Martina, Linker, Ralf A., Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Samol, Claudia, Rosengarth, Katharina, Wendl, Christina M., Hau, Peter, Gronwald, Wolfram und Hutterer, Markus (2020) Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation in Patients with Glioma WHO II/III/IV Based on F-18-FET PET-Guided In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. Cancers 12 (11), S. 3406.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Menhart, Karin, Mayer, Stephanie, Herr, Wolfgang, Reichle, Albrecht und Vogelhuber, Martin (2020) Unusual Late Relapse of ALK-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Successfully Cleared Using the ALK-Inhibitor Crizotinib: Case Report. Frontiers in Oncology 10 (585830), S. 1-4.

Verloh, Niklas, Einspieler, Ingo , Utpatel, Kirsten, Menhart, Karin, Brunner, Stefan, Hofheinz, Frank, van den Hoff, Jörg, Wiggermann, Philipp, Evert, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian, Hellwig, Dirk und Grosse, Jirka (2018) In vivo confirmation of altered hepatic glucose metabolism in patients with liver fibrosis/cirrhosis by 18F-FDG PET/CT. EJNMMI Research 8 (1), S. 1-9.

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Bruckmaier, Georg und Marienhagen, Jörg (2018) Visualizing the Bayesian 2-test case: The effect of tree diagrams on medical decision making. PLoS ONE 13 (3), e0195029.

Medizin > Abteilung für Onkogenomik

Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Treeck, Oliver und Ortmann, Olaf (2017) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Breast Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (7), S. 1587.

Hittinger, Markus, Zbigniew, Czyz T., Huesemann, Yves, Maneck, Matthias, Botteron, Catherine, Kaeufl, Stephanie, Klein, Christoph A. und Polzer, Bernhard (2013) Molecular profiling of single Sca-1+/CD34+,- cells - the putative murine lung stem cells. PLoS ONE 8 (12), e83917.

Medizin > Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin

Walter, Nike , Meinersen-Schmidt, Nicole, Kulla, Patricia, Loew, Thomas , Kruse, Joachim und Hinterberger, Thilo (2023) Sensory-Processing Sensitivity Is Associated with Increased Neural Entropy. Entropy 25 (6), S. 890.

Wimalan, Bravena, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker und Walter, Nike (2023) The patients‘ perspective - a qualitative analysis of experiencing a fracture-related infection. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Walter, Nike , Szymski, Dominik , Riedl, Moritz , Kurtz, Steven M., Alt, Volker , Lowenberg, David W., Lau, Edmund C. und Rupp, Markus (2023) Proximal Humerus Fractures in the Elderly U.S. Population: A Cross-Sectional Study of Treatment Trends and Comparison of Complication Rates after Joint Replacement, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, and Non-Surgical Management. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (10), S. 3506.

Sag, Sabine Julia Maria , Niebauer, Anja, Strack, Christina, Zeller, Judith , Mohr, Margareta, Sag, Can Martin, Loew, Thomas , Lahmann, Claas, Maier, Lars Siegfried , Fischer, Marcus, Baessler, Andrea und Arzt, Michael (2023) Improvement of obstructive sleep apnea does not rescue left atrial enlargement in obese participants of a multimodal weight reduction program. Medicine 102 (12), e33313.

Kupferschmitt, Alexa , Langheim, Eike, Tüter, Haris, Etzrodt, Franziska, Loew, Thomas H. und Köllner, Volker (2023) First results from post-COVID inpatient rehabilitation. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 3.

Walter, Nike , Lowenberg, David W., Kurtz, Steven M., Alt, Volker , Lau, Edmund C. und Rupp, Markus (2022) Revision Rates and Associated Risk Factors after Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (24), S. 7256.

Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Lang, Siegmund , Leinberger, Beate, Alt, Volker, Hinterberger, Thilo und Loew, Thomas (2022) A Comprehensive Report of German Nationwide Inpatient Data on the Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Including Annual Direct Healthcare Costs. Viruses 14 (12), S. 2600.

Walter, Nike , Loew, Thomas , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Effect of functional relaxation on the quality of life in patients with periprosthetic joint infection: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 12 (10), e066066.

Walter, Nike , Baertl, Susanne , Lang, Siegmund , Szymski, Dominik , Weber, Johannes , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection and Fracture-Related Infection With a Temporary Arthrodesis Made by PMMA-Coated Intramedullary Nails – Evaluation of Technique and Quality of Life in Implant-Free Interval. Frontiers in Surgery 9, S. 917696.

Walter, Nike , Hierl, Katja, Brochhausen, Christoph , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) The epidemiology and direct healthcare costs of aseptic nonunions in Germany – a descriptive report. Bone & Joint Research 11 (8), S. 541-547.

Walter, Nike und Hinterberger, Thilo (2022) Self-organized criticality as a framework for consciousness: A review study. Frontiers in Psychology 13.

Walter, Nike und Hinterberger, Thilo (2022) Determining states of consciousness in the electroencephalogram based on spectral, complexity, and criticality features. Neuroscience of Consciousness 2022 (1), S. 1-10.

Walter, Nike und Hinterberger, Thilo (2022) Neurophysiological Effects of a Singing Bowl Massage. Medicina 58 (5), S. 594.

Mohr, Arno , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Pfeifer, Michael, Hinterberger, Thilo , Loew, Thomas H. und Leinberger, Beate (2022) Saturation rate after vaccination against covid-19. Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research 6 (2), S. 402-407.

Mohr, Arno , Kloos, Mia, Schulz, Christian , Pfeifer, Michael, Salzberger, Bernd , Bauernfeind, Stilla , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Plentz, Annelie, Loew, Thomas H. und Koch, Myriam (2022) Low Adherence to Pneumococcal Vaccination in Lung Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Southern Germany. Vaccines 10 (2), S. 311.

Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Lower Limb Amputation Rates in Germany. Medicina 58 (1), S. 101.

Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Lower Limb Amputation Rates in Germany. Medicina 58 (1), S. 101.

Walter, Nike , Bärtl, Susanne, Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2021) The Epidemiology of Osteomyelitis in Children. Children 8 (11), S. 1-6.

Walter, Nike, Rupp, Markus , Hierl, Katja, Pfeifer, Christian G. , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hinterberger, Thilo und Alt, Volker (2021) Long-term patient-related quality of life after fracture-related infections of the long bones. Bone & Joint Research 10 (5), S. 321-327.

Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Hierl, Katja, Koch, Matthias, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Worlicek, Michael und Alt, Volker (2021) Long-Term Patient-Related Quality of Life after Knee Periprosthetic Joint Infection. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (907), S. 1-9.

Hansen, Ernil und Zech, Nina (2019) Nocebo effects and negative suggestions in daily clinical practice – forms, impact and approaches to avoid them. Frontiers in Pharmacology 10 (77), S. 1-10.

Zeller, Judith, Krüger, Carolin, Lamounier‐Zepter, Valeria, Sag, Sabine, Strack, Christina, Mohr, Margareta, Loew, Thomas, Schmitz, Gerd, Maier, Lars, Fischer, Marcus und Baessler, Andrea (2019) The adipo‐fibrokine activin A is associated with metabolic abnormalities and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in obese patients. ESC Heart Failure 2019, S. 1-9.

Leubner, Daniel und Hinterberger, Thilo (2017) Reviewing the Effectiveness of Music Interventions in Treating Depression. Frontiers in Psychology 8 (1109), S. 1-21.

Satzl, Maximilian, Schmierer, Albrecht, Zeman, Florian, Schmalz, Gottfried und Loew, Thomas H. (2014) Significant variation in salivation by short-term suggestive intervention: a randomized controlled cross-over clinical study. Head & Face Medicine 10 (49).

Medizin > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Stammzelltransplantation

Kaess, Carina, Matthes, Marie, Gross, Jonas, Waetzig, Rebecca, Heise, Tilman , Corbacioglu, Selim und Sommer, Gunhild (2023) Evaluating the RIST Molecular-Targeted Regimen in a Three-Dimensional Neuroblastoma Spheroid Cell Culture Model. Cancers 15 (6), S. 1749.

Kleinschmidt, Katharina, Troeger, Anja, Foell, Juergen, Jakob, Marcus und Corbacioglu, Selim (2022) Successful Use of Interferon-Gamma for Refractory Disseminated Candida Tropicalis Infection in a Pediatric Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Heterozygous CARD9 Mutation. Archives of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 6 (5), S. 626-629.

Sommer, Gunhild und Heise, Tilman (2021) RNA-Binding Protein La Mediates TGFβ-Induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Cancer Stem Cell Properties. Cancers 13 (313), S. 1-14.

Treeck, Oliver, Buechler, Christa und Ortmann, Olaf (2019) Chemerin and Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (15), S. 3750.

Medizin > Abteilung für Pädiatrische Ophthalmologie, Strabismologie und Ophthalmogenetik

Brandl, Caroline , Günther, Felix, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Hartmann, Kathrin I., Eberlein, Gregor, Barth, Teresa , Winkler, Thomas W. , Linkohr, Birgit , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Li, Jeany Q. , Finger, Robert P. , Helbig, Horst, Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Küchenhoff, Helmut , Mueller, Arthur, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2022) Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies. BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2022 (7), S. 1-11.

Fritsch, Jürgen , Frankenheim, Julia, Marischen, Lothar, Vadasz, Timea , Troeger, Anja, Rose-John, Stefan , Schmidt-Arras, Dirk und Schneider-Brachert, Wulf (2021) Roles for ADAM17 in TNF-R1 Mediated Cell Death and Survival in Human U937 and Jurkat Cells. Cells 10 (11), S. 1-17.

Medizin > Abteilung für Thoraxchirurgie

Schauer, Martin Ignaz, Jung, Ernst Michael, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha , Akers, Michael und Ried, Michael (2024) Performance of Intraoperative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (Io-CEUS) in the Diagnosis of Primary Lung Cancer. Diagnostics 14 (15), S. 1597.

Schauer, Martin Ignaz, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha , Akers, Michael, Loch, Elena, Markowiak, Till , Piler, Tomas, Larisch, Christopher, Neu, Reiner, Stroszczynski, Christian , Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Ried, Michael (2023) Intraoperative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography (Io-CEUS) in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery for Characterization of Pulmonary Tumours: A Clinical Feasibility Study. Cancers 15 (15), S. 3854.

Ried, Michael , Hassan, Mohamed , Passlick, Bernward, Schmid, Severin , Markowiak, Till , Müller, Karolina , Huppertz, Gunnar, Koller, Michael , Winter, Hauke, Klotz, Laura V., Hatz, Rudolf, Kovács, Julia, Zimmermann, Julia, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Eichhorn, Martin E. (2023) Surgical cytoreduction and hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy for thymic tumours with pleural spread is effective on survival: results from the multicentre German hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy study. Interdisciplinary CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 36 (6).

Ried, Michael , Kovács, Julia, Markowiak, Till Marvin, Müller, Karolina, Huppertz, Gunnar, Koller, Michael, Winter, Hauke, Klotz, Laura V., Hatz, Rudolf A., Zimmermann, Julia L., Passlick, Bernward, Schmid, Severin , Hassan, Mohamed , Eichhorn, Martin E. und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2021) Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy (HITOC) after Cytoreductive Surgery for Pleural Malignancies—A Retrospective, Multicentre Study. Cancers 13 (18), S. 1-16.

Markowiak, Till, Ansari, Mohammed Khalid Afeen, Neu, Reiner, Schalke, Berthold, Marx, Alexander, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Ried, Michael (2021) Evaluation of Surgical Therapy in Advanced Thymic Tumors. Cancers 13 (18), S. 41-11.

Markowiak, Till , Koller, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Huppertz, Gunnar, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Ried, Michael (2020) Protocol of a retrospective, multicentre observational study on hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy in Germany. BMJ Open 10 (7), e041511.

Hattenkofer, Matthias, Gruber, Michael, Metz, Sophia, Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie, Lehle, Karla und Trabold, Benedikt (2018) Time course of chemotaxis and chemokinesis of neutrophils following stimulation with IL-8 or FMLP. European Journal of Inflammation 16 (205873), S. 1-8.

Ried, Michael, Neu, Reiner, Schalke, Berthold, Süßkind-Schwendi, von, Marietta, Sziklavari, Zsolt und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2015) Radical surgical resection of advanced thymoma and thymic carcinoma infiltrating the heart or great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass support. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 10 (137), S. 1-7.

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Proske, Judith, Werno, Christian, Schneider, Katharina, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Rack, Brigitte, Buchholz, Stefan, Ganzer, Roman, Blana, Andreas, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Nitsche, Ulrich, Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e97860.

Ried, Michael, Bein, Thomas, Philipp, Alois, Müller, Thomas, Graf, Bernhard, Schmid, Christof, Zonies, David, Diez, Claudius und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2013) Extracorporeal lung support in trauma patients with severe chest injury and acute lung failure: a 10-year institutional experience. Critical care (London) 17 (3), R110.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Arbeitsgruppe Alfons Penzkofer

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2020) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of the Thermal Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor Archon2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (18), S. 6576.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2019) Photocycle Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor QuasAr1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (160), S. 1-22.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2019) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of the Thermal Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor QuasAr1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (17), S. 4086.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Scheib, Ulrike, Stehfest, Katja und Hegemann, Peter (2017) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of Thermal Dynamics and Photo-Dynamics of the Rhodopsin Domain of the Rhodopsin-Guanylyl Cyclase from the Nematophagous Fungus Catenaria anguillulae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (10), S. 2099.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Scheib, Ulrike, Hegemann, Peter und Stehfest, Katja (2016) Absorption and emission spectroscopic investigation of thermal dynamics and photo-dynamics of the rhodopsin domain of the rhodopsin-guanylyl cyclase from the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. BAOJ Physics 2 (1), 006.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Atrib, Yama, Sharmab, Komal, Veetil, Sindhu Kandoth und Kateriya, Suneel (2016) Photodynamics of photo-activated BLUF coupled Endonuclease III mutant RmPAE from mesophilic, pigmented bacterium Rubellimicrobium mesophilum strain MSL-20T. BAOJ Chemistry 2 (2:008), S. 1-24.

Penzkofer, Alfons (2015) Absorption Spectroscopic Determination of Solubility of Alloxazine in Aqueous Solutions. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation 5 (2), S. 13-21.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Luck, Meike, Mathes, Tilo und Hegemann, Peter (2014) Ultrafast Laser Energy Density and Retinal Absorption Cross-Section Determination by Saturable Absorption Measurements. Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation (JASMI) 4 (1), S. 19-26.

Penzkofer, Alfons (2013) Optical Rotatory Dispersion Measurement of D-Glucose with Fixed Polarizer Analyzer Accessory in Conventional Spectrophotometer. Journal of Analytical Science,Methods and Instrumentation Vol. 3, S. 234-239.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Andreas K. Hüttel

Blien, Stefan, Steger, Patrick, Hüttner, Niklas, Graaf, Richard und Hüttel, Andreas K. (2020) Quantum capacitance mediated carbon nanotube optomechanics. Nature Communications 11 (1), S. 1636.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Schäfer > Arbeitsgruppe Andreas Schäfer

Altenbuchinger, Michael, Zacharias, Helena, Solbrig, S., Schaefer, Andreas, Buyukozkan, M., Schultheiss, U. T. , Kotsis, F., Köttgen, Anna, Spang, Rainer, Oefner, Peter J., Krumsiek, J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2019) A multi-source data integration approach reveals novel associations between metabolites and renal outcomes in the German Chronic Kidney Disease study. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 13954.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl Professor Back > Arbeitsgruppe Christian Back

Wild, Johannes , Meier, Thomas N. G., Pöllath, Simon, Kronseder, Matthias , Bauer, Andreas, Chacon, Alfonso, Halder, Marco, Schowalter, Marco, Rosenauer, Andreas, Zweck, Josef, Müller, Jan, Rosch, Achim , Pfleiderer, Christian und Back, Christian H. (2017) Entropy-limited topological protection of skyrmions. Science Advances 3 (9), e1701704.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Lupton > Arbeitsgruppe Christian Schüller

Gradl, Christian, Winkler, R., Kempf, M., Holler, J., Schuh, D., Bougeard, D., Hernández-Minguez, A. , Biermann, K., Santos, P. V., Schüller, C. und Korn, Tobias (2018) Asymmetric g tensor in low-symmetry two-dimensional hole systems. Physical Review X 2018 (8), 021068.

Nagler, Philipp, Ballottin, Mariana V., Mitioglu, Anatolie A., Mooshammer, Fabian , Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph, Huber, Rupert , Chernikov, Alexey, Christianen, Peter C. M., Schüller, Christian und Korn, Tobias (2017) Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Communications 8 (1551), S. 1-6.

Bougeard, Dominique, Furthmeier, Stephan, Dirnberger, Florian, Gmitra, Martin , Bayer, Andreas, Forsch, Moritz, Hubmann, Joachim, Schüller, Christian , Reiger, Elisabeth, Fabian, Jaroslav und Korn, Tobias (2016) Enhanced spin-orbit coupling in core/shell nanowires. nature Communications 7 (12413), S. 1-7.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Christoph Strunk

Fuchs, L., Kochan, Denis , Schmidt, J. , Hüttner, N., Baumgartner, C., Reinhardt, S. , Gronin, S., Gardner, G. C., Lindemann, T., Manfra, M. J., Strunk, Christoph und Paradiso, N. (2022) Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants. Physical Review X 12 (4), 041020.

Fuchs, L., Kochan, Denis , Schmidt, J. , Hüttner, N., Baumgartner, C., Reinhardt, S. , Gronin, S., Gardner, G. C., Lindemann, T., Manfra, M. J., Strunk, Christoph und Paradiso, N. (2022) Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants. Physical Review X 12 (4), 041020.

Himmler, Wolfgang, Fischer, Ralf, Barth, Michael , Fuchs, Jacob , Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, Nikolay N., Dvoretsky, Sergey A., Strunk, Christoph , Richter, Klaus , Weiss, Dieter und Gorini, Cosimo (2022) Supercurrent interference in HgTe Josephson junctions. Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043021. (Eingereicht)

Strunk, Christoph (2021) Quantum Transport of Particles and Entropy. Entropy 23 (12), S. 1573.

Weitzel, Alexander, Samol, Claudia, Oefner, Peter J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2020) Robust Metabolite Quantification from J-Compensated 2D 1H-13C-HSQC Experiments. Metabolites 10 (11), S. 449.

Donarini, Andrea , Niklas, Michael, Schafberger, Michael, Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2019) Coherent population trapping by dark state formation in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. Nature Communications 10 (1), S. 1-8.

Nagler, Philipp, Ballottin, Mariana V., Mitioglu, Anatolie A., Mooshammer, Fabian , Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph, Huber, Rupert , Chernikov, Alexey, Christianen, Peter C. M., Schüller, Christian und Korn, Tobias (2017) Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Communications 8 (1551), S. 1-6.

Ratz, Sascha, Donarini, Andrea, Steininger, Daniel, Geiger, Thomas, Kumar, Amit, Hüttel, Andreas K. , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2014) Thermally induced subgap features in the cotunneling spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube. New Journal of Physics 16 (12), S. 123040.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Weiss > Arbeitsgruppe Dieter Weiss

Koop, Albert, Altmann, Alexander, Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, Nikolay N., Dvoretskii, Sergey A. und Weiss, Dieter (2024) Exploring the effects of a one-dimensional periodic potential on a three-dimensional topological insulator. Physical Review Research 6 (2).

Himmler, Wolfgang, Fischer, Ralf, Barth, Michael , Fuchs, Jacob , Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, Nikolay N., Dvoretsky, Sergey A., Strunk, Christoph , Richter, Klaus , Weiss, Dieter und Gorini, Cosimo (2022) Supercurrent interference in HgTe Josephson junctions. Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043021. (Eingereicht)

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Huber > Arbeitsgruppe Dominique Bougeard

Mornhinweg, Joshua , Diebel, Laura K., Halbhuber, Maike, Riepl, Josef , Cortese, Erika, De Liberato, Simone, Bougeard, Dominique , Huber, Rupert und Lange, Christoph (2023) Sculpting ultrastrong light-matter coupling through spatial matter structuring. arXiv, 2311.18278.

Gradl, Christian, Winkler, R., Kempf, M., Holler, J., Schuh, D., Bougeard, D., Hernández-Minguez, A. , Biermann, K., Santos, P. V., Schüller, C. und Korn, Tobias (2018) Asymmetric g tensor in low-symmetry two-dimensional hole systems. Physical Review X 2018 (8), 021068.

Bougeard, Dominique, Furthmeier, Stephan, Dirnberger, Florian, Gmitra, Martin , Bayer, Andreas, Forsch, Moritz, Hubmann, Joachim, Schüller, Christian , Reiger, Elisabeth, Fabian, Jaroslav und Korn, Tobias (2016) Enhanced spin-orbit coupling in core/shell nanowires. nature Communications 7 (12413), S. 1-7.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Arbeitsgruppe Evolution und Systematik der Pflanzen (Prof. Dr. Christoph Oberprieler)

Oberprieler, Christoph , Ott, Tankred und Vogt, Robert (2023) Picks in the Fabric of a Polyploidy Complex: Integrative Species Delimitation in the Tetraploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) Representatives. Biology 12 (2), S. 288.

Ott, Tankred , Schall, Maximilian, Vogt, Robert und Oberprieler, Christoph (2022) The Warps and Wefts of a Polyploidy Complex: Integrative Species Delimitation of the Diploid Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae) Representatives. Plants 11 (14), S. 1878.

Scheunert, Agnes, Dorfner, Marco, Lingl, Thomas und Oberprieler, Christoph (2020) Can we use it? On the utility of de novo and reference-based assembly of Nanopore data for plant plastome sequencing. PLOS ONE 15 (3), e0226234.

Scheunert, Agnes, Dorfner, Marco, Lingl, Thomas und Oberprieler, Christoph (2020) Can we use it? On the utility of de novo and reference-based assembly of Nanopore data for plant plastome sequencing. PLOS ONE 15 (3), e0226234.

Oberprieler, Christoph, Zimmer, Claudia und Bog, Manuela (2017) Are there morphological and life-history traits under climate-dependent differential selection in S Tunesian Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae) populations? Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), S. 1047-1062.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Giessibl > Arbeitsgruppe Franz J. Giessibl

Giessibl, Franz J. (2021) Probing the Nature of Chemical Bonds by Atomic Force Microscopy. Molecules 26 (13), S. 4068.

Liebig, A. , Peronio, A., Meuer, D., Weymouth, A. J. und Giessibl, F. J. (2020) High-precision atomic force microscopy with atomically-characterized tips. New Journal of Physics 22 (6), 063040.

Seeholzer, Theresa, Gretz, Oliver, Giessibl, Franz J. und Weymouth, Alfred J. (2019) A Fourier method for estimating potential energy and lateral forces from frequency-modulation lateral force microscopy data. New Journal of Physics 21 (8), 083007.

Seeholzer, Theresa, Gretz, Oliver, Giessibl, Franz J. und Weymouth, Alfred J. (2019) A Fourier method for estimating potential energy and lateral forces from frequency-modulation lateral force microscopy data. New Journal of Physics 21 (8), 083007.

Pürckhauer, Korbinian, Weymouth, Alfred J. , Pfeffer, Katharina, Kullmann, Lars, Mulvihill, Estefania, Krahn, Michael P. , Müller, Daniel J. und Giessibl, Franz J. (2018) Imaging in Biologically-Relevant Environments with AFM Using Stiff qPlus Sensors. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 9330.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Professor Morgenstern > Arbeitsgruppe Ingo Morgenstern

Jurczyk, Jan, Rehberg, Thorsten, Eckrot, Alexander und Morgenstern, Ingo (2017) Measuring critical transitions in financial markets. Scientific Reports 7 (1), S. 11564.

Jurczyk, Jan, Eckrot, Alexander und Morgenstern, Ingo (2016) Quantifying Systemic Risk by Solutions of the Mean-Variance Risk Model. PLoS ONE 11 (6), e0158444.

Jurczyk, Jan, Eckrot, Alexander und Morgenstern, Ingo (2016) Quantifying Systemic Risk by Solutions of the Mean-Variance Risk Model. PLoS ONE 11 (6), e0158444.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Richter > Arbeitsgruppe Jaroslav Fabian

Frank, T., Derian, R., Tokár, K., Mitas, L., Fabian, J. und Štich, I. (2019) Many-Body Quantum Monte Carlo Study of 2D Materials: Cohesion and Band Gap in Single-Layer Phosphorene. Physical Review X 9 (1), 011018-1.

Eltschka, Christopher und Siewert, Jens (2012) A quantitative witness for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement. Scientific Reports 2, S. 942.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Lupton > Arbeitsgruppe John Lupton

Eder, Theresa, Stangl, Thomas, Gmelch, Max, Remmerssen, Klaas, Laux, Dirk, Höger, Sigurd, Lupton, John M. und Vogelsang, Jan (2017) Switching between H- and J-type electronic coupling in single conjugated polymer aggregates. Nature Communications 8 (1641), S. 1-11.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Grifoni > Arbeitsgruppe John Schliemann

Schliemann, John, Beltrán, J. I. und Stauber, Tobias (2016) Tight-binding approach to penta-graphene. Scientific Reports 6 (22672), S. 1-8.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl Professor Back > Arbeitsgruppe Josef Zweck

Wild, Johannes , Meier, Thomas N. G., Pöllath, Simon, Kronseder, Matthias , Bauer, Andreas, Chacon, Alfonso, Halder, Marco, Schowalter, Marco, Rosenauer, Andreas, Zweck, Josef, Müller, Jan, Rosch, Achim , Pfleiderer, Christian und Back, Christian H. (2017) Entropy-limited topological protection of skyrmions. Science Advances 3 (9), e1701704.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Richter > Arbeitsgruppe Klaus Richter

Himmler, Wolfgang, Fischer, Ralf, Barth, Michael , Fuchs, Jacob , Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, Nikolay N., Dvoretsky, Sergey A., Strunk, Christoph , Richter, Klaus , Weiss, Dieter und Gorini, Cosimo (2022) Supercurrent interference in HgTe Josephson junctions. Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043021. (Eingereicht)

Essert, Sven, Krueckl, Viktor und Richter, Klaus (2014) Using Topological Insulator Proximity to Generate Perfectly Conducting Channels in Materials without Topologie Protection. New Journal of Physics 16, S. 113058.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Arbeitsgruppe Klinische Pharmazie (Dr. Dorn)

Brummer, Christina, Singer, Katrin, Brand, Almut, Bruss, Christina, Renner, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Pukrop, Tobias, Dorn, Christoph , Hellerbrand, Claus, Matos, Carina und Kreutz, Marina (2024) Sex-Dependent T Cell Dysregulation in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (15), S. 8234.

Dejaco, Alexander , Dorn, Christoph , Paal, Michael, Gruber, Michael , Graf, Bernhard M. und Kees, Martin G. (2024) Determination of glomerular filtration rate “en passant” after high doses of iohexol for computed tomography in intensive care medicine—a proof of concept. Frontiers in Pharmacology 15.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Grifoni > Arbeitsgruppe Milena Grifoni

Donarini, Andrea , Niklas, Michael, Schafberger, Michael, Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2019) Coherent population trapping by dark state formation in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. Nature Communications 10 (1), S. 1-8.

Ratz, Sascha, Donarini, Andrea, Steininger, Daniel, Geiger, Thomas, Kumar, Amit, Hüttel, Andreas K. , Strunk, Christoph und Grifoni, Milena (2014) Thermally induced subgap features in the cotunneling spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube. New Journal of Physics 16 (12), S. 123040.

Smirnov, Sergey und Grifoni, Milena (2013) Nonequilibrium Kondo transport through a quantum dot in a magnetic field. New Journal of Physics 15 (7), 073047-1.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Lehrstuhl Professor Huber > Arbeitsgruppe Rupert Huber

Mornhinweg, Joshua , Diebel, Laura K., Halbhuber, Maike, Riepl, Josef , Cortese, Erika, De Liberato, Simone, Bougeard, Dominique , Huber, Rupert und Lange, Christoph (2023) Sculpting ultrastrong light-matter coupling through spatial matter structuring. arXiv, 2311.18278.

Nagler, Philipp, Ballottin, Mariana V., Mitioglu, Anatolie A., Mooshammer, Fabian , Paradiso, Nicola , Strunk, Christoph, Huber, Rupert , Chernikov, Alexey, Christianen, Peter C. M., Schüller, Christian und Korn, Tobias (2017) Giant magnetic splitting inducing near-unity valley polarization in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Communications 8 (1551), S. 1-6.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Professor Ganichev > Arbeitsgruppe Sergey Ganichev

Hild, Marcel, Yahniuk, I., Golub, L. E. , Amann, Julia, Eroms, Jonathan , Weiss, Dieter , Watanabe, Kenji , Taniguchi, Takashi und Ganichev, S. D. (2024) Circular terahertz ratchets in a two-dimensionally modulated Dirac system. Physical Review Research 6 (2).

Mönch, Erwin , Schweiss, S., Yahniuk, I., Savchenko, M. L., Dmitriev, I. A. , Shuvaev, A., Pimenov, A. , Schuh, Dieter, Bougeard, Dominique und Ganichev, S. D. (2024) Nonlinear helicity anomalies in the cyclotron resonance photoresistance of two-dimensional electron systems. Physical Review Research 6 (2).

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Arbeitsgruppe Theoretische Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Florian Hartig)

Oberpriller, Johannes , Herschlein, Christine, Anthoni, Peter, Arneth, Almut , Krause, Andreas , Rammig, Anja , Lindeskog, Mats, Olin, Stefan und Hartig, Florian (2022) Climate and parameter sensitivity and induced uncertainties in carbon stock projections for European forests (using LPJ-GUESS 4.0). Geoscientific Model Development 15 (16), S. 6495-6519.

Valdez, Jose W. , Hartig, Florian , Fennel, Sabine und Poschlod, Peter (2019) The Recruitment Niche Predicts Plant Community Assembly Across a Hydrological Gradient Along Plowed and Undisturbed Transects in a Former Agricultural Wetland. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (88), S. 1-9.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Arbeitsgruppe Tobias Kramer

Hein, Birgit, Kreisbeck, Christoph, Kramer, Tobias und Rodríguez, Mirta (2012) Modelling of oscillations in two-dimensional echo-spectra of the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex. New Journal of Physics 14, 023018.

Eiglsperger, Johannes, Kramer, Tobias und Madroñero, Javier (2011) Fluctuations in the spectra of open few-body systems. New Journal of Physics 13 (6), 063033.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Dr. Sabine Amslinger

Renner, Kathrin , Bruss, Christina, Schnell, Annette, Koehl, Gudrun, Becker, Holger M., Fante, Matthias, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Kauer, Nathalie, Blazquez, Raquel, Hacker, Lisa, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bohn, Toszka, Faerber, Stephanie, Evert, Katja, Aigle, Lisa, Amslinger, Sabine, Landa, Maria, Krijgsman, Oscar, Rozeman, Elisa A., Brummer, Christina, Siska, Peter J., Singer, Katrin, Pektor, Stefanie, Miederer, Matthias, Peter, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Herr, Wolfgang, Marchiq, Ibtisam, Pouyssegur, Jacques, Roush, William R., Ong, SuFey, Warren, Sarah, Pukrop, Tobias , Beckhove, Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Bopp, Tobias, Blank, Christian U., Cleveland, John L., Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja , Selby, Mark und Kreutz, Marina (2019) Restricting Glycolysis Preserves T Cell Effector Functions and Augments Checkpoint Therapy. Cell Reports 29 (1), 135-150.e9.

Kaufmann, Kai B., Al-Rifai, Nafisah, Ulbrich, Felix, Schallner, Nils, Rücker, Hannelore, Enzinger, Monika, Petkes, Hermina, Pitzl, Sebastian, Goebel, Ulrich und Amslinger, Sabine (2015) The Cytoprotective Effects of E-α-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2’,3,4,4'-Tetramethoxychalcone (E-α-p-OMe-C6H4-TMC)-A Novel and Non-Cytotoxic HO-1 Inducer. PLoS ONE 10 (11), e0142932.

Pinz, Sophia, Unser, Samy, Brueggemann, Susanne, Besl, Elisabeth, Al-Rifai, Nafisah, Petkes, Hermina, Amslinger, Sabine und Rascle, Anne (2014) The Synthetic alpha-Bromo-2’,3,4,4’-tetramethoxychalcone (alpha-Br-TMC) Inhibits the JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway. PLoS ONE 9, e90275.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz

Ghosh, Munmun, Mallick, Arijit und Díaz Díaz, David (2012) Crystal structure of (2S, 4R)-2-benzyl 1-tert-butyl 4-(tosyloxy)pyrrolidine- 1,2-dicarboxylate, C24H29NO7S. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 227 (3), S. 361-362.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Korber

Gärtner, Stefanie (2020) Spotlight on Alkali Metals: The Structural Chemistry of Alkali Metal Thallides. Crystals 10 (11), S. 1013.

Kaas, Marina und Korber, Nikolaus (2019) Synthesis and crystal structure of [Cs([2.2.2]crypt)]2[Mo(CO)5]. IUCrData 4 (9), x191244.

Tiefenthaler, Susanne, Korber, Nikolaus und Gärtner, Stefanie (2019) Synthesis of the Tetragonal Phase of Zintl’s NaTl and Its Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data. Materials 12 (8), S. 1356.

Tiefenthaler, Susanne, Korber, Nikolaus und Gärtner, Stefanie (2019) Synthesis of the Tetragonal Phase of Zintl’s NaTl and Its Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data. Materials 12 (8), S. 1356.

Gärtner, Stefanie , Tiefenthaler, Susanne, Korber, Nikolaus , Stempfhuber, Sabine und Hischa, Birgit (2018) Structural Chemistry of Halide including Thallides A8Tl11X1−n (A = K, Rb, Cs; X = Cl, Br; n = 0.1–0.9). Crystals 8 (8), S. 319.

Mayr, Tobias, Grassl, Tobias, Korber, Nikolaus, Christoffel, Volker und Bodensteiner, Michael (2017) Cannabidiol revisited. IUCrData 2 (2), S. 1-11.

Korber, Nikolaus und Grassl, Tobias (2017) Crystal structure of rubidium methyl­diazo­tate. Acta Crystallographica Section E 73 (2), S. 159-161.

Korber, Nikolaus und Grassl, Tobias (2017) Crystal structure of rubidium peroxide ammonia disolvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E 2017 (E73), S. 200-202.

Korber, Nikolaus und Friedrich, Ute (2016) A Step in Between: [Sn3Bi3]5− and Its Structural Relationship to [Sn3Bi5]3− and [Sn4Bi4]4−. Chemistry Open 5 (4), S. 306-310.

Kaas, Marina, Friedrich, Ute und Korber, Nikolaus (2014) (18-Crown-6)potassium(I) diphenylstibate(-1). Acta Crystallographica Section E 70, m260.

Friedrich, Ute und Korber, Nikolaus (2014) Cs5Sn9(OH)x4 NH3. Acta Crystallographica Section E 70 (6), i29.

Grassl, Tobias und Korber, Nikolaus (2014) Tetraamminepalladium(II) dichloride tetraammonia solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E E70 (i32).

Grassl, Tobias und Korber, Nikolaus (2014) Tetraammineplatinum(II) dichloride tetraammonia solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E E70 (i31).

Guentner, Christian und Korber, Nikolaus (2012) Tetraamminelithium triamminelithium trisulfide, [Li(NH₃)₄][Li(NH₃)₃S₃]. Acta Crystallographica Section E 68, i84-i85.

Grassl, Tobias, Hamberger, Markus und Korber, Nikolaus (2012) Acetylene-ammonia-18-crown-6 (1/2/1). Acta Crystallographica Section E E86 (10), o2933.

Mutzbauer, Fabian und Korber, Nikolaus (2011) Tris[(1,4,7,10,13,16-hexa-oxacyclo-octa-deca-ne)rubidium] heptaantimonide-ammonia (1/4). Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online E67, m1551.

Korber, Nikolaus und Gärtner, Stefanie (2011) [Rb(18-crown-6)][Rb([2.2.2]-cryptand)]Rb2Sn9 x 5NH3. Acta Crystallographica Section E 67 (5), m613-m614+supp.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Chemische Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Joachim Ruther)

Kurtanovic, Alisa, Hofferberth, John und Ruther, Joachim (2022) Male sex pheromone in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia longicornis: Chemical and behavioral analyses. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, S. 1076398.

Pokorny, Tamara, Jungwirth, Stefan und Ruther, Joachim (2021) Similar Is Not the Same – Mate Recognition in a Parasitoid Wasp. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2021 (9), S. 646667. (Eingereicht)

Jatsch, Anne-Sophie und Ruther, Joachim (2021) Acetone application for administration of bioactive substances has no negative effects on longevity, fitness, and sexual communication in a parasitic wasp. PLOS ONE 16 (1), e0245698.

Ruther, Joachim , Würf, Josef, Pokorny, Tamara, Wittbrodt, Johannes und Millar, Jocelyn G. (2020) Cuticular Hydrocarbons as Contact Sex Pheromone in the Parasitoid Wasp Urolepis rufipes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (180), S. 1-12.

Strohm, Erhard, Herzner, Gudrun, Ruther, Joachim, Kaltenpoth, Martin und Engl, Tobias (2019) Nitric oxide radicals are emitted by wasp eggs to kill mold fungi. eLIFE 2019 (8), e43718.

Mair, Magdalena M. und Ruther, Joachim (2019) Chemical Ecology of the Parasitoid Wasp Genus Nasonia (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2019 (7), S. 1-19.

Semmelmann, Florian, Hofferberth, John, Ruther, Joachim und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Mapping key amino acid residues for the epimerase efficiency and stereospecificity of the sex pheromone biosynthetic short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases of Nasonia. Scientific Reports 9 (330), S. 1-7.

Lenschow, Maria, Cordel, Michael, Pokorny, Tamara, Mair, Magdalena M., Hofferberth, John und Ruther, Joachim (2018) The Post-mating Switch in the Pheromone Response of Nasonia Females Is Mediated by Dopamine and Can Be Reversed by Appetitive Learning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12 (14), S. 1-11.

Tappert, Lars, Pokorny, Tamara, Hofferberth, John und Ruther, Joachim (2017) Sublethal doses of imidacloprid disrupt sexual communication and host finding in a parasitoid wasp. Scientific Reports 7 (42756), S. 1-9.

Ruther, Joachim, Hagström, Asa K., Brandstetter, Birgit, Hofferberth, John, Bruckmann, Astrid, Semmelmann, Florian, Fink, Michaela, Lowack, Helena, Laberer, Sabine, Niehuis, Oliver, Deutzmann, Rainer, Löfstedt, Christer und Sterner, Reinhard (2016) Epimerisation of chiral hydroxylactones by short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases accounts for sex pheromone evolution in Nasonia. Scientific Reports 6 (34697), S. 1-13.

Ruther, Joachim, McCaw, Jennifer, Böcher, Lisa, Pothmann, Daniela und Putz, Irina (2014) Pheromone Diversification and Age-Dependent Behavioural Plasticity Decrease Interspecific Mating Costs in Nasonia. PLoS One 9 (2), e89214.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik > Chemo- und Biosensorik (Prof. Antje J. Bäumner, ehemals Prof. Wolfbeis)

Poppelaars, Felix, Goicoechea de Jorge, Elena, Jongerius, Ilse, Baeumner, Antje J., Steiner, Mark-Steven, Józsi, Mihály, Toonen, Erik J. M. und Pauly, Diana (2021) A Family Affair: Addressing the Challenges of Factor H and the Related Proteins. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 660194.

Duerkop, Axel, Mobarez, Sarah N., Wongkaew, Nongnoot, Simsek, Marcel und Baeumner, Antje J. (2020) Dipsticks with Reflectometric Readout of an NIR Dye for Determination of Biogenic Amines. Chemosensors 8 (99), S. 1-16.

Bäumner, Antje, Matlock-Colangelo, Lauren, Colangelo, Nicholas W., Fenzl, Christoph und Frey, Margaret W. (2016) Passive Mixing Capabilities of Micro- and Nanofibres When Used in Microfluidic Systems. Sensors 16 (8), S. 1238.

Wilhelm, Stefan, Hirsch, Thomas , Patterson, Wendy M. , Scheucher, Elisabeth, Mayr, Thorsten und Wolfbeis, Otto S. (2013) Multicolor Upconversion Nanoparticles for Protein Conjugation. Theranostics 3 (4), S. 239.

Fenzl, Christoph, Hirsch, Thomas und Wolfbeis, Otto S. (2012) Photonic Crystal Based Sensor for Organic Solvents and for Solvent-Water Mixtures. Sensors 12 (12), S. 16954-16963.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Dr. Joachim Griesenbeck

Babl, Virginia-Lorena, Girke, Philipp, Kruse, Sebastian, Pinz, Sophia Charlotte , Hannig, Katharina, Schächner, Christopher, Hergert, Kristin, Wittner, Manuel, Seufert, Wolfgang , Milkereit, Philipp , Tschochner, Herbert und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2024) Establishment of closed 35S ribosomal RNA gene chromatin in stationary Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Nucleic Acids Research.

Hannig, Katharina, Babl, Virginia, Hergert, Kristin, Maier, Andreas, Pilsl, Michael, Schächner, Christopher, Stöckl, Ulrike, Milkereit, Philipp, Tschochner, Herbert, Seufert, Wolfgang und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2019) The C-terminal region of Net1 is an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription with conserved features from yeast to human. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1008006.

Linnemann, Jan, Pöll, Gisela, Jakob, Steffen, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien , Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2019) Impact of two neighbouring ribosomal protein clusters on biogenesis factor binding and assembly of yeast late small ribosomal subunit precursors. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0203415.

Milkereit, Philipp, Pöll, Gisela, Müller, Christian, Bodden, Malena, Teubl, Fabian, Eichner, Norbert, Lehmann, Gerhard , Griesenbeck, Joachim und Tschochner, Herbert (2017) Structural transitions during large ribosomal subunit maturation analyzed by tethered nuclease structure probing in S. cerevisiae. PLOS ONE 12 (7), e0179405.

Milkereit, Philipp, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert , Ohmayer, Uli, Gil-Hernández, Álvaro, Sauert, Martina, Martín-Marcos, Pilar und Tamame, Mercedes (2015) Studies on the Coordination of Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events Involved in Prosessing and Stabiliz. PLoS ONE 10 (12), e0143768.

Hamperl, Stephan , Brown, Christopher R., Villar Garea, Ana, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Bruckmann, Astrid, Huber, Katharina, Wittner, Manuel, Babl, Virginia, Stoeckl, Ulrike, Deutzmann, Rainer, Boeger, Hinrich, Tschochner, Herbert, Milkereit, Philipp und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2013) Compositional and structural analysis of selected chromosomal domains from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Research 2013, S. 1-20.

Ohmayer, Uli, Gamalinda, Michael, Sauert, Martina , Ossowski, Julius, Pöll, Gisela, Linnemann, Jan, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Kumcuoglu, Beril, Leger-Silvestre, Isabelle, Faubladier, Marlène, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Woolford, John , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2013) Studies on the Assembly Characteristics of Large Subunit Ribosomal Proteins in S. cerevisae. PloS one 8 (7), e68412.

Ohmayer, Uli, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Pöll, Gisela, Williams, Lydia, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Local Tertiary Structure Probing of Ribonucleoprotein Particles by Nuclease Fusion Proteins. Plos One 7, e42449.

Jakob, Steffen, Ohmayer, Uli, Neueder, Andreas , Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Hochmuth, Eduard, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Interrelationships between Yeast Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events and Transient Ribosome Biogenesis Factors Interactions in Early Pre-Ribosomes. PloS one 7 (3), e32552.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Dr. Philipp Milkereit

Hannig, Katharina, Babl, Virginia, Hergert, Kristin, Maier, Andreas, Pilsl, Michael, Schächner, Christopher, Stöckl, Ulrike, Milkereit, Philipp, Tschochner, Herbert, Seufert, Wolfgang und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2019) The C-terminal region of Net1 is an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription with conserved features from yeast to human. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1008006.

Linnemann, Jan, Pöll, Gisela, Jakob, Steffen, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien , Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2019) Impact of two neighbouring ribosomal protein clusters on biogenesis factor binding and assembly of yeast late small ribosomal subunit precursors. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0203415.

Milkereit, Philipp, Pöll, Gisela, Müller, Christian, Bodden, Malena, Teubl, Fabian, Eichner, Norbert, Lehmann, Gerhard , Griesenbeck, Joachim und Tschochner, Herbert (2017) Structural transitions during large ribosomal subunit maturation analyzed by tethered nuclease structure probing in S. cerevisiae. PLOS ONE 12 (7), e0179405.

Milkereit, Philipp, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert , Ohmayer, Uli, Gil-Hernández, Álvaro, Sauert, Martina, Martín-Marcos, Pilar und Tamame, Mercedes (2015) Studies on the Coordination of Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events Involved in Prosessing and Stabiliz. PLoS ONE 10 (12), e0143768.

Ohmayer, Uli, Gamalinda, Michael, Sauert, Martina , Ossowski, Julius, Pöll, Gisela, Linnemann, Jan, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Kumcuoglu, Beril, Leger-Silvestre, Isabelle, Faubladier, Marlène, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Woolford, John , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2013) Studies on the Assembly Characteristics of Large Subunit Ribosomal Proteins in S. cerevisae. PloS one 8 (7), e68412.

Ohmayer, Uli, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Pöll, Gisela, Williams, Lydia, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Local Tertiary Structure Probing of Ribonucleoprotein Particles by Nuclease Fusion Proteins. Plos One 7, e42449.

Jakob, Steffen, Ohmayer, Uli, Neueder, Andreas , Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Hochmuth, Eduard, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Interrelationships between Yeast Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events and Transient Ribosome Biogenesis Factors Interactions in Early Pre-Ribosomes. PloS one 7 (3), e32552.

Jakob, Steffen, Ohmayer, Uli, Neueder, Andreas , Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Hochmuth, Eduard, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Interrelationships between Yeast Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events and Transient Ribosome Biogenesis Factors Interactions in Early Pre-Ribosomes. PloS one 7 (3), e32552.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie > Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Anton Hiller

Widbiller, Matthias , Rosendahl, Andreas, Schlichting, Ralf, Schuller, Christine, Lingl, Benedikt, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2023) Impact of Endodontic Irrigant Activation on Smear Layer Removal and Surface Disintegration of Root Canal Dentine In Vitro. Healthcare 11 (3), S. 376.

Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Ebensberger, Helga, Ferstl, Gerlinde, Pielnhofer, Florian , Tauböck, Tobias T., Becker, Klaus und Buchalla, Wolfgang (2022) Surface Accumulation of Cerium, Self-Assembling Peptide, and Fluoride on Sound Bovine Enamel. Bioengineering 9 (12), S. 760.

Mao, Xiaojun, Hiergeist, Andreas, Auer, David L, Scholz, Konstantin J., Muehler, Denise, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hellwig, Elmar, Gessner, André, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Ecological Effects of Daily Antiseptic Treatment on Microbial Composition of Saliva-Grown Microcosm Biofilms and Selection of Resistant Phenotypes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022 (13), S. 934525.

Karl, Viktoria, Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Tabenski, Isabelle, Schenke, Frederike, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Kirschneck, Christian , Bekes, Katrin und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Retrospective Cohort Study on Potential Risk Factors for Repeated Need of Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia in a Private Pediatric Dental Practice. Children 9 (6), S. 855.

Auer, David L., Mao, Xiaojun, Anderson, Annette Carola, Muehler, Denise , Wittmer, Annette, von Ohle, Christiane, Wolff, Diana , Frese, Cornelia, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hellwig, Elmar, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Phenotypic Adaptation to Antiseptics and Effects on Biofilm Formation Capacity and Antibiotic Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Early Colonizers in Dental Plaque. Antibiotics 11 (5), S. 688.

Muehler, Denise , Mao, Xiaojun, Czemmel, Stefan, Geißert, Janina, Engesser, Christina, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Widbiller, Matthias , Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Transcriptomic Stress Response in Streptococcus mutans following Treatment with a Sublethal Concentration of Chlorhexidine Digluconate. Microorganisms 10 (3), S. 561.

Thim, Teresa, Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Kirschneck, Christian , Fleiner, Jonathan, Woelber, Johan Peter und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Radiographic Bone Loss and Its Relation to Patient-Specific Risk Factors, LDL Cholesterol, and Vitamin D: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients 14 (4), S. 864.

Widbiller, Matthias , Rosendahl, Andreas, Wölflick, Melanie, Linnebank, Moritz, Welzenbach, Benedikt, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2022) Isolation of Endogenous TGF-β1 from Root Canals for Pulp Tissue Engineering: A Translational Study. Biology 11 (2), S. 227.

Widbiller, Matthias , Keim, Lukas, Schlichting, Ralf, Striegl, Birgit, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Jungbauer, Rebecca , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2021) Debris Removal by Activation of Endodontic Irrigants in Complex Root Canal Systems: A Standardized In-Vitro-Study. Applied Sciences 11 (16), S. 1-14.

Voit, Thomas, Cieplik, Fabian, Regensburger, Johannes, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Gollmer, Anita, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2021) Spatial Distribution of a Porphyrin-Based Photosensitizer Reveals Mechanism of Photodynamic Inactivation of Candida albicans. Frontiers in Medicine 8 (641244), S. 1-9.

Steiger, Tamara, Philipp, Alois, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Müller, Thomas, Lubnow, Matthias und Lehle, Karla (2021) Different mechanisms of oxygenator failure and high plasma von Willebrand factor antigen influence success and survival of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 16 (3), e0248645.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > EHealth Competence Center

Blobel, Bernd, Ruotsalainen, Pekka, Oemig, Frank, Giacomini, Mauro, Sottile, Pier Angelo und Endsleff, Frederik (2023) Principles and Standards for Designing and Managing Integrable and Interoperable Transformed Health Ecosystems. Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (11), S. 1579.

López, Diego M., Rico-Olarte, Carolina, Blobel, Bernd und Hullin, Carol (2022) Challenges and solutions for transforming health ecosystems in low- and middle-income countries through artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Medicine 9, 958097..

Oemig, Frank und Blobel, Bernd (2022) Modeling digital health systems to foster interoperability. Frontiers in Medicine 9.

Ruotsalainen, Pekka und Blobel, Bernd (2022) Transformed Health Ecosystems—Challenges for Security, Privacy, and Trust. Frontiers in Medicine 2022 (9), S. 1-10.

Blobel, Bernd, Oemig, Frank, Ruotsalainen, Pekka und Lopez, Diego M. (2022) Transformation of Health and Social Care Systems—An Interdisciplinary Approach Toward a Foundational Architecture. Frontiers in Medicine 2022 (9), S. 1-20.

Ruotsalainen, Pekka und Blobel, Bernd (2020) Health Information Systems in the Digital Health Ecosystem—Problems and Solutions for Ethics, Trust and Privacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9), S. 3006.

Blobel, Bernd (2019) Challenges and Solutions for Designing and Managing pHealth Ecosystems. Frontiers in Medicine 6 (83), S. 1-9. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Blobel, Bernd und Ruotsalainen, Pekka (2019) How Does GDPR Support Healthcare Transformation to 5P Medicine? In: MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 264. IOS Press, S. 1135-1339. ISBN 978-1-64368-003-3.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2020) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of the Thermal Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor Archon2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (18), S. 6576.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2019) Photocycle Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor QuasAr1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (160), S. 1-22.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2019) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of the Thermal Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor QuasAr1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (17), S. 4086.

Back, Christian H., Bauer, Hans G., Majchrak, Peter, Kachel, Torsten und Woltersdorf, Georg (2015) Non-linear spin-wave excitations at low magnetic bias fields. Nature Communications 6 (8274), S. 1-7.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Entwicklungsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Stephan Schneuwly)

Rass, Mathias , Gizler, Laura , Bayersdorfer, Florian, Irlbeck, Christoph , Schramm, Matthias Josef und Schneuwly, Stephan (2022) The Drosophila functional Smad suppressing element fuss, a homologue of the human Skor genes, retains pro-oncogenic properties of the Ski/Sno family. PLOS ONE 17 (1), e0262360.

Rass, Mathias , Gizler, Laura , Bayersdorfer, Florian, Irlbeck, Christoph , Schramm, Matthias Josef und Schneuwly, Stephan (2022) The Drosophila functional Smad suppressing element fuss, a homologue of the human Skor genes, retains pro-oncogenic properties of the Ski/Sno family. PLOS ONE 17 (1), e0262360.

Rodríguez, Laura R., Lapeña, Tamara, Calap-Quintana, Pablo, Moltó, María Dolores, Gonzalez-Cabo, Pilar und Navarro Langa, Juan Antonio (2020) Antioxidant Therapies and Oxidative Stress in Friedreich’s Ataxia: The Right Path or Just a Diversion? Antioxidants 9 (8), S. 664.

Rass, Mathias , Oestreich, Svenja, Guetter, Severin, Fischer, Susanne und Schneuwly, Stephan (2019) The Drosophila fussel gene is required for bitter gustatory neuron differentiation acting within an Rpd3 dependent chromatin modifying complex. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1007940.

Moschall, Rebecca , Rass, Mathias, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard, Kullmann, Lars, Eichner, Norbert, Strauss, Daniela, Meister, Gunter, Schneuwly, Stephan, Krahn, Michael P. und Medenbach, Jan (2018) Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-13.

Monnier, Véronique, Llorens, Jose und Navarro, Juan (2018) Impact of Drosophila Models in the Study and Treatment of Friedreich’s Ataxia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (7), S. 1989.

Edenharter, Oliver, Schneuwly, Stephan und Navarro, Juan A. (2018) Mitofusin-Dependent ER Stress Triggers Glial Dysfunction and Nervous System Degeneration in a Drosophila Model of Friedreich’s Ataxia. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 11 (38), S. 1-25.

Navarro, Juan A. und Schneuwly, Stephan (2017) Copper and Zinc Homeostasis: Lessons from Drosophila melanogaster. Frontiers in Genetics 8 (223), S. 1-20.

Fischer, Susanne, Bayersdorfer, Florian, Harant, Eva, Reng, Renate, Arndt, Stephanie, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und Schneuwly, Stephan (2012) fussel (fuss) - A Negative Regulator of BMP Signaling in Drosophila melanogaster. Plos ONE 7, e42349.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Evolutionäre Ökologie (Prof. Dr. Erhard Strohm)

Goettler, Wolfgang, Kaltenpoth, Martin , McDonald, Samuel und Strohm, Erhard (2022) Comparative Morphology of the Symbiont Cultivation Glands in the Antennae of Female Digger Wasps of the Genus Philanthus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Frontiers in Physiology 2022 (13), S. 815494.

Strohm, Erhard, Herzner, Gudrun, Ruther, Joachim, Kaltenpoth, Martin und Engl, Tobias (2019) Nitric oxide radicals are emitted by wasp eggs to kill mold fungi. eLIFE 2019 (8), e43718.

Weiss, Katharina, Herzner, Gudrun und Strohm, Erhard (2017) Sexual selection and the evolution of male pheromone glands in philanthine wasps (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (1), S. 1-20.

Herzner, Gudrun, Weiss, Katharina, Strohm, Erhard und Kaltenpoth, Martin (2015) Comparative morphology of the postpharyngeal gland in the Philanthinae (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) and the evolution of anantimicrobial brood protection mechanism. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 (291), S. 1-13.

Weiss, Katharina, Parzefall, Christopher und Herzner, Gudrun (2014) Multifaceted Defense against Antagonistic Microbes in Developing Offspring of the Parasitoid Wasp Ampulex compressa (Hymenoptera, Ampulicidae). PLoS ONE 9 (6), e98784.

Herzner, Gudrun, Kaltenpoth, Martin, Poettinger, T. , Weiss, Katharina, Koedam, Dirk, Kroiss, Johannes und Strohm, Erhard (2013) Morphology, Chemistry and Function of the Postpharyngeal Gland in the South American Digger Wasps Trachypus boharti and Trachypus elongatus. PloS ONE 8 (12), e82780.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > House of the Ribosome

Vayssières, Marlène, Jüttner, Michael, Haas, Karina, Ancelin, Aurélie, Marchfelder, Anita, Leulliot, Nicolas, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien und Blaud, Magali (2024) RNase W, a conserved ribonuclease family with a novel active site. Nucleic Acids Research.

Braun, Christina M., Hackert, Philipp, Schmid, Catharina E., Bohnsack, Markus T. , Bohnsack, Katherine E. und Perez-Fernandez, Jorge (2019) Pol5 is required for recycling of small subunit biogenesis factors and for formation of the peptide exit tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit. Nucleic Acids Research 48 (1), S. 405-420.

Hoffmeister, Helen, Fuchs, Andreas , Erdel, Fabian , Pinz, Sophia, Gröbner-Ferreira, Regina, Bruckmann, Astrid, Deutzmann, Rainer, Schwartz, Uwe, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Huber, Claudia, Dendorfer, Anne-Sarah, Rippe, Karsten und Längst, Gernot (2017) CHD3 and CHD4 form distinct NuRD complexes with different yet overlapping functionality. Nucleic Acids Research 45 (18), S. 10534-10554.

Dillinger, Stefan, Straub, Tobias und Németh, Attila (2017) Nucleolus association of chromosomal domains is largely maintained in cellular senescence despite massive nuclear reorganisation. PLoS ONE 12 (6), e0178821.

Manelyte, Laura (2017) Chromatin remodelers, their implication in cancer and therapeutic potential. Journal of Rare Diseases Research & Treatment 2 (3), S. 34-40.

Informatik und Data Science

Berijanian, Maryam, Schaadt, Nadine S., Huang, Boqiang, Lotz, Johannes, Feuerhake, Friedrich und Merhof, Dorit (2023) Unsupervised many-to-many stain translation for histological image augmentation to improve classification accuracy. Journal of Pathology Informatics 14, S. 100195.

Knoedler, Leonard , Miragall, Maximilian, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Obed, Doha, Bauer, Maximilian, Tißler, Patrick, Prantl, Lukas , Machens, Hans-Guenther, Broer, Peter Niclas, Baecher, Helena, Panayi, Adriana C. , Knoedler, Samuel und Kehrer, Andreas (2022) A Ready-to-Use Grading Tool for Facial Palsy Examiners—Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients Made Easy. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (10), S. 1739.

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Lingnau, Angelika , Schwind, Valentin, Wolff, Christian und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Angry facial expressions bias towards aversive actions. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-13.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik

Recum, Patrick und Hirsch, Thomas (2023) Graphene-based chemiresistive gas sensors. Nanoscale Advances.

Duerkop, Axel, Mobarez, Sarah N., Wongkaew, Nongnoot, Simsek, Marcel und Baeumner, Antje J. (2020) Dipsticks with Reflectometric Readout of an NIR Dye for Determination of Biogenic Amines. Chemosensors 8 (99), S. 1-16.

Mietzner, Raphael , Kade, Christian, Froemel, Franziska, Pauly, Diana, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas, Wegener, Joachim, Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2020) Fasudil Loaded PLGA Microspheres as Potential Intravitreal Depot Formulation for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 12 (8), S. 706.

Kröner, Anton und Hirsch, Thomas (2020) Current Trends in the Optical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials. Frontiers in Chemistry 7 (927), S. 1-14.

Schreml, Stephan, Meier, Robert Johannes, Kirschbaum, Michael, Kong, Su-Chii, Gehmert, Sebastian , Felthaus, Oliver, Küchler, Sarah, Sharpe, Justin R., Wöltje, Kerstin, Weiß, Katharina, Albert, Markus, Seidl, Uwe, Schröder, Josef, Morsczeck, Christian, Prantl, Lukas, Duschl, Claus, Pedersen, Stine F. , Gosau, Martin, Breneburg, Mark, Wolfbeis, Otto S. , Landthaler, Michael und Babilas, Philipp (2014) Luminescent Dual Sensors Reveal Extracellular pH-Gradients and Hypoxia on Chronic Wounds That Disrupt Epidermal Repair. Theranostics 4 (7), S. 721-735.

Kochmann, Sven (2014) Beryllium10: a free and simple tool for creating and managing group safety data sheets. Journal of Cheminformatics 6 (6).

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie

Gebert, Magdalena, Heimbucher, Johanna, Gsell, Valentina K., Keimer, Kristof, Dillinger, Andrea E. und Tamm, Ernst R. (2024) Induced Attenuation of Scleral TGF-β Signaling in Mutant Mice Increases Susceptibility to IOP-Induced Optic Nerve Damage. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 65 (1), S. 48.

Ettner-Sitter, Andreas, Montagner, Agata, Kuenzel, Jonas, Brackmann, Kathrin, Schäfer, Maximilian, Schober, Robert, Weber, Florian , Aung, Thiha, Hackl, Christina und Haerteis, Silke (2024) Visualization of Vascular Perfusion of Human Pancreatic Cancer Tissue in the CAM Model and Its Impact on Future Personalized Drug Testing. Organoids 3 (1), S. 1-17.

Jurek, Benjamin , Denk, Lucia, Schäfer, Nicole, Salehi, Mohammad Saied , Pandamooz, Sareh und Haerteis, Silke (2022) Oxytocin accelerates tight junction formation and impairs cellular migration in 3D spheroids: evidence from Gapmer-induced exon skipping. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 16, S. 1000538.

Salehi, Mohammad Saied , Neumann, Inga D., Jurek, Benjamin und Pandamooz, Sareh (2021) Co-Stimulation of Oxytocin and Arginine-Vasopressin Receptors Affect Hypothalamic Neurospheroid Size. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (16), S. 1-15.

Lamby, Philipp, Minkow, Alexander, Handt, Stefan, Falter, Johannes, Schellenberg, Eva-Lotte, Graf, Stefanie, Hiebl, Bernhard , Haerteis, Silke , Gemeinhardt, Ole , Krüger-Genge, Anne, Klosterhalfen, Bernd, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Franke, Ralf-Peter, Momeni, Arash , Prantl, Lukas und Jung, Friedrich (2020) Histological and SEM Assessment of Blood Stasis in Kidney Blood Vessels after Repeated Intra-Arterial Application of Radiographic Contrast Media. Life 10 (9), S. 167.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Schäfer, Nicole, Grosche, Antje, Schmitt, Sabrina I., Braunger, Barbara M. und Pauly, Diana (2017) Complement Components Showed a Time-Dependent Local Expression Pattern in Constant and Acute White Light-Induced Photoreceptor Damage. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10 (197), S. 1-17.

Minuth, Will W. und Denk, Lucia (2012) Supportive development of functional tissues for biomedical research using the MINUSHEET(R) perfusion system. Clinical and Translational Medicine 1, S. 22.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Ebensberger, Helga, Ferstl, Gerlinde, Pielnhofer, Florian , Tauböck, Tobias T., Becker, Klaus und Buchalla, Wolfgang (2022) Surface Accumulation of Cerium, Self-Assembling Peptide, and Fluoride on Sound Bovine Enamel. Bioengineering 9 (12), S. 760.

Schwinghammer, Vanessa F., Tiefenthaler, Susanne M. und Gärtner, Stefanie (2021) The Role of Different Alkali Metals in the A15Tl27 Type Structure and the Synthesis and X-ray Structure Analysis of a New Substitutional Variant Cs14.53Tl28.4. Materials 14 (24), S. 1-13.

Kaas, Marina und Korber, Nikolaus (2019) Synthesis and crystal structure of [Cs([2.2.2]crypt)]2[Mo(CO)5]. IUCrData 4 (9), x191244.

Seitz, Andreas E., Hippauf, Felix, Kremer, Werner, Kaskel, Stefan und Scheer, Manfred (2018) Facile storage and release of white phosphorus and yellow arsenic. Nature Communications 9 (1), S. 1-6.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft

Matthes, Benjamin und Stoeger, Heidrun (2021) Do Implicit Theories About Ability Predict Self-Reports and Behavior-Proximal Measures of Primary School Students’ In-Class Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategy Use? Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 690271. (Eingereicht)

Debatin, Tobias (2020) Neuroenergetics and “General Intelligence”: A Systems Biology Perspective. Journal of Intelligence 8 (3), S. 31.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie

Wörle, Elisabeth, Newman, Anthony, D’Silva, Jovita, Burgio, Gaetan und Grohmann, Dina (2022) Allosteric activation of CRISPR-Cas12a requires the concerted movement of the bridge helix and helix 1 of the RuvC II domain. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (17), S. 10153-10168.

Daiß, Julia L., Pilsl, Michael, Straub, Kristina , Bleckmann, Andrea , Höcherl, Mona, Heiss, Florian B. , Abascal-Palacios, Guillermo , Ramsay, Ewan Phillip, Tlučková, Katarina, Mars, Jean-Clement, Fürtges, Torben, Bruckmann, Astrid , Rudack, Till, Bernecky, Carrie, Lamour, Valérie, Panov, Konstantin , Vannini, Alessandro , Moss, Tom und Engel, Christoph (2022) The human RNA polymerase I structure reveals an HMG-like docking domain specific to metazoans. Life Science Alliance 5 (11), e202201568.

Eckl, Daniel Bernhard, Landgraf, Nicole, Hoffmann, Anja Karen, Schottenhaml, Laura, Dirscherl, Julia, Weber, Nina, Eben, Stefanie Susanne, Bäßler, Pauline, Eichner, Anja, Huber, Harald und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2022) Inhibitory effects of calcium or magnesium ions on PDI. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 11, S. 100122.

Knüppel, Robert, Trahan, Christian, Kern, Michael, Wagner, Alexander, Grünberger, Felix, Hausner, Winfried , Quax, Tessa E. F., Albers, Sonja-Verena , Oeffinger, Marlene und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2021) Insights into synthesis and function of KsgA/Dim1-dependent rRNA modifications in archaea. Nucleic Acids Research 49 (3), S. 1662-1687.

Pilsl, Michael und Engel, Christoph (2020) Structural basis of RNA polymerase I pre-initiation complex formation and promoter melting. Nature Communications 11 (1), S. 1-10.

Haberl, Elisabeth M., Pohl, Rebekka, Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Feder, Susanne, Bruckmann, Astrid, Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard, Buechler, Christa und , (2019) Overexpression of Hepatocyte Chemerin-156 Lowers Tumor Burden in a Murine Model of Diethylnitrosamine-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1), S. 252.

Grünberger, Felix, Reichelt, Robert Martin , Bunk, Boyke, Spröer, Cathrin, Overmann, Jörg, Rachel, Reinhard , Grohmann, Dina und Hausner, Winfried (2019) Next Generation DNA-Seq and Differential RNA-Seq Allow Re-annotation of the Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638 Genome and Provide Insights Into Archaeal Antisense Transcription. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019 (10), S. 1603.

Ramchandran, Ramani, Plössl, Karolina , Straub, Kristina, Schmid, Verena, Strunz, Franziska, Wild, Jens , Merkl, Rainer, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2019) Identification of the retinoschisin-binding site on the retinal Na/K-ATPase. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216320.

Widbiller, Matthias , Schweikl, Helmut, Bruckmann, Astrid, Rosendahl, Andreas, Hochmuth, Eduard, Lindner, Sophia R., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2019) Shotgun Proteomics of Human Dentin with Different Prefractionation Methods. Scientific Reports 9 (4457), S. 1-8.

Moschall, Rebecca , Rass, Mathias, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard, Kullmann, Lars, Eichner, Norbert, Strauss, Daniela, Meister, Gunter, Schneuwly, Stephan, Krahn, Michael P. und Medenbach, Jan (2018) Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-13.

Schwartz, Uwe, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Exler, Josef H., Hansch, Stefan, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Heizinger, Leonhard , Merkl, Rainer und Längst, Gernot (2018) Characterizing the nuclease accessibility of DNA in human cells to map higher order structures of chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-16.

Reichelt, Robert, Ruperti, Katharina M. A., Kreuzer, Martina, Dexl, Stefan, Thomm, Michael und Hausner, Winfried (2018) The Transcriptional Regulator TFB-RF1 Activates Transcription of a Putative ABC Transporter in Pyrococcus furiosus. Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (838), S. 1-11.

Knüppel, Robert, Christensen, Regitse H., Gray, Fiona C., Esser, Dominik, Strauß, Daniela, Medenbach, Jan , Siebers, Bettina , MacNeill, Stuart A. , LaRonde, Nicole und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2017) Insights into the evolutionary conserved regulation of Rio ATPase activity. Nucleic Acids Research 46 (3), S. 1441-1456.

Hoffmeister, Helen, Fuchs, Andreas , Erdel, Fabian , Pinz, Sophia, Gröbner-Ferreira, Regina, Bruckmann, Astrid, Deutzmann, Rainer, Schwartz, Uwe, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Huber, Claudia, Dendorfer, Anne-Sarah, Rippe, Karsten und Längst, Gernot (2017) CHD3 and CHD4 form distinct NuRD complexes with different yet overlapping functionality. Nucleic Acids Research 45 (18), S. 10534-10554.

Längst, Gernot, Silberhorn, Elisabeth, Schwartz, Uwe, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Symelka, Anne , Koning-Ward, Tania de und Merkl, Rainer (2016) Plasmodium falciparum Nucleosomes Exhibit Reduced Stability and Lost Sequence Dependent Nucleosome Positioning. PLoS Pathogens 12 (12), e10060.

Tschochner, Herbert, Pilsl, Michael, Crusifix, Corinne , Papai, Garbor, Krupp, Ferdinand, Steinbauer, Robert , Griesenbeck, Joachim, Milkereit, Philipp und Schultz, Patrick (2016) Structure of the initaton-competent RNA polymerase I and its implication for transcription. Nature Communications 7 (12126), S. 1-12.

Ehrenschwender, Martin, Knoll, Gertrud, Bittner, Sebastian, Kurz, Maria und Jantsch, Jonathan (2016) Hypoxia regulates TRAIL sensitivity of colorectal cancer cells through mitochondrial autophagy. Oncotarget 2016, S. 1-17.

Längst, Gernot, Schrader, Anna, Gross, Thomas und Thalhammer, Verena (2015) Characterization of Dnmt1 Binding and DNA Methylation on Nucleosomes and Nucleosomal Arrays. PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0140076.

Meister, Gunter, Schindler, Susann G., Danner, Johannes, Kremmer, Elisabeth, Pfaff, Janina, Hannus, Stefan, Depping, Reinhard und Schraivogel, Daniel (2015) Importin-β facilitates nuclear import of human GW proteins and balances cytoplasmic gene silencing protein levels. Nucleic Acids Research 2015, S. 1-15.

Moissl-Eichinger, Christine, Perras, Alexandra K., Wanner, Gerhard, Klingl, Andreas, Mora, Maximilian, Auerbach, Anna, Heinz, Veronika, Probst, Alexander, Huber, Harald, Rachel, Reinhard und Meck, Sandra (2014) Grappling archaea: ultrastructural analyses of an uncultivated, cold-loving archaeon and its biofilm. Terrestrial Microbiology.

Probst, Alexander J., Birarda, Giovanni, Holman, Hoi-Ying N. , DeSantis, Todd Z., Wanner, Gerhard, Andersen, Gary L. , Perras, Alexandra K., Meck, Sandra, Völkel, Jörg, Bechtel, Hans A., Wirth, Reinhard und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine (2014) Coupling Genetic and Chemical Microbiome Profiling Reveals Heterogeneity of Archaeome and Bacteriome in Subsurface Biofilms That Are Dominated by the Same Archaeal Species. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e99801.

Dürr, Julius, Lolas, Ihab B., Sørensen, Brian B., Schubert, Veit , Houben, Andreas , Melzer, Michael , Deutzmann, Rainer, Grasser, Marion und Grasser, Klaus D. (2014) The transcript elongation factor SPT4/SPT5 is involved in auxin-related gene expression in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 2014.

Kammel, Christine, Thomaier, Maren, Sørensen, Brian B., Schubert, Thomas , Längst, Gernot, Grasser, Marion und Grasser, Klaus D. (2013) Arabidopsis DEAD-box RNA helicase UAP56 interacts with both RNA and DNA as well as with mRNA export factors. PloS one 8 (3), e60644.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie

Klein, Thomas, Funke, Franziska, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard , Vockenhuber, Michael, Medenbach, Jan , Suess, Beatrix, Meister, Gunter und Babinger, Patrick (2023) Investigating the Prevalence of RNA-Binding Metabolic Enzymes in E. coli. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (14), S. 11536.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schwertner, Barbara, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Berneburg, Mark, Geissler, Edward K., Mycielska, Maria E. und Haferkamp, Sebastian (2022) The Role of Citrate Homeostasis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis. Cancers 14 (14), S. 3425.

Ramchandran, Ramani, Plössl, Karolina , Straub, Kristina, Schmid, Verena, Strunz, Franziska, Wild, Jens , Merkl, Rainer, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2019) Identification of the retinoschisin-binding site on the retinal Na/K-ATPase. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216320.

Semmelmann, Florian, Hofferberth, John, Ruther, Joachim und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Mapping key amino acid residues for the epimerase efficiency and stereospecificity of the sex pheromone biosynthetic short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases of Nasonia. Scientific Reports 9 (330), S. 1-7.

Schwartz, Uwe, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Exler, Josef H., Hansch, Stefan, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Heizinger, Leonhard , Merkl, Rainer und Längst, Gernot (2018) Characterizing the nuclease accessibility of DNA in human cells to map higher order structures of chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-16.

Götz, Th. I., Lahmer, G., Strnad, V., Bert, Ch., Hensel, B., Tomé, A. M. und Lang, E. W. (2017) A tool to automatically analyze electromagnetic tracking data from high dose rate brachytherapy of breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0183608.

Merkl, Rainer, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Hupfeld, Enrico und Sterner, Reinhard (2017) Rosetta:MSF: a modular framework for multi-state computational protein design. PLOS Computational Biology 13 (6), e1005600.

Lang, Elmar, Al-Subari, Karema, Al-Baddai, Saad , Tomé, Ana Maria , Volberg, Gregor und Hammwöhner, Rainer (2015) Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis of EEG Data Collected during a Contour Integration Task. PLoS ONE 10 (4), S. 1-27.

Herrnberger, Leonie, Hennig, Robert, Kremer, Werner, Hellerbrand, Claus, Goepferich, Achim , Kalbitzer, Hans Robert und Tamm, Ernst R. (2014) Formation of Fenestrae in Murine Liver Sinusoids Depends on Plasmalemma Vesicle-Associated Protein and Is Required for Lipoprotein Passage. PLoS ONE 9 (12), e115005.

Acri-Nunes-Miranda, Roberta und Mondragon-Palomino, Mariana (2014) Expression of paralogous SEP-, FUL-, AG- and STK-like MADS-box genes in wild-type and peloric Phalaenopsis flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (76).

Ramm Sander, Paul, Peer, Markus, Grandl, Margot, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Schmitz, Gerd und Kalbitzer, Hans Robert (2013) NMR spectroscopy of macrophages loaded with native, oxidized or enzymatically degraded lipoproteins. PloS one 8 (2), e56360.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Didaktik der Biologie

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin

von Sommoggy, Julia , Skiba, Eva-Maria, Lander, Jonas, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Curbach, Janina und Brandstetter, Susanne (2024) Health Literacy in Pediatric Consultations on Allergy Prevention. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice 8 (2), e47-e61.

Kreiml, Verena, Sauter, Alexandra , Abu-Omar, Karim, Eickmann, Sascha und Herrmann-Johns, Anne (2024) “That's like therapy”—A qualitative study on socially disadvantaged women's views on the effects of a community-based participatory research project on their health and health behavior. Frontiers in Public Health 12.

Albrecht, Lorenz, Reismann, Lydia, Leitzmann, Michael , Bernardi, Christine, von Sommoggy, Julia , Weber, Andrea und Jochem, Carmen (2023) Climate-specific health literacy in health professionals: an exploratory study. Frontiers in Medicine 10.

Langguth, Berthold , Bulla, Jan, Fischer, Beate , Baurecht, Hansjoerg, Schecklmann, Martin , Marcrum, Steven C. und Vielsmeier, Veronika (2023) Tinnitus Is Marginally Associated with Body Mass Index, Heart Rate and Arterial Blood Pressure: Results from a Large Clinical Sample. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (9), S. 3321.

Hofmann, Luisa, Heinrich, Michael, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Langguth, Berthold , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. und Seliger, Corinna (2023) Suicide Mortality Risk among Patients with Lung Cancer—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), S. 4146.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Stanzick, Kira J. , Simon, Josef, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Schachtner, Michael, Peterhoff, David , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Überla, Klaus, Wagner, Ralf , Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus J. (2023) DNA extraction from clotted blood in genotyping quality. BioTechniques 74 (1).

Blecha, Sebastian, Zeman, Florian, Rohr, Magdalena, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandstetter, Susanne , Karagiannidis, Christian, Apfelbacher, Christian und Bein, Thomas (2022) Association of analgosedation with psychiatric symptoms and health-related quality of life in ARDS survivors: Post hoc analyses of the DACAPO study. PLOS ONE 17 (10), e0275743.

Mugler, Nida, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Lam, Kevin, Leitzmann, Michael und Jochem, Carmen (2022) The Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Sedentary Time in Different Target Groups and Settings in Germany: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Recommendations on Interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (16), S. 10178.

Sauter, Alexandra , Herbert-Maul, Annika, Abu-Omar, Karim, Thiel, Ansgar, Ziemainz, Heiko, Frahsa, Annika , Linder, Stephanie und Herrmann-Johns, Anne (2022) “For me, it's just a piece of freedom”—Increased empowerment through physical activity promotion among socially disadvantaged women. Frontiers in Public Health 10, S. 867626.

Bauernfeind, Stilla , Huppertz, Gunnar, Mueller, Karolina, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Hardmann, Loredana, Pemmerl, Sylvia, Hollnberger, Harald, Sieber, Wolfgang, Wettstein, Matthias, Seeliger, Stephan, Kienle, Klaus, Paetzel, Christian, Kutz, Norbert, Daller, Dionys, Zorger, Niels, Mohr, Arno, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. und Salzberger, Bernd (2022) Health Care Workers’ Sick Leave due to COVID-19 Vaccination in Context With SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Quarantine—A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9 (7).

von Sommoggy, Julia , Grepmeier, Eva-Maria und Curbach, Janina (2022) Health Literacy-Sensitive Counselling on Early Childhood Allergy Prevention: Results of a Qualitative Study on German Midwives’ Perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (7), S. 4182.

Jochem, Carmen und Leitzmann, Michael (2022) Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Relation to Cancer Survival: A Narrative Review. Cancers 14 (7), S. 1720.

Neumann, Bernhard, Angstwurm, Klemens, Linker, Ralf A., Knoll, Gertrud, Eidenschink, Lisa, Rubbenstroth, Dennis, Schlottau, Kore, Beer, Martin, Schreiner, Patrick, Soutschek, Erwin, Böhmer, Merle M., Lampl, Benedikt M.J. , Pregler, Matthias, Scheiter, Alexander, Evert, Katja, Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Asbach, Benedikt, Gessner, André, Niller, Hans Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2022) Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (1), S. 100499.

Ott, Christian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Doenitz, Christian, Hoehne, Julius, Wendl, Christina, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Lang, Elmar W., Schmidt, Nils Ole und Goldhacker, Markus (2021) Preoperative Assessment of Language Dominance through Combined Resting-State and Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (12), S. 1342.

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reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2015) The influence of age and sex on genetic associations with adult body size and shape: a large-scale genome-wide interaction study. 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hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2013) Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including 270,000 individuals show sexual dimorphism in genetic loci for anthropometric traits. 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Dörhöfer, Lena, Lammert, Alexander, Krane, Vera, Gorski, Mathias, Banas, Bernhard, Wanner, Christoph, Krämer, Bernhard K., Heid, Iris M. und Böger, Carsten A. (2013) Study design of DIACORE (DIAbetes COhoRtE) - a cohort study of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. BMC Medical Genetics 14, S. 25.

Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Jones, Christina , Hankins, Matthew und Smith, Helen (2012) Validity of two common asthma-specific quality of life questionnaires: Juniper mini asthma quality of life questionnaire and Sydney asthma quality of life questionnaire. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 10, S. 97.

Grassmann, Felix , Fritsche, Lars G. , Keilhauer, Claudia N., Heid, Iris M. und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2012) Modelling the Genetic Risk in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. PLoS ONE 7, e37979.

Schmid, Peter M., Heid, Iris M., Buechler, Christa, Steege, Andreas, Resch, Markus, Birner, Christoph, Endemann, Dierk, Riegger, Günter A. J. und Luchner, Andreas (2012) Expression of fourteen novel obesity-related genes in zucker diabetic fatty rats. Cardio Vascular Diabetology 11, S. 48.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften

Lutz, Stephanie , Frey, Anne , Rank, Astrid und Gebhardt, Markus (2024) InClass – an instrument to assess classroom management in inclusive and special education with a focus on heterogeneous learning groups. Frontiers in Education 9, S. 1316059.

Rothkopf, Cathrin und Schworm, Silke (2021) Exploring Dog-Assisted Interventions in Higher Education: Students’ Attitudes and Perceived Effects on Well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (4492), S. 1-18.

Vaahtoranta, Enni, Lenhart, Jan, Suggate, Sebastian und Lenhard, Wolfgang (2019) Interactive Elaborative Storytelling: Engaging Children as Storytellers to Foster Vocabulary. Frontiers in Psychology 2019 (10), S. 1534.

Stiller, Klaus Dieter und Schworm, Silke (2019) Game-Based Learning of the Structure and Functioning of Body Cells in a Foreign Language: Effects on Motivation, Cognitive Load, and Performance. Frontiers in Education 4 (18), S. 1-19.

Stiller, Klaus D. und Bachmaier, Regine (2018) Cognitive Loads in a Distance Training for Trainee Teachers. Frontiers in Education 2018 (3), S. 44.

Emmerdinger, Kathrin J. und Kuhbandner, Christof (2018) Testing Memories of Personally Experienced Events: The Testing Effect Seems Not to Persist in Autobiographical Memory. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (810), S. 1-10.

Zunhammer, Matthias, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2014) Sleep quality during exam stress: the role of alcohol caffeine and nicotine. PLoS ONE 9 (10), e109490.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik

Hild, Marcel, Yahniuk, I., Golub, L. E. , Amann, Julia, Eroms, Jonathan , Weiss, Dieter , Watanabe, Kenji , Taniguchi, Takashi und Ganichev, S. D. (2024) Circular terahertz ratchets in a two-dimensionally modulated Dirac system. Physical Review Research 6 (2).

Koop, Albert, Altmann, Alexander, Kozlov, Dmitriy A., Mikhailov, Nikolay N., Dvoretskii, Sergey A. und Weiss, Dieter (2024) Exploring the effects of a one-dimensional periodic potential on a three-dimensional topological insulator. Physical Review Research 6 (2).

Meier, Sebastian, Zhumagulov, Yaroslav V. , Dietl, Matthias, Parzefall, Philipp , Kempf, Michael, Holler, Johannes , Nagler, Philipp, Faria Junior, Paulo E. , Fabian, Jaroslav , Korn, Tobias und Schüller, Christian (2023) Emergent trion-phonon coupling in atomically reconstructed MoSe2−WSe2 heterobilayers. Physical Review Research 5 (3).

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2020) Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of the Thermal Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor Archon2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (18), S. 6576.

Liebig, A. , Peronio, A., Meuer, D., Weymouth, A. J. und Giessibl, F. J. (2020) High-precision atomic force microscopy with atomically-characterized tips. New Journal of Physics 22 (6), 063040.

Penzkofer, Alfons, Silapetere, Arita und Hegemann, Peter (2019) Photocycle Dynamics of the Archaerhodopsin 3 Based Fluorescent Voltage Sensor QuasAr1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (160), S. 1-22.

Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Geschichte

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK)

Trattner, Christoph , Parra, Denis und Elsweiler, David (2017) Monitoring obesity prevalence in the United States through bookmarking activities in online food portals. PLoS ONE 12 (6), e0179144.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie

Paenkaew, Sujittra, Mahanitipong, Usana, Rutnakornpituk, Metha und Reiser, Oliver (2023) Magnetite Nanoparticles Functionalized with Thermoresponsive Polymers as a Palladium Support for Olefin and Nitroarene Hydrogenation. ACS Omega 8 (16), S. 14531-14540.

Shenderovich, Ilya G. und Denisov, Gleb S. (2021) Modeling of the Response of Hydrogen Bond Properties on an External Electric Field: Geometry, NMR Chemical Shift, Spin-Spin Scalar Coupling. Molecules 26 (16), S. 4967.

Eckl, Daniel Bernhard, Eben, Stefanie Susanne, Schottenhaml, Laura, Eichner, Anja, Vasold, Rudolf, Späth, Andreas, Bäumler, Wolfgang und Huber, Harald (2021) Interplay of phosphate and carbonate ions with flavin photosensitizers in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0253212.

Renner, Kathrin , Bruss, Christina, Schnell, Annette, Koehl, Gudrun, Becker, Holger M., Fante, Matthias, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Kauer, Nathalie, Blazquez, Raquel, Hacker, Lisa, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bohn, Toszka, Faerber, Stephanie, Evert, Katja, Aigle, Lisa, Amslinger, Sabine, Landa, Maria, Krijgsman, Oscar, Rozeman, Elisa A., Brummer, Christina, Siska, Peter J., Singer, Katrin, Pektor, Stefanie, Miederer, Matthias, Peter, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Herr, Wolfgang, Marchiq, Ibtisam, Pouyssegur, Jacques, Roush, William R., Ong, SuFey, Warren, Sarah, Pukrop, Tobias , Beckhove, Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Bopp, Tobias, Blank, Christian U., Cleveland, John L., Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja , Selby, Mark und Kreutz, Marina (2019) Restricting Glycolysis Preserves T Cell Effector Functions and Augments Checkpoint Therapy. Cell Reports 29 (1), 135-150.e9.

Cieplik, Fabian , Pummer, Andreas, Regensburger, Johannes, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Späth, Andreas, Tabenski, Laura Karla, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2015) The impact of absorbed photons on antimicrobial photodynamic efficacy. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015 (6), S. 1-35.

Eichner, Anja, Maisch, Tim, Späth, Andreas, Gollmer, Anita, König, Burkhard , Regensburger, Johannes und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2014) Fast and Effective Photodynamic Inactivation of Multiresistant Bacteria by Cationic Riboflavin Derivatives. PLoS ONE 2014.

Lehner, Karin, Santarelli, Francesco, Vasold, Rudolf, Penning, Randolph, Sidoroff, Alexis, König, Burkhard , Landthaler, Michael und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2014) Black Tattoos Entail Substantial Uptake of Genotoxicpolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Human Skin and Regional Lymph Nodes. PLoS ONE 9 (3), e92787.

Ghosh, Munmun, Mallick, Arijit und Díaz Díaz, David (2012) Crystal structure of (2S, 4R)-2-benzyl 1-tert-butyl 4-(tosyloxy)pyrrolidine- 1,2-dicarboxylate, C24H29NO7S. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 227 (3), S. 361-362.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften

Obermeyer, Simon, Schrettenbrunner, Lukas, Stöckl, Richard , Schwartz, Uwe und Grasser, Klaus D. (2023) Different elongation factors distinctly modulate RNA polymerase II transcription in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research.

Pagel, Ellen , Lehmair, Theresa A. , Poschlod, Peter und Reisch, Christoph (2020) Genetic Variation of Typical Plant Species in Hay Meadows: The Effect of Land Use History, Landscape Structure, and Habitat Quality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (593302), S. 1-11.

Fokuhl, Gerriet, Heinze, Jürgen und Poschlod, Peter (2019) An Ant-Plant Mesocosm Experiment Reveals Dispersal Patterns of Myrmecochorous Plants. Forests 10 (12), S. 1149.

Tausch, Simone, Leipold, Martin, Reisch, Christoph und Poschlod, Peter (2019) Dormancy and endosperm presence influence the ex-situ conservation potential in central European calcareous grassland plants. AoB PLANTS 2019 (plz035), S. 1-33.

Reisch, Christoph und Schmid, Christoph (2018) Species and genetic diversity are not congruent in fragmented dry grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 2018 (00), S. 1-8.

Oberprieler, Christoph, Zimmer, Claudia und Bog, Manuela (2017) Are there morphological and life-history traits under climate-dependent differential selection in S Tunesian Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae) populations? Ecology and Evolution 8 (2), S. 1047-1062.

Kaulfuß, Franziska und Reisch, Christoph (2017) Reintroduction of the endangered and endemic plant species Cochlearia bavarica -Implications from conservation genetics. Ecology and Evolution 7 (24), S. 11100-11112.

Rosbakh, Sergey, Leingärtner, Annette, Hoiss, Bernhard, Krauss, Jochen , Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf und Poschlod, Peter (2017) Contrasting Effects of Extreme Drought and Snowmelt Patterns on Mountain Plants along an Elevation Gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 (1478), S. 1-17.

Reisch, Christoph, Schmidkonz, Sonja, Meier, Katrin, Schöpplein, Quirin, Meyer, Carina, Hums, Christian, Putz, Christina und Schmid, Christoph (2017) Genetic diversity of calcareous grassland plant species depends on historical landscape configuration. BMC Ecology 17 (1), S. 1-13.

Reisch, Christoph, Leipold, Martin, Poschlod, Peter und Tausch, Simone (2017) Species distribution modeling and molecular markers suggest longitudinal range shifts and cryptic northern refugia of the typical calcareous grassland species Hippocrepis comosa (horseshoe vetch). Ecology and Evolution 2017 (7), S. 1919-1935.

Reisch, Christoph, Windmaißer, Tobias, Kattari, Stefan und Heubel, Günther (2016) Glacial refugia and postglacial expansion of the alpine-prealpine plant species Polygala chamaebuxus. Ecology and Evolution 2016 (6), S. 7809-7819.

Reisch, Christoph, Putz, Christina M. und Schmid, Christoph (2015) Living in isolation - population structure, reproduction and genetic variation of the endangered plant species Dianthus gratianopolitanus (Cheddar pink). Ecology and Evolution 2015, S. 1-12.

Vogler, Frank, Konrad, Sebastian S. A. und Sprunck, Stefanie (2015) Knockin' on pollen's door: live cell imaging of early polarization events in germinating Arabidopsis pollen. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, S. 1-17.

Dresselhaus, Thomas , Mascher, Martin, Gerlach, Nina, Gahrtz, Manfred, Bucher, Marcel und Scholz, Uwe (2014) Sequence and Ionomic Analysis of Divergent Strains of Maize Inbred Line B73 with an Altered Growth Phenotype. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e96782.

Schmidt, Christoph, Bauer, Sibylle, Müller, Benedikt und Bartelheimer, Maik (2013) Belowground neighbor perception in Arabidopsis thaliana studied by transcriptome analysis: roots of Hieracium pilosella cause biotic stress. Frontiers in plant science 4, S. 296.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie

Kuck, Katrin, Unterholzner, Anna, Lipowicz, Bartosz, Schwindl, Sebastian, Jürgenliemk, Guido, Schmidt, Thomas J. und Heilmann, Jörg (2023) Terpenoids from Myrrh and Their Cytotoxic Activity against HeLa Cells. Molecules 28 (4), S. 1637.

Seibel-Ehlert, Ulla , Plank, Nicole, Inoue, Asuka, Bernhardt, Guenther und Strasser, Andrea (2021) Label-Free Investigations on the G Protein Dependent Signaling Pathways of Histamine Receptors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (18), S. 1-33.

Höring, Carina , Seibel, Ulla , Tropmann, Katharina, Grätz, Lukas , Mönnich, Denise , Pitzl, Sebastian, Bernhardt, Günther , Pockes, Steffen und Strasser, Andrea (2020) A Dynamic, Split-Luciferase-Based Mini-G Protein Sensor to Functionally Characterize Ligands at All Four Histamine Receptor Subtypes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (22), S. 8440.

Schramm, Andrea, Schweda, Frank, Sequeira-Lopez, Maria Luisa S., Hofmann, Franz, Sandner, Peter und Schlossmann, Jens (2019) Protein Kinase G Is Involved in Acute but Not in Long-Term Regulation of Renin Secretion. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019 (10), S. 800.

She, Xueke, Pegoli, Andrea, Mayr, Judith, Hübner, Harald, Bernhardt, Günther , Gmeiner, Peter und Keller, Max (2017) Heterodimerization of Dibenzodiazepinone-Type Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Ligands Leads to Increased M2R Affinity and Selectivity. ACS Omega 2 (10), S. 6741-6754.

Schlossmann, Jens, Wetzl, Veronika, Schinner, Elisabeth, Kees, Frieder K., Hofmann, Franz und Faerber, Lothar (2016) Involvement of cyclic guanosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase I in renal antifibrotic effects of serelaxin. Frontiers in Pharmacology 7 (195), S. 1-27.

Memminger, Martin, Keller, Max, Lopuch, Miroslaw, Pop, Nathalie, Bernhardt, Günther, von Angerer, Erwin und Buschauer, Armin (2012) The Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor: a diagnostic marker? Expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells is down-regulated by antiestrogens in vitro and in xenografts. PLoS ONE 7 (12), e51032.

Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Philosophie

Reiß, Christian (2022) Cut and Paste: The Mexican Axolotl, Experimental Practices and the Long History of Regeneration Research in Amphibians, 1864-Present. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2022 (10), S. 1-12.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie

Meindl, Katrin , Issler, Naomi, Afonso, Sara Cerqueira, Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto, Müller-Decker, Karin, Sterner, Christina, Othmen, Helga, Tegtmeier, Ines, Witzgall, Ralph , Klootwijk, Enriko D., Davies, Benjamin, Kleta, Robert und Warth, Richard (2023) A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Kraus, Andre, Park, Julien H., Marquardt, Thorsten, Schreiber, Rainer und Buchholz, Björn (2023) Pathogenic Relationships in Cystic Fibrosis and Renal Diseases: CFTR, SLC26A9 and Anoctamins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (17), S. 13278.

Sinha, Frederick, Federlein, Anna, Biesold, Annika, Schwarzfischer, Magdalena, Krieger, Katharina, Schweda, Frank und Tauber, Philipp (2023) Empagliflozin increases kidney weight due to increased cell size in the proximal tubule S3 segment and the collecting duct. Frontiers in Pharmacology 14.

Vonbrunn, Eva, Ries, Tajana, Söllner, Stefan, Müller-Deile, Janina, Büttner-Herold, Maike, Amann, Kerstin und Daniel, Christoph (2021) Multiplex gene analysis reveals T-cell and antibody-mediated rejection-specific upregulation of complement in renal transplants. Scientific Reports 11 (1), S. 1-13.

Kuhbandner, Christof (2020) Real-World Objects Are Represented in Visual Long-Term Memory Both as Unbound Features and as Bound Objects. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (11), S. 580667.

Centeio, Raquel, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2020) Ca2+ Dependence of Volume-Regulated VRAC/LRRC8 and TMEM16A Cl– Channels. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (596879), S. 1-14.

Schreiber, Rainer, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn und Kunzelmann, Karl (2020) Targeting of Intracellular TMEM16 Proteins to the Plasma Membrane and Activation by Purinergic Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), S. 4065.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Centeio, Raquel, Wanitchakool, Podchanart, Cabrita, Inês, Benedetto, Roberta, Saha, Tultul, Hoque, Kazi Mirajul und Schreiber, Rainer (2019) Control of Ion Transport by Tmem16a Expressed in Murine Intestine. Frontiers in Physiology 10 (1262), S. 1-10.

Schramm, Andrea, Schweda, Frank, Sequeira-Lopez, Maria Luisa S., Hofmann, Franz, Sandner, Peter und Schlossmann, Jens (2019) Protein Kinase G Is Involved in Acute but Not in Long-Term Regulation of Renin Secretion. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019 (10), S. 800.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Benedetto, Roberta, Cabrita, Ines und Schreiber, Rainer (2019) Contribution of Anoctamins to Cell Survival and Cell Death. Cancers 11 (3), S. 382.

Schießl, Ina Maria , Bardehle, Sophia und Castrop, Hayo (2013) Superficial Nephrons in BALB/c and C57BL/6 Mice Facilitate In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy of the Kidney. PLoS ONE 8 (1), e52499.

Mederle, Katharina, Schweda, Frank, Kattler, Veronika, Doblinger, Elisabeth, Keishi, Miyata, Höcherl, Klaus, Oike, Yuichi und Castrop, Hayo (2013) The angiotensin II AT1 receptor-associated protein Arap1 is involved in sepsis-induced hypotension. Critical Care 17, R130.

Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Christoph, Stefan (2022) On Conspiracy Thinking: Conspiracist Ideology as a Modern Phenomenon. Politics and Governance 10 (4), S. 135-145.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie

Hudecek, Matthias F. C. , Grünwald, Klara C., von Gehlen, Johannes, Lermer, Eva und Heiss, Silke F. (2024) You may fail but won’t quit? Linking servant leadership with error management culture is positively associated with employees’ motivational quality. Cogent Business & Management 11 (1).

Mayrhofer, Roland, Büchner, Isabel C. und Hevesi, Judit (2024) The quantitative paradigm and the nature of the human mind. The replication crisis as an epistemological crisis of quantitative psychology in view of the ontic nature of the psyche. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Schandl, Franziska, Lermer, Eva und Hudecek, Matthias F. C. (2024) If It Concerns Me: An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Psychological Distance on the Acceptance of Autonomous Shuttle Buses. Collabra: Psychology 10 (1).

Malania, Maka, Lin, Yih-Shiuan , Hörmandinger, Charlotte, Werner, John S., Greenlee, Mark W. und Plank, Tina (2024) Training-induced changes in population receptive field properties in visual cortex: Impact of eccentric vision training on population receptive field properties and the crowding effect. Journal of Vision 24 (5), S. 7.

Mayrhofer, Roland, Roberts, Lara M., Hackl, Julia M. und Frischholz, Katja (2024) Psychological differences and similarities between vegans, prospective vegans, and vegetarians. Motivation, knowledge, vegan literacy – and cheese. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Heitmann, Stephanie und Reichardt, Regina (2024) Determinants of automatic age and race bias: ingroup-outgroup distinction salience moderates automatic evaluations of social groups. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Mayrhofer, Roland, Kuhbandner, Christof und Frischholz, Katja (2023) Re-examining the testing effect as a learning strategy: the advantage of retrieval practice over concept mapping as a methodological artifact. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Köster, Moritz, Bánki, Anna, Yamasaki, Daiki, Kato, Masaharu, Itakura, Shoji und Hoehl, Stefanie (2023) Cross-cultural differences in visual object and background processing in the infant brain. Imaging Neuroscience 1, S. 1-11.

Köster, Moritz, Brzozowska, Alicja, Bánki, Anna, Tünte, Markus, Ward, Emma Kate und Hoehl, Stefanie (2023) Rhythmic visual stimulation as a window into early brain development: a systematic review. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, S. 101315.

Reichardt, Regina, Rottmann, Celina, Russo, Laura, Emmerdinger, Kathrin J. und Schirner, Sigrun (2023) Measuring Implicit STEM and Math Attitudes in Adolescents Online with the Brief Implicit Association Test. Education Sciences 13 (9), S. 899.

Toffalini, Enrico, Kosak, Ferdinand , Schelhorn, Iris und Wittmann, Marc (2022) The subjective experience of time during the pandemic in Germany: The big slowdown. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0267709.

Hutmacher, Fabian und Kuhbandner, Christof (2020) Does the Attentional Boost Effect Depend on the Intentionality of Encoding? Investigating the Mechanisms Underlying Memory for Visual Objects Presented at Behaviorally Relevant Moments in Time. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (584187), S. 1-8.

Reichardt, Regina, Rivers, Andrew M., Reichardt, Joerg und Sherman, Jeffrey W. (2020) Further Validation of Measures of Target Detection and Stereotype Activation in the Stereotype Misperception Task. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (573985), S. 1-12.

Hudecek, Matthias, Blabst, Nicole, Morgan, Blaire und Lermer, Eva (2020) Measuring Gratitude in Germany: Validation Study of the German Version of the Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form (GQ-6-G) and the Multi-Component Gratitude Measure (MCGM-G). Frontiers in Psychology 11 (590108), S. 1-11.

Lin, Yih-Shiuan, Chen, Chien-Chung und Greenlee, Mark W. (2020) Lateral modulation of orientation perception in center-surround sinusoidal stimuli: Divisive inhibition in perceptual filling-in. Journal of Vision 20 (9), S. 5.

Malania, Maka, Pawellek, Maja, Plank, Tina und Greenlee, Mark W. (2020) Training-Induced Changes in Radial–Tangential Anisotropy of Visual Crowding. Translational Vision Science & Technology 9 (9), S. 25.

Kliegl, Oliver, Pastötter, Bernhard und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2020) Does Amount of Pre-cue Encoding Modulate Selective List Method Directed Forgetting? Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1403), S. 1-9.

Gruber, Nicole und Jockisch, Alfred (2020) Are GRU Cells More Specific and LSTM Cells More Sensitive in Motive Classification of Text? Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3 (40), S. 1-6.

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Pfaller, Michael, Lange, Bastian, Müller, Mathias und Mühlberger, Andreas (2020) Interpersonal Distance During Real-Time Social Interaction: Insights From Subjective Experience, Behavior, and Physiology. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 (561), S. 1-9.

Reichenberger, Jonas, Pfaller, Michael und Mühlberger, Andreas (2020) Gaze Behavior in Social Fear Conditioning: An Eye-Tracking Study in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (35), S. 1-12.

Hutmacher, Fabian (2019) Why Is There So Much More Research on Vision Than on Any Other Sensory Modality? Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2246), S. 1-12.

Wechsler, Theresa F., Kümpers, Franziska und Mühlberger, Andreas (2019) Inferiority or Even Superiority of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Phobias?—A Systematic Review and Quantitative Meta-Analysis on Randomized Controlled Trials Specifically Comparing the Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure to Gold Standard in vivo Exposure in Agoraphobia, Specific Phobia, and Social Phobia. Frontiers in Psychology 10 (1758), S. 1-25.

Boehme, Stephanie, Biehl, Stefanie C. und Mühlberger, Andreas (2019) Effects of Differential Strategies of Emotion Regulation. Brain Sciences 9 (9), S. 225.

Reichenberger, Jonas, Pfaller, Michael, Forster, Diana, Gerczuk, Jennifer, Shiban, Youssef und Mühlberger, Andreas (2019) Men Scare Me More: Gender Differences in Social Fear Conditioning in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology 2019 (10), S. 1617.

Singer, Nina , Kreuzpointner, Ludwig , Sommer, Monika, Wüst, Stefan und Kudielka, Brigitte M. (2019) Decision-making in everyday moral conflict situations: Development and validation of a new measure. PLOS ONE 14 (4), e0214747.

Shiban, Ehab , Lehmberg, Jens, Hoffmann, Ute, Thiel, Jeff, Probst, Thomas , Friedl, Margret, Mühlberger, Andreas, Meyer, Bernhard und Shiban, Youssef (2019) Peritraumatic distress fully mediates the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms preoperative and three months postoperative in patients undergoing spine surgery. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9 (1), S. 1423824.

Kliegl, Oliver, Abel, Magdalena und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2018) A (Preliminary) Recipe for Obtaining a Testing Effect in Preschool Children: Two Critical Ingredients. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (1446).

Mendl, Jonathan, Fröber, Kerstin und Dolk, Thomas (2018) Are You Keeping an Eye on Me? The Influence of Competition and Cooperation on Joint Simon Task Performance. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (1361).

Goldhacker, Markus, Tomé, Ana M. , Greenlee, Mark W. und Lang, Elmar W. (2018) Frequency-Resolved Dynamic Functional Connectivity Reveals Scale-Stable Features of Connectivity-States. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12 (253), S. 1-16.

Weiss, Franziska, Greenlee, Mark W. und Volberg, Gregor (2018) Gray Bananas and a Red Letter A — From Synesthetic Sensation to Memory Colors. i-Perception 9 (3), S. 204166951877751.

Gaube, Susanne , Tsivrikos, Dimitrios, Dollinger, Daniel und Lermer, Eva (2018) How a smiley protects health: A pilot intervention to improve hand hygiene in hospitals by activating injunctive norms through emoticons. PLOS ONE 13 (5), e0197465.

Bauer, Anna, Hagenburger, Julia, Plank, Tina, Busch, Volker und Greenlee, Mark W. (2018) Mechanical Pain Thresholds and the Rubber Hand Illusion. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (712), S. 1-8.

Reichardt, Regina (2018) Taking a Detour: Affective Stimuli Facilitate Ultimately (Not Immediately) Compatible Approach–Avoidance Tendencies. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (488), S. 1-8.

Wieneke, Leonie, Schmuck, Pauline, Zacher, Julia, Greenlee, Mark W. und Plank, Tina (2018) Effects of Congruent and Incongruent Stimulus Colour on Flavour Discriminations. i-Perception 9 (2), S. 1-11.

Reichenberger, Jonas, Porsch, Sonja, Wittmann, Jasmin, Zimmermann, Verena und Shiban, Youssef (2017) Social Fear Conditioning Paradigm in Virtual Reality: Social vs. Electrical Aversive Conditioning. Frontiers in Psychology 8 (1979), S. 1-15.

Gruber, Nicole (2017) Is the achievement motive gender-biased? The validity of TAT/PSE in women and men. Frontiers in Psychology 8, S. 181.

Langguth, Berthold , Schlee, Winfried , Pryss, Rüdiger C. , Probst, Thomas, Schobel, Johannes, Bachmeier, Alexander und Reichert, Manfred (2016) Measuring the Moment-to-Moment Variability of Tinnitus: The TrackYourTinnitus Smart Phone App. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (294), S. 1-8.

Al-Subari, Karema, Al-Baddai, Saad, Tomé, A. M. , Volberg, Gregor , Ludwig, Bernd und Lang, Elmar W. (2016) Combined EMD-sLORETA Analysis of EEG Data Collected during a Contour Integration Task. PLoS ONE 11 (12), S. 1-20.

Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2016) Emotion dynamics and tinnitus: Daily life data from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific Reports 6 (31166), S. 1-9.

Diemer, Julia Elisabeth, Mühlberger, Andreas, Peperkorn, Henrik M. und Alpers, Georg W. (2016) Representation of patients’ hand modulates fear reactions of patients with spider phobia in virtual reality. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (268), S. 1-11.

Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2016) Emotional states as mediators between tinnitus loudness and tinnitus distress in daily life: Results from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific Reports 6 (20382), S. 1-8.

Kuhbandner, Christof, Aslan, Alp , Emmerdinger, Kathrin und Murayama, Kou (2016) Providing Extrinsic Reward for Test Performance Undermines Long-Term Memory Acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (79), S. 1-12.

Shiban, Youssef , Wittmann, Jasmin, Weißinger, Mara und Mühlberger, Andreas (2015) Gradual extinction reduces reinstatement. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 9 (254), S. 1-11.

Gruber, Nicole und Kreuzpointner, Ludwig (2015) The influence of implicit achievement motive and graphological variables on learning variables. Psychology 2015 (6), S. 1478-1485.

Kugler, Lisa und Kuhbandner, Christof (2015) That’s Not Funny! – But It Should Be: Effects of Humorous Emotion Regulation on Emotional Experience and Memory. Frontiers in Psychology 6 (1296), S. 1-14.

Shiban, Youssef , Reichenberger, Jonas, Neumann, Inga D. und Mühlberger, Andreas (2015) Social conditioning and extinction paradigm: A translational study in virtual reality. Frontiers in Psychology 6, S. 1-10.

Kuhbandner, Christof, Spitzer, Bernhard , Lichtenfeld, Stephanie und Perkun, Reinhard (2015) Differential binding of colors to objects in memory: red and yellow stick better than blue and green. Frontiers in Psychologie 6, S. 1-11.

Schlotz, Wolff , Godfrey, Keith M. und Phillips, David I. (2014) Prenatal Origins of Temperament: Fetal Growth, Brain Structure, and Inhibitory Control in Adolescence. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e96715.

Lange, Klaus W., Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, van Heuvelen, Marike J. G., van der Zee, Eddy A. und Tucha, Oliver (2014) Good Vibrations – Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Attention in Healthy Individuals and Individuals with ADHD. Plos One 9 (2), e90747.

Volberg, Gregor , Wutz, Andreas und Greenlee, Mark W. (2013) Top-Down Control in Contour Grouping. PLoS One 8 (1), e54085.

Walther, Christian, Schweinberger, Stefan R. und Kovacs, Gyula (2013) Adaptor identity modulates adaptation effects in familiar face identification and their neural correlates. PloS one 8 (8), e70525.

Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, Aschenbrenner, Steffen, Westermann, Celina, Weisbrod, Matthias, Lange, Klaus W. und Tucha, Oliver (2013) Complex prospective memory in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PloS one 8 (3), e58338.

Pavan, Andrea , Marotti, Rosilari Bellacosa und Mather, George (2013) Motion-form interactions beyond the motion integration level: evidence for interactions between orientation and optic flow signals. Journal of vision 13 (6), S. 16.

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Powell, Daniel J. und Schlotz, Wolff (2012) Daily Life Stress and the Cortisol Awakening Response: Testing the Anticipation Hypothesis. PLoS ONE 7 (12), e52067.

Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, Mueller, Anna K., Lange, Klaus W. und Tucha, Oliver (2012) Measurement of Stigmatization towards Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. PLoS ONE 7 (12), e51755.

Fröber, Kerstin und Dreisbach, Gesine (2012) How positive affect modulates proactive control: reduced usage of informative cues under positive affect with low arousal. Frontiers in Cognition 3, S. 265.

Nagy, Krisztina, Greenlee, Mark W. und Kovács, Gyula (2012) The Lateral Occipital Cortex in the Face Perception Network: An Effective Connectivity Study. Frontiers in Psychology 3, S. 141.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Sportwissenschaft

Jost, Leonardo , Siebertz, Markus, Hofmann, Philipp und Jansen, Petra (2024) The effect of internal and external visualization of rotation on postural stability. Frontiers in Cognition 3.

Weigel, Samuel, Dullien, Silvia , Grifka, Joachim und Jansen, Petra (2024) Comparison between rasterstereographic scan and orthopedic examination for posture assessment: an observational study. Frontiers in Surgery 11.

Ebert, W. Miro, Jost, Leonardo und Jansen, Petra (2024) Gender stereotypes in preschoolers’ mental rotation. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Hofmann, Philipp , Siebertz, Markus und Jansen, Petra (2024) No role of working memory in the relation between mental rotation and postural stability. Frontiers in Cognition 2.

Jansen, Petra , Hoja, Sabine und Rahe, Martina (2024) The relationship between the aspects of connectedness and sustainable consumption. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Bartenschlager, Christopher T. J. und Jansen, Petra (2023) Subliminal mortality salience does not increase physical strength output in double-blind randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Winkelmair, Annica und Jansen, Petra (2023) The positive impact of mindfulness interventions on the explicit and implicit affective attitudes toward vegetarian foods. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Voll, Antonia, Jost, Leonardo und Jansen, Petra (2023) Heartfulness in Vegans, Vegetarians, and Omnivores. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6), S. 4943.

Schindler, Melanie, Schmitz, Stephanie, Reinhard, Jan, Jansen, Petra , Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2022) Pain Course after Total Knee Arthroplasty within a Standardized Pain Management Concept: A Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (23), S. 7204.

Jost, Leonardo und Jansen, Petra (2022) Using linear mixed models to analyze learning processes within sessions improves detection of treatment effects: An exemplary study of chronometric mental rotation. Methods in Psychology 6, S. 100092.

Scheer, Clara, Kubowitsch, Simone, Dendorfer, Sebastian und Jansen, Petra (2021) Happy Enough to Relax? How Positive and Negative Emotions Activate Different Muscular Regions in the Back - an Explorative Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 511746.

Jansen, Petra, Schroter, Franziska Anna, Hofmann, Philipp und Rundberg, Ronja (2021) The Individual Green-Washing Effect in E-Mobility: Emotional Evaluations of Electric and Gasoline Cars. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 594844.

Jansen, Petra , Hoja, Sabine und Meneghetti, Chiara (2021) Does repetitive thinking mediate the relationship between self-compassion and competition anxiety in athletes? Cogent Psychology 8 (190924), S. 1-17.

Peteler, Raffael, Schmitz, Paul, Loher, Martin, Jansen, Petra, Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2021) Sex-Dependent Differences in Symptom-Related Disability Due to Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Journal of Pain research 2021 (14), S. 747-755. (Eingereicht)

Render, Anna, Siebertz, Markus, Günther, Bianca und Jansen, Petra (2019) Working Desks as a Classification Tool for Personality Style: A Pilot Study for Validation. Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2588), S. 1-8.

Hoja, Sabine und Jansen, Petra (2019) Mindfulness-based intervention for tennis players: a quasi-experimental pilot study. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 5 (1), e000584.

Machado, Sergio, Jansen, Petra , Almeida, Victor und Veldema, Jitka (2019) Is tDCS an Adjunct Ergogenic Resource for Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance Performance? A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology 10 (1127), S. 1-14.

Jansen, Petra , Paes, Flávia, Hoja, Sabine und Machado, Sergio (2019) Mental Rotation Test Performance in Brazilian and German Adolescents: The Role of Sex, Processing Speed, and Physical Activity in Two Different Cultures. Frontiers in Psychology 10 (945), S. 1-5.

Jansen, Petra , Lehmann, Jennifer, Fellner, Birgit, Huppertz, Gunnar, Loose, Oliver , Achenbach, Leonard und Krutsch, Werner (2019) Relation of injuries and psychological symptoms in amateur soccer players. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 5 (1), e000522.

Jonason, Peter Karl , Render, Anna und Jansen, Petra (2019) Dopamine and sense of agency: Determinants in personality and substance use. PLOS ONE 14 (3), e0214069.

Pietsch, Stefanie, Jansen, Petra und Lehmann, Jennifer (2019) The Choice of Sports Affects Mental Rotation Performance in Adolescents. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13 (224), S. 1-8.

Benditz, Achim , Faber, Florian, Wenk, Gabriela, Fuchs, Tina, Salak, Natalie, Grifka, Joachim, Vogl, Matthias, Menke, Matthias und Jansen, Petra (2019) The Role of a Decision Support System in Back Pain Diagnoses: A Pilot Study. BioMed Research International 2019 (131402), S. 1-5.

Lehmann, Jennifer und Jansen, Petra (2019) The relationship between theory of mind and mental rotation ability in preschool aged children. Cogent Psychology.

Jansen, Petra , Scheer, Clara und Zayed, Kashef (2019) Motor ability and working memory in Omani and German primary school-aged children. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0209848.

Zayed, Kashef und Jansen, Petra (2018) Gender Differences and the Relationship of Motor, Cognitive and Academic Achievement in Omani Primary School-Aged Children. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2477), S. 1-8.

Jansen, Petra, Grifka, Joachim und Dullien, Silvia (2018) Cluster-randomized, controlled evaluation of a teacher led multi factorial school based back education program for 10 to 12-year old children. BMC Pediatrics 18 (312), S. 1-10.

Pietsch, Stefanie und Jansen, Petra (2018) Laterality-Specific Training Improves Mental Rotation Performance in Young Soccer Players. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (220), S. 1-8.

Dahmen-Zimmer, Katharina und Jansen, Petra (2017) Karate and Dance Training to Improve Balance and Stabilize Mood in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Medicine 4 (237), S. 1-7.

Benditz, Achim , Jansen, Petra, Schaible, Jan, Roll, Christina, Grifka, Joachim und Götz, Jürgen (2017) Psychological factors as risk factors for poor hip function after total hip arthroplasty. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2017 (13), S. 237-244.

Richter, Stefanie, Tietjens, Maike, Ziereis, Susanne, Querfurth, Sydney und Jansen, Petra (2016) Yoga training in junior primary school-aged children has an impact on physical self-perceptions and problem-related behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, Movement Science and Sport Psychology 7 (203), S. 1-34.

Jansen, Petra und Kellner, Jan Peter Florian (2015) The role of rotational hand movements and general motor ability in children’s mental rotation performance. Frontiers in Psychology 2015 (6), S. 1-19.

Gaßner, Heiko, Janzen, Annette, Schwirtz, Ansgar und Jansen, Petra (2014) Random Whole Body Vibration over 5 Weeks Leads to Effects Similar to Placebo: A Controlled Study in Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson’s Disease 2014.

Zunhammer, Matthias, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2014) Sleep quality during exam stress: the role of alcohol caffeine and nicotine. PLoS ONE 9 (10), e109490.

Kaltner, Sandra und Jansen, Petra (2014) Emotion and affect in mental imagery: Do fear and anxiety manipulate mental rotation performance? Frontiers in Psychology.

Jansen, Petra, Lehmann, Jennifer und Van Doren, Jessica (2012) Mental Rotation Performance in Male Soccer Players. PLoS One 7 (10), e48620.

Jansen, Petra und Dahmen-Zimmer, Katharina (2012) Effects of cognitive, motor, and karate training on cognitive functioning and emotional well-being of elderly people. Frontiers in psychology 3, S. 40.

Physik > Institut für Theoretische Physik

Márkus, B. G., Gmitra, M., Dóra, B., Csősz, G., Fehér, T., Szirmai, P., Náfrádi, B., Zólyomi, V., Forró, L., Fabian, J. und Simon, F. (2023) Ultralong 100 ns spin relaxation time in graphite at room temperature. Nature Communications 14 (1).

Fuchs, L., Kochan, Denis , Schmidt, J. , Hüttner, N., Baumgartner, C., Reinhardt, S. , Gronin, S., Gardner, G. C., Lindemann, T., Manfra, M. J., Strunk, Christoph und Paradiso, N. (2022) Anisotropic Vortex Squeezing in Synthetic Rashba Superconductors: A Manifestation of Lifshitz Invariants. Physical Review X 12 (4), 041020.

Eltschka, Christopher und Siewert, Jens (2020) Maximum N-body correlations do not in general imply genuine multipartite entanglement. Quantum 4 (229), S. 1-11.

Zollner, Klaus, Gmitra, Martin und Fabian, Jaroslav (2018) Electrically tunable exchange splitting in bilayergraphene on monolayer Cr2X2Te6 with X = Ge, Si, and Sn. New Journal of Physics 20 (7), 073007.

Eltschka, Christopher und Siewert, Jens (2018) Distribution of entanglement and correlations in all finite dimensions. Quantum 2 (64), S. 1-13.

Smirnov, Sergey (2017) Non-equilibrium Majorana fluctuations. New Journal of Physics 19 (06), 063020.

Schliemann, John, Beltrán, J. I. und Stauber, Tobias (2016) Tight-binding approach to penta-graphene. Scientific Reports 6 (22672), S. 1-8.

Smirnov, Sergey (2015) Orthogonal Cherenkov sound in spin-orbit coupled systems. Scientific Reports 5, S. 11159.

Kuipers, Jack, Savin, Dmitry V. und Sieber, Martin (2014) Efficient semiclassical approach for time delays. New Journal of Physics.

Eltschka, Christopher und Siewert, Jens (2012) A quantitative witness for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement. Scientific Reports 2, S. 942.

Berkolaiko, Gregory und Kuipers, Jack (2011) Transport moments beyond the leading order. New Journal of Physics 13, 063020.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie

Wendt, Stephanie , Strunk, Kim S. , Heinze, Jürgen, Roider, Andreas und Czaczkes, Tomer J. (2019) Positive and negative incentive contrasts lead to relative value perception in ants. eLife 8, S. 1-22.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik

Vielberth, Manfred , Böhm, Fabian , Fichtinger, Ines und Pernul, Günther (2020) Security Operations Center: A Systematic Study and Open Challenges. IEEE Access 2020 (8), S. 227756-227779.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie

Czaczkes, Tomer J. , Breuss, Carsten und Kurze, Christoph (2024) High variability in the attractiveness of municipally-planted decorative plants to insects. PeerJ 12, e17762.

Czaczkes, Tomer J., De Agrò, Massimo und Matschunas, Chiara (2022) Bundling and segregation affect pheromone deposition, but not choice, in an ant. eLife.

Lage-Rupprecht, Vanessa, Zhou, Li, Bianchini, Gaia, Aghvami, S. Sara, Mueller, Max, Rózsa, Balázs, Sassoè-Pognetto, Marco und Egger, Veronica (2020) Presynaptic NMDARs cooperate with local spikes toward GABA release from the reciprocal olfactory bulb granule cell spine. eLife 9 (e63737), S. 1-27.

Müller, Max und Egger, Veronica (2020) Dendritic integration in olfactory bulb granule cells upon simultaneous multispine activation: Low thresholds for nonlocal spiking activity. PLOS Biology 18 (9), e3000873.

Czaczkes, Tomer J. , Wendt, Stephanie und Oberhauser, Felix Benjamin (2020) Trail Pheromone Does Not Modulate Subjective Reward Evaluation in Lasius niger Ants. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (555576), S. 1-11.

Rodríguez, Laura R., Lapeña, Tamara, Calap-Quintana, Pablo, Moltó, María Dolores, Gonzalez-Cabo, Pilar und Navarro Langa, Juan Antonio (2020) Antioxidant Therapies and Oxidative Stress in Friedreich’s Ataxia: The Right Path or Just a Diversion? Antioxidants 9 (8), S. 664.

Ruther, Joachim , Würf, Josef, Pokorny, Tamara, Wittbrodt, Johannes und Millar, Jocelyn G. (2020) Cuticular Hydrocarbons as Contact Sex Pheromone in the Parasitoid Wasp Urolepis rufipes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (180), S. 1-12.

Fokuhl, Gerriet, Heinze, Jürgen und Poschlod, Peter (2019) An Ant-Plant Mesocosm Experiment Reveals Dispersal Patterns of Myrmecochorous Plants. Forests 10 (12), S. 1149.

Schmidtner, Anna K., Slattery, David A. , Gläsner, Joachim, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gryksa, Katharina, Malik, Victoria A., Hellmann-Regen, Julian, Heuser, Isabella, Baghai, Thomas C., Gessner, André, Rupprecht, Rainer, Di Benedetto, Barbara und Neumann, Inga D. (2019) Minocycline alters behavior, microglia and the gut microbiome in a trait-anxiety-dependent manner. Translational Psychiatry 9 (1), S. 223.

Wendt, Stephanie , Strunk, Kim S. , Heinze, Jürgen, Roider, Andreas und Czaczkes, Tomer J. (2019) Positive and negative incentive contrasts lead to relative value perception in ants. eLife 8, S. 1-22.

Lukas, Michael , Suyama, Hajime und Egger, Veronica (2019) Vasopressin cells in the rodent olfactory bulb resemble non-bursting superficial tufted cells and are primarily inhibited upon olfactory nerve stimulation. eneuro 2019 (18), S. 1-50.

Deli, Temim, Kiel, Christina und Schubart, Christoph D. (2019) Phylogeographic and evolutionary history analyses of the warty crab Eriphia verrucosa (Decapoda, Brachyura, Eriphiidae) unveil genetic imprints of a late Pleistocene vicariant event across the Gibraltar Strait, erased by postglacial expansion and admixture among refugial lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19 (105), S. 1-20.

Rass, Mathias , Oestreich, Svenja, Guetter, Severin, Fischer, Susanne und Schneuwly, Stephan (2019) The Drosophila fussel gene is required for bitter gustatory neuron differentiation acting within an Rpd3 dependent chromatin modifying complex. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1007940.

Semmelmann, Florian, Hofferberth, John, Ruther, Joachim und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Mapping key amino acid residues for the epimerase efficiency and stereospecificity of the sex pheromone biosynthetic short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases of Nasonia. Scientific Reports 9 (330), S. 1-7.

Moschall, Rebecca , Rass, Mathias, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard, Kullmann, Lars, Eichner, Norbert, Strauss, Daniela, Meister, Gunter, Schneuwly, Stephan, Krahn, Michael P. und Medenbach, Jan (2018) Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-13.

Deli, Temim, Kalkan, Evrim, Karhan, Selahattin Ünsal, Uzunova, Sonya , Keikhosravi, Alireza, Bilgin, Raşit und Schubart, Christoph D. (2018) Parapatric genetic divergence among deep evolutionary lineages in the Mediterranean green crab, Carcinus aestuarii (Brachyura, Portunoidea, Carcinidae), accounts for a sharp phylogeographic break in the Eastern Mediterranean. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (53), S. 1-21.

Edenharter, Oliver, Schneuwly, Stephan und Navarro, Juan A. (2018) Mitofusin-Dependent ER Stress Triggers Glial Dysfunction and Nervous System Degeneration in a Drosophila Model of Friedreich’s Ataxia. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 11 (38), S. 1-25.

Lenschow, Maria, Cordel, Michael, Pokorny, Tamara, Mair, Magdalena M., Hofferberth, John und Ruther, Joachim (2018) The Post-mating Switch in the Pheromone Response of Nasonia Females Is Mediated by Dopamine and Can Be Reversed by Appetitive Learning. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12 (14), S. 1-11.

Oettler, Jan, Klein, Antonia, Schultner, Eva, Lowak, Helena , Schrader, Lukas, Heinze, Jürgen und Holman, Luke (2016) Evolution of Social Insect Polyphenism Facilitated by the Sex Differentiation Cascade. PLoS Genetics 12 (3), e1005952.

Czaczkes, Tomer J., Weichselgartner, Tobias, Bernadou, Abel und Heinze, Jürgen (2016) The Effect of Trail Pheromone and Path Confinement on Learning of Complex Routes in the Ant Lasius niger. PLoS ONE 11 (3), e0149720.

Oettler, Jan, Nachtigal, Anna-Lena und Schrader, Lukas (2015) Expression of the Foraging Gene Is Associated with Age Polyethism, Not Task Preference, in the Ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. PLoS One 10 (12), e0144699.

Weiss, Ingmar, Ruther, Joachim und Stöckl, Johannes (2015) Species Specificity of the Putative Male Antennal Aphrodisiac Pheromone in Leptopilina heterotoma, Leptopilina boulardi, and Leptopilina victoriae. BioMed Research International 2015 (202965), S. 1-6.

Weiss, Ingmar, Hofferberth, John, Ruther, Joachim und Stöckl, Johannes (2015) Varying importance of cuticular hydrocarbons and iridoids in the species-specific mate recognition pheromones of three closely related Leptopilina species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, S. 1-12.

Oettler, Jan , Schrader, Lukas, Kim, Jay W., Ence, Daniel, Zimin, Aleksey, Klein, Antonia, Wyschetzki, Katharina, Weichselgartner, Tobias, Kemena, Carsten, Stöckl, Johannes, Schultner, Eva , Wurm, Yannik, Smith, Christopher D., Yandell, Mark, Heinze, Jürgen und Gadau, Jürgen (2014) Transposable element islands facilitate adaptation to novel environments in an invasive species. Nature Communications 5 (5495).

Steiger, Sandra und Stöckl, Johannes (2014) The Role of Sexual Selection in the Evolution of Chemical Signals in Insects. Insects 2014 (5), S. 423-438.

Herzner, Gudrun, Kaltenpoth, Martin, Poettinger, T. , Weiss, Katharina, Koedam, Dirk, Kroiss, Johannes und Strohm, Erhard (2013) Morphology, Chemistry and Function of the Postpharyngeal Gland in the South American Digger Wasps Trachypus boharti and Trachypus elongatus. PloS ONE 8 (12), e82780.

Seifert, Bernhard und Frohschammer, Sabine (2013) Cardiocondyla pirata sp. n. - a new Philippine ant with enigmatic pigmentation pattern (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys (301), S. 13-24.

Oettler, Jan, Schmid, Volker S., Zankl, Niko, Rey, Olivier, Dress, Andreas und Heinze, Jürgen (2013) Fermat's principle of least time predicts refraction of ant trails at substrate borders. PloS one 8 (3), e59739.

Nyuyki, Kewir D., Beiderbeck, Daniela Ingeborg, Lukas, Michael, Neumann, Inga D. und Reber, Stefan Oskar (2012) Chronic Subordinate Colony Housing (CSC) as a Model of Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Male Rats. PLoS One 7 (12), e52371.

Fischer, Susanne, Bayersdorfer, Florian, Harant, Eva, Reng, Renate, Arndt, Stephanie, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und Schneuwly, Stephan (2012) fussel (fuss) - A Negative Regulator of BMP Signaling in Drosophila melanogaster. Plos ONE 7, e42349.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Analytische Chemie, Chemo- und Biosensorik > Instrumentelle Analytik (Prof. Frank-Michael Matysik)

Wert, Stefan, Fußstetter, Alexander, Iffelsberger, Christian und Matysik, Frank-Michael (2020) Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of Electrically Heated Wire Substrates. Molecules 25 (5), S. 1169.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Zentrum

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Bruckmaier, Georg und Marienhagen, Jörg (2018) Visualizing the Bayesian 2-test case: The effect of tree diagrams on medical decision making. PLoS ONE 13 (3), e0195029.

Medizin > Lehreinheit Pharmakologie

Schmid, Stephan , Schlosser, Sophie, Gülow, Karsten, Pavel, Vlad , Müller, Martina und Kratzer, Alexander (2022) Interprofessional Collaboration between ICU Physicians, Staff Nurses, and Hospital Pharmacists Optimizes Antimicrobial Treatment and Improves Quality of Care and Economic Outcome. Antibiotics 11 (3), S. 381.

Fleckenstein, Johannes , Krüger, Peter und Ittner, Karl-Peter (2018) Effects of single-point acupuncture (HT7) in the prevention of test anxiety: Results of a RCT. PLoS ONE 13 (8), e0202659.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (Prof. Schlossmann, ehemals Prof. Seifert)

Göpferich, Achim , Fleischmann, Daniel, Harloff, Manuela, Figueroa, Sara Maslanka und Schlossmann, Jens (2021) Targeted Delivery of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase (sGC) Activator Cinaciguat to Renal Mesangial Cells via Virus-Mimetic Nanoparticles Potentiates Anti-Fibrotic Effects by cGMP-Mediated Suppression of the TGF-β Pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (2557), S. 1-18. (Eingereicht)

Schramm, Andrea, Schweda, Frank, Sequeira-Lopez, Maria Luisa S., Hofmann, Franz, Sandner, Peter und Schlossmann, Jens (2019) Protein Kinase G Is Involved in Acute but Not in Long-Term Regulation of Renin Secretion. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019 (10), S. 800.

Schlossmann, Jens, Schinner, Elisabeth, Wetzl, Veronika, Schramm, Andrea, Kees, Frieder, Sandner, Peter, Stasch, Johannes-Peter und Hofmann, Franz (2017) Inhibition of the TGFβ signalling pathway by cGMP and cGMP‐dependent kinase I in renal fibrosis. FEBS openbio 7 (4), S. 550-561.

Schlossmann, Jens, Wetzl, Veronika, Schinner, Elisabeth, Kees, Frieder K., Hofmann, Franz und Faerber, Lothar (2016) Involvement of cyclic guanosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase I in renal antifibrotic effects of serelaxin. Frontiers in Pharmacology 7 (195), S. 1-27.

Wolferstetter, Stefanie, Reinders, Jörg, Schwede, Frank, Ruth, Peter, Schinner, Elisabeth und Schlossmann, Jens (2015) Interaction of cCMP with the cGK, cAK and MAPK Kinases in Murine Tissues. PLoS ONE 10 (5), e0126057.

Huber, Stefan, Huettner, Johannes Philip, Hacker, Kristina, Bernhardt, Günther, König, Jörg und Buschauer, Armin (2015) Esters of bendamustine are by far more potent cytotoxic agents than the parent compound against human sarcoma and carcinoma cells. PLoS One 10 (7), PLoSe0133743.

Wolfertstetter, Stefanie, Huettner, Johannes Philip und Schlossmann, Jens (2013) cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase Inhibitors in Health and Disease. Pharmaceuticals 6, S. 269-286.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische / Medizinische Chemie I (Prof. Elz)

Hoffelner, Beate Sandra, Andreev, Stanislav , Plank, Nicole und Koch, Pierre (2023) Photocaging of Pyridinylimidazole-Based Covalent JNK3 Inhibitors Affords Spatiotemporal Control of the Binding Affinity in Live Cells. Pharmaceuticals 16 (2), S. 264.

Forster, Lisa , Grätz, Lukas, Mönnich, Denise, Bernhardt, Günther und Pockes, Steffen (2020) A Split Luciferase Complementation Assay for the Quantification of β-Arrestin2 Recruitment to Dopamine D2-Like Receptors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (17), S. 6103.

Pockes, Steffen , Wifling, David , Keller, Max, Buschauer, Armin und Elz, Sigurd (2018) Highly Potent, Stable, and Selective Dimeric Hetarylpropylguanidine-Type Histamine H2 Receptor Agonists. ACS Omega 2018 (3), S. 2865-2882.

Strasser, Andrea und Wittmann, Hans-Joachim (2012) Binding of Ligands to GPCRs – How Valid is a Thermodynamic
Discrimination of Antagonists and Agonists?
Journal of Physical Chemistry & Biophysics 2012.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische / Medizinische Chemie II (Prof. Buschauer)

Hoffelner, Beate Sandra, Andreev, Stanislav , Plank, Nicole und Koch, Pierre (2023) Photocaging of Pyridinylimidazole-Based Covalent JNK3 Inhibitors Affords Spatiotemporal Control of the Binding Affinity in Live Cells. Pharmaceuticals 16 (2), S. 264.

Höring, Carina , Conrad, Marcus, Söldner, Christian A. , Wang, Jinan , Sticht, Heinrich , Strasser, Andrea und Miao, Yinglong (2021) Specific Engineered G Protein Coupling to Histamine Receptors Revealed from Cellular Assay Experiments and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulations. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (18), S. 1-21.

Höring, Carina , Seibel, Ulla , Tropmann, Katharina, Grätz, Lukas , Mönnich, Denise , Pitzl, Sebastian, Bernhardt, Günther , Pockes, Steffen und Strasser, Andrea (2020) A Dynamic, Split-Luciferase-Based Mini-G Protein Sensor to Functionally Characterize Ligands at All Four Histamine Receptor Subtypes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (22), S. 8440.

Forster, Lisa , Grätz, Lukas, Mönnich, Denise, Bernhardt, Günther und Pockes, Steffen (2020) A Split Luciferase Complementation Assay for the Quantification of β-Arrestin2 Recruitment to Dopamine D2-Like Receptors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (17), S. 6103.

Littmann, Timo, Ozawa, Takeaki, Hoffmann, Carsten, Buschauer, Armin und Bernhardt, Günther (2018) A split luciferase-based probe for quantitative proximal determination of Gαq signalling in live cells. Scientific Reports 8 (17179), S. 1-10.

Wifling, David , Bernhardt, Günther, Dove, Stefan und Buschauer, Armin (2015) The extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) of the human histamine H4 receptor substantially contributes to ligand binding and constitutive activity. PLoS One 10 (1), S. 1-14.

Huber, Stefan, Huettner, Johannes Philip, Hacker, Kristina, Bernhardt, Günther, König, Jörg und Buschauer, Armin (2015) Esters of bendamustine are by far more potent cytotoxic agents than the parent compound against human sarcoma and carcinoma cells. PLoS One 10 (7), PLoSe0133743.

Wittmann, Hans-Joachim, Seifert, Roland und Strasser, Andrea (2014) Mathematical analysis of the sodium sensitivity of the human histamine H3 receptor. In silico pharmacology 2.

Nordemann, Uwe, Wifling, David , Schnell, David, Bernhardt, Günther, Stark, Holger , Seifert, Roland und Buschauer, Armin (2013) Luciferase reporter gene assay on human, murine and rat histamine H4 receptor orthologs: correlations and discrepancies between distal and proximal readouts. PLoS One 8 (9), e73961.

Memminger, Martin, Keller, Max, Lopuch, Miroslaw, Pop, Nathalie, Bernhardt, Günther, von Angerer, Erwin und Buschauer, Armin (2012) The Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor: a diagnostic marker? Expression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells is down-regulated by antiestrogens in vitro and in xenografts. PLoS ONE 7 (12), e51032.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische Biologie (Prof. Heilmann)

Unterholzner, Anna, Kuck, Katrin, Weinzierl, Anna, Lipowicz, Bartosz und Heilmann, Jörg (2024) An Unprecedented 4,8-Cycloeudesmane, Further New Sesquiterpenoids, a Triterpene, Steroids, and a Lignan from the Resin of Commiphora myrrha and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity In Vitro. Molecules 29 (18), S. 4315.

Bürkel, Peter, Rajbhandari, Meena und Jürgenliemk, Guido (2023) Bassia longifolia (= Madhuca longifolia): Isolation of flavan-3-ols and their contribution to the antibacterial and antidiabetic activity in vitro. Heliyon 9 (11), e21134.

Kuck, Katrin, Unterholzner, Anna, Lipowicz, Bartosz, Schwindl, Sebastian, Jürgenliemk, Guido, Schmidt, Thomas J. und Heilmann, Jörg (2023) Terpenoids from Myrrh and Their Cytotoxic Activity against HeLa Cells. Molecules 28 (4), S. 1637.

Tremmel, Martina, Paetzel, Christian und Heilmann, Jörg (2021) In Vitro Liver Metabolism of Six Flavonoid C-Glycosides. Molecules 26 (21), S. 1-14.

Heilmann, Jörg, Tremmel, Martina und Kiermaier, Josef (2021) In Vitro Metabolism of Six C-Glycosidic Flavonoids from Passiflora incarnata L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 6566. (Eingereicht)

Peterhoff, David , Thalhauser, Stefanie, Sobczak, Jan M., Mohsen, Mona O., Voigt, Christoph, Seifert, Nicole , Neckermann, Patrick, Hauser, Alexandra , Ding, Song, Sattentau, Quentin, Bachmann, Martin F. , Breunig, Miriam und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Augmenting the Immune Response against a Stabilized HIV-1 Clade C Envelope Trimer by Silica Nanoparticle Delivery. Vaccines 9 (642), S. 1-24.

Kuck, Katrin, Jürgenliemk, Guido, Lipowicz, Bartosz und Heilmann, Jörg (2020) Sesquiterpenes from Myrrh and Their ICAM-1 Inhibitory Activity In Vitro. Molecules 26 (1), S. 42.

Kuck, Katrin, Jürgenliemk, Guido, Lipowicz, Bartosz und Heilmann, Jörg (2020) Sesquiterpenes from Myrrh and Their ICAM-1 Inhibitory Activity In Vitro. Molecules 26 (1), S. 42.

Kaufmann, Kai B., Al-Rifai, Nafisah, Ulbrich, Felix, Schallner, Nils, Rücker, Hannelore, Enzinger, Monika, Petkes, Hermina, Pitzl, Sebastian, Goebel, Ulrich und Amslinger, Sabine (2015) The Cytoprotective Effects of E-α-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2’,3,4,4'-Tetramethoxychalcone (E-α-p-OMe-C6H4-TMC)-A Novel and Non-Cytotoxic HO-1 Inducer. PLoS ONE 10 (11), e0142932.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Pharmazie > Lehrstuhl Pharmazeutische Technologie (Prof. Göpferich)

Bohley, Marilena, Dillinger, Andrea E., Schweda, Frank, Ohlmann, Andreas, Braunger, Barbara M., Tamm, Ernst R. und Goepferich, Achim (2022) A single intravenous injection of cyclosporin A–loaded lipid nanocapsules prevents retinopathy of prematurity. Science Advances 8 (38).

Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Centeio, Raquel, Cabrita, Inês , Talbi, Khaoula, Zimmer, Oliver , Graf, Moritz, Göpferich, Achim , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2022) Airway Delivery of Hydrogel-Encapsulated Niclosamide for the Treatment of Inflammatory Airway Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (3), S. 1085.

Mietzner, Raphael , Pawlak, Ramona , Tamm, Ernst R., Goepferich, Achim , Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2021) Angiopoietin-1 Mimetic Nanoparticles for Restoring the Function of Endothelial Cells as Potential Therapeutic for Glaucoma. Pharmaceuticals 15 (1), S. 18.

Breunig, Miriam, Sonntag, Tobias, Froemel, Franziska, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas und Fuchshofer, Rudolf (2021) Distribution of Gold Nanoparticles in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye after Intracameral Injection for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 2021 (13), S. 901. (Eingereicht)

Göpferich, Achim , Fleischmann, Daniel, Harloff, Manuela, Figueroa, Sara Maslanka und Schlossmann, Jens (2021) Targeted Delivery of Soluble Guanylate Cyclase (sGC) Activator Cinaciguat to Renal Mesangial Cells via Virus-Mimetic Nanoparticles Potentiates Anti-Fibrotic Effects by cGMP-Mediated Suppression of the TGF-β Pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (2557), S. 1-18. (Eingereicht)

Mietzner, Raphael , Kade, Christian, Froemel, Franziska, Pauly, Diana, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas, Wegener, Joachim, Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2020) Fasudil Loaded PLGA Microspheres as Potential Intravitreal Depot Formulation for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 12 (8), S. 706.

Herrnberger, Leonie, Hennig, Robert, Kremer, Werner, Hellerbrand, Claus, Goepferich, Achim , Kalbitzer, Hans Robert und Tamm, Ernst R. (2014) Formation of Fenestrae in Murine Liver Sinusoids Depends on Plasmalemma Vesicle-Associated Protein and Is Required for Lipoprotein Passage. PLoS ONE 9 (12), e115005.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Arno Pfitzner

Pielnhofer, Florian, Diehl, Leo, Jiménez-Solano, Alberto , Bussmann-Holder, Anette, Schön, Christian J. und Lotsch, Bettina V. (2021) Examination of possible high-pressure candidates of SnTiO3: The search for novel ferroelectric materials. APL Materials 2021 (9), 021103.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Burkhard König

Kainz, Quirin M., Späth, Andreas, Weiss, Stefan, Michl, Thomas D. , Schätz, Alexander, Stark, Wendelin J., König, Burkhard und Reiser, Oliver (2012) Magnetic Nanobeads as Support for Zinc(II)–Cyclen Complexes: Selective and Reversible Extraction of Riboflavin. Chemistry Open 1 (3), S. 125-129.

Schroll, Peter, Hari, Durga Prasad und König, Burkhard (2012) Photocatalytic Arylation of Alkenes, Alkynes and Enones with Diazonium Salts. ChemistryOpen 1 (3), S. 130-133.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Anorganische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Manfred Scheer

Elsayed Moussa, Mehdi, Welsch, Stefan, Dütsch, Luis, Piesch, Martin, Reichl, Stephan, Seidl, Michael und Scheer, Manfred (2019) The Triple-Decker Complex [Cp*Fe(µ,η5:η5-P5)Mo(CO)3] as a Building Block in Coordination Chemistry. Molecules 24 (2), S. 325.

Seitz, Andreas E., Hippauf, Felix, Kremer, Werner, Kaskel, Stefan und Scheer, Manfred (2018) Facile storage and release of white phosphorus and yellow arsenic. Nature Communications 9 (1), S. 1-6.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Organische Chemie > Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Oliver Reiser

Mandal, Tirtha, Katta, Narenderreddy , Paps, Hendrik und Reiser, Oliver (2023) Merging Cu(I) and Cu(II) Photocatalysis: Development of a Versatile Oxohalogenation Protocol for the Sequential Cu(II)/Cu(I)-Catalyzed Oxoallylation of Vinylarenes. ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 3 (4), S. 171-176.

Kainz, Quirin M., Späth, Andreas, Weiss, Stefan, Michl, Thomas D. , Schätz, Alexander, Stark, Wendelin J., König, Burkhard und Reiser, Oliver (2012) Magnetic Nanobeads as Support for Zinc(II)–Cyclen Complexes: Selective and Reversible Extraction of Riboflavin. Chemistry Open 1 (3), S. 125-129.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Anästhesiologie

de Beer, AnnA, Werner, Adelina S., Kim, Seunggeun und Jenne, Frederike A. (2024) Professional Resistance: Why Korean Medical Students are Boycotting Over Increasing Medical School Places. Perspectives on Medical Education 13 (1), S. 602-607.

Kraus, Richard F. , Ott, Lisa, Utpatel, Kirsten , Kees, Martin G. , Gruber, Michael A. und Bitzinger, Diane (2024) Neutrophils in the Spotlight—An Analysis of Neutrophil Function and Phenotype in ARDS. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (23), S. 12547.

Kraus, Richard Felix , Maier, Elena, Gruber, Michael und Wittmann, Sigrid (2024) Impact of Nitric Oxide on Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils’ Function. Biomedicines 12 (10), S. 2353.

Kraus, Richard F. , Panter, Daniel, Gruber, Michael A. , Arndt, Stephanie , Unger, Petra, Pawlik, Michael T. und Bitzinger, Diane (2024) Effects of Pressure, Hypoxia, and Hyperoxia on Neutrophil Granulocytes. Biomolecules 14 (10), S. 1242.

Lassen, Christoph L. , Jaschinsky, Fabian, Stamouli, Elena , Lindenberg, Nicole und Wiese, Christoph H. R. (2024) Anesthesiological Preoperative Interview with a Palliative Care Patient: A Simulation-Based Experiment Using Standardized Patients. Medicina 60 (10), S. 1577.

Zech, Nina, Riegel, Bjoern, Rasch, Bjoern, Peter, Burkhard und Hansen, Ernil (2024) HGSHS-5:G—First results with the short version of the test for the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility and a comparison with the full version. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Hansen, Ernil (2024) Touching the unconscious in the unconscious – hypnotic communication with unconscious patients. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Trübenbacher, Luisa, Lindenberg, Nicole , Graf, Bernhard, Backmund, Markus, Unglaub, Wilhelm und Lassen, Christoph L. (2024) Nociceptive Flexion Reflex Threshold is No Suitable Marker for Diagnosing Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia. Journal of Pain Research Volume 17, S. 1067-1076.

Haus, Moritz, Foltan, Maik , Philipp, Alois, Mueller, Thomas, Gruber, Michael , Lingel, Maximilian P., Krenkel, Lars und Lehle, Karla (2024) Neutrophil extracellular traps - a potential trigger for the development of thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Frontiers in Immunology 15, S. 1339235.

Bründl, Elisabeth , Proescholdt, Martin A., Schödel, Petra, Rosengarth, Katharina, Störr, Eva-Maria, Bele, Sylvia , Kieninger, Martin , Malsy, Manuela, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2024) Both coiling and clipping induce the time-dependent release of endogenous neuropeptide Y into serum. Frontiers in neurology 14.

Dejaco, Alexander , Dorn, Christoph , Paal, Michael, Gruber, Michael , Graf, Bernhard M. und Kees, Martin G. (2024) Determination of glomerular filtration rate “en passant” after high doses of iohexol for computed tomography in intensive care medicine—a proof of concept. Frontiers in Pharmacology 15.

Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena und Hansen, Ernil (2023) Hypnosis measured with monitors of anesthetic depth – EEG changes during the test for Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Rimboeck, Julia, Gruber, Michael , Weigl, Marco, Huber, Pia, Lunz, Dirk und Petermichl, Walter (2023) Obesity Correlates with Chronic Inflammation of the Innate Immune System in Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome during Pregnancy. Biomedicines 11 (10), S. 2851.

Sixt, Sara, Gruber, Michael , Kolle, Gesche, Galla, Thies und Bitzinger, Diane (2023) The Effect of Local Anesthetics on Neutrophils in the Context of Different Isolation Techniques. Biomedicines 11 (8), S. 2170.

Rimboeck, Julia, Gruber, Michael und Wittmann, Sigrid (2023) Is the In Vitro Observed NETosis the Favored Physiological Death of Neutrophils or Mainly Induced by an Isolation Bias? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (8), S. 7368.

Blecha, Sebastian , Hager, Anna, Gross, Verena, Seyfried, Timo , Zeman, Florian, Lubnow, Matthias , Burger, Maximilian und Pawlik, Michael T. (2023) Effects of Individualised High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Crystalloid Administration on Postoperative Pulmonary Function in Patients Undergoing Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Randomised Single-Blinded Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1460.

Pawlik, Michael T., Meyringer, H., Heiligensetzer, A., Niessen, Christoph, Blecha, Sebastian und Seyfried, T. (2022) Feasibility of one-lung ventilation using two ventilators in a bleomycin treated patient under normoxic conditions: A case report. Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports 2 (6).

Taxis, Juergen , Spoerl, Steffen, Broszio, Andreas, Eichberger, Jonas, Grau, Elisabeth , Schuderer, Johannes , Ludwig, Nils, Gottsauner, Maximilian, Spanier, Gerrit, Bundscherer, Annika, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Postoperative Delirium after Reconstructive Surgery in the Head and Neck Region. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (22), S. 6630.

Hundhammer, Tobias, Gruber, Michael A. und Wittmann, Sigrid (2022) Paralytic Impact of Centrifugation on Human Neutrophils. Biomedicines 10 (11), S. 2896.

Blecha, Sebastian, Zeman, Florian, Rohr, Magdalena, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandstetter, Susanne , Karagiannidis, Christian, Apfelbacher, Christian und Bein, Thomas (2022) Association of analgosedation with psychiatric symptoms and health-related quality of life in ARDS survivors: Post hoc analyses of the DACAPO study. PLOS ONE 17 (10), e0275743.

Kozole, Judith, Heydn, Rosmarie, Wirkert, Eva, Küspert, Sabrina, Aigner, Ludwig , Bruun, Tim-Henrik , Bogdahn, Ulrich , Peters, Sebastian und Johannesen, Siw (2022) Direct Potential Modulation of Neurogenic Differentiation Markers by Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in the Rodent Brain. Pharmaceutics 14 (9), S. 1858.

Zech, Nina, Schrödinger, Matthias und Hansen, Ernil (2022) Avoidance of nocebo effects by coincident naming of treatment benefits during the medical interview for informed consent—Evidence from dynamometry. Frontiers in Psychology 13, S. 923044.

Hegner, Philipp , Drzymalski, Marzena, Biedermann, Alexander, Memmel, Bernadette, Durczok, Melanie, Wester, Michael , Floerchinger, Bernhard, Provaznik, Zdenek , Schmid, Christof, Zausig, York, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2022) SAR296968, a Novel Selective Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Inhibitor, Improves Ca2+ Handling and Contractile Function in Human Atrial Cardiomyocytes. Biomedicines 10 (8), S. 1932.

Oury, Cécile , Lubnow, Matthias, Berger, Johannes, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Lehle, Karla, Heimerl, Susanne, Hart, Christina, Schmid, Christof, Fisser, Christoph und Müller, Thomas (2022) Prevalence and outcomes of patients developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 17 (8), e0272577.

Fisser, Christoph , Armbrüster, Corina, Wiest, Clemens, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik , Lunz, Dirk, Pfister, Karin, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Schmid, Christof, Maier, Lars S. , Müller, Thomas und Lubnow, Matthias (2022) Arterial and venous vascular complications in patients requiring peripheral venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 960716.

Bründl, Elisabeth , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Störr, Eva-Maria, Schödel, Petra, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Hohenberger, Christoph, Kieninger, Martin , Schmidt, Nils Ole und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2022) The endogenous neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide after spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage–A potential psychoactive prognostic serum biomarker of pain-associated neuropsychological symptoms. Frontiers in Neurology 13.

Schmidbauer, Stephan L. und Seyfried, Timo F. (2022) Cell Salvage at the ICU. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (13), S. 3848.

Kieninger, Martin , Dietl, Sarah, Sinning, Annemarie, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram , Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas , Schmid, Stephan , Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas , Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2022) Evaluation of models for prognosing mortality in critical care patients with COVID-19: First- and second-wave data from a German university hospital. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0268734.

Zech, Nina, Scharl, Leoni, Seemann, Milena, Pfeifer, Michael und Hansen, Ernil (2022) Nocebo Effects of Clinical Communication and Placebo Effects of Positive Suggestions on Respiratory Muscle Strength. Frontiers in Psychology 2022 (13),

Arzt, Michael, Drzymalski, Marzena A., Ripfel, Sarah, Meindl, Sebastian, Biedermann, Alexander, Durczok, Melanie, Keller, Karoline, Mustroph, Julian, Katz, Sylvia, Tafelmeier, Maria, Lebek, Simon , Flörchinger, Bernhard, Camboni, Daniele, Wittmann, Sigrid, Backs, Johannes, Schmid, Christof, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2022) Enhanced Cardiac CaMKII Oxidation and CaMKII-Dependent SR Ca Leak in Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Antioxidants 11 (2), S. 331.

Kraus, Richard F. und Gruber, Michael A. (2021) Neutrophils—From Bone Marrow to First-Line Defense of the Innate Immune System. Frontiers in immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-35.

Halmy, Laszlo, Riedel, Joshua, Zeman, Florian, Tege, Birgit, Linder, Volker, Gnewuch, Carsten, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Bergler, Tobias und Göcze, Ivan (2021) Renal Recovery after the Implementation of an Electronic Alert and Biomarker-Guided Kidney-Protection Strategy following Major Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-13.

Kieninger, Martin , Sinning, Annemarie, Vadász, Timea , Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas, Schmid, Stephan, Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2021) Lower blood pH as a strong prognostic factor for fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients at an intensive care unit: A multivariable analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-15.

Kieninger, Martin , Mandlinger, Andreas Franz, Doblinger, Nina , Kieninger, Bärbel, Bele, Sylvia , Salzberger, Bernd , Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Graf, Bernhard, Zeman, Florian und Holzmann, Thomas (2021) Impact of the implementation of a standard for preanalytical handling of samples for microbiological diagnostics on the quality of results at a neurocritical care unit. Medicine 100 (34), S. 1-8.

Bredthauer, Andre, Geiger, Angela, Gruber, Michael , Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie, Petermichl, Walter, Bitzinger, Diane, Metterlein, Thomas und Seyfried, Timo (2021) Propofol Ameliorates Exaggerated Human Neutrophil Activation in a LPS Sepsis Model. Journal of Inflammation Research 2021 (14), S. 3849-3862.

Arndt, Stephanie, Fadil, Fadi , Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Boskovic, Marko, Samol, Claudia, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Zimmermann, Julia, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) Cold Atmospheric Plasma Changes the Amino Acid Composition in Solutions and Influences the Anti-Tumor Effect on Melanoma Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 1-22.

Michels, Bernhard, Holzamer, Andreas, Graf, Bernhard M., Bredthauer, Andre , Petermichl, Walter, Müller, Anika, Zausig, York A. und Bitzinger, Diane I. (2021) Butyrylcholinesterase as a perioperative complication marker in patients after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 11 (7), e042857.

Arndt, Stephanie , Kupke, Laura S., Lenzer, Simon, Metz, Sophia, Unger, Petra, Zimmermann, Julia L., Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Gruber, Michael und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) Cold Atmospheric Plasma Promotes the Immunoreactivity of Granulocytes In Vitro. Biomolecules 11 (902), S. 1-17. (Eingereicht)

Kraus, Richard F. , Gruber, Michael A. und Kieninger, Martin (2021) The influence of extracellular tissue on neutrophil function and its possible linkage to inflammatory diseases. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease 9 (4), S. 1237-1251.

Petermichl, Walter, Eglmeier, Kathrin, Hesse, Henriette, Gruber, Michael , Graf, Bernhard, Bredthauer, Andre , Redel, Andreas und Ptaszynski, Pawel (2021) Remote and Anesthetic-Induced Myocardial Preconditioning Is Preserved in Atherosclerotic LDL Receptor-/- Mice In Vivo. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2021, S. 1-8.

Lassen, Christoph L. , Siam, Laila, Degenhart, Astrid, Klier, Tobias, Bundscherer, Anika Christin und Lindenberg, Nicole (2021) Short-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with a chronic pain disorder. Medicine 100 (10), e25153. (Im Druck)

Möller, Christina M. , Ellmauer, Peter-Paul, Zeman, Florian, Bitzinger, Diane, Flörchinger, Bernhard, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2021) Postoperative acute respiratory dysfunction and the influence of antibiotics after acute type A aortic dissection surgery: A retrospective analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (2), e0246724.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Kolle, Gesche, Metterlein, Thomas, Gruber, Michael , Seyfried, Timo, Petermichl, Walter, Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie , Bitzinger, Diane, Wittmann, Sigrid und Bredthauer, Andre (2021) Potential Impact of Local Anesthetics Inducing Granulocyte Arrest and Altering Immune Functions on Perioperative Outcome. Journal of Inflammation Research 2021 (14), S. 1-12.

Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena, Luerding, Ralf, Doenitz, Christian, Zeman, Florian, Cananoğlu, Hamit, Kees, Martin G. und Hansen, Ernil (2021) Neurocognitive Impairment After Propofol With Relevance for Neurosurgical Patients and Awake Craniotomies—A Prospective Observational Study. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (632887), S. 1-9.

Pawlik, Michael T., Prasser, Christopher, Zeman, Florian, Harth, Marion, Burger, Maximilian, Denzinger, Stefan und Blecha, Sebastian (2020) Pronounced haemodynamic changes during and after robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 10 (10), e038045.

Lamby, Philipp, Minkow, Alexander, Handt, Stefan, Falter, Johannes, Schellenberg, Eva-Lotte, Graf, Stefanie, Hiebl, Bernhard , Haerteis, Silke , Gemeinhardt, Ole , Krüger-Genge, Anne, Klosterhalfen, Bernd, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Franke, Ralf-Peter, Momeni, Arash , Prantl, Lukas und Jung, Friedrich (2020) Histological and SEM Assessment of Blood Stasis in Kidney Blood Vessels after Repeated Intra-Arterial Application of Radiographic Contrast Media. Life 10 (9), S. 167.

Pai, Delou, Gruber, Michael , Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie , Bredthauer, Andre , Lehle, Karla und Trabold, Benedikt (2020) Polymorphonuclear Cell Chemotaxis and Suicidal NETosis: Simultaneous Observation Using fMLP, PMA, H7, and Live Cell Imaging. Journal of Immunology Research 2020 (141594), S. 1-10.

Zech, Nina, Schrödinger, Matthias, Seemann, Milena, Zeman, Florian, Seyfried, Timo F. und Hansen, Ernil (2020) Time-Dependent Negative Effects of Verbal and Non-verbal Suggestions in Surgical Patients—A Study on Arm Muscle Strength. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1693), S. 1-12.

Bredthauer, Andre , Kopfmueller, Manuel, Gruber, Michael , Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie, Lehle, Karla, Petermichl, Walter, Seyfried, Timo, Bitzinger, Diane I. und Redel, Andreas (2020) Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Argatroban and Heparins Reduces Granulocyte Migration: Possible Impact on ECLS-Therapy? Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2020, S. 1-10.

Kieninger, Martin, Windorfer, Martin, Eissnert, Christoph, Zech, Nina, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Bründl, Elisabeth , Graf, Bernhard und Künzig, Holger (2019) Impact of bedside percutaneous dilational and open surgical tracheostomy on intracranial pressure, pulmonary gas exchange, and hemodynamics in neurocritical care patients. Medicine 98 (35), e17011.

Brandstetter, Susanne , Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandl, Magdalena, Blecha, Sebastian, Bein, Thomas, Apfelbacher, Christian und DACAPO, study group (2019) Ambulatory and stationary healthcare use in survivors of ARDS during the first year after discharge from ICU: findings from the DACAPO cohort. Annals of Intensive Care 9 (70), S. 1-11.

Goldfuss, Sophia, Wittmann, Sigrid, Würschinger, Fabian, Bitzinger, Diane, Seyfried, Timo, Holzamer, Andreas, Fischer, Marcus, Camboni, Daniele, Sinner, Barbara und Zausig, York Alexander (2019) Anaesthesia-related complications and side-effects in TAVI: a retrospective study in Germany. BMJ Open 9 (4), e025825.

Meier, Johannes, Wunschel, Michael, Angermann, Anne, Ettl, Tobias, Metterlein, Thomas, Klingelhöffer, Christoph, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ritzka, Markus (2019) Influence of early elective tracheostomy on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients undergoing head and neck surgery. BMC Anesthesiology 19 (43), S. 1-6.

Rupprecht, Leopold , Schmid, Christof, Debl, Kurt, Lunz, Dirk, Flörchinger, Bernhard und Keyser, Andreas (2019) Impact of coronary angiography early after CABG for suspected postoperative myocardial ischemia. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 14 (54), S. 1-7.

Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena, Grzesiek, Magdalena, Breu, Anita, Seyfried, Timo F. und Hansen, Ernil (2019) Nocebo Effects on Muscular Performance – An Experimental Study About Clinical Situations. Frontiers in Pharmacology 10 (219), S. 1-11.

Malsy, Manuela, Bitzinger, Diane, Graf, Bernhard und Bundscherer, Anika (2019) Staurosporine induces apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cells PaTu 8988t and Panc-1 via the intrinsic signaling pathway. European Journal of Medical Research 24 (1), S. 1-8.

Malsy, Manuela, Graf, Bernhard und Almstedt, Katrin (2019) The active role of the transcription factor Sp1 in NFATc2-mediated gene regulation in pancreatic cancer. BMC Biochemistry 20 (1), S. 1-11.

Bitzinger, Diane I., Gruber, Michael , Tümmler, Simon, Malsy, Manuela, Seyfried, Timo, Weber, Florian, Redel, Andreas, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2019) In Vivo Effects of Neostigmine and Physostigmine on Neutrophil Functions and Evaluation of Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase as Inflammatory Markers during Experimental Sepsis in Rats. Mediators of Inflammation 2019, S. 1-12.

Hattenkofer, Matthias, Gruber, Michael, Metz, Sophia, Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie, Lehle, Karla und Trabold, Benedikt (2018) Time course of chemotaxis and chemokinesis of neutrophils following stimulation with IL-8 or FMLP. European Journal of Inflammation 16 (205873), S. 1-8.

Blecha, Sebastian, Brandstetter, Susanne, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandl, Magdalena, Graf, Bernhard M., Bein, Thomas und Apfelbacher, Christian (2018) Acceptability of a German multicentre healthcare research study: a survey of research personnels’ attitudes, experiences and work load. BMJ Open 8 (9), e023166.

Lehle, Karla , Philipp, Alois, De Somer, Filip, Foltan, Maik, Bredthauer, Andre, Krenkel, Lars und Zeman, Florian (2018) Life span of different extracorporeal membrane systems for severe respiratory failure in the clinical practice. PLOS ONE 13 (6), e0198392.

Dittmar, Michael S. , Wolf, Philipp, Bigalke, Marc, Graf, Bernhard M. und Birkholz, Torsten (2018) Primary mass casualty incident triage: evidence for the benefit of yearly brief re-training from a simulation study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 26 (35), S. 1-8.

Erdoes, Gabor, Würschinger, Fabian, Wittmann, Sigrid, Goldfuß, Sophia, Zech, Nina, Debl, Kurt, Hilker, Michael, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2018) Complications after transcatheter aortic valve implantation using transfemoral and transapical approach in general anaesthesia. PLOS ONE 13 (4), e0193558.

Malsy, Manuela, Leberle, Richard und Graf, Bernhard (2018) Germans learn how to save lives: a nationwide CPR education initiative. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 11 (9), S. 1-4.

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Malsy, Manuela, Graf, Bernhard und Bundscherer, Anika (2017) Effects of metamizole, MAA, and paracetamol on proliferation, apoptosis, and necrosis in the pancreatic cancer cell lines PaTu 8988 t and Panc-1. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology 18 (1), S. 1-7.

Unterbuchner, Christoph , Blobner, Manfred , Pühringer, Friedrich, Janda, Matthias, Bischoff, Sebastian, Bein, Berthold, Schmidt, Annette, Ulm, Kurt, Pithamitsis, Viktor und Fink, Heidrun (2017) Development of an algorithm using clinical tests to avoid post-operative residual neuromuscular block. BMC Anesthesiology 17 (1), S. 1-10.

Malsy, Manuela, Graf, Bernhard und Almstedt, Katrin (2017) Interaction between NFATc2 and the transcription factor Sp1 in pancreatic carcinoma cells PaTu 8988t. BMC Molecular Biology 18 (1), S. 1-10.

Blecha, Sebastian, Harth, Marion, Schlachetzki, Felix, Zeman, Florian, Blecha, Christiane, Flora, Pierre, Burger, Maximilian, Denzinger, Stefan, Graf, Bernhard M., Helbig, Horst und Pawlik, Michael T. (2017) Changes in intraocular pressure and optic nerve sheath diameter in patients undergoing robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomyin steep 45 degree Trendelenburg position. BMC Anesthesiology 17 (40), S. 1-8.

Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandstetter, Susanne, Brandl, Magdalena, Blecha, Sebastian, Quintel, Michael, Weber-Carstens, Steffen , Kluge, Stefan, Meybohm, Patrick , Rolfes, Caroline, Ellger, Björn, Bach, Friedhelm, Welte, Tobias, Muders, Thomas, Thomann-Hackner, Kathrin, Bein, Thomas und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2017) Characteristics and provision of care of patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome: descriptive findings from the DACAPO cohort baseline and comparison with international findings: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Thoracic Diseas 9 (3), S. 818-830.

Kieninger, Martn, Finzel, Tobias, Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena Theresa, Bele, Sylvia und Künzig, Holger (2015) Frequency of Disturbed Defecation Pattern in Neurosurgical Critically Ill Patients and Influence on Intracranial Pressure and Intensive Care Treatment. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research 6 (12), S. 1-5.

Lassen, Christoph L., Aberle, Susanne, Lindenberg, Nicole, Bundscherer, Anika Christin, Klier, Tobias W., Graf, Bernhard M. und Wiese, Christoph H. (2015) Palliative patients under anaesthesiological care: a single-centre retrospective study on incidence, demographics and outcome. BMC Anesthesiology 15 (164), S. 1-7.

Wiese, Christoph, Hecht, Timm, Bundscherer, Anika Christin, Lassen, Christoph L., Lindenberg, Nicole, Graf, Bernhard M. und Ittner, Karl-Peter (2015) The expenditure of computer-related worktime using clinical decision support systems in chronic pain therapy. BMC Anesthesiology 15 (113), S. 1-9.

Malsy, Manuela, Gebhardt, Kristina, Gruber, Michael, Wiese, Christoph, Graf, Bernhard M. und Bundscherer, Anika Christin (2015) Effects of ketamine, s-ketamine, and MK 801 on proliferation, apoptosis, and necrosis in pancreatic cancer cells. BMC Anesthesiology 15 (111), S. 1-7.

Metterlein, Thomas, Hoffmann, Petra, Späth, Ruth, Gruber, Michael, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zing, Wolfgang (2015) In vitro myotoxic effects of bupivacaine on rhabdomyosarcoma cells, immortalized and primary muscle cells. Cancer Cell International 15 (75), S. 1-6.

Dittmar, Michael S., Petermichl, Walter, Lindner, Regina, Sinner, Barbara, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlachetzki, Felix und Gruber, Michael (2015) In Vitro Induction of Endothelial Apoptosis of the Post-Hypoxic Blood-Brain Barrier by Isoflurane but Not by Sevoflurane and Midazolam. PLoS ONE 10 (6), S. 1-13.

Malsy, Manuela, Leberle, Richard, Ehehalt, Katharina, Sinner, Barbara und Hobbhahn, Jonny (2015) Anaphylactic reaction 5 minutes after the start of surgery: a case report. BMC Research Notes 8 (117), S. 1-4.

Göcze, Ivan, Koch, Matthias, Renner, Philipp, Zeman, Florian, Graf, Bernhard M., Dahlke, Marc H., Nerlich, Michael, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Kellum, John A. und Bein, Thomas (2015) Urinary Biomarkers TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Early Predict Acute Kidney Injury after Major Surgery. PLoS ONE 10 (3), S. 1-11.

Kieninger, Martn, Sinner, Barbara, Graf, Bernhard, Grassold, Astrid, Bele, Sylvia, Seemann, Milena Theresa, Künzig, Holger und Zech, Nina (2014) Standardized application of laxatives and physical measures in neurosurgical intensive care patients improves defecation pattern but is not associated with lower intracranial pressure. Critical Care Research and Practice 2014.

Lubnow, Matthias, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Enger, Tone Bull, Lunz, Dirk, Bein, Thomas, Haneya, Assad, Schmid, Christof, Riegger, Günter A. J., Müller, Thomas und Lehle, Karla (2014) Technical Complications during Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Their Relevance Predicting a System-Exchange – Retrospective Analysis of 265 Cases. PLoS ONE 2014.

Wolf, Philipp, Bigalke, Marc, Graf, Bernhard M., Birkholz, Torsten und Dittmar, Michael S. (2014) Evaluation of a novel algorithm for primary mass casualty triage by paramedics in a physician manned EMS system: a dummy based trial. Scandinavian Journal of trauma, resucitation & emergency medicine 22.

Kerscher, Christoph, Ried, Michael, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2014) Anaesthetic management of cytoreductive surgery followed by hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy perfusion. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (125).

Wiese, Christoph Hr., Fragemann, Kirstin, Keil, Peter C., Bundscherer, Anika Christin, Lindenberg, Nicole, Lassen, Christoph L., Markowski, Klara, Graf, Bernhard M. und Trabold, Benedikt (2014) Geriatrics in medical students’ curricula: questionnaire-based analysis. BMC Research Notes 7 (472).

Camboni, Daniele, Lange, Tobias J., Ganslmeier, Patrycja, Hirt, Stephan, Flörchinger, Bernhard, Zausig, York A., Rupprecht, Leopold, Hilker, Michael und Schmid, Christof (2014) Left ventricular support adjustment to aortic valve opening with analysis of exercise capacity. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (93).

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Augenheilkunde

Märker, David, Radeck, Viola , Barth, Teresa , Helbig, Horst und Scherer, Nicolas (2023) Long-Term Outcome and Complications of IOL-Exchange. Clinical Ophthalmology Volume 17, S. 3243-3248.

Donhauser, Ferdinand J., Zimmermann, Martina E., Steinkirchner, Anna B., Wiegrebe, Simon, Dietl, Alexander, Brandl, Caroline , Burkhardt, Ralph , Gessner, André , Schweda, Frank, Bergler, Tobias , Schäffner, Elke, Böger, Carsten A., Kronenberg, Florian, Luchner, Andreas, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in 70- to 95-Year-Old Individuals: Cross-Sectional Results from the Population-Based AugUR Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), S. 2102.

Brandl, Caroline , Zimmermann, Martina E. , Herold, Janina M., Helbig, Horst, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Photostress Recovery Time as a Potential Predictive Biomarker for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Translational Vision Science & Technology 12 (2), S. 15.

Brandl, Caroline , Günther, Felix, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Hartmann, Kathrin I., Eberlein, Gregor, Barth, Teresa , Winkler, Thomas W. , Linkohr, Birgit , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Li, Jeany Q. , Finger, Robert P. , Helbig, Horst, Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Küchenhoff, Helmut , Mueller, Arthur, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2022) Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies. BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2022 (7), S. 1-11.

Dietl, Alexander , Zimmermann, Martina E. , Brandl, Caroline , Wallner, Stefan , Burkhardt, Ralph , Maier, Lars S. , Luchner, Andreas, Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus J. (2021) Distribution and specificity of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in older adults without acute cardiac conditions: cross-sectional results from the population-based AugUR study. BMJ Open 2021 (11), e052004.

Plank, Tina, Benkowitsch, Edith M. A., Beer, Anton L., Brandl, Sabine, Maka, Malania, Frank, Sebastian M. , Jägle, Herbert und Greenlee, Mark W. (2021) Cortical thickness related to compensatory viewing strategies in patients with macular degeneration. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021 (15), S. 1-19.

Poppelaars, Felix, Goicoechea de Jorge, Elena, Jongerius, Ilse, Baeumner, Antje J., Steiner, Mark-Steven, Józsi, Mihály, Toonen, Erik J. M. und Pauly, Diana (2021) A Family Affair: Addressing the Challenges of Factor H and the Related Proteins. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 660194.

Jabri, Yassin, Biber, Josef, Diaz-Lezama, Nundehui, Grosche, Antje und Pauly, Diana (2020) Cell-Type-Specific Complement Profiling in the ABCA4−/− Mouse Model of Stargardt Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (22), S. 8468.

Schäfer, Nicole, Wolf, Hannah N., Enzbrenner, Anne, Schikora, Juliane, Reichenthaler, Maria, Enzmann, Volker und Pauly, Diana (2020) Properdin Modulates Complement Component Production in Stressed Human Primary Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells. Antioxidants 9 (9), S. 793.

Mietzner, Raphael , Kade, Christian, Froemel, Franziska, Pauly, Diana, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas, Wegener, Joachim, Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2020) Fasudil Loaded PLGA Microspheres as Potential Intravitreal Depot Formulation for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 12 (8), S. 706.

Pauly, Diana , Agarwal, Divyansh, Dana, Nicholas, Schäfer, Nicole, Biberger, Josef, Wunderlich, Kirsten A., Jabri, Yassin, Straub, Tobias, Zhang, Nancy R., Gautam, Avneesh K., Weber, Bernhard H. F., Hauck, Stefanie M., Kim, Mijin, Curcio, Christine A., Stambolian, Dwight, Li, Mingyao und Grosche, Antje (2019) Cell-Type-Specific Complement Expression in the Healthy and Diseased Retina. Cell Reports 29 (9), 2835-2848.e4.

Brandl, Caroline , Schulz, Heidi, Charbel Issa, Peter, Birtel, Johannes, Bergholz, Richard, Lange, Clemens, Dahlke, Claudia, Zobor, Ditta, Weber, Bernhard und Stöhr, Heidi (2017) Mutations in the Genes for Interphotoreceptor Matrix Proteoglycans, IMPG1 and IMPG2, in Patients with Vitelliform Macular Lesions. Genes 8 (170), S. 1-14.

Malania, Maka, Konrad, Julia, Jägle, Herbert, Werner, John S. und Greenlee, Mark W. (2017) Compromised Integrity of Central Visual Pathways in Patients With Macular Degeneration. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 58 (7), S. 2939-2947.

Schäfer, Nicole, Grosche, Antje, Schmitt, Sabrina I., Braunger, Barbara M. und Pauly, Diana (2017) Complement Components Showed a Time-Dependent Local Expression Pattern in Constant and Acute White Light-Induced Photoreceptor Damage. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10 (197), S. 1-17.

Jenisch, Teresa, Zeman, Michael, Koller, Michael, Märker, David, Helbig, Horst und Hermann, Wolfgang (2017) Macular hole surgery: an analysis of risk factors for the anatomical outcome with special emphasis on the experience of the surgeon. Clinical Ophthalmology 2017 (11), S. 1127-1134.

Schäfer, Nicole, Grosche, Antje , Reinders, Joerg, Hauck, Stefanie M. , Pouw, Richard B. , Kuijpers, Taco W., Wouters, Diana, Ehrenstein, Boris, Enzmann, Volker, Zipfel, Peter F., Skerka, Christine und Pauly, Diana (2016) Complement Regulator FHR-3 Is Elevated either Locally or Systemically in a Selection of Autoimmune Diseases. Frontiers in Immunology 7 (542), S. 1-16.

Brandl, Caroline , Breinlich, Valentin Andreas, Stark, Klaus J., Enzinger, Sabrina, Aßenmacher, Matthias, Olden, Matthias, Grassmann, Felix , Graw, Jochen , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Helbig, Horst, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Heid, Iris M. (2016) Features of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the General Adults and Their Dependency on Age, Sex, and Smoking: Results from the German KORA Study. PLoS ONE 11 (11), e0167181.

Cvetkova, Nadezhda, Hölldobler, Kristina, Prahs, Philipp, Radeck, Viola, Helbig, Horst und Märker, David (2016) Ranibizumab in neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a 5-year follow-up. Clinical Ophthalmology 2016 (10), S. 1047-1051.

Grassmann, Felix , Schoenberger, Peter G. A., Brandl, Caroline , Schick, Tina, Hasler, Daniele , Meister, Gunter, Fleckenstein, Monika , Lindner, Moritz , Helbig, Horst, Fauser, Sascha und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2014) A circulating microRNA profile is associated with late-stage neovascular age-related macular degeneration. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e107461.

Rosengarth, Katharina, Keck, Ingo , Brandl-Rühle, Sabine, Frolo, Jozef, Hufendiek, Karsten, Greenlee, Mark W. und Plank, Tina (2013) Functional and structural brain modifications induced by oculomotor training in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Frontiers in psychology : Perception Sience 4, S. 428.

Guo, Da, Xiang, Wei, Seebahn, Angela, Becker, Cord-Michael und Strauss, Olaf (2012) Modulation of TTX-sensitive voltage-dependent Na+ channels by beta-bungarotoxin in rat cerebellar neurons. BMC Neuroscience 13, S. 36.

Gamulescu, Maria-Andreea, Panagakis, Georgios, Theek, Carmen und Helbig, Horst (2012) Predictive factors in OCT analysis for visual outcome in exudative AMD. Journal of Ophthalmology 2012, S. 851648.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I

Meindl, Andreas, Romberger, Markus, Lehmann, Gerhard, Eichner, Norbert, Kleemann, Leon, Wu, Jie, Danner, Johannes, Boesl, Maria, Mesitov, Mikhail, Meister, Gunter , König, Julian, Leidel, Sebastian Andreas und Medenbach, Jan (2023) A rapid protocol for ribosome profiling of low input samples. Nucleic Acids Research 51 (13), e68-e68.

Magnus, Clara Luzia, Hiergeist, Andreas, Schuster, Philipp, Rohrhofer, Anette, Medenbach, Jan , Gessner, André, Peterhoff, David und Schmidt, Barbara (2022) Targeted escape of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro from monoclonal antibody S309, the precursor of sotrovimab. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 966236.

Salerno-Kochan, Anna , Horn, Andreas, Ghosh, Pritha, Nithin, Chandran , Kościelniak, Anna, Meindl, Andreas, Strauss, Daniela, Krutyhołowa, Rościsław , Rossbach, Oliver , Bujnicki, Janusz M, Gaik, Monika , Medenbach, Jan und Glatt, Sebastian (2022) Molecular insights into RNA recognition and gene regulation by the TRIM-NHL protein Mei-P26. Life Science Alliance 5 (8), e202201418.

Michl-Holzinger, Philipp, Obermeyer, Simon, Markusch, Hanna, Pfab, Alexander, Ettner, Andreas, Bruckmann, Astrid, Babl, Sabrina, Längst, Gernot, Schwartz, Uwe, Tvardovskiy, Andrey, Jensen, Ole N. , Osakabe, Akihisa, Berger, Frédéric und Grasser, Klaus D. (2022) Phosphorylation of the FACT histone chaperone subunit SPT16 affects chromatin at RNA polymerase II transcriptional start sites in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (9), S. 5014-5028.

Reich, Stefan, Nguyen, Chi D. L., Has, Canan, Steltgens, Sascha, Soni, Himanshu, Coman, Cristina, Freyberg, Moritz, Bichler, Anna, Seifert, Nicole , Conrad, Dominik, Knobbe-Thomsen, Christiane B. , Tews, Björn, Toedt, Grischa, Ahrends, Robert und Medenbach, Jan (2020) A multi-omics analysis reveals the unfolded protein response regulon and stress-induced resistance to folate-based antimetabolites. Nature Communications 11 (2936), S. 1-15.

Haberl, Elisabeth M., Pohl, Rebekka, Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Feder, Susanne, Bruckmann, Astrid, Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard, Buechler, Christa und , (2019) Overexpression of Hepatocyte Chemerin-156 Lowers Tumor Burden in a Murine Model of Diethylnitrosamine-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1), S. 252.

Widbiller, Matthias , Schweikl, Helmut, Bruckmann, Astrid, Rosendahl, Andreas, Hochmuth, Eduard, Lindner, Sophia R., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2019) Shotgun Proteomics of Human Dentin with Different Prefractionation Methods. Scientific Reports 9 (4457), S. 1-8.

Moschall, Rebecca , Rass, Mathias, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard, Kullmann, Lars, Eichner, Norbert, Strauss, Daniela, Meister, Gunter, Schneuwly, Stephan, Krahn, Michael P. und Medenbach, Jan (2018) Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-13.

Schneider, Andreas S., Heiland, Birgit, Peter, Nicolaus J., Guth, Christina, Arzt, Eduard und Weiss, Ingrid M. (2012) Hierarchical super-structure identified by polarized light microscopy, electron microscopy and nanoindentation: Implications for the limits of biological control over the growth mode of abalone sea shells. BMC Biophysics 5, S. 19.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III

Vayssières, Marlène, Jüttner, Michael, Haas, Karina, Ancelin, Aurélie, Marchfelder, Anita, Leulliot, Nicolas, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien und Blaud, Magali (2024) RNase W, a conserved ribonuclease family with a novel active site. Nucleic Acids Research.

Babl, Virginia-Lorena, Girke, Philipp, Kruse, Sebastian, Pinz, Sophia Charlotte , Hannig, Katharina, Schächner, Christopher, Hergert, Kristin, Wittner, Manuel, Seufert, Wolfgang , Milkereit, Philipp , Tschochner, Herbert und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2024) Establishment of closed 35S ribosomal RNA gene chromatin in stationary Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Nucleic Acids Research.

Breindl, Matthias, Spitzer, Dominika, Gerasimaitė, Rūta, Kairys, Visvaldas, Schubert, Thomas, Henfling, Ramona, Schwartz, Uwe , Lukinavičius, Gražvydas und Manelytė, Laura (2023) Biochemical and cellular insights into the Baz2B protein, a non-catalytic subunit of the chromatin remodeling complex. Nucleic Acids Research 52 (1), S. 337-55165.

Tomkuvienė, Miglė, Meier, Markus, Ikasalaitė, Diana, Wildenauer, Julia, Kairys, Visvaldas , Klimašauskas, Saulius und Manelyte, Laura (2022) Enhanced nucleosome assembly at CpG sites containing an extended 5-methylcytosine analogue. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (11), S. 6549-6561.

Londei, Paola und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2021) Ribosome Biogenesis in Archaea. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (686977), S. 1-13.

Londei, Paola und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2021) Ribosome Biogenesis in Archaea. Frontiers in Microbiology 12 (686977), S. 1-13.

Knüppel, Robert, Trahan, Christian, Kern, Michael, Wagner, Alexander, Grünberger, Felix, Hausner, Winfried , Quax, Tessa E. F., Albers, Sonja-Verena , Oeffinger, Marlene und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2021) Insights into synthesis and function of KsgA/Dim1-dependent rRNA modifications in archaea. Nucleic Acids Research 49 (3), S. 1662-1687.

Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien, Knüppel, Robert, Kern, Michael, Reglin, Corinna, Ostheimer, Nina, Weiß, Matthias und Jüttner, Michael (2019) A versatile cis-acting element reporter system to study the function, maturation and stability of ribosomal RNA mutants in archaea. Nucleic Acids Research 48 (4), S. 2073-2090.

Braun, Christina M., Hackert, Philipp, Schmid, Catharina E., Bohnsack, Markus T. , Bohnsack, Katherine E. und Perez-Fernandez, Jorge (2019) Pol5 is required for recycling of small subunit biogenesis factors and for formation of the peptide exit tunnel of the large ribosomal subunit. Nucleic Acids Research 48 (1), S. 405-420.

Mitterer, Valentin , Shayan, Ramtin, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien , Murat, Guillaume, Enne, Tanja, Rinaldi, Dana, Weigl, Sarah, Omanic, Hajrija, Gleizes, Pierre-Emmanuel , Kressler, Dieter, Plisson-Chastang, Celia und Pertschy, Brigitte (2019) Conformational proofreading of distant 40S ribosomal subunit maturation events by a long-range communication mechanism. Nature Communications 10 (1), S. 1-15.

Schwartz, Uwe, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Exler, Josef H., Hansch, Stefan, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Heizinger, Leonhard , Merkl, Rainer und Längst, Gernot (2018) Characterizing the nuclease accessibility of DNA in human cells to map higher order structures of chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-16.

Knüppel, Robert, Christensen, Regitse H., Gray, Fiona C., Esser, Dominik, Strauß, Daniela, Medenbach, Jan , Siebers, Bettina , MacNeill, Stuart A. , LaRonde, Nicole und Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien (2017) Insights into the evolutionary conserved regulation of Rio ATPase activity. Nucleic Acids Research 46 (3), S. 1441-1456.

Milkereit, Philipp, Pöll, Gisela, Müller, Christian, Bodden, Malena, Teubl, Fabian, Eichner, Norbert, Lehmann, Gerhard , Griesenbeck, Joachim und Tschochner, Herbert (2017) Structural transitions during large ribosomal subunit maturation analyzed by tethered nuclease structure probing in S. cerevisiae. PLOS ONE 12 (7), e0179405.

Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien, Knüppel, Robert und Kuttenberger, Corinna (2017) Toward Time-Resolved Analysis of RNA Metabolism in Archaea Using 4-Thiouracil. Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (286), S. 1-11.

Längst, Gernot, Silberhorn, Elisabeth, Schwartz, Uwe, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Symelka, Anne , Koning-Ward, Tania de und Merkl, Rainer (2016) Plasmodium falciparum Nucleosomes Exhibit Reduced Stability and Lost Sequence Dependent Nucleosome Positioning. PLoS Pathogens 12 (12), e10060.

Längst, Gernot, Schrader, Anna, Gross, Thomas und Thalhammer, Verena (2015) Characterization of Dnmt1 Binding and DNA Methylation on Nucleosomes and Nucleosomal Arrays. PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0140076.

Perez-Fernandez, Jorge, Pöll, Gisela, Li, Shuang, Ohmayer, Uli, Hierlmeier, Thomas und Milkereit, Philipp (2014) In vitro reconstitution of yeast tUTP/UTP A and UTP B subcomplexes provides new insights into their modular architecture. PLoS ONE 2014.

Diermeier, Sarah Daniela Helena , Kolovos, Petros , Heizinger, Leonhard, Schwartz, Uwe, Georgomanolis, Theodore, Zirkel, Anne, Wedemann, Gero , Grosveld, Frank, Knoch, Tobias A., Merkl, Rainer, Cook, Peter R., Längst, Gernot und Papatonis, Argyris (2014) TNFα signalling primes chromatin for NF-κB binding and induces rapid and widespread nucleosome repositioning. Genome Biology 15 (12).

Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien , Kiburu, Irene, Thomson, Emma, LaRonde, Nicole und Hurt, Ed (2014) Dominant Rio1 kinase/ATPase catalytic mutant induces trapping of late pre-40S biogenesis factors in 80S-like ribosomes. Nucleic Acids Research 2014.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Chirurgie

Kreiner, P., Eggenhofer, Elke, Schneider, L., Rejas, Carolina, Goetz, Markus , Bogovic, Niklas, Brunner, S. M., Evert, Katja , Schlitt, H. J., Geissler, E. K. und Junger, Henrik (2024) Extrahepatic Bile Duct Organoids as a Model to Study Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury During Liver Transplantation. Transplant International 37.

Rauscher, Marc, Rauscher, Andreas, Hu, Linda Y., Schlitt, Hans J. , Krauß, Sabrina, Illg, Claudius, Reis Wolfertstetter, Patricia, Hofmann, Aybike , Knorr, Christian und Denzinger, Markus (2024) Influence of Accumulation of Humidity under Wound Dressings and Effects on Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and Skin Hydration. Applied Sciences 14 (17), S. 7739.

Kupke, Paul , Brucker, Johanna, Wettengel, Jochen M., Protzer, Ulrike , Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. und Werner, Jens M. (2024) Cytokine Response of Natural Killer Cells to Hepatitis B Virus Infection Depends on Monocyte Co-Stimulation. Viruses 16 (5), S. 741.

Yang Zhou, Jordi, Eder, Dominik, Weber, Florian , Heumann, Philipp, Kronenberg, Katharina, Werner, Jens M. , Geissler, Edward K. , Schlitt, Hans J. , Hutchinson, James A. und Bitterer, Florian (2023) Case report: Predictability of clinical response and rejection risk after immune checkpoint inhibition in liver transplantation. Frontiers in Transplantation 2.

Yang Zhou, Jordi (2023) Innate immunity and early liver inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology 14.

von Breitenbuch, Philipp, Kurz, Bernadett, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Brochhausen, Christoph , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive GPCRs in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer—First Results. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (5), S. 1803.

Fleig, Claudia, Evert, Katja , Schlitt, Hans J. , Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan und Brunner, Stefan M. (2023) Phenotypic Characterization of Colorectal Liver Metastases: Capsule versus No Capsule and the Potential Role of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition. Cancers 15 (4), S. 1056.

Kupke, Paul , Adenugba, Akinbami, Schemmerer, Mathias , Bitterer, Florian , Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Wenzel, Jürgen J. und Werner, Jens M. (2023) Immunomodulation of Natural Killer Cell Function by Ribavirin Involves TYK-2 Activation and Subsequent Increased IFN-γ Secretion in the Context of In Vitro Hepatitis E Virus Infection. Cells 12 (3), S. 453.

Schurr, Leonhard Andreas , Thiedemann, Claudius, Alt, Volker , Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Götz, Markus, Riedl, Moritz , Brunner, Stefan Martin und Popp, Daniel (2022) Diaphragmatic Injuries among Severely Injured Patients (ISS ≥ 16)—An Indicator of Injury Pattern and Severity of Abdominal Trauma. Medicina 58 (11), S. 1596.

Glehr, Gunther , Riquelme, Paloma, Yang Zhou, Jordi, Cordero, Laura, Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Kapinsky, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J., Geissler, Edward K., Burkhardt, Ralph , Schmidt, Barbara, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2022) External validation of biomarkers for immune-related adverse events after immune checkpoint inhibition. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1011040.

Brandenstein, Moritz, Wiesinger, Isabel , Künzel, Julian , Hornung, Matthias , Stroszczynski, Christian und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2022) Multiparametric Sonographic Imaging of Thyroid Lesions: Chances of B-Mode, Elastography and CEUS in Relation to Preoperative Histopathology. Cancers 14 (19), S. 4745.

Pion, Eric, Karnosky, Julia, Boscheck, Sofie, Wagner, Benedikt J., Schmidt, Katharina M., Brunner, Stefan M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Aung, Thiha, Hackl, Christina und Haerteis, Silke (2022) 3D In Vivo Models for Translational Research on Pancreatic Cancer: The Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Model. Cancers 14 (15), S. 3733.

Bichlmayer, Eva-Marie, Mahl, Lin, Hesse, Leo, Pion, Eric, Haller, Victoria, Moehwald, Andreas, Hackl, Christina, Werner, Jens M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Schwarz, Siegfried, Kainz, Philipp, Brochhausen, Christoph , Groeger, Christian, Steger, Felix, Kölbl, Oliver, Daniel, Christoph , Amann, Kerstin, Kraus, Andreas, Buchholz, Björn, Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) A 3D In Vivo Model for Studying Human Renal Cystic Tissue and Mouse Kidney Slices. Cells 11 (15), S. 2269.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schwertner, Barbara, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Berneburg, Mark, Geissler, Edward K., Mycielska, Maria E. und Haferkamp, Sebastian (2022) The Role of Citrate Homeostasis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis. Cancers 14 (14), S. 3425.

Yang Zhou, Jordi, Werner, Jens M. , Glehr, Gunther , Geissler, Edward K., Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2022) Identification and Isolation of Type II NKT Cell Subsets in Human Blood and Liver. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 (13), S. 898473.

Kieninger, Martin , Dietl, Sarah, Sinning, Annemarie, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram , Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas , Schmid, Stephan , Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas , Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2022) Evaluation of models for prognosing mortality in critical care patients with COVID-19: First- and second-wave data from a German university hospital. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0268734.

Bruss, Christina, Kellner, Kerstin, Ortmann, Olaf , Seitz, Stephan, Brockhoff, Gero , Hutchinson, James A. und Wege, Anja Kathrin (2022) Advanced Immune Cell Profiling by Multiparameter Flow Cytometry in Humanized Patient-Derived Tumor Mice. Cancers 14 (9), S. 2214.

Lenz, Julia Elisabeth , Alt, Volker und Dienemann, Thomas (2022) Severe acidosis due to 5-oxoprolinase inhibition by flucloxacillin in a patient with shoulder prosthesis joint infection. Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 7 (2), S. 71-74.

Werner, Jens M. , Kupke, Paul, Ertl, Matthias, Opitz, Sabine, Schlitt, Hans J. und Hornung, Matthias (2022) Timing of Closure of a Protective Loop-Ileostomy Can Be Crucial for Restoration of a Functional Digestion. Frontiers in Surgery 2022 (9), S. 821509.

Balam, Saidou , Buchtler, Simone, Winter, Frederike, Schmidbauer, Kathrin, Neumayer, Sophia, Talke, Yvonne, Renner, Kerstin, Geissler, Edward K. und Mack, Matthias (2022) Donor-But Not Recipient-Derived Cells Produce Collagen-1 in Chronically Rejected Cardiac Allografts. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 (12), S. 1-12.

Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Glehr, Gunther , Kapinsky, Michael, Ahrens, Norbert , Riquelme, Paloma , Cordero, Laura, Bitterer, Florian, Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2021) Development of a Flow Cytometry Assay to Predict Immune Checkpoint Blockade-Related Complications. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-12. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Halmy, Laszlo, Riedel, Joshua, Zeman, Florian, Tege, Birgit, Linder, Volker, Gnewuch, Carsten, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Bergler, Tobias und Göcze, Ivan (2021) Renal Recovery after the Implementation of an Electronic Alert and Biomarker-Guided Kidney-Protection Strategy following Major Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-13.

Kieninger, Martin , Sinning, Annemarie, Vadász, Timea , Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas, Schmid, Stephan, Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2021) Lower blood pH as a strong prognostic factor for fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients at an intensive care unit: A multivariable analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-15.

Dollinger, Marco , Bäumler, Wolfgang , Brunner, Stefan M., Stroszczynski, Christian , Georgieva, Martina , Müller, Karolina, Schicho, Andreas und Müller-Wille, René (2021) Role of clinical and CT findings in the identification of adult small-bowel intussusception requiring surgical intervention. British Journal of Surgery Open (BJS Open) 5 (5), S. 1-6.

Kupke, Paul und Werner, Jens M. (2021) Hepatitis E Virus Infection—Immune Responses to an Underestimated Global Threat. Cells 10 (9), S. 1-20.

Renner, Philipp , Da Silva, Tomas , Schnitzbauer, Andreas, Verloh, Niklas , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Geissler, Edward K. (2021) Hepatocellular carcinoma progression during bridging before liver transplantation. BJS Open (British Journal of Surgery) 2021 (zrab5), S. 1-6.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Eggenhofer, Elke, Groell, Anja, Junger, Henrik, Kasi, Amoon, Kroemer, Alexander, Geissler, Edward K., Schlitt, Hans J. und Scherer, Marcus N. (2021) Steatotic Livers Are More Susceptible to Ischemia Reperfusion Damage after Transplantation and Show Increased γδ T Cell Infiltration. IJMS 22 (2036), S. 1-12.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Schurr, Leonhard Andreas, Riedl, Moritz , Mayr, Agnes, Weiß, Isabella, Klute, Lisa, Popp, Daniel , Pfeifer, Christian , Ernstberger, Antonio , Alt, Volker und Dendl, Lena Marie (2020) Clinical Value of CT for Differentiation between Ascites and Hemorrhage: An Experimental In-Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (1), S. 76.

Ho-Xuan, Hung , Lehmann, Gerhard, Glažar, Petar, Gypas, Foivos, Eichner, Norbert, Heizler, Kevin, Schlitt, Hans J. , Zavolan, Mihaela, Rajewsky, Nikolaus, Meister, Gunter und Hackl, Christina (2020) Gene Expression Signatures of a Preclinical Mouse Model during Colorectal Cancer Progression under Low-Dose Metronomic Chemotherapy. Cancers 13 (1), S. 49.

Haferkamp, Sebastian, Drexler, Konstantin, Federlin, Marianne, Schlitt, Hans J., Berneburg, Mark, Adamski, Jerzy, Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Ganapathy, Vadivel, Parkinson, E. Kenneth und Mycielska, Maria E. (2020) Extracellular Citrate Fuels Cancer Cell Metabolism and Growth. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (602476), S. 1-11.

Freigang, Viola , Müller, Karolina, Ernstberger, Antonio, Kaltenstadler, Marlene, Bode, Lisa, Pfeifer, Christian G., Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2020) Reduced Recovery Capacity After Major Trauma in the Elderly: Results of a Prospective Multicenter Registry-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), S. 2356.

Prantl, Lukas , Momeni, Arash, Brebant, Vanessa, Kuehlmann, Britta, Heine, Norbert, Biermann, Niklas und Brix, Eva (2020) Recommendations for the Use of Antibiotics in Primary and Secondary Esthetic Breast Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 8 (1), e2590.

Weiss, Thomas S. , Lupke, Madeleine, Dayoub, Rania , Geissler, Edward K., Schlitt, Hans J., Melter, Michael und Eggenhofer, Elke (2019) Augmenter of Liver Regeneration Reduces Ischemia Reperfusion Injury by Less Chemokine Expression, Gr-1 Infiltration and Oxidative Stress. Cells 8 (11), S. 1421.

Renner, Kathrin , Bruss, Christina, Schnell, Annette, Koehl, Gudrun, Becker, Holger M., Fante, Matthias, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Kauer, Nathalie, Blazquez, Raquel, Hacker, Lisa, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bohn, Toszka, Faerber, Stephanie, Evert, Katja, Aigle, Lisa, Amslinger, Sabine, Landa, Maria, Krijgsman, Oscar, Rozeman, Elisa A., Brummer, Christina, Siska, Peter J., Singer, Katrin, Pektor, Stefanie, Miederer, Matthias, Peter, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Herr, Wolfgang, Marchiq, Ibtisam, Pouyssegur, Jacques, Roush, William R., Ong, SuFey, Warren, Sarah, Pukrop, Tobias , Beckhove, Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Bopp, Tobias, Blank, Christian U., Cleveland, John L., Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja , Selby, Mark und Kreutz, Marina (2019) Restricting Glycolysis Preserves T Cell Effector Functions and Augments Checkpoint Therapy. Cell Reports 29 (1), 135-150.e9.

Mycielska, Maria E., Mohr, Markus T. J., Schmidt, Katharina Maria, Drexler, Konstantin, Rümmele, Petra, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Schlitt, Hans J. , Gaumann, Andreas, Adamski, Jerzy und Geissler, Edward K. (2019) Potential Use of Gluconate in Cancer Therapy. Frontiers in Oncology 2019 (9), S. 1-7.

Verloh, N. , Probst, U., Utpatel, K., Zeman, F., Brennfleck, F., Werner, J. M., Fellner, C., Stroszczynski, C., Evert, M., Wiggermann, P. und Haimerl, M. (2019) Influence of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation: Correlation between histopathological changes and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0215752.

Verloh, Niklas, Jensch, Isabel, Lürken, Lukas, Haimerl, Michael, Dollinger, Marco, Renner, Philipp, Wiggermann, Philipp, Werner, Jens Martin, Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Philipp (2019) Similar complication rates for irreversible electroporation and thermal ablation in patients with hepatocellular tumors. Radiology and Oncology 53 (1), S. 116-122.

Vogel, P. und Vogel, D. H. V. (2019) Cognition errors in the treatment course of patients with anastomotic failure after colorectal resection. Patient Safety in Surgery 13 (1), S. 1-10.

Sawierucha, Jonas, Posset, Marion, Hähnel, Viola , Johnson, Christian L., Hutchinson, James A. und Ahrens, Norbert (2018) Comparison of two column agglutination tests for red blood cell antibody testing. PLOS ONE 13 (12), e0210099.

Werner, Jens Martin, Damian, Michael, Farkas, Stefan A., Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. und Hornung, Matthias (2018) Murine DX5+NKT Cells Display Their Cytotoxic and Proapoptotic Potentials against Colitis-Inducing CD4+CD62Lhigh T Cells through Fas Ligand. Journal of Immunology Research 2018, S. 1-8.

Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Weigand, Kilian, Brunner, Stefan M., Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Evaluation of two-point Dixon water-fat separation for liver specific contrast-enhanced assessment of liver maximum capacity. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 1-9.

Göcze, Ivan, Ehehalt, Katharina, Zeman, Florian, Riquelme, Paloma, Pfister, Karin, Graf, Bernhard M., Bein, Thomas, Geissler, Edward K., Kasprzak, Piotr, Schlitt, Hans J., Kellum, John A., Hutchinson, James A., Eggenhofer, Elke und Renner, Philipp (2018) Postoperative cellular stress in the kidney is associated with an early systemic γδ T-cell immune cell response. Critical Care 22 (168), S. 1-9.

Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Beyer, Lukas , Fellner, Claudia, Selgrad, Michael, Hornung, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Hepatobiliary MRI: Signal intensity based assessment of liver function correlated to 13C-Methacetin breath test. Scientific Reports 8 (1).

Munker, Stefan, Gerken, Michael, Fest, Petra, Ott, Claudia, Schnoy, Elisabeth, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Wiggermann, Philipp, Vogelhuber, Martin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian, Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Evert, Matthias, Reng, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika und Teufel, Andreas (2018) Chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer: No effect on survival when the dose is reduced due to side effects. BMC Cancer 18 (455), S. 1-9.

Schiltz, Daniel, Anker, Alexandra, Ortner, Christine, Tschernitz, Sebastian, Koller, Michael, Klein, Silvan, Felthaus, Oliver, Schreml, Julia, Schreml, Stephan und Prantl, Lukas (2018) Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis: New Classification System Based on the Largest German Patient Cohort. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 6 (4), e1722.

Riquelme, Paloma , Haarer, Jan, Kammler, Anja, Walter, Lisa , Tomiuk, Stefan, Ahrens, Norbert , Wege, Anja K. , Goecze, Ivan, Zecher, Daniel, Banas, Bernhard , Spang, Rainer , Fändrich, Fred, Lutz, Manfred B., Sawitzki, Birgit, Schlitt, Hans J. , Ochando, Jordi , Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2018) TIGIT+ iTregs elicited by human regulatory macrophages control T cell immunity. Nature Communications 9 (2858), S. 1-18.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hausmann, Nadine, Worlicek, Michael, Pfeifer, Christian, Nerlich, Michael und Schmitz, Paul (2017) Patient-related outcome of unstable pelvic ring fractures stabilized with a minimal invasive screw-rod system. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 15 (1), S. 1-8.

Schiltz, Daniel, Geis, Sebastian, Kehrer, Andreas, Dolderer, Jürgen, Prantl, Lukas und Taeger, Christian D. (2017) Video Tutorial for Clinical Flap-Monitoring in Plastic Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (10), e1478.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Prantl, Lukas, Brandl, Dirk und Ceballos, Patricia (2017) A Proposal for Updated Standards of Photographic Documentation in Aesthetic Medicine. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (8), e1389.

Zahn, Jessica, Loibl, Markus , Sprecher, Christoph, Nerlich, Michael, Alini, Mauro, Verrier, Sophie und Herrmann, Marietta (2017) Platelet-Rich Plasma as an Autologous and Proangiogenic Cell Delivery System. Mediators of Inflammation 2017, S. 1-14.

Reinders, Yvonne, Felthaus, Oliver, Brockhoff, Gero, Pohl, Fabian, Ahrens, Norbert , Prantl, Lukas und Haubner, Frank (2017) Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Viability and Proliferation in Wound Healing Processes after External Radiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (8), S. 1819.

Lang, Sven A., Joechele, Katharina, Moser, Christian, Ruemmele, Petra, Schmidt, Katharina Maria, Werner, Jens M., Geissler, Edward K. und Schlitt, Hans J. (2017) ALPPS (associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy) does not affect proliferation, apoptosis, or angiogenesis as compared to standard liver resection for colorectal liver metastases. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 15 (57), S. 1-8.

Haimerl, Michael, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Lang, Sven A., Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2017) Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI for evaluation of liver function: Comparison betewwn signal-intensity-based indices and T1 relaxometry. Scientific Reports 7 (43347), S. 1-12.

Haimerl, Michael, Utpatel, Kirsten, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Teufel, Andreas, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Evert, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2017) Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR relaxometry for the detection and staging of liver fibrosis. Scientific Reports 7 (41429), S. 1-10.

Haubner, Frank, Mutscher, Dominique, Pohl, Fabian, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2015) A co-culture model of fibroblasts and adipose tissue-derived stem cells reveals new insights into impaired wound healing after radiotherapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015 (16), S. 25947-25958.

Winkler, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Weber, Markus, Matussek, Jan, Craiovan, Benjamin, Heers, Guido, Springorum, Hans-Robert, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2015) Current therapeutic strategies of heterotopic ossification – a survey amongst orthopaedic and trauma departments in Germany. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 16 (313), S. 1-6.

Dollinger, Marco, Müller-Wille, René, Zeman, Florian, Haimerl, Michael, Niessen, Christoph, Beyer, Lukas Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Irreversible Electroporation of Malignant Hepatic Tumors - Alterations in Venous Structures at Suba. PLoS ONE 10 (8), S. 1-11.

Rennert, Janine, Jung, Ernst Michael, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha, Jung, Wolfgang, Farkas, Stefan und Stroszczynski, Christian (2015) Is Strain Elastography (IO-SE) sufficient for characterization of liver lesions before surgical resection, or is contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) necessary? PLoS ONE 10 (6), S. 1-11.

Brunner, Stefan, Weber, Florian, Werner, Jens M. , Agha, Ayman, Farkas, Stefan A., Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Hornung, Matthias (2015) Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas: a retrospective single-center analysis using the ENETS TNM-classification and immunohistochemical markers for risk stratification. BMC Surgery 15 (49), S. 1-10.

Göcze, Ivan, Koch, Matthias, Renner, Philipp, Zeman, Florian, Graf, Bernhard M., Dahlke, Marc H., Nerlich, Michael, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Kellum, John A. und Bein, Thomas (2015) Urinary Biomarkers TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Early Predict Acute Kidney Injury after Major Surgery. PLoS ONE 10 (3), S. 1-11.

Brandes, Franziska, Schmidt, Katharina Maria, Wagner, Christine, Redekopf, Julia, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Geissler, Edward K. und Lang, Sven A. (2015) Targeting cMET with INC280 impairs tumour growth and improves efficacy of gemcitabine in a pancreatic cancer model. BMC Cancer 15 (71), S. 1-14.

Apfelbacher, Christian J., Drewitz, Karl Philipp, Loss, Martin und Loss, Julika (2014) Predictors of non-transplantation of adult donor organs - an observational study using routine data from Eurotransplant. BMC Health Services Research 14 (584).

Glockzin, Gabriel, Gerken, Michael, Lang, Sven A., Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Piso, Pompiliu und Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen (2014) Oxaliplatin-based versus irinotecan-based hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) in patients with peritoneal metastasis from appendiceal and colorectal cancer: a retrospective analysis. BMC Cancer 14 (807).

Brunner, Stefan, Schichl, Gabriela, Kesselring, Rebecca, Martin, Maria, Balam, Saido, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Geissler, Edward K. und Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan (2013) IL-13 signaling via IL-13Ralpha2 triggers TGF-beta1-dependent allograft fibrosis. Transplantation Research 2, S. 16.

Kreutz, Marina, Gottfried, Eva, Lang, Sven A., Renner, Kathrin , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin, Gronwald, Wolfram , Rehli, Michael, Einhell, Sabine, Gedig, Isabel, Singer, Katrin, Seilbeck, Anton, Mackensen, Andreas, Grauer, Oliver, Hau, Peter , Dettmer, Katja, Andreesen, Reinhard und Oefner, Peter (2013) New aspects of an old drug: Diclofenac targets MYC and glucose metabolism in tumor cells. PLoS ONE 8 (7), e66987.

Göcze, Ivan, Strenge, Felix, Zeman, Florian, Creutzenberg, Marcus, Graf, Bernhard, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Bein, Thomas (2013) The effects of the semirecumbent position on hemodynamic status in patients on invasive mechanical ventilation - prospective randomized multivariable analysis. Critical Care 17, R80.

Glockzin, Gabriel, Rochon, Justine, Arnold, Dirk , Lang, Sven A., Klebl, Frank, Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J. und Piso, Pompiliu (2013) A prospective multicenter phase II study evaluating multimodality treatment of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from appendiceal and colorectal cancer: the COMBATAC trial. BMC Cancer 13, S. 67.

Loss, Julika, Drewitz, Karl, Schlitt, Hans J. und Loss, Martin (2013) Accept or refuse? Factors influencing the decision-making of transplant surgeons who are offered a pancreas: results of a qualitative study. BMC Surgery 13, S. 47.

Proneth, Andrea und Farkas, Stefan A. (2013) Extended pancreas donor program - the EXPAND study rationale and study protocol. Transplantation Research 2, S. 12.

Riquelme, Paloma, Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2012) Alternative approaches to myeloid suppressor cell therapy in transplantation: comparing regulatory macrophages to tolerogenic DCs and MDSCs. Transplantation Research 1, S. 17.

Obermajer, Natasa und Kalinski, Pawel (2012) Generation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells using prostaglandin E2. Transplantation Research 1, S. 15.

Eggenhofer, Elke und Hoogduijn, Martin J. (2012) Mesenchymal stem cell-educated Macrophages. Transplantation Research 1, S. 12.

Renkawitz, Tobias, Haimerl, Martin, Dohmen, Lars, Gneiting, Sabine, Lechler, Philipp, Woerner, Michael, Springorum, Hans-Robert, Weber, Markus, Sussmann, Patrick, Sendtner, Ernst und Grifka, Joachim (2012) The association between Femoral Tilt and impingement-free range-of-motion in total hip arthroplasty. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 13, S. 65.

Jung, Ernst Michael, Friedrich, Chris, Hoffstetter, Patrick, Dendl, Lena Marie, Klebl, Frank, Agha, Ayman, Wiggermann, Phillipp, Stroszczynski, Christian und Schreyer, Andreas Georg (2012) Volume navigation with contrast enhanced ultrasound and image fusion for percutaneous interventions: first results. PloS one 7 (3), e33956.

Dillmann, Johannes, Popp, Felix C., Fillenberg, Barbara, Zeman, Florian, Eggenhofer, Elke, Farkas, Stefan, Scherer, Marcus N., Koller, Michael, Geissler, Edward K., Deans, Robert, Ladenheim, Deborah, Loss, Martin, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Dahlke, Marc H. (2012) Treatment-emergent adverse events after infusion of adherent stem cells: the MiSOT-I score for solid organ transplantation. Trials 13, S. 211.

Popp, Felix C., Fillenberg, Barbara, Eggenhofer, Elke, Renner, Philipp, Dillmann, Johannes, Benseler, Volker, Schnitzbauer, Andreas A., Hutchinson, James , Deans, Robert, Ladenheim, Deborah, Graveen, Cheryl A., Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Hoogduijn, Martin J., Geissler, Edward K., Schlitt, Hans J. und Dahlke, Marc H. (2011) Safety and feasibility of third-party multipotent adult progenitor cells for immunomodulation therapy after liver transplantation - a phase I study (MISOT-I). Journal of translational medicine 9 (1), S. 124.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Cognitive Neuroscience – Prof. Dr. Angelika Lingnau

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Lingnau, Angelika , Schwind, Valentin, Wolff, Christian und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Angry facial expressions bias towards aversive actions. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-13.

Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Bioinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Computational Immunology (Prof. Dr. Florian Erhard)

Berg, Kevin, Lodha, Manivel , Delazer, Isabel, Bartosik, Karolina, Garcia, Yilliam Cruz, Hennig, Thomas, Wolf, Elmar, Dölken, Lars, Lusser, Alexandra, Prusty, Bhupesh K. und Erhard, Florian (2024) Correcting 4sU induced quantification bias in nucleotide conversion RNA-seq data. Nucleic Acids Research 52 (7), e35.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Controlling und Logistik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto)

Kraft, Sarah Katharina , Quayson, Matthew und Kellner, Florian (2024) Assessing the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains: a perspective from the smallholder cocoa farmer. Frontiers in Sustainability 5.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Dermatologie und Venerologie

Karrer, Sigrid , Unger, Petra, Spindler, Nina, Szeimies, Rolf-Markus, Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin, Berneburg, Mark und Arndt, Stephanie (2024) Optimization of the Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells by Combining Photodynamic Therapy with Cold Atmospheric Plasma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (19), S. 10808.

Karrer, Sigrid , Unger, Petra, Gruber, Michael , Gebhardt, Lisa, Schober, Robert, Berneburg, Mark , Bosserhoff, Anja Katrin und Arndt, Stephanie (2024) In Vitro Safety Study on the Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma in the Upper Respiratory Tract. Cells 13 (17), S. 1411.

Schwertner, Barbara, Dahdal, George, Jagla, Wolfgang, Grossmann, Luis, Drexler, Konstantin, Krahn, Michael P. , Evert, Katja , Berneburg, Mark , Haferkamp, Sebastian , Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K. , Zahn, Grit, Mycielska, Maria E. und Gaumann, Andreas (2024) Expression of the plasma membrane citrate carrier (pmCiC) in human cancerous tissues—correlation with tumour aggressiveness. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 12.

Drexler, Konstantin, Zenderowski, Veronika, Schreieder, Laura, Koschitzki, Kevin, Karrer, Sigrid , Berneburg, Mark , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Niebel, Dennis (2023) Subtypes of Melanomas Associated with Different Degrees of Actinic Elastosis in Conventional Histology, Irrespective of Age and Body Site, Suggesting Chronic Ultraviolet Light Exposure as Driver for Lentigo Maligna Melanoma and Nodular Melanoma. Cancers 16 (1), S. 1.

Fiedler, Mathias, Off, Alisa, Eichberger, Jonas, Spoerl, Steffen, Schuderer, Johannes G. , Taxis, Juergen , Bauer, Richard J., Schreml, Stephan , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Weber, Florian (2023) OSCC in Never-Smokers and Never-Drinkers Is Associated with Increased Expression of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Better Survival. Cancers 15 (10), S. 2688. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Kurz, Bernadett, Koschitzki, Kevin-Thomas, Hehr, Ute, Germer, Ute, Schreml, Julia, Langhammer, Florian und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma with epidermolysis due to a novel frameshift mutation in KRT10. JAAD Case Reports 35, S. 74-76.

Drexler, Konstantin, Drexler, Hans, Karrer, Sigrid , Landthaler, Michael, Haferkamp, Sebastian , Zeman, Florian, Berneburg, Mark und Niebel, Dennis (2023) Degree of Actinic Elastosis Is a Surrogate of Exposure to Chronic Ultraviolet Radiation and Correlates More Strongly with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma than Basal Cell Carcinoma. Life 13 (3), S. 811.

von Breitenbuch, Philipp, Kurz, Bernadett, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Brochhausen, Christoph , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive GPCRs in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer—First Results. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (5), S. 1803.

Mamilos, Andreas , Winter, Lina, Schmitt, Volker H., Barsch, Friedrich, Grevenstein, David, Wagner, Willi, Babel, Maximilian, Keller, Karsten, Schmitt, Christine, Gürtler, Florian, Schreml, Stephan , Niedermair, Tanja, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Macrophages: From Simple Phagocyte to an Integrative Regulatory Cell for Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration—A Review of the Literature. Cells 12 (2), S. 276.

Kurz, Bernadett, Michael, Hannah Philine, Förch, Antonia , Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Ugele, Ines, Hintschich, Constantin , Haubner, Frank, Ettl, Tobias , Renner, Kathrin , Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive TRPC4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1037.

Glehr, Gunther , Riquelme, Paloma, Yang Zhou, Jordi, Cordero, Laura, Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Kapinsky, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J., Geissler, Edward K., Burkhardt, Ralph , Schmidt, Barbara, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2022) External validation of biomarkers for immune-related adverse events after immune checkpoint inhibition. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1011040.

Eichberger, Jonas, Weber, Florian , Spanier, Gerrit, Gerken, Michael, Schreml, Stephan , Schulz, Daniela, Fiedler, Mathias, Ludwig, Nils, Bauer, Richard J., Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Loss of MMP-27 Predicts Mandibular Bone Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 14 (16), S. 4044.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schwertner, Barbara, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Berneburg, Mark, Geissler, Edward K., Mycielska, Maria E. und Haferkamp, Sebastian (2022) The Role of Citrate Homeostasis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis. Cancers 14 (14), S. 3425.

Mao, Xiaojun, Hiergeist, Andreas, Auer, David L, Scholz, Konstantin J., Muehler, Denise, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hellwig, Elmar, Gessner, André, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Ecological Effects of Daily Antiseptic Treatment on Microbial Composition of Saliva-Grown Microcosm Biofilms and Selection of Resistant Phenotypes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022 (13), S. 934525.

Auer, David L., Mao, Xiaojun, Anderson, Annette Carola, Muehler, Denise , Wittmer, Annette, von Ohle, Christiane, Wolff, Diana , Frese, Cornelia, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hellwig, Elmar, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Phenotypic Adaptation to Antiseptics and Effects on Biofilm Formation Capacity and Antibiotic Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Early Colonizers in Dental Plaque. Antibiotics 11 (5), S. 688.

Hofbauer, Joshua, Hauck, Andreas, Matos, Carina , Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Rechenmacher, Michael , Schulz, Christian , Regotta, Sabine, Mickler, Marion, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Siska, Peter J. , Herr, Wolfgang, Renner, Kathrin , Kreutz, Marina und Schnell, Annette (2022) Immunometabolic Markers in a Small Patient Cohort Undergoing Immunotherapy. Biomolecules 12 (5), S. 716.

Eckl, Daniel Bernhard, Landgraf, Nicole, Hoffmann, Anja Karen, Schottenhaml, Laura, Dirscherl, Julia, Weber, Nina, Eben, Stefanie Susanne, Bäßler, Pauline, Eichner, Anja, Huber, Harald und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2022) Inhibitory effects of calcium or magnesium ions on PDI. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 11, S. 100122.

Muehler, Denise , Mao, Xiaojun, Czemmel, Stefan, Geißert, Janina, Engesser, Christina, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Widbiller, Matthias , Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Transcriptomic Stress Response in Streptococcus mutans following Treatment with a Sublethal Concentration of Chlorhexidine Digluconate. Microorganisms 10 (3), S. 561.

Kalb, Larissa, Bäßler, Pauline, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf und Eckl, Daniel Bernhard (2022) Antimicrobial Photodynamic Coatings Reduce the Microbial Burden on Environmental Surfaces in Public Transportation—A Field Study in Buses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), S. 2325.

Förch, Antonia, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Ettl, Tobias, Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Expression of Proton-Sensitive GPR31, GPR151, TASK1 and TASK3 in Common Skin Tumors. Cells 11 (1), S. 27.

Karrer, Sigrid, Berneburg, Mark , Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael und Müller, Karolina (2021) A Prospective, Randomised, Controlled, Split-Face Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and the Efficacy of Cold Atmospheric Plasma in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. Applied Sciences 11 (23), S. 1-15.

Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Glehr, Gunther , Kapinsky, Michael, Ahrens, Norbert , Riquelme, Paloma , Cordero, Laura, Bitterer, Florian, Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2021) Development of a Flow Cytometry Assay to Predict Immune Checkpoint Blockade-Related Complications. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-12. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Arndt, Stephanie , Unger, Petra, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Berneburg, Mark und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) The Anti-Fibrotic Effect of Cold Atmospheric Plasma on Localized Scleroderma In Vitro and In Vivo. Biomedicines 9 (11), S. 1-19.

Schiltz, Daniel , Mueller, Karolina, Ortner, Christine, Tschernitz, Sebastian, Anker, Alexandra, Felthaus, Oliver, Schreml, Julia , Koller, Michael, Prantl, Lukas und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis: A Cross-Sectional Study to Investigate Clinical Features and Patients’ Quality of Life. Symmetry 13 (10), S. 1-13.

Arndt, Stephanie, Fadil, Fadi , Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Boskovic, Marko, Samol, Claudia, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Zimmermann, Julia, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) Cold Atmospheric Plasma Changes the Amino Acid Composition in Solutions and Influences the Anti-Tumor Effect on Melanoma Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 1-22.

Voit, Thomas, Cieplik, Fabian, Regensburger, Johannes, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Gollmer, Anita, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2021) Spatial Distribution of a Porphyrin-Based Photosensitizer Reveals Mechanism of Photodynamic Inactivation of Candida albicans. Frontiers in Medicine 8 (641244), S. 1-9.

Haferkamp, Sebastian , Schwertner, Barbara, Lindner, Georg, Stauner, Camila Toledo, Klapproth, Elisa, Magnus, Clara, Rohrhofer, Anette, Gross, Stefanie, Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice, Öttl, Veronika, Feichtgruber, Nicole, Drexler, Konstantin, Evert, Katja, Krahn, Michael P., Berneburg, Mark , Schmidt, Barbara und Schuster, Philipp (2021) Nectin-1 Expression Correlates with the Susceptibility of Malignant Melanoma to Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus In Vitro and In Vivo. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 3058. (Eingereicht)

Arndt, Stephanie , Kupke, Laura S., Lenzer, Simon, Metz, Sophia, Unger, Petra, Zimmermann, Julia L., Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Gruber, Michael und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) Cold Atmospheric Plasma Promotes the Immunoreactivity of Granulocytes In Vitro. Biomolecules 11 (902), S. 1-17. (Eingereicht)

Eckl, Daniel Bernhard, Eben, Stefanie Susanne, Schottenhaml, Laura, Eichner, Anja, Vasold, Rudolf, Späth, Andreas, Bäumler, Wolfgang und Huber, Harald (2021) Interplay of phosphate and carbonate ions with flavin photosensitizers in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0253212.

Schreml, Stephan , Ackermann, Kirsten, Wallner, Susanne und Brochhausen, Christoph (2021) Expression Profiles of ASIC1/2 and TRPV1/4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 6024. (Eingereicht)

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Fante, Matthias A., Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Schreml, Stephan , Siska, Peter J. und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Heat-Inactivation of Human Serum Destroys C1 Inhibitor, Pro-motes Immune Complex Formation, and Improves Human T Cell Function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (5), S. 2646.

Karrer, Sigrid, Szeimies, Rolf-Markus, Philipp-Dormston, Wolfgang G., Gerber, Peter A., Prager, Welf, Datz, Elisabeth, Zeman, Florian, Müller, Karolina und Koller, Michael (2020) Repetitive Daylight Photodynamic Therapy versus Cryosurgery for Prevention of Actinic Keratoses in Photodamaged Facial Skin: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Multicentre Two-armed Study. Acta Dermato Venereologica 101 (1), adv00355.

Haferkamp, Sebastian, Drexler, Konstantin, Federlin, Marianne, Schlitt, Hans J., Berneburg, Mark, Adamski, Jerzy, Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Ganapathy, Vadivel, Parkinson, E. Kenneth und Mycielska, Maria E. (2020) Extracellular Citrate Fuels Cancer Cell Metabolism and Growth. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (602476), S. 1-11.

Muehler, Denise, Rupp, Christina, Keceli, Sercan, Brochhausen, Christoph , Siegmund, Heiko, Maisch, Tim, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Cieplik, Fabian (2020) Insights into the mechanisms of the antimicrobial photodynamic action toward biofilms using phenalen-1-one derivatives as photosensitizers. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (89364), S. 1-15.

Schramm, Sandra, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Cantzler, Sylvia, Weilemann, Hannes, Cantzler, Maximilian, Zimmermann, Julia L., Cieplik, Fabian und Maisch, Tim (2020) The Latest Time Point of Retreatment (LTPR) as a Novel Method to Determine Antibacterial Effects for Binary Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Conventional Agents. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (576500), S. 1-12.

Stöckl, Sabine, Lindner, Georg, Li, Shushan , Schuster, Philipp, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Prodinger, Peter M., Multhoff, Gabriele, Boxberg, Melanie, Hillmann, Axel, Bauer, Richard J. und Grässel, Susanne (2020) SOX9 Knockout Induces Polyploidy and Changes Sensitivity to Tumor Treatment Strategies in a Chondrosarcoma Cell Line. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20), S. 7627.

Kuffner, Kerstin, Triebelhorn, Julian, Meindl, Katrin, Benner, Christoph, Manook, André, Sudria-Lopez, Daniel, Siebert, Ramona, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Baghai, Thomas C., Drexler, Konstantin, Berneburg, Mark, Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Wetzel, Christian H. (2020) Major Depressive Disorder is Associated with Impaired Mitochondrial Function in Skin Fibroblasts. Cells 9 (4), S. 884.

Theinkom, Felix, Singer, Larissa, Cieplik, Fabian , Cantzler, Sylvia, Weilemann, Hannes, Cantzler, Maximilian, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Maisch, Tim und Zimmermann, Julia L. (2019) Antibacterial efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma against Enterococcus faecalis planktonic cultures and biofilms in vitro. PLOS ONE 14 (11), e0223925.

Singer, Katrin, Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Renner, Kathrin , Peter, Katrin , Siska, Peter J. , Berneburg, Mark , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Karrer, Sigrid, Kreutz, Marina und Datz, Elisabeth (2019) Topical Diclofenac Reprograms Metabolism and Immune Cell Infiltration in Actinic Keratosis. Frontiers in Oncology 2019 (9), S. 605.

Schreml, Stephan, Hoffmann, Sebastian und Berneburg, Mark (2018) Bullous Pemphigoid Associated with Adalimumab Therapy in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis. Case Reports in Dermatology 10, S. 145-148.

Kohl, E., Koller, M., Zeman, F., Szeimies, R.-M., Philipp-Dormston, W. G., Prager, W., Gerber, P. A. und Karrer, S. (2017) Daylight photodynamic therapy versus cryosurgery for the treatment and prophylaxis of actinic keratoses of the face − protocol of a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled, two-armed study. BMC Dermatology 17 (1), S. 1-9.

Hegemann, Marie-Valerie und Schreml, Stephan (2017) Multi-systemic Langerhans cell Histiocytosis in an adult. JAAD Case Reports 2017 (3), S. 162-164.

Schucht, Kathrin, Schröder, Josef, Siegmund, Heiko, Grafe, Claudia und Schreml, Stephan (2016) Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis at the Temple. Case Reports in Dermatology 2016 (8), S. 193-196.

Cieplik, Fabian , Pummer, Andreas, Leibl, Christoph, Regensburger, Johannes, Schmalz, Gottfried, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hiller, Karl-Anton und Maisch, Tim (2016) Photodynamic inactivation of root canal bacteria by light-activation through human ental hard and simulated surrounding tissue. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (929), S. 1-8.

Schreml, Stephan, Haverkamp, Sonja, Evert, Katja und Schröder, Josef (2016) Nodular Cutaneous Amyloidosis Resembling a Giant Tumor. Case Reports in Dermatology 8 (1), S. 22-25.

Schreml, Stephan, Sander, Dorothea, Schröder, Josef, Schönbuchner, Ines, Schreml, Julia, Karrer, Sigrid und Berneburg, Mark (2016) Erythrodermia Congenitalis Ichthyosiformis Bullosa of Brocq. Case Reports in Dermatology 8 (1), S. 19-21.

Haubner, Frank, Mutscher, Dominique, Pohl, Fabian, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2015) A co-culture model of fibroblasts and adipose tissue-derived stem cells reveals new insights into impaired wound healing after radiotherapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015 (16), S. 25947-25958.

Cieplik, Fabian , Pummer, Andreas, Regensburger, Johannes, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Späth, Andreas, Tabenski, Laura Karla, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2015) The impact of absorbed photons on antimicrobial photodynamic efficacy. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015 (6), S. 1-35.

Karrer, Sigrid, Arndt, Stephanie, Landthaler, Michael, Zimmermann, Julia L., Unger, Petra, Wacker, Eva , Shimizu, Tetsuji, Li, Yang-Fang, Morfill, Greogor E. und Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin (2015) Effects of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) on ß-defensins, inflammatory cytokines, and apoptosis-relat. PLoS ONE 10 (3), S. 1-16.

Eichner, Anja, Maisch, Tim, Späth, Andreas, Gollmer, Anita, König, Burkhard , Regensburger, Johannes und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2014) Fast and Effective Photodynamic Inactivation of Multiresistant Bacteria by Cationic Riboflavin Derivatives. PLoS ONE 2014.

Cieplik, Fabian, Tabenski, Laura Karla, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2014) Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy for inactivation of biofilms formed by oral key pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology 2014 (5), S. 1-17.

Schreml, Stephan, Meier, Robert Johannes, Kirschbaum, Michael, Kong, Su-Chii, Gehmert, Sebastian , Felthaus, Oliver, Küchler, Sarah, Sharpe, Justin R., Wöltje, Kerstin, Weiß, Katharina, Albert, Markus, Seidl, Uwe, Schröder, Josef, Morsczeck, Christian, Prantl, Lukas, Duschl, Claus, Pedersen, Stine F. , Gosau, Martin, Breneburg, Mark, Wolfbeis, Otto S. , Landthaler, Michael und Babilas, Philipp (2014) Luminescent Dual Sensors Reveal Extracellular pH-Gradients and Hypoxia on Chronic Wounds That Disrupt Epidermal Repair. Theranostics 4 (7), S. 721-735.

Lehner, Karin, Santarelli, Francesco, Vasold, Rudolf, Penning, Randolph, Sidoroff, Alexis, König, Burkhard , Landthaler, Michael und Bäumler, Wolfgang (2014) Black Tattoos Entail Substantial Uptake of Genotoxicpolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Human Skin and Regional Lymph Nodes. PLoS ONE 9 (3), e92787.

Gehmert, Sebastian , Wenzel, Carina, Loibl, Markus , Brockhoff, Gero , Huber, Michaela, Krutsch, Werner, Nerlich, Michael, Gosau, Martin, Klein, Silvan, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gehmert, Sanga (2014) Adipose tissue-derived Stem Cell (ASC) secreted IGF-1 protects myoblasts from the negative effect of Myostatin. BioMed Research International 2014.

Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Germanistik > Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur (Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher)

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Lindl, Alfred, Krauss, Stefan , Schilcher, Anita und Hilbert, Sven (2020) Statistical Methods in Transdisciplinary Educational Research. Frontiers in Education 5 (97), S. 1-11.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung (Prof. Dr. Gregor Dorfleitner)

Priberny, Christopher und Dorfleitner, Gregor (2013) Risk perception and foreign exchange risk management in microfinance. Journal of Management and Sustainability 3 (2), S. 68-78.

Wimmer, Maximilian (2013) ESG-Persistence in Socially Responsible Mutual Funds. Journal of Management and Sustainability 3 (1), S. 9-15.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Frauenheilkunde)

Brummer, Christina, Singer, Katrin, Brand, Almut, Bruss, Christina, Renner, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Pukrop, Tobias, Dorn, Christoph , Hellerbrand, Claus, Matos, Carina und Kreutz, Marina (2024) Sex-Dependent T Cell Dysregulation in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (15), S. 8234.

Albert, Veruschka, Bruss, Christina, Tümen, Deniz, Piendl, Gerhard, Weber, Florian , Dahl, Edgar, Seitz, Stephan, Ortmann, Olaf , Wege, Anja K. und Brockhoff, Gero (2024) HER4 Affects Sensitivity to Tamoxifen and Abemaciclib in Luminal Breast Cancer Cells and Restricts Tumor Growth in MCF-7-Based Humanized Tumor Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (13), S. 7475.

Weber, Florian , Utpatel, Kirsten , Evert, Katja , Treeck, Oliver und Buechler, Christa (2023) Chemerin and Chemokine-like Receptor 1 Expression Are Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression in European Patients. Biomedicines 11 (3), S. 737.

Weber, Florian , Treeck, Oliver, Mester, Patricia und Buechler, Christa (2023) Expression and Function of BMP and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor (BAMBI) in Chronic Liver Diseases and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4), S. 3473.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Treeck, Oliver , Weber, Florian , Fritsch, Juergen , Skrzypczak, Maciej, Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Buechler, Christa und Ortmann, Olaf (2022) DSCAM-AS1 Long Non-Coding RNA Exerts Oncogenic Functions in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma via Activation of a Tumor-Promoting Transcriptome Profile. Biomedicines 10 (7), S. 1727.

Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Babl, Nathalie, Bittner, Sebastian, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone , Feuerer, Markus, Hoffmann, Petra, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2022) LDHB Overexpression Can Partially Overcome T Cell Inhibition by Lactic Acid. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (11), S. 5970.

Bruss, Christina, Kellner, Kerstin, Ortmann, Olaf , Seitz, Stephan, Brockhoff, Gero , Hutchinson, James A. und Wege, Anja Kathrin (2022) Advanced Immune Cell Profiling by Multiparameter Flow Cytometry in Humanized Patient-Derived Tumor Mice. Cancers 14 (9), S. 2214.

Schulz, Daniela, Wetzel, Martin, Eichberger, Jonas, Piendl, Gerhard, Brockhoff, Gero , Wege, Anja K. , Reichert, Torsten, Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2021) Differential Expression of PD-L1 during Cell Cycle Progression of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (23), S. 1-18.

Wege, Anja Kathrin , Dreyer, Tobias F., Teoman, Attila, Ortmann, Olaf , Brockhoff, Gero und Bronger, Holger (2021) CX3CL1 Overexpression Prevents the Formation of Lung Metastases in Trastuzumab-Treated MDA-MB-453-Based Humanized Tumor Mice (HTM). Cancers 2021 (13), S. 2459. (Eingereicht)

Reuschel, Edith , Toelge, Martina, Entleutner, Kathrin, Deml, Ludwig und Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit (2019) Cytokine profiles of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells upon in vitro stimulation with lipopolysaccharides of different vaginal gram-negative bacteria. PLOS ONE 14 (9), e0222465.

Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Weber, Florian, Skrzypczak, Maciej , Ortmann, Olaf und Treeck, Oliver (2018) Estrogen receptor β is associated with expression of cancer associated genes and survival in ovarian cancer. BMC Cancer 18 (1), S. 1-9.

Wege, Anja Kathrin, Chittka, Dominik, Buchholz, Stefan, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Diermeier-Daucher, Simone, Zeman, Florian, Ortmann, Olaf und Brockhoff, Gero (2018) HER4 expression in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer is associated with decreased sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment and reduced overall survival of postmenopausal women. Breast Cancer Research 20 (1), S. 1-15.

Zimara, Nicole, Chanyalew, Menberework, Aseffa, Abraham , van Zandbergen, Ger, Lepenies, Bernd, Schmid, Maximilian, Weiss, Richard , Rascle, Anne, Wege, Anja Kathrin, Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Brown, Gordon D. und Ritter, Uwe (2018) Dectin-1 Positive Dendritic Cells Expand after Infection with Leishmania major Parasites and Represent Promising Targets for Vaccine Development. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (263), S. 1-20.

Rom-Jurek, Eva-Maria , Kirchhammer, Nicole, Ugocsai, Peter, Ortmann, Olaf, Wege, Anja und Brockhoff, Gero (2018) Regulation of Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) Expression in Breast Cancer Cell Lines In Vitro and in Immunodeficient and Humanized Tumor Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (2), S. 563.

Riquelme, Paloma , Haarer, Jan, Kammler, Anja, Walter, Lisa , Tomiuk, Stefan, Ahrens, Norbert , Wege, Anja K. , Goecze, Ivan, Zecher, Daniel, Banas, Bernhard , Spang, Rainer , Fändrich, Fred, Lutz, Manfred B., Sawitzki, Birgit, Schlitt, Hans J. , Ochando, Jordi , Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2018) TIGIT+ iTregs elicited by human regulatory macrophages control T cell immunity. Nature Communications 9 (2858), S. 1-18.

Brockhoff, Gero, Seitz, Stephan, Weber, Florian, Zeman, Florian, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Ortmann, Olaf und Wege, Anja Kathrin (2018) The presence of PD-1 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancers is associated with a favorable outcome of disease. Oncotarget 2018 (9), S. 6201-6212.

Reinders, Yvonne, Felthaus, Oliver, Brockhoff, Gero, Pohl, Fabian, Ahrens, Norbert , Prantl, Lukas und Haubner, Frank (2017) Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Viability and Proliferation in Wound Healing Processes after External Radiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (8), S. 1819.

Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Moehle, Christoph, Skrzypczak, Maciej , Ortmann, Olaf und Treeck, Oliver (2017) Effect of estrogen receptor β agonists on proliferation and gene expression of ovarian cancer cells. BMC Cancer 17 (1), S. 1-9.

Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Häring, Julia, Inwald, Elisabeth C., Moehle, Christoph, Ortmann, Olaf und Treeck, Oliver (2016) Agonists and knockdown of estrogen receptor β differentially affect invasion of triple-negative breast cancer cells in vitro. BMC Cancer 16 (951), S. 1-13.

Lindberg, Patricia, Koller, Michael, Steinger, Brunhilde, Lorenz, Wilfried, Wyatt, Jeremy C. , Inwald, Elisabeth C. und Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika (2015) Breast cancer survivors’ recollection of their illness and therapy seven years after enrolment into a randomised controlled clinical trial. BMC Cancer 15 (554), S. 1-13.

Schüler, Susanne, Lattrich, Claus, Skrzypczak, Maciej , Fehm, Tanja, Ortmann, Olaf und Treeck, Oliver (2014) Icb-1 gene polymorphism rs1467465 is associated with susceptibility to ovarian cancer. Journal of Ovarian Research 7 (42).

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Proske, Judith, Werno, Christian, Schneider, Katharina, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Rack, Brigitte, Buchholz, Stefan, Ganzer, Roman, Blana, Andreas, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Nitsche, Ulrich, Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e97860.

Gehmert, Sebastian , Wenzel, Carina, Loibl, Markus , Brockhoff, Gero , Huber, Michaela, Krutsch, Werner, Nerlich, Michael, Gosau, Martin, Klein, Silvan, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gehmert, Sanga (2014) Adipose tissue-derived Stem Cell (ASC) secreted IGF-1 protects myoblasts from the negative effect of Myostatin. BioMed Research International 2014.

Machleidt, Anna, Buchholz, Stefan, Diermeier-Daucher, S., Zeman, Florian, Ortmann, Olaf und Brockhoff, Gero (2013) The prognostic value of Her4 receptor isoform expression in triple-negative and Her2 positive breast cancer patients. BMC Cancer 13.

Ignatov, Tanja, Modl, Saskia, Thulig, Maike, Weißenborn, Christine, Treeck, Oliver, Ortmann, Olaf, Zenclussen, Ac , Costa, Serban-Dan, Kalinski, Thomas und Ignatov, Atanas (2013) GPER-1 acts as a tumor suppressor in ovarian cancer. Journal of ovarian research 6 (1), S. 51.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (Schwerpunkt Geburtshilfe)

Bruss, Christina, Albert, Veruschka, Seitz, Stephan, Blaimer, Stephanie , Kellner, Kerstin, Pohl, Fabian, Ortmann, Olaf , Brockhoff, Gero und Wege, Anja K. (2024) Neoadjuvant radiotherapy in ER+, HER2+, and triple-negative -specific breast cancer based humanized tumor mice enhances anti-PD-L1 treatment efficacy. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Olic, J.-Jacqueline, Stöllberger, Claudia, Schukro, Christoph, Odening, Katja E., Reuschel, Edith, Fischer, Marcus, Veltmann, Christian, Duncker, David und Baessler, Andrea (2022) Usage of the wearable cardioverter-defibrillator during pregnancy. IJC Heart & Vasculature 41 (2022), S. 101066.

Durham, Kira, Wethmar, David, Brandstetter, Susanne , Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Melter, Michael , Kabesch, Michael und Kerzel, Sebastian (2021) Digital Media Exposure and Predictors for Screen Time in 12-Month-Old Children: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Data From a German Birth Cohort. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), S. 1-10.

Hardardottir, Lilja, Bazzano, Maria Victoria, Glau, Laura, Gattinoni, Luca , Köninger, Angela, Tolosa, Eva und Solano, Maria Emilia (2021) The New Old CD8+ T Cells in the Immune Paradox of Pregnancy. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (765730), S. 1-14.

Brandstetter, Susanne , Rothfuß, David, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Melter, Michael, Kabesch, Michael und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2020) Information on, knowledge and utilisation of support services during pregnancy and after childbirth: cross-sectional analyses of predictors using data from the KUNO-Kids health study. BMJ Open 10 (10), e037745.

Shih, Chiaho, Reuschel, Edith , Jilg, Wolfgang, Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit und Deml, Ludwig (2019) Comparative purification and characterization of hepatitis B virus-like particles produced by recombinant vaccinia viruses in human hepatoma cells and human primary hepatocytes. PLOS ONE 14 (2), e0212800.

Wege, Anja K., Weber, Florian, Kroemer, Alexander, Ortmann, Olaf, Nimmerjahn, Falk und Brockhoff, Gero (2016) IL-15 enhances the anti-tumor activity of trastuzumab against breast cancer cells but causes fatal side effects in humanized tumor mice (HTM). Oncotarget 8 (2), S. 2731-2744.

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Proske, Judith, Werno, Christian, Schneider, Katharina, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Rack, Brigitte, Buchholz, Stefan, Ganzer, Roman, Blana, Andreas, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Nitsche, Ulrich, Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e97860.

Wege, Anja Kathrin, Florian, Christian, Ernst, Wolfgang, Zimara, Nicole, Schleicher, Ulrike, Hanses, Frank, Schmid, Maximilian und Ritter, Uwe (2012) Leishmania major Infection in Humanized Mice Induces Systemic Infection and Provokes a Nonprotective Human Immune Response. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6, e1741.

Medizin > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Genomik (Prof. Oefner)

Hammon, Kathrin, Renner, Kathrin, Althammer, Michael, Voll, Florian, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Siska, Peter J. , Matos, Carina, Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth Cárdenas, Mendes, Karina , Einwag, Friederike, Siegmund, Heiko, Iberl, Sabine, Berger, Raffaela S. , Dettmer, Katja, Schoenmehl, Rebecca, Brochhausen, Christoph , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Rehli, Michael , Thomas, Simone und Kreutz, Marina (2024) D-2-hydroxyglutarate supports a tolerogenic phenotype with lowered major histocompatibility class II expression in non-malignant dendritic cells and acute myeloid leukemia cells. Haematologica.

Buck, Lena, Schmidt, Tobias, Feist, Maren, Schwarzfischer, Philipp, Kube, Dieter, Oefner, Peter J. , Zacharias, Helena U., Altenbuchinger, Michael , Dettmer, Katja , Gronwald, Wolfram und Spang, Rainer (2023) Anomaly detection in mixed high dimensional molecular data. Bioinformatics 39 (8), btad501.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Babl, Nathalie, Bittner, Sebastian, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone , Feuerer, Markus, Hoffmann, Petra, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2022) LDHB Overexpression Can Partially Overcome T Cell Inhibition by Lactic Acid. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (11), S. 5970.

Kieninger, Martin , Dietl, Sarah, Sinning, Annemarie, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram , Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas , Schmid, Stephan , Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas , Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2022) Evaluation of models for prognosing mortality in critical care patients with COVID-19: First- and second-wave data from a German university hospital. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0268734.

Frick, Linus, Hinterland, Linda, Renner, Kathrin , Vogl, Marion, Babl, Nathalie, Heckscher, Simon, Weigert, Anna, Weiß, Susanne, Gläsner, Joachim, Berger, Raffaela , Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Kreutz, Marina , Schatz, Valentin und Jantsch, Jonathan (2022) Acidic Microenvironments Found in Cutaneous Leishmania Lesions Curtail NO-Dependent Antiparasitic Macrophage Activity. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 789366.

Tauber, Philipp, Sinha, Frederick, Berger, Raffaela S., Gronwald, Wolfram, Dettmer, Katja , Kuhn, Michaela, Trum, Maximilian, Maier, Lars S., Wagner, Stefan und Schweda, Frank (2021) Empagliflozin Reduces Renal Hyperfiltration in Response to Uninephrectomy, but Is Not Nephroprotective in UNx/DOCA/Salt Mouse Models. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, S. 761855.

Kieninger, Martin , Sinning, Annemarie, Vadász, Timea , Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas, Schmid, Stephan, Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2021) Lower blood pH as a strong prognostic factor for fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients at an intensive care unit: A multivariable analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-15.

Arndt, Stephanie, Fadil, Fadi , Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Boskovic, Marko, Samol, Claudia, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Zimmermann, Julia, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram und Karrer, Sigrid (2021) Cold Atmospheric Plasma Changes the Amino Acid Composition in Solutions and Influences the Anti-Tumor Effect on Melanoma Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 1-22.

Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Berger, Raffaela Sarah, Wachsmuth, Christian J., Waldhier, Magdalena C., Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Thomas, Simone, Chaturvedi, Anuhar , Niller, Hans Helmut, Bumes, Elisabeth, Hau, Peter , Proescholdt, Martin A., Gronwald, Wolfram , Heuser, Michael und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Lactonization of the Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Produces a Novel Endogenous Metabolite. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 1756.

Bumes, Elisabeth , Wirtz, Fro-Philip, Fellner, Claudia, Grosse, Jirka, Hellwig, Dirk , Oefner, Peter J., Häckl, Martina, Linker, Ralf A., Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Samol, Claudia, Rosengarth, Katharina, Wendl, Christina M., Hau, Peter, Gronwald, Wolfram und Hutterer, Markus (2020) Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation in Patients with Glioma WHO II/III/IV Based on F-18-FET PET-Guided In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. Cancers 12 (11), S. 3406.

Weitzel, Alexander, Samol, Claudia, Oefner, Peter J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2020) Robust Metabolite Quantification from J-Compensated 2D 1H-13C-HSQC Experiments. Metabolites 10 (11), S. 449.

Sun, Xueni, Berger, Raffaela, Heinrich, Paul, Marchiq, Ibtissam, Pouyssegur, Jacques , Renner, Kathrin, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2020) Optimized Protocol for the In Situ Derivatization of Glutathione with N-Ethylmaleimide in Cultured Cells and the Simultaneous Determination of Glutathione/Glutathione Disulfide Ratio by HPLC-UV-QTOF-MS. Metabolites 10 (7), S. 292.

Reinders, Jörg, Altenbuchinger, Michael, Limm, Katharina , Schwarzfischer, Philipp, Scheidt, Tamara, Strasser, Lisa, Richter, Julia, Szczepanowski, Monika, Huber, Christian G. , Klapper, Wolfram, Spang, Rainer und Oefner, Peter J. (2020) Platform independent protein-based cell-of-origin subtyping of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Scientific Reports 10 (7876), S. 1-11.

Renner, Kathrin , Bruss, Christina, Schnell, Annette, Koehl, Gudrun, Becker, Holger M., Fante, Matthias, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Kauer, Nathalie, Blazquez, Raquel, Hacker, Lisa, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bohn, Toszka, Faerber, Stephanie, Evert, Katja, Aigle, Lisa, Amslinger, Sabine, Landa, Maria, Krijgsman, Oscar, Rozeman, Elisa A., Brummer, Christina, Siska, Peter J., Singer, Katrin, Pektor, Stefanie, Miederer, Matthias, Peter, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Herr, Wolfgang, Marchiq, Ibtisam, Pouyssegur, Jacques, Roush, William R., Ong, SuFey, Warren, Sarah, Pukrop, Tobias , Beckhove, Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Bopp, Tobias, Blank, Christian U., Cleveland, John L., Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja , Selby, Mark und Kreutz, Marina (2019) Restricting Glycolysis Preserves T Cell Effector Functions and Augments Checkpoint Therapy. Cell Reports 29 (1), 135-150.e9.

Altenbuchinger, Michael, Zacharias, Helena, Solbrig, S., Schaefer, Andreas, Buyukozkan, M., Schultheiss, U. T. , Kotsis, F., Köttgen, Anna, Spang, Rainer, Oefner, Peter J., Krumsiek, J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2019) A multi-source data integration approach reveals novel associations between metabolites and renal outcomes in the German Chronic Kidney Disease study. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 13954.

Singer, Katrin, Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Renner, Kathrin , Peter, Katrin , Siska, Peter J. , Berneburg, Mark , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Karrer, Sigrid, Kreutz, Marina und Datz, Elisabeth (2019) Topical Diclofenac Reprograms Metabolism and Immune Cell Infiltration in Actinic Keratosis. Frontiers in Oncology 2019 (9), S. 605.

Berger, Raffaela S. , Ellmann, Lisa, Reinders, Joerg, Kreutz, Marina, Stempfl, Thomas, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2019) Degradation of D-2-hydroxyglutarate in the presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 1-11.

Ugele, Ines, Cardenas-Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth, Hammon, Kathrin, Wehrstein, Monika, Bruss, Christina, Peter, Katrin, Singer, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Boesch, Jakob, Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja, Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2019) D-2-Hydroxyglutarate and L-2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibit IL-12 Secretion by Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 742.

Heinrich, Paul, Kohler, Christian , Ellmann, Lisa, Kuerner, Paul, Spang, Rainer, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2018) Correcting for natural isotope abundance and tracer impurity in MS-, MS/MS- and high-resolution-multiple-tracer-data from stable isotope labeling experiments with IsoCorrectoR. Scientific Reports 8 (17910), S. 1-10.

von Schlippenbach, Trixi , Oefner, Peter J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2018) Systematic Evaluation of Non-Uniform Sampling Parameters in the Targeted Analysis of Urine Metabolites by1H,1H 2D NMR Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 4249.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Jurczyk, Jan, Rehberg, Thorsten, Eckrot, Alexander und Morgenstern, Ingo (2017) Measuring critical transitions in financial markets. Scientific Reports 7 (1), S. 11564.

Grois, Laura, Hupf, Julian, Reinders, Jörg, Schröder, Josef, Dietl, Alexander, Schmid, Peter M., Jungbauer, Carsten, Resch, Markus, Maier, Lars S., Luchner, Andreas und Birner, Christoph (2017) Combined Inhibition of the Renin-Angiotensin System and Neprilysin Positively Influences Complex Mitochondrial Adaptations in Progressive Experimental Heart Failure. PLoS ONE 12 (1), e0169743.

Moffa, Giusi, Erdmann, Gerrit, Voloshanenko, Oksana, Hundsrucker, Christian, Sadeh, Mohammad Javad, Boutros, Michael und Spang, Rainer (2016) Refining Pathways: A Model Comparison Approach. PLoS One 11 (6), e0155999.

Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Dettmer, Katja, Dick, Christopher, Ehrenschwender, Martin , Hellerbrand, Claus, Oefner, Peter J., make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2015) Ferritin-Mediated Iron Sequestration Stabilizes Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α upon LPS Activation in the Presence of Ample Oxygen. Cell Reports 2015 (13), S. 2048-2055.

Wolferstetter, Stefanie, Reinders, Jörg, Schwede, Frank, Ruth, Peter, Schinner, Elisabeth und Schlossmann, Jens (2015) Interaction of cCMP with the cGK, cAK and MAPK Kinases in Murine Tissues. PLoS ONE 10 (5), e0126057.

Engelmann, Julia C. , Amann, Thomas, Ott-Rötzer, Brigitta, Nützel, Margit, Reinders, Yvonne, Reinders, Jörg, Thasler, Wolfgang E., Kristl, Theresa, Teufel, Andreas, Huber, Christian G. , Oefner, Peter J. , Spang, Rainer und Hellerbrand, Claus (2015) Causal Modeling of Cancer-Stromal Communication Identifies PAPPA as a Novel Stroma-Secreted Factor Activating NFκB Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS Computational Biology 11 (5), S. 1-22.

Pauly, Diana, Nagel, Benedikt M., Reinders, Jörg, Killian, Tobias, Wulf, Matthias, Ackermann, Susanne , Ehrenstein, Boris, Zipfel, Peter F., Skerka, Christine und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2014) A Novel Antibody against Human Properdin Inhibits the Alternative Complement System and Specifically Detects Properdin from Blood Samples. PLos ONE 9 (5), e96371.

Kreutz, Marina, Gottfried, Eva, Lang, Sven A., Renner, Kathrin , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin, Gronwald, Wolfram , Rehli, Michael, Einhell, Sabine, Gedig, Isabel, Singer, Katrin, Seilbeck, Anton, Mackensen, Andreas, Grauer, Oliver, Hau, Peter , Dettmer, Katja, Andreesen, Reinhard und Oefner, Peter (2013) New aspects of an old drug: Diclofenac targets MYC and glucose metabolism in tumor cells. PLoS ONE 8 (7), e66987.

Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin > Lehrstuhl für Genetische Epidemiologie

Peterhoff, David , Wiegrebe, Simon, Einhauser, Sebastian , Patt, Arisha J., Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Steininger, Philipp, Niller, Hans Helmut, Burkhardt, Ralph , Küchenhoff, Helmut, Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus , Heid, Iris M. und Wagner, Ralf (2023) Population-based study of the durability of humoral immunity after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Frontiers in Immunology 14, ArtikelNr 1242536.

Herold, Janina M., Zimmermann, Martina E. , Gorski, Mathias , Günther, Felix , Weber, Bernhard H. F., Helbig, Horst, Stark, Klaus J., Heid, Iris M. und Brandl, Caroline (2023) Genetic Risk Score Analysis Supports a Joint View of Two Classification Systems for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 64 (12), S. 31.

Donhauser, Ferdinand J., Zimmermann, Martina E., Steinkirchner, Anna B., Wiegrebe, Simon, Dietl, Alexander, Brandl, Caroline , Burkhardt, Ralph , Gessner, André , Schweda, Frank, Bergler, Tobias , Schäffner, Elke, Böger, Carsten A., Kronenberg, Florian, Luchner, Andreas, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in 70- to 95-Year-Old Individuals: Cross-Sectional Results from the Population-Based AugUR Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), S. 2102.

Brandl, Caroline , Zimmermann, Martina E. , Herold, Janina M., Helbig, Horst, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Photostress Recovery Time as a Potential Predictive Biomarker for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Translational Vision Science & Technology 12 (2), S. 15.

Jochem, Carmen, von Sommoggy, Julia , Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Schwienhorst-Stich, Eva-Maria und Apfelbacher, Christian (2023) Planetary health literacy: A conceptual model. Frontiers in Public Health 10.

Matos, Carina, Mamilos, Andreas, Shah, Pranali N., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Ghimire, Saroj, Hiergeist, Andreas, Gessner, André, Dickinson, Anne M., Dressel, Ralf, Walter, Lutz , Stark, Klaus J., Heid, Iris M., Poeck, Hendrik, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel, Herr, Wolfgang, Holler, Ernst, Kreutz, Marina und Ghimire, Sakhila (2022) Downregulation of the vitamin D receptor expression during acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease is associated with poor outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1028850.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje, Korn, Klaus , Berr, Melanie, Schütz, Anja, Wiegrebe, Simon, Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, André, Burkhardt, Ralph , Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B., Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus und Wagner, Ralf (2022) Time Trend in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity, Surveillance Detection- and Infection Fatality Ratio until Spring 2021 in the Tirschenreuth County—Results from a Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany. Viruses 14 (6), S. 1168.

Peterhoff, David , Einhauser, Sebastian , Beileke, Stephanie, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Günther, Felix , Schachtner, Michael , Asbach, Benedikt , Steininger, Philipp, Tenbusch, Matthias , Peter, Antonia S. , Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Wagner, Ralf und Überla, Klaus (2022) Comparative Immunogenicity of COVID-19 Vaccines in a Population-Based Cohort Study with SARS-CoV-2-Infected and Uninfected Participants. Vaccines 10 (2), S. 324.

Matos, Carina , Peter, Katrin , Weich, Laura, Peuker, Alice, Schoenhammer, Gabriele, Roider, Tobias , Ghimire, Sakhila, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja, Güllstorf, Martina, Kröger, Nicolaus, Hammon, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stark, Klaus, Heid, Iris M. , Renner, Kathrin , Holler, Ernst und Kreutz, Marina (2022) Anti-Thymocyte Globulin Treatment Augments 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Serum Levels in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 12.

Brandl, Caroline , Günther, Felix, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Hartmann, Kathrin I., Eberlein, Gregor, Barth, Teresa , Winkler, Thomas W. , Linkohr, Birgit , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Li, Jeany Q. , Finger, Robert P. , Helbig, Horst, Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Küchenhoff, Helmut , Mueller, Arthur, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2022) Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies. BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2022 (7), S. 1-11.

Schaller, Louisa, Arzt, Michael, Jung, Bettina, Böger, Carsten A., Heid, Iris M. und Stadler, Stefan (2021) Long-Term Weight Change and Glycemic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Treated vs. Untreated Sleep-Disordered Breathing—Analysis From the DIAbetes COhoRtE. Frontiers in Neurology 2021 (12), S. 1-11.

Dietl, Alexander , Zimmermann, Martina E. , Brandl, Caroline , Wallner, Stefan , Burkhardt, Ralph , Maier, Lars S. , Luchner, Andreas, Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus J. (2021) Distribution and specificity of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in older adults without acute cardiac conditions: cross-sectional results from the population-based AugUR study. BMJ Open 2021 (11), e052004.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Niller, Hans Helmut, Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Steininger, Philipp, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Überla, Klaus , Gefeller, Olaf und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Spectrum Bias and Individual Strengths of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests—A Population-Based Evaluation. Diagnostics 11 (10), S. 1-14.

Wagner, Ralf, Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Berr, Melanie, Einhauser, Sebastian , Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje , Tenbusch, Matthias , Maier, Clara, Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf, Überla, Klaus, Korn, Klaus , Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, Andre und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Estimates and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection fatality ratio using latent class analysis: the population-based Tirschenreuth study in the hardest-hit German county in spring 2020. Viruses 2021 (13), S. 1118. (Eingereicht)

Neumann, K., Arzt, M., Heid, I., Böger, C. und Stadler, S. (2019) Sleep-Disordered Breathing Is Associated with Metabolic Syndrome in Outpatients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Journal of Diabetes Research 2019, S. 1-11.

Winkler, Thomas W. , Günther, Felix, Höllerer, Simon, Zimmermann, Martina , Loos, Ruth J. F. , Kutalik, Zoltán und Heid, Iris M. (2018) A joint view on genetic variants for adiposity differentiates subtypes with distinct metabolic implications. Nature Communications 9 (1946), S. 1-13.

Winkler, Thomas W. , Brandl, Caroline , Grassmann, Felix , Gorski, Mathias , Stark, Klaus , Loss, Julika, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Heid, Iris M. (2018) Investigating the modulation of genetic effects on late AMD by age and sex: Lessons learned and two additional loci. PLoS ONE 13 (3), e0194321.

Meyre, David , Winkler, Thomas W., Justice, Anne E., Cupples, L. Adrienne , Kronenberg, Florian, Kutalik, Zoltán und Heid, Iris M. (2017) Approaches to detect genetic effects that differ between two strata in genome-wide meta-analyses: Recommendations based on a systematic evaluation. PLoS ONE 12 (7), e0181038.

Gorski, Mathias, van der Most, Peter J., Teumer, Alexander, Chu, Audrey Y., Li, Man , Mijatovic, Vladan, Nolte, Ilja M., Cocca, Massimiliano , Taliun, Daniel, Gomez, Felicia, Li, Yong , Tayo, Bamidele, Tin, Adrienne, Feitosa, Mary F., Aspelund, Thor , Attia, John, Biffar, Reiner, Bochud, Murielle, Boerwinkle, Eric, Borecki, Ingrid, Bottinger, Erwin P., Chen, Ming-Huei, Chouraki, Vincent , Ciullo, Marina , Coresh, Josef, Cornelis, Marilyn C., Curhan, Gary C., d’Adamo, Adamo Pio , Dehghan, Abbas, Dengler, Laura, Ding, Jingzhong, Eiriksdottir, Gudny, Endlich, Karlhans , Enroth, Stefan , Esko, Tõnu, Franco, Oscar H. , Gasparini, Paolo, Gieger, Christian, Girotto, Giorgia, Gottesman, Omri, Gudnason, Vilmundur, Gyllensten, Ulf, Hancock, Stephen J., Harris, Tamara B., Helmer, Catherine, Höllerer, Simon, Hofer, Edith, Hofman, Albert, Holliday, Elizabeth G., Homuth, Georg, Hu, Frank B., Huth, Cornelia , Hutri-Kähönen, Nina, Hwang, Shih-Jen, Imboden, Medea, Johansson, Åsa , Kähönen, Mika , König, Wolfgang, Kramer, Holly, Krämer, Bernhard K., Kumar, Ashish, Kutalik, Zoltan, Lambert, Jean-Charles , Launer, Lenore J., Lehtimäki, Terho, de Borst, Martin, Navis, Gerjan, Swertz, Morris, Liu, Yongmei, Lohman, Kurt, Loos, Ruth J. F. , Lu, Yingchang, Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka, McEvoy, Mark A., Meisinger, Christa, Meitinger, Thomas, Metspalu, Andres, Metzger, Marie, Mihailov, Evelin, Mitchell, Paul, Nauck, Matthias, Oldehinkel, Albertine J., Olden, Matthias, Penninx, Brenda W. J. H., Pistis, Giorgio, Pramstaller, Peter P., Probst-Hensch, Nicole, Raitakari, Olli T., Rettig, Rainer, Ridker, Paul M., Rivadeneira, Fernando, Robino, Antonietta, Rosas, Sylvia E., Ruderfer, Douglas, Ruggiero, Daniela, Saba, Yasaman, Sala, Cinzia, Schmidt, Helena, Schmidt, Reinhold, Scott, Rodney J., Sedaghat, Sanaz, Smith, Albert V. , Sorice, Rossella, Stengel, Benedicte , Stracke, Sylvia, Strauch, Konstantin, Toniolo, Daniela, Uitterlinden, Andre G., Ulivi, Sheila, Viikari, Jorma S., Völker, Uwe, Vollenweider, Peter, Völzke, Henry, Vuckovic, Dragana, Waldenberger, Melanie , Jin Wang, Jie, Yang, Qiong, Chasman, Daniel I., Tromp, Gerard, Snieder, Harold, Heid, Iris M., Fox, Caroline S., Köttgen, Anna, Pattaro, Cristian, Böger, Carsten A. und Fuchsberger, Christian (2017) 1000 Genomes-based meta-analysis identifies 10 novel loci for kidney function. Scientific Reports 2017 (7), S. 45040.

Olden, Matthias, Holle, Rolf, Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus (2016) IDGenerator: unique identifier generator for epidemiologic or clinical studies. BMC Medical Research Methodology 16 (120), S. 1-10.

Heid, Iris M., Stark, Klaus, Olden, Matthias , Brandl, Caroline, Dietl, Alexander, Zimmermann, Martina E., Schelter, Sabine C., Loss, Julika, Leitzmann, Michael F., Böger, Carsten A., Luchner, Andreas , Kronenberg, Florian, Helbig, Horst und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2015) The German AugUR study: study protocol of a prospective study to investigate chronic diseases in the elderly. BMC Geriatrics 15 (130), S. 1-8.

Straub, Rainer H., Stark, Klaus, Rovenský, Jozef, Blažičková, Stanislava, Eiselt, Gabriele und Schmidt, Martin (2015) CYB5A polymorphism increases androgens and reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women. Arthritis Research & Therapy 17 (56), S. 1-11.

Leitzmann, Michael, Moore, Steven C. , Koster, Annemarie, Harris, Tamara B., Park, Yikyung , Hollenbeck, Albert und Schatzkin, Arthur (2011) Waist circumference as compared with body-mass index in predicting mortality from specific causes. PloS one 6 (4), e18582.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik > Lehrstuhl für Grundschulpädagogik und -didaktik (Prof. Dr. Astrid Rank)

Haider, Michael und Haider, Marika (2018) How to Support the Process of Forming Analogies to Facilitate Model-Building in Science Education. Journal Of Education And Human Development 7 (1), S. 63-71.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde

Brummer, Christina, Singer, Katrin, Brand, Almut, Bruss, Christina, Renner, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Pukrop, Tobias, Dorn, Christoph , Hellerbrand, Claus, Matos, Carina und Kreutz, Marina (2024) Sex-Dependent T Cell Dysregulation in Mice with Diet-Induced Obesity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (15), S. 8234.

Hammon, Kathrin, Renner, Kathrin, Althammer, Michael, Voll, Florian, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Siska, Peter J. , Matos, Carina, Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth Cárdenas, Mendes, Karina , Einwag, Friederike, Siegmund, Heiko, Iberl, Sabine, Berger, Raffaela S. , Dettmer, Katja, Schoenmehl, Rebecca, Brochhausen, Christoph , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Rehli, Michael , Thomas, Simone und Kreutz, Marina (2024) D-2-hydroxyglutarate supports a tolerogenic phenotype with lowered major histocompatibility class II expression in non-malignant dendritic cells and acute myeloid leukemia cells. Haematologica.

Vester, Sarah, Muhr, Anna, Meier, Johannes, Süß, Christoph, Kummer, Peter und Künzel, Julian (2023) Prehabilitation of dysphagia in the therapy of head and neck cancer- a systematic review of the literature and evidence evaluation. Frontiers in Oncology 13.

Seebauer, Caroline T., Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Künzel, Julian , Kühnel, Thomas , Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Bohr, Christopher (2023) Tracheoesophageal Fistula Closure in a Pediatric Patient Using a Supraclavicular Artery Island Flap. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 11 (9), e5250.

Kuehnel, Sophia, Grimm, András, Bohr, Christopher, Hosemann, Werner, Weber, Rainer K., Ettl, Tobias und Kuehnel, Thomas (2023) Reconstruction of the Exenterated Orbit with an Island Pericranial Flap: A New Surgical Approach. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 11 (7), e5082.

Langguth, Berthold , Bulla, Jan, Fischer, Beate , Baurecht, Hansjoerg, Schecklmann, Martin , Marcrum, Steven C. und Vielsmeier, Veronika (2023) Tinnitus Is Marginally Associated with Body Mass Index, Heart Rate and Arterial Blood Pressure: Results from a Large Clinical Sample. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (9), S. 3321.

Mamilos, Andreas , Lein, Alexander, Winter, Lina, Ettl, Tobias , Künzel, Julian , Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Tumor Immune Microenvironment Heterogeneity at the Invasion Front and Tumor Center in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma as a Perspective of Managing This Cancer Entity. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1704.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Fischer, René, Spoerl, Silvia, Kirschneck, Christian , Wolf, Stefanie, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Biermann, Niklas, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2023) Statin Use Ameliorates Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Data from a Population-Based Cohort Study Applying Propensity Score Matching. Biomedicines 11 (2), S. 369.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Kurz, Bernadett, Michael, Hannah Philine, Förch, Antonia , Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Ugele, Ines, Hintschich, Constantin , Haubner, Frank, Ettl, Tobias , Renner, Kathrin , Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive TRPC4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1037.

Marcrum, Steven C. , Engelke, Milena , Goedhart, Hazel, Langguth, Berthold, Schlee, Winfried , Vesala, Markku und Simoes, Jorge p: (2022) The Influence of Diet on Tinnitus Severity: Results of a Large-Scale, Online Survey. Nutrients 14 (24), S. 5356.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Schimnitz, Susanne, Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Lindner, Sophia R., Ettl, Tobias, Ludwig, Nils , Spoerl, Silvia, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Relevance of Type 2 Diabetes and Metformin Treatment in Head and Neck Melanoma: Results from a Population-Based Cohort Study. Current Oncology 29 (12), S. 9660-9670.

Andorfer, Kornelia E. C. , Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Zeller, Judith, Fischer, René, Seebauer, Caroline T., Vielsmeier, Veronika, Bohr, Christopher und Kühnel, Thomas S. (2022) TIMolol Nasal Spray as a Treatment for Epistaxis in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (TIM-HHT)—A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled, Cross-Over Trial. Pharmaceutics 14 (11), S. 2335.

Brandenstein, Moritz, Wiesinger, Isabel , Künzel, Julian , Hornung, Matthias , Stroszczynski, Christian und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2022) Multiparametric Sonographic Imaging of Thyroid Lesions: Chances of B-Mode, Elastography and CEUS in Relation to Preoperative Histopathology. Cancers 14 (19), S. 4745.

Mederer, Tobias, Schachinger, Sebastian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Brosig, Anja, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Schmidt, Nils-Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2022) Symptom burden and surgical outcome in non-skull base meningiomas. Frontiers in Oncology 12, S. 967420.

Künzel, Julian , Brandenstein, Moritz, Zeman, Florian, Symeou, Luisa, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha und Jung, Ernst Michael (2022) Multiparametric Ultrasound of Cervical Lymph Node Metastases in Head and Neck Cancer for Planning Non-Surgical Therapy. Diagnostics 12 (8), S. 1842.

Simoes, Jorge, Bulla, Jan, Neff, Patrick, Pryss, Rüdiger , Marcrum, Steven C. , Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2022) Daily Contributors of Tinnitus Loudness and Distress: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022 (16), S. 883665.

Spoerl, Steffen, Spoerl, Silvia, Reil, Stephanie, Gerken, Michael, Ludwig, Nils , Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Ettl, Tobias, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Value of Perineural Invasion on Survival and Recurrence in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Diagnostics 2022 (12), S. 1062.

Andorfer, Kornelia E. C., Seebauer, Caroline T., Dienemann, Carolin, Marcrum, Steven C. , Fischer, René, Bohr, Christopher und Kühnel, Thomas S. (2022) HHT-Related Epistaxis and Pregnancy—A Retrospective Survey and Recommendations for Management from an Otorhinolaryngology Perspective. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (8), S. 2178.

Hintschich, Constantin A. , Fischer, René, Hummel, Thomas, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Bohr, Christopher und Vielsmeier, Veronika (2022) Persisting olfactory dysfunction in post-COVID-19 is associated with gustatory impairment: Results from chemosensitive testing eight months after the acute infection. PLOS ONE 17 (3), e02656866.

Rohrmeier, Christian , Salloum, Hazem, Keerl, Rainer, Bohr, Christopher und Mueller, Steffen (2022) Tobacco use in patients with ENT tumours: Deficits in the provision of education and smoking cessation support. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 2022, S. 1-8.

Seebauer, Caroline T., Freigang, Viola , Schwan, Franziska E. , Fischer, René, Bohr, Christopher, Kühnel, Thomas S. und Andorfer, Kornelia E. C. (2021) Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: Success of the Osler Calendar for Documentation of Treatment and Course of Disease. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (20), S. 1-11.

Schwan, Franziska Eva Charlotte , Traxdorf, Maximilian, Seebauer, Caroline Theresa, Sekita, Andrzej, Habekost, Cornelia, Iro, Heinrich und Bohr, Christopher (2021) Analysis of Process Costing for the Use of Navigation Systems in Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Applied Sciences 11 (18), S. 1-18.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Santiago Stiel, Ryan, Kwok, Pingling, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2020) From Acute to Chronic Tinnitus: Pilot Data on Predictors and Progression. Frontiers in Neurology 11 (997), S. 1-6.

Beltz, Anna, Zimmer, Stefanie, Michaelides, Ioannis, Evert, Katja, Psychogios, Georgios, Bohr, Christopher und Künzel, Julian (2020) Significance of Extranodal Extension in Surgically Treated HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Carcinomas. Frontiers in Oncology 10 (1394), S. 1-11.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2019) Daily high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation of bilateral temporal cortex in chronic tinnitus – a pilot study. Scientific Reports 9 (12274), S. 1-6.

Ugele, Ines, Cardenas-Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth, Hammon, Kathrin, Wehrstein, Monika, Bruss, Christina, Peter, Katrin, Singer, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Boesch, Jakob, Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja, Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2019) D-2-Hydroxyglutarate and L-2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibit IL-12 Secretion by Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 742.

Haubner, Frank, Gassner, Holger G., Brawanski, Alexander und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2017) Fluorescein sodium-guided surgery of parotid gland tumors as a technical advance. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 17 (1), S. 1-5.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Individualized rTMS treatment in chronic tinnitus? Frontiers in Neurology 8 (126), S. 1-10.

Langguth, Berthold , Landgrebe, Michael, Schlee, Winfried, Schecklmann, Martin, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Steffens, Thomas, Staudinger, Susanne, Frick, Hannah und Frick, Ulrich (2017) Differnet patterns of hearing loss among tinnitus patients: a latent class analysis of a large sample. Frontiers in Neurology 8 (46), S. 1-27.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Kreuzer, Peter M., Haubner, Frank, Steffens, Thomas, Semmler, Philipp R. O., Kleinjung, Tobias , Schlee, Winfried , Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2016) Speech Comprehension Difficulties in Chronic Tinnitus and Its Relation to Hyperacusis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (293), S. 1-8.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Lehner, Astrid, Schlee, Winfried , Vielsmeier, Veronika, Schecklmann, Martin, Poeppl, Timm B. , Landgrebe, Michael, Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Combined rTMS treatment targeting the anterior cingulate and the temporal cortex for the treatment of chronic tinnitus. Scientific Reports 5 (18028), S. 1-10.

Haubner, Frank, Mutscher, Dominique, Pohl, Fabian, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2015) A co-culture model of fibroblasts and adipose tissue-derived stem cells reveals new insights into impaired wound healing after radiotherapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015 (16), S. 25947-25958.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Strutz, Jürgen, Steffens, Thomas, Kreuzer, Peter M., Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Langguth, Berthold und Kleinjung, Tobias (2015) The Relevance of the High Frequency Audiometry in Tinnitus Patients with Normal Hearing in Conventional Pure-Tone Audiometry. BioMed Research International 2015, S. 1-6.

Metterlein, Thomas, Haubner, Frank, Knoppke, Birgit, Graf, Bernhard und Zausig, York A. (2014) An unexpected ferromagnetic foreign body detected during emergency magnetic resonance imaging: a case report. BMC Research Notes 7 (808).

Haubner, Frank, Leyh, Michaela, Ohmann, Elisabeth, Pohl, Fabian, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2013) Effects of external radiation in a co-culture model of endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cells. Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 66.

Wirsching, Kornelia, Heinlin, Julia und Gassner, Holger G. (2013) Netherton syndrome - Why ENT surgeons should be aware of this rare disease - report of a case. BMC ear, nose, and throat disorders 13 (1), S. 7.

Haubner, Frank, Rohrmeier, Christian, Koch, Christoph, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Sturtz, Jürgen und Kleinjung, Tobias (2012) Occurence of a round window membrane rupture in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 12, S. 14.

Haubner, Frank, Ohmann, Elisabeth, Pohl, Fabian, Strutz, Jürgen und Gassner, Holger G. (2012) Wound healing after radiation therapy: Review of the literature. Radiation Oncology 7, S. 162.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Sturtz, Jürgen, Kleinjung, Tobias , Schecklmann, Martin, Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Complaints in Tinnitus: Further Hints for a Putative Tinnitus Subtype. PLoS One 7, e38887.

Sand, Philipp G., Langguth, Berthold, Itzhacki, Jacob, Bauer, Angelika, Geis, Sandra, Cárdenas-Conejo, E., Pimentel, Vanessa, Kleinjung, Tobias und Zuge, Elisabeth (2012) Resequencing of the auxiliary GABAB receptor subunit gene KCTD12 in chronic tinnitus. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 6, S. 41.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B., Frank, Elmar, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Kleinjung, Tobias, Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Predictors for rTMS response in chronic tinnitus. Frontiers in systems neuroscience 6, S. 11.

Wirsching, Kornelia, Lehle, Karla, Jacob, Peter, Gleich, Otto, Strutz, Jürgen und Kwok, Pingling (2011) Influence of surface processing on the biocompatibility of titanium. Materials 4 (7), S. 1238-1248.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael, Schecklmann, Martin, Poeppl, Timm B., Vielsmeier, Veronika, Hajak, Goeran, Kleinjung, Tobias und Langguth, Berthold (2011) Can temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation be enhanced by targeting affective components of tinnitus with frontal rTMS? A randomized controlled pilot trial. Frontiers in systems neuroscience 5, S. 88.

Schmid, Katharina, Strutz, Jürgen, Gleich, Otto und Kwok, Pingling (2011) Localization of gentamicin uptake in the acutely isolated inner ear of the rat. International journal of physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology 3 (2), S. 71-87.

Schecklmann, Martin, Volberg, Gregor , Frank, Gabriele, Hadersdorfer, Julia, Steffens, Thomas, Weisz, Nathan , Landgrebe, Michael, Hajak, Göran, Greenlee, Mark W., Classen, Joseph und Langguth, Berthold (2011) Paired associative stimulation of the auditory system: a proof-of-principle study. PloS one 6 (11), e27088.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Herz-, Thorax- und herznahe Gefäßchirurgie

Heller, Anton, Zerdzitzki, Matthäus R., Hegner, Philipp , Song, Zhiyang, Schach, Christian , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kozakov, Kostiantyn , Thiedemann, Claudius, Provaznik, Zdenek , Schmid, Christof und Li, Jing (2024) Clinical Characterization of Pathogens, Risk Factors and Quality of Life in an Observational Study of Native vs. Prosthetic Aortic Valve Endocarditis Surgery. Life 14 (8), S. 1029.

Wagner, Maria Ss, Kranz, Michael, Krenkel, Lars, Pointner, Daniel, Foltan, Maik , Lubnow, Matthias und Lehle, Karla (2024) Computer based visualization of clot structures in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and histological clot investigations for understanding thrombosis in membrane lungs. Frontiers in Medicine 11.

Haus, Moritz, Foltan, Maik , Philipp, Alois, Mueller, Thomas, Gruber, Michael , Lingel, Maximilian P., Krenkel, Lars und Lehle, Karla (2024) Neutrophil extracellular traps - a potential trigger for the development of thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Frontiers in Immunology 15, S. 1339235.

Li, Jing, Ruegamer, Tamara, Brochhausen, Christoph , Menhart, Karin , Hiergeist, Andreas , Kraemer, Lukas, Hellwig, Dirk , Maier, Lars S., Schmid, Christof, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schach, Christian (2022) Infective Endocarditis: Predictive Factors for Diagnosis and Mortality in Surgically Treated Patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9 (12), S. 467.

Fisser, Christoph , Palmér, Oscar, Sallisalmi, Marko, Paulus, Michael , Foltan, Maik , Philipp, Alois, Malfertheiner, Maximilian Valentin , Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas und Broman, Lars Mikael (2022) Recirculation in single lumen cannula venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A non-randomized bi-centric trial. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 973240.

Hegner, Philipp , Drzymalski, Marzena, Biedermann, Alexander, Memmel, Bernadette, Durczok, Melanie, Wester, Michael , Floerchinger, Bernhard, Provaznik, Zdenek , Schmid, Christof, Zausig, York, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2022) SAR296968, a Novel Selective Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Inhibitor, Improves Ca2+ Handling and Contractile Function in Human Atrial Cardiomyocytes. Biomedicines 10 (8), S. 1932.

Oury, Cécile , Lubnow, Matthias, Berger, Johannes, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Lehle, Karla, Heimerl, Susanne, Hart, Christina, Schmid, Christof, Fisser, Christoph und Müller, Thomas (2022) Prevalence and outcomes of patients developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 17 (8), e0272577.

Fisser, Christoph , Armbrüster, Corina, Wiest, Clemens, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik , Lunz, Dirk, Pfister, Karin, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Schmid, Christof, Maier, Lars S. , Müller, Thomas und Lubnow, Matthias (2022) Arterial and venous vascular complications in patients requiring peripheral venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 960716.

Schierling, Wilma , Matzner, Julia, Apfelbeck, Hanna, Grothues, Dirk , Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate und Pfister, Karin (2022) Pulse Wave Velocity for Risk Stratification of Patients with Aortic Aneurysm. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (14), S. 4026.

Olic, J.-Jacqueline, Stöllberger, Claudia, Schukro, Christoph, Odening, Katja E., Reuschel, Edith, Fischer, Marcus, Veltmann, Christian, Duncker, David und Baessler, Andrea (2022) Usage of the wearable cardioverter-defibrillator during pregnancy. IJC Heart & Vasculature 41 (2022), S. 101066.

Arzt, Michael, Drzymalski, Marzena A., Ripfel, Sarah, Meindl, Sebastian, Biedermann, Alexander, Durczok, Melanie, Keller, Karoline, Mustroph, Julian, Katz, Sylvia, Tafelmeier, Maria, Lebek, Simon , Flörchinger, Bernhard, Camboni, Daniele, Wittmann, Sigrid, Backs, Johannes, Schmid, Christof, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2022) Enhanced Cardiac CaMKII Oxidation and CaMKII-Dependent SR Ca Leak in Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Antioxidants 11 (2), S. 331.

Schober, Andreas Leonhard, Jungbauer, Carsten G., Poschenrieder, Florian , Schober, Alexander Daniel, Hubauer, Ute, Keyser, Andreas , Fredersdorf-Hahn, Sabine, Debl, Kurt, Maier, Lars S. , Sossalla, Samuel , Buchner, Stefan und Üçer, Ekrem (2021) Cardiac MRI Based Left Ventricular Global Function Index: Association with Disease Severity in Patients with ICD for Secondary Prevention. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-14.

Michels, Bernhard, Holzamer, Andreas, Graf, Bernhard M., Bredthauer, Andre , Petermichl, Walter, Müller, Anika, Zausig, York A. und Bitzinger, Diane I. (2021) Butyrylcholinesterase as a perioperative complication marker in patients after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 11 (7), e042857.

Lebek, Simon , Wester, Michael , Pec, Jan, Poschenrieder, Florian, Tafelmeier, Maria, Fisser, Christoph, Provaznik, Zdenek, Schopka, Simon, Debl, Kurt, Schmid, Christof, Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Abnormal P‐wave terminal force in lead V 1 is a marker for atrial electrical dysfunction but not structural remodelling. ESC Heart Failure 8 (5), S. 4055-4066.

Wagner, Stefan, Lebek, Simon, Hegner, Philipp, Tafelmeier, Maria, Rupprecht, Leopold, Schmid, Christof, Maier, Lars Siegfried und Arzt, Michael (2021) Female Patients With Sleep-Disordered Breathing Display More Frequently Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Medicine 2021 (8), S. 675987. (Eingereicht)

Steiger, Tamara, Philipp, Alois, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Müller, Thomas, Lubnow, Matthias und Lehle, Karla (2021) Different mechanisms of oxygenator failure and high plasma von Willebrand factor antigen influence success and survival of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 16 (3), e0248645.

Lovasz, David , Camboni, Daniele, Zeller, Judith und Schmid, Christof (2021) Case report: Recovery after large intramyocardial dissecting haematoma of the ventricular septum—a rare complication of myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal - Case Reports 5 (2), S. 1-6. (Im Druck)

Möller, Christina M. , Ellmauer, Peter-Paul, Zeman, Florian, Bitzinger, Diane, Flörchinger, Bernhard, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2021) Postoperative acute respiratory dysfunction and the influence of antibiotics after acute type A aortic dissection surgery: A retrospective analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (2), e0246724.

Pai, Delou, Gruber, Michael , Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie , Bredthauer, Andre , Lehle, Karla und Trabold, Benedikt (2020) Polymorphonuclear Cell Chemotaxis and Suicidal NETosis: Simultaneous Observation Using fMLP, PMA, H7, and Live Cell Imaging. Journal of Immunology Research 2020 (141594), S. 1-10.

Bredthauer, Andre , Kopfmueller, Manuel, Gruber, Michael , Pfaehler, Sophie-Marie, Lehle, Karla, Petermichl, Walter, Seyfried, Timo, Bitzinger, Diane I. und Redel, Andreas (2020) Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Argatroban and Heparins Reduces Granulocyte Migration: Possible Impact on ECLS-Therapy? Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2020, S. 1-10.

Goldfuss, Sophia, Wittmann, Sigrid, Würschinger, Fabian, Bitzinger, Diane, Seyfried, Timo, Holzamer, Andreas, Fischer, Marcus, Camboni, Daniele, Sinner, Barbara und Zausig, York Alexander (2019) Anaesthesia-related complications and side-effects in TAVI: a retrospective study in Germany. BMJ Open 9 (4), e025825.

Rupprecht, Leopold , Schmid, Christof, Debl, Kurt, Lunz, Dirk, Flörchinger, Bernhard und Keyser, Andreas (2019) Impact of coronary angiography early after CABG for suspected postoperative myocardial ischemia. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 14 (54), S. 1-7.

Keyser, Andreas, Schopka, Simon, Jungbauer, Carsten, Foltan, Maik und Schmid, Christof (2018) Early-BYRD: alternative early pacing and defibrillation lead replacement avoiding venous puncture. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 13 (1), S. 1-5.

Bredthauer, Andre, Lehle, Karla, Scheuerle, Angelika, Schelzig, Hubert, McCook, Oscar, Radermacher, Peter, Szabo, Csaba, Wepler, Martin und Simon, Florian (2018) Intravenous hydrogen sulfide does not induce neuroprotection after aortic balloon occlusion-induced spinal cord ischemia/reperfusion injury in a human-like porcine model of ubiquitous arteriosclerosis. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 6 (1), S. 1-14.

Lehle, Karla , Philipp, Alois, De Somer, Filip, Foltan, Maik, Bredthauer, Andre, Krenkel, Lars und Zeman, Florian (2018) Life span of different extracorporeal membrane systems for severe respiratory failure in the clinical practice. PLOS ONE 13 (6), e0198392.

Roldán, J. Camilo, Klünter, Tim, Schulz, Peter, Deisinger, Ulrike, Diez, Claudius, Waiss, Waltraud, Kirschneck, Christian, Reichert, Torsten E. und Detsch, Rainer (2017) Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Enhances Degradation of Osteoinductive Bioceramic Implants in an Ectopic Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (6), e1375.

Lukas, Karin, Stadtherr, Karin, Gessner, Andre , Wehner, Daniel, Schmid, Thomas, Wendel, Hans-Peter, Schmid, Christof und Lehle, Karla (2017) Effect of Immobilized Antithrombin III on the Thromboresistance of Polycarbonate Urethane. Materials 10 (335), S. 1-12.

Schmid, Peter M., Bouazzaoui, Karin , Schmid, Karin, Birner, Christoph, Schach, Christian, Maier, Lars, Holler, Ernst und Endemann, Dierk H. (2016) Vascular Alterations in a Murine Model of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease Are Associated With Decreased Serum Levels of Adiponectin and an Increased Activity and Vascular Expression of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase. Cell Transplantation 2016 (25), S. 2051-2062.

Lehle, Karla, Philipp, Alois, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Lubnow, Matthias, Wendel, Hans-Peter, Göbölös, Laszlo, Schmid, Christof und Müller, Thomas (2015) Technical-Induced Hemolysis in Patients with Respiratory Failure Supported with Veno-Venous ECMO – Prevalence and Risk Factors. PLoS ONE 10 (11), e0143527.

Buchner, Stefan, Debl, Kurt, Schmid, Franz-Xaver, Luchner, Andreas und Djavidani, Behrus (2015) Cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of the aortic valve stenosis: an in vivo and ex vivo study. BMC Medical Imaging 15 (34), S. 1-8.

Lubnow, Matthias, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Enger, Tone Bull, Lunz, Dirk, Bein, Thomas, Haneya, Assad, Schmid, Christof, Riegger, Günter A. J., Müller, Thomas und Lehle, Karla (2014) Technical Complications during Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Their Relevance Predicting a System-Exchange – Retrospective Analysis of 265 Cases. PLoS ONE 2014.

Kolat, Philipp, Ried, Michael, Haneya, Assad, Philipp, Alois, Kobuch, Reinhard, Hirt, Stephan, Hilker, Michael, Schmid, Christof und Diez, Claudius (2014) Impact of age on early outcome after coronary bypass graft surgery using minimized versus conventional extracorporeal circulation. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (143).

Kerscher, Christoph, Ried, Michael, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2014) Anaesthetic management of cytoreductive surgery followed by hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy perfusion. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (125).

Camboni, Daniele, Lange, Tobias J., Ganslmeier, Patrycja, Hirt, Stephan, Flörchinger, Bernhard, Zausig, York A., Rupprecht, Leopold, Hilker, Michael und Schmid, Christof (2014) Left ventricular support adjustment to aortic valve opening with analysis of exercise capacity. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (93).

Lehle, Karla, Li, Jing, Zimmermann, Hangörg, Hartmann, Björn, Wehner, Daniel, Schmid, Thomas und Schmid, Christof (2014) In vitro Endothelialization and Platelet Adhesion on Titaniferous Upgraded Polyether and Polycarbonate Polyurethanes. Materials 2014 (7), S. 623-636.

Schopka, Simon, Diez, Claudius, Camboni, Daniele, Floerchinger, Bernhard, Schmid, Christof und Hilker, Michael (2014) Impact of cardiopulmonary bypass on acute kidney injury following coronary artery bypass grafting: a matched pair analysis. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 9 (20).

Floerchinger, Bernhard, Camboni, Daniele, Schopka, Simon, Kolat, Philipp, Hilker, Michael und Schmid, Christof (2013) Delayed cardiac tamponade after open heart surgery - is supplemental CT imaging reasonable? Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 8, S. 158.

Ried, Michael, Haneya, Assad, Kolat, Philipp, Philipp, Alois, Kobuch, Reinhard, Hilker, Michael, Schmid, Christof und Diez, Claudius (2013) Emergency coronary artery bypass grafting using minimized versus standard extracorporeal circulation--a propensity score analysis. Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 8, S. 59.

Ried, Michael, Bein, Thomas, Philipp, Alois, Müller, Thomas, Graf, Bernhard, Schmid, Christof, Zonies, David, Diez, Claudius und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2013) Extracorporeal lung support in trauma patients with severe chest injury and acute lung failure: a 10-year institutional experience. Critical care (London) 17 (3), R110.

Keyser, Andreas, Hilker, Michael, Ucer, Ekrem, Wittmann, Sigrid, Schmid, Christof und Diez, Claudius (2013) Significance of intraoperative testing in right-sided implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. Journal of cardiothoracic surgery 8, S. 77.

Ried, Michael, Kobuch, Reinhard, Rupprecht, Leopold, Keyser, Andreas, Hilker, Michael, Schmid, Christof und Diez, Claudius (2012) Reduced 30-day mortality in men after elective coronary artery bypass surgery with minimized extracorporeal circulation-a propensity score analysis. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 12, S. 17.

Wirsching, Kornelia, Lehle, Karla, Jacob, Peter, Gleich, Otto, Strutz, Jürgen und Kwok, Pingling (2011) Influence of surface processing on the biocompatibility of titanium. Materials 4 (7), S. 1238-1248.

Ried, Michael, Puehler, Thomas, Haneya, Assad, Schmid, Christof und Diez, Claudius (2011) Acute kidney injury in septua- and octogenarians after cardiac surgery. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 11, S. 52.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie

Gebert, Magdalena, Heimbucher, Johanna, Gsell, Valentina K., Keimer, Kristof, Dillinger, Andrea E. und Tamm, Ernst R. (2024) Induced Attenuation of Scleral TGF-β Signaling in Mutant Mice Increases Susceptibility to IOP-Induced Optic Nerve Damage. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 65 (1), S. 48.

Dillinger, Andrea E., Weber, Gregor R., Mayer, Matthias, Schneider, Magdalena, Göppner, Corinna, Ohlmann, Andreas , Shamonin, Mikhail, Monkman, Gareth J. und Fuchshofer, Rudolf (2022) CCN2/CTGF—A Modulator of the Optic Nerve Head Astrocyte. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10, S. 864433.

Fuchshofer, Rudolf , Schneider, Magdalena, Dillinger, Andrea E., Ohlmann, Andreas und Iozzo, Renato V. (2021) Decorin—An Antagonist of TGF-β in Astrocytes of the Optic Nerve. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (7660), S. 1-16.

Breunig, Miriam, Sonntag, Tobias, Froemel, Franziska, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas und Fuchshofer, Rudolf (2021) Distribution of Gold Nanoparticles in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye after Intracameral Injection for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 2021 (13), S. 901. (Eingereicht)

Mietzner, Raphael , Kade, Christian, Froemel, Franziska, Pauly, Diana, Stamer, W. Daniel, Ohlmann, Andreas, Wegener, Joachim, Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2020) Fasudil Loaded PLGA Microspheres as Potential Intravitreal Depot Formulation for Glaucoma Therapy. Pharmaceutics 12 (8), S. 706.

Ohlmann, Andreas, Tamm, Ernst R., Knobloch, Verena, Müller, Birgit und Zeilbeck, Ludwig Franz (2014) Differential angiogenic properties of lithium chloride in vitro and in vivo. PLoS ONE 9 (4), e95546.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Humangenetik

Berber, Patricia, Bondarenko, Sofiia, Michaelis, Lisa und Weber, Bernhard Heinrich Friedrich (2022) Transient Retention of Photoreceptor Outer Segments in Matrigel-Embedded Retinal Organoids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (23), S. 14893.

Biasella, Fabiola, Strunz, Tobias , Kiel, Christina , Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2022) Vitronectin and Its Interaction with PAI-1 Suggests a Functional Link to Vascular Changes in AMD Pathobiology. Cells 11 (11), S. 1766.

Brandl, Caroline , Günther, Felix, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Hartmann, Kathrin I., Eberlein, Gregor, Barth, Teresa , Winkler, Thomas W. , Linkohr, Birgit , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Li, Jeany Q. , Finger, Robert P. , Helbig, Horst, Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Küchenhoff, Helmut , Mueller, Arthur, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2022) Incidence, progression and risk factors of age-related macular degeneration in 35–95-year-old individuals from three jointly designed German cohort studies. BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2022 (7), S. 1-11.

Strunz, Tobias , Kellner, Martin, Kiel, Christina und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2021) Assigning Co-Regulated Human Genes and Regulatory Gene Clusters. Cells 10 (9), S. 1-13.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Biasella, Fabiola, Plössl, Karolina , Karl, Claudia, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2020) Altered Protein Function Caused by AMD-associated Variant rs704 Links Vitronectin to Disease Pathology. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 61 (14), S. 2.

Strunz, Tobias , Kiel, Christina , Sauerbeck, Bastian L. und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2020) Learning from Fifteen Years of Genome-Wide Association Studies in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Cells 9 (10), S. 2267.

Kiel, Christina , Strunz, Tobias , Grassmann, Felix , Weber, Bernhard H. F. und make_name_string expected hash reference (2020) Pleiotropic Locus 15q24.1 Reveals a Gender-Specific Association with Neovascular but Not Atrophic Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Cells 9 (10), S. 2257.

Strunz, Tobias , Kiel, Christina , Grassmann, Felix , Ratnapriya, Rinki , Kwicklis, Madeline, Karlstetter, Marcus, Fauser, Sascha, Arend, Nicole, Swaroop, Anand , Langmann, Thomas, Wolf, Armin und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2020) A mega-analysis of expression quantitative trait loci in retinal tissue. PLOS Genetics 16 (9), e1008934.

Schmid, Verena, Plössl, Karolina, Schmid, Carina, Bernklau, Sarah, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2020) Retinoschisin and Cardiac Glycoside Crosstalk at the Retinal Na/K-ATPase. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 61 (5), S. 1-10.

Ramchandran, Ramani, Plössl, Karolina , Straub, Kristina, Schmid, Verena, Strunz, Franziska, Wild, Jens , Merkl, Rainer, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2019) Identification of the retinoschisin-binding site on the retinal Na/K-ATPase. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216320.

Pujol-Lereis, Luciana M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Schick, Tina, Lin, Yuchen, Grassmann, Felix , Uchida, Koji, Zipfel, Peter F., Fauser, Sascha, Skerka, Christine und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2018) Evaluation of serum sphingolipids and the influence of genetic risk factors in age-related macular degeneration. PLOS ONE 13 (8), e0200739.

Brandl, Caroline , Schulz, Heidi, Charbel Issa, Peter, Birtel, Johannes, Bergholz, Richard, Lange, Clemens, Dahlke, Claudia, Zobor, Ditta, Weber, Bernhard und Stöhr, Heidi (2017) Mutations in the Genes for Interphotoreceptor Matrix Proteoglycans, IMPG1 and IMPG2, in Patients with Vitelliform Macular Lesions. Genes 8 (170), S. 1-14.

Schäfer, Nicole, Grosche, Antje, Schmitt, Sabrina I., Braunger, Barbara M. und Pauly, Diana (2017) Complement Components Showed a Time-Dependent Local Expression Pattern in Constant and Acute White Light-Induced Photoreceptor Damage. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 10 (197), S. 1-17.

Weber, Bernhard H. F., Grassmann, Felix , Kiel, Christina, Zimmermann, Martina E., Gorski, Mathias , Grassmann, Veronika, Stark, Klaus und Heid, Iris M. (2017) Genetic pleiotropy between age-related macular degeneration and 16 complex diseases and traits. Genome Medicine 9 (29), S. 1-13.

Friedrich, Ulrike, Plössl, Karolina und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2016) The X-linked juvenile retinoschisis protein retinoschisin is a novel regulator of MAP kinase signaling and apoptosis in the retina. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2016, S. 1-13.

Schäfer, Nicole, Grosche, Antje , Reinders, Joerg, Hauck, Stefanie M. , Pouw, Richard B. , Kuijpers, Taco W., Wouters, Diana, Ehrenstein, Boris, Enzmann, Volker, Zipfel, Peter F., Skerka, Christine und Pauly, Diana (2016) Complement Regulator FHR-3 Is Elevated either Locally or Systemically in a Selection of Autoimmune Diseases. Frontiers in Immunology 7 (542), S. 1-16.

Brandl, Caroline , Breinlich, Valentin Andreas, Stark, Klaus J., Enzinger, Sabrina, Aßenmacher, Matthias, Olden, Matthias, Grassmann, Felix , Graw, Jochen , Heier, Margit, Peters, Annette , Helbig, Horst, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Heid, Iris M. (2016) Features of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the General Adults and Their Dependency on Age, Sex, and Smoking: Results from the German KORA Study. PLoS ONE 11 (11), e0167181.

Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Grassmann, Felix, Cantsilieris, Stuart, Schulz-Kuhnt, Anja-Sabrina, White, Stefan J., Richardson, Andrea J., Hewitt, Alex W., Vote, Brendan J., Schmied, Denise , Guymer, Robyn H. und Baird, Paul N. (2016) Multiallelic copy number variation in the complement component 4A (C4A) gene is associated with late-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Jornal of Neuroinflammation 13 (81), S. 1-9.

Heid, Iris M., Stark, Klaus, Olden, Matthias , Brandl, Caroline, Dietl, Alexander, Zimmermann, Martina E., Schelter, Sabine C., Loss, Julika, Leitzmann, Michael F., Böger, Carsten A., Luchner, Andreas , Kronenberg, Florian, Helbig, Horst und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2015) The German AugUR study: study protocol of a prospective study to investigate chronic diseases in the elderly. BMC Geriatrics 15 (130), S. 1-8.

Zimmermann, Martina E., Fuerstenau-Sharp, Maya, Stark, Klaus, Jentsch, Nico, Klingenstein, Melanie, Drzymalski, Marzena, Wagner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Baessler, Andrea, Fischer, Marcus, Hengstenberg, Christian und Hehr, Ute (2015) Generation of Highly Purified Human Cardiomyocytes from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. PLoS ONE 10 (5), S. 1-21.

Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Bergholz, Richard, Mändl, Julia, Jägle, Herbert, Ruether, Klaus und Grassmann, Felix (2015) Common synonymous variants in ABCA4 are protective for chloroquine induced maculopathy (toxic maculopathy). BMC Ophthalmology 15 (18), S. 1-7.

Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Grassmann, Felix , Fleckenstein, Monika, Chew, Emily Y., Strunz, Tobias, Schmitz-Valckenberg, Steffen, Göbel, Arno P., Klein, Michael L., Ratnapriya, Rinki , Swaroop, Anand und Holz, Frank G. (2015) Clinical and Genetic Factors Associated with Progression of Geographic Atrophy Lesions in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. PLoS ONE 10 (5), S. 1-13.

Grassmann, Felix , Schoenberger, Peter G. A., Brandl, Caroline , Schick, Tina, Hasler, Daniele , Meister, Gunter, Fleckenstein, Monika , Lindner, Moritz , Helbig, Horst, Fauser, Sascha und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2014) A circulating microRNA profile is associated with late-stage neovascular age-related macular degeneration. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e107461.

Pannike, T., Frommherz, I., Biedermann, B., Wagner, L., Sauer, K., Ulbricht, E., Härtig, W., Krügel, U., Ueberham, U., Arendt, T., Illes, P., Bringmann, A., Reichenbach, A. und Grosche, Antje (2014) Differential effects of P2Y1 deletion on glial activation and survival of photoreceptors and amacrine cells in the ischemic mouse retina. Cell Death and Disease 2014 (5), e1353.

Pauly, Diana, Nagel, Benedikt M., Reinders, Jörg, Killian, Tobias, Wulf, Matthias, Ackermann, Susanne , Ehrenstein, Boris, Zipfel, Peter F., Skerka, Christine und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2014) A Novel Antibody against Human Properdin Inhibits the Alternative Complement System and Specifically Detects Properdin from Blood Samples. PLos ONE 9 (5), e96371.

Grassmann, Felix , Fritsche, Lars G. , Keilhauer, Claudia N., Heid, Iris M. und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2012) Modelling the Genetic Risk in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. PLoS ONE 7, e37979.

Karlstetter, Marcus, Lippe, Elena, Walczak, Yana, Moehle, Christoph, Aslanidis, Alexander, Mirza, Myriam und Langmann, Thomas (2011) Curcumin is a potent modulator of microglial gene expression and migration. Journal of neuroinflammation 8, S. 125.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Immunologie

Stüve, Philipp, Nerb, Benedikt, Harrer, Selina, Wuttke, Marina, Feuerer, Markus, Junger, Henrik, Eggenhofer, Elke, Lungu, Bianca, Laslau, Simina und Ritter, Uwe (2024) Analysis of organoid and immune cell co-cultures by machine learning-empowered image cytometry. Frontiers in Medicine 10.

Ritter, Uwe (2023) In situ veritas: combining omics and multiplex imaging can facilitate the detection and characterization of cell-cell interactions in tissues. Frontiers in Medicine 10.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph , Schenkel, Charlotte, Bezler, Valerie, Kaljanac, Marcell, Hartley, Jordan, Barden, Markus, Pan, Hong, Holzinger, Astrid, Herr, Wolfgang und Abken, Hinrich (2022) CAR Triggered Release of Type-1 Interferon Limits CAR T-Cell Activities by an Artificial Negative Autocrine Loop. Cells 11 (23), S. 3839.

Nerb, Benedikt, Dudziak, Diana, Gessner, André , Feuerer, Markus und Ritter, Uwe (2022) Have we ignored vector-associated microbiota while characterizing the function of Langerhans cells in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis? Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 3, S. 874081. (Im Druck)

Ugele, Ines, Cardenas-Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth, Hammon, Kathrin, Wehrstein, Monika, Bruss, Christina, Peter, Katrin, Singer, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Boesch, Jakob, Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja, Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2019) D-2-Hydroxyglutarate and L-2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibit IL-12 Secretion by Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 742.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Männel, Daniela N., Schmidt, Dominic, Peterlik, Daniel, Reber, Stefan Oskar und Lechner, Anja (2016) Induction of Suppressor Cells and Increased Tumor Growth following Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Male Mice. PLoS ONE 11 (7), e0159059.

Rascle, Anne, Michl, Carina , Vivarelli, Fabio, Weigl, Julia , De Nicola, Gina Rosalinda, Canistro, Donatella, Paolini, Moreno und Iori, Renato (2016) The Chemopreventive Phytochemical Moringin Isolated from Moringa oleifera Seeds Inhibits JAK/STAT Signaling. PLoS ONE 11 (6), S. 1-20.

Rascle, Anne, Pinz, Sophia und Unser, Samy (2016) Signal transducer and activator of transcription STAT5 is recruited to c-Myc super-enhancer. BMC Molecular Biology 17 (10), S. 1-11.

Ritter, Uwe, Schmid, Maximilian, Dufner, Bianca, Dürk, Julius, Bedal, Konstanze B., Stricker, Kristina, Prokoph, Lukas Ali, Koch, Christoph, Wege, Anja K., Zirpel, Henner, van Zandbergen, Ger und Ecker, Rupert (2015) An Emerging Approach for Parallel Quantification of Intracellular Protozoan Parasites and Host Cell Characterization Using TissueFAXS Cytometry. PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0139866.

Rascle, Anne, Pinz, Sophia, Unser, Samy, Buob, Dominik, Fischer, Philipp und Jobst, Belinda (2015) Deacetylase inhibitors repress STAT5-mediated transcription by interfering with bromodomain and extra-terminal (BET) protein function. Nucleic Acids Research 2015 (1), S. 1-22.

Prinz, Sophia, Unser, Samy und Rascle, Anne (2014) The Natural Chemopreventive Agent Sulforaphane Inhibits STAT5 Activity. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e99391.

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Proske, Judith, Werno, Christian, Schneider, Katharina, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Rack, Brigitte, Buchholz, Stefan, Ganzer, Roman, Blana, Andreas, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Nitsche, Ulrich, Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e97860.

Pinz, Sophia, Unser, Samy, Brueggemann, Susanne, Besl, Elisabeth, Al-Rifai, Nafisah, Petkes, Hermina, Amslinger, Sabine und Rascle, Anne (2014) The Synthetic alpha-Bromo-2’,3,4,4’-tetramethoxychalcone (alpha-Br-TMC) Inhibits the JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway. PLoS ONE 9, e90275.

Klug, Maja, Schmidhofer, Sandra, Gebhard, Claudia, Andreesen, Reinhard und Rehli, Michael (2013) 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine is an essential intermediate of active DNA demethylation processes in primary human monocytes. Genome biology 14 (5), R46.

Barth, Thomas, Schmidt, Dominic, Botteron, Catherine, Nguyen, Trang T. T., Ritter, Uwe, Männel, Daniela N. und Lechner, Anja (2012) An Early Reduction in Treg Cells Correlates with Enhanced Local Inflammation in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in CCR6-Deficient Mice. Plos One 7, e44499.

Wege, Anja Kathrin, Florian, Christian, Ernst, Wolfgang, Zimara, Nicole, Schleicher, Ulrike, Hanses, Frank, Schmid, Maximilian und Ritter, Uwe (2012) Leishmania major Infection in Humanized Mice Induces Systemic Infection and Provokes a Nonprotective Human Immune Response. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6, e1741.

Klingeisen, Laura, Ehrenschwender, Martin , Heigl, Ulrike, Wajant, Harald , Hehlgans, Thomas, Schütze, Stefan und Schneider-Brachert, Wulf (2012) E3-14.7K Is Recruited to TNF-Receptor 1 and Blocks TNF Cytolysis Independent from Interaction with Optineurin. PloS One 7, e38348.

Schmid, Maximilian, Wege, Anja K. und Ritter, Uwe (2012) Characteristics of “Tip-DCs and MDSCs” and their potential role in leishmaniasis. Frontiers in Microbial Immunology 3, S. 74.

Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Menschzentrierte Informatik > Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft (Prof. Dr. Udo Kruschwitz)

Jackermeier, Robert und Ludwig, Bernd (2021) Smartphone-Based Activity Recognition in a Pedestrian Navigation Context. Sensors 21 (3243), S. 1-20.

Trattner, Christoph , Moesslang, Dominik und Elsweiler, David (2018) On the predictability of the popularity of online recipes. EPJ Data Science 7 (20), S. 1-39.

Trattner, Christoph , Parra, Denis und Elsweiler, David (2017) Monitoring obesity prevalence in the United States through bookmarking activities in online food portals. PLoS ONE 12 (6), e0179144.

Elsweiler, David , Trattner, Christoph und Howard, Simon (2017) Estimating the Healthiness of Internet Recipes: A cross sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health 5 (16), S. 1-20.

Al-Subari, Karema, Al-Baddai, Saad, Tomé, A. M. , Volberg, Gregor , Ludwig, Bernd und Lang, Elmar W. (2016) Combined EMD-sLORETA Analysis of EEG Data Collected during a Contour Integration Task. PLoS ONE 11 (12), S. 1-20.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin I

Kunst, Claudia, Tümen, Deniz, Ernst, Martha, Tews, Hauke Christian, Müller, Martina und Gülow, Karsten (2024) Paraptosis—A Distinct Pathway to Cell Death. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (21), S. 11478.

Weber, Florian , Utpatel, Kirsten , Evert, Katja , Weiss, Thomas S. und Buechler, Christa (2024) Hepatic Bone Morphogenetic Protein and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor Levels Decline in Hepatitis C but Are Not Associated with Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomedicines 12 (10), S. 2397.

Peschel, Georg, Happ, Nils, Bornschein, Jan, Weissinger, Florian, Schmid, Stephan , Mueller, Martina und Selgrad, Michael (2024) Liver cirrhosis is a risk-factor for Pneumocystis jirovecii associated mortality. Frontiers in Medicine 11.

Seitz, Rebecca, Tümen, Deniz, Kunst, Claudia, Heumann, Phillip, Schmid, Stephan , Kandulski, Arne, Müller, Martina und Gülow, Karsten (2024) Exploring the Thioredoxin System as a Therapeutic Target in Cancer: Mechanisms and Implications. Antioxidants 13 (9), S. 1078.

Keller, Dennis, Mester, Patricia, Räth, Ulrich, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Schmid, Stephan , Greifenberg, Verena, Müller, Martina, Kunst, Claudia, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2024) Calprotectin, a Promising Serological Biomarker for the Early Diagnosis of Superinfections with Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria in Patients with COVID-19. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (17), S. 9294.

Birner, Charlotte, Mester, Patricia, Liebisch, Gerhard , Höring, Marcus , Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina, Pavel, Vlad und Buechler, Christa (2024) Lipid Metabolism Disorders as Diagnostic Biosignatures in Sepsis. Infectious Disease Reports 16 (5), S. 806-819.

Schlosser-Hupf, Sophie, Aichner, Elisabeth, Meier, Marcus, Albaladejo-Fuertes, Sheila, Mahnke, Anna, Ruttmann, Kirstin, Rusch, Sophia, Michels, Bernhard, Mehrl, Alexander, Kunst, Claudia, Schmid, Stephan und Müller, Martina (2024) Cost-effectiveness in an interprofessional training ward within a university department for internal medicine: a monocentric open-label controlled study of the A-STAR Regensburg. Frontiers in Public Health 12.

Schmidtner, Niklas, Utrata, Alexander, Mester, Patricia, Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina, Pavel, Vlad und Buechler, Christa (2024) Reduced Plasma Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6 Levels in Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients. Biomedicines 12 (8), S. 1682.

Tümen, Deniz, Heumann, Philipp, Huber, Juliette, Hahn, Nele, Macek, Celina, Ernst, Martha, Kandulski, Arne, Kunst, Claudia und Gülow, Karsten (2024) Unraveling Cancer’s Wnt Signaling: Dynamic Control through Protein Kinase Regulation. Cancers 16 (15), S. 2686.

Weigand, Kilian , Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Höring, Marcus , Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard , Müller, Martina und Buechler, Christa (2024) Serum Phosphatidylcholine Species 32:0 as a Biomarker for Liver Cirrhosis Pre- and Post-Hepatitis C Virus Clearance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (15), S. 8161.

Mester, Patricia, Amend, Pablo, Schmid, Stephan , Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard , Krautbauer, Sabrina, Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2024) Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 Induction in COVID-19 Is Poorly Associated with Disease Severity and Cholesterol Levels. Infectious Disease Reports 16 (4), S. 593-607.

Huss, Muriel, Elger, Tanja, Loibl, Johanna, Kandulski, Arne, Binder, Benedicta, Stoeckert, Petra, Mester, Patricia, Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Tews, Hauke Christian (2024) Urinary Hydroxyproline as an Inflammation-Independent Biomarker of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology Insights 15 (2), S. 486-497.

Fererberger, Tanja, Buechler, Christa , Kandulski, Arne, Elger, Tanja, Loibl, Johanna, Schmid, Stephan , Sommersberger, Stefanie, Gunawan, Stefan, Zundler, Sebastian, Huss, Muriel, Bettenworth, Dominik, Kempa, Sally , Weidlich, Simon, Föh, Bandik, Huang, Xinyu, Grzegorzek, Marcin, Derer-Petersen, Stefanie, Günther, Ulrich L., Marquardt, Jens U., Kunst, Claudia, Gülow, Karsten, Müller, Martina, Sina, Christian, Schmelter, Franziska und Tews, Hauke Christian (2024) Distinct metabolomic and lipidomic profiles in serum samples of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Frontiers in Medicine 11.

Gülow, Karsten, Tümen, Deniz, Heumann, Philipp, Schmid, Stephan , Kandulski, Arne, Müller, Martina und Kunst, Claudia (2024) Unraveling the Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in T Lymphocyte Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (11), S. 6114.

Heumann, Philipp, Albert, Andreas, Gülow, Karsten, Tümen, Deniz, Müller, Martina und Kandulski, Arne (2024) Insights in Molecular Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Cancers 16 (10), S. 1831.

Pavel, Vlad , Räth, Ulrich, Schmid, Stephan , Krautbauer, Sabrina, Keller, Dennis, Amend, Pablo, Müller, Martina, Mester, Patricia und Buechler, Christa (2024) Serum Adiponectin Predicts COVID-19 Severity. Biomedicines 12 (5), S. 1043.

Bajraktari, Ganimete, Elger, Tanja, Huss, Muriel, Loibl, Johanna, Albert, Andreas, Kandulski, Arne, Müller, Martina, Tews, Hauke Christian und Buechler, Christa (2024) Serum Galectin-3 as a Non-Invasive Marker for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (9), S. 4765.

Heumann, Philipp, Albert, Andreas, Gülow, Karsten, Tümen, Deniz, Müller, Martina und Kandulski, Arne (2024) Current and Future Therapeutic Targets for Directed Molecular Therapies in Cholangiocarcinoma. Cancers 16 (9), S. 1690.

Ruttmann, Kirstin, Albaladejo-Fuertes, Sheila, Lindenberg, Nicole , Kunst, Claudia, Mehrl, Alexander, Kindl, Vera, Gülow, Karsten, Schlosser-Hupf, Sophie, Schmid, Stephan und Müller, Martina (2024) Relationship between interprofessional collaboration and psychological distress experienced by healthcare professionals during COVID-19: a monocentric cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Medicine 11.

Grewal, Thomas, Nguyen, Mai Khanh Linh und Buechler, Christa (2024) Cholesterol and COVID-19—therapeutic opportunities at the host/virus interface during cell entry. Life Science Alliance 7 (5), e202302453.

Schlosser-Hupf, Sophie, Aichner, Elisabeth, Meier, Marcus, Albaladejo-Fuertes, Sheila, Ruttmann, Kirstin, Rusch, Sophia, Michels, Bernhard, Mehrl, Alexander, Kunst, Claudia, Schmid, Stephan und Müller, Martina (2024) Evaluating the impact of interprofessional training wards on patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes: a mixed-methods analysis. Frontiers in Medicine 11, S. 1320027.

Peschel, Georg, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Weigand, Kilian , Grimm, Jonathan, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard , Müller, Martina und Buechler, Christa (2024) Rising Lysophosphatidylcholine Levels Post-Hepatitis C Clearance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (2), S. 1198.

Mester, Patricia, Räth, Ulrich, Schmid, Stephan , Amend, Pablo, Keller, Dennis, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Bondarenko, Sofiia, Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2024) Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-2 as a Prognostic Factor for COVID-19 Severity. Biomedicines 12 (1), S. 125.

Peschel, Georg, Weigand, Kilian , Grimm, Jonathan, Müller, Martina und Buechler, Christa (2023) Serum omentin-1 is correlated with the severity of liver disease in patients with chronic hepatitis C. World Journal of Hepatology 15 (12), S. 1315-1324.

Räth, Ulrich, Mester, Patricia, Schwarz, Herbert, Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2023) Soluble CD137: A Potential Prognostic Biomarker in Critically Ill Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (24), S. 17518.

Schmid, Stephan , Koch, ChiarA, Zimmermann, Katharina, Buttenschoen, Jonas, Mehrl, Alexander, Pavel, Vlad , Schlosser-Hupf, Sophie, Fleischmann, Daniel, Krohn, Alexander, Schilling, Tobias, Müller, Martina und Kratzer, Alexander (2023) Interprofessional Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Carbapenems Improves ICU Care and Guideline Adherence in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure. Antibiotics 12 (12), S. 1730.

Mester, Patricia, Räth, Ulrich, Popp, Luisa, Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2023) Plasma Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-2 of Critically Ill Patients Is Related to Disease Severity and Survival. Biomedicines 11 (12), S. 3285.

Gülow, Karsten, Tümen, Deniz und Kunst, Claudia (2023) The Important Role of Protein Kinases in the p53 Sestrin Signaling Pathway. Cancers 15 (22), S. 5390.

Buttenschoen, Jonas, Pavel, Vlad , Mehrl, Alexander, Michels, Bernhard, Albaladejo Fuertes, Sheila, Seydel, Bettina, Schlosser-Hupf, Sophie, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2023) Bacterial Infection of an Alveolar Echinococcus Cyst from C. perfringens Septicemia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Medicina 59 (10), S. 1828.

Amend, Pablo, Mester, Patricia, Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Pavel, Vlad (2023) Plasma Chemerin Is Induced in Critically Ill Patients with Gram-Positive Infections. Biomedicines 11 (7), S. 1779.

Michalski, Marlen, Bauer, Magdalena, Walz, Franziska, Tümen, Deniz, Heumann, Philipp, Stöckert, Petra Diana, Gunckel, Manuela, Kunst, Claudia, Kandulski, Arne, Schmid, Stephan , Müller, Martina und Gülow, Karsten (2023) Simultaneous Inhibition of Mcl-1 and Bcl-2 Induces Synergistic Cell Death in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomedicines 11 (6), S. 1666.

Kunst, Claudia, Schmid, Stephan , Michalski, Marlen, Tümen, Deniz, Buttenschön, Jonas, Müller, Martina und Gülow, Karsten (2023) The Influence of Gut Microbiota on Oxidative Stress and the Immune System. Biomedicines 11 (5), S. 1388.

Peschel, Georg, Weigand, Kilian , Grimm, Jonathan, Müller, Martina, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2023) Gender-Specific Differences in Serum Sphingomyelin Species in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection—Sphingomyelin Species Are Related to the Model of End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) Score in Male Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (9), S. 8402.

Tews, Hauke C., Elger, Tanja, Grewal, Thomas, Weidlich, Simon, Vitali, Francesco und Buechler, Christa (2023) Fecal and Urinary Adipokines as Disease Biomarkers. Biomedicines 11 (4), S. 1186.

Weber, Florian , Utpatel, Kirsten , Evert, Katja , Treeck, Oliver und Buechler, Christa (2023) Chemerin and Chemokine-like Receptor 1 Expression Are Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression in European Patients. Biomedicines 11 (3), S. 737.

Weber, Florian , Treeck, Oliver, Mester, Patricia und Buechler, Christa (2023) Expression and Function of BMP and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor (BAMBI) in Chronic Liver Diseases and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4), S. 3473.

Tümen, Deniz, Heumann, Philipp, Gülow, Karsten, Demirci, Cagla Nur, Cosma, Lidia-Sabina, Müller, Martina und Kandulski, Arne (2022) Pathogenesis and Current Treatment Strategies of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomedicines 10 (12), S. 3202.

Weigand, Kilian, Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Müller, Martina, Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2022) HCV Infection and Liver Cirrhosis Are Associated with a Less-Favorable Serum Cholesteryl Ester Profile Which Improves through the Successful Treatment of HCV. Biomedicines 10 (12), S. 3152.

Schlosser, Sophie , Tümen, Deniz, Volz, Barbara, Neumeyer, Katja, Egler, Niklas, Kunst, Claudia, Tews, Hauke Christian, Schmid, Stephan , Kandulski, Arne, Müller, Martina und Gülow, Karsten (2022) HCC biomarkers – state of the old and outlook to future promising biomarkers and their potential in everyday clinical practice. Frontiers in Oncology 12.

Denk, Alexander , Müller, Karolina , Schlosser, Sophie , Heissner, Klaus, Gülow, Karsten, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2022) Liver diseases as a novel risk factor for delirium in the ICU–Delirium and hepatic encephalopathy are two distinct entities. PLOS ONE 17 (11), e0276914.

Gunawan, Stefan, Elger, Tanja, Loibl, Johanna, Fererberger, Tanja, Sommersberger, Stefanie, Kandulski, Arne, Müller-Schilling, Martina, Tews, Hauke Christian und Buechler, Christa (2022) Urinary chemerin as a potential biomarker for inflammatory bowel disease. Frontiers in Medicine 9.

Vogg, Johannes, Maier-Stocker, Constantin, Munker, Stefan, Mehrl, Alexander, Schlosser, Sophie , Tews, Hauke Christian, Gülow, Karsten, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2022) Hepatic perfusion as a new predictor of prognosis and mortality in critical care patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 1008450.

Fischer, Fabian, Mehrl, Alexander, Kandulski, Melanie, Schlosser, Sophie, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2022) Monkeypox in a Patient with Controlled HIV Infection Initially Presenting with Fever, Painful Pharyngitis, and Tonsillitis. Medicina 58 (10), S. 1409.

Höring, Marcus, Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Müller, Martina, Weigand, Kilian, Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2022) Serum Ceramide Species Are Associated with Liver Cirrhosis and Viral Genotype in Patients with Hepatitis C Infection. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (17), S. 9806.

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Scheiter, Alexander , Hierl, Frederik, Winkel, Ingrid, Keil, Felix, Klier-Richter, Margit, Coulouarn, Cédric, Lüke, Florian, Kandulski, Arne, Evert, Matthias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2022) Wnt/β-Catenin-Pathway Alterations and Homologous Recombination Deficiency in Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines and Clinical Samples: Towards Specific Vulnerabilities. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (8), S. 1270.

Treeck, Oliver , Weber, Florian , Fritsch, Juergen , Skrzypczak, Maciej, Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Buechler, Christa und Ortmann, Olaf (2022) DSCAM-AS1 Long Non-Coding RNA Exerts Oncogenic Functions in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma via Activation of a Tumor-Promoting Transcriptome Profile. Biomedicines 10 (7), S. 1727.

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Kieninger, Martin , Dietl, Sarah, Sinning, Annemarie, Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram , Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas , Schmid, Stephan , Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias , Müller, Thomas , Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2022) Evaluation of models for prognosing mortality in critical care patients with COVID-19: First- and second-wave data from a German university hospital. PLOS ONE 17 (5), e0268734.

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Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Schöberl, Patricia, Althammer, Michael, Cibali, Ezgi, Würfel, Thea, Wein, Hannah, Kulawik, Birgit, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Weigl, Eva, Gran, Silvia, Gründl, Magdalena, Langguth, Jana, Lampl, Benedikt, Judex, Guido, Niggel, Jakob, Pagel, Philipp, Schratzenstaller, Thomas, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Gastiger, Susanne, Bodenschatz, Mona, Konrad, Maike, Levchuk, Artem, Roth, Cornelius, Schöner, David, Schneebauer, Florian, Rohrmanstorfer, René, Dekens, Marcus P. , Brandstetter, Susanne, Zuber, Johannes , Wallerstorfer, Daniel, Burkovski, Andreas, Ambrosch, Andreas, Wagner, Thomas und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Results of WICOVIR Gargle Pool PCR Testing in German Schools Based on the First 100,000 Tests. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 (9), S. 1-12.

Kieninger, Martin , Sinning, Annemarie, Vadász, Timea , Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas, Schmid, Stephan, Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2021) Lower blood pH as a strong prognostic factor for fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients at an intensive care unit: A multivariable analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-15.

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Kieninger, Martin , Mandlinger, Andreas Franz, Doblinger, Nina , Kieninger, Bärbel, Bele, Sylvia , Salzberger, Bernd , Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Graf, Bernhard, Zeman, Florian und Holzmann, Thomas (2021) Impact of the implementation of a standard for preanalytical handling of samples for microbiological diagnostics on the quality of results at a neurocritical care unit. Medicine 100 (34), S. 1-8.

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Grimm, Jonathan, Peschel, Georg, Müller, Martina, Schacherer, Doris, Wiest, Reiner, Weigand, Kilian und Buechler, Christa (2021) Rapid Decline of Serum Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin 9 (PCSK9) in Non-Cirrhotic Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Receiving Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1621.

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Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Gülow, Karsten, Müller, Martina, Buechler, Christa und Weigand, Kilian (2020) Chemerin Is a Valuable Biomarker in Patients with HCV Infection and Correlates with Liver Injury. Diagnostics 10 (11), S. 974.

Spirk, Marlen, Zimny, Sebastian, Neumann, Maximilian, McMullen, Nichole, Sinal, Christopher J. und Buechler, Christa (2020) Chemerin-156 is the Active Isoform in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20), S. 7555.

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Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Weigand, Kilian, Brunner, Stefan M., Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Evaluation of two-point Dixon water-fat separation for liver specific contrast-enhanced assessment of liver maximum capacity. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 1-9.

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Büchler, Christa, Neumann, Maximilian, Meier, Elisabeth M., Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Eisinger, Kristina, Aslanidis, Charalampos, Pohl, Rebekka und Weiss, Thomas S. (2016) Chemokine-like receptor 1 mRNA weakly correlates with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis score in male but not female individuals. International Journal of Molecular Science 17 (8), S. 1335.

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Grässel, Susanne, Mutscher, Dominique, Göttl, Claudia, Vogel, Mandy, Grifka, Joachim und Straub, Rainer H. (2015) Reactivity of rat bone marrow-derived macrophages to neurotransmitter stimulation in the context of collagen II-induced arthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 17 (169), S. 1-15.

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin II

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Dietl, Alexander , Winkel, Ingrid, Pietrzyk, Gabriela, Paulus, Michael, Bruckmann, Astrid, Schröder, Josef A., Sossalla, Samuel , Luchner, Andreas, Maier, Lars S. und Birner, Christoph (2019) Skeletal muscle alterations in tachycardia-induced heart failure are linked to deficient natriuretic peptide signalling and are attenuated by RAS-/NEP-inhibition. PLOS ONE 14 (12), e0225937.

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Zeller, Judith, Krüger, Carolin, Lamounier‐Zepter, Valeria, Sag, Sabine, Strack, Christina, Mohr, Margareta, Loew, Thomas, Schmitz, Gerd, Maier, Lars, Fischer, Marcus und Baessler, Andrea (2019) The adipo‐fibrokine activin A is associated with metabolic abnormalities and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in obese patients. ESC Heart Failure 2019, S. 1-9.

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Ahmad, Shakil, Tirilomis, Petros, Pabel, Steffen, Dybkova, Nataliya, Hartmann, Nico, Molina, Cristina E. , Tirilomis, Theodoros, Kutschka, Ingo, Frey, Norbert , Maier, Lars S., Hasenfuss, Gerd, Streckfuss-Bömeke, Katrin und Sossalla, Samuel (2018) The functional consequences of sodium channel NaV 1.8 in human left ventricular hypertrophy. ESC Heart Failure 2018, S. 1-10.

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin III (Hämatologie und Internistische Onkologie)

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Perl, Markus, Herfeld, Konstantin, Harrer, Dennis C. , Höpting, Matthias, Schweiger, Marina, Sterz, Ulrich, Knödler, Leonard, Heimerl, Susanne, Hansmann, Leo , Herr, Wolfgang, Poeck, Hendrik, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Hart, Christina und Fante, Matthias Alexander (2024) Tocilizumab administration in cytokine release syndrome is associated with hypofibrinogenemia after chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for hematologic malignancies. Haematologica.

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Reuthner, Kathrin, Aubele, P., Menhart, Karin , Rath, Philipp, Harrer, D. C., Herr, Wolfgang, Hahn, Joachim, Vogelhuber, Martin, Heudobler, Daniel , Lueke, F., Reichle, Albrecht und Grube, Matthias (2024) Case report: Sustained complete remission with all-oral MEPED therapy in a patient with Hodgkin’s disease developing resistance to pembrolizumab. Frontiers in Pharmacology 15.

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Harrer, Dennis Christoph , Lüke, Florian , Pukrop, Tobias , Ghibelli, Lina, Gerner, Christopher , Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2024) Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptorα/γ agonist pioglitazone for rescuing relapsed or refractory neoplasias by unlocking phenotypic plasticity. Frontiers in Oncology 13.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph , Lüke, Florian , Pukrop, Tobias , Ghibelli, Lina, Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2023) Addressing Genetic Tumor Heterogeneity, Post-Therapy Metastatic Spread, Cancer Repopulation, and Development of Acquired Tumor Cell Resistance. Cancers 16 (1), S. 180.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph , Li, Sin-Syue, Kaljanac, Marcell, Barden, Markus, Pan, Hong und Abken, Hinrich (2023) Fine-tuning the antigen sensitivity of CAR T cells: emerging strategies and current challenges. Frontiers in Immunology 14.

Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Voll, Florian, Althammer, Michael, Sala-Hojman, Ada, Ferretti, Roberta, Korf, Clarissa, Schmidl, Christian, Schmidleithner, Lisa, Nerb, Benedikt, Matos, Carina , Koehl, Gudrun E., Siska, Peter J. , Bruss, Christina, Kellermeier, Fabian, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Wichland, Marvin, Ugele, Ines, Bohr, Christopher, Herr, Wolfgang, Ramaswamy, Shivapriya, Heinrich, Timo, Herhaus, Christian, Kreutz, Marina und Renner, Kathrin (2023) MCT4 blockade increases the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 11 (10), e007349.

Joachim, Laura, Göttert, Sascha, Sax, Anna, Steiger, Katja, Neuhaus, Klaus, Heinrich, Paul , Fan, Kaiji, Orberg, Erik Thiele, Kleigrewe, Karin, Ruland, Jürgen, Bassermann, Florian, Herr, Wolfgang, Posch, Christian, Heidegger, Simon und Poeck, Hendrik (2023) The microbial metabolite desaminotyrosine enhances T-cell priming and cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors. eBioMedicine 97, S. 104834.

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Fante, Matthias A., Harrer, Dennis C. , Zartner, Barbara, Lüke, Florian , Mayer, Stephanie, Menhart, Karin , Reichle, Albrecht , Herr, Wolfgang, Vogelhuber, Martin und Heudobler, Daniel (2023) All-oral low-dose chemotherapy TEPIP is effective and well-tolerated in patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Frontiers in Oncology 13.

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Weber, Daniela, Weber, Markus , Meedt, Elisabeth, Ghimire, Sakhila, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Poeck, Hendrik, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Ayuk, Francis, Roesler, Wolf, Wölfl, Matthias, Kraus, Sabrina, Zeiser, Robert, Bertrand, Hannah, Bader, Peter, Ullrich, Evelyn , Eder, Matthias , Gleich, Sigrun, Young, Rachel, Herr, Wolfgang, Levine, John E., Ferrara, James L. M. und Holler, Ernst (2023) Reg3α concentrations at day of allogeneic stem cell transplantation predict outcome and correlate with early antibiotic use. Blood Advances 7 (7), S. 1326-1335.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Babl, Nathalie, Hofbauer, Joshua, Matos, Carina , Voll, Florian, Menevse, Ayse Nur, Rechenmacher, Michael, Mair, Ruth, Beckhove, Philipp , Herr, Wolfgang, Siska, Peter J. , Renner, Kathrin , Kreutz, Marina und Schnell, Annette (2023) Low-density lipoprotein balances T cell metabolism and enhances response to anti-PD-1 blockade in a HCT116 spheroid model. Frontiers in Oncology 13.

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Matos, Carina, Mamilos, Andreas, Shah, Pranali N., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Ghimire, Saroj, Hiergeist, Andreas, Gessner, André, Dickinson, Anne M., Dressel, Ralf, Walter, Lutz , Stark, Klaus J., Heid, Iris M., Poeck, Hendrik, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel, Herr, Wolfgang, Holler, Ernst, Kreutz, Marina und Ghimire, Sakhila (2022) Downregulation of the vitamin D receptor expression during acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease is associated with poor outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1028850.

Lüke, Florian, Haller, Florian, Utpatel, Kirsten, Krebs, Markus, Meidenbauer, Norbert, Scheiter, Alexander , Spoerl, Silvia, Heudobler, Daniel , Sparrer, Daniela, Kaiser, Ulrich, Keil, Felix , Schubart, Christoph D., Tögel, Lars, Einhell, Sabine, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Huss, Ralf, Dintner, Sebastian, Sommer, Sebastian, Jordan, Frank, Goebeler, Maria-Elisabeth, Metz, Michaela, Haake, Diana, Scheytt, Mithun, Gerhard-Hartmann, Elena, Maurus, Katja, Brändlein, Stephanie, Rosenwald, Andreas, Hartmann, Arndt, Märkl, Bruno, Einsele, Hermann , Mackensen, Andreas, Herr, Wolfgang, Kunzmann, Volker, Bargou, Ralf, Beckmann, Matthias W., Pukrop, Tobias , Trepel, Martin, Evert, Matthias, Claus, Rainer und Kerscher, Alexander Nikolaus (2022) Identification of Disparities in Personalized Cancer Care—A Joint Approach of the German WERA Consortium. Cancers 14 (20), S. 5040.

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Scheiter, Alexander , Hierl, Frederik, Winkel, Ingrid, Keil, Felix, Klier-Richter, Margit, Coulouarn, Cédric, Lüke, Florian, Kandulski, Arne, Evert, Matthias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2022) Wnt/β-Catenin-Pathway Alterations and Homologous Recombination Deficiency in Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines and Clinical Samples: Towards Specific Vulnerabilities. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (8), S. 1270.

Lüke, Florian , Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Pantziarka, Pan , Pukrop, Tobias , Ghibelli, Lina, Gerner, Christopher , Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2022) Drug Repurposing by Tumor Tissue Editing. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 900985.

Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Babl, Nathalie, Bittner, Sebastian, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone , Feuerer, Markus, Hoffmann, Petra, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2022) LDHB Overexpression Can Partially Overcome T Cell Inhibition by Lactic Acid. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (11), S. 5970.

Heudobler, Daniel, Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Lüke, Florian , Einspieler, Ingo, Menhart, Karin, Hellwig, Dirk , Utpatel, Kirsten , Herr, Wolfgang und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) Case Report: Extramedullary Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: An Unusual Case and Mini-Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-7.

Hofbauer, Joshua, Hauck, Andreas, Matos, Carina , Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Rechenmacher, Michael , Schulz, Christian , Regotta, Sabine, Mickler, Marion, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Siska, Peter J. , Herr, Wolfgang, Renner, Kathrin , Kreutz, Marina und Schnell, Annette (2022) Immunometabolic Markers in a Small Patient Cohort Undergoing Immunotherapy. Biomolecules 12 (5), S. 716.

Heudobler, Daniel, Fante, Matthias A., Felsensteiner, Mona, Mayer, Stephanie, Gerken, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Herr, Wolfgang, Vogelhuber, Martin und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) All-Oral Low-Dose Chemotherapy TEPIP is Effective and Well-Tolerated in Relapsed/Refractory Patients With Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-11.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Ederer, Katharina U., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Matos, Carina , Hiergeist, Andreas , Zeman, Florian, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang, Gessner, Andre, Holler, Ernst und Bülow, Sigrid (2022) Low intestinal IL22 associates with increased transplant-related mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in immunology 13, S. 857400.

Frick, Linus, Hinterland, Linda, Renner, Kathrin , Vogl, Marion, Babl, Nathalie, Heckscher, Simon, Weigert, Anna, Weiß, Susanne, Gläsner, Joachim, Berger, Raffaela , Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Kreutz, Marina , Schatz, Valentin und Jantsch, Jonathan (2022) Acidic Microenvironments Found in Cutaneous Leishmania Lesions Curtail NO-Dependent Antiparasitic Macrophage Activity. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 789366.

Blazquez, Rachel, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Klauser, Marlene, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Heudobler, Daniel , Stange, Lena, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Rosengarth, Katharina, Schicho, Andreas , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Brawanski, Alexander, Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2022) Breakouts - a radiological sign of poor prognosis in patients with brain metastases. Frontiers in Oncology.

Matos, Carina , Peter, Katrin , Weich, Laura, Peuker, Alice, Schoenhammer, Gabriele, Roider, Tobias , Ghimire, Sakhila, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja, Güllstorf, Martina, Kröger, Nicolaus, Hammon, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stark, Klaus, Heid, Iris M. , Renner, Kathrin , Holler, Ernst und Kreutz, Marina (2022) Anti-Thymocyte Globulin Treatment Augments 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Serum Levels in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 12.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Buschauer, Sebastian, Sterz, Ulrich, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina, Heudobler, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Pukrop, Tobias , Herr, Wolfgang und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Gemcitabine Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Metastasized Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Frontiers in Oncology 2021 (11), S. 1-7.

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Ghimire, Sakhila, Weber, Daniela, Hippe, Katrin, Meedt, Elisabeth, Hoepting, Matthias, Kattner, Anna-Sophia , Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Matos, Carina, Ghimire, Saroj, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Hoffmann, Petra, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2021) GPR Expression in Intestinal Biopsies From SCT Patients Is Upregulated in GvHD and Is Suppressed by Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Sterz, Ulrich, Grube, Matthias, Herr, Wolfgang, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Case Report: Dual Checkpoint Inhibition in Advanced Metastatic Osteosarcoma Results in Remission of All Tumor Manifestations—A Report of a Stunning Success in a 37-Year-Old Patient. Frontiers in Oncology 11 (684733), S. 1-7.

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Lüke, Florian, Harrer, Dennis C., Menhart, Karin, Wolff, Daniel, Holler, Ernst, Hellwig, Dirk, Herr, Wolfgang, Grube, Matthias, Vogelhuber, Martin, Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Biomodulatory Treatment Regimen, MEPED, Rescues Relapsed and Refractory Classic Hodgkin’s Disease. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (599561), S. 1-8.

Lüke, Florian, Harrer, Dennis C., Hahn, Joachim, Grube, Matthias, Pukrop, Tobias, Herr, Wolfgang, Reichle, Albrecht und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Continuous Complete Remission in Two Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Severe Fungal Infection Following Short-Term, Dose-Reduced Chemotherapy. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2021 (12), S. 599552.

Wertheimer, Tobias , Pausch, Antonia-Maria, Kammerer, Sylvia, Weber, Florian, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian , Holler, Ernst, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel , Weber, Daniela und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2021) Parametric Imaging of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) for the Evaluation of Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Cells 10 (5), S. 1092. (Eingereicht)

Sigrüner, Alexander, Krautbauer, Sabrina , Blazquez, Raquel , Liebisch, Gerhard, Hoering, Marcus, Neubert, Philip, Pukrop, Tobias und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Application of Lipid Class Ratios for Sample Stability Monitoring—Evaluation of Murine Tissue Homogenates and SDS as a Stabilizer. Metabolites 2021 (11), S. 277. (Eingereicht)

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Höhne, Julius, Schmidt, Nils Ole, Proescholdt, Martin A., make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2021) The Management of Brain Metastases—Systematic Review of Neurosurgical Aspects. Cancers 13 (7), S. 1616.

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Heudobler, Daniel, Schulz, Christian , Fischer, Jürgen R., Staib, Peter, Wehler, Thomas, Südhoff, Thomas, Schichtl, Thomas, Wilke, Jochen, Hahn, Joachim, Lüke, Florian, Vogelhuber, Martin, Klobuch, Sebastian, Pukrop, Tobias , Herr, Wolfgang, Held, Swantje, Beckers, Kristine, Bouche, Gauthier und Reichle, Albrecht (2021) A Randomized Phase II Trial Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Pioglitazone, Clarithromycin and Metronomic Low-Dose Chemotherapy with Single-Agent Nivolumab Therapy in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated in Second or Further Line (ModuLung). Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (599598), S. 1-10.

Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Wolff, Daniel, Wagner-Drouet, Eva Maria , Teschner, Daniel, Wolschke, Christine, Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin, Gärtner, Johannes , Mielke, Stephan, Schreder, Martin, Kobbe, Guido , Hilgendorf, Inken, Klein, Stefan, Verbeek, Mareike, Ditschkowski, Markus, Koch, Martina, Lindemann, Monika, Schmidt, Traudel , Rascle, Anne, Barabas, Sascha, Deml, Ludwig und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Comparison of Cytomegalovirus-Specific Immune Cell Response to Proteins versus Peptides Using an IFN-γ ELISpot Assay after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. diagnostics 2021 (11), S. 312.

Wagner-Drouet, Eva Maria, Teschner, Daniel , Wolschke, Christine, Janson, Dietlinde, Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin, Gärtner, Johannes, Mielke, Stephan , Schreder, Martin, Kobbe, Guido, Kondakci, Mustafa, Hilgendorf, Inken , von Lilienfeld-Toal, Marie, Klein, Stefan, Heidenreich, Daniela, Kreil, Sebastian, Verbeek, Mareike, Graß, Sandra, Ditschkowski, Markus, Gromke, Tanja, Koch, Martina, Lindemann, Monika , Hünig, Thomas, Schmidt, Traudel, Rascle, Anne , Guldan, Harald, Barabas, Harald, Deml, Ludwig, Wagner, Ralf und Wolff, Daniel (2021) Standardized monitoring of cytomegalovirus-specific immunity can improve risk stratification of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Haematologica 106 (2), S. 363-374.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Proescholdt, Martin, Jünger, Stephanie T., Schödel, Petra, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Pukrop, Tobias, Höhne, Julius, Schmidt, Nils-Ole , Kocher, Martin , Schulz, Holger, Ruge, Maximilian, König, Kevin, Goldbrunner, Roland und Grau, Stefan (2021) Brain Metastases in Elderly Patients—The Role of Surgery in the Context of Systemic Treatment. Brain Sciences 11 (1), S. 123.

Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Fante, Matthias A., Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Schreml, Stephan , Siska, Peter J. und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Heat-Inactivation of Human Serum Destroys C1 Inhibitor, Pro-motes Immune Complex Formation, and Improves Human T Cell Function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (5), S. 2646.

Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Berger, Raffaela Sarah, Wachsmuth, Christian J., Waldhier, Magdalena C., Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Thomas, Simone, Chaturvedi, Anuhar , Niller, Hans Helmut, Bumes, Elisabeth, Hau, Peter , Proescholdt, Martin A., Gronwald, Wolfram , Heuser, Michael und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Lactonization of the Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Produces a Novel Endogenous Metabolite. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 1756.

Ammer, Laura-Marie, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Ruf, Viktoria, Wetzel, Christian H. , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Albert, Nathalie L., Beckhove, Philipp und Hau, Peter (2020) The Role of Translocator Protein TSPO in Hallmarks of Glioblastoma. Cancers 12 (10), S. 2973.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Menhart, Karin, Mayer, Stephanie, Herr, Wolfgang, Reichle, Albrecht und Vogelhuber, Martin (2020) Unusual Late Relapse of ALK-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Successfully Cleared Using the ALK-Inhibitor Crizotinib: Case Report. Frontiers in Oncology 10 (585830), S. 1-4.

Wolff, Daniel, Bardak, Jelena, Edinger, Matthias, Klinger-Schindler, Ursula, Holler, Ernst , Lawitschka, Anita , Schoemans, Helene, Herr, Wolfgang, Kröger, Nikolaus und Ayuk Ayuketang, Francis (2020) Evaluation of the Cost of Survivorship Care After Allogeneic Hematopoeitic Stem Cell Transplantation–An Analysis of 2 German Transplantation Centers. Frontiers in Public Health 8 (572470), S. 1-8.

Sun, Xueni, Berger, Raffaela, Heinrich, Paul, Marchiq, Ibtissam, Pouyssegur, Jacques , Renner, Kathrin, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2020) Optimized Protocol for the In Situ Derivatization of Glutathione with N-Ethylmaleimide in Cultured Cells and the Simultaneous Determination of Glutathione/Glutathione Disulfide Ratio by HPLC-UV-QTOF-MS. Metabolites 10 (7), S. 292.

Klobuch, Sebastian , Hammon, Kathrin, Vatter-Leising, Sarah, Neidlinger, Elisabeth, Zwerger, Michael, Wandel, Annika, Neuber, Laura Maria, Heilmeier, Bernhard, Fichtner, Regina, Mirbeth, Carina, Herr, Wolfgang und Thomas, Simone (2020) HLA-DPB1 Reactive T Cell Receptors for Adoptive Immunotherapy in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation. Cells 9 (1264), S. 1-15.

Kattner, Anna-Sophia , Holler, Ernst, Herr, Wolfgang, Reichle, Albrecht , Wolff, Daniel und Heudobler, Daniel (2020) Successful Treatment of Early Relapsed High-Risk AML After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation With Biomodulatory Therapy. Frontiers in Oncology 10 (443), S. 1-5.

Heudobler, Daniel, Lüke, Florian, Vogelhuber, Martin, Klobuch, Sebastian, Pukrop, Tobias , Herr, Wolfgang, Gerner, Christopher , Pantziarka, Pan, Ghibelli, Lina und Reichle, Albrecht (2019) Anakoinosis: Correcting Aberrant Homeostasis of Cancer Tissue—Going Beyond Apoptosis Induction. Frontiers in Oncology 9 (1408), S. 1-22.

Renner, Kathrin , Bruss, Christina, Schnell, Annette, Koehl, Gudrun, Becker, Holger M., Fante, Matthias, Menevse, Ayse-Nur, Kauer, Nathalie, Blazquez, Raquel, Hacker, Lisa, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bohn, Toszka, Faerber, Stephanie, Evert, Katja, Aigle, Lisa, Amslinger, Sabine, Landa, Maria, Krijgsman, Oscar, Rozeman, Elisa A., Brummer, Christina, Siska, Peter J., Singer, Katrin, Pektor, Stefanie, Miederer, Matthias, Peter, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Herr, Wolfgang, Marchiq, Ibtisam, Pouyssegur, Jacques, Roush, William R., Ong, SuFey, Warren, Sarah, Pukrop, Tobias , Beckhove, Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Bopp, Tobias, Blank, Christian U., Cleveland, John L., Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja , Selby, Mark und Kreutz, Marina (2019) Restricting Glycolysis Preserves T Cell Effector Functions and Augments Checkpoint Therapy. Cell Reports 29 (1), 135-150.e9.

Singer, Katrin, Dettmer, Katja , Unger, Petra, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Renner, Kathrin , Peter, Katrin , Siska, Peter J. , Berneburg, Mark , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Karrer, Sigrid, Kreutz, Marina und Datz, Elisabeth (2019) Topical Diclofenac Reprograms Metabolism and Immune Cell Infiltration in Actinic Keratosis. Frontiers in Oncology 2019 (9), S. 605.

Berger, Raffaela S. , Ellmann, Lisa, Reinders, Joerg, Kreutz, Marina, Stempfl, Thomas, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2019) Degradation of D-2-hydroxyglutarate in the presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 1-11.

Liebisch, Gerhard , Ecker, Josef , Roth, Sebastian, Schweizer, Sabine, Öttl, Veronika, Schött, Hans-Frieder, Yoon, Hongsup, Haller, Dirk, Holler, Ernst, Burkhardt, Ralph und Matysik, Silke (2019) Quantification of Fecal Short Chain Fatty Acids by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry—Investigation of Pre-Analytic Stability. Biomolecules 9 (4), S. 121.

Pantziarka, Pan , Ghibelli, Lina und Reichle, Albrecht (2019) A Computational Model of Tumor Growth and Anakoinosis. Frontiers in Pharmacology 10 (287), S. 1-14.

Ugele, Ines, Cardenas-Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth, Hammon, Kathrin, Wehrstein, Monika, Bruss, Christina, Peter, Katrin, Singer, Katrin, Gottfried, Eva, Boesch, Jakob, Oefner, Peter J., Dettmer, Katja, Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2019) D-2-Hydroxyglutarate and L-2-Hydroxyglutarate Inhibit IL-12 Secretion by Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 742.

Heudobler, Daniel, Rechenmacher, Michael, Lüke, Florian, Vogelhuber, Martin, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone, Pukrop, Tobias, Hackl, Christina, Herr, Wolfgang, Ghibelli, Lina, Gerner, Christopher und Reichle, Albrecht (2018) Clinical Efficacy of a Novel Therapeutic Principle, Anakoinosis. Frontiers in Pharmacology 9 (1357), S. 1-26.

Klobuch, Sebastian, Steinberg, Tim, Bruni, Emanuele, Mirbeth, Carina, Heilmeier, Bernhard, Ghibelli, Lina, Herr, Wolfgang, Reichle, Albrecht und Thomas, Simone (2018) Biomodulatory Treatment With Azacitidine, All-trans Retinoic Acid and Pioglitazone Induces Differentiation of Primary AML Blasts Into Neutrophil Like Cells Capable of ROS Production and Phagocytosis. Frontiers in Pharmacology 9 (1380), S. 1-11.

Heudobler, Daniel, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone , Hahn, Joachim, Herr, Wolfgang und Reichle, Albrecht (2018) Cutaneous leukemic infiltrates successfully treated with biomodulatory therapy in a rare case of therapy-related high risk MDS/AML. Frontiers in Pharmacology 9 (1279), S. 1-5.

Heudobler, Daniel, Rechenmacher, Michael, Lüke, Florian, Vogelhuber, Martin, Pukrop, Tobias, Herr, Wolfgang, Ghibelli, Lina, Gerner, Christopher und Reichle, Albrecht (2018) Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPAR)γ Agonists as Master Modulators of Tumor Tissue. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (11), S. 3540.

Renner, Kathrin, Seilbeck, Anton, Kauer, Nathalie, Ugele, Ines, Siska, Peter J., Brummer, Christina, Bruss, Christina, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Fante, Matthias, Schmidt, Astrid, Hammon, Kathrin, Singer, Katrin, Klobuch, Sebastian, Thomas, Simone , Gottfried, Eva, Peter, Katrin und Kreutz, Marina (2018) Combined Metabolic Targeting With Metformin and the NSAIDs Diflunisal and Diclofenac Induces Apoptosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells. Frontiers in Pharmacology 9 (1258), S. 1-13.

Munker, Stefan, Gerken, Michael, Fest, Petra, Ott, Claudia, Schnoy, Elisabeth, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Wiggermann, Philipp, Vogelhuber, Martin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian, Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Evert, Matthias, Reng, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika und Teufel, Andreas (2018) Chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer: No effect on survival when the dose is reduced due to side effects. BMC Cancer 18 (455), S. 1-9.

Zimara, Nicole, Chanyalew, Menberework, Aseffa, Abraham , van Zandbergen, Ger, Lepenies, Bernd, Schmid, Maximilian, Weiss, Richard , Rascle, Anne, Wege, Anja Kathrin, Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Brown, Gordon D. und Ritter, Uwe (2018) Dectin-1 Positive Dendritic Cells Expand after Infection with Leishmania major Parasites and Represent Promising Targets for Vaccine Development. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (263), S. 1-20.

Haj, Amer, Doenitz, Christian, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Ehrensberger, Denise, Hau, Peter , Putnik, Kurt, Riemenschneider, Markus, Wendl, Christina, Gerken, Michael, Pukrop, Tobias, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin (2017) Extent of Resection in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Impact of a Specialized Neuro-Oncology Care Center. Brain Sciences 8 (1), S. 5.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Weber, Markus, Benditz, Achim, Woerner, Michael, Weber, Daniela, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2017) Trainee Surgeons Affect Operative Time but not Outcome in Minimally Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 7 (6152), S. 1-7.

Holler, Ernst, Ghimire, Sakhila, Dickinson, Anne M., Weber, Daniela und Marvine, Emily (2017) Pathopysiology of GvHD and HSCT related complications. Alloimmunity and Transplantation 8 (79), S. 1-24.

Diermeier, Sarah , Nemmeth, Attila, Rehli, Michael , Grummt, Ingrid und Längst, Gernot (2013) Chromatin-Specific Regulation of Mammalian rDNA Transcription by Clustered TTF-I Binding Sites. PLoS Genetics 9.

Kreutz, Marina, Gottfried, Eva, Lang, Sven A., Renner, Kathrin , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin, Gronwald, Wolfram , Rehli, Michael, Einhell, Sabine, Gedig, Isabel, Singer, Katrin, Seilbeck, Anton, Mackensen, Andreas, Grauer, Oliver, Hau, Peter , Dettmer, Katja, Andreesen, Reinhard und Oefner, Peter (2013) New aspects of an old drug: Diclofenac targets MYC and glucose metabolism in tumor cells. PLoS ONE 8 (7), e66987.

Klug, Maja, Schmidhofer, Sandra, Gebhard, Claudia, Andreesen, Reinhard und Rehli, Michael (2013) 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine is an essential intermediate of active DNA demethylation processes in primary human monocytes. Genome biology 14 (5), R46.

Seliger, Corinna, Leukel, Petra, Moeckel, Sylvia, Jachnik, Birgit, Lottaz, Claudio, Kreutz, Marina, Brawanski, Alexander, Proescholdt, Martin, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel und Hau, Peter (2013) Lactate-Modulated Induction of THBS-1 Activates Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-beta2 and Migration of Glioma Cells In Vitro. PloS one 8 (11), e78935.

Pham, Thu-Hang, Minderjahn, Julia, Schmidl, Christian, Hoffmeister, Helen, Schmidhofer, Sandra, Chen, Wei, Längst, Gernot, Benner, Christopher und Rehli, Michael (2013) Mechanisms of in vivo binding site selection of the hematopoietic master transcription factor PU.1. Nucleic acids research 41 (13), S. 6391-6402.

Niessen, Christoph, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Schreyer, Andreas G., Wohlgemuth, Walter A., Trabold, Benedikt, Hahn, Joachim, Rechenmacher, Michael, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2013) Palliative treatment of presacral recurrence of endometrial cancer using irreversible electroporation: a case report. Journal of medical case reports 7 (1), S. 128.

Troppmann, Martina, Büttner, Roland, Boewer, Michael und Salzberger, Bernd (2012) Smoldering myeloma presenting as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 6, S. 177.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kieferorthopädie

Lone, Iqbal M., Zohud, Osayd, Midlej, Kareem, Paddenberg, Eva , Krohn, Sebastian, Kirschneck, Christian , Proff, Peter , Watted, Nezar und Iraqi, Fuad A. (2023) Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion: From Clinical Treatment Strategies towards the Dissection of the Genetic Bases of the Disease Using Human and Collaborative Cross Mice Cohorts. Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (11), S. 1617.

Lone, Iqbal M., Zohud, Osayd, Midlej, Kareem, Awadi, Obaida, Masarwa, Samir, Krohn, Sebastian, Kirschneck, Christian , Proff, Peter , Watted, Nezar und Iraqi, Fuad A. (2023) Narrating the Genetic Landscape of Human Class I Occlusion: A Perspective-Infused Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine 13 (10), S. 1465.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Fischer, René, Spoerl, Silvia, Kirschneck, Christian , Wolf, Stefanie, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Biermann, Niklas, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2023) Statin Use Ameliorates Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Data from a Population-Based Cohort Study Applying Propensity Score Matching. Biomedicines 11 (2), S. 369.

Küchler, Erika Calvano, Schröder, Agnes, Spanier, Gerrit, Thedei, Geraldo, Carvalho Ribeiro de Oliveira, Maria Beatriz, de Menezes-Oliveira, Maria Angélica Hueb, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2022) Influence of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Vitamin D Receptor Expression in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts as a Response to Orthodontic Compression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (24), S. 15948.

Simon, Michaela, Gerlach, Roman G., Pfeifer, Yvonne, Pfennigwerth, Niels, Gatermann, Sören G., Schröder, Agnes , Hiergeist, Andreas , Hamprecht, Axel, Rügamer, Tamara, Gessner, André und Jantsch, Jonathan (2022) Increased zinc levels facilitate phenotypic detection of ceftazidime-avibactam resistance in metallo-β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria. Frontiers in microbiology 13, S. 977330.

Paddenberg, Eva , Osterloh, Hannah, Jantsch, Jonathan, Nogueira, Andressa, Proff, Peter , Kirschneck, Christian und Schröder, Agnes (2022) Impact of Leptin on the Expression Profile of Macrophages during Mechanical Strain In Vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (18), S. 10727.

Kirschneck, Margarita, Zbidat, Nermien , Paddenberg, Eva , Reis, Caio Luiz Bitencourt , Madalena, Isabela Ribeiro , Oliveira, Maria Angélica , Lepri, César , Proff, Peter , Kirschneck, Christian und Calvano Küchler, Erika (2022) Transforming growth factor beta receptor II (TGFBR2) promoter region polymorphisms may be involved in mandibular retrognathism. Biomed Research International vol.2022, art.ID 503052.

Karl, Viktoria, Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Tabenski, Isabelle, Schenke, Frederike, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Kirschneck, Christian , Bekes, Katrin und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Retrospective Cohort Study on Potential Risk Factors for Repeated Need of Dental Rehabilitation under General Anesthesia in a Private Pediatric Dental Practice. Children 9 (6), S. 855.

Thim, Teresa, Scholz, Konstantin Johannes , Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Kirschneck, Christian , Fleiner, Jonathan, Woelber, Johan Peter und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Radiographic Bone Loss and Its Relation to Patient-Specific Risk Factors, LDL Cholesterol, and Vitamin D: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients 14 (4), S. 864.

Schröder, Agnes, Schöniger, Ricarda, Oeldemann, Juliane, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan, Kirschneck, Christian und Ullrich, Niklas (2022) An Evaluation of Different 3D Cultivation Models on Expression Profiles of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts with Compressive Strain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (4), S. 2029.

Jantsch, Jonathan, Krampert, Luka , Bauer, Katharina, Ebner, Stefan, Neubert, Patrick, Ossner, Thomas, Weigert, Anna, Schatz, Valentin, Toelge, Martina, Schröder, Agnes , Herrmann, Martin, Schnare, Markus und Dorhoi, Anca (2021) High Na+ Environments Impair Phagocyte Oxidase-Dependent Antibacterial Activity of Neutrophils. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (712948), S. 1-12.

Kirschneck, Christian , Küchler, Erika Calvano, Bitencourt Reis, Caio Luiz, Silva-Sousa, Alice Correa, Maranon-Vasquez, Guido Artemio, Matsumoto, Mirian Aiko Nakane, Sebastiani, Aline, Scariot, Rafaela, Paddenberg, Eva und Proff, Peter (2021) Exploring the Association Between Genetic Polymorphisms in Genes Involved in Craniofacial Development and Isolated Tooth Agenesis. Frontiers in Physiology 12 (723105), S. 1-8. (Eingereicht)

Widbiller, Matthias , Keim, Lukas, Schlichting, Ralf, Striegl, Birgit, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Jungbauer, Rebecca , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2021) Debris Removal by Activation of Endodontic Irrigants in Complex Root Canal Systems: A Standardized In-Vitro-Study. Applied Sciences 11 (16), S. 1-14.

Reis, Caio Luiz Bitencourt, Barbosa, Mariane Carolina Faria, de Lima, Daniela Coelho, Madalena, Isabela Ribeiro, Baratto-Filho, Flares, Proff, Peter, de Oliveira, Daniela Silva Barroso, Paddenberg, Eva, Küchler, Erika Calvano und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Study of Dental Caries and PTH Gene. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2 (703549), S. 1-6.

Kirschneck, Christian , Straßmair, Nadine, Cieplik, Fabian , Paddenberg, Eva, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2021) Myeloid HIF1α Is Involved in the Extent of Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement. Biomedicines 9 (796), S. 1-11.

Schröder, Agnes , Meyer, Andrea, Spanier, Gerrit , Damanaki, Anna , Paddenberg, Eva, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Impact of Leptin on Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts during Mechanical Strain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6847), S. 1-15.

Küchler, Erika, Reis, Caio , Marañón-Vásquez, Guido, Nelson-Filho, Paulo , Matsumoto, Mírian, Stuani, Maria , Oliveira, Maria, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Parathyroid Hormone Gene and Genes Involved in the Maintenance of Vitamin D Levels Association with Mandibular Retrognathism. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (5), S. 369.

Nazet, Ute , Feulner, Laura, Muschter, Dominique , Neubert, Patrick, Schatz, Valentin, Grässel, Susanne , Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Mechanical stress induce PG-E2 in murine synovial fibroblasts originating from the temporomandibular joint. Cells 2021 (10), S. 298. (Eingereicht)

Schröder, Agnes , Gubernator, Joshua, Leikam, Alexandra, Nazet, Ute , Cieplik, Fabian , Jantsch, Jonathan, Neubert, Patrick, Titze, Jens, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Dietary Salt Accelerates Orthodontic Tooth Movement by Increased Osteoclast Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (2), S. 596.

Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes, Seyler, Lisa, Wolf, Franziska, Korkmaz, Yüksel, Bäuerle, Tobias, Gölz, Lina und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Local Vascularization during Orthodontic Tooth Movement in a Split Mouth Rat Model—A MRI Study. Biomedicines 8 (12), S. 632.

Kirschneck, Christian , Thuy, Magdalena, Leikam, Alexandra, Memmert, Svenja , Deschner, James, Damanaki, Anna, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schröder, Agnes (2020) Role and Regulation of Mechanotransductive HIF-1α Stabilisation in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (24), S. 9530.

Sperl, Gregor, Gattner, Johanna, Deschner, James, Wolf, Michael, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of Histamine Receptor Antagonist Cetirizine on Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Biomedicines 8 (12), S. 583.

Groeger, Marcella, Spanier, Gerrit, Wolf, Michael, Deschner, James, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of histamine on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts under simulated orthodontic pressure. PLOS ONE 15 (8), e0237040.

Schröder, Agnes, Barschkies, Leonie, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Gölz, Lina, Deschner, James und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Role of Oxygen Supply in Macrophages in a Model of Simulated Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Mediators of Inflammation 2020 (580243), S. 1-11.

Kirschneck, Christian , Bauer, Maria, Gubernator, Joshua, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2020) Comparative assessment of mouse models for experimental orthodontic tooth movement. Scientific Reports 10 (1), S. 1-12.

Oliver, Paula M., Neubert, Patrick, Homann, Arne, Wendelborn, David, Bär, Anna-Lorena , Krampert, Luka , Trum, Maximilian, Schröder, Agnes, Ebner, Stefan, Weichselbaum, Andrea, Schatz, Valentin, Linz, Peter, Veelken, Roland, Schulte-Schrepping, Jonas , Aschenbrenner, Anna C., Quast, Thomas, Kurts, Christian, Geisberger, Sabrina, Kunzelmann, Karl, Hammer, Karin, Binger, Katrina J., Titze, Jens, Müller, Dominik N., Kolanus, Waldemar , Schultze, Joachim L., Wagner, Stefan und Jantsch, Jonathan (2020) NCX1 represents an ionic Na+ sensing mechanism in macrophages. PLOS Biology 18 (6), e3000722.

Nazet, Ute, Grässel, Susanne, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Early OA Stage Like Response Occurs after Dynamic Stretching of Human Synovial Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), S. 3874.

Schröder, Agnes, Käppler, Paul, Nazet, Ute, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Cieplik, Fabian , Deschner, James und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of Compressive and Tensile Strain on Macrophages during Simulated Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Mediators of Inflammation 2020, S. 1-10.

Nazet, Ute , Schröder, Agnes, Grässel, Susanne , Muschter, Dominique , Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) Housekeeping gene validation for RT-qPCR studies on synovial fibroblasts derived from healthy and osteoarthritic patients with focus on mechanical loading. PLOS ONE 14 (12), e0225790.

Kirschneck, Christian , Küchler, Erika Calvano , Wolf, Michael, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2019) Effects of the Highly COX-2-Selective Analgesic NSAID Etoricoxib on Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts during Compressive Orthodontic Mechanical Strain. Mediators of Inflammation 2019 (251495), S. 1-14.

Schröder, Agnes, Nazet, Ute, Muschter, Dominique, Grässel, Susanne , Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) Impact of Mechanical Load on the Expression Profile of Synovial Fibroblasts from Patients with and without Osteoarthritis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 585.

Kirschneck, Christian , Batschkus, Sarah, Proff, Peter, Köstler, Josef, Spanier, Gerrit und Schröder, Agnes (2017) Valid gene expression normalization by RT-qPCR in studies on hPDL fibroblasts with focus on orthodontic tooth movement and periodontitis. Scientific Reports 2017 (7), S. 1-13.

Roldán, J. Camilo, Klünter, Tim, Schulz, Peter, Deisinger, Ulrike, Diez, Claudius, Waiss, Waltraud, Kirschneck, Christian, Reichert, Torsten E. und Detsch, Rainer (2017) Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Enhances Degradation of Osteoinductive Bioceramic Implants in an Ectopic Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (6), e1375.

Proff, Peter, Schubert, Michael und Kirschneck, Christian (2016) Successful treatment of multiple bilateral impactions - a case report. Head & Face Medicine 12 (24), S. 1-11.

Niklas, Andreas, Proff, Peter, Gosau, Martin und Römer, Piero (2013) The role of hypoxia in orthodontic tooth movement. International Journal of Dentistry 2013 ((2013)).

Kreczi, Amelia, Proff, Peter, Reicheneder, Claudia und Faltermeier, Andreas (2011) Effects of hypodontia on craniofacial structures and mandibular growth pattern. Head & Face Medicine 7, S. 23.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Gross, Simon, Danielyan, Lusine, Buechler, Christa , Kubitza, Marion, Klein, Kathrin, Schwab, Matthias, Melter, Michael und Weiss, Thomas S. (2024) Hepatic Amyloid Beta-42-Metabolizing Proteins in Liver Steatosis and Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (16), S. 8768.

von Sommoggy, Julia , Skiba, Eva-Maria, Lander, Jonas, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Curbach, Janina und Brandstetter, Susanne (2024) Health Literacy in Pediatric Consultations on Allergy Prevention. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice 8 (2), e47-e61.

Geis, Tobias, Gutzeit, Svena, Disse, Sigrid, Kuhle, Jens, Fouzas, Sotirios und Wellmann, Sven (2024) Neurofilament Light Chain Concentration in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Children with Acute Nontraumatic Neurological Disorders. Children 11 (3), S. 360.

Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Schöberl, Patricia, Atzenbeck, Noah, Erdl, Michael, Dillitzer, Nepomuk, Wallbrecher, Jakov, Weigl, Marcus, Sauer, Michael, Kheiroddin, Parastoo , Niggel, Jakob, Mauerer, Richard, Ambrosch, Andreas und Kabesch, Michael (2023) Effects of infection control measures towards preventing SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in a German choir boarding school from March 2020 to April 2022. Frontiers in Pediatrics 11.

Michel, Holger, Potapow, Antonia, Dechant, Markus-Johann, Brandstetter, Susanne , Wellmann, Sven , Köninger, Angela, Melter, Michael , Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Kabesch, Michael und Gerling, Stephan (2023) Effect of QT interval-prolonging drugs taken in pregnancy on the neonatal QT interval. Frontiers in Pharmacology 14.

Memmel, Clemens , Denzlein, André, Szymski, Dominik , Huber, Lorenz, Achenbach, Leonard , Gerling, Stephan , Alt, Volker , Krutsch, Werner und Koch, Matthias (2023) Playing Football as a Risk Factor for Lower Leg Malalignment?—Comparing Lower Leg Axis of Male Adolescent Football Players and Referees. Applied Sciences 13 (13), S. 7928.

Nimphy, Jonas, Ibrahim, Sara, Dayoub, Rania , Kubitza, Marion, Melter, Michael und Weiss, Thomas S. (2023) Interleukin-1ß Attenuates Expression of Augmenter of Liver Regeneration (ALR) by Regulating HNF4α Independent of c-Jun. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (9), S. 8107.

von Sommoggy, Julia , Grepmeier, Eva-Maria , Apfelbacher, Christian , Brandstetter, Susanne und Curbach, Janina (2023) Pediatricians’ experiences of managing outpatient care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Germany. Frontiers in Pediatrics 11.

Hofmann, Aybike , Ioannou, Alexandros, Zöhrer, Pirmin Irenaeus und Rösch, Wolfgang H. (2023) Ureterocystoplasty in Boys with Valve Bladder Syndrome—Is This Method Still up to Date? Children 10 (4), S. 692.

Memmel, Clemens , Lehner, Lisa, Loose, Oliver , Gündisch, Christian, Krutsch, Volker, Huber, Lorenz, Alt, Volker , Krutsch, Werner und Gerling, Stephan (2023) Pathological Findings in Male and Female Semi-Professional Football Players from 11 to 14 Years—A Report of the Bavarian Football Association’s Pre-Participation Screening Program. Applied Sciences 13 (7), S. 4375.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Blecha, Sebastian, Zeman, Florian, Rohr, Magdalena, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandstetter, Susanne , Karagiannidis, Christian, Apfelbacher, Christian und Bein, Thomas (2022) Association of analgosedation with psychiatric symptoms and health-related quality of life in ARDS survivors: Post hoc analyses of the DACAPO study. PLOS ONE 17 (10), e0275743.

Memmel, Clemens , Koch, Matthias , Szymski, Dominik , Huber, Lorenz, Pfeifer, Christian , Knorr, Christian, Alt, Volker und Krutsch, Werner (2022) Standardized Rehabilitation or Individual Approach?—A Retrospective Analysis of Early Rehabilitation Protocols after Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (8), S. 1299.

Schierling, Wilma , Matzner, Julia, Apfelbeck, Hanna, Grothues, Dirk , Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate und Pfister, Karin (2022) Pulse Wave Velocity for Risk Stratification of Patients with Aortic Aneurysm. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (14), S. 4026.

Kandsperger, Stephanie , Schleicher, Daniel, Ecker, Angelika, Keck, Florentina, Bentheimer, Sebastian, Brunner, Romuald und Jarvers, Irina (2022) Emotional Reactivity in Adolescents With Non-suicidal Self-injury and Its Predictors: A Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 (13), S. 902964.

Wellmann, Sven , Künzel, Manfred, Fentsch, Pascal, Fauchère, Jean-Claude, Rabe, Heike, Szczapa, Tomasz, Dimitriou, Gabriel, Vento, Maximo und Roehr, Charles C. (2022) Opinion Paper: Rationale for Supra-National Training in Neonatology. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2022 (10), S. 1-5.

Kheiroddin, Parastoo , Borchers, Natascha, Cibali, Ezgi , Würfel, Thea, Nowosadtko, Sarah, Kabesch, Michael und Ambrosch, Andreas (2022) SARS-CoV-2 Detection Limits in Swab and Gargle Samples by Comparing Antigen and RT-qPCR Testing. COVID 2 (6), S. 752-758.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje, Korn, Klaus , Berr, Melanie, Schütz, Anja, Wiegrebe, Simon, Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, André, Burkhardt, Ralph , Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B., Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus und Wagner, Ralf (2022) Time Trend in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity, Surveillance Detection- and Infection Fatality Ratio until Spring 2021 in the Tirschenreuth County—Results from a Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany. Viruses 14 (6), S. 1168.

Memmel, Clemens , Krutsch, Werner, Szymski, Dominik , Pfeifer, Christian , Henssler, Leopold, Frankewycz, Borys , Angele, Peter, Alt, Volker und Koch, Matthias (2022) Current Standards of Early Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in German Speaking Countries - Differentiation Based on Tendon Graft and Concomitant Injuries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (7), S. 4060.

Brandstetter, Susanne , Poulain, Tanja, Vogel, Mandy , Meigen, Christof, Melter, Michael, Köninger, Angela, Apfelbacher, Christian J., Kiess, Wieland, Kabesch, Michael und Körner, Antje (2022) Families’ Worries during the First and Second COVID-19 Wave in Germany: Longitudinal Study in Two Population-Based Cohorts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (5), S. 2820.

Hofmann, Aybike , Haider, Maximilian, Cox, Alexander, Vauth, Franziska und Rösch, Wolfgang H. (2022) Is Vesicostomy Still a Contemporary Method of Managing Posterior Urethral Valves? Children 9, S. 138.

Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Gründl, Magdalena, Althammer, Michael, Schöberl, Patricia, Plail, Linda, Cibali, Ezgi, Schraml, Kristina, Scheiber, Josef, Kiesewetter, Claudia, Kneissler, Andreas, Bartl, Christopher, Wallerstorfer, Daniel, Barth, Julien-Tyron, Rajabi, Shabnam, Roth, Cornelius, Matei, Andreea, Fetz, Christin, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Gastiger, Susanne, Bodenschatz, Mona, Konrad, Maike, Niggel, Jakob, Pagel, Philipp, Judex, Guido, Hubmann, Michael, Sweeney-Reed, Catherine M., Ambrosch, Andreas, Wagner, Thomas, Burkovski, Andreas und Kabesch, Michael (2021) How to Implement Safe, Efficient and Cost-Effective SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Urban and Rural Schools within One Month. COVID 1 (4), S. 717-727.

Durham, Kira, Wethmar, David, Brandstetter, Susanne , Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Melter, Michael , Kabesch, Michael und Kerzel, Sebastian (2021) Digital Media Exposure and Predictors for Screen Time in 12-Month-Old Children: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Data From a German Birth Cohort. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), S. 1-10.

Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Schöberl, Patricia, Althammer, Michael, Cibali, Ezgi, Würfel, Thea, Wein, Hannah, Kulawik, Birgit, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Weigl, Eva, Gran, Silvia, Gründl, Magdalena, Langguth, Jana, Lampl, Benedikt, Judex, Guido, Niggel, Jakob, Pagel, Philipp, Schratzenstaller, Thomas, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Gastiger, Susanne, Bodenschatz, Mona, Konrad, Maike, Levchuk, Artem, Roth, Cornelius, Schöner, David, Schneebauer, Florian, Rohrmanstorfer, René, Dekens, Marcus P. , Brandstetter, Susanne, Zuber, Johannes , Wallerstorfer, Daniel, Burkovski, Andreas, Ambrosch, Andreas, Wagner, Thomas und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Results of WICOVIR Gargle Pool PCR Testing in German Schools Based on the First 100,000 Tests. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 (9), S. 1-12.

Plank, Tina, Lerner, Laura, Tuschewski, Jana, Pawellek, Maja, Malania, Maka und Greenlee, Mark W. (2021) Perceptual learning of a crowding task: Effects of anisotropy and optotype. Journal of Vision 21 (11), S. 1-11.

Laub, Otto, Leipold, Georg, Toncheva, Antoaneta A. , Peterhoff, David, Einhauser, Sebastian , Neckermann, Patrick, Borchers, Natascha S., Santos-Valente, Elisangela, Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Laub, Sarah, Schöberl, Patricia, Schweiger-Kabesch, Andrea, Ewald, Dominik, Horn, Michael, Niggel, Jakob, Ambrosch, Andreas, Überla, Klaus, Gerling, Stephan, Brandstetter, Susanne, Wagner, Ralf und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Symptoms, SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies, and Neutralization Capacity in a Cross Sectional-Population of German Children. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 (9), S. 1-9.

Memmel, Clemens , Krutsch, Werner, Koch, Matthias , Riedl, Moritz , Henssler, Leopold, Zeman, Florian, Knorr, Christian, Alt, Volker und Pfeifer, Christian G. (2021) The Conformity of Rehabilitation Protocols Used for Different Cartilage Repairs of the Knee Joint—A Review on Rehabilitation Standards in German Speaking Countries. Applied Sciences 11 (8873), S. 1-10.

Wellmann, Sven , Malfertheiner, Sara Fill, Bataiosu-Zimmer, Evelyn, Michel, Holger, Fouzas, Sotirios, Bernasconi, Luca und Bührer, Christoph (2021) Vasopressin but Not Oxytocin Responds to Birth Stress in Infants. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (718056), S. 1-6. (Eingereicht)

Büchler, Christa , Wiest, Reiner , Weiss, Thomas S. und Danielyan, Lusine (2021) Serum Amyloid Beta42 Is Not Eliminated by the Cirrhotic Liver: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 2669. (Eingereicht)

Wagner, Ralf, Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Berr, Melanie, Einhauser, Sebastian , Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje , Tenbusch, Matthias , Maier, Clara, Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf, Überla, Klaus, Korn, Klaus , Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, Andre und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Estimates and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection fatality ratio using latent class analysis: the population-based Tirschenreuth study in the hardest-hit German county in spring 2020. Viruses 2021 (13), S. 1118. (Eingereicht)

Borchers, Natascha S. , Santos-Valente, Elisangela, Toncheva, Antoaneta A., Wehkamp, Jan, Franke, Andre , Gaertner, Vincent D. , Nordkild, Peter, Genuneit, Jon, Jensen, Benjamin A. H. und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Human β-Defensin 2 Mutations Are Associated With Asthma and Atopy in Children and Its Application Prevents Atopic Asthma in a Mouse Model. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (636061), S. 1-12.

Promm, Martin, Otto, Wolfgang, Weber, Florian, Götz, Stefanie, Burger, Maximilian, Müller, Karolina, Rubenwolf, Peter, Neuhuber, Winfried und Roesch, Wolfgang H. (2021) Expression of Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor p75 in Classic Bladder Exstrophy. Frontiers in Pediatrics 9 (634343), S. 1-7.

Brandstetter, Susanne , Rothfuß, David, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Melter, Michael, Kabesch, Michael und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2020) Information on, knowledge and utilisation of support services during pregnancy and after childbirth: cross-sectional analyses of predictors using data from the KUNO-Kids health study. BMJ Open 10 (10), e037745.

Malania, Maka, Pawellek, Maja, Plank, Tina und Greenlee, Mark W. (2020) Training-Induced Changes in Radial–Tangential Anisotropy of Visual Crowding. Translational Vision Science & Technology 9 (9), S. 25.

Michel, Holger, Heißenhuber, Frank, Wellmann, Sven, Melter, Michael und Gerling, Stephan (2020) Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia in a 12-Month-Old Girl Treated With Ivabradine and Beta-Blocker, a Case Report. Frontiers in Pediatrics 8 (313), S. 1-5.

Weiss, Thomas S. , Lupke, Madeleine, Dayoub, Rania , Geissler, Edward K., Schlitt, Hans J., Melter, Michael und Eggenhofer, Elke (2019) Augmenter of Liver Regeneration Reduces Ischemia Reperfusion Injury by Less Chemokine Expression, Gr-1 Infiltration and Oxidative Stress. Cells 8 (11), S. 1421.

Feder, Susanne, Kandulski, Arne, Schacherer, Doris, Weiss, Thomas S. und Buechler, Christa (2019) Serum Chemerin Does Not Differentiate Colorectal Liver Metastases from Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (16), S. 3919.

Büchler, Christa, Neumann, Maximilian, Meier, Elisabeth M., Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Eisinger, Kristina, Aslanidis, Charalampos, Pohl, Rebekka und Weiss, Thomas S. (2016) Chemokine-like receptor 1 mRNA weakly correlates with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis score in male but not female individuals. International Journal of Molecular Science 17 (8), S. 1335.

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Barth, Thomas, Schmidt, Dominic, Botteron, Catherine, Nguyen, Trang T. T., Ritter, Uwe, Männel, Daniela N. und Lechner, Anja (2012) An Early Reduction in Treg Cells Correlates with Enhanced Local Inflammation in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in CCR6-Deficient Mice. Plos One 7, e44499.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie

Kick, Lorenz, Schleicher, Daniel , Ecker, Angelika , Kandsperger, Stephanie , Brunner, Romuald und Jarvers, Irina (2024) Alexithymia as a mediator between adverse childhood events and the development of psychopathology: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15.

Jarvers, Irina , Ecker, Angelika , Schleicher, Daniel , Kandsperger, Stephanie , Otto, Alexandra und Brunner, Romuald (2023) Anorexia nervosa during COVID-19: loss of personal control and alexithymia as important contributors to symptomatology in adolescent girls. Journal of Eating Disorders 11 (1).

Jarvers, Irina, Kandsperger, Stephanie , Schleicher, Daniel, Ando, Ayaka , Resch, Franz, Koenig, Julian, Kaess, Michael und Brunner, Romuald (2022) The relationship between adolescents' externalizing and internalizing symptoms and brain development over a period of three years. NeuroImage: Clinical 36, S. 103195.

Ecker, Angelika, Jarvers, Irina, Schleicher, Daniel, Kandsperger, Stephanie , Schelhorn, Iris, Meyer, Marie, Borchert, Thomas, Lüdtke, Michael und Shiban, Youssef (2022) Problems or prospects? Being a parent in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology 13, S. 901249.

Kandsperger, Stephanie, Jarvers, Irina, Schleicher, Daniel, Ecker, Angelika, Wirth, Michael und Brunner, Romuald (2021) Suicidality Presented to a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Emergency Service: Increasing Rate and Changing Characteristics. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 (708208), S. 1-9.

Kandsperger, Stephanie, Jarvers, Irina , Ecker, Angelika, Schleicher, Daniel, Madurkay, Joseph, Otto, Alexandra und Brunner, Romuald (2021) Emotional Reactivity and Family-Related Factors Associated With Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescents Presenting to a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Emergency Service. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), S. 634346.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin

Wolf, Marietta, Brochhausen, Christoph , Ramakrishnan, Vignesh , Iberl, Sabine, Roth, Jonas, Seitz, Stephan, Burkhardt, Ralph und Stadler, Sonja C. (2024) Histologic Characterization of Tumor-Adjacent Mammary Adipose Tissue in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancers 16 (20), S. 3515.

Brunner, Sarah, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard , Schweizer, Sabine, Scheiber, Josef, Giansanti, Piero, Hidrobo, Maria, Hermeling, Sven, Oeckl, Josef, Prudente de Mello, Natalia, Perocchi, Fabiana, Seeliger, Claudine, Strohmeyer, Akim, Klingenspor, Martin, Plagge, Johannes , Küster, Bernhard, Burkhardt, Ralph , Janssen, Klaus-Peter und Ecker, Josef (2024) Mitochondrial lipidomes are tissue specific – low cholesterol contents relate to UCP1 activity. Life Science Alliance 7 (8), e202402828.

Vogel, Manuel Julian, Leininger, Simon B., Staudner, Stephan T., Hubauer, Ute, Wallner, Stefan , Mustroph, Julian , Hanses, Frank , Zimmermann, Markus, Lehn, Petra, Burkhardt, Ralph , Maier, Lars S. , Hupf, Julian und Jungbauer, Carsten G. (2023) Urinary N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Predicts Acute Kidney Injury and Severe Disease in COVID-19. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 48 (1), S. 424-435.

Peschel, Georg, Weigand, Kilian , Grimm, Jonathan, Müller, Martina, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2023) Gender-Specific Differences in Serum Sphingomyelin Species in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus Infection—Sphingomyelin Species Are Related to the Model of End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) Score in Male Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (9), S. 8402.

Donhauser, Ferdinand J., Zimmermann, Martina E., Steinkirchner, Anna B., Wiegrebe, Simon, Dietl, Alexander, Brandl, Caroline , Burkhardt, Ralph , Gessner, André , Schweda, Frank, Bergler, Tobias , Schäffner, Elke, Böger, Carsten A., Kronenberg, Florian, Luchner, Andreas, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in 70- to 95-Year-Old Individuals: Cross-Sectional Results from the Population-Based AugUR Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), S. 2102.

Biermann, Niklas, Wallner, Stefan, Martini, Teresa, Spoerl, Steffen, Prantl, Lukas und Taeger, Christian D. (2023) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation: Analysis of the Rinsing Fluid as a Monitoring Tool and Approach to the Inflammatory Process: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2), S. 711.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Weigand, Kilian, Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Müller, Martina, Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2022) HCV Infection and Liver Cirrhosis Are Associated with a Less-Favorable Serum Cholesteryl Ester Profile Which Improves through the Successful Treatment of HCV. Biomedicines 10 (12), S. 3152.

Glehr, Gunther , Riquelme, Paloma, Yang Zhou, Jordi, Cordero, Laura, Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Kapinsky, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J., Geissler, Edward K., Burkhardt, Ralph , Schmidt, Barbara, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2022) External validation of biomarkers for immune-related adverse events after immune checkpoint inhibition. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1011040.

Bauernfeind, Stilla, Einhauser, Sebastian , Tydykov, Leonid, Mader, Anna-Lena, Salzberger, Bernd, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Mohr, Arno, Burkhardt, Ralph , Wagner, Ralf und Peterhoff, David (2022) Association between Adverse Reactions and Humoral Immune Response No Longer Detectable after BNT162b2 Booster Vaccination. Vaccines 10 (10), S. 1608.

Höring, Marcus, Peschel, Georg, Grimm, Jonathan, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Müller, Martina, Weigand, Kilian, Liebisch, Gerhard und Buechler, Christa (2022) Serum Ceramide Species Are Associated with Liver Cirrhosis and Viral Genotype in Patients with Hepatitis C Infection. International journal of molecular sciences 23 (17), S. 9806.

Oury, Cécile , Lubnow, Matthias, Berger, Johannes, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Lehle, Karla, Heimerl, Susanne, Hart, Christina, Schmid, Christof, Fisser, Christoph und Müller, Thomas (2022) Prevalence and outcomes of patients developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 17 (8), e0272577.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje, Korn, Klaus , Berr, Melanie, Schütz, Anja, Wiegrebe, Simon, Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, André, Burkhardt, Ralph , Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B., Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus und Wagner, Ralf (2022) Time Trend in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity, Surveillance Detection- and Infection Fatality Ratio until Spring 2021 in the Tirschenreuth County—Results from a Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany. Viruses 14 (6), S. 1168.

Peterhoff, David , Einhauser, Sebastian , Beileke, Stephanie, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Günther, Felix , Schachtner, Michael , Asbach, Benedikt , Steininger, Philipp, Tenbusch, Matthias , Peter, Antonia S. , Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Wagner, Ralf und Überla, Klaus (2022) Comparative Immunogenicity of COVID-19 Vaccines in a Population-Based Cohort Study with SARS-CoV-2-Infected and Uninfected Participants. Vaccines 10 (2), S. 324.

Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Glehr, Gunther , Kapinsky, Michael, Ahrens, Norbert , Riquelme, Paloma , Cordero, Laura, Bitterer, Florian, Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2021) Development of a Flow Cytometry Assay to Predict Immune Checkpoint Blockade-Related Complications. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-12. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Dietl, Alexander , Zimmermann, Martina E. , Brandl, Caroline , Wallner, Stefan , Burkhardt, Ralph , Maier, Lars S. , Luchner, Andreas, Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus J. (2021) Distribution and specificity of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in older adults without acute cardiac conditions: cross-sectional results from the population-based AugUR study. BMJ Open 2021 (11), e052004.

Halmy, Laszlo, Riedel, Joshua, Zeman, Florian, Tege, Birgit, Linder, Volker, Gnewuch, Carsten, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Bergler, Tobias und Göcze, Ivan (2021) Renal Recovery after the Implementation of an Electronic Alert and Biomarker-Guided Kidney-Protection Strategy following Major Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-13.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Niller, Hans Helmut, Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Steininger, Philipp, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Überla, Klaus , Gefeller, Olaf und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Spectrum Bias and Individual Strengths of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests—A Population-Based Evaluation. Diagnostics 11 (10), S. 1-14.

Wagner, Ralf, Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Berr, Melanie, Einhauser, Sebastian , Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje , Tenbusch, Matthias , Maier, Clara, Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf, Überla, Klaus, Korn, Klaus , Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, Andre und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Estimates and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection fatality ratio using latent class analysis: the population-based Tirschenreuth study in the hardest-hit German county in spring 2020. Viruses 2021 (13), S. 1118. (Eingereicht)

Liebisch, Gerhard , Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Hittl, Louisa, Babl, Verena, Sigruener, Alexander und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Accurate Lipid Quantification of Tissue Homogenates Requires Suitable Sample Concentration, Solvent Composition, and Homogenization Procedure—A Case Study in Murine Liver. Metabolites 2021 (11), S. 365. (Eingereicht)

Sigrüner, Alexander, Krautbauer, Sabrina , Blazquez, Raquel , Liebisch, Gerhard, Hoering, Marcus, Neubert, Philip, Pukrop, Tobias und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Application of Lipid Class Ratios for Sample Stability Monitoring—Evaluation of Murine Tissue Homogenates and SDS as a Stabilizer. Metabolites 2021 (11), S. 277. (Eingereicht)

Peterhoff, David, Werner, Maren, Pervan, Philip, Glück, Vivian, Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael , Burkhardt, Ralph , Glück, Thomas, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Schmidt, Barbara und Gessner, Andre (2021) Evaluation of a Broad Panel of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests for Diagnostic Use. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1580. (Eingereicht)

Taeger, Christian, Wallner, Stefan , Martini, Teresa, Schiltz, Daniel , Kehrer, Andreas, Prantl, Lukas und Biermann, Niklas (2021) Analysis of Rinsing Fluid during Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation: A Potential Monitoring Tool in Acute and Chronic Wound Treatment. A Pilot Study. Cells 2021 (10), S. 732. (Eingereicht)

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Höring, Marcus, Ejsing, Christer S. , Krautbauer, Sabrina, Ertl, Verena M., Burkhardt, Ralph und Liebisch, Gerhard (2021) Accurate quantification of lipid species affected by isobaric overlap in Fourier-Transform mass spectrometry. Journal of Lipid Research 2021 (62), S. 1-11.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Hähnel, Viola, Peterhoff, David , Bäuerlein, Veronika, Brosig, Andreas-Michael, Palmer, Irene, Johnson, Christian , Bica, Adelina, Totir, Monica, Ossner, Thomas, Stemmer, Barbara, Toelge, Martina, Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara, Wagner, Ralf, Gessner, Andre , Burkhardt, Ralph und Offner, Robert (2020) Manufacturing of convalescent plasma of COVID-19 patients: Aspects of quality. Plos One 15 (12), S. 1-11.

Weissert, Robert , Hilger, Clara, Riedhammer, Christine und Orsó, Evelyn (2020) Effects of Alemtuzumab on (Auto) antigen-Specific Immune Responses. Frontiers in Immunology 11 (563645), S. 1-8.

Haberl, Elisabeth M., Pohl, Rebekka, Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Feder, Susanne, Bruckmann, Astrid, Höring, Marcus, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Liebisch, Gerhard, Buechler, Christa und , (2019) Overexpression of Hepatocyte Chemerin-156 Lowers Tumor Burden in a Murine Model of Diethylnitrosamine-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (1), S. 252.

Liebisch, Gerhard , Ecker, Josef , Roth, Sebastian, Schweizer, Sabine, Öttl, Veronika, Schött, Hans-Frieder, Yoon, Hongsup, Haller, Dirk, Holler, Ernst, Burkhardt, Ralph und Matysik, Silke (2019) Quantification of Fecal Short Chain Fatty Acids by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry—Investigation of Pre-Analytic Stability. Biomolecules 9 (4), S. 121.

Zeller, Judith, Krüger, Carolin, Lamounier‐Zepter, Valeria, Sag, Sabine, Strack, Christina, Mohr, Margareta, Loew, Thomas, Schmitz, Gerd, Maier, Lars, Fischer, Marcus und Baessler, Andrea (2019) The adipo‐fibrokine activin A is associated with metabolic abnormalities and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in obese patients. ESC Heart Failure 2019, S. 1-9.

Sawierucha, Jonas, Posset, Marion, Hähnel, Viola , Johnson, Christian L., Hutchinson, James A. und Ahrens, Norbert (2018) Comparison of two column agglutination tests for red blood cell antibody testing. PLOS ONE 13 (12), e0210099.

Cignarella, Andrea , Wallner, Stefan, Orsó, Evelyn, Grandl, Margot, Konovalova, Tatiana , Liebisch, Gerhard und Schmitz, Gerd (2018) Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogens in lipid loaded human macrophages. PLOS ONE 13 (10), e0205706.

Pujol-Lereis, Luciana M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Schick, Tina, Lin, Yuchen, Grassmann, Felix , Uchida, Koji, Zipfel, Peter F., Fauser, Sascha, Skerka, Christine und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2018) Evaluation of serum sphingolipids and the influence of genetic risk factors in age-related macular degeneration. PLOS ONE 13 (8), e0200739.

Riquelme, Paloma , Haarer, Jan, Kammler, Anja, Walter, Lisa , Tomiuk, Stefan, Ahrens, Norbert , Wege, Anja K. , Goecze, Ivan, Zecher, Daniel, Banas, Bernhard , Spang, Rainer , Fändrich, Fred, Lutz, Manfred B., Sawitzki, Birgit, Schlitt, Hans J. , Ochando, Jordi , Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2018) TIGIT+ iTregs elicited by human regulatory macrophages control T cell immunity. Nature Communications 9 (2858), S. 1-18.

Reinders, Yvonne, Felthaus, Oliver, Brockhoff, Gero, Pohl, Fabian, Ahrens, Norbert , Prantl, Lukas und Haubner, Frank (2017) Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Viability and Proliferation in Wound Healing Processes after External Radiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (8), S. 1819.

Sigrüner, Alexander, Wolfrum, Christian, Boettcher, Alfred, Kopf, Thomas, Liebisch, Gerhard , Orsó, Evelyn und Schmitz, Gerd (2017) Lipidomic and metabolic changes in the P4-type ATPase ATP10D deficient C57BL/6J wild type mice upon rescue of ATP10D function. PLoS ONE 12 (5), e0178368.

Büchler, Christa, Neumann, Maximilian, Meier, Elisabeth M., Rein-Fischboeck, Lisa, Krautbauer, Sabrina, Eisinger, Kristina, Aslanidis, Charalampos, Pohl, Rebekka und Weiss, Thomas S. (2016) Chemokine-like receptor 1 mRNA weakly correlates with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis score in male but not female individuals. International Journal of Molecular Science 17 (8), S. 1335.

El-Najjar, Nahed, Orsó, Evelyn, Wallner, Stefan, Liebisch, Gerhard und Schmitz, Gerd (2015) Increased Levels of Sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) in Plasma of Metabolic Syndrome Patients. PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0140683.

Fenk, Sabine, Fischer, Marcus, Strack, Christina, Schmitz, Gerd , Loew, Thomas H., Lahmann, Claas und Baessler, Andrea (2015) Successful weight reduction improves left ventricular diastolic function and physical performance in severe obesity. International Heart Journal 56 (2), S. 196-202.

Schmitz, Gerd, Heimerl, Susanne, Fischer, Marcus, Baessler, Andrea , Liebisch, Gerhard, Sigrüner, Alexander und Wallner, Stefan (2014) Alterations of plasma lysophosphatidylcholine species in obesity and weight loss. PLoS ONE 9 (10), e111348.

Kopf, Thomas, Schaefer, Hans-Ludwig, Troetsmueller, Martin, Koefeler, Harald, Broenstrup, Mark, Konovalova, Tatiana und Schmitz, Gerd (2014) Influence of Fenofibrate treatment on triacylglycerides diacylglycerides and fatty acids in fructose fed rats. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e106849.

Wallner, Stefan, Grandl, Margot, Konovalova, Tatiana, Sigrüner, Alexander, Kopf, Thomas, Peer, Markus, Orsó, Evelyn, Liebisch, Gerhard und Schmitz, Gerd (2014) Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation Goes along with Modulation of the Plasmalogen Pattern through Transcriptional Regulation. PLoS ONE.

Eisinger, Kristina, Liebisch, Gerhard , Schmitz, Gerd , Aslanidis, Charalampos, Krautbauer, Sabrina und Büchler, Christa (2014) Lipidomic analysis of serum from high-fat diet induced obese mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2014 (15), S. 2991-3002.

Baessler, A., Lamounier-Zepter, V., Fenk, S., Strack, C., Lahmann, C. , Loew, Thomas H., Schmitz, Gerd , Blüher, M., Bornstein, Stefan R. und Fischer, M. (2014) Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein levels are associated with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in morbidly obese subjects. Nutrition & Diabetes 2014 (4), e106.

Sigrüner, Alexander, Kleber, Marcus E. , Heimerl, Susanne, Liebisch, Gerhard , Schmitz, Gerd und März, Winfried (2014) Glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species and mortality: the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study. Plos One 9.

Ramm Sander, Paul, Peer, Markus, Grandl, Margot, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Schmitz, Gerd und Kalbitzer, Hans Robert (2013) NMR spectroscopy of macrophages loaded with native, oxidized or enzymatically degraded lipoproteins. PloS one 8 (2), e56360.

Lindner, Christian, Sigrüner, Alexander, Walther, Franziska, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Couraud, Pierre O., Schmitz, Gerd und Schlachetzki, Felix (2012) ATP-binding cassette transporters in immortalised human brain microvascular endothelial cells in normal and hypoxic conditions. Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine 4, S. 9.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie - Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VIII - Prof. Dr. Andreas Mühlberger

Leuteritz, Sophie, Böhme, Stephanie, Mühlberger, Andreas und Greve, Werner (2023) Are reframing strategies more effective than empathy in processing trauma reports? A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Schröder, Benedikt und Mühlberger, Andreas (2023) Measuring attentional bias in smokers during and after psychosocial stress induction with a Trier Social Stress Test in virtual reality via eye tracking. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Wechsler, Theresa F., Pfaller, Michael, van Eickels, Rahel E., Schulz, Luise H. und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Look at the Audience? A Randomized Controlled Study of Shifting Attention From Self-Focus to Nonsocial vs. Social External Stimuli During Virtual Reality Exposure to Public Speaking in Social Anxiety. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), S. 1-21.

Pfaller, Michael, Kroczek, Leon O. H., Lange, Bastian, Fülöp, Raymund, Müller, Mathias und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Social Presence as a Moderator of the Effect of Agent Behavior on Emotional Experience in Social Interactions in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2021 (2), S. 1-12.

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Lingnau, Angelika , Schwind, Valentin, Wolff, Christian und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Angry facial expressions bias towards aversive actions. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-13.

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Pfaller, Michael, Lange, Bastian, Müller, Mathias und Mühlberger, Andreas (2020) Interpersonal Distance During Real-Time Social Interaction: Insights From Subjective Experience, Behavior, and Physiology. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 (561), S. 1-9.

Levine, Seth M., Alahäivälä, Aino L. I., Wechsler, Theresa F., Wackerle, Anja, Rupprecht, Rainer und Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2020) Linking Personality Traits to Individual Differences in Affective Spaces. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (448), S. 1-9.

Reichenberger, Jonas, Pfaller, Michael und Mühlberger, Andreas (2020) Gaze Behavior in Social Fear Conditioning: An Eye-Tracking Study in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (35), S. 1-12.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Lernbehindertenpädagogik einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik - Prof. Dr. Markus Gebhardt

Ebenbeck, Nikola und Gebhardt, Markus (2022) Simulating Computerized Adaptive Testing in Special Education based on Inclusive Progress Monitoring Data. Frontiers in Education 7, S. 945733.

Sprach- und Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften > Institut für Information und Medien, Sprache und Kultur (I:IMSK) > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Menschzentrierte Informatik > Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik (Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff)

Kroczek, Leon O. H. , Lingnau, Angelika , Schwind, Valentin, Wolff, Christian und Mühlberger, Andreas (2021) Angry facial expressions bias towards aversive actions. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-13.

Kocur, Martin, Dechant, Martin, Wolff, Christian, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Wetter, Thomas C., Rupprecht, Rainer und Shiban, Youssef (2021) Computer-Assisted Avatar-Based Treatment for Dysfunctional Beliefs in Depressive Inpatients: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, S. 1-13.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Neckermann, Patrick , Mohr, Madlen, Billmeier, Martina, Karlas, Alexander, Boilesen, Ditte R., Thirion, Christian, Holst, Peter J., Jordan, Ingo , Sandig, Volker, Asbach, Benedikt und Wagner, Ralf (2024) Transgene expression knock-down in recombinant Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara vectors improves genetic stability and sustained transgene maintenance across multiple passages. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Perdiguero, Beatriz, Hauser, Alexandra , Gómez, Carmen Elena, Peterhoff, David , Sideris, Elefthéria, Sorzano, Carlos Óscar S., Wilmschen, Sarah, Schaber, Marion, Stengel, Laura, Asbach, Benedikt , Ding, Song, Von Laer, Dorothee, Levy, Yves, Pantaleo, Giuseppe, Kimpel, Janine, Esteban, Mariano und Wagner, Ralf (2023) Potency and durability of T and B cell immune responses after homologous and heterologous vector delivery of a trimer-stabilized, membrane-displayed HIV-1 clade ConC Env protein. Frontiers in Immunology 14.

Manook, André, Baghai, Thomas C., Riebel, Marco, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Schwarzbach, Jens Volkmar, Gessner, André , Rupprecht, Rainer und Hiergeist, Andreas (2023) Short-term effects of etifoxine on human gut microbiome in healthy men. Frontiers in Neuroscience 17.

Peterhoff, David , Wiegrebe, Simon, Einhauser, Sebastian , Patt, Arisha J., Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Steininger, Philipp, Niller, Hans Helmut, Burkhardt, Ralph , Küchenhoff, Helmut, Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus , Heid, Iris M. und Wagner, Ralf (2023) Population-based study of the durability of humoral immunity after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Frontiers in Immunology 14, ArtikelNr 1242536.

Holzinger, Jonas Maurice, Toelge, Martina, Werner, Maren, Ederer, Katharina Ursula, Siegmund, Heiko Ingo, Peterhoff, David , Blaas, Stefan Helmut, Gisch, Nicolas, Brochhausen, Christoph , Gessner, André und Bülow, Sigrid (2023) Scorpionfish BPI is highly active against multiple drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from people with cystic fibrosis. eLife 12, e86369.

Hijazi, Mohamad Ali, Gessner, André und El-Najjar, Nahed (2023) Repurposing of Chronically Used Drugs in Cancer Therapy: A Chance to Grasp. Cancers 15 (12), S. 3199.

Kupke, Paul , Adenugba, Akinbami, Schemmerer, Mathias , Bitterer, Florian , Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Wenzel, Jürgen J. und Werner, Jens M. (2023) Immunomodulation of Natural Killer Cell Function by Ribavirin Involves TYK-2 Activation and Subsequent Increased IFN-γ Secretion in the Context of In Vitro Hepatitis E Virus Infection. Cells 12 (3), S. 453.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Stanzick, Kira J. , Simon, Josef, Zimmermann, Martina E. , Schachtner, Michael, Peterhoff, David , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Überla, Klaus, Wagner, Ralf , Heid, Iris M. und Stark, Klaus J. (2023) DNA extraction from clotted blood in genotyping quality. BioTechniques 74 (1).

Li, Jing, Ruegamer, Tamara, Brochhausen, Christoph , Menhart, Karin , Hiergeist, Andreas , Kraemer, Lukas, Hellwig, Dirk , Maier, Lars S., Schmid, Christof, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schach, Christian (2022) Infective Endocarditis: Predictive Factors for Diagnosis and Mortality in Surgically Treated Patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9 (12), S. 467.

Simon, Michaela, Gerlach, Roman G., Pfeifer, Yvonne, Pfennigwerth, Niels, Gatermann, Sören G., Schröder, Agnes , Hiergeist, Andreas , Hamprecht, Axel, Rügamer, Tamara, Gessner, André und Jantsch, Jonathan (2022) Increased zinc levels facilitate phenotypic detection of ceftazidime-avibactam resistance in metallo-β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative bacteria. Frontiers in microbiology 13, S. 977330.

Matos, Carina, Mamilos, Andreas, Shah, Pranali N., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Ghimire, Saroj, Hiergeist, Andreas, Gessner, André, Dickinson, Anne M., Dressel, Ralf, Walter, Lutz , Stark, Klaus J., Heid, Iris M., Poeck, Hendrik, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel, Herr, Wolfgang, Holler, Ernst, Kreutz, Marina und Ghimire, Sakhila (2022) Downregulation of the vitamin D receptor expression during acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease is associated with poor outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1028850.

Glehr, Gunther , Riquelme, Paloma, Yang Zhou, Jordi, Cordero, Laura, Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Kapinsky, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J., Geissler, Edward K., Burkhardt, Ralph , Schmidt, Barbara, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2022) External validation of biomarkers for immune-related adverse events after immune checkpoint inhibition. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1011040.

Bauernfeind, Stilla, Einhauser, Sebastian , Tydykov, Leonid, Mader, Anna-Lena, Salzberger, Bernd, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Mohr, Arno, Burkhardt, Ralph , Wagner, Ralf und Peterhoff, David (2022) Association between Adverse Reactions and Humoral Immune Response No Longer Detectable after BNT162b2 Booster Vaccination. Vaccines 10 (10), S. 1608.

Paddenberg, Eva , Osterloh, Hannah, Jantsch, Jonathan, Nogueira, Andressa, Proff, Peter , Kirschneck, Christian und Schröder, Agnes (2022) Impact of Leptin on the Expression Profile of Macrophages during Mechanical Strain In Vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (18), S. 10727.

Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Lorenz, Sebastian, Schmidt, Barbara , Laqtom, Nouf Nasser M., Mazzulli, Joseph R., Francelle, Laetitia , Yu, Timothy W., Greenberg, Benjamin , Storch, Stephan, Tegtmeier, Ines, Othmen, Helga, Maurer, Katja, Steinfurth, Malin, Witzgall, Ralph, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Wetzel, Christian H. und Reichold, Markus (2022) CLN7/MFSD8 may be an important factor for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry. iScience 25 (10), S. 105082.

Magnus, Clara Luzia, Hiergeist, Andreas, Schuster, Philipp, Rohrhofer, Anette, Medenbach, Jan , Gessner, André, Peterhoff, David und Schmidt, Barbara (2022) Targeted escape of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro from monoclonal antibody S309, the precursor of sotrovimab. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 966236.

Schemmerer, Mathias , Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Stark, Klaus und Faber, Mirko (2022) Molecular epidemiology and genotype-specific disease severity of hepatitis E virus infections in Germany, 2010-2019. Emerging Microbes & Infections 11, S. 1754-1763.

Mao, Xiaojun, Hiergeist, Andreas, Auer, David L, Scholz, Konstantin J., Muehler, Denise, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Maisch, Tim, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hellwig, Elmar, Gessner, André, Al-Ahmad, Ali und Cieplik, Fabian (2022) Ecological Effects of Daily Antiseptic Treatment on Microbial Composition of Saliva-Grown Microcosm Biofilms and Selection of Resistant Phenotypes. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022 (13), S. 934525.

Nerb, Benedikt, Dudziak, Diana, Gessner, André , Feuerer, Markus und Ritter, Uwe (2022) Have we ignored vector-associated microbiota while characterizing the function of Langerhans cells in experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis? Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 3, S. 874081. (Im Druck)

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix , Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje, Korn, Klaus , Berr, Melanie, Schütz, Anja, Wiegrebe, Simon, Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, André, Burkhardt, Ralph , Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B., Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf , Überla, Klaus und Wagner, Ralf (2022) Time Trend in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity, Surveillance Detection- and Infection Fatality Ratio until Spring 2021 in the Tirschenreuth County—Results from a Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany. Viruses 14 (6), S. 1168.

Schemmerer, Mathias , Erl, Monika und Wenzel, Jürgen J. (2022) HuH-7-Lunet BLR Cells Propagate Rat Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) in a Cell Culture System Optimized for HEV. Viruses 14 (5), S. 1116.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Ederer, Katharina U., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Matos, Carina , Hiergeist, Andreas , Zeman, Florian, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang, Gessner, Andre, Holler, Ernst und Bülow, Sigrid (2022) Low intestinal IL22 associates with increased transplant-related mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in immunology 13, S. 857400.

Frick, Linus, Hinterland, Linda, Renner, Kathrin , Vogl, Marion, Babl, Nathalie, Heckscher, Simon, Weigert, Anna, Weiß, Susanne, Gläsner, Joachim, Berger, Raffaela , Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Kreutz, Marina , Schatz, Valentin und Jantsch, Jonathan (2022) Acidic Microenvironments Found in Cutaneous Leishmania Lesions Curtail NO-Dependent Antiparasitic Macrophage Activity. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 789366.

Mader, Anna-Lena, Tydykov, Leonid, Glück, Vivian, Bertok, Manuela, Weidlich, Tanja, Gottwald, Christine, Stefl, Alexa, Vogel, Matthias, Plentz, Annelie, Köstler, Josef, Salzberger, Bernd, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Wagner, Ralf, Schmidt, Barbara, Glück, Thomas, Gessner, André und Peterhoff, David (2022) Omicron’s binding to sotrovimab, casirivimab, imdevimab, CR3022, and sera from previously infected or vaccinated individuals. iScience 25 (4), S. 104076.

Hintschich, Constantin A. , Fischer, René, Hummel, Thomas, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Bohr, Christopher und Vielsmeier, Veronika (2022) Persisting olfactory dysfunction in post-COVID-19 is associated with gustatory impairment: Results from chemosensitive testing eight months after the acute infection. PLOS ONE 17 (3), e02656866.

Peterhoff, David , Einhauser, Sebastian , Beileke, Stephanie, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Günther, Felix , Schachtner, Michael , Asbach, Benedikt , Steininger, Philipp, Tenbusch, Matthias , Peter, Antonia S. , Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Wagner, Ralf und Überla, Klaus (2022) Comparative Immunogenicity of COVID-19 Vaccines in a Population-Based Cohort Study with SARS-CoV-2-Infected and Uninfected Participants. Vaccines 10 (2), S. 324.

Bauswein, Markus, Peterhoff, David , Plentz, Annelie, Hiergeist, Andreas, Wagner, Ralf, Gessner, André, Salzberger, Bernd, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauernfeind, Stilla (2022) Increased neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant after heterologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/BNT162b2 versus homologous BNT162b2 vaccination. iScience 25 (2), S. 103694.

Mohr, Arno , Kloos, Mia, Schulz, Christian , Pfeifer, Michael, Salzberger, Bernd , Bauernfeind, Stilla , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Plentz, Annelie, Loew, Thomas H. und Koch, Myriam (2022) Low Adherence to Pneumococcal Vaccination in Lung Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Southern Germany. Vaccines 10 (2), S. 311.

Schröder, Agnes, Schöniger, Ricarda, Oeldemann, Juliane, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan, Kirschneck, Christian und Ullrich, Niklas (2022) An Evaluation of Different 3D Cultivation Models on Expression Profiles of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts with Compressive Strain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (4), S. 2029.

Ederer, Katharina U., Holzinger, Jonas M., Maier, Katharina T., Zeller, Lisa, Werner, Maren, Toelge, Martina, Gessner, André und Bülow, Sigrid (2022) A Polymorphism of Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein Affects Its Neutralization Efficiency towards Lipopolysaccharide. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (3), S. 1-10.

Neumann, Bernhard, Angstwurm, Klemens, Linker, Ralf A., Knoll, Gertrud, Eidenschink, Lisa, Rubbenstroth, Dennis, Schlottau, Kore, Beer, Martin, Schreiner, Patrick, Soutschek, Erwin, Böhmer, Merle M., Lampl, Benedikt M.J. , Pregler, Matthias, Scheiter, Alexander, Evert, Katja, Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Asbach, Benedikt, Gessner, André, Niller, Hans Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2022) Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (1), S. 100499.

Lang, Siegmund , Loibl, Markus , Gläsner, Joachim, Simon, Michaela, Rupp, Markus , Grad, Sibylle, Neumann, Carsten, Alt, Volker , Gessner, Andre und Hanses, Frank (2021) VERTEBRAL OSTEOMYELITIS IS CHARACTERISED BY INCREASED RANK/OPG AND RANKL/OPG EXPRESSION RATIOS IN VERTEBRAL BODIES AND INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS. European Cells and Materials 2021 (42), S. 438-451.

Lang, Siegmund , Frömming, Astrid, Walter, Nike, Freigang, Viola, Neumann, Carsten, Loibl, Markus, Ehrenschwender, Martin, Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2021) Is There a Difference in Clinical Features, Microbiological Epidemiology and Effective Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Comparing Healthcare-Associated and Community-Acquired Vertebral Osteomyelitis? Antibiotics 10 (11), S. 1410.

Fritsch, Jürgen , Frankenheim, Julia, Marischen, Lothar, Vadasz, Timea , Troeger, Anja, Rose-John, Stefan , Schmidt-Arras, Dirk und Schneider-Brachert, Wulf (2021) Roles for ADAM17 in TNF-R1 Mediated Cell Death and Survival in Human U937 and Jurkat Cells. Cells 10 (11), S. 1-17.

Neckermann, Patrick, Boilesen, Ditte Rahbaek, Willert, Torsten, Pertl, Cordula, Schrödel, Silke, Thirion, Christian, Asbach, Benedikt, Holst, Peter Johannes und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Design and Immunological Validation of Macaca fascicularis Papillomavirus Type 3 Based Vaccine Candidates in Outbred Mice: Basis for Future Testing of a Therapeutic Papillomavirus Vaccine in NHPs. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-15.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Weber, Daniela, Hippe, Katrin, Meedt, Elisabeth, Hoepting, Matthias, Kattner, Anna-Sophia , Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Matos, Carina, Ghimire, Saroj, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Hoffmann, Petra, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2021) GPR Expression in Intestinal Biopsies From SCT Patients Is Upregulated in GvHD and Is Suppressed by Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Schöberl, Patricia, Althammer, Michael, Cibali, Ezgi, Würfel, Thea, Wein, Hannah, Kulawik, Birgit, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Weigl, Eva, Gran, Silvia, Gründl, Magdalena, Langguth, Jana, Lampl, Benedikt, Judex, Guido, Niggel, Jakob, Pagel, Philipp, Schratzenstaller, Thomas, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Gastiger, Susanne, Bodenschatz, Mona, Konrad, Maike, Levchuk, Artem, Roth, Cornelius, Schöner, David, Schneebauer, Florian, Rohrmanstorfer, René, Dekens, Marcus P. , Brandstetter, Susanne, Zuber, Johannes , Wallerstorfer, Daniel, Burkovski, Andreas, Ambrosch, Andreas, Wagner, Thomas und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Results of WICOVIR Gargle Pool PCR Testing in German Schools Based on the First 100,000 Tests. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 (9), S. 1-12.

Pauser, Johannes, Schwarz, Chantal, Morgan, James, Jantsch, Jonathan und Brem, Matthias (2021) SARS-CoV-2 transmission during an indoor professional sporting event. Scientific Reports 11 (1), S. 1-5.

Einhauser, Sebastian , Peterhoff, David , Niller, Hans Helmut, Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Steininger, Philipp, Burkhardt, Ralph , Heid, Iris M., Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Überla, Klaus , Gefeller, Olaf und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Spectrum Bias and Individual Strengths of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests—A Population-Based Evaluation. Diagnostics 11 (10), S. 1-14.

Laub, Otto, Leipold, Georg, Toncheva, Antoaneta A. , Peterhoff, David, Einhauser, Sebastian , Neckermann, Patrick, Borchers, Natascha S., Santos-Valente, Elisangela, Kheiroddin, Parastoo, Buntrock-Döpke, Heike, Laub, Sarah, Schöberl, Patricia, Schweiger-Kabesch, Andrea, Ewald, Dominik, Horn, Michael, Niggel, Jakob, Ambrosch, Andreas, Überla, Klaus, Gerling, Stephan, Brandstetter, Susanne, Wagner, Ralf und Kabesch, Michael (2021) Symptoms, SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies, and Neutralization Capacity in a Cross Sectional-Population of German Children. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2021 (9), S. 1-9.

Bauernfeind, Stilla, Salzberger, Bernd, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Scigala, Karolina, Einhauser, Sebastian , Wagner, Ralf, Gessner, André, Koestler, Josef und Peterhoff, David (2021) Association between Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity after Vaccination with BNT162b2. Vaccines 9 (10), S. 1-9.

Jantsch, Jonathan, Krampert, Luka , Bauer, Katharina, Ebner, Stefan, Neubert, Patrick, Ossner, Thomas, Weigert, Anna, Schatz, Valentin, Toelge, Martina, Schröder, Agnes , Herrmann, Martin, Schnare, Markus und Dorhoi, Anca (2021) High Na+ Environments Impair Phagocyte Oxidase-Dependent Antibacterial Activity of Neutrophils. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (712948), S. 1-12.

Rupp, Markus , Baertl, Susanne, Walter, Nike , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Ehrenschwender, Martin und Alt, Volker (2021) Is There a Difference in Microbiological Epidemiology and Effective Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Comparing Fracture-Related Infection and Periprosthetic Joint Infection? A Retrospective Comparative Study. Antibiotics 10 (8), S. 1-9.

Kirschneck, Christian , Straßmair, Nadine, Cieplik, Fabian , Paddenberg, Eva, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2021) Myeloid HIF1α Is Involved in the Extent of Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement. Biomedicines 9 (796), S. 1-11.

Wagner, Ralf , Hauser, Alexandra , Carnell, George , Held, Kathrin, Sulbaran, Guidenn, Tischbierek, Nadine, Rogers, Lisa, Pollakis, Georgios, Tonks, Paul, Hoelscher, Michael, Ding, Song, Sanders, Rogier W., Geldmacher, Christof, Sattentau, Quentin , Weissenhorn, Winfried , Heeney, Jonathan L. und Peterhoff, David (2021) Stepwise Conformational Stabilization of a HIV-1 Clade C Consensus Envelope Trimer Immunogen Impacts the Profile of Vaccine-Induced Antibody Responses. Vaccines 9 (750), S. 1-23.

El-Najjar, Nahed , Pfab, Christina , Schnobrich, Luisa , Eldnasoury, Samir und Gessner, Andre (2021) Repurposing of Antimicrobial Agents for Cancer Therapy: What Do We Know? Cancers 13 (3193), S. 1-29. (Eingereicht)

Haferkamp, Sebastian , Schwertner, Barbara, Lindner, Georg, Stauner, Camila Toledo, Klapproth, Elisa, Magnus, Clara, Rohrhofer, Anette, Gross, Stefanie, Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice, Öttl, Veronika, Feichtgruber, Nicole, Drexler, Konstantin, Evert, Katja, Krahn, Michael P., Berneburg, Mark , Schmidt, Barbara und Schuster, Philipp (2021) Nectin-1 Expression Correlates with the Susceptibility of Malignant Melanoma to Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus In Vitro and In Vivo. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 3058. (Eingereicht)

Peterhoff, David , Thalhauser, Stefanie, Sobczak, Jan M., Mohsen, Mona O., Voigt, Christoph, Seifert, Nicole , Neckermann, Patrick, Hauser, Alexandra , Ding, Song, Sattentau, Quentin, Bachmann, Martin F. , Breunig, Miriam und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Augmenting the Immune Response against a Stabilized HIV-1 Clade C Envelope Trimer by Silica Nanoparticle Delivery. Vaccines 9 (642), S. 1-24.

Wagner, Ralf, Peterhoff, David , Beileke, Stephanie, Günther, Felix, Berr, Melanie, Einhauser, Sebastian , Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Steininger, Philipp, Knöll, Antje , Tenbusch, Matthias , Maier, Clara, Kabesch, Michael , Schedl, Holger, Küchenhoff, Helmut, Pfahlberg, Annette B. , Heid, Iris M., Gefeller, Olaf, Überla, Klaus, Korn, Klaus , Stark, Klaus J., Gessner, Andre und Burkhardt, Ralph (2021) Estimates and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection fatality ratio using latent class analysis: the population-based Tirschenreuth study in the hardest-hit German county in spring 2020. Viruses 2021 (13), S. 1118. (Eingereicht)

Fritsch, Jürgen , Särchen, Vinzenz und Schneider-Brachert, Wulf (2021) Regulation of Death Receptor Signaling by S-Palmitoylation and Detergent-Resistant Membrane Micro Domains—Greasing the Gears of Extrinsic Cell Death Induction, Survival, and Inflammation. Cancers 13 (11), S. 2513.

Hitzenbichler, Florian , Bauernfeind, Stilla , Salzberger, Bernd , Schmidt, Barbara und Wenzel, Jürgen J. (2021) Comparison of Throat Washings, Nasopharyngeal Swabs and Oropharyngeal Swabs for Detection of SARS-CoV-2. Viruses 13 (4), S. 653.

Peterhoff, David, Werner, Maren, Pervan, Philip, Glück, Vivian, Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael , Burkhardt, Ralph , Glück, Thomas, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Schmidt, Barbara und Gessner, Andre (2021) Evaluation of a Broad Panel of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests for Diagnostic Use. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1580. (Eingereicht)

Wolff, Daniel, Wagner-Drouet, Eva Maria , Teschner, Daniel, Wolschke, Christine, Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin, Gärtner, Johannes , Mielke, Stephan, Schreder, Martin, Kobbe, Guido , Hilgendorf, Inken, Klein, Stefan, Verbeek, Mareike, Ditschkowski, Markus, Koch, Martina, Lindemann, Monika, Schmidt, Traudel , Rascle, Anne, Barabas, Sascha, Deml, Ludwig und Wagner, Ralf (2021) Comparison of Cytomegalovirus-Specific Immune Cell Response to Proteins versus Peptides Using an IFN-γ ELISpot Assay after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. diagnostics 2021 (11), S. 312.

Wagner-Drouet, Eva Maria, Teschner, Daniel , Wolschke, Christine, Janson, Dietlinde, Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin, Gärtner, Johannes, Mielke, Stephan , Schreder, Martin, Kobbe, Guido, Kondakci, Mustafa, Hilgendorf, Inken , von Lilienfeld-Toal, Marie, Klein, Stefan, Heidenreich, Daniela, Kreil, Sebastian, Verbeek, Mareike, Graß, Sandra, Ditschkowski, Markus, Gromke, Tanja, Koch, Martina, Lindemann, Monika , Hünig, Thomas, Schmidt, Traudel, Rascle, Anne , Guldan, Harald, Barabas, Harald, Deml, Ludwig, Wagner, Ralf und Wolff, Daniel (2021) Standardized monitoring of cytomegalovirus-specific immunity can improve risk stratification of recurrent cytomegalovirus reactivation after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Haematologica 106 (2), S. 363-374.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Schröder, Agnes , Gubernator, Joshua, Leikam, Alexandra, Nazet, Ute , Cieplik, Fabian , Jantsch, Jonathan, Neubert, Patrick, Titze, Jens, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Dietary Salt Accelerates Orthodontic Tooth Movement by Increased Osteoclast Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (2), S. 596.

Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Berger, Raffaela Sarah, Wachsmuth, Christian J., Waldhier, Magdalena C., Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Thomas, Simone, Chaturvedi, Anuhar , Niller, Hans Helmut, Bumes, Elisabeth, Hau, Peter , Proescholdt, Martin A., Gronwald, Wolfram , Heuser, Michael und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Lactonization of the Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Produces a Novel Endogenous Metabolite. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 1756.

Hähnel, Viola, Peterhoff, David , Bäuerlein, Veronika, Brosig, Andreas-Michael, Palmer, Irene, Johnson, Christian , Bica, Adelina, Totir, Monica, Ossner, Thomas, Stemmer, Barbara, Toelge, Martina, Schütz, Anja, Niller, Hans-Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara, Wagner, Ralf, Gessner, Andre , Burkhardt, Ralph und Offner, Robert (2020) Manufacturing of convalescent plasma of COVID-19 patients: Aspects of quality. Plos One 15 (12), S. 1-11.

Kirschneck, Christian , Thuy, Magdalena, Leikam, Alexandra, Memmert, Svenja , Deschner, James, Damanaki, Anna, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schröder, Agnes (2020) Role and Regulation of Mechanotransductive HIF-1α Stabilisation in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (24), S. 9530.

Bülow, Sigrid, Heyd, Robert, Toelge, Martina, Ederer, Katharina U., Schweda, Annette, Blaas, Stefan H., Hamer, Okka W., Hiergeist, Andreas , Wenzel, Jürgen J. und Gessner, André (2020) Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein and Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein as Biomarkers for Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Journal of Fungi 6 (4), S. 304.

Cieplik, Fabian , Wiedenhofer, Alma M., Pietsch, Verena, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Hiergeist, Andreas , Wagner, Andrea, Baldaranov, Dobri, Linker, Ralf, Jantsch, Jonathan, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Schlachetzki, Felix und Gessner, Andre (2020) Oral health, oral microbiota and incidence of stroke-associated pneumonia – a prospective observational study. Frontiers in Neurology 11 (528056), S. 1-12.

Stöckl, Sabine, Lindner, Georg, Li, Shushan , Schuster, Philipp, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Prodinger, Peter M., Multhoff, Gabriele, Boxberg, Melanie, Hillmann, Axel, Bauer, Richard J. und Grässel, Susanne (2020) SOX9 Knockout Induces Polyploidy and Changes Sensitivity to Tumor Treatment Strategies in a Chondrosarcoma Cell Line. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20), S. 7627.

Schröder, Agnes, Barschkies, Leonie, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Gölz, Lina, Deschner, James und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Role of Oxygen Supply in Macrophages in a Model of Simulated Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Mediators of Inflammation 2020 (580243), S. 1-11.

Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, Jana und Gessner, André (2020) Current Limitations for the Assessment of the Role of the Gut Microbiome for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 (623), S. 1-8.

Oliver, Paula M., Neubert, Patrick, Homann, Arne, Wendelborn, David, Bär, Anna-Lorena , Krampert, Luka , Trum, Maximilian, Schröder, Agnes, Ebner, Stefan, Weichselbaum, Andrea, Schatz, Valentin, Linz, Peter, Veelken, Roland, Schulte-Schrepping, Jonas , Aschenbrenner, Anna C., Quast, Thomas, Kurts, Christian, Geisberger, Sabrina, Kunzelmann, Karl, Hammer, Karin, Binger, Katrina J., Titze, Jens, Müller, Dominik N., Kolanus, Waldemar , Schultze, Joachim L., Wagner, Stefan und Jantsch, Jonathan (2020) NCX1 represents an ionic Na+ sensing mechanism in macrophages. PLOS Biology 18 (6), e3000722.

Nazet, Ute, Grässel, Susanne, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Early OA Stage Like Response Occurs after Dynamic Stretching of Human Synovial Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), S. 3874.

Schröder, Agnes, Käppler, Paul, Nazet, Ute, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Cieplik, Fabian , Deschner, James und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of Compressive and Tensile Strain on Macrophages during Simulated Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Mediators of Inflammation 2020, S. 1-10.

Knoll, Gertrud, Riffelsberger, Petra, Raats, Danielle, Kranenburg, Onno und Ehrenschwender, Martin (2020) NOXA-dependent contextual synthetic lethality of BCL-XL inhibition and “osmotic reprogramming” in colorectal cancer. Cell Death & Disease 11 (4), S. 1-11.

Ullrich, Niklas, Schröder, Agnes, Jantsch, Jonathan, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) The role of mechanotransduction versus hypoxia during simulated orthodontic compressive strain—an in vitro study of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. International Journal of Oral Science 11 (4), S. 1-10.

Schmidtner, Anna K., Slattery, David A. , Gläsner, Joachim, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gryksa, Katharina, Malik, Victoria A., Hellmann-Regen, Julian, Heuser, Isabella, Baghai, Thomas C., Gessner, André, Rupprecht, Rainer, Di Benedetto, Barbara und Neumann, Inga D. (2019) Minocycline alters behavior, microglia and the gut microbiome in a trait-anxiety-dependent manner. Translational Psychiatry 9 (1), S. 223.

Heimer, Sina, Knoll, Gertrud, Schulze-Osthoff, Klaus und Ehrenschwender, Martin (2019) Raptinal bypasses BAX, BAK, and BOK for mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and intrinsic apoptosis. Cell Death & Disease 10 (8), S. 1-13.

Schemmerer, Mathias , Johne, Reimar, Erl, Monika, Jilg, Wolfgang und Wenzel, Jürgen J. (2019) Isolation of Subtype 3c, 3e and 3f-Like Hepatitis E Virus Strains Stably Replicating to High Viral Loads in an Optimized Cell Culture System. Viruses 11 (6), S. 483. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Schuster, Philipp, Lindner, Georg, Thomann, Sabrina, Haferkamp, Sebastian und Schmidt, Barbara (2019) Prospect of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Enhancing Anti-Tumor Immunity of Oncolytic Herpes Viruses. Cancers 11 (5), S. 651.

Ramchandran, Ramani, Plössl, Karolina , Straub, Kristina, Schmid, Verena, Strunz, Franziska, Wild, Jens , Merkl, Rainer, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2019) Identification of the retinoschisin-binding site on the retinal Na/K-ATPase. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216320.

Neubert, Patrick, Schröder, Agnes, Müller, Dominik N. und Jantsch, Jonathan (2019) Interplay of Na+ Balance and Immunobiology of Dendritic Cells. Frontiers in Immunology 10 (599), S. 1-6.

Shih, Chiaho, Reuschel, Edith , Jilg, Wolfgang, Seelbach-Goebel, Birgit und Deml, Ludwig (2019) Comparative purification and characterization of hepatitis B virus-like particles produced by recombinant vaccinia viruses in human hepatoma cells and human primary hepatocytes. PLOS ONE 14 (2), e0212800.

Boscheinen, Jan B., Thomann, Sabrina, Knipe, David M., DeLuca, Neal, Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice, Gross, Stefanie, Dörrie, Jan, Schaft, Niels, Bach, Christian, Rohrhofer, Anette, Werner-Klein, Melanie, Schmidt, Barbara und Schuster, Philipp (2019) Generation of an Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Expressing Human MelanA. Frontiers in Immunology 10 (2), S. 1-13.

Mahrt, Hannah, Schemmerer, Mathias , Behrens, Gundula , Leitzmann, Michael, Jilg, Wolfgang und Wenzel, Jürgen J. (2018) Continuous decline of hepatitis E virus seroprevalence in southern Germany despite increasing notifications, 2003–2015. Emerging Microbes & Infections 7, S. 133.

Zimara, Nicole, Chanyalew, Menberework, Aseffa, Abraham , van Zandbergen, Ger, Lepenies, Bernd, Schmid, Maximilian, Weiss, Richard , Rascle, Anne, Wege, Anja Kathrin, Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Brown, Gordon D. und Ritter, Uwe (2018) Dectin-1 Positive Dendritic Cells Expand after Infection with Leishmania major Parasites and Represent Promising Targets for Vaccine Development. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (263), S. 1-20.

Schatz, Valentin, Neubert, Patrick, Rieger, Franz und Jantsch, Jonathan (2018) Hypoxia, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α, and Innate Antileishmanial Immune Responses. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (216), S. 1-8.

Kirschneck, Christian , Batschkus, Sarah, Proff, Peter, Köstler, Josef, Spanier, Gerrit und Schröder, Agnes (2017) Valid gene expression normalization by RT-qPCR in studies on hPDL fibroblasts with focus on orthodontic tooth movement and periodontitis. Scientific Reports 2017 (7), S. 1-13.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Bittner, Sebastian, Knoll, Gertrud und Ehrenschwender, Martin (2017) Hyperosmotic stress enhances cytotoxicity of SMAC mimetics. Cell Death and Disease 2017 (8), e2967.

Greimel, Felix, Scheuerer, Christine, Gessner, Andre, Simon, Michaela, Kalteis, Thomas, Grifka, Joachim, Benditz, Achim, Springorum, Hans-Robert und Schaumburger, Jens (2017) Efficacy of antibiotic treatment of implant-associated Staphylococcus aureus infections with moxifloxacin, flucloxacillin, rifampin, and combination therapy: an animal study. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 11, S. 1729-1736.

Würdinger, Michael, Modrow, Susanne und Plentz, Annelie (2017) Impact of Parvovirus B19 Viremia in Liver Transplanted Children on Anemia: A Retrospective Study. Viruses 9 (6), S. 149.

Banati, Ferenc, Koroknai, Anita, Szenthe, Kalman, Tereh, Tamas, Hidasi, Anita, Bankuti, Barbara, Buzas, Krisztina, Lemnitzer, Frederic, Ruzsics, Zsolt, Szathmary, Susan, Wolf, Hans, Salamon, Daniel, Minarovits, Janos und Niller, Hans Helmut (2017) Up-Regulation of Lamin A/C Expression in Epstein-Barr Virus Immortalized B Cells and Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Lines of Activated B Cell Phenotype. Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology 09 (03), S. 1-8.

Lukas, Karin, Stadtherr, Karin, Gessner, Andre , Wehner, Daniel, Schmid, Thomas, Wendel, Hans-Peter, Schmid, Christof und Lehle, Karla (2017) Effect of Immobilized Antithrombin III on the Thromboresistance of Polycarbonate Urethane. Materials 10 (335), S. 1-12.

Rascle, Anne, Barabas, Sascha, Spindler, Theresa, Kiener, Richard, Tonar, Charlotte, Lugner, Tamara, Batzilla, Julia, Bendfeldt, Hanna, Asbach, Benedikt, Wagner, Ralf und Deml, Ludwig (2017) An optimized IFN-γ ELISpot assay for the sensitive and standardized monitoring of CMV protein-reactive effector cells of cell-mediated immunity. BMC Immunology 18 (14), S. 1-15.

Nevels, Michael, Harwardt, Thomas, Lukas, Simone, Zenger, Marion, Reitberger, Tobias, Danzer, Daniela, Übner, Theresa, Munday, Diane C. und Paulus, Christina (2016) Human Cytomegalovirus Immediate-Early 1 Protein Rewires Upstream STAT3 to Downstream STAT1 Signaling Switching an IL6-Type to an IFNγ-Like Response. PLoS Pathogens 12 (7), e1005748.

Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Dettmer, Katja, Dick, Christopher, Ehrenschwender, Martin , Hellerbrand, Claus, Oefner, Peter J., make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference, make_name_string expected hash reference , make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2015) Ferritin-Mediated Iron Sequestration Stabilizes Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α upon LPS Activation in the Presence of Ample Oxygen. Cell Reports 2015 (13), S. 2048-2055.

Ehrenschwender, Martin , Bittner, S., Seibold, K. und Wajant, Harald (2014) XIAP-targeting drugs re-sensitize PIK3CA-mutated colorectal cancer cells for death receptor-induced apoptosis. Cell Death and Differentiation 2014 (5), e1570.

Wagner, Ralf, Bruun, Tim-Henrik, Mühlbauer, Katharina, Benen, Thomas und Kliche, Alexander (2014) A mammalian cell based FACS-panning platform for the selection of HIV-1 envelopes for vaccine development. PLoS ONE 9 (10), e109196.

Niller, Hans Helmut, Minarovits, Janos und Szenthe, Kalman (2014) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-host cell interactions: an epigenetic dialogue? Epigenomics and Epigenetics.

Růžek, Daniel , Dobler, Gerhard und Niller, Hans Helmut (2013) May early intervention with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin pose a potentially successful treatment for severe cases of tick-borne encephalitis? BMC infectious diseases 13, S. 306.

Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Heigl, Ulrike und Ehrenschwender, Martin (2013) Membrane trafficking of death receptors: implications on signalling. International journal of molecular sciences 14 (7), S. 14475-14503.

Klingeisen, Laura, Ehrenschwender, Martin , Heigl, Ulrike, Wajant, Harald , Hehlgans, Thomas, Schütze, Stefan und Schneider-Brachert, Wulf (2012) E3-14.7K Is Recruited to TNF-Receptor 1 and Blocks TNF Cytolysis Independent from Interaction with Optineurin. PloS One 7, e38348.

Böckl, Katharina, Wild, Jens , Bredl, Simon, Kindsmüller, Kathrin, Köstler, Josef und Wagner, Ralf (2012) Altering an Artificial Gagpolnef Polyprotein and Mode of ENV Co-Administration Affects the Immunogenicity of a Clade C HIV DNA Vaccine. PLoS One 7, e34723.

Asbach, Benedikt, Ludwig, Christine, Saksela, Kalle und Wagner, Ralf (2012) Comprehensive Analysis of Interactions between the Src-Associated Protein in Mitosis of 68 kDa and the Human Src-Homology 3 Proteome. PloS One 7 (6), e38540.

Knoblach, Theresa, Grandel, Benedikt, Seiler, Jana, Nevels, Michael und Paulus, Christina (2011) Human Cytomegalovirus IE1 Protein Elicits a Type II Interferon-Like Host Cell Response That Depends on Activated STAT1 but Not Interferon-γ. PLoS Pathogens 7 (4), e1002016.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum)

Stöckl, Richard , Nißl, Laura, Reichelt, Robert, Rachel, Reinhard, Grohmann, Dina und Grünberger, Felix (2023) The transcriptional regulator EarA and intergenic terminator sequences modulate archaellation in Pyrococcus furiosus. Frontiers in Microbiology 14.

Grünberger, Felix , Schmidt, Georg, El Ahmad, Zubeir, Fenk, Martin, Vogl, Katharina, Reichelt, Robert Martin , Hausner, Winfried , Urlaub, Henning, Lenz, Christof, Grohmann, Dina , Vogel, Joerg und Dong, Xiuzhu (2023) Uncovering the temporal dynamics and regulatory networks of thermal stress response in a hyperthermophile using transcriptomics and proteomics. mBio.

Höllerer, Simon und Jeschek, Markus (2023) Ultradeep characterisation of translational sequence determinants refutes rare-codon hypothesis and unveils quadruplet base pairing of initiator tRNA and transcript. Nucleic Acids Research 51 (5), S. 2377-2396.

Kalb, Larissa, Bäßler, Pauline, Schneider-Brachert, Wulf und Eckl, Daniel Bernhard (2022) Antimicrobial Photodynamic Coatings Reduce the Microbial Burden on Environmental Surfaces in Public Transportation—A Field Study in Buses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (4), S. 2325.

Eckl, Daniel Bernhard, Eben, Stefanie Susanne, Schottenhaml, Laura, Eichner, Anja, Vasold, Rudolf, Späth, Andreas, Bäumler, Wolfgang und Huber, Harald (2021) Interplay of phosphate and carbonate ions with flavin photosensitizers in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0253212.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Grünberger, Felix, Reichelt, Robert Martin , Bunk, Boyke, Spröer, Cathrin, Overmann, Jörg, Rachel, Reinhard , Grohmann, Dina und Hausner, Winfried (2019) Next Generation DNA-Seq and Differential RNA-Seq Allow Re-annotation of the Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638 Genome and Provide Insights Into Archaeal Antisense Transcription. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019 (10), S. 1603.

Bülow, Sigrid, Zeller, Lisa, Werner, Maren, Toelge, Martina, Holzinger, Jonas, Entzian, Clemens, Schubert, Thomas, Waldow, Franziska, Gisch, Nicolas, Hammerschmidt, Sven und Gessner, André (2018) Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein Is an Enhancer of Bacterial Lipoprotein Recognition. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (2768), S. 1-16.

Hausner, Winfried , Reichelt, Robert Martin, Gindner, Antonia und Thomm, Michael (2016) Genome-wide binding analysis of the transcriptional regulator TrmBL1 in Pyrococcus furiosus. BMC Genomics 17 (40), S. 1-18.

Bellack, Annett, Näther-Schindler, Daniela J., Schopf, Simone, Rachel, Reinhard und Wirth, Reinhard (2014) Pyrococcus furiosus flagella: biochemical and transcriptional analyses identify the newly detected flaB0 gene to encode the major flagellin. Frontiers in Microbiology.

Bauermeister, Anja, Mahnert, Alexander, Auerbach, Anna, Böcker, Alexander, Flier, Niwin, Weber, Christina, Probst, Alexander J., Haberer, Klaus und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine (2014) Quantification of encapsulated bioburden in spacecraft polymer materials by cultivation-dependent and molecular methods. PLOS ONE 9 (4), e4265.

Probst, Alexander J., Auerbach, Anna K. und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine (2013) Archaea on human skin. PloS one 8 (6), e65388.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie > Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomik (Prof. Dr. Andreas Roider)

Wendt, Stephanie , Strunk, Kim S. , Heinze, Jürgen, Roider, Andreas und Czaczkes, Tomer J. (2019) Positive and negative incentive contrasts lead to relative value perception in ants. eLife 8, S. 1-22.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie

Ettner-Sitter, Andreas, Montagner, Agata, Kuenzel, Jonas, Brackmann, Kathrin, Schäfer, Maximilian, Schober, Robert, Weber, Florian , Aung, Thiha, Hackl, Christina und Haerteis, Silke (2024) Visualization of Vascular Perfusion of Human Pancreatic Cancer Tissue in the CAM Model and Its Impact on Future Personalized Drug Testing. Organoids 3 (1), S. 1-17.

Waltera, Anna, Schulz, Daniela , Schaefer, Nicole, Stoeckl, Sabine, Pion, Eric, Haerteis, Silke , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2023) Opposing MMP-9 Expression in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Head and Neck Tumor Cells after Direct 2D and 3D Co-Culture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1293.

Oliinyk, Dmytro, Eigenberger, Andreas, Felthaus, Oliver , Haerteis, Silke und Prantl, Lukas (2023) Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay at the Cross-Roads of Adipose-Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Research. Cells 12 (4), S. 592.

Pion, Eric, Karnosky, Julia, Boscheck, Sofie, Wagner, Benedikt J., Schmidt, Katharina M., Brunner, Stefan M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Aung, Thiha, Hackl, Christina und Haerteis, Silke (2022) 3D In Vivo Models for Translational Research on Pancreatic Cancer: The Chorioallantoic Membrane (CAM) Model. Cancers 14 (15), S. 3733.

Kuri, Paulina Mena, Pion, Eric, Mahl, Lina, Kainz, Philipp, Schwarz, Siegfried, Brochhausen, Christoph , Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) Deep Learning-Based Image Analysis for the Quantification of Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis in the 3D In Vivo Tumor Model—Establishment and Addition to Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI). Cells 11 (15), S. 2321.

Bichlmayer, Eva-Marie, Mahl, Lin, Hesse, Leo, Pion, Eric, Haller, Victoria, Moehwald, Andreas, Hackl, Christina, Werner, Jens M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Schwarz, Siegfried, Kainz, Philipp, Brochhausen, Christoph , Groeger, Christian, Steger, Felix, Kölbl, Oliver, Daniel, Christoph , Amann, Kerstin, Kraus, Andreas, Buchholz, Björn, Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) A 3D In Vivo Model for Studying Human Renal Cystic Tissue and Mouse Kidney Slices. Cells 11 (15), S. 2269.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schwertner, Barbara, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Berneburg, Mark, Geissler, Edward K., Mycielska, Maria E. und Haferkamp, Sebastian (2022) The Role of Citrate Homeostasis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma Pathogenesis. Cancers 14 (14), S. 3425.

Salehi, Mohammad Saied , Neumann, Inga D., Jurek, Benjamin und Pandamooz, Sareh (2021) Co-Stimulation of Oxytocin and Arginine-Vasopressin Receptors Affect Hypothalamic Neurospheroid Size. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (16), S. 1-15.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Lamby, Philipp, Minkow, Alexander, Handt, Stefan, Falter, Johannes, Schellenberg, Eva-Lotte, Graf, Stefanie, Hiebl, Bernhard , Haerteis, Silke , Gemeinhardt, Ole , Krüger-Genge, Anne, Klosterhalfen, Bernd, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Franke, Ralf-Peter, Momeni, Arash , Prantl, Lukas und Jung, Friedrich (2020) Histological and SEM Assessment of Blood Stasis in Kidney Blood Vessels after Repeated Intra-Arterial Application of Radiographic Contrast Media. Life 10 (9), S. 167.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Klingelhoefer, Eric, Schiltz, Daniel , Ranieri, Marco, Baringer, Magnus, Heidekrueger, Paul I. , Forte, Antonio J., Prantl, Lukas , Brebant, Vanessa und Aung, Thiha (2020) Video Tutorial for Indocyanine Green Lymphography in Lymphatic Surgery. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 8 (1), e2609.

Moschall, Rebecca , Rass, Mathias, Rossbach, Oliver , Lehmann, Gerhard, Kullmann, Lars, Eichner, Norbert, Strauss, Daniela, Meister, Gunter, Schneuwly, Stephan, Krahn, Michael P. und Medenbach, Jan (2018) Drosophila Sister-of-Sex-lethal reinforces a male-specific gene expression pattern by controlling Sex-lethal alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-13.

Pürckhauer, Korbinian, Weymouth, Alfred J. , Pfeffer, Katharina, Kullmann, Lars, Mulvihill, Estefania, Krahn, Michael P. , Müller, Daniel J. und Giessibl, Franz J. (2018) Imaging in Biologically-Relevant Environments with AFM Using Stiff qPlus Sensors. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 9330.

Loedige, Inga, Jakob, Leonhard, Treiber, Thomas, Ray, Debashish, Stotz, Mathias, Treiber, Nora, Hennig, Janosch, Cook, Kate B. , Morris, Quaid, Hughes, Timothy R., Engelmann, Julia C. , Krahn, Michael P. und Meister, Gunter (2015) The Crystal Structure of the NHL Domain in Complex with RNA Reveals the Molecular Basis of Drosophila Brain-Tumor-Mediated Gene Regulation. Cell Rep (Cell Reports) 13 (6), S. 1206-1220.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie

Taxis, Juergen , Florian, Henrik-Robert, Napodano, Gerardo, Rink, Maximilian, Nieberle, Felix , Himmelstoß, Katja, Lindner, Sophia R., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Waiss, Waltraud (2024) Patient Age Predicts Nasal Septal Deviation in Orthognathic Surgery: A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial of 102 Participants. Medicina 60 (12), S. 2000.

Baecher, Helena, Scheiflinger, Alexandra, Remy, Katya, Straub, Niklas, Maheta, Bhagvat, Sherwani, Khalil, Deniz, Can, Knoedler, Samuel , Safi, Ali-Farid, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Heiland, Max und Knoedler, Leonard (2024) From Novel Facial Measurements to Facial Implantology: A Systematic Review. JPRAS Open 43, S. 1-17.

Gottsauner, Maximilian, Sroka, Anne Marie, Eichberger, Jonas, Schuderer, Johannes , Zeman, Florian, Fiedler, Mathias, Maurer, Michael , Einspieler, Ingo, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2024) Progress of Ossification after Mandibular Reconstruction by Free Fibula Flap Depending on Different Timing of Radiotherapy: A Retrospective 3D Analysis by CT Scans. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (14), S. 4104.

Gottsauner, Maximilian, Meier, Johannes, Eichberger, Jonas, Eckmüller, Stephanie, Schuderer, Johannes , Fiedler, Mathias, Maurer, Michael , Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2024) Antiresorptive agents enhance ossification of free flap reconstructions of the mandible: a radiological retrospective cohort study. Frontiers in Oncology 14.

Maurer, Michael , Klaes, Tabea, Fiedler, Mathias, Taxis, Juergen , Schuderer, Johannes G. , Waiss, Waltraud, Gottsauner, Maximilian, Meier, Johannes K., Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2024) Patient’s Perception of Outcome after Extracapsular Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle Differs from Objective Evaluation—Experience of a Third-Level Hospital. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (5), S. 1395.

Miragall, Maximilian F., Knoedler, Samuel, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Saadoun, Rakan, Grabenhorst, Alex, Grill, Florian D., Ritschl, Lucas M., Fichter, Andreas M., Safi, Ali-Farid und Knoedler, Leonard (2023) Face the Future—Artificial Intelligence in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (21), S. 6843.

Wang, Chenglong, Stöckl, Sabine, Pattappa, Girish , Schulz, Daniela , Hofmann, Korbinian, Ilic, Jovana, Reinders, Yvonne, Bauer, Richard J. , Sickmann, Albert und Grässel, Susanne (2023) Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Osteogenic-Differentiated Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Cells Rescue Osteogenic Ability of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Cells Impaired by Hypoxia. Biomedicines 11 (10), S. 2804.

Eichberger, Jonas, Froschhammer, Daniel, Schulz, Daniela , Scholz, Konstantin J. , Federlin, Marianne, Ebensberger, Helga, Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2023) BMSC–HNC Interaction: Exploring Effects on Bone Integrity and Head and Neck Cancer Progression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (19), S. 14417.

Taxis, Juergen , Ungerboeck, Lena, Motel, Constantin, Eckert, Alexander W., Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha , Nieberle, Felix, Ludwig, Nils , Meier, Johannes K., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Spoerl, Steffen (2023) Thin PDS Foils Represent an Equally Favorable Restorative Material for Orbital Floor Fractures Compared to Titanium Meshes. Tomography 9 (4), S. 1515-1525.

Taxis, Juergen , Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha , Grau, Elisabeth , Spanier, Gerrit , Nieberle, Felix, Maurer, Michael , Spoerl, Steffen, Meier, Johannes K., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Ludwig, Nils (2023) Novel Three-Dimensional and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Approach for Distinction between Odontogenic Keratocysts and Ameloblastomas. Dentistry Journal 11 (8), S. 193.

Schuderer, Johannes G. , Dinh, Huong, Spoerl, Steffen, Taxis, Jürgen, Fiedler, Mathias, Gottsauner, Josef Maximilian, Maurer, Michael , Reichert, Torsten E., Meier, Johannes K., Weber, Florian und Ettl, Tobias (2023) Risk Factors for Flap Loss: Analysis of Donor and Recipient Vessel Morphology in Patients Undergoing Microvascular Head and Neck Reconstructions. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (16), S. 5206. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Nieberle, Felix, Spoerl, Steffen, Lottner, Lisa-Marie, Spanier, Gerrit , Schuderer, Johannes G. , Fiedler, Mathias, Maurer, Michael , Ludwig, Nils , Meier, Johannes K., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Taxis, Juergen (2023) Direct Anthropometry Overestimates Cranial Asymmetry—3D Digital Photography Proves to Be a Reliable Alternative. Diagnostics 13 (10), S. 1707.

Fiedler, Mathias, Off, Alisa, Eichberger, Jonas, Spoerl, Steffen, Schuderer, Johannes G. , Taxis, Juergen , Bauer, Richard J., Schreml, Stephan , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Weber, Florian (2023) OSCC in Never-Smokers and Never-Drinkers Is Associated with Increased Expression of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Better Survival. Cancers 15 (10), S. 2688. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Taxis, Juergen , Ungerboeck, Lena, Gehrking, Mika R., Motel, Constantin, Wurm, Matthias, Eckert, Alexander W., Spanier, Gerrit , Nieberle, Felix, Silva, Natascha Platz Batista da, Ludwig, Nils , Meier, Johannes K., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Spoerl, Steffen (2023) Two-Dimensional Post-Traumatic Measurements of Orbital Floor Blowout Fractures Underestimate Defect Sizes Compared to Three-Dimensional Approaches. Tomography 9 (2), S. 579-588.

Mamilos, Andreas , Lein, Alexander, Winter, Lina, Ettl, Tobias , Künzel, Julian , Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Tumor Immune Microenvironment Heterogeneity at the Invasion Front and Tumor Center in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma as a Perspective of Managing This Cancer Entity. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1704.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Fischer, René, Spoerl, Silvia, Kirschneck, Christian , Wolf, Stefanie, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Biermann, Niklas, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2023) Statin Use Ameliorates Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Data from a Population-Based Cohort Study Applying Propensity Score Matching. Biomedicines 11 (2), S. 369.

Schuderer, Johannes Georg , Reider, Leonie, Wunschel, Michael , Spanier, Gerrit , Spoerl, Steffen, Gottsauner, Maximilian Josef, Maurer, Michael , Meier, Johannes K., Kummer, Peter, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2023) Elective Tracheotomy in Patients Receiving Mandibular Reconstructions: Reduced Postoperative Ventilation Time and Lower Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (3), S. 883.

Spoerl, Steffen, Erber, Ramona , Gerken, Michael, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Nieberle, Felix, Biermann, Niklas, Geppert, Carol Immanuel, Ettl, Tobias , Hartmann, Arndt, Beckhove, Philipp , Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Spoerl, Silvia (2023) A20 as a Potential New Tool in Predicting Recurrence and Patient’s Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 15 (3), S. 675.

Biermann, Niklas, Wallner, Stefan, Martini, Teresa, Spoerl, Steffen, Prantl, Lukas und Taeger, Christian D. (2023) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation: Analysis of the Rinsing Fluid as a Monitoring Tool and Approach to the Inflammatory Process: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2), S. 711.

Waltera, Anna, Schulz, Daniela , Schaefer, Nicole, Stoeckl, Sabine, Pion, Eric, Haerteis, Silke , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2023) Opposing MMP-9 Expression in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Head and Neck Tumor Cells after Direct 2D and 3D Co-Culture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1293.

Kurz, Bernadett, Michael, Hannah Philine, Förch, Antonia , Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Ugele, Ines, Hintschich, Constantin , Haubner, Frank, Ettl, Tobias , Renner, Kathrin , Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive TRPC4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1037.

Küchler, Erika Calvano, Schröder, Agnes, Spanier, Gerrit, Thedei, Geraldo, Carvalho Ribeiro de Oliveira, Maria Beatriz, de Menezes-Oliveira, Maria Angélica Hueb, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2022) Influence of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Vitamin D Receptor Expression in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts as a Response to Orthodontic Compression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (24), S. 15948.

Eichberger, Jonas, Spoerl, Silvia, Spanier, Gerrit, Erber, Ramona , Taxis, Juergen , Schuderer, Johannes , Ludwig, Nils , Fiedler, Mathias, Nieberle, Felix, Ettl, Tobias, Geppert, Carol I., Reichert, Torsten E. und Spoerl, Steffen (2022) TIGIT Expression on Intratumoral Lymphocytes Correlates with Improved Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Biomedicines 10 (12), S. 3236.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Schimnitz, Susanne, Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Lindner, Sophia R., Ettl, Tobias, Ludwig, Nils , Spoerl, Silvia, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Relevance of Type 2 Diabetes and Metformin Treatment in Head and Neck Melanoma: Results from a Population-Based Cohort Study. Current Oncology 29 (12), S. 9660-9670.

Taxis, Juergen , Spoerl, Steffen, Broszio, Andreas, Eichberger, Jonas, Grau, Elisabeth , Schuderer, Johannes , Ludwig, Nils, Gottsauner, Maximilian, Spanier, Gerrit, Bundscherer, Annika, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Postoperative Delirium after Reconstructive Surgery in the Head and Neck Region. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (22), S. 6630.

Knoedler, Leonard , Miragall, Maximilian, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Obed, Doha, Bauer, Maximilian, Tißler, Patrick, Prantl, Lukas , Machens, Hans-Guenther, Broer, Peter Niclas, Baecher, Helena, Panayi, Adriana C. , Knoedler, Samuel und Kehrer, Andreas (2022) A Ready-to-Use Grading Tool for Facial Palsy Examiners—Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients Made Easy. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (10), S. 1739.

Ettl, Tobias , Grube, Matthias, Schulz, Daniela und Bauer, Richard J. (2022) Checkpoint Inhibitors in Cancer Therapy: Clinical Benefits for Head and Neck Cancers. Cancers 14 (20), S. 4985.

Gottsauner, Maximilian, Fehrer, Clara, Spoerl, Steffen, Schuderer, Johannes , Zeman, Florian, Fiedler, Mathias, Maurer, Michael, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Influence of Radiotherapy on Ossification of Vascularized Osseous Reconstruction of the Jaw: A Radiological Retrospective Cohort Study Based on Panoramic Radiographs. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (17), S. 5041.

Eichberger, Jonas, Weber, Florian , Spanier, Gerrit, Gerken, Michael, Schreml, Stephan , Schulz, Daniela, Fiedler, Mathias, Ludwig, Nils, Bauer, Richard J., Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Loss of MMP-27 Predicts Mandibular Bone Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 14 (16), S. 4044.

Spoerl, Steffen, Spoerl, Silvia, Reil, Stephanie, Gerken, Michael, Ludwig, Nils , Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Ettl, Tobias, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Value of Perineural Invasion on Survival and Recurrence in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Diagnostics 2022 (12), S. 1062.

Schröder, Agnes, Schöniger, Ricarda, Oeldemann, Juliane, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan, Kirschneck, Christian und Ullrich, Niklas (2022) An Evaluation of Different 3D Cultivation Models on Expression Profiles of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts with Compressive Strain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (4), S. 2029.

Rohrmeier, Christian , Salloum, Hazem, Keerl, Rainer, Bohr, Christopher und Mueller, Steffen (2022) Tobacco use in patients with ENT tumours: Deficits in the provision of education and smoking cessation support. Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 2022, S. 1-8.

Ettl, Tobias , Schulz, Daniela und Bauer, Richard J. (2022) The Renaissance of Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitors. Cancers 14 (2), S. 293.

Förch, Antonia, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Ettl, Tobias, Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Expression of Proton-Sensitive GPR31, GPR151, TASK1 and TASK3 in Common Skin Tumors. Cells 11 (1), S. 27.

Erber, Ramona , Spoerl, Steffen, Mamilos, Andreas , Krupar, Rosemarie, Hartmann, Arndt, Ruebner, Matthias, Taxis, Juergen , Wittenberg, Mareike, Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Spoerl, Silvia (2021) Impact of Spatially Heterogeneous Trop-2 Expression on Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (1), S. 87.

Schulz, Daniela, Wetzel, Martin, Eichberger, Jonas, Piendl, Gerhard, Brockhoff, Gero , Wege, Anja K. , Reichert, Torsten, Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2021) Differential Expression of PD-L1 during Cell Cycle Progression of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (23), S. 1-18.

Grässel, Susanne , Eitner, Annett, Bauer, Richard J., König, Matthias, Johnstone, Brian und Stöckl, Sabine (2021) Substance P and Alpha-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Differentially Affect Human Osteoarthritic and Healthy Chondrocytes. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (722884), S. 1-16. (Eingereicht)

Freigang, Viola, Gottsauner, Maximilian, Rupp, Markus , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Grechenig, Stephan, Kerner, Alexander, Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2021) Surgical Drill Guide for Insertion of an Infra-Acetabular Screw Based on an Anatomically Precontoured Plate System: A Cadaveric Study. BioMed Research International 2021, S. 1-7.

Schröder, Agnes , Meyer, Andrea, Spanier, Gerrit , Damanaki, Anna , Paddenberg, Eva, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Impact of Leptin on Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts during Mechanical Strain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (6847), S. 1-15.

Kirschneck, Christian , Thuy, Magdalena, Leikam, Alexandra, Memmert, Svenja , Deschner, James, Damanaki, Anna, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schröder, Agnes (2020) Role and Regulation of Mechanotransductive HIF-1α Stabilisation in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (24), S. 9530.

Eichberger, Jonas, Schulz, Daniela , Pscheidl, Kristian, Fiedler, Mathias, Reichert, Torsten E., Bauer, Richard J. und Ettl, Tobias (2020) PD-L1 Influences Cell Spreading, Migration and Invasion in Head and Neck Cancer Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21), S. 8089.

Stöckl, Sabine, Lindner, Georg, Li, Shushan , Schuster, Philipp, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Prodinger, Peter M., Multhoff, Gabriele, Boxberg, Melanie, Hillmann, Axel, Bauer, Richard J. und Grässel, Susanne (2020) SOX9 Knockout Induces Polyploidy and Changes Sensitivity to Tumor Treatment Strategies in a Chondrosarcoma Cell Line. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20), S. 7627.

Groeger, Marcella, Spanier, Gerrit, Wolf, Michael, Deschner, James, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of histamine on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts under simulated orthodontic pressure. PLOS ONE 15 (8), e0237040.

Ullrich, Niklas, Schröder, Agnes, Jantsch, Jonathan, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) The role of mechanotransduction versus hypoxia during simulated orthodontic compressive strain—an in vitro study of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. International Journal of Oral Science 11 (4), S. 1-10.

Ludwig, Nils , Whiteside, Theresa L. und Reichert, Torsten E. (2019) Challenges in Exosome Isolation and Analysis in Health and Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20, S. 4684.

Heimer, Sina, Knoll, Gertrud, Schulze-Osthoff, Klaus und Ehrenschwender, Martin (2019) Raptinal bypasses BAX, BAK, and BOK for mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and intrinsic apoptosis. Cell Death & Disease 10 (8), S. 1-13.

Meier, J. K., Schuderer, J. G. , Zeman, F., Klingelhöffer, Ch., Hullmann, M., Spanier, G., Reichert, T. E. und Ettl, T. (2019) Health-related quality of life: a retrospective study on local vs. microvascular reconstruction in patients with oral cancer. BMC Oral Health 19 (62), S. 1-8.

Morsczeck, Christian , Reck, Anja und Reichert, Torsten E. (2019) Short telomeres correlate with a strong induction of cellular senescence in human dental follicle cells. BMC Molecular and Cell Biology 20 (1), S. 1-6.

Meier, Johannes, Wunschel, Michael, Angermann, Anne, Ettl, Tobias, Metterlein, Thomas, Klingelhöffer, Christoph, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ritzka, Markus (2019) Influence of early elective tracheostomy on the incidence of postoperative complications in patients undergoing head and neck surgery. BMC Anesthesiology 19 (43), S. 1-6.

Widbiller, Matthias , Schweikl, Helmut, Bruckmann, Astrid, Rosendahl, Andreas, Hochmuth, Eduard, Lindner, Sophia R., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2019) Shotgun Proteomics of Human Dentin with Different Prefractionation Methods. Scientific Reports 9 (4457), S. 1-8.

Kirschneck, Christian , Küchler, Erika Calvano , Wolf, Michael, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2019) Effects of the Highly COX-2-Selective Analgesic NSAID Etoricoxib on Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts during Compressive Orthodontic Mechanical Strain. Mediators of Inflammation 2019 (251495), S. 1-14.

Gallenkamp, Juliane, Spanier, Gerrit, Wörle, Elisabeth, Englbrecht, Markus, Kirschfink, Michael, Greslechner, Roman, Braun, Regine, Schäfer, Nicole, Bauer, Richard J. und Pauly, Diana (2017) A novel multiplex detection array revealed systemic complement activation in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 9 (3), S. 3001-3013.

Kirschneck, Christian , Batschkus, Sarah, Proff, Peter, Köstler, Josef, Spanier, Gerrit und Schröder, Agnes (2017) Valid gene expression normalization by RT-qPCR in studies on hPDL fibroblasts with focus on orthodontic tooth movement and periodontitis. Scientific Reports 2017 (7), S. 1-13.

Lamby, Philipp, Jung, Friedrich, Graf, Stefanie, Schellenberg, Lotte, Falter, Johannes, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas, Franke, Ralf P. und Jung, Ernst M. (2017) Effect of iodinated contrast media on renal perfusion: A randomized comparison study in pigs using quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Scientific Reports 7 (1), S. 1-10.

Roldán, J. Camilo, Klünter, Tim, Schulz, Peter, Deisinger, Ulrike, Diez, Claudius, Waiss, Waltraud, Kirschneck, Christian, Reichert, Torsten E. und Detsch, Rainer (2017) Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Enhances Degradation of Osteoinductive Bioceramic Implants in an Ectopic Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (6), e1375.

Roldán, J. Camilo, Schulz, Peter, Klünter, Tim, Deisinger, Ulrike, Diez, Claudius, Waiss, Waltraud, Kirschneck, Christian, Reichert, Torsten E. und Detsch, Rainer (2017) BMP-7 Preserves Surface Integrity of Degradable-ceramic Cranioplasty in a Göttingen Minipig Model. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 5 (3), e1255.

Roldan, J. Camilo, Pape, Hans-Dieter, Koch, Heribert und Koller, Michael (2016) Ten-Year Cleft Surgery in Nepal: Achievements and Lessons Learned for Better Cleft Care Abroad. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 4 (5), e711.

Roldan, J. Camilo, Teschke, Marcus und Feinendegen, Dominik L. (2016) The vermilionectomy and the subsequent lower lip reconstruction was introduced by Victor von Bruns and not by von Langenbeck or von Esmarch as reported previously. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open 4 (5), p e699.

Schulte-Mattler, Wilhelm und Roldán, Camilo J. (2016) Stein’s double cross-lip flaps combined with Johanson’s step technique for subtotal lower lip reconstruction: A review and technique refinements. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open 4 (2), S. 1-9.

Lorenz, Julia, Seebach, Elisabeth, Hackmeyer, Gerit, Greth, Carina, Bauer, Richard J., Kleinschmidt, Kerstin, Bettenworth, Dominik , Böhm, Markus, Grifka, Joachim und Grässel, Susanne (2014) Melanocortin 1 receptor-signaling deficiency results in an articular cartilage phenotype and accelerates pathogenesis of surgically induced murine osteoarthritis. PLOS ONE 9 (9), e105858.

Schreml, Stephan, Meier, Robert Johannes, Kirschbaum, Michael, Kong, Su-Chii, Gehmert, Sebastian , Felthaus, Oliver, Küchler, Sarah, Sharpe, Justin R., Wöltje, Kerstin, Weiß, Katharina, Albert, Markus, Seidl, Uwe, Schröder, Josef, Morsczeck, Christian, Prantl, Lukas, Duschl, Claus, Pedersen, Stine F. , Gosau, Martin, Breneburg, Mark, Wolfbeis, Otto S. , Landthaler, Michael und Babilas, Philipp (2014) Luminescent Dual Sensors Reveal Extracellular pH-Gradients and Hypoxia on Chronic Wounds That Disrupt Epidermal Repair. Theranostics 4 (7), S. 721-735.

Gehmert, Sebastian , Wenzel, Carina, Loibl, Markus , Brockhoff, Gero , Huber, Michaela, Krutsch, Werner, Nerlich, Michael, Gosau, Martin, Klein, Silvan, Schreml, Stephan, Prantl, Lukas und Gehmert, Sanga (2014) Adipose tissue-derived Stem Cell (ASC) secreted IGF-1 protects myoblasts from the negative effect of Myostatin. BioMed Research International 2014.

Bedal, Konstanze B., Grässel, Susanne, Oefner, Peter J. , Reinders, Jörg, Reichert, Torsten E. und Bauer, Richard (2014) Collagen XVI induces expression of MMP9 via modulation of AP-1 transcription factors and facilitates invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Plos One 9 (1), e86777.

Bedal, Konstanze B., Grässel, Susanne, Oefner, Peter J. , Reinders, Jörg, Reichert, Torsten E. und Bauer, Richard (2014) Collagen XVI induces expression of MMP9 via modulation of AP-1 transcription factors and facilitates invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Plos One 9 (1), e86777.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Neurochirurgie

Salvotti, Hanna Veronika, Lein, Alexander, Proescholdt, Martin, Schmidt, Nils-Ole und Siller, Sebastian (2024) Characteristics and Outcome of Surgically Treated Patients with Intradural Extra- and Intramedullary Spinal Metastasis—A Single-Center Retrospective Case Series and Review. Current Oncology 31 (7), S. 4079-4092.

Bründl, Elisabeth , Proescholdt, Martin A., Schödel, Petra, Rosengarth, Katharina, Störr, Eva-Maria, Bele, Sylvia , Kieninger, Martin , Malsy, Manuela, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2024) Both coiling and clipping induce the time-dependent release of endogenous neuropeptide Y into serum. Frontiers in neurology 14.

Falter, Johannes, Lohmeier, Annette, Eberl, Petra, Stoerr, Eva-Maria, Koskimäki, Janne, Falter, Lena, Rossmann, Jakob, Mederer, Tobias , Schmidt, Nils Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2023) CXCR2-Blocking Has Context-Sensitive Effects on Rat Glioblastoma Cell Line Outgrowth (S635) in an Organotypic Rat Brain Slice Culture Depending on Microglia-Depletion (PLX5622) and Dexamethasone Treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (23), S. 16803.

Hense, Katharina , Deuter, Daniel, Greenlee, Mark W. , Wendl, Christina, Schmidt, Nils Ole , Stroszczynski, Christian , Doenitz, Christian, Ott, Christian und Rosengarth, Katharina (2023) Analysis of Functional Neuroplastic Changes in the Cortical Language System in Relation to Different Growth Patterns of Glioblastoma. Brain Sciences 13 (6), S. 867.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Höhne, Julius , Rosengarth, Katharina, Noeva, Ekaterina, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2022) Fluorescein-guided resection of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: Impact on extent of resection and outcome. Brain and Spine 2, S. 101690.

Mederer, Tobias, Schachinger, Sebastian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Brosig, Anja, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Schmidt, Nils-Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2022) Symptom burden and surgical outcome in non-skull base meningiomas. Frontiers in Oncology 12, S. 967420.

Bründl, Elisabeth , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Störr, Eva-Maria, Schödel, Petra, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Hohenberger, Christoph, Kieninger, Martin , Schmidt, Nils Ole und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2022) The endogenous neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide after spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage–A potential psychoactive prognostic serum biomarker of pain-associated neuropsychological symptoms. Frontiers in Neurology 13.

Blazquez, Rachel, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Klauser, Marlene, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Heudobler, Daniel , Stange, Lena, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Rosengarth, Katharina, Schicho, Andreas , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Brawanski, Alexander, Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2022) Breakouts - a radiological sign of poor prognosis in patients with brain metastases. Frontiers in Oncology.

Ott, Christian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Doenitz, Christian, Hoehne, Julius, Wendl, Christina, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Lang, Elmar W., Schmidt, Nils Ole und Goldhacker, Markus (2021) Preoperative Assessment of Language Dominance through Combined Resting-State and Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (12), S. 1342.

Kieninger, Martin , Mandlinger, Andreas Franz, Doblinger, Nina , Kieninger, Bärbel, Bele, Sylvia , Salzberger, Bernd , Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Graf, Bernhard, Zeman, Florian und Holzmann, Thomas (2021) Impact of the implementation of a standard for preanalytical handling of samples for microbiological diagnostics on the quality of results at a neurocritical care unit. Medicine 100 (34), S. 1-8.

Wagner, Andrea, Maderer, Jonas, Wilfling, Sibylle, Kaiser, Johanna, Kilic, Mustafa , Linker, Ralf A., Schebesch, Karl-M. und Schlachetzki, Felix (2021) Cerebrovascular risk factors in cerebral amyloid angiopathy – modifier or bystander? Frontiers in Neurology 2021 (12), S. 676931. (Eingereicht)

Hense, Katharina , Plank, Tina , Wendl, Christina, Greenlee, Mark W., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Rosengarth, Katharina , Dodoo-Schittko, Frank und Bumes, Elisabeth (2021) fMRI Retinotopic Mapping in Patients with Brain Tumors and Space-occupying Brain Lesions in the Area of the Occipital Lobe. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 2439. (Eingereicht)

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Höhne, Julius, Haj, Amer und Schmidt, Nils Ole (2021) Endoscopic Assistance in the Deep and Narrow Spaces of the Brain—Microscopic Tumor Surgery Supported by the New Micro-Inspection Tool QEVO® (Technical Note). Frontiers in Surgery 2021 (8), S. 648853. (Eingereicht)

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Haj, Amer, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Wendl, Christina (2021) Massively Calcified Aneurysm of the Anterior Communicating Artery: An Unsuccessful Clipping Attempt followed by Successful P-CONus2-assisted Coil Occlusion. Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2021 (4), S. 1-4.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Höhne, Julius, Schmidt, Nils Ole, Proescholdt, Martin A., make_name_string expected hash reference und make_name_string expected hash reference (2021) The Management of Brain Metastases—Systematic Review of Neurosurgical Aspects. Cancers 13 (7), S. 1616.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Rosengarth, Katharina, Delin, Pai, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Hense, Katharina, Tamm, Teele, Ott, Christian , Lürding, Ralf, Bumes, Elisabeth , Greenlee, Mark W. , Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Doenitz, Christian (2021) A Novel Language Paradigm for Intraoperative Language Mapping: Feasibility and Evaluation. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (655), S. 1-13. (Eingereicht)

Proescholdt, Martin, Jünger, Stephanie T., Schödel, Petra, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Pukrop, Tobias, Höhne, Julius, Schmidt, Nils-Ole , Kocher, Martin , Schulz, Holger, Ruge, Maximilian, König, Kevin, Goldbrunner, Roland und Grau, Stefan (2021) Brain Metastases in Elderly Patients—The Role of Surgery in the Context of Systemic Treatment. Brain Sciences 11 (1), S. 123.

Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Berger, Raffaela Sarah, Wachsmuth, Christian J., Waldhier, Magdalena C., Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Thomas, Simone, Chaturvedi, Anuhar , Niller, Hans Helmut, Bumes, Elisabeth, Hau, Peter , Proescholdt, Martin A., Gronwald, Wolfram , Heuser, Michael und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Lactonization of the Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Produces a Novel Endogenous Metabolite. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 1756.

Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena, Luerding, Ralf, Doenitz, Christian, Zeman, Florian, Cananoğlu, Hamit, Kees, Martin G. und Hansen, Ernil (2021) Neurocognitive Impairment After Propofol With Relevance for Neurosurgical Patients and Awake Craniotomies—A Prospective Observational Study. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (632887), S. 1-9.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Haj, Amer, Höhne, Julius und Schmidt, Nils Ole (2020) Application of the Endoscopic Micro-Inspection Tool QEVO® in the Surgical Treatment of Anterior Circulation Aneurysms—A Technical Note and Case Series. Frontiers in Surgery 7 (602080), S. 1-8.

Bumes, Elisabeth , Wirtz, Fro-Philip, Fellner, Claudia, Grosse, Jirka, Hellwig, Dirk , Oefner, Peter J., Häckl, Martina, Linker, Ralf A., Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Samol, Claudia, Rosengarth, Katharina, Wendl, Christina M., Hau, Peter, Gronwald, Wolfram und Hutterer, Markus (2020) Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation in Patients with Glioma WHO II/III/IV Based on F-18-FET PET-Guided In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. Cancers 12 (11), S. 3406.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael , Proescholdt, Martin , Schmidt, Nils Ole und Höhne, Julius (2020) Meningioma infiltrating into porous polymethylmethacrylate cranioplasty—report of a unique case. Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2020 (6), S. 1-3.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Rosengarth, Katharina, Brawanski, Alexander, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Wendl, Christina M., Höhne, Julius , Ott, Christian, Lamecker, Hans und Doenitz, Christian (2019) Clinical Benefits of Combining Different Visualization Modalities in Neurosurgery. Frontiers in Surgery 6 (56), S. 1-12.

Wagner, Andrea, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Isenmann, Stefan, Steinbrecher, Andreas, Kapapa, Thomas, Zeman, Florian, Baldaranov, Dobri, Grauer, Oliver, Backhaus, Roland, Linker, Ralf A. und Schlachetzki, Felix (2019) Interdisciplinary Decision Making in Hemorrhagic Stroke Based on CT Imaging—Differences Between Neurologists and Neurosurgeons Regarding Estimation of Patients' Symptoms, Glasgow Coma Scale, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Frontiers in Neurology 10 (997), S. 1-11.

Kieninger, Martin, Windorfer, Martin, Eissnert, Christoph, Zech, Nina, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Bründl, Elisabeth , Graf, Bernhard und Künzig, Holger (2019) Impact of bedside percutaneous dilational and open surgical tracheostomy on intracranial pressure, pulmonary gas exchange, and hemodynamics in neurocritical care patients. Medicine 98 (35), e17011.

Faltermeier, Rupert , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Wolf, Stefan, Bele, Sylvia und Brawanski, Alexander (2018) A Patient-Independent Significance Test by Means of False-Positive Rates in Selected Correlation Analysis of Brain Multimodal Monitoring Data. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2018, S. 1-8.

Haj, Amer, Doenitz, Christian, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Ehrensberger, Denise, Hau, Peter , Putnik, Kurt, Riemenschneider, Markus, Wendl, Christina, Gerken, Michael, Pukrop, Tobias, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin (2017) Extent of Resection in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Impact of a Specialized Neuro-Oncology Care Center. Brain Sciences 8 (1), S. 5.

Proescholdt, Martin A., Faltermeier, Rupert , Bele, Sylvia und Brawanski, Alexander (2017) Detection of impaired cerebral autoregulation using selected correlation analysis: A validation study. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2017 (845452), S. 1-7.

Höhne, Julius, Brawanski, Alexander und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2016) Fluorescein sodium-guided surgery of a brain abscess – A Case Report. Surgical Neurology International 2016 (7), S. 995-997.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Albert, Ruth, Brawanski, Alexander und Lange, Max (2016) Urgent discectomy: Clinical features and neurological outcome. Surgical Neurology International 2016 (7), S. 17.

Schulte-Mattler, Wilhelm und Roldán, Camilo J. (2016) Stein’s double cross-lip flaps combined with Johanson’s step technique for subtotal lower lip reconstruction: A review and technique refinements. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open 4 (2), S. 1-9.

Kieninger, Martn, Finzel, Tobias, Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena Theresa, Bele, Sylvia und Künzig, Holger (2015) Frequency of Disturbed Defecation Pattern in Neurosurgical Critically Ill Patients and Influence on Intracranial Pressure and Intensive Care Treatment. Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research 6 (12), S. 1-5.

Faltermeier, Rupert, Proescholdt, Martin A., Bele, Sylvia und Brawanski, Alexander (2015) Parameter optimization for selected correlation analysis of intracranial pathophysiology. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015, ID 652030.

Höhne, Julius, Friedrich, Monika, Brawanski, Alexander, Melter, Michael und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2015) Decompressive craniectomy and early cranioplasty in a 15 year-old boy with N. meningitidis meningitis. Surgical Neurology International 6 (58), S. 1-4.

Faltermeier, Rupert, Bele, Sylvia, Proescholdt, Martin A. und Brawanski, Alexander (2015) Windowed multi taper correlation analysis of multimodal brain monitoring parameters. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015, S. 1-8.

Bele, Sylvia, Scheitzach, J., Kieninger, Martn, Hochreiter, A., Schödel, Petra, Bründl, Elisabeth, Schebesch, Karl-Michael und Brawanski, Alexander (2014) Vasoplegic Syndrome after Oral Nimodipine Application in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Journal of Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access 1 (6).

Hau, Peter, Moeckel, Sylvia, Meyer, Katharina, Leukel, Petra, Heudorfer, Fabian, Seliger, Corinna, Stangl, Christina, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und Spang, Rainer (2014) Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e108632.

Bründl, Elisabeth, Schoedl, Petra, Odo-Winfried, Ullrich, Brawanski, Alexander und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2014) Surgical resection of sporadic and hereditary hemangioblastoma: Our 10-year experience and a literature review. Surgeal Neurology International 5 (1), S. 138.

Höhne, Julius, Brawanski, Alexander, Gassner, Holger G. und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2013) Feasibility of the custom-made titanium cranioplasty CRANIOTOP(®). Surgical neurology international 4, S. 88.

Seliger, Corinna, Leukel, Petra, Moeckel, Sylvia, Jachnik, Birgit, Lottaz, Claudio, Kreutz, Marina, Brawanski, Alexander, Proescholdt, Martin, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel und Hau, Peter (2013) Lactate-Modulated Induction of THBS-1 Activates Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-beta2 and Migration of Glioma Cells In Vitro. PloS one 8 (11), e78935.

Schödel, Petra, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2013) Surgical resection of brain metastases-impact on neurological outcome. International journal of molecular sciences 14 (5), S. 8708-8718.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Schödel, Petra, Rennert, Janine, Mark, Karl-Heinz und Brawanski, Alexander (2012) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage from Posterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysm during Puerperium – Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology 3, S. 124.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Neurologie

Wecker, Sophie, Freudenstein, David, Ganser, Iris, Angstwurm, Klemens , Lee, De-Hyung und Linker, Ralf A. (2024) The impact of different lifestyle factors on disability in multiple sclerosis at older ages: a monocentric retrospective study. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 17.

Fischl, Anna, Gerken, Michael, Lindberg-Scharf, Patricia , Haedenkamp, Tareq M. , Rosengarth, Katharina , Hillberg, Andrea, Vogelhuber, Martin, Schön, Ingrid, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Araceli, Tommaso, Koller, Michael , Herrmann, Anne , Kölbl, Oliver, Pukrop, Tobias , Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Linker, Ralf A., Hau, Peter und Bumes, Elisabeth (2024) Health-Related Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction of Patients with Malignant IDH Wild-Type Gliomas and Their Caregivers. Current Oncology 31 (10), S. 6155-6170.

Götz, Linda, Ansafi, Tananeh, Gerken, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Fischl, Anna, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Kölbl, Oliver, Schmidt, Nils Ole , Linker, Ralf A., Hau, Peter und Haedenkamp, Tareq M. (2024) Effect of antibiotic drug use on outcome and therapy-related toxicity in patients with glioblastoma—A retrospective cohort study. Neuro-Oncology Advances 6 (1).

Haase, Stefanie, Kuhbandner, Kristina, Mühleck, Florian, Gisevius, Barbara, Freudenstein, David, Hirschberg, Sarah, Lee, De-Hyung, Kuerten, Stefanie, Gold, Ralf, Haghikia, Aiden und Linker, Ralf A. (2024) Dietary galactose exacerbates autoimmune neuroinflammation via advanced glycation end product-mediated neurodegeneration. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Tappe, Dennis, Offner, Robert , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Banas, Miriam C., Niller, Hans Helmut, Gessner, André , Köstler, Josef, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Völkl, Melanie, Kunkel, Jürgen, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2023) IFN-γ-Based ELISpot as a New Tool to Detect Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1): A Pilot Study. Viruses 15 (1), S. 194.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Nowak, Dennis A., Linden, Rainer, Arnold, Peggy, Seitz, Veronika, Stangl, Katrin, Wendl, Christina und Schlachetzki, Felix (2022) Case report: A complicated course of Collet-Sicard syndrome after internal carotid artery dissection and lenticulo-striatal artery infarction. Frontiers in Neurology 13, S. 939236.

Mederer, Tobias, Schachinger, Sebastian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Brosig, Anja, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Schmidt, Nils-Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2022) Symptom burden and surgical outcome in non-skull base meningiomas. Frontiers in Oncology 12, S. 967420.

Kozole, Judith, Heydn, Rosmarie, Wirkert, Eva, Küspert, Sabrina, Aigner, Ludwig , Bruun, Tim-Henrik , Bogdahn, Ulrich , Peters, Sebastian und Johannesen, Siw (2022) Direct Potential Modulation of Neurogenic Differentiation Markers by Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in the Rodent Brain. Pharmaceutics 14 (9), S. 1858.

Kilic, Mustafa, Wendl, Christina M., Wilfling, Sibylle, Olmes, David, Linker, Ralf A. und Schlachetzki, Felix (2022) Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Non-Imaging Brain Perfusion Ultrasound—First Case. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (12), S. 3384.

Blazquez, Rachel, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Klauser, Marlene, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Heudobler, Daniel , Stange, Lena, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Rosengarth, Katharina, Schicho, Andreas , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Brawanski, Alexander, Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2022) Breakouts - a radiological sign of poor prognosis in patients with brain metastases. Frontiers in Oncology.

Neumann, Bernhard, Angstwurm, Klemens, Linker, Ralf A., Knoll, Gertrud, Eidenschink, Lisa, Rubbenstroth, Dennis, Schlottau, Kore, Beer, Martin, Schreiner, Patrick, Soutschek, Erwin, Böhmer, Merle M., Lampl, Benedikt M.J. , Pregler, Matthias, Scheiter, Alexander, Evert, Katja, Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Asbach, Benedikt, Gessner, André, Niller, Hans Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2022) Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (1), S. 100499.

Peters, Sebastian Thomas, Wirkert, Eva, Kuespert, Sabrina, Heydn, Rosmarie, Korte, Sven , Mecklenburg, Lars, Aigner, Ludwig , Johannesen, Siw , Bruun, Tim-Henrik und Bogdahn, Ulrich (2022) Targeting TGF-ß in the Central Nervous System: Assessment of Cynomolgus Monkey—Toxicity and Pharmacokinetics for an LNA-Antisense Oligonucleotide. Applied Sciences 12 (3), S. 973.

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Orthopädie

Reinhard, Jan , Michalk, Katrin, Schiegl, Julia Sabrina, Pagano, Stefano , Grifka, Joachim , Maderbacher, Günther , Meyer, Matthias und Kappenschneider, Tobias (2024) Impressive Short-Term Improvement in Functional Outcome and Quality of Life after Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) in the Orthogeriatric Patient in a Prospective Monocentric Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (9), S. 2693.

Reinhard, Jan , Pulido, Loreto C. , Schindler, Melanie, Schraag, Amadeus Dominik , Greimel, Felix , Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2023) No Success without Effort: Follow-Up at Six Years after Implementing a Benchmarking and Feedback Concept for Postoperative Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (14), S. 4577.

Weber, Markus , von Kunow, Frederik und Hillmann, Axel (2023) Marginal resection as a potential curative treatment option of infantile fibrosarcoma with good response after chemotherapy: A case report of an ETV6-NTRK3 positive infantile fibrosacroma of the distal tibia. Medicine 102 (27), e34194.

Waltera, Anna, Schulz, Daniela , Schaefer, Nicole, Stoeckl, Sabine, Pion, Eric, Haerteis, Silke , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Bauer, Richard J. (2023) Opposing MMP-9 Expression in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Head and Neck Tumor Cells after Direct 2D and 3D Co-Culture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1293.

Schindler, Melanie, Schmitz, Stephanie, Reinhard, Jan, Jansen, Petra , Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2022) Pain Course after Total Knee Arthroplasty within a Standardized Pain Management Concept: A Prospective Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (23), S. 7204.

Jurek, Benjamin , Denk, Lucia, Schäfer, Nicole, Salehi, Mohammad Saied , Pandamooz, Sareh und Haerteis, Silke (2022) Oxytocin accelerates tight junction formation and impairs cellular migration in 3D spheroids: evidence from Gapmer-induced exon skipping. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 16, S. 1000538.

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Wang, Chenglong, Stöckl, Sabine, Li, Shushan, Herrmann, Marietta, Lukas, Christoph, Reinders, Yvonne, Sickmann, Albert und Grässel, Susanne (2022) Effects of Extracellular Vesicles from Osteogenic Differentiated Human BMSCs on Osteogenic and Adipogenic Differentiation Capacity of Naïve Human BMSCs. Cells 11 (16), S. 2491.

Kaiser, Moritz, Brambrink, Sara, Benditz, Achim , Achenbach, Leonard , Gehentges, Matthias und König, Matthias Alexander (2022) Increase in Lower Limb Strength after Multimodal Pain Management in Patients with Low Back Pain. Medicina 58 (7), S. 837.

Weber, Markus , von Kunow, Frederik, Innmann, Moritz, Meyer, Matthias , Thieme, Max, Jerabek, Seth und Renkawitz, Tobias (2022) Which Safe Zone Is Safe in Total Hip Arthroplasty? The Effect of Bony Impingement. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (5), S. 812.

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Götz, Julia, Renkawitz, Tobias, Meyer, Matthias, Wörner, Michael, Biedermann, R., Grifka, Joachim und Weber, M. (2021) Comparison of Functional and Clinical Outcomes between Minimally-Invasive and Conventional Approaches after Total Hip Replacement. Journal of surgery 8 (4), S. 1-10.

Grässel, Susanne , Eitner, Annett, Bauer, Richard J., König, Matthias, Johnstone, Brian und Stöckl, Sabine (2021) Substance P and Alpha-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Differentially Affect Human Osteoarthritic and Healthy Chondrocytes. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (722884), S. 1-16. (Eingereicht)

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Niedermair, Tanja, Lukas, Christoph, Li, Shushan , Stöckl, Sabine, Craiovan, Benjamin, Brochhausen, Christoph , Federlin, Marianne, Herrmann, Marietta und Grässel, Susanne (2020) Influence of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Osteoblasts of Patients With Cox-Arthrosis and/or Osteoporosis on Metabolism and Osteogenic Differentiation of BMSCs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (615520), S. 1-15.

Li, Shushan, Stöckl, Sabine, Lukas, Christoph, Götz, Julia, Herrmann, Marietta, Federlin, Marianne und Grässel, Susanne (2020) hBMSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Attenuate IL-1β-Induced Catabolic Effects on OA-Chondrocytes by Regulating Pro-inflammatory Signaling Pathways. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (603598), S. 1-24.

Stöckl, Sabine, Lindner, Georg, Li, Shushan , Schuster, Philipp, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Prodinger, Peter M., Multhoff, Gabriele, Boxberg, Melanie, Hillmann, Axel, Bauer, Richard J. und Grässel, Susanne (2020) SOX9 Knockout Induces Polyploidy and Changes Sensitivity to Tumor Treatment Strategies in a Chondrosarcoma Cell Line. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (20), S. 7627.

Nazet, Ute, Grässel, Susanne, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Schröder, Agnes und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Early OA Stage Like Response Occurs after Dynamic Stretching of Human Synovial Fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), S. 3874.

Worlicek, Michael, Messmer, Benedikt, Grifka, Joachim, Renkawitz, Tobias und Weber, Markus (2020) Restoration of leg length and offset correlates with trochanteric pain syndrome in total hip arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 10 (1), S. 7107.

Niedermair, Tanja, Straub, Rainer H. , Brochhausen, Christoph und Grässel, Susanne (2020) Impact of the Sensory and Sympathetic Nervous System on Fracture Healing in Ovariectomized Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (405), S. 1-18.

Völlner, Florian, Weber, Tim , Weber, Markus, Renkawitz, Tobias, Dendorfer, Sebastian, Grifka, Joachim und Craiovan, Benjamin (2019) A simple method for determining ligament stiffness during total knee arthroplasty in vivo. Scientific Reports 9 (5261), S. 1-8.

Schröder, Agnes, Nazet, Ute, Muschter, Dominique, Grässel, Susanne , Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) Impact of Mechanical Load on the Expression Profile of Synovial Fibroblasts from Patients with and without Osteoarthritis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 585.

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Benditz, Achim , Pulido, L., Renkawitz, T., Schwarz, T., Grifka, J. und Weber, Markus (2018) Are There Gender-Dependent Study Habits of Medical Students in Times of the World Wide Web? BioMed Research International 2018, S. 1-6.

Jansen, Petra, Grifka, Joachim und Dullien, Silvia (2018) Cluster-randomized, controlled evaluation of a teacher led multi factorial school based back education program for 10 to 12-year old children. BMC Pediatrics 18 (312), S. 1-10.

Weber, Markus, Renkawitz, Tobias, Voellner, Florian, Craiovan, Benjamin, Greimel, Felix, Worlicek, Michael, Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2018) Revision Surgery In Total Joint Replacement Is Cost-Intensive. BioMed Research International.

Niedermair, Tanja, Schirner, Stephan, Seebröker, Raphael, Straub, Rainer H. und Grässel, Susanne (2018) Substance P modulates bone remodeling properties of murine osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Scientific Reports 8 (9199), S. 1-15.

Weber, Markus , Renkawitz, Tobias, Worlicek, Michael, Voellner, Florian, Woerner, Michael, Benditz, Achim, Weber, Daniela und Grifka, Joachim (2018) Surgical training does not affect operative time and outcome in total knee arthroplasty. PLOS ONE 13 (6), e0197850.

Weber, Markus, Thime, Max, Kaiser, Moritz, Völlner, Florian, Worlicek, Michael, Craiovan, Benjamin, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2018) Accuracy of leg length and offset restoration in femoral pinless navigation compared to navigation using a fixed pin during total hip arthroplasty. BioMed Research International 2018.

Greimel, Felix , Maderbacher, Günther, Baier, Clemens, Keshmiri, Armin, Schwarz, Timo, Zeman, Florian, Meissner, Winfried, Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2018) Multicenter cohort-study of 15326 cases analyzing patient satisfaction and perioperative pain management: general, regional and combination anesthesia in knee arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 3723.

Grässel, Susanne und Muschter, Dominique (2018) Do Neuroendocrine Peptides and Their Receptors Qualify as Novel Therapeutic Targets in Osteoarthritis? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (2), S. 367.

Mayer, Ute, Benditz, Achim und Grässel, Susanne (2017) miR-29b regulates expression of collagens I and III in chondrogenically differentiating BMSC in an osteoarthritic environment. Scientific Reports 7 (13297), S. 1-14.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Hoffstetter, Patrick, Al Suwaidi, Mohammed H., Joist, Alexander, Benditz, Achim, Fleck, Martin, Stroszczynski, Christian und Dornia, Christian (2017) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Axial Skeleton in Patients With Spondyloarthritis: Distribution Pattern of Inflammatory and Structural Lesions. Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 10 (117954), S. 1-7.

Benditz, Achim, Brunner, Melanie, Zeman, Florian, Greimel, Felix, Völlner, Florian, Boluki, Daniel, Grifka, Joachim, Weber, Markus und Renkawitz, Tobias (2017) Effectiveness of a multimodal pain management concept for patients with cervical radiculopathy with focus on cervical epidural injections. Scientific Reports 7 (7866), S. 1-9.

Palit, Arnab, Williams, Mark A., Turley, Glen A., Renkawitz, Tobias und Weber, Markus (2017) Femur First navigation can reduce impingement severity compared to traditional free hand total hip arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 7 (7238), S. 1-9.

Weber, Markus, Benditz, Achim, Woerner, Michael, Weber, Daniela, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2017) Trainee Surgeons Affect Operative Time but not Outcome in Minimally Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 7 (6152), S. 1-7.

Greimel, Felix, Scheuerer, Christine, Gessner, Andre, Simon, Michaela, Kalteis, Thomas, Grifka, Joachim, Benditz, Achim, Springorum, Hans-Robert und Schaumburger, Jens (2017) Efficacy of antibiotic treatment of implant-associated Staphylococcus aureus infections with moxifloxacin, flucloxacillin, rifampin, and combination therapy: an animal study. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 11, S. 1729-1736.

Benditz, Achim , Loher, Martin, Boluki, Daniel, Grifka, Joachim, Völlner, Florian, Renkawitz, Tobias, Maderbacher, Günther und Götz, Jürgen (2017) Positive medium-term influence of multimodal pain management on socioeconomic factors and health care utilization in patients with lumbar radiculopathy: a prospective study. Journal of Pain Research 2017 (13), S. 237-244.

Benditz, Achim , Jansen, Petra, Schaible, Jan, Roll, Christina, Grifka, Joachim und Götz, Jürgen (2017) Psychological factors as risk factors for poor hip function after total hip arthroplasty. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2017 (13), S. 237-244.

Benditz, Achim , Greimel, Felix, Auer, Patrick, Zeman, Florian, Göttermann, Antje, Grifka, Joachim, Meissner, Winfried und von Kunow, Frederik (2016) Can Consistent Benchmarking within a Standardized Pain Management Concept Decrease Postoperative Pain after Total Hip Arthroplasty? A Prospective Cohort Study including 367 Patients. Journal of Pain Research 2016 (9), S. 1205-1213.

Benditz, Achim, Drescher, J., Greimel, Felix, Zeman, Florian, Grifka, Joachim, Meißner, W. und Völlner, Florian (2016) Implementing a benchmarking and feedback concept decreases postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty: A prospective study including 256 patients. Scientific Reports 6 (38218), S. 1-7.

Pfeifer, Christian G., Karl, Alexandra, Berner, Arne, Zellner, Johannes, Schmitz, Paul, Loibl, Markus , Koch, Matthias, Angele, Peter, Nerlich, Michael und Mueller, Michael B. (2016) Expression of BMP and Actin Membrane Bound Inhibitor (BAMBI) is increased during terminal differentiation of MSCs. Stem Cells International 2016, S. 1-9.

Worlicek, Michael, Weber, Markus, Craiovan, Benjamin, Wörner, Michael, Völlner, Florian, Springorum, Hans-Robert, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2016) Native femoral anteversion should not be used as reference in cementless total hip arthroplasty with a straight, tapered stem: a retrospective clinical study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 17 (399), S. 1-8.

Benditz, Achim, Madl, M., Loher, M., Grifka, Joachim, Boluki, Daniel und Linhardt, O. (2016) Prospective medium-term results of multimodal pain management in patients with lumbar radiculopathy. Scientific Reports 2016 (28187), S. 1-7.

Winkler, Sebastian, Wagner, Ferdinand, Weber, Markus, Matussek, Jan, Craiovan, Benjamin, Heers, Guido, Springorum, Hans-Robert, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2015) Current therapeutic strategies of heterotopic ossification – a survey amongst orthopaedic and trauma departments in Germany. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 16 (313), S. 1-6.

Grässel, Susanne, Muschter, Dominique, Schäfer, Nicole, Stangl, Hubert und Straub, Rainer H. (2015) Sympathetic Neurotransmitters Modulate Osteoclastogenesis and Osteoclast Activity in the Context of Collagen-Induced Arthritis. PLoS ONE 2015 (10), e0139726.

Grässel, Susanne, Mutscher, Dominique, Göttl, Claudia, Vogel, Mandy, Grifka, Joachim und Straub, Rainer H. (2015) Reactivity of rat bone marrow-derived macrophages to neurotransmitter stimulation in the context of collagen II-induced arthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 17 (169), S. 1-15.

Leyh, Michaela, Seitz, Andreas , Dürselen, Lutz, Schaumburger, Jens, Ignatius, Anita , Grifka, Joachim und Grässel, Susanne (2014) Subchondral bone influences chondrogenic differentiation and collagen production of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and articular chondrocytes. Arthritis Research & Therapy 16 (453).

Lorenz, Julia, Seebach, Elisabeth, Hackmeyer, Gerit, Greth, Carina, Bauer, Richard J., Kleinschmidt, Kerstin, Bettenworth, Dominik , Böhm, Markus, Grifka, Joachim und Grässel, Susanne (2014) Melanocortin 1 receptor-signaling deficiency results in an articular cartilage phenotype and accelerates pathogenesis of surgically induced murine osteoarthritis. PLOS ONE 9 (9), e105858.

Lehy, Michaela, Seitz, Andreas , Dürselen, Lutz, Springorum, Hans-Robert, Angele, Peter, Ignatius, Anita , Grifka, Joachim und Grässel, Susanne (2014) Osteoarthritic cartilage explants affect extracellular matrix production and composition in cocultured bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and articular chondrocytes. Stem Cell Research & therapy 5 (3).

Renkawitz, Tobias, Haimerl, Martin, Dohmen, Lars, Gneiting, Sabine, Wegner, Melanie, Ehret, Nicole, Buchele, Claudia, Schubert, Mario, Lechler, Philipp, Worner, Michael, Sendtner, Ernst, Schuster, Tibor, Ulm, Kurt, Springorum, Robert und Grifka, Joachim (2011) Minimally invasive computer-navigated total hip arthroplasty, following the concept of femur first and combined anteversion: design of a blinded randomized controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 12 (1), S. 192.

Lechler, Philipp, Renkawitz, Tobias, Campean, Valentina, Balakrishnan, Sanjeevi, Tingart, Markus, Grifka, Joachim und Schaumburger, Jens (2011) The antiapoptotic gene survivin is highly expressed in human chondrosarcoma and promotes drug resistance in chondrosarcoma cells in vitro. BMC Cancer 11, S. 120.

Lechler, Philipp, Balakrishnan, Sanjeevi, Schaumburger, Jens, Grässel, Susanne, Baier, Clemens, Grifka, Joachim, Straub, Rainer H. und Renkawitz, Tobias (2011) The oncofetal gene survivin is re-expressed in osteoarthritis and is required for chondrocyte proliferation in vitro. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 12, S. 150.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Pathologie

Hammon, Kathrin, Renner, Kathrin, Althammer, Michael, Voll, Florian, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Siska, Peter J. , Matos, Carina, Conejo, Zugey Elizabeth Cárdenas, Mendes, Karina , Einwag, Friederike, Siegmund, Heiko, Iberl, Sabine, Berger, Raffaela S. , Dettmer, Katja, Schoenmehl, Rebecca, Brochhausen, Christoph , Herr, Wolfgang, Oefner, Peter J. , Rehli, Michael , Thomas, Simone und Kreutz, Marina (2024) D-2-hydroxyglutarate supports a tolerogenic phenotype with lowered major histocompatibility class II expression in non-malignant dendritic cells and acute myeloid leukemia cells. Haematologica.

Fiedler, Mathias, Off, Alisa, Eichberger, Jonas, Spoerl, Steffen, Schuderer, Johannes G. , Taxis, Juergen , Bauer, Richard J., Schreml, Stephan , Reichert, Torsten E., Ettl, Tobias und Weber, Florian (2023) OSCC in Never-Smokers and Never-Drinkers Is Associated with Increased Expression of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Better Survival. Cancers 15 (10), S. 2688. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Ramakrishnan, Vignesh , Schönmehl, Rebecca, Artinger, Annalena , Winter, Lina , Böck, Hendrik, Schreml, Stephan , Gürtler, Florian , Daza, Jimmy, Schmitt, Volker H., Mamilos, Andreas , Arbelaez, Pablo, Teufel, Andreas , Niedermair, Tanja, Topolcan, Ondrej, Karlíková, Marie, Sossalla, Samuel , Wiedenroth, Christoph B., Rupp, Markus und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) 3D Visualization, Skeletonization and Branching Analysis of Blood Vessels in Angiogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (9), S. 7714.

Mendelsohn, Daniel H., Niedermair, Tanja, Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Ultrastructural Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Osteomyelitis Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (6), S. 5709.

Weber, Florian , Utpatel, Kirsten , Evert, Katja , Treeck, Oliver und Buechler, Christa (2023) Chemerin and Chemokine-like Receptor 1 Expression Are Associated with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression in European Patients. Biomedicines 11 (3), S. 737.

von Breitenbuch, Philipp, Kurz, Bernadett, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Brochhausen, Christoph , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive GPCRs in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer—First Results. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (5), S. 1803.

Mamilos, Andreas , Lein, Alexander, Winter, Lina, Ettl, Tobias , Künzel, Julian , Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Tumor Immune Microenvironment Heterogeneity at the Invasion Front and Tumor Center in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma as a Perspective of Managing This Cancer Entity. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1704.

Weber, Florian , Treeck, Oliver, Mester, Patricia und Buechler, Christa (2023) Expression and Function of BMP and Activin Membrane-Bound Inhibitor (BAMBI) in Chronic Liver Diseases and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4), S. 3473.

Fleig, Claudia, Evert, Katja , Schlitt, Hans J. , Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan und Brunner, Stefan M. (2023) Phenotypic Characterization of Colorectal Liver Metastases: Capsule versus No Capsule and the Potential Role of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition. Cancers 15 (4), S. 1056.

Mamilos, Andreas , Winter, Lina, Schmitt, Volker H., Barsch, Friedrich, Grevenstein, David, Wagner, Willi, Babel, Maximilian, Keller, Karsten, Schmitt, Christine, Gürtler, Florian, Schreml, Stephan , Niedermair, Tanja, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Macrophages: From Simple Phagocyte to an Integrative Regulatory Cell for Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration—A Review of the Literature. Cells 12 (2), S. 276.

Mamilos, Andreas , Matzaroglou, Charalambos, Maier, Gerrit S., Zawy Alsofy, Samer, Drees, Philipp und Kafchitsas, Konstantinos (2023) Vitamin D Deficiency in Orthopedic Patients in Different Latitudes—First Study Comparing German and Greek Populations. Osteology 3 (1), S. 11-20.

Kurz, Bernadett, Michael, Hannah Philine, Förch, Antonia , Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Ugele, Ines, Hintschich, Constantin , Haubner, Frank, Ettl, Tobias , Renner, Kathrin , Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive TRPC4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1037.

Li, Jing, Ruegamer, Tamara, Brochhausen, Christoph , Menhart, Karin , Hiergeist, Andreas , Kraemer, Lukas, Hellwig, Dirk , Maier, Lars S., Schmid, Christof, Jantsch, Jonathan und Schach, Christian (2022) Infective Endocarditis: Predictive Factors for Diagnosis and Mortality in Surgically Treated Patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9 (12), S. 467.

Matos, Carina, Mamilos, Andreas, Shah, Pranali N., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Ghimire, Saroj, Hiergeist, Andreas, Gessner, André, Dickinson, Anne M., Dressel, Ralf, Walter, Lutz , Stark, Klaus J., Heid, Iris M., Poeck, Hendrik, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel, Herr, Wolfgang, Holler, Ernst, Kreutz, Marina und Ghimire, Sakhila (2022) Downregulation of the vitamin D receptor expression during acute gastrointestinal graft versus host disease is associated with poor outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 13, S. 1028850.

Lüke, Florian, Haller, Florian, Utpatel, Kirsten, Krebs, Markus, Meidenbauer, Norbert, Scheiter, Alexander , Spoerl, Silvia, Heudobler, Daniel , Sparrer, Daniela, Kaiser, Ulrich, Keil, Felix , Schubart, Christoph D., Tögel, Lars, Einhell, Sabine, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Huss, Ralf, Dintner, Sebastian, Sommer, Sebastian, Jordan, Frank, Goebeler, Maria-Elisabeth, Metz, Michaela, Haake, Diana, Scheytt, Mithun, Gerhard-Hartmann, Elena, Maurus, Katja, Brändlein, Stephanie, Rosenwald, Andreas, Hartmann, Arndt, Märkl, Bruno, Einsele, Hermann , Mackensen, Andreas, Herr, Wolfgang, Kunzmann, Volker, Bargou, Ralf, Beckmann, Matthias W., Pukrop, Tobias , Trepel, Martin, Evert, Matthias, Claus, Rainer und Kerscher, Alexander Nikolaus (2022) Identification of Disparities in Personalized Cancer Care—A Joint Approach of the German WERA Consortium. Cancers 14 (20), S. 5040.

Eichberger, Jonas, Weber, Florian , Spanier, Gerrit, Gerken, Michael, Schreml, Stephan , Schulz, Daniela, Fiedler, Mathias, Ludwig, Nils, Bauer, Richard J., Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Loss of MMP-27 Predicts Mandibular Bone Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 14 (16), S. 4044.

Strotzer, Quirin David , Winther, Hinrich, Utpatel, Kirsten, Scheiter, Alexander , Fellner, Claudia, Doppler, Michael Christian, Ringe, Kristina Imeen, Raab, Florian, Haimerl, Michael, Uller, Wibke, Stroszczynski, Christian, Luerken, Lukas und Verloh, Niklas (2022) Application of A U-Net for Map-Like Segmentation and Classification of Discontinuous Fibrosis Distribution in Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced Liver MRI. Diagnostics 12 (8), S. 1938.

Scheiter, Alexander , Hierl, Frederik, Winkel, Ingrid, Keil, Felix, Klier-Richter, Margit, Coulouarn, Cédric, Lüke, Florian, Kandulski, Arne, Evert, Matthias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2022) Wnt/β-Catenin-Pathway Alterations and Homologous Recombination Deficiency in Cholangiocarcinoma Cell Lines and Clinical Samples: Towards Specific Vulnerabilities. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (8), S. 1270.

Walter, Nike , Hierl, Katja, Brochhausen, Christoph , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) The epidemiology and direct healthcare costs of aseptic nonunions in Germany – a descriptive report. Bone & Joint Research 11 (8), S. 541-547.

Kuri, Paulina Mena, Pion, Eric, Mahl, Lina, Kainz, Philipp, Schwarz, Siegfried, Brochhausen, Christoph , Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) Deep Learning-Based Image Analysis for the Quantification of Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis in the 3D In Vivo Tumor Model—Establishment and Addition to Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI). Cells 11 (15), S. 2321.

Bichlmayer, Eva-Marie, Mahl, Lin, Hesse, Leo, Pion, Eric, Haller, Victoria, Moehwald, Andreas, Hackl, Christina, Werner, Jens M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Schwarz, Siegfried, Kainz, Philipp, Brochhausen, Christoph , Groeger, Christian, Steger, Felix, Kölbl, Oliver, Daniel, Christoph , Amann, Kerstin, Kraus, Andreas, Buchholz, Björn, Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) A 3D In Vivo Model for Studying Human Renal Cystic Tissue and Mouse Kidney Slices. Cells 11 (15), S. 2269.

Treeck, Oliver , Weber, Florian , Fritsch, Juergen , Skrzypczak, Maciej, Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Buechler, Christa und Ortmann, Olaf (2022) DSCAM-AS1 Long Non-Coding RNA Exerts Oncogenic Functions in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma via Activation of a Tumor-Promoting Transcriptome Profile. Biomedicines 10 (7), S. 1727.

Treeck, Oliver , Weber, Florian , Fritsch, Juergen , Skrzypczak, Maciej, Schüler-Toprak, Susanne, Buechler, Christa und Ortmann, Olaf (2022) DSCAM-AS1 Long Non-Coding RNA Exerts Oncogenic Functions in Endometrial Adenocarcinoma via Activation of a Tumor-Promoting Transcriptome Profile. Biomedicines 10 (7), S. 1727.

Heudobler, Daniel, Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Lüke, Florian , Einspieler, Ingo, Menhart, Karin, Hellwig, Dirk , Utpatel, Kirsten , Herr, Wolfgang und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) Case Report: Extramedullary Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: An Unusual Case and Mini-Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-7.

Alagboso, Francisca I., Mannala, Gopala K., Walter, Nike , Docheva, Denitsa , Brochhausen, Christoph , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Rifampicin restores extracellular organic matrix formation and mineralization of osteoblasts after intracellular Staphylococcus aureus infection. Bone & Joint Research 11 (5), S. 327-341.

Mendelsohn, Daniel H., Schnabel, Katja, Mamilos, Andreas , Sossalla, Samuel , Pabel, Steffen, Duerr, Georg Daniel , Keller, Karsten , Schmitt, Volker H. , Barsch, Friedrich , Walter, Nike , Wong, Ronald Man Yeung, El Khassawna, Thaqif , Niedermair, Tanja, Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Brochhausen, Christoph (2022) Structural Analysis of Mitochondrial Dynamics—From Cardiomyocytes to Osteoblasts: A Critical Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (9), S. 4571.

Mannala, Gopala‐Krishna , Rupp, Markus , Walter, Nike , Brunotte, Maximilian, Alagboso, Francisca , Docheva, Denitsa , Brochhausen, Christoph und Alt, Volker (2022) Microbiological and ultrastructural evaluation of bacteriophage 191219 against planktonic, intracellular and biofilm infection with Staphylococcus aureus. European Cells and Materials 43, S. 66-78.

Baumgartner, Andreas, Reichelt-Wurm, Simone , Gronwald, Wolfram , Samol, Claudia, Schröder, Josef A., Fellner, Claudia, Holler, Kathrin, Steege, Andreas, Putz, Franz Josef, Oefner, Peter J., Banas, Bernhard und Banas, Miriam C. (2022) Assessment of Physiological Rat Kidney Ageing—Implications for the Evaluation of Allograft Quality Prior to Renal Transplantation. Metabolites 12 (2), S. 162.

Karnosky, Julia, Koch, M., Dietmaier, W. und Schulz, Christian (2022) No Association Found between Lung Cancer and HPV in a German Collective. Clinics In Oncology 7, S. 1894.

Neumann, Bernhard, Angstwurm, Klemens, Linker, Ralf A., Knoll, Gertrud, Eidenschink, Lisa, Rubbenstroth, Dennis, Schlottau, Kore, Beer, Martin, Schreiner, Patrick, Soutschek, Erwin, Böhmer, Merle M., Lampl, Benedikt M.J. , Pregler, Matthias, Scheiter, Alexander, Evert, Katja, Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Asbach, Benedikt, Gessner, André, Niller, Hans Helmut, Schmidt, Barbara und Bauswein, Markus (2022) Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections. Cell Reports Medicine 3 (1), S. 100499.

Förch, Antonia, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Ettl, Tobias, Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Expression of Proton-Sensitive GPR31, GPR151, TASK1 and TASK3 in Common Skin Tumors. Cells 11 (1), S. 27.

Erber, Ramona , Spoerl, Steffen, Mamilos, Andreas , Krupar, Rosemarie, Hartmann, Arndt, Ruebner, Matthias, Taxis, Juergen , Wittenberg, Mareike, Reichert, Torsten E., Spanier, Gerrit und Spoerl, Silvia (2021) Impact of Spatially Heterogeneous Trop-2 Expression on Prognosis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (1), S. 87.

Drasch, Thomas, Bach, Christian, Luber, Markus, Spriewald, Bernd, Utpatel, Kirsten , Büttner-Herold, Maike, Banas, Bernhard und Zecher, Daniel (2021) Increased Levels of sCD30 Have No Impact on the Incidence of Early ABMR and Long-Term Outcome in Intermediate-Risk Renal Transplant Patients With Preformed DSA. Frontiers in Medicine 2021 (8), S. 1-8.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Weber, Daniela, Hippe, Katrin, Meedt, Elisabeth, Hoepting, Matthias, Kattner, Anna-Sophia , Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Matos, Carina, Ghimire, Saroj, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Hoffmann, Petra, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2021) GPR Expression in Intestinal Biopsies From SCT Patients Is Upregulated in GvHD and Is Suppressed by Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Mustroph, Julian , Hupf, Julian , Baier, Maria J., Evert, Katja , Brochhausen, Christoph , Broeker, Katharina A. E. , Meindl, Christine , Seither, Benedikt, Jungbauer, Carsten G., Evert, Matthias, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Cardiac Fibrosis Is a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Deng, Shanshan, Solinas, Antonio und Calvisi, Diego F. (2021) Cabozantinib for HCC Treatment, From Clinical Back to Experimental Models. Frontiers in Oncology 2021 (11), S. 1-12.

Walter, Nike , Mendelsohn, Daniel, Brochhausen, Christoph , Rupp, Markus und Alt, Volker (2021) Intracellular S. aureus in Osteoblasts in a Clinical Sample from a Patient with Chronic Osteomyelitis—A Case Report. Pathogens 10 (8), S. 1-4.

Haferkamp, Sebastian , Schwertner, Barbara, Lindner, Georg, Stauner, Camila Toledo, Klapproth, Elisa, Magnus, Clara, Rohrhofer, Anette, Gross, Stefanie, Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice, Öttl, Veronika, Feichtgruber, Nicole, Drexler, Konstantin, Evert, Katja, Krahn, Michael P., Berneburg, Mark , Schmidt, Barbara und Schuster, Philipp (2021) Nectin-1 Expression Correlates with the Susceptibility of Malignant Melanoma to Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus In Vitro and In Vivo. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 3058. (Eingereicht)

Schreml, Stephan , Ackermann, Kirsten, Wallner, Susanne und Brochhausen, Christoph (2021) Expression Profiles of ASIC1/2 and TRPV1/4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 6024. (Eingereicht)

Wertheimer, Tobias , Pausch, Antonia-Maria, Kammerer, Sylvia, Weber, Florian, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian , Holler, Ernst, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel , Weber, Daniela und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2021) Parametric Imaging of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) for the Evaluation of Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Cells 10 (5), S. 1092. (Eingereicht)

Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Promm, Martin, Otto, Wolfgang, Weber, Florian, Götz, Stefanie, Burger, Maximilian, Müller, Karolina, Rubenwolf, Peter, Neuhuber, Winfried und Roesch, Wolfgang H. (2021) Expression of Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor p75 in Classic Bladder Exstrophy. Frontiers in Pediatrics 9 (634343), S. 1-7.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Niedermair, Tanja, Lukas, Christoph, Li, Shushan , Stöckl, Sabine, Craiovan, Benjamin, Brochhausen, Christoph , Federlin, Marianne, Herrmann, Marietta und Grässel, Susanne (2020) Influence of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Osteoblasts of Patients With Cox-Arthrosis and/or Osteoporosis on Metabolism and Osteogenic Differentiation of BMSCs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (615520), S. 1-15.

Muehler, Denise, Rupp, Christina, Keceli, Sercan, Brochhausen, Christoph , Siegmund, Heiko, Maisch, Tim, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Cieplik, Fabian (2020) Insights into the mechanisms of the antimicrobial photodynamic action toward biofilms using phenalen-1-one derivatives as photosensitizers. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (89364), S. 1-15.

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Kanig, Carolina, Osnabruegge, Mirja, Agboada, Desmond, Langguth, Berthold , Rethwilm, Roman, Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Mack, Wolfgang, Seiberl, Wolfgang, Kuder, Manuel und Schecklmann, Martin (2024) Monitoring Changes in TMS-Evoked EEG and EMG Activity During 1 Hz rTMS of the Healthy Motor Cortex. eneuro 11 (4), ENEURO.0309-23.2024.

Dragon, Katharina , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Weber, Franziska C. , Heuschert, Markus, Englert, Leonie, Langguth, Berthold , Hebel, Tobias und Schecklmann, Martin (2024) Treating depression at home with transcranial direct current stimulation: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, S. 1335243.

Cardon, Iseline , Grobecker, Sonja, Kücükoktay, Selin, Bader, Stefanie , Jahner, Tatjana, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Koschitzki, Kevin, Berneburg, Mark , Weber, Bernhard H. F. , Stöhr, Heidi, Höring, Marcus , Liebisch, Gerhard , Braun, Frank K., Rothammer-Hampl, Tanja, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Wetzel, Christian H. (2024) Mitochondrial and Cellular Function in Fibroblasts, Induced Neurons, and Astrocytes Derived from Case Study Patients: Insights into Major Depression as a Mitochondria-Associated Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (2), S. 963.

Hohenester, Michaela, Langguth, Berthold , Wetter, Thomas Christian, Geisler, Peter, Schecklmann, Martin und Reissmann, Andreas (2023) Single sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial random noise stimulation exert no effect on sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.

Vivi, Eugenia, Seeholzer, Lea R., Nagumanova, Anastasiia und Di Benedetto, Barbara (2023) Early Age- and Sex-Dependent Regulation of Astrocyte-Mediated Glutamatergic Synapse Elimination in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex: Establishing an Organotypic Brain Slice Culture Investigating Tool. Cells 12 (23), S. 2761.

Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Lang-Hambauer, VerenA, Hebel, Tobias , Schoisswohl, Stefan , Schecklmann, Martin , Deuter, Daniel, Schlaier, Juergen und Langguth, Berthold (2023) Deep brain stimulation for treatment resistant obsessive compulsive disorder; an observational study with ten patients under real-life conditions. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14.

Osnabruegge, Mirja, Kanig, Carolina, Schwitzgebel, Florian, Litschel, Karsten, Seiberl, Wolfgang, Mack, Wolfgang, Schecklmann, Martin und Schoisswohl, Stefan (2023) On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: a systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17.

Almheiri, Eisa, Alhelali, Abdullah, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Weber, Franziska C. , Langguth, Berthold , Schecklmann, Martin und Hebel, Tobias (2023) Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Depression in the Elderly: A Retrospective Natural Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (14), S. 4748.

Langguth, Berthold , Bulla, Jan, Fischer, Beate , Baurecht, Hansjoerg, Schecklmann, Martin , Marcrum, Steven C. und Vielsmeier, Veronika (2023) Tinnitus Is Marginally Associated with Body Mass Index, Heart Rate and Arterial Blood Pressure: Results from a Large Clinical Sample. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (9), S. 3321.

Bader, Stefanie, Würfel, Thea , Jahner, Tatjana, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Wetzel, Christian H. (2023) Impact of Translocator Protein 18 kDa (TSPO) Deficiency on Mitochondrial Function and the Inflammatory State of Human C20 Microglia Cells. Cells 12 (6), S. 954.

Schecklmann, Martin , Weber, Franziska C. , Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold und Schoisswohl, Stefan (2023) Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Chronic Tinnitus in a German Tertiary Clinical Real-World Setting. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6), S. 4982.

Hofmann, Luisa, Heinrich, Michael, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Langguth, Berthold , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. und Seliger, Corinna (2023) Suicide Mortality Risk among Patients with Lung Cancer—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), S. 4146.

Engelke, Milena , Simões, Jorge, Vogel, Carsten, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Schecklmann, Martin , Wölflick, Stella, Pryss, Rüdiger, Probst, Thomas, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2023) Pilot study of a smartphone-based tinnitus therapy using structured counseling and sound therapy: A multiple-baseline design with ecological momentary assessment. PLOS Digital Health 2 (1), e0000183.

Alahäivälä, Aino-Lotta I., Thaploo, Divesh, Wein, Simon, Seidel, Philipp, Riebel, Marco, Hummel, Thomas und Schwarzbach, Jens Volkmar (2023) Inhalation-modulated detection of olfactory BOLD responses in the human brain. Frontiers in Neuroimaging 2.

Marcrum, Steven C. , Engelke, Milena , Goedhart, Hazel, Langguth, Berthold, Schlee, Winfried , Vesala, Markku und Simoes, Jorge p: (2022) The Influence of Diet on Tinnitus Severity: Results of a Large-Scale, Online Survey. Nutrients 14 (24), S. 5356.

Figueiredo, Ricardo R., Penido, Norma de O. , Azevedo, Andréia A. de, Oliveira, Patrícia M. de, Siqueira, Adriana G. de, Figueiredo, Guilherme de M. R., Schlee, Winfried und Langguth, Berthold (2022) Tinnitus emerging in the context of a COVID-19 infection seems not to differ in its characteristics from tinnitus unrelated to COVID-19. Frontiers in Neurology 13, S. 974179.

Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Lorenz, Sebastian, Schmidt, Barbara , Laqtom, Nouf Nasser M., Mazzulli, Joseph R., Francelle, Laetitia , Yu, Timothy W., Greenberg, Benjamin , Storch, Stephan, Tegtmeier, Ines, Othmen, Helga, Maurer, Katja, Steinfurth, Malin, Witzgall, Ralph, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Wetzel, Christian H. und Reichold, Markus (2022) CLN7/MFSD8 may be an important factor for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry. iScience 25 (10), S. 105082.

Sakreida, Katrin , Chiu, Wei-Hua, Dukart, Juergen, Eickhoff, Simon B. , Frodl, Thomas, Gaser, Christian, Landgrebe, Michael, Langguth, Berthold , Mirlach, Daniela, Rautu, Ioana-Sabina , Wittmann, Markus und Poeppl, Timm B. (2022) Disentangling dyskinesia from parkinsonism in motor structures of patients with schizophrenia. Brain Communications 4 (4).

Simoes, Jorge, Bulla, Jan, Neff, Patrick, Pryss, Rüdiger , Marcrum, Steven C. , Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2022) Daily Contributors of Tinnitus Loudness and Distress: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022 (16), S. 883665.

Weber, Franziska C. , Danker-Hopfe, Heidi, Dogan-Sander, Ezgi, Frase, Lukas, Hansel, Anna, Mauche, Nicole, Mikutta, Christian, Nemeth, Diana, Richter, Kneginja, Schilling, Claudia, Sebestova, Martina, Spath, Marian M., Nissen, Christoph und Wetter, Thomas C. (2022) Restless Legs Syndrome Prevalence and Clinical Correlates Among Psychiatric Inpatients: A Multicenter Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 (13), S. 846165.

Alhelali, Abdullah, Almheiri, Eisa, Abdelnaim, Mohamed , Weber, Franziska C. , Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin und Hebel, Tobias (2022) Effectiveness of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Comparison to the Treatment of Unipolar Depression in a Naturalistic Setting. Brain sciences 12 (3), S. 298.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold, Hebel, Tobias, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. und Schecklmann, Martin (2022) Personalization of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Brain Sciences 12 (2), S. 203.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold, Hebel, Tobias, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. und Schecklmann, Martin (2022) Personalization of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. Brain Sciences 12 (2), S. 203.

Hebel, Tobias , Langguth, Berthold , Schecklmann, Martin , Schoisswohl, Stefan , Staudinger, Susanne, Schiller, Alexander, Ustohal, L., Sverak, T., Horky, M., Kasparek, T., Skront, T., Hyza, M., Poeppl, T.B., Riester, M.L., Schwemmer, L., Zimmermann, Steffen und Sakreida, Katrin (2022) Rationale and study design of a trial to assess rTMS add-on value for the amelioration of negative symptoms of schizophrenia (RADOVAN). Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 26, S. 100891.

Levine, Seth M. und Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2021) Individualizing Representational Similarity Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 (12), S. 1-7.

Schlee, Winfried, Simoes, Jorge und Pryss, Rüdiger C. (2021) Auricular Acupressure Combined with Self-Help Intervention for Treating Chronic Tinnitus: A Longitudinal Observational Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (18), S. 4201.

Kocur, Martin, Dechant, Martin, Wolff, Christian, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Wetter, Thomas C., Rupprecht, Rainer und Shiban, Youssef (2021) Computer-Assisted Avatar-Based Treatment for Dysfunctional Beliefs in Depressive Inpatients: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12, S. 1-13.

Schlee, Winfried , Lugo, Alessandra , Borroni, Elisa, Cederroth, Christopher R. , Cima, Rilana, Kikidis, Dimitris, Langguth, Berthold, Gallus, Silvano und Trochidis, Ilias (2021) Systematic Review on Healthcare and Societal Costs of Tinnitus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 (18), S. 6881.

Simoes, Jorge P., Daoud, Elza, Shabbir, Maryam, Amanat, Sana, Assouly, Kelly, Biswas, Roshni, Casolani, Chiara, Dobe, Albi, Enzler, Falco, Jacquemin, Laure, Joergensen, Mie, Kok, Tori, Liyange, Nuwan, Lourenco, Matheus, Makani, Punitkumar, Mehdi, Muntazir, Ramadhani, Anissa, Riha, Constanze, Santacruz, Jose L., Schiller, Axel, Schoisswohl, Stefan, Trpchevska, Natalia und Genitsaridi, Eleni (2021) Multidisciplinary Tinnitus Research: Challenges and Future Directions from the Perspective of Early Stage Researchers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2021 (13), S. 647285. (Eingereicht)

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold , Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Volberg, Gregor und Schecklmann, Martin (2021) Heading for Personalized rTMS in Tinnitus: Reliability of Individualized Stimulation Protocols in Behavioral and Electrophysiological Responses. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2021 (11), S. 536. (Im Druck)

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Johannesen, Siw Wollebæk, Huie, J. Russell, Budeus, Bettina, Peters, Sebastian, Wirth, Anna M., Iberl, Sabine, Kammermaier, Tina, Kobor, Ines, Wirkert, Eva, Küspert, Sabrina, Tahedl, Marlene, Grassinger, Jochen, Pukrop, Tobias, Schneider, Armin, Aigner, Ludwig, Schulte-Mattler, Wilhelm , Schuierer, Gerhard, Koch, Winfried, Bruun, Tim-Henrik, Ferguson, Adam R. und Bogdahn, Ulrich (2021) Modeling and Bioinformatics Identify Responders to G-CSF in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 12 (616289), S. 1-5.

Hebel, Tobias, Göllnitz, Alina, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Weber, Franziska C. , Abdelnaim, Mohamed , Wetter, Thomas C., Rupprecht, Rainer, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2021) A direct comparison of neuronavigated and non-neuronavigated intermittent theta burst stimulation in the treatment of depression. Brain Stimulation 14 (2), S. 335-343.

Lehner, Astrid, Nuißl, Klaus, Schlee, Winfried und Langguth, Berthold (2020) Staying Connected: Reaching Out to Psychiatric Patients During the Covid-19 Lockdown Using an Online Blog. Frontiers in Public Health 8 (592618), S. 1-7.

Ammer, Laura-Marie, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Ruf, Viktoria, Wetzel, Christian H. , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Albert, Nathalie L., Beckhove, Philipp und Hau, Peter (2020) The Role of Translocator Protein TSPO in Hallmarks of Glioblastoma. Cancers 12 (10), S. 2973.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Santiago Stiel, Ryan, Kwok, Pingling, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2020) From Acute to Chronic Tinnitus: Pilot Data on Predictors and Progression. Frontiers in Neurology 11 (997), S. 1-6.

Schlee, Winfried, Hølleland, Sondre , Bulla, Jan, Simoes, Jorge, Neff, Patrick, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Woelflick, Stella, Schecklmann, Martin, Schiller, Axel, Staudinger, Susanne, Probst, Thomas und Langguth, Berthold (2020) The Effect of Environmental Stressors on Tinnitus: A Prospective Longitudinal Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (9), S. 2756.

Kuffner, Kerstin, Triebelhorn, Julian, Meindl, Katrin, Benner, Christoph, Manook, André, Sudria-Lopez, Daniel, Siebert, Ramona, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Baghai, Thomas C., Drexler, Konstantin, Berneburg, Mark, Rupprecht, Rainer, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Wetzel, Christian H. (2020) Major Depressive Disorder is Associated with Impaired Mitochondrial Function in Skin Fibroblasts. Cells 9 (4), S. 884.

Seidel, Philipp, Levine, Seth M., Tahedl, Marlene und Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2020) Temporal Signal-to-Noise Changes in Combined Multislice- and In-Plane-Accelerated Echo-Planar Imaging with a 20- and 64-Channel Coil. Scientific Reports 10 (5536), S. 1-9.

Levine, Seth M., Alahäivälä, Aino L. I., Wechsler, Theresa F., Wackerle, Anja, Rupprecht, Rainer und Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2020) Linking Personality Traits to Individual Differences in Affective Spaces. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (448), S. 1-9.

Weber, Franziska C. , Norra, Christine und Wetter, Thomas C. (2020) Sleep Disturbances and Suicidality in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Overview of the Literature. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 (167), S. 1-12.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2020) Short-Term Tinnitus Suppression With Electric-Field Guided rTMS for Individualizing rTMS Treatment: A Technical Feasibility Report. Frontiers in Neurology 11 (86), S. 1-5.

Schecklmann, Martin, Schmaußer, Maximilian, Klinger, Felix, Kreuzer, Peter M., Krenkel, Lars und Langguth, Berthold (2020) Resting motor threshold and magnetic field output of the figure-of-8 and the double-cone coil. Scientific Reports 10 (1), S. 1644.

Abdelnaim, Mohamed A., Langguth, Berthold , Deppe, Markus, Mohonko, Alexey, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Hebel, Tobias und Schecklmann, Martin (2020) Anti-Suicidal Efficacy of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Depressive Patients: A Retrospective Analysis of a Large Sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10 (929), S. 1-8.

Neff, Patrick , Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin, Hannemann, Ronny und Schlee, Winfried (2019) Comparing Three Established Methods for Tinnitus Pitch Matching With Respect to Reliability, Matching Duration, and Subjective Satisfaction. Trends in Hearing 23, S. 233121651988724.

Simoes, Jorge, Schlee, Winfried, Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold, Farahmand, Daria und Neff, Patrick (2019) Big Five Personality Traits are Associated with Tinnitus Improvement Over Time. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 18234.

Schmidtner, Anna K., Slattery, David A. , Gläsner, Joachim, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gryksa, Katharina, Malik, Victoria A., Hellmann-Regen, Julian, Heuser, Isabella, Baghai, Thomas C., Gessner, André, Rupprecht, Rainer, Di Benedetto, Barbara und Neumann, Inga D. (2019) Minocycline alters behavior, microglia and the gut microbiome in a trait-anxiety-dependent manner. Translational Psychiatry 9 (1), S. 223.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2019) Daily high-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation of bilateral temporal cortex in chronic tinnitus – a pilot study. Scientific Reports 9 (12274), S. 1-6.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Agrawal, Kushal , Simoes, Jorge, Neff, Patrick, Schlee, Winfried, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2019) RTMS parameters in tinnitus trials: a systematic review. Scientific Reports 9 (12190), S. 1-11.

Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Slim, Dounia, Bader, Stefanie, Koch, Victoria, Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Alvarez-Carbonell, David, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer und Wetzel, Christian H. (2019) CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated TSPO Gene Knockout alters Respiration and Cellular Metabolism in Human Primary Microglia Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (13), S. 3359.

Simoes, Jorge, Neff, Patrick, Schoisswohl, Stefan , Bulla, Jan, Schecklmann, Martin, Harrison, Steve, Vesala, Markku, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2019) Toward Personalized Tinnitus Treatment: An Exploratory Study Based on Internet Crowdsensing. Frontiers in Public Health 2019 (7), S. 1-10.

Singer, Nina , Kreuzpointner, Ludwig , Sommer, Monika, Wüst, Stefan und Kudielka, Brigitte M. (2019) Decision-making in everyday moral conflict situations: Development and validation of a new measure. PLOS ONE 14 (4), e0214747.

Neff, Patrick , Zielonka, Lisa, Meyer, Martin , Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin und Schlee, Winfried (2019) Comparison of Amplitude Modulated Sounds and Pure Tones at the Tinnitus Frequency: Residual Tinnitus Suppression and Stimulus Evaluation. Trends in Hearing 23 (233121), S. 1-16.

Baghai, Thomas, Varallo-Bedarida, Gabriella, Born, Christoph, Häfner, Sibylle, Schüle, Cornelius, Eser, Daniela, Zill, Peter, Manook, André, Weigl, Johannes, Jooyandeh, Somayeh, Nothdurfter, Caroline, von Schacky, Clemens , Bondy, Brigitta und Rupprecht, Rainer (2018) Classical Risk Factors and Inflammatory Biomarkers: One of the Missing Biological Links between Cardiovascular Disease and Major Depressive Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (6), S. 1740.

Malik, Victoria A. und Di Benedetto, Barbara (2018) The Blood-Brain Barrier and the EphR/Ephrin System: Perspectives on a Link Between Neurovascular and Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 11 (127), S. 1-9.

Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Bader, Stefanie, Sudria-Lopez, Daniel, Siebert, Ramona, Brandl, Caroline , Nothdurfter, Caroline, Weber, Bernhard H. F., Rupprecht, Rainer und Wetzel, Christian H. (2018) Effects of genetic variants in the TSPO gene on protein structure and stability. PLOS ONE 13 (4), e0195627.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Schecklmann, Martin, Schlee, Winfried , Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B., Rupprecht, Rainer, Langguth, Berthold und Lehner, Astrid (2018) A Pilot Study of Peripheral Muscle Magnetic Stimulation as Add-on Treatment to Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Chronic Tinnitus. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12 (68), S. 1-10.

Sommer, Monika, Döhnel, Katrin, Jarvers, Irina, Blaas, Lore, Singer, Manuela, Nöth, Victoria, Schuwerk, Tobias und Rupprecht, Rainer (2018) False Belief Reasoning in Adults with and without Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Similarities and Differences. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (183), S. 1-12.

Engel, Sarah, Markewitz, Robert Daniel Heinrich, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Paired Associative Stimulation of the Temporal Cortex: Effects on the Auditory Steady-State Response. Frontiers in Psychiatry 8 (227), S. 1-7.

Schecklmann, Martin, Mann, Alexander, Langguth, Berthold, Ehlis, Ann-Christine, Fallgatter, Andreas J. und Haeussinger, Florian B. (2017) The Temporal Muscle of the Head Can Cause Artifacts in Optical Imaging Studies with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11 (456), S. 1-13.

Langguth, Berthold, Hund, Verena, Landgrebe, Michael und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Tinnitus Patients with Comorbid Headaches: The Influence of Headache Type and Laterality on Tinnitus Characteristics. Frontiers in Neurology 8 (440), S. 1-8.

Neff, Patrick, Michels, Jackob, Meyer, Martin , Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2017) 10 Hz amplitude modulated sounds induce short-term tinnitus suppression. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9 (130), S. 1-11.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Individualized rTMS treatment in chronic tinnitus? Frontiers in Neurology 8 (126), S. 1-10.

Langguth, Berthold , Landgrebe, Michael, Schlee, Winfried, Schecklmann, Martin, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Steffens, Thomas, Staudinger, Susanne, Frick, Hannah und Frick, Ulrich (2017) Differnet patterns of hearing loss among tinnitus patients: a latent class analysis of a large sample. Frontiers in Neurology 8 (46), S. 1-27.

Betz, Linda T., Mühlberger, Andreas, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Stress Reactivity in Chronic Tinnitus. Scientific Reports 7 (41521), S. 1-9.

Langguth, Berthold , Schlee, Winfried , Pryss, Rüdiger C. , Probst, Thomas, Schobel, Johannes, Bachmeier, Alexander und Reichert, Manfred (2016) Measuring the Moment-to-Moment Variability of Tinnitus: The TrackYourTinnitus Smart Phone App. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (294), S. 1-8.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Kreuzer, Peter M., Haubner, Frank, Steffens, Thomas, Semmler, Philipp R. O., Kleinjung, Tobias , Schlee, Winfried , Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2016) Speech Comprehension Difficulties in Chronic Tinnitus and Its Relation to Hyperacusis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8 (293), S. 1-8.

Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2016) Emotion dynamics and tinnitus: Daily life data from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific Reports 6 (31166), S. 1-9.

Crönlein, Tatjana, Langguth, Berthold, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2016) Impaired Recognition of Facially Expressed Emotions in Different Groups of Patients with Sleep Disorders. PLoS ONE 11 (4), e0152754.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Greenlee, Mark W. , Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2016) Triple-site rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports 6 (22302), S. 1-7.

Sand, Philipp G. (2016) PON1 L55M in ischemic stroke. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 9 (2), S. 4927-4928.

Probst, Thomas , Pryss, Rüdiger, Langguth, Berthold und Schlee, Winfried (2016) Emotional states as mediators between tinnitus loudness and tinnitus distress in daily life: Results from the “TrackYourTinnitus” application. Scientific Reports 6 (20382), S. 1-8.

Neumann, Inga D. , Di Benedetto, Barbara, Malik, Victoria A., Begum, Salina, Jablonowski, Lena, Gómez-González, Gabriela B. und Rupprecht, Rainer (2016) Fluoxetine requires the endfeet protein aquaporin-4 to enhance plasticity of astrocyte processes. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10 (8), S. 1-12.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Lehner, Astrid, Schlee, Winfried , Vielsmeier, Veronika, Schecklmann, Martin, Poeppl, Timm B. , Landgrebe, Michael, Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Combined rTMS treatment targeting the anterior cingulate and the temporal cortex for the treatment of chronic tinnitus. Scientific Reports 5 (18028), S. 1-10.

Schecklmann, Martin, Lehner, Astrid, Gollmitzer, Judith, Schmidt, Eldrid, Schlee, Winfried und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induces oscillatory power changes in chronic tinnitus. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9 (421), S. 1-11.

Busch, Volker, Zunhammer, Matthias, Halski, Agnes und Eichhammer, Peter (2015) Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness in Chronic Somatoform Pain Patients. PLoS ONE 2015 (10), e0140016.

Langguth, Berthold, Hund, Verena, Busch, Volker, Jürgens, Tim, Lainez, Jose-Miguel, Landgrebe, Michael und Schecklmann, Martin (2015) Tinnitus and Headache. BioMed Research International 2015 (2015), S. 1-7.

Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold, Nordmann, Gregory und Azorina, Valeriya (2015) A systematic review of non-motor rTMS induced motor cortex plasticity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2015 (9), S. 1-26.

Schecklmann, Martin, Lehner, Astrid, Schlee, Winfried , Vielsmeier, Veronika, Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Validation of screening questions for hyperacusis in chronic tinnitus. BioMed Research International 2015 (2015), S. 1-7. (Im Druck)

Schecklmann, Martin, Lehner, Astrid, Schlee, Winfried , Vielsmeier, Veronika, Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Validation of screening questions for hyperacusis in chronic tinnitus. BioMed Research International 2015 (2015), S. 1-7. (Im Druck)

Schecklmann, Martin, Pregler, Maximilian, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Lehner, Astrid, Crönlein, Tatjana, Wetter, Thomas C., Frank, Elmar, Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Psychophysiological associations between chronic tinnitus and sleep: a cross validation of tinnitus and insomnia questionnaires. BioMed Research International, S. 1-7.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Poeppl, Timm B. , Kreuzer, Peter M., Peytard, Juliette, Frank, Elmar und Langguth, Berthold (2015) Efficacy and Safety of Repeated Courses of rTMS Treatment in Patients with Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. BioMed Research International 2015 (2015), S. 1-7.

Schecklmann, Martin, Giani, Anette, Tupak, Sara, Langguth, Berthold, Raab, Vincent, Polak, Thomas, Varallyay, Csanad, Harnisch, Wilma, Herrmann, Martin J. und Fallgatter, Andreas J. (2014) Functional near-infrared spectroscopy to probe state- and trait-like conditions in chronic tinnitus: a proof-of-principle study. Neureal Plasticity 2014.

Schuhwerk, Tobias, Langguth, Berthold und Sommer, Monika (2014) Modulating functional and dysfunctional mentalizing by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Frontiers in Psychology 5 (1309).

Zunhammer, Matthias, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2014) Sleep quality during exam stress: the role of alcohol caffeine and nicotine. PLoS ONE 9 (10), e109490.

Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Kleinjung, Tobias , Frank, Elmar, Sand, Philipp G. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Eichhammer, Peter, Hajak, Göran und Langguth, Berthold (2014) Changes in motor cortex excitability associated with temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus: hints for cross-modal plasticity? BMC Neuroscience 15 (71).

Lehner, Astrid, Langguth, Berthold, Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer, Hajak, Göran, Landgrebe, Michael und Schecklmann, Martin (2014) Structural brain changes following left temporal low-frequency rTMS in patients with subjective tinnitus. Neural Plasticity 2014.

Schlee, Winfried , Schecklmann, Martin, Lehner, Astrid, Kreuzer, Peter M., Vielsmeier, Veronika, Poeppl, Timm B. und Langguth, Berthold (2014) Reduced Variability of Auditory Alpha Activity in Chronic Tinnitus. Neural Plasticity ISSNLINE:1687-5443 2014.

Sand, Philipp G. (2014) Mutations in PRSS1 put into perspective. International Journal of Medical Sciences 11 (4), S. 389-390.

Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2014) Phenotypic Characteristics of Hyperacusis in Tinnitus. Plos One 9.

Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Langguth, Berthold und Landgrebe, Michael (2014) Which tinnitus-related aspects are relevant for quality of life and depression: results from a large international multicentre sample. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12 (7).

Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Kleinjung, Tobias , Frank, Elmar, Rupprecht, Rainer, Sand, Philipp G. , Eichhammer, Peter, Hajak, Göran und Langguth, Berthold (2014) State- and trait-related alterations of motor cortex excitability in tinnitus patients. PLoS ONE 9.

Zunhammer, Matthias, Eberle, Hanna, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2013) Somatic symptoms evoked by exam stress in university students: The role of alexithymia neuroticism anxiety and depression. PLoS ONE 8.

Frick, Ulrich, Frick, Hannah, Langguth, Berthold, Landgrebe, Michael, Hübner-Liebermann, Bettina und Hajak, Göran (2013) The revolving door phenomenon revisited: Time to readmission in 17. PloS ONE 8.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B. , Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2013) Comparing single-site with multisite rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus - clinical effects and neuroscientific insights: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 14 (1), S. 269.

Alichniewicz, Karolina, Brunner, F., Klünemann, H. H. und Greenlee, Mark W. (2013) Neural correlates of saccadic inhibition in healthy elderly and patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in psychology: Perception Science 4, S. 467.

Crönlein, Tatjana, Langguth, Berthold, Popp, Roland, Lukesch, Helmut, Pieh, Christoph, Hajak, Göran und Geisler, Peter (2013) Regensburg Insomnia Scale (RIS): a new short rating scale for the assessment of psychological symptoms and sleep in insomnia; study design: development and validation of a new short self-rating scale in a sample of 218 patients suffering from insomnia and 94 healthy controls. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 11, S. 65.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Goetz, Monika, Holl, Maria, Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Staudinger, Susanne und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Mindfulness-and body-psychotherapy-based group treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled pilot study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 12, S. 235.

Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold und Landgrebe, Michael (2012) Tinnitus assessment by means of standardized self-report questionnaires: Psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ), the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), and their short versions in an international and multi-lingual sample. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 10, S. 128.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael, Schecklmann, Martin, Staudinger, Susanne und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Trauma-Associated Tinnitus: Audiological, Demographic and Clinical Characteristics. Plos One 7, e45599.

Sand, Philipp G., Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin und Kleinjung, Tobias (2012) GDNF and BDNF gene interplay in chronic tinnitus. International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics : IJMEG 3, S. 245.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael, Husser, Oliver, Resch, Markus, Schecklmann, Martin, Geisreiter, Florian, Poeppl, Timm B., Prasser, Sarah Julia, Hajak, Göran und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation: retrospective assessment of cardiac safety in a pilot study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Neuropsychiatric Imaging and Stimulation 3, S. 70.

Stankova, Trayana, Eichhammer, Peter, Langguth, Berthold und Sand, Philipp G. (2012) Sexually dimorphic effects of oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) variants on Harm Avoidance. Biology of Sex Differences 3, S. 17.

Vielsmeier, Veronika, Sturtz, Jürgen, Kleinjung, Tobias , Schecklmann, Martin, Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Complaints in Tinnitus: Further Hints for a Putative Tinnitus Subtype. PLoS One 7, e38887.

Sand, Philipp G., Langguth, Berthold, Itzhacki, Jacob, Bauer, Angelika, Geis, Sandra, Cárdenas-Conejo, E., Pimentel, Vanessa, Kleinjung, Tobias und Zuge, Elisabeth (2012) Resequencing of the auxiliary GABAB receptor subunit gene KCTD12 in chronic tinnitus. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 6, S. 41.

Lindner, Christian, Sigrüner, Alexander, Walther, Franziska, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Couraud, Pierre O., Schmitz, Gerd und Schlachetzki, Felix (2012) ATP-binding cassette transporters in immortalised human brain microvascular endothelial cells in normal and hypoxic conditions. Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine 4, S. 9.

Langguth, Berthold, Schecklmann, Martin, Lehner, Astrid und Landgrebe, Michael (2012) Neuroimaging and neuromodulation: complementary approaches for identifying the neuronal correlates of tinnitus. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 6, S. 15.

Heining, F. A., Langguth, Berthold, Eichhammer, Peter, Domani, M., Hajak, Göran und Sand, Philipp G. (2012) An examination of TOR1A variants in recurrent major depression. International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics 3 (1), S. 91-95.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Landgrebe, Michael, Kreuzer, Peter M., Poeppl, Timm B., Frank, Elmar, Vielsmeier, Veronika, Kleinjung, Tobias, Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2012) Predictors for rTMS response in chronic tinnitus. Frontiers in systems neuroscience 6, S. 11.

Kreuzer, Peter M., Landgrebe, Michael, Schecklmann, Martin, Poeppl, Timm B., Vielsmeier, Veronika, Hajak, Goeran, Kleinjung, Tobias und Langguth, Berthold (2011) Can temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation be enhanced by targeting affective components of tinnitus with frontal rTMS? A randomized controlled pilot trial. Frontiers in systems neuroscience 5, S. 88.

Schecklmann, Martin, Volberg, Gregor , Frank, Gabriele, Hadersdorfer, Julia, Steffens, Thomas, Weisz, Nathan , Landgrebe, Michael, Hajak, Göran, Greenlee, Mark W., Classen, Joseph und Langguth, Berthold (2011) Paired associative stimulation of the auditory system: a proof-of-principle study. PloS one 6 (11), e27088.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie I (Allgemeine Psychologie I und Methodenlehre) - Prof. Dr. Mark W. Greenlee

Hense, Katharina , Deuter, Daniel, Greenlee, Mark W. , Wendl, Christina, Schmidt, Nils Ole , Stroszczynski, Christian , Doenitz, Christian, Ott, Christian und Rosengarth, Katharina (2023) Analysis of Functional Neuroplastic Changes in the Cortical Language System in Relation to Different Growth Patterns of Glioblastoma. Brain Sciences 13 (6), S. 867.

Tallon, Miles , Greenlee, Mark W. , Wagner, Ernst, Rakoczy, Katrin, Wiedermann, Wolfgang und Frick, Ulrich (2022) Assessing Heterogeneity in Students’ Visual Judgment: Model-Based Partitioning of Image Rankings. Frontiers in Psychology 13.

Wein, Simon , Schüller, A., Tomé, A. M., Malloni, W. M. , Greenlee, M. W. und Lang, E. W. (2022) Forecasting brain activity based on models of spatiotemporal brain dynamics: A comparison of graph neural network architectures. Network Neuroscience 6 (3), S. 665-701.

Lin, Yih-Shiuan, Chen, Chien-Chung und Greenlee, Mark W. (2022) The role of lateral modulation in orientation-specific adaptation effect. Journal of Vision 22 (2), S. 13.

Plank, Tina, Lerner, Laura, Tuschewski, Jana, Pawellek, Maja, Malania, Maka und Greenlee, Mark W. (2021) Perceptual learning of a crowding task: Effects of anisotropy and optotype. Journal of Vision 21 (11), S. 1-11.

Plank, Tina, Benkowitsch, Edith M. A., Beer, Anton L., Brandl, Sabine, Maka, Malania, Frank, Sebastian M. , Jägle, Herbert und Greenlee, Mark W. (2021) Cortical thickness related to compensatory viewing strategies in patients with macular degeneration. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2021 (15), S. 1-19.

Schoisswohl, Stefan , Langguth, Berthold , Hebel, Tobias , Abdelnaim, Mohamed A. , Volberg, Gregor und Schecklmann, Martin (2021) Heading for Personalized rTMS in Tinnitus: Reliability of Individualized Stimulation Protocols in Behavioral and Electrophysiological Responses. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2021 (11), S. 536. (Im Druck)

Wein, Simon , Deco, Gustavo, Tomé, Ana Maria, Goldhacker, Markus , Malloni, Wilhelm M., Greenlee, Mark W. und Lang, Elmar W. (2021) Brain Connectivity Studies on Structure-Function Relationships: A Short Survey with an Emphasis on Machine Learning. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021, S. 1-31.

Hense, Katharina , Plank, Tina , Wendl, Christina, Greenlee, Mark W., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Rosengarth, Katharina , Dodoo-Schittko, Frank und Bumes, Elisabeth (2021) fMRI Retinotopic Mapping in Patients with Brain Tumors and Space-occupying Brain Lesions in the Area of the Occipital Lobe. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 2439. (Eingereicht)

Tallon, Miles, Greenlee, Mark W. , Wagner, Ernst, Rakoczy, Katrin und Frick, Ulrich (2021) How Do Art Skills Influence Visual Search? – Eye Movements Analyzed With Hidden Markov Models. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (594248), S. 1-17.

Tallon, Miles, Greenlee, Mark W. , Wagner, Ernst, Rakoczy, Katrin und Frick, Ulrich (2021) How Do Art Skills Influence Visual Search? – Eye Movements Analyzed With Hidden Markov Models. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (594248), S. 1-17.

Lin, Yih-Shiuan, Chen, Chien-Chung und Greenlee, Mark W. (2020) Lateral modulation of orientation perception in center-surround sinusoidal stimuli: Divisive inhibition in perceptual filling-in. Journal of Vision 20 (9), S. 5.

Malania, Maka, Pawellek, Maja, Plank, Tina und Greenlee, Mark W. (2020) Training-Induced Changes in Radial–Tangential Anisotropy of Visual Crowding. Translational Vision Science & Technology 9 (9), S. 25.

Wein, Simon, Tomé, Ana M., Goldhacker, Markus , Greenlee, Mark W. und Lang, Elmar W. (2020) A Constrained ICA-EMD Model for Group Level fMRI Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14 (221), S. 1-10.

Pavan, Andrea, Hobaek, Martine, Blurton, Steven P., Contillo, Adriano, Ghin, Filippo und Greenlee, Mark W. (2019) Visual short-term memory for coherent motion in video game players: evidence from a memory-masking paradigm. Scientific Reports 9 (6027), S. 1-16.

Tahedl, Marlene, Levine, Seth M., Greenlee, Mark W., Weissert, Robert und Schwarzbach, Jens V. (2018) Functional Connectivity in Multiple Sclerosis: Recent Findings and Future Directions. Frontiers in Neurology 9 (828), S. 1-18.

Weiss, Franziska, Greenlee, Mark W. und Volberg, Gregor (2018) Gray Bananas and a Red Letter A — From Synesthetic Sensation to Memory Colors. i-Perception 9 (3), S. 204166951877751.

Bauer, Anna, Hagenburger, Julia, Plank, Tina, Busch, Volker und Greenlee, Mark W. (2018) Mechanical Pain Thresholds and the Rubber Hand Illusion. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (712), S. 1-8.

Wieneke, Leonie, Schmuck, Pauline, Zacher, Julia, Greenlee, Mark W. und Plank, Tina (2018) Effects of Congruent and Incongruent Stimulus Colour on Flavour Discriminations. i-Perception 9 (2), S. 1-11.

Malania, Maka, Konrad, Julia, Jägle, Herbert, Werner, John S. und Greenlee, Mark W. (2017) Compromised Integrity of Central Visual Pathways in Patients With Macular Degeneration. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 58 (7), S. 2939-2947.

Zunhammer, Matthias, Geis, Sandra, Busch, Volker, Eichhammer, Peter und Greenlee, Mark W. (2016) Pain modulation by intranasal oxytocin and emotional picture viewing — a randomized double-blind fMRI study. Scientific Reports 6 (31606), S. 1-10.

Lehner, Astrid, Schecklmann, Martin, Greenlee, Mark W. , Rupprecht, Rainer und Langguth, Berthold (2016) Triple-site rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports 6 (22302), S. 1-7.

Pavan, Andrea, Gallenberger, Martin G., Manassi, Mauro und Greenlee, Mark W. (2015) No priming for global motion in crowding. Journal of Vision 15(9) (25), S. 1-24.

Pavan, Andrea und Greenlee, Mark W. (2015) Effects of crowding and attention on high-levels of motion processing and motion adaptation. PLoS ONE 10 (1), S. 1-27.

Volberg, Gregor und Greenlee, Mark W. (2014) Brain networks supporting perceptual grouping and contour selection. Frontiers in Perception Science 2014.

Zunhammer, Matthias, Eberle, Hanna, Eichhammer, Peter und Busch, Volker (2013) Somatic symptoms evoked by exam stress in university students: The role of alexithymia neuroticism anxiety and depression. PLoS ONE 8.

Rosengarth, Katharina, Keck, Ingo , Brandl-Rühle, Sabine, Frolo, Jozef, Hufendiek, Karsten, Greenlee, Mark W. und Plank, Tina (2013) Functional and structural brain modifications induced by oculomotor training in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Frontiers in psychology : Perception Sience 4, S. 428.

Volberg, Gregor , Wutz, Andreas und Greenlee, Mark W. (2013) Top-Down Control in Contour Grouping. PLoS One 8 (1), e54085.

Beer, Anton Ludwig, Plank, Tina, Meyer, Georg und Greenlee, Mark W. (2013) Combined diffusion-weighted and functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals a temporal-occipital network involved in auditory-visual object processing. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 7, S. 5.

Pavan, Andrea , Contillo, Adriano und Mather, George (2013) Modelling adaptation to directional motion using the Adelson-Bergen energy sensor. PloS one 8 (3), e59298.

Pavan, Andrea , Skujevskis, Maris und Baggio, Giosuè (2013) Motion words selectively modulate direction discrimination sensitivity for threshold motion. Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, S. 134.

Pavan, Andrea , Marotti, Rosilari Bellacosa und Mather, George (2013) Motion-form interactions beyond the motion integration level: evidence for interactions between orientation and optic flow signals. Journal of vision 13 (6), S. 16.

Alichniewicz, Karolina, Brunner, F., Klünemann, H. H. und Greenlee, Mark W. (2013) Neural correlates of saccadic inhibition in healthy elderly and patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in psychology: Perception Science 4, S. 467.

Pavan, Andrea und Skujevskis, Maris (2013) The role of stationary and dynamic test patterns in rapid forms of motion after-effect. Journal of Vision 13 (1), S. 1-17.

Vakli, Pàl, Nèmeth, Kornèl, Zimmer, Màrta, Schweinberger, Stefan R. und Kovács, Gyula (2012) Face distortion aftereffects evoked by featureless first-order stimulus configurations. Frontiers in Psychology 3, S. 566.

Nagy, Krisztina, Greenlee, Mark W. und Kovács, Gyula (2012) The Lateral Occipital Cortex in the Face Perception Network: An Effective Connectivity Study. Frontiers in Psychology 3, S. 141.

Lang, Elmar W., Tomé, A. M., Keck, Ingo R., Górriz-Sáez, J. M. und Puntonet, C. G. (2012) Brain Connectivity Analysis - A short survey. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (CIN).

Nagy, Krisztina, Greenlee, Mark W. und Kovács, Gyula (2011) Sensory Competition in the Face Processing Areas of the Human Brain. PLoS ONE 6 (9), e24450.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie II (Allgemeine und Angewandte Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Gesine Dreisbach

Kunzelmann, Karl , Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Cabrita, Inês, Doušová, Tereza, Bähr, Andrea, Janda, Melanie, Schreiber, Rainer und Benedetto, Roberta (2019) TMEM16A in Cystic Fibrosis: Activating or Inhibiting? Frontiers in Pharmacology 10 (3), S. 1-18.

Dolk, Thomas und Liepelt, Roman (2018) The Multimodal Go-Nogo Simon Effect: Signifying the Relevance of Stimulus Features in the Go-Nogo Simon Paradigm Impacts Event Representations and Task Performance. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (2011), S. 1-10.

Fritz, Julia, Fischer, Rico und Dreisbach, Gesine (2015) The influence of negative stimulus features on conflict adaption: evidence from fluency of processing. Frontiers in Psychologie 6, S. 1-9.

Bogon, Johanna, Finke, Kathrin und Stenneken, Prisca (2014) TVA-based assessment of visual attentional functions in developmental dyslexia. Frontiers in Psychology 5 (1172).

Dreisbach, Gesine und Fischer, Rico (2012) The role of affect and reward in the conflict-triggered adjustment of cognitive control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, S. 342.

Thomaschke, Roland (2012) Investigating ideomotor cognition with motorvisual priming paradigms: key findings, methodological challenges, and future directions. Frontiers in Cognition 3, S. 519.

Dreisbach, Gesine, Wendt, Mike, Luna-Rodriguez, Aquiles, Reisenauer, Renate und Jacobsen, Thomas (2012) Sequential modulation of cue use in the task switching paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology, Section Frontiers in Cognition 3, S. 287.

Fröber, Kerstin und Dreisbach, Gesine (2012) How positive affect modulates proactive control: reduced usage of informative cues under positive affect with low arousal. Frontiers in Cognition 3, S. 265.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie III (Biologische, Klinische und Rehabilitationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Lange

Li, Liwen und Lange, Klaus W. (2023) Assessing the Relationship between Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure and Stress Resilience in Real Settings: A Systematic Review. Sustainability 15 (12), S. 9240.

Lange, Klaus W. , Nakamura, Yukiko und Lange, Katharina M. (2023) Sport and exercise as medicine in the prevention and treatment of depression. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 5.

Lange, Klaus W. und Nakamura, Yukiko (2023) Potential contribution of edible insects to sustainable consumption and production. Frontiers in Sustainability 4.

Li, Liwen und Lange, Klaus W. (2022) Planning Principles for Integrating Community Empowerment into Zero-Net Carbon Transformation. Smart Cities 6 (1), S. 100-122.

Reissmann, Andreas , Stollberg, Ewelina , Hauser, Joachim, Kaunzinger, Ivo und Lange, Klaus W. (2021) The role of state feelings of loneliness in the situational regulation of social affiliative behavior: Exploring the regulatory relations within a multilevel framework. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0252775.

Stollberg, Ewelina und Lange, Klaus W. (2020) The effects of video racing games on risk-taking in consideration of the game experience. PLOS ONE 15 (10), e0240367.

Lange, Klaus W. (2020) Micronutrients and Diets in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Chances and Pitfalls. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 (102), S. 1-4.

Betz, Linda T., Mühlberger, Andreas, Langguth, Berthold und Schecklmann, Martin (2017) Stress Reactivity in Chronic Tinnitus. Scientific Reports 7 (41521), S. 1-9.

Mühlbauer, Andreas , Shiban, Youssef, Diemer, Julia Elisabeth, Müller, Jana, Brütting-Schick, Johanna und Pauli, Paul (2017) Diaphragmatic Breathing during Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Aviophobia: Functional Coping Strategy or Avoidance Behavior? BMC Psychiatry 17 (29), S. 1-10.

Lange, Katharina M., Makulska-Gertruda, Ewelina, Hauser, Joachim, Reissmann, Andreas, Kaunzinger, Ivo, Tucha, Lara, Tucha, Oliver und Lange, Klaus W. (2014) Yoga and the Therapy of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Yoga & Physical Therapy 4 (3), S. 1000168.

Lange, Klaus W., Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, van Heuvelen, Marike J. G., van der Zee, Eddy A. und Tucha, Oliver (2014) Good Vibrations – Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Attention in Healthy Individuals and Individuals with ADHD. Plos One 9 (2), e90747.

Lange, Klaus W., Makulska - Gertruda, Ewelina, Reisinger, Jakob, Sontag, Thomas A. und Hauser, Joachim (2013) Dietary omega-3 fatty acids and locomotor activity in an animal model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Functional Foods in Health and Disease 3 (6), S. 223-229.

Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, Aschenbrenner, Steffen, Westermann, Celina, Weisbrod, Matthias, Lange, Klaus W. und Tucha, Oliver (2013) Complex prospective memory in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PloS one 8 (3), e58338.

Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, Aschenbrenner, Steffen, Weisbrod, Matthias, Lange, Klaus W. und Tucha, Oliver (2013) Source discrimination in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PloS one 8 (5), e65134.

Sontag, Thomas-Alexander, Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Hauser, Joachim, Kaunzinger, Ivo, Tucha, Oliver und Lange, Klaus W. (2013) Spatial Memory in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR). PloS one 8 (8), e74660.

Fuermaier, Anselm B. M., Tucha, Lara, Koerts, Janneke, Mueller, Anna K., Lange, Klaus W. und Tucha, Oliver (2012) Measurement of Stigmatization towards Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. PLoS ONE 7 (12), e51755.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie IV (Entwicklungs- und Kognitionspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Bäuml

Kliegl, Oliver, Kriechbaum, Verena M. und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz (2022) The Effects of Interspersed Retrieval Practice in Multiple-List Learning on Initially Studied Material. Frontiers in Psychology 2022 (13), S. 1-10.

Kliegl, Oliver und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2021) The Mechanisms Underlying Interference and Inhibition: A Review of Current Behavioral and Neuroimaging Research. Brain Sciences 11 (9), S. 1246.

Wirth, Michael, Pastötter, Bernhard und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2021) Oscillatory Correlates of Selective Restudy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2021 (15), S. 679823.

Kliegl, Oliver, Pastötter, Bernhard und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2020) Does Amount of Pre-cue Encoding Modulate Selective List Method Directed Forgetting? Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1403), S. 1-9.

Kliegl, Oliver, Bjork, Robert A. und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2019) Feedback at Test Can Reverse the Retrieval-Effort Effect. Frontiers in Psychology 10 (1863), S. 1-10.

Lehmer, Eva-Maria und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2018) The Many Faces of Part-List Cuing—Evidence for the Interplay Between Detrimental and Beneficial Mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (701), S. 1-7.

Pastötter, Bernhard, Eberle, Hanna, Aue, Ingo und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2017) Retrieval Practice Fails to Insulate Episodic Memories against Interference after Stroke. Frontiers in Psychology 8 (1074), S. 1-9.

Pastötter, Bernhard und Bäuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2014) Retrieval Practice Enhances New Learning: the Forward Effect of Testing. Frontiers in Cognitive Science 2014.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie V (Sozial-, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer

Hudecek, Matthias, Fischer, Peter, Gaube, Susanne und Lermer, Eva (2022) Who Thinks COVID-19 is a Hoax? Psychological Correlates of Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Attitudes Towards Anti-Coronavirus Measures at the End of the First Lockdown in Germany. Journal of Open Psychology Data 10 (9), S. 1-8.

Gaube, Susanne , Fischer, Peter und Lermer, Eva (2021) Hand(y) hygiene insights: Applying three theoretical models to investigate hospital patients’ and visitors’ hand hygiene behavior. PLOS ONE 16 (1), e0245543.

Hudecek, Matthias, Blabst, Nicole, Morgan, Blaire und Lermer, Eva (2020) Measuring Gratitude in Germany: Validation Study of the German Version of the Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form (GQ-6-G) and the Multi-Component Gratitude Measure (MCGM-G). Frontiers in Psychology 11 (590108), S. 1-11.

Gaube, Susanne , Tsivrikos, Dimitrios, Dollinger, Daniel und Lermer, Eva (2018) How a smiley protects health: A pilot intervention to improve hand hygiene in hospitals by activating injunctive norms through emoticons. PLOS ONE 13 (5), e0197465.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Entpflichtete oder im Ruhestand befindliche Professoren > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie und Medienpsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Helmut Lukesch

Crönlein, Tatjana, Langguth, Berthold, Popp, Roland, Lukesch, Helmut, Pieh, Christoph, Hajak, Göran und Geisler, Peter (2013) Regensburg Insomnia Scale (RIS): a new short rating scale for the assessment of psychological symptoms and sleep in insomnia; study design: development and validation of a new short self-rating scale in a sample of 218 patients suffering from insomnia and 94 healthy controls. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 11, S. 65.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VI (Pädagogische Psychologie) - Prof. Dr. Christof Kuhbandner

Ecker, Angelika, Jarvers, Irina, Schleicher, Daniel, Kandsperger, Stephanie , Schelhorn, Iris, Meyer, Marie, Borchert, Thomas, Lüdtke, Michael und Shiban, Youssef (2022) Problems or prospects? Being a parent in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology 13, S. 901249.

Forster, Markus und Kuhbandner, Christof (2022) The promotion of functional expected teaching-related emotions through expressive writing. Plos One 17 (5).

Forster, Markus, Kuhbandner, Christof und Hilbert, Sven (2022) Teacher Well-Being: Teachers’ Goals and Emotions for Students Showing Undesirable Behaviors Count More Than That for Students Showing Desirable Behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology 2022 (13), S. 1-10.

Forster, Markus und Kuhbandner, Christof (2022) Are Student Teachers’ Overall Expected Emotions Regarding Their Future Life as a Teacher Biased Toward Their Expected Peak Emotions? Frontiers in Psychology 2022 (13), S. 1-9.

Kosak, Ferdinand und Hilbert, Sven (2021) The Passage of Years: Not a Matter of Covert Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 1-9.

Kugler, Lisa, Kuhbandner, Christof, Gerum, Sarah, Hierl, Christian, Münster, Tino, Offereins, Bernadette und Lutterbach, Lea Sophie (2021) Evaluation of a Humor Training for Patients with Chronic Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Pain Research 2021 (14), S. 3121-3133.

Kosak, Ferdinand und Kuhbandner, Christof (2021) Reminiscing and the Passage of Years: Investigating the Role of Affective Autobiographical Memories in Passage of Time Judgments. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (713264), S. 1-8.

Kosak, Ferdinand und Kuhbandner, Christof (2021) Reminiscing and the Passage of Years: Investigating the Role of Affective Autobiographical Memories in Passage of Time Judgments. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (713264), S. 1-8.

Schelhorn, Iris, Ecker, Angelika, Lüdtke, Michael Noah, Rehm, Stefan, Tran, Thomy, Bereznai, Judith Lena, Meyer, Marie Lisa, Sütterlin, Stefan, Kinateder, Max , Lugo, Ricardo Gregorio und Shiban, Youssef (2021) Psychological Burden During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology 12 (640518), S. 1-12.

Hutmacher, Fabian (2021) Putting Stress in Historical Context: Why It Is Important That Being Stressed Out Was Not a Way to Be a Person 2,000 Years Ago. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 539799.

Mayrhofer, Roland, Kuhbandner, Christof und Lindner, Corinna (2021) The Practice of Experimental Psychology: An Inevitably Postmodern Endeavor. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (612805), S. 1-12.

Mayrhofer, Roland und Hutmacher, Fabian (2020) The Principle of Inversion: Why the Quantitative-Empirical Paradigm Cannot Serve as a Unifying Basis for Psychology as an Academic Discipline. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (596425), S. 1-4.

Hutmacher, Fabian und Kuhbandner, Christof (2020) Does the Attentional Boost Effect Depend on the Intentionality of Encoding? Investigating the Mechanisms Underlying Memory for Visual Objects Presented at Behaviorally Relevant Moments in Time. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (584187), S. 1-8.

Reichardt, Regina, Rivers, Andrew M., Reichardt, Joerg und Sherman, Jeffrey W. (2020) Further Validation of Measures of Target Detection and Stereotype Activation in the Stereotype Misperception Task. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (573985), S. 1-12.

Kuhbandner, Christof (2020) Long-Lasting Verbatim Memory for the Words of Books After a Single Reading Without Any Learning Intention. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1780), S. 1-7.

Kuhbandner, Christof (2020) Long-Lasting Verbatim Memory for the Words of Books After a Single Reading Without Any Learning Intention. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1780), S. 1-7.

Hutmacher, Fabian (2019) Why Is There So Much More Research on Vision Than on Any Other Sensory Modality? Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2246), S. 1-12.

Kuhbandner, Christof, Rosas-Corona, Elizabeth A. und Spachtholz, Philipp (2017) High-Fidelity Visual Long-Term Memory within an Unattended Blink of an Eye. Frontiers in Psychology 8 (1859), S. 1-7.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie VII (Medizinische Psychologie, Psychologische Diagnostik und Methodenlehre) - Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kudielka

Schandl, Franziska, Lermer, Eva und Hudecek, Matthias F. C. (2024) If It Concerns Me: An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Psychological Distance on the Acceptance of Autonomous Shuttle Buses. Collabra: Psychology 10 (1).

Henze, Gina-Isabelle, Konzok, Julian, Kreuzpointner, Ludwig, Bärtl, Christoph , Giglberger, Marina, Peter, Hannah, Streit, Fabian, Kudielka, Brigitte M., Kirsch, Peter und Wüst, Stefan (2021) Sex-Specific Interaction Between Cortisol and Striato-Limbic Responses to Psychosocial Stress. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2021, S. 1-13.

Henze, Gina-Isabelle, Konzok, Julian, Kreuzpointner, Ludwig, Bärtl, Christoph , Giglberger, Marina, Peter, Hannah, Streit, Fabian, Kudielka, Brigitte M., Kirsch, Peter und Wüst, Stefan (2021) Sex-Specific Interaction Between Cortisol and Striato-Limbic Responses to Psychosocial Stress. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2021, S. 1-13.

Singer, Nina , Kreuzpointner, Ludwig , Sommer, Monika, Wüst, Stefan und Kudielka, Brigitte M. (2019) Decision-making in everyday moral conflict situations: Development and validation of a new measure. PLOS ONE 14 (4), e0214747.

Mühlbauer, Andreas , Shiban, Youssef, Diemer, Julia Elisabeth, Müller, Jana, Brütting-Schick, Johanna und Pauli, Paul (2017) Diaphragmatic Breathing during Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Aviophobia: Functional Coping Strategy or Avoidance Behavior? BMC Psychiatry 17 (29), S. 1-10.

Gruber, Nicole und Kreuzpointner, Ludwig (2013) Measuring the Reliability of Picture Story Exercises like the TAT. PLoS One 8 (11), e79450.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik I (Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Wild)

Stiller, Klaus Dieter und Schworm, Silke (2019) Game-Based Learning of the Structure and Functioning of Body Cells in a Foreign Language: Effects on Motivation, Cognitive Load, and Performance. Frontiers in Education 4 (18), S. 1-19.

Stiller, Klaus D. und Bachmaier, Regine (2018) Cognitive Loads in a Distance Training for Trainee Teachers. Frontiers in Education 2018 (3), S. 44.

Stiller, Klaus D. und Köster, Annamaria (2017) Cognitive Loads and Training Success in a Video-Based Online Training Course. The Open Psychology Journal 10 (1), S. 81-93.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik II (Prof. Dr. Regina Mulder)

Gerbeth, Sebastian und Mulder, Regina H. (2023) Team behaviors as antecedents for team members’ work engagement in interdisciplinary health care teams. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Gerbeth, Sebastian und Stamouli, Elena (2023) Validating the Short Version of the Multidimensional Emotional Competence Questionnaire. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development 4 (1), S. 128-140.

Gerbeth, Sebastian , Stamouli, Elena und Mulder, Regina H. (2021) Development of the Short Scale of the Multidimensional Emotional Competence Questionnaire in a German Sample. SAGE Open 11 (2), S. 215824402110092.

Beer, Patrick und Mulder, Regina H. (2020) The Effects of Technological Developments on Work and Their Implications for Continuous Vocational Education and Training: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (918), S. 1-19.

König, Christoph und Mulder, Regina H. (2014) A change in perspective – Teacher education as an open system. Frontline Learning Research 2014 (6), S. 26-45.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik III (Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber)

Stein, Isabell, Jossberger, Helen und Gruber, Hans (2023) MAP3D: An explorative approach for automatic mapping of real-world eye-tracking data on a virtual 3D model. Journal of Eye Movement Research 15 (3).

Stein, Isabell, Jossberger, Helen und Gruber, Hans (2022) Investigating visual expertise in sculpture: A methodological approach using eye tracking. Journal of Eye Movement Research 15 (2).

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Röntgendiagnostik

Kupke, Laura S., Dropco, Ivor , Götz, Markus, Kupke, Paul , Jung, Friedrich, Stroszczynski, Christian und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2024) Contrast-Enhanced Intraoperative Ultrasound Shows Excellent Performance in Improving Intraoperative Decision-Making. Life 14 (9), S. 1199.

Strotzer, Quirin David , Wagner, Thomas , Angstwurm, Pia, Hense, Katharina , Scheuermeyer, Lucca, Noeva, Ekaterina, Dinkel, Johannes, Stroszczynski, Christian , Fellner, Claudia , Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Rosengarth, Katharina , Pukrop, Tobias , Wiesinger, Isabel , Wendl, Christina und Schicho, Andreas (2024) Limited capability of MRI radiomics to predict primary tumor histology of brain metastases in external validation. Neuro-Oncology Advances 6 (1).

Bäumler, Wolf, Popp, Daniel , Ostheim, Patrick, Dollinger, Marco , Senk, Karin, Weber, Johannes , Stroszczynski, Christian und Schaible, Jan (2024) Magnetic Resonance Image Findings and Potential Anatomic Risk Factors for Chodromalacia in Children and Adolescents Suffering from Non-Overload Atraumatic Knee Pain in the Ambulant Setting. Tomography 10 (2), S. 243-254.

Hense, Katharina , Deuter, Daniel, Greenlee, Mark W. , Wendl, Christina, Schmidt, Nils Ole , Stroszczynski, Christian , Doenitz, Christian, Ott, Christian und Rosengarth, Katharina (2023) Analysis of Functional Neuroplastic Changes in the Cortical Language System in Relation to Different Growth Patterns of Glioblastoma. Brain Sciences 13 (6), S. 867.

Taxis, Juergen , Ungerboeck, Lena, Gehrking, Mika R., Motel, Constantin, Wurm, Matthias, Eckert, Alexander W., Spanier, Gerrit , Nieberle, Felix, Silva, Natascha Platz Batista da, Ludwig, Nils , Meier, Johannes K., Ettl, Tobias , Reichert, Torsten E. und Spoerl, Steffen (2023) Two-Dimensional Post-Traumatic Measurements of Orbital Floor Blowout Fractures Underestimate Defect Sizes Compared to Three-Dimensional Approaches. Tomography 9 (2), S. 579-588.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Höhne, Julius , Rosengarth, Katharina, Noeva, Ekaterina, Schmidt, Nils Ole und Proescholdt, Martin A. (2022) Fluorescein-guided resection of newly diagnosed high-grade glioma: Impact on extent of resection and outcome. Brain and Spine 2, S. 101690.

Brandenstein, Moritz, Wiesinger, Isabel , Künzel, Julian , Hornung, Matthias , Stroszczynski, Christian und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2022) Multiparametric Sonographic Imaging of Thyroid Lesions: Chances of B-Mode, Elastography and CEUS in Relation to Preoperative Histopathology. Cancers 14 (19), S. 4745.

Friedl, Sarah, Jung, Ernst Michael, Bergler, Tobias, Tews, Hauke C., Banas, Miriam C. , Banas, Bernhard und Putz, Franz Josef (2022) Factors influencing the time-intensity curve analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in kidney transplanted patients: Toward a standardized contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination. Frontiers in Medicine 9.

Strotzer, Quirin David , Winther, Hinrich, Utpatel, Kirsten, Scheiter, Alexander , Fellner, Claudia, Doppler, Michael Christian, Ringe, Kristina Imeen, Raab, Florian, Haimerl, Michael, Uller, Wibke, Stroszczynski, Christian, Luerken, Lukas und Verloh, Niklas (2022) Application of A U-Net for Map-Like Segmentation and Classification of Discontinuous Fibrosis Distribution in Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced Liver MRI. Diagnostics 12 (8), S. 1938.

Künzel, Julian , Brandenstein, Moritz, Zeman, Florian, Symeou, Luisa, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha und Jung, Ernst Michael (2022) Multiparametric Ultrasound of Cervical Lymph Node Metastases in Head and Neck Cancer for Planning Non-Surgical Therapy. Diagnostics 12 (8), S. 1842.

Kehrer, Andreas , Ruewe, Marc, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha, Lonic, Daniel, Heidekrueger, Paul Immanuel , Knoedler, Samuel, Jung, Ernst Michael, Prantl, Lukas und Knoedler, Leonard (2022) Using High-Resolution Ultrasound to Assess Post-Facial Paralysis Synkinesis—Machine Settings and Technical Aspects for Facial Surgeons. Diagnostics 12 (7), S. 1650.

Heudobler, Daniel, Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Lüke, Florian , Einspieler, Ingo, Menhart, Karin, Hellwig, Dirk , Utpatel, Kirsten , Herr, Wolfgang und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) Case Report: Extramedullary Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: An Unusual Case and Mini-Review of the Literature. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-7.

Bäumler, Wolf, Beyer, Lukas Philipp , Lürken, Lukas, Wiggermann, Philipp , Stroszczynski, Christian, Dollinger, Marco und Schicho, Andreas (2022) Detection of Incomplete Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) and Microwave Ablation (MWA) of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Using Iodine Quantification in Dual Energy Computed Tomography (DECT). Diagnostics 12 (4), S. 986.

Tews, Hauke Christian, Driendl, Sarah M., Kandulski, Melanie, Buechler, Christa , Heiss, Peter, Stöckert, Petra Diana, Heissner, Klaus, Paulus, Michael G. , Kunst, Claudia, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2022) SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia with Venous Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, and Adrenal Haemorrhage: A Case Report with Literature Review. Vaccines 10 (4), S. 595.

Blazquez, Rachel, Proescholdt, Martin A. , Klauser, Marlene, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Doenitz, Christian, Heudobler, Daniel , Stange, Lena, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bumes, Elisabeth , Rosengarth, Katharina, Schicho, Andreas , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Brawanski, Alexander, Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2022) Breakouts - a radiological sign of poor prognosis in patients with brain metastases. Frontiers in Oncology.

Wester, Michael, Pec, Jan , Lebek, Simon , Fisser, Christoph, Debl, Kurt, Hamer, Okka W., Poschenrieder, Florian, Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2022) Sleep-Disordered Breathing Is Associated With Reduced Left Atrial Strain Measured by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction. Frontiers in Medicine 2022 (9), S. 759361.

Baumgartner, Andreas, Reichelt-Wurm, Simone , Gronwald, Wolfram , Samol, Claudia, Schröder, Josef A., Fellner, Claudia, Holler, Kathrin, Steege, Andreas, Putz, Franz Josef, Oefner, Peter J., Banas, Bernhard und Banas, Miriam C. (2022) Assessment of Physiological Rat Kidney Ageing—Implications for the Evaluation of Allograft Quality Prior to Renal Transplantation. Metabolites 12 (2), S. 162.

Harrer, Dennis Christoph, Buschauer, Sebastian, Sterz, Ulrich, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina, Heudobler, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Pukrop, Tobias , Herr, Wolfgang und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Gemcitabine Maintenance Therapy in Patients With Metastasized Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Frontiers in Oncology 2021 (11), S. 1-7.

Ott, Christian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Doenitz, Christian, Hoehne, Julius, Wendl, Christina, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Lang, Elmar W., Schmidt, Nils Ole und Goldhacker, Markus (2021) Preoperative Assessment of Language Dominance through Combined Resting-State and Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (12), S. 1342.

Pec, Jan, Wester, Michael, Fisser, Christoph , Debl, Kurt, Hamer, Okka W., Poschenrieder, Florian , Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S. , Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Central Sleep Apnea Is Associated with an Abnormal P-Wave Terminal Force in Lead V1 in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Independent from Ventricular Function. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (23), S. 1-13.

Schober, Andreas Leonhard, Jungbauer, Carsten G., Poschenrieder, Florian , Schober, Alexander Daniel, Hubauer, Ute, Keyser, Andreas , Fredersdorf-Hahn, Sabine, Debl, Kurt, Maier, Lars S. , Sossalla, Samuel , Buchner, Stefan und Üçer, Ekrem (2021) Cardiac MRI Based Left Ventricular Global Function Index: Association with Disease Severity in Patients with ICD for Secondary Prevention. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-14.

Popp, Daniel , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Mahr, Daniel, Thiedemann, Claudius, Ernstberger, Antonio , Wiesinger, Isabel , Bäumler, Wolf, Alt, Volker und Schicho, Andreas (2021) Necessity of Immediate MRI Imaging in the Acute Care of Severely Injured Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (57), S. 1-8.

Dollinger, Marco , Bäumler, Wolfgang , Brunner, Stefan M., Stroszczynski, Christian , Georgieva, Martina , Müller, Karolina, Schicho, Andreas und Müller-Wille, René (2021) Role of clinical and CT findings in the identification of adult small-bowel intussusception requiring surgical intervention. British Journal of Surgery Open (BJS Open) 5 (5), S. 1-6.

Lebek, Simon , Wester, Michael , Pec, Jan, Poschenrieder, Florian, Tafelmeier, Maria, Fisser, Christoph, Provaznik, Zdenek, Schopka, Simon, Debl, Kurt, Schmid, Christof, Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Abnormal P‐wave terminal force in lead V 1 is a marker for atrial electrical dysfunction but not structural remodelling. ESC Heart Failure 8 (5), S. 4055-4066.

Kirchmair, Rudolf, Poschenrieder, Florian , Meiler, Stefanie , Lubnow, Matthias , Zeman, Florian, Rennert, Janine, Scharf, Gregor, Schaible, Jan, Stroszczynski, Christian , Pfeifer, Michael und Hamer, Okka W. (2021) Severe COVID-19 pneumonia: Perfusion analysis in correlation with pulmonary embolism and vessel enlargement using dual-energy CT data. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0252478.

Hense, Katharina , Plank, Tina , Wendl, Christina, Greenlee, Mark W., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Rosengarth, Katharina , Dodoo-Schittko, Frank und Bumes, Elisabeth (2021) fMRI Retinotopic Mapping in Patients with Brain Tumors and Space-occupying Brain Lesions in the Area of the Occipital Lobe. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 2439. (Eingereicht)

Wertheimer, Tobias , Pausch, Antonia-Maria, Kammerer, Sylvia, Weber, Florian, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian , Holler, Ernst, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel , Weber, Daniela und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2021) Parametric Imaging of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) for the Evaluation of Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Cells 10 (5), S. 1092. (Eingereicht)

Renner, Philipp , Da Silva, Tomas , Schnitzbauer, Andreas, Verloh, Niklas , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Geissler, Edward K. (2021) Hepatocellular carcinoma progression during bridging before liver transplantation. BJS Open (British Journal of Surgery) 2021 (zrab5), S. 1-6.

Bäumler, Wolf, Wiggermann, Philipp, Lürken, Lukas, Dollinger, Marco, Stroszczynski, Christian, Beyer, Lukas und Schicho, Andreas (2021) Early Detection of Local Tumor Progression after Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Gd-EOB-DTPA-Based MR Imaging at 3T. Cancers 13 (7), S. 1595.

Scheiter, Alexander, Keil, Felix, Lüke, Florian, Grosse, Jirka, Verloh, Niklas , Opitz, Sabine, Schlosser, Sophie, Kandulski, Arne, Pukrop, Tobias, Dietmaier, Wolfgang, Evert, Matthias, Calvisi, Diego F. und Utpatel, Kirsten (2021) Identification and In-Depth Analysis of the Novel FGFR2-NDC80 Fusion in a Cholangiocarcinoma Patient: Implication for Therapy. Current Oncology 2021 (28), S. 1161-1169. (Eingereicht)

Bülow, Sigrid, Heyd, Robert, Toelge, Martina, Ederer, Katharina U., Schweda, Annette, Blaas, Stefan H., Hamer, Okka W., Hiergeist, Andreas , Wenzel, Jürgen J. und Gessner, André (2020) Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein and Bactericidal/Permeability-Increasing Protein as Biomarkers for Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Journal of Fungi 6 (4), S. 304.

Meiler, Stefanie , Hamer, Okka Wilkea, Schaible, Jan, Zeman, Florian, Zorger, Niels, Kleine, Henning, Rennert, Janine, Stroszczynski, Christian und Poschenrieder, Florian (2020) Computed tomography characterization and outcome evaluation of COVID-19 pneumonia complicated by venous thromboembolism. PLOS ONE 15 (11), e0242475.

Bäumler, Wolf , Schicho, Andreas, Schaible, Jan, Verloh, Niklas , Senk, Karin, Wiggermann, Phillipp , Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Phillip (2020) Changes in gadoxetic-acid-enhanced MR imaging during the first year after irreversible electroporation of malignant hepatic tumors. PLOS ONE 15 (11), e0242093.

Bumes, Elisabeth , Wirtz, Fro-Philip, Fellner, Claudia, Grosse, Jirka, Hellwig, Dirk , Oefner, Peter J., Häckl, Martina, Linker, Ralf A., Proescholdt, Martin A., Schmidt, Nils Ole , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Samol, Claudia, Rosengarth, Katharina, Wendl, Christina M., Hau, Peter, Gronwald, Wolfram und Hutterer, Markus (2020) Non-Invasive Prediction of IDH Mutation in Patients with Glioma WHO II/III/IV Based on F-18-FET PET-Guided In Vivo 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Machine Learning. Cancers 12 (11), S. 3406.

Bäumler, Wolf, Sebald, Mareike, Einspieler, Ingo , Schicho, Andreas , Schaible, Jan, Wiggermann, Philipp, Dollinger, Marco, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Philipp (2020) Evaluation of Alterations to Bile Ducts and Laboratory Values During the First 3 Months After Irreversible Electroporation of Malignant Hepatic Tumors. Cancer Management and Research Volume 12, S. 8425-8433.

Lamby, Philipp, Minkow, Alexander, Handt, Stefan, Falter, Johannes, Schellenberg, Eva-Lotte, Graf, Stefanie, Hiebl, Bernhard , Haerteis, Silke , Gemeinhardt, Ole , Krüger-Genge, Anne, Klosterhalfen, Bernd, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Franke, Ralf-Peter, Momeni, Arash , Prantl, Lukas und Jung, Friedrich (2020) Histological and SEM Assessment of Blood Stasis in Kidney Blood Vessels after Repeated Intra-Arterial Application of Radiographic Contrast Media. Life 10 (9), S. 167.

Popp, Daniel, Thiedemann, Claudius, Bäumler, Wolf, Ernstberger, Antonio, Alt, Volker und Schicho, Andreas (2020) Modified Split-Scan Computed Tomography (CT) Diagnostics of Severely Injured Patients: First Results from a Level I Trauma Center Using a Dedicated Head-and-Neck CT-Angiogram for the Detection of Cervical Artery Dissections. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), S. 2568.

Schaible, Jan, Pregler, Benedikt, Verloh, Niklas, Einspieler, Ingo, Bäumler, Wolf, Zeman, Florian, Schreyer, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas (2020) Improvement of the primary efficacy of microwave ablation of malignant liver tumors by using a robotic navigation system. Radiology and Oncology 54 (3), S. 295-300.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Schaible, Jan, Pregler, Benedikt, Bäumler, Wolf, Einspieler, Ingo, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Philipp (2020) Safety margin assessment after microwave ablation of liver tumors: inter- and intrareader variability. Radiology and Oncology 54 (1), S. 57-61.

Rennert, Janine , Wiesinger, Isabel, Schicho, Andreas, Beyer, Lukas Philip , Wiggermann, Philipp, Stroszczynski, Christian und Jung, Ernst Michael (2019) Color coded perfusion imaging with contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) for post-interventional success control following trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE) of hepatocellular carcinoma. PLOS ONE 14 (6), e0217599.

Verloh, N. , Probst, U., Utpatel, K., Zeman, F., Brennfleck, F., Werner, J. M., Fellner, C., Stroszczynski, C., Evert, M., Wiggermann, P. und Haimerl, M. (2019) Influence of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation: Correlation between histopathological changes and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0215752.

Verloh, Niklas, Jensch, Isabel, Lürken, Lukas, Haimerl, Michael, Dollinger, Marco, Renner, Philipp, Wiggermann, Philipp, Werner, Jens Martin, Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Philipp (2019) Similar complication rates for irreversible electroporation and thermal ablation in patients with hepatocellular tumors. Radiology and Oncology 53 (1), S. 116-122.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Schlitt, Hans J., Müller, Martina, Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias, Wiggermann, Philipp und Haimerl, Michael (2018) Diagnostic performance of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI for evaluation of liver dysfunction: a multivariable analysis of 3T MRI sequences. Oncotarget 9 (91), S. 36371-36378.

Schicho, Andreas, Niessen, Christoph, Haimerl, Michael, Wiesinger, Isabel, Stroszczynski, Christian, Beyer, Lukas P. und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Long-term survival after percutaneous irreversible electroporation of inoperable colorectal liver metastases. Cancer Management and Research 2019 (11), S. 317-322.

Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Weigand, Kilian, Brunner, Stefan M., Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Evaluation of two-point Dixon water-fat separation for liver specific contrast-enhanced assessment of liver maximum capacity. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 1-9.

Eiringhaus, Jörg, Hamer, Okka W., Hollemann, David, Brochhausen, Christoph, Vollmann, Dirk, Maier, Lars S. und Sossalla, Samuel (2018) The detrimental potential of arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy. ESC Heart Failure 2018, S. 1-5.

Fuhrmann, Irene , Probst, Ute, Wiggermann, Philipp und Beyer, Lukas (2018) Navigation Systems for Treatment Planning and Execution of Percutaneous Irreversible Electroporation. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 17, S. 153303381879179.

Probst, Ute, Fuhrmann, Irene , Beyer, Lukas und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Electrochemotherapy as a New Modality in Interventional Oncology: A Review. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 17 (153303), S. 1-12.

Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Beyer, Lukas , Fellner, Claudia, Selgrad, Michael, Hornung, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Hepatobiliary MRI: Signal intensity based assessment of liver function correlated to 13C-Methacetin breath test. Scientific Reports 8 (1).

Munker, Stefan, Gerken, Michael, Fest, Petra, Ott, Claudia, Schnoy, Elisabeth, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Wiggermann, Philipp, Vogelhuber, Martin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian, Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Evert, Matthias, Reng, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika und Teufel, Andreas (2018) Chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer: No effect on survival when the dose is reduced due to side effects. BMC Cancer 18 (455), S. 1-9.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Haimerl, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Beyer, Lukas , Fellner, Claudia, Brennfleck, Frank , Dahlke, Marc H., Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Detecting liver fibrosis with Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI: A confirmatory study. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 6207.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Haimerl, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Dahlke, Marc, Renner, Philipp, Seyfried, Timo, Müller, Martina, Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) DWI - histology: a possible means of determining degree of liver fibrosis? Oncotarget 9 (28), S. 1-7.

Schicho, Andreas, Luerken, Lukas, Meier, Ramona, Ernstberger, Antonio, Stroszczynski, Christian, Schreyer, Andreas, Dendl, Lena-Marie und Schleder, Stephan (2018) Incidence of traumatic carotid and vertebral artery dissections: results of cervical vessel computed tomography angiogram as a mandatory scan component in severely injured patients. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2018 (14), S. 173-178.

Schicho, Andreas, Pereira, P. L., Michalik, K., Beyer, Lukas Philipp , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2018) Safety and efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization with degradable starch microspheres (DSM-TACE) in the treatment of secondary liver malignancies. Onco Targets and Therapy 2018 (11), S. 345-350.

Haj, Amer, Doenitz, Christian, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Ehrensberger, Denise, Hau, Peter , Putnik, Kurt, Riemenschneider, Markus, Wendl, Christina, Gerken, Michael, Pukrop, Tobias, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin (2017) Extent of Resection in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Impact of a Specialized Neuro-Oncology Care Center. Brain Sciences 8 (1), S. 5.

Hoffstetter, Patrick, Al Suwaidi, Mohammed H., Joist, Alexander, Benditz, Achim, Fleck, Martin, Stroszczynski, Christian und Dornia, Christian (2017) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Axial Skeleton in Patients With Spondyloarthritis: Distribution Pattern of Inflammatory and Structural Lesions. Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders 10 (117954), S. 1-7.

Pregler, Benedikt, Beyer, L. P., Teufel, A., Niessen, C., Stroszczynski, C., Brodoefel, H. und Wiggermann, P. (2017) Low Tube Voltage Liver MDCT with Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstructions for the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Scientific Reports 7 (1), S. 9460.

Schicho, Andreas, Pereira, Philippe L., Haimerl, Michael, Niessen, Christoph, Michalik, Katharina, Beyer, Lukas P., Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2017) Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with degradable starch microspheres (DSM) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): multi-center results on safety and efficacy. Oncotarget 8 (42), S. 72613-72620.

Dobler, Barbara, Obermeier, Tina, Hautmann, Matthias G., Khemissi, Amine und Koelbl, Oliver (2017) Simultaneous integrated boost therapy of carcinoma of the hypopharynx/larynx with and without flattening filter - a treatment planning and dosimetry study. Radiation Oncology 12 (1), S. 1-9.

Schicho, Andreas, Luerken, Lukas, Stroszczynski, Christian, Meier, Ramona, Schreyer, Andreas G. , Dendl, Lena-Marie und Schleder, Stephan (2017) Vascular geometry as a risk factor for non-penetrating traumatic injuries of the aortic arch. PLOS ONE 12 (6), e0180066.

Schleder, S., Diekmann, M., Manke, C. und Heiss, P. (2017) Percutaneous Aspiration Embolectomy in the Treatment of Acute Arterial Embolic Infrainguinal Vascular Occlusion. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology 08 (05), S. 1-4.

Schicho, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2017) Emphysematous cystitis: mortality, risk factors, and pathogens of a rare disease. Clinics and Practice 7 (2), S. 54-55.

Haimerl, Michael, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Lang, Sven A., Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2017) Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI for evaluation of liver function: Comparison betewwn signal-intensity-based indices and T1 relaxometry. Scientific Reports 7 (43347), S. 1-12.

Niessen, C., Thumann, S., Beyer, L., Pregler, B., Kramer, J., Lang, S., Teufel, A., Jung, E. M., Stroszczynski, C. und Wiggermann, P. (2017) Percutaneous Irreversible Electroporation: Long-term survival analysis of 71 patients with inoperable malignant hepatic tumors. Scientific Reports 7 (43687), S. 1-9.

Haimerl, Michael, Utpatel, Kirsten, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Teufel, Andreas, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Evert, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2017) Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR relaxometry for the detection and staging of liver fibrosis. Scientific Reports 7 (41429), S. 1-10.

Wiggermann, Phillipp , Beyer, Lukas Philipp, Pregler, Benedikt, Nießen, Christoph, Schicho, Andreas, Haimerl, Michael, Jung, Ernst Michael und Stroszczynski, Christian (2016) Stereotactically-navigated percutaneous Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) compared to conventional IRE: a prospective trial. PeerJ 2016 (4), e2277.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Haimerl, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Liver fibrosis and Gd-EOB-DTPAenhanced MRI: A histopathologic correlation. Scientific Reports 2015 (5), S. 15408.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Haimerl, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Liver fibrosis and Gd-EOB-DTPAenhanced MRI: A histopathologic correlation. Scientific Reports 2015 (5), S. 15408.

Buchner, Stefan, Debl, Kurt, Schmid, Franz-Xaver, Luchner, Andreas und Djavidani, Behrus (2015) Cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of the aortic valve stenosis: an in vivo and ex vivo study. BMC Medical Imaging 15 (34), S. 1-8.

Dollinger, Marco, Müller-Wille, René, Zeman, Florian, Haimerl, Michael, Niessen, Christoph, Beyer, Lukas Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Irreversible Electroporation of Malignant Hepatic Tumors - Alterations in Venous Structures at Suba. PLoS ONE 10 (8), S. 1-11.

Rennert, Janine, Jung, Ernst Michael, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha, Jung, Wolfgang, Farkas, Stefan und Stroszczynski, Christian (2015) Is Strain Elastography (IO-SE) sufficient for characterization of liver lesions before surgical resection, or is contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) necessary? PLoS ONE 10 (6), S. 1-11.

Beyer, Lukas Philipp, Wohlgemuth, Walter A. und Müller-Wille, René (2015) Transarterial Coil Embolization of a Symptomatic Posttraumatic Plantar Pseudoaneurysm. Case Reports in Radiology 2015, S. 1-4.

Hoffstetter, Patrick, Dornia, Christian, Schäfer, Stephan, Wagner, Merle, Stroszczynski, Christian, Dendl, Lena Marie und Schreyer, Andreas G. (2014) Diagnostic significance of rib series in minor thorax trauma compared to plain chest film and computed tomography. Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes 8 (10).

Haimerl, Michael, Verloh, Niklas, Fellner, Claudia, Zeman, Florian, Teufel, Andreas, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Schreyer, Andreas G. , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2014) MRI-based estimation of liver function: Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced T1 relaxometry of 3T vs. the MELD score. Scientific Reports 4 (5621), S. 1-7.

Haimerl, Michael, Wächtler, Max, Zeman, Florian, Verloh, Niklas, Platzek, Ivan, Schreyer, Andreas Georg , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2014) Quantitative Evaluation of Enhancement Patterns in Focal Solid Liver Lesions with Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e100315.

Beyer, Lukas Philipp, Pregler, Benedikt, Wiesinger, Isabel, Stroszczynski, Christian, Wiggermann, Phillipp und Jung, Ernst Michael (2014) Continuous dynamic registration of microvascularisation of liver tumors with contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Radiology Research and Practice 2014.

Haimerl, Michael, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Müller-Wille, René, Schreyer, Andreas G. , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2013) Assessment of clinical signs of liver cirrhosis using T1 mapping on Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced 3T MRI. Plos One 8 (12).

Schäfer, Valentin S., Hartung, Wolfgang, Hofstetter, Patrick, Berger, Jörn, Stroszczynski, Christian, Müller, Martina, Fleck, Martin und Ehrenstein, B. (2013) Quantitative assessment of synovitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using fluorescence optical imaging. Arthritis Research & Therapy 15.

Haimerl, Michael, Wächtler, Max, Platzek, Ivan, Müller-Wille, René, Niessen, Christoph, Hoffstetter, Patrick, Schreyer, Andreas Georg , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2013) Added value of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced Hepatobiliary phase MR imaging in evaluation of focal solid hepatic lesions. BMC Medical Imaging 13.

Niessen, Christoph, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Schreyer, Andreas G., Wohlgemuth, Walter A., Trabold, Benedikt, Hahn, Joachim, Rechenmacher, Michael, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2013) Palliative treatment of presacral recurrence of endometrial cancer using irreversible electroporation: a case report. Journal of medical case reports 7 (1), S. 128.

Schreyer, Andreas G. , Paetzel, Christian, Fürst, Alois, Dendl, Lena Marie, Hutzel, Elisabeth, Müller-Wille, René, Wiggermann, Philipp, Schleder, Stephan , Stroszczynski, Christian und Hoffstetter, Patrick (2012) Dynamic magnetic resonance defecography in 10 asymptomatic volunteers. World Journal of Gastroenterology 18 (46), S. 6836-6842.

Jung, Ernst Michael, Friedrich, Chris, Hoffstetter, Patrick, Dendl, Lena Marie, Klebl, Frank, Agha, Ayman, Wiggermann, Phillipp, Stroszczynski, Christian und Schreyer, Andreas Georg (2012) Volume navigation with contrast enhanced ultrasound and image fusion for percutaneous interventions: first results. PloS one 7 (3), e33956.

Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Schödel, Petra, Rennert, Janine, Mark, Karl-Heinz und Brawanski, Alexander (2012) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage from Posterior Cerebral Artery Aneurysm during Puerperium – Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of Neurology and Neurophysiology 3, S. 124.

Wiggermann, Phillipp, Puls, Ralf, Vasilj, Andrej, Sieron, Dominik, Jung, Ernst-Michael , Wawrzynek, Wojciech, Stroszczynski, Christian und make_name_string expected hash reference (2012) Thermal ablation of unresectable liver tumors: Factors associated with partial ablation and the impact on long-term survival. Medical Science Monitor 18, CR88.

Rennert, Janine, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Schreyer, Andreas G. , Hoffstetter, Patrick, Heiss, Peter, Feuerbach, Stefan und Zorger, Niels (2011) MR-arterioportography: a new technical approach for detection of liver lesions. World journal of gastroenterology : WJG 17 (13), S. 1739-1745.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Lehrstuhl für Schulpädagogik (Prof. Dr. Heidrun Stöger)

Stoeger, Heidrun , Almulhim, Norah und Ziegler, Albert (2022) Correspondence Heuristic and Filter-Empowerment Heuristic: Investigating the Reversed Gender Achievement Gap in a Sample of Secondary School Students in Saudi Arabia within the Framework of Educational and Learning Capital. Education Sciences 12 (11), S. 811.

Mader, Matthias, Stoeger, Heidrun, Veas, Alejandro und Ziegler, Albert (2021) How Mentors Think About the Attainability of Mentoring Goals: The Impact of Mentoring Type and Mentoring Context on the Anticipated Regulatory Network and Regulatory Resources of Potential Mentors for School Mentoring Programs. Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 1-10.

Matthes, Benjamin und Stoeger, Heidrun (2021) Do Implicit Theories About Ability Predict Self-Reports and Behavior-Proximal Measures of Primary School Students’ In-Class Cognitive and Metacognitive Learning Strategy Use? Frontiers in Psychology 2021 (12), S. 690271. (Eingereicht)

Winter, Rebecca E., Stoeger, Heidrun und Suggate, Sebastian P. (2021) Fine Motor Skills and Lexical Processing in Children and Adults. Psychology 2021 (12), S. 666200. (Eingereicht)

Vaahtoranta, Enni, Lenhart, Jan, Suggate, Sebastian und Lenhard, Wolfgang (2019) Interactive Elaborative Storytelling: Engaging Children as Storytellers to Foster Vocabulary. Frontiers in Psychology 2019 (10), S. 1534.

Emmerdinger, Kathrin J. und Kuhbandner, Christof (2018) Testing Memories of Personally Experienced Events: The Testing Effect Seems Not to Persist in Autobiographical Memory. Frontiers in Psychology 9 (810), S. 1-10.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Risikomanagement (Prof. Dr. Rösch)

Nagl, Matthias, Nagl, Maximilian und Rösch, Daniel (2022) Quantifying uncertainty of machine learning methods for loss given default. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 8, S. 1076083.

Medizin > Institut für Funktionelle Genomik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Bioinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Statistische Bioinformatik (Prof. Spang)

Buck, Lena, Schmidt, Tobias, Feist, Maren, Schwarzfischer, Philipp, Kube, Dieter, Oefner, Peter J. , Zacharias, Helena U., Altenbuchinger, Michael , Dettmer, Katja , Gronwald, Wolfram und Spang, Rainer (2023) Anomaly detection in mixed high dimensional molecular data. Bioinformatics 39 (8), btad501.

Schilling, Hannah-Lou, Glehr, Gunther , Kapinsky, Michael, Ahrens, Norbert , Riquelme, Paloma , Cordero, Laura, Bitterer, Florian, Schlitt, Hans J. , Geissler, Edward K. , Haferkamp, Sebastian, Hutchinson, James A. und Kronenberg, Katharina (2021) Development of a Flow Cytometry Assay to Predict Immune Checkpoint Blockade-Related Complications. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-12. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Reinders, Jörg, Altenbuchinger, Michael, Limm, Katharina , Schwarzfischer, Philipp, Scheidt, Tamara, Strasser, Lisa, Richter, Julia, Szczepanowski, Monika, Huber, Christian G. , Klapper, Wolfram, Spang, Rainer und Oefner, Peter J. (2020) Platform independent protein-based cell-of-origin subtyping of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Scientific Reports 10 (7876), S. 1-11.

Altenbuchinger, Michael, Zacharias, Helena, Solbrig, S., Schaefer, Andreas, Buyukozkan, M., Schultheiss, U. T. , Kotsis, F., Köttgen, Anna, Spang, Rainer, Oefner, Peter J., Krumsiek, J. und Gronwald, Wolfram (2019) A multi-source data integration approach reveals novel associations between metabolites and renal outcomes in the German Chronic Kidney Disease study. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 13954.

Heinrich, Paul, Kohler, Christian , Ellmann, Lisa, Kuerner, Paul, Spang, Rainer, Oefner, Peter J. und Dettmer, Katja (2018) Correcting for natural isotope abundance and tracer impurity in MS-, MS/MS- and high-resolution-multiple-tracer-data from stable isotope labeling experiments with IsoCorrectoR. Scientific Reports 8 (17910), S. 1-10.

Riquelme, Paloma , Haarer, Jan, Kammler, Anja, Walter, Lisa , Tomiuk, Stefan, Ahrens, Norbert , Wege, Anja K. , Goecze, Ivan, Zecher, Daniel, Banas, Bernhard , Spang, Rainer , Fändrich, Fred, Lutz, Manfred B., Sawitzki, Birgit, Schlitt, Hans J. , Ochando, Jordi , Geissler, Edward K. und Hutchinson, James A. (2018) TIGIT+ iTregs elicited by human regulatory macrophages control T cell immunity. Nature Communications 9 (2858), S. 1-18.

Dueck, A., Evers, M., Henz, S. R., Unger, K., Eichner, N., Merkl, Rainer , Berezikov, E. , Engelmann, Julia C., Weigel, D. , Wenzl, S. und Meister, Gunter (2016) Gene silencing pathways found in the green alga Volvox carteri reveal insights into evolution and origins of small RNA systems in plants. BMC Genomics 17 (1), S. 853.

Moffa, Giusi, Erdmann, Gerrit, Voloshanenko, Oksana, Hundsrucker, Christian, Sadeh, Mohammad Javad, Boutros, Michael und Spang, Rainer (2016) Refining Pathways: A Model Comparison Approach. PLoS One 11 (6), e0155999.

Moeckel, Sylvia, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, A. K. , Spang, Rainer und Hau, Peter (2016) Validation Study: Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 11 (3), e0151312.

Loedige, Inga, Jakob, Leonhard, Treiber, Thomas, Ray, Debashish, Stotz, Mathias, Treiber, Nora, Hennig, Janosch, Cook, Kate B. , Morris, Quaid, Hughes, Timothy R., Engelmann, Julia C. , Krahn, Michael P. und Meister, Gunter (2015) The Crystal Structure of the NHL Domain in Complex with RNA Reveals the Molecular Basis of Drosophila Brain-Tumor-Mediated Gene Regulation. Cell Rep (Cell Reports) 13 (6), S. 1206-1220.

Evers, Maurits , Huttner, Michael, Dueck, Anne, Meister, Gunter und Engelmann, Julia C. (2015) miRA: adaptable novel miRNA identification in plants using small RNA sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 16 (370), S. 1-10.

Engelmann, Julia C. , Amann, Thomas, Ott-Rötzer, Brigitta, Nützel, Margit, Reinders, Yvonne, Reinders, Jörg, Thasler, Wolfgang E., Kristl, Theresa, Teufel, Andreas, Huber, Christian G. , Oefner, Peter J. , Spang, Rainer und Hellerbrand, Claus (2015) Causal Modeling of Cancer-Stromal Communication Identifies PAPPA as a Novel Stroma-Secreted Factor Activating NFκB Signaling in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. PLoS Computational Biology 11 (5), S. 1-22.

Hau, Peter, Moeckel, Sylvia, Meyer, Katharina, Leukel, Petra, Heudorfer, Fabian, Seliger, Corinna, Stangl, Christina, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und Spang, Rainer (2014) Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e108632.

Hannus, Michael, Beitzinger, Michaela, Engelmann, Julia C. , Weickert, Marie-Theresa, Spang, Rainer, Hannus, Stefan und Meister, Gunter (2014) siPools: highly complex but accurately defined siRNA pools eliminate off-target effects. Nucleic Acids Research 42, S. 8049-8061.

Schmid, Rainer, Meyer, Katharina, Spang, Rainer, Schittek, Birgit und Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin (2013) YBX1 is a modulator of MIA/CD-RAP-dependent chondrogenesis. PLoS ONE 8 (12).

Seliger, Corinna, Leukel, Petra, Moeckel, Sylvia, Jachnik, Birgit, Lottaz, Claudio, Kreutz, Marina, Brawanski, Alexander, Proescholdt, Martin, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin , Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel und Hau, Peter (2013) Lactate-Modulated Induction of THBS-1 Activates Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-beta2 and Migration of Glioma Cells In Vitro. PloS one 8 (11), e78935.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Strahlentherapie

Bäumler, Wolf, Straub, Josina, Weber, Johannes , Ostheim, Patrick, Lenz, Julia Elisabeth , Alt, Volker , Stroszczynski, Christian , Reinhard, Jan und Popp, Daniel (2024) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings and Potential Anatomic Risk Factors for Anterolateral Ankle Impingement in Children and Adolescents Suffering from Non-Overload Atraumatic Ankle Pain. Diagnostics 14 (20), S. 2265.

Bichlmayer, Eva-Marie, Mahl, Lin, Hesse, Leo, Pion, Eric, Haller, Victoria, Moehwald, Andreas, Hackl, Christina, Werner, Jens M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Schwarz, Siegfried, Kainz, Philipp, Brochhausen, Christoph , Groeger, Christian, Steger, Felix, Kölbl, Oliver, Daniel, Christoph , Amann, Kerstin, Kraus, Andreas, Buchholz, Björn, Aung, Thiha und Haerteis, Silke (2022) A 3D In Vivo Model for Studying Human Renal Cystic Tissue and Mouse Kidney Slices. Cells 11 (15), S. 2269.

Alvarez Moret, Judit, Obermeier, Tina, Pohl, Fabian, Loeschel, Rainer, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2018) Second cancer risk after radiation therapy of ependymoma using the flattening filter free irradiation mode of a linear accelerator. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics xx (x), S. 1-8.

Treutwein, Marius , Hipp, Matthias, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2017) Volumetric-modulated arc therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning for prostate cancer with flattened beam and flattening filter free linear accelerators. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 18 (5), S. 307-314.

Reinders, Yvonne, Felthaus, Oliver, Brockhoff, Gero, Pohl, Fabian, Ahrens, Norbert , Prantl, Lukas und Haubner, Frank (2017) Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Viability and Proliferation in Wound Healing Processes after External Radiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (8), S. 1819.

Maier, Johannes, Knott, Bernadette, Maerz, Manuel, Loeschel, Rainer, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2016) Simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) radiation therapy of right sided breast cancer with and without flattening filter - A treatment planning study. Radiation Oncology 11 (111), S. 1-11.

Haertl, Petra, Treutwein, Marius , Hautmann, Matthias G., Maerz, Manuel, Pohl, Fabian, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2016) Total Body Irradiation - an Attachment Free Sweeping Beam Technique. Radiation Oncology 11 (81).

Dobler, Barbara, Khemissi, Amine, Obermeier, Tina, Hautmann, Matthias G., Katsilieri, Zaira und Kölbl, Oliver (2016) Re-irradiating spinal column metastases using IMRT and VMAT with and without flattening filter - A treatment planning study. Radiation Oncology 11 (33), S. 1-9.

Treutwein, Marius , Härtl, Petra, Gröger, Christian, Katsilieri, Zaira und Dobler, Barbara (2015) Linac Twins in Radiotherapy. In: Nenoi, Mitsuru, (ed.) Evolution of Ionizing Radiation Research. InTech, S. 171-186. ISBN 978-953-51-2167-1.

Pohl, Fabian, Hartmann, Werner, Holzmann, Thomas, Gensicke, Sandra, Kölbl, Oliver und Hautmann, Matthias (2014) Risk of infection due to medical interventions via central venous catheters or implantable venous access port systems at the middle port of a three-way cock: luer lock cap vs. luer access split septum system (Q-Syte). BMC Infectious Diseases 14 (41).

Gröger, Christian, Hautmann, Matthias, Loeschel, Rainer, Repp, Natalia, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2013) Re-irradiation of spinal column metastases by IMRT: impact of setup errors on the dose distribution. Radiation Oncology 8, S. 269.

Hoegele, Wolfgang , Loeschel, Rainer, Dobler, Barbara, Koelbl, Oliver und Zygmanski, Piotr (2013) Bayesian Estimation Applied to Stochastic Localization with Constraints due to Interfaces and Boundaries. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013.

Haubner, Frank, Leyh, Michaela, Ohmann, Elisabeth, Pohl, Fabian, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2013) Effects of external radiation in a co-culture model of endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cells. Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 66.

Härtl, Petra, Loeschel, Rainer, Repp, Natalia, Pohl, Fabian, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2013) Frameless fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy of intracranial lesions: impact of cone beam CT based setup correction on dose distribution. Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 153.

Steger, Felix, Hautmann, Matthias und Koelbl, Oliver (2012) 5-FU-induced cardiac toxicity - an underestimated
problem in radiooncology?
Radiation Oncology 7, S. 212.

Haubner, Frank, Ohmann, Elisabeth, Pohl, Fabian, Strutz, Jürgen und Gassner, Holger G. (2012) Wound healing after radiation therapy: Review of the literature. Radiation Oncology 7, S. 162.

Treutwein, Marius , Hipp, Matthias, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2012) Searching standard parameters for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) of prostate cancer. Radiation Oncology (7), S. 108.

Hautmann, Matthias, Hipp, Matthias und Kölbl, Oliver (2011) Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in radiooncology: an underestimated problem for the feasibility of the radiooncological treatment? Radiation Oncology 6, S. 89.

Dobler, Barbara, Weidner, Karin und Koelbl, Oliver (2010) Application of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) in a dual-vendor environment. Radiation oncology 5, S. 95.

Alvarez-Moret, Judith, Pohl, Fabian, Koelbl, Oliver und Dobler, Barbara (2010) Evaluation of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) with Oncentra MasterPlan® for the treatment of head and neck cancer. Radiation oncology 5, S. 110.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Ökonometrie > Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Volkswirtschaft (Prof. Dr. Lutz Arnold)

Markheim, Marina (2017) The Role of Group Size and Correlated Project Outcomes in Group Lending. Theoretical Economics Letters 07 (05), S. 1189-1200.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Unfallchirurgie

Kopf, Andreas, Krutsch, Werner, Szymski, Dominik , Weber, Johannes , Alt, Volker , Bail, Hermann Josef, Engel, Niklas, Rüther, Johannes und Huber, Lorenz Maria (2024) Investigating Painkiller Use in Amateur Football: A Coach’s Perspective. Journal of Personalized Medicine 14 (9), S. 1003.

Lang, Siegmund , Walter, Nike , Heidemanns, Stefanie, Lapa, Constantin, Schindler, Melanie, Krueckel, Jonas, Schmidt, Nils Ole , Hellwig, Dirk , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2024) [18F]FDG PET/CT Imaging Is Associated with Lower In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis—A Registry-Based Analysis of 29,362 Cases. Antibiotics 13 (9), S. 860.

Hanke, Alexander, Scheerer-Harbauer, Eva, Wulbrand, Christian und Memmel, Clemens (2024) Does Treatment of Adolescent Fractures Differ between Specialties? A Survey among Pediatric and Trauma Surgeons. Journal of Personalized Medicine 14 (8), S. 842.

Lenz, Julia Elisabeth , Szymski, Dominik , Krueckel, Jonas, Weber, Johannes , Krieger, FeliX, Karius, ThomaS, Meffert, Rainer, Alt, Volker und Fehske, Kai (2024) From Sweat to Strain: An Epidemiological Analysis of Training-Related Injuries in CrossFit®. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine Volume 15, S. 91-100.

Mannala, Gopala Krishna , Rupp, Markus , Walter, Nike , Youf, Raphaëlle , Bärtl, Susanne, Riool, Martijn und Alt, Volker (2024) Repetitive combined doses of bacteriophages and gentamicin protect against Staphylococcus aureus implant-related infections in Galleria mellonella. Bone & Joint Research 13 (8), S. 383-391.

Walter, Nike , Loew, Thomas , Hinterberger, Thilo , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2024) Managing more than bones: the psychological impact of a recurrent fracture-related infection. Bone & Joint Open 5 (8), S. 621-627.

Alt, Volker , Gessner, André , Merabishvili, Maya, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Mannala, Gopala Krishna, Peterhoff, David , Walter, Nike , Pirnay, Jean-Paul, Hiergeist, Andreas und Rupp, Markus (2024) Case report: Local bacteriophage therapy for fracture-related infection with polymicrobial multi-resistant bacteria: hydrogel application and postoperative phage analysis through metagenomic sequencing. Frontiers in Medicine 11.

Krueckel, Jonas, Szymski, Dominik , Lenz, Julia Elisabeth , Fluegel, Julian, Weber, Johannes , Achenbach, Leonard , Meffert, Rainer, Alt, Volker und Fehske, Kai (2024) Tennis Injuries Among German League Players: Investigating Patterns and Epidemiology of Acute and Chronic Injuries. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine Volume 15, S. 67-75.

Schindler, Melanie, Walter, Nike , Reinhard, Jan , Pagano, Stefano , Szymski, Dominik , Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Lang, Siegmund (2024) Midterm survival and risk factor analysis in patients with pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis: a retrospective study of 155 cases. Frontiers in Surgery 11. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Gerhardinger, Kristina, Klute, Lisa, Pfeifer, Christian , Straub, Josina, Hechinger, Laura, Riedl, Moritz , Alt, Volker , Kerschbaum, Maximilian und Henssler, Leopold (2024) Is the Tendon-to-Groove Ratio Associated with Elevated Risk for LHB Tendon Disorders?—A New Approach of Preoperative MR-Graphic Analysis for Targeted Diagnosis of Tendinopathy of the Long Head of Biceps. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (10), S. 2860.

Reinhard, Jan , Lang, Siegmund , Walter, Nike , Schindler, Melanie, Bärtl, Susanne, Szymski, Dominik , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2024) In-hospital mortality of patients with periprosthetic joint infection. Bone & Joint Open 5 (4), S. 367-373.

Henssler, Leopold, Schellenberger, Lena, Baertl, Susanne , Klute, Lisa, Heyd, Robert, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Alt, Volker und Popp, Daniel (2024) Time to Positivity in Blood Culture Bottles Inoculated with Sonication Fluid from Fracture-Related Infections. Microorganisms 12 (5), S. 862.

Bäumler, Wolf, Popp, Daniel , Ostheim, Patrick, Dollinger, Marco , Senk, Karin, Weber, Johannes , Stroszczynski, Christian und Schaible, Jan (2024) Magnetic Resonance Image Findings and Potential Anatomic Risk Factors for Chodromalacia in Children and Adolescents Suffering from Non-Overload Atraumatic Knee Pain in the Ambulant Setting. Tomography 10 (2), S. 243-254.

Schuster, Anna, Klute, Lisa, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Kunkel, Jürgen, Schaible, Jan, Straub, Josina, Weber, Johannes , Alt, Volker und Popp, Daniel (2024) Injury Pattern and Current Early Clinical Care of Pediatric Polytrauma Comparing Different Age Groups in a Level I Trauma Center. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (2), S. 639.

Schindler, Melanie, Puchner, Stephan, Reinhard, Jan , Leiss, Franziska, Windhager, Reinhard und Lass, Richard (2024) Recurrence-Free Survival after Synovectomy and Subsequent Radiosynoviorthesis in Patients with Synovitis of the Knee—A Retrospective Data Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (2), S. 601.

Baertl, Susanne , Rupp, Markus , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Morgenstern, Mario, Baumann, Florian , Pfeifer, Christian , Worlicek, Michael, Popp, Daniel , Amanatullah, Derek F. und Alt, Volker (2024) The PJI-TNM classification for periprosthetic joint infections. Bone & Joint Research 13 (1), S. 19-27.

Klute, Lisa, Esser, Marie, Henssler, Leopold, Riedl, Moritz , Schindler, Melanie, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker , Kerschbaum, Maximilian und Lang, Siegmund (2024) Anterior Column Reconstruction of Destructive Vertebral Osteomyelitis at the Thoracolumbar Spine with an Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement Implant: A Retrospective, Monocentric Radiological Cohort Analysis of 24 Cases. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (1), S. 296.

Straub, Josina, Popp, Daniel , Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2023) Hindfoot and Foot Arch Reconstruction by Atypical Subtalar Arthrodesis and Achilles Tendon Lengthening for a Severe Comminuted Calcaneal Fracture: A Case Report. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics 8 (4).

Walter, Nike , Szymski, Dominik , Kurtz, Steven M., Lowenberg, David W., Alt, Volker , Lau, Edmund C. und Rupp, Markus (2023) Complications and associated risk factors after surgical management of proximal femoral fractures. Bone & Joint Open 4 (10), S. 801-807.

Freigang, Viola , Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Riedl, Moritz , Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2023) Treatment of Fracture-Related Infection after Pelvic Fracture. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (19), S. 6221.

Riedl, Moritz , Bretschneider, Henriette, Dienst, Michael, Günther, Klaus-Peter, Landgraeber, Stefan, Schröder, Jörg, Trattnig, Siegfried und Fickert, Stefan (2023) Two-Year Results of Injectable Matrix-Associated Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation in the Hip Joint: Significant Improvement in Clinical and Radiological Assessment. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (17), S. 5468.

Ziarko, Tomasz Piotr, Walter, Nike , Schindler, Melanie, Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Lang, Siegmund (2023) Risk Factors for the In-Hospital Mortality in Pyogenic Vertebral Osteomyelitis: A Cross-Sectional Study on 9753 Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (14), S. 4805.

Schindler, Melanie, Walter, Nike , Maderbacher, Guenther, Sigmund, Irene K., Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2023) Novel diagnostic markers for periprosthetic joint infection: a systematic review. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13.

Weber, Markus , von Kunow, Frederik und Hillmann, Axel (2023) Marginal resection as a potential curative treatment option of infantile fibrosarcoma with good response after chemotherapy: A case report of an ETV6-NTRK3 positive infantile fibrosacroma of the distal tibia. Medicine 102 (27), e34194.

Rupp, Markus , Walter, Nike , Szymski, Dominik , Taeger, Christian, Langer, Martin Franz und Alt, Volker (2023) The antibiotic bead pouch – a useful technique for temporary soft tissue coverage, infection prevention and therapy in trauma surgery. Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 8 (3), S. 165-173.

Baumann, Florian , Pagano, Stefano, Alt, Volker und Freigang, Viola (2023) Bony Sacral Volume after Sacro-Iliac Screw Fixation of Pelvic Fractures Is Dependent on Reduction of the Anterior Pelvic Ring. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (12), S. 4169.

Klute, Lisa, Henssler, Leopold, Pfeifer, Christian , Berner, Arne, Schneider, Teresa, Kobeck, Miriam, Alt, Volker und Kerschbaum, Maximilian (2023) Predictors of Mortality in Head-Preserving Treatment for Dislocated Proximal Humerus Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis of 522 Cases with a Minimum Follow-Up of 5 Years. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (12), S. 3977.

Wimalan, Bravena, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker und Walter, Nike (2023) The patients‘ perspective - a qualitative analysis of experiencing a fracture-related infection. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Walter, Nike , Szymski, Dominik , Riedl, Moritz , Kurtz, Steven M., Alt, Volker , Lowenberg, David W., Lau, Edmund C. und Rupp, Markus (2023) Proximal Humerus Fractures in the Elderly U.S. Population: A Cross-Sectional Study of Treatment Trends and Comparison of Complication Rates after Joint Replacement, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation, and Non-Surgical Management. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (10), S. 3506.

Szymski, Dominik , Walter, Nike , Krull, Paula, Melsheimer, Oliver, Grimberg, Alexander, Alt, Volker , Steinbrueck, Arnd und Rupp, Markus (2023) Infection after intracapsular femoral neck fracture – does antibiotic-loaded bone cement reduce infection risk after hemiarthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty? Bone & Joint Research 12 (5), S. 331-338.

Lang, Siegmund , Walter, Nike , Schindler, Melanie, Baertl, Susanne , Szymski, Dominik , Loibl, Markus , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2023) The Epidemiology of Spondylodiscitis in Germany: A Descriptive Report of Incidence Rates, Pathogens, In-Hospital Mortality, and Hospital Stays between 2010 and 2020. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (10), S. 3373.

Szymski, Dominik , Walter, Nike , Krull, Paula, Melsheimer, Oliver, Lang, Siegmund , Grimberg, Alexander, Alt, Volker , Steinbrück, Arnd und Rupp, Markus (2023) The Prophylactic Effect of Single vs. Dual Antibiotic-Loaded Bone Cement against Periprosthetic Joint Infection Following Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture: An Analysis of the German Arthroplasty Registry. Antibiotics 12 (4), S. 732.

Memmel, Clemens , Lehner, Lisa, Loose, Oliver , Gündisch, Christian, Krutsch, Volker, Huber, Lorenz, Alt, Volker , Krutsch, Werner und Gerling, Stephan (2023) Pathological Findings in Male and Female Semi-Professional Football Players from 11 to 14 Years—A Report of the Bavarian Football Association’s Pre-Participation Screening Program. Applied Sciences 13 (7), S. 4375.

Scharf, Markus, Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus und Alt, Volker (2023) Treatment of Fracture-Related Infections with Bone Abscess Formation after K-Wire Fixation of Pediatric Distal Radius Fractures in Adolescents—A Report of Two Clinical Cases. Children 10 (3), S. 581.

Mendelsohn, Daniel H., Niedermair, Tanja, Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Ultrastructural Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Osteomyelitis Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (6), S. 5709.

Walter, Nike , Szymski, Dominik , Kurtz, Steven M., Lowenberg, David W., Alt, Volker , Lau, Edmund und Rupp, Markus (2023) Proximal humerus fractures – epidemiology, comparison of mortality rates after surgical versus non-surgical treatment, and analysis of risk factors based on Medicare registry data. Bone & Joint Research 12 (2), S. 103-112.

Mamilos, Andreas , Winter, Lina, Schmitt, Volker H., Barsch, Friedrich, Grevenstein, David, Wagner, Willi, Babel, Maximilian, Keller, Karsten, Schmitt, Christine, Gürtler, Florian, Schreml, Stephan , Niedermair, Tanja, Rupp, Markus , Alt, Volker und Brochhausen, Christoph (2023) Macrophages: From Simple Phagocyte to an Integrative Regulatory Cell for Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration—A Review of the Literature. Cells 12 (2), S. 276.

Riedl, Moritz , Rupp, Markus , Walter, Nike , Henssler, Leopold , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Popp, Daniel , Vadalà, Gianluca, Alt, Volker , Docheva, Denitsa und Pfeifer, Christian G. (2022) Practical Relevance of Institutional Guidelines in Translational Large Animal Studies of Cartilage Repair—A Multidisciplinary Survey. Medicina 58 (12), S. 1834.

Walter, Nike , Lowenberg, David W., Kurtz, Steven M., Alt, Volker , Lau, Edmund C. und Rupp, Markus (2022) Revision Rates and Associated Risk Factors after Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (24), S. 7256.

Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Lang, Siegmund , Leinberger, Beate, Alt, Volker, Hinterberger, Thilo und Loew, Thomas (2022) A Comprehensive Report of German Nationwide Inpatient Data on the Post-COVID-19 Syndrome Including Annual Direct Healthcare Costs. Viruses 14 (12), S. 2600.

Schurr, Leonhard Andreas , Thiedemann, Claudius, Alt, Volker , Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Götz, Markus, Riedl, Moritz , Brunner, Stefan Martin und Popp, Daniel (2022) Diaphragmatic Injuries among Severely Injured Patients (ISS ≥ 16)—An Indicator of Injury Pattern and Severity of Abdominal Trauma. Medicina 58 (11), S. 1596.

Riedl, Moritz , Banke, Ingo J., Goronzy, Jens, Sobau, Christian, Steimer, Oliver, Thier, Steffen, Zinser, Wolfgang, Henssler, Leopold, Alt, Volker und Fickert, Stefan (2022) Patients with Small Acetabular Cartilage Defects Caused by Femoroacetabular Impingement Do Not Benefit from Microfracture. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (21), S. 6283.

Walter, Nike , Loew, Thomas , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Effect of functional relaxation on the quality of life in patients with periprosthetic joint infection: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 12 (10), e066066.

Walter, Nike , Baertl, Susanne , Lang, Siegmund , Szymski, Dominik , Weber, Johannes , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection and Fracture-Related Infection With a Temporary Arthrodesis Made by PMMA-Coated Intramedullary Nails – Evaluation of Technique and Quality of Life in Implant-Free Interval. Frontiers in Surgery 9, S. 917696.

Walter, Nike , Orbenes, Nicolás, Rupp, Markus und Alt, Volker (2022) The State of Research in Fracture-Related Infection — A Bibliometric Analysis. Medicina 58 (9), S. 1170.

Szymski, Dominik , Walter, Nike , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Evaluation of Comorbidities as Risk Factors for Fracture-Related Infection and Periprosthetic Joint Infection in Germany. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (17), S. 5042.

Memmel, Clemens , Koch, Matthias , Szymski, Dominik , Huber, Lorenz, Pfeifer, Christian , Knorr, Christian, Alt, Volker und Krutsch, Werner (2022) Standardized Rehabilitation or Individual Approach?—A Retrospective Analysis of Early Rehabilitation Protocols after Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (8), S. 1299.

Walter, Nike , Hierl, Katja, Brochhausen, Christoph , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) The epidemiology and direct healthcare costs of aseptic nonunions in Germany – a descriptive report. Bone & Joint Research 11 (8), S. 541-547.

Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Bärtl, Susanne, Uecker, Claus und Alt, Volker (2022) The Definition of the Term “Orthogeriatric Infection” for Periprosthetic Joint Infections. Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation 13, S. 215145932211116.

Alagboso, Francisca I., Mannala, Gopala K., Walter, Nike , Docheva, Denitsa , Brochhausen, Christoph , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) Rifampicin restores extracellular organic matrix formation and mineralization of osteoblasts after intracellular Staphylococcus aureus infection. Bone & Joint Research 11 (5), S. 327-341.

Weber, Markus , von Kunow, Frederik, Innmann, Moritz, Meyer, Matthias , Thieme, Max, Jerabek, Seth und Renkawitz, Tobias (2022) Which Safe Zone Is Safe in Total Hip Arthroplasty? The Effect of Bony Impingement. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (5), S. 812.

Mendelsohn, Daniel H., Schnabel, Katja, Mamilos, Andreas , Sossalla, Samuel , Pabel, Steffen, Duerr, Georg Daniel , Keller, Karsten , Schmitt, Volker H. , Barsch, Friedrich , Walter, Nike , Wong, Ronald Man Yeung, El Khassawna, Thaqif , Niedermair, Tanja, Alt, Volker , Rupp, Markus und Brochhausen, Christoph (2022) Structural Analysis of Mitochondrial Dynamics—From Cardiomyocytes to Osteoblasts: A Critical Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (9), S. 4571.

Lenz, Julia Elisabeth , Alt, Volker und Dienemann, Thomas (2022) Severe acidosis due to 5-oxoprolinase inhibition by flucloxacillin in a patient with shoulder prosthesis joint infection. Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 7 (2), S. 71-74.

Memmel, Clemens , Krutsch, Werner, Szymski, Dominik , Pfeifer, Christian , Henssler, Leopold, Frankewycz, Borys , Angele, Peter, Alt, Volker und Koch, Matthias (2022) Current Standards of Early Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in German Speaking Countries - Differentiation Based on Tendon Graft and Concomitant Injuries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (7), S. 4060.

Mannala, Gopala‐Krishna , Rupp, Markus , Walter, Nike , Brunotte, Maximilian, Alagboso, Francisca , Docheva, Denitsa , Brochhausen, Christoph und Alt, Volker (2022) Microbiological and ultrastructural evaluation of bacteriophage 191219 against planktonic, intracellular and biofilm infection with Staphylococcus aureus. European Cells and Materials 43, S. 66-78.

Baertl, Susanne , Walter, Nike , Engelstaedter, Ulrike , Ehrenschwender, Martin , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2022) What Is the Most Effective Empirical Antibiotic Treatment for Early, Delayed, and Late Fracture-Related Infections? Antibiotics 11 (3), S. 287.

Pattappa, Girish , Reischl, Franziska, Jahns, Judith, Schewior, Ruth, Lang, Siegmund, Zellner, Johannes, Johnstone, Brian, Docheva, Denitsa und Angele, Peter (2022) Fibronectin Adherent Cell Populations Derived From Avascular and Vascular Regions of the Meniscus Have Enhanced Clonogenicity and Differentiation Potential Under Physioxia. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, S. 789621.

Timm, Karsten, Walter, Nike , Heinrich, Martin , Knapp, Gero, Thormann, Ulrich, El Khassawna, Thaqif, Alt, Volker, Heiss, Christian und Rupp, Markus (2022) Influence of Thoracic Trauma on Fracture Healing in Long Bones—A Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (3), S. 717.

Lang, Siegmund , Loibl, Markus , Gläsner, Joachim, Simon, Michaela, Rupp, Markus , Grad, Sibylle, Neumann, Carsten, Alt, Volker , Gessner, Andre und Hanses, Frank (2021) VERTEBRAL OSTEOMYELITIS IS CHARACTERISED BY INCREASED RANK/OPG AND RANKL/OPG EXPRESSION RATIOS IN VERTEBRAL BODIES AND INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS. European Cells and Materials 2021 (42), S. 438-451.

Lang, Siegmund , Frömming, Astrid, Walter, Nike, Freigang, Viola, Neumann, Carsten, Loibl, Markus, Ehrenschwender, Martin, Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2021) Is There a Difference in Clinical Features, Microbiological Epidemiology and Effective Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Comparing Healthcare-Associated and Community-Acquired Vertebral Osteomyelitis? Antibiotics 10 (11), S. 1410.

Walter, Nike , Bärtl, Susanne, Alt, Volker und Rupp, Markus (2021) The Epidemiology of Osteomyelitis in Children. Children 8 (11), S. 1-6.

Seebauer, Caroline T., Freigang, Viola , Schwan, Franziska E. , Fischer, René, Bohr, Christopher, Kühnel, Thomas S. und Andorfer, Kornelia E. C. (2021) Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: Success of the Osler Calendar for Documentation of Treatment and Course of Disease. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (20), S. 1-11.

Memmel, Clemens , Krutsch, Werner, Koch, Matthias , Riedl, Moritz , Henssler, Leopold, Zeman, Florian, Knorr, Christian, Alt, Volker und Pfeifer, Christian G. (2021) The Conformity of Rehabilitation Protocols Used for Different Cartilage Repairs of the Knee Joint—A Review on Rehabilitation Standards in German Speaking Countries. Applied Sciences 11 (8873), S. 1-10.

Popp, Daniel , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Mahr, Daniel, Thiedemann, Claudius, Ernstberger, Antonio , Wiesinger, Isabel , Bäumler, Wolf, Alt, Volker und Schicho, Andreas (2021) Necessity of Immediate MRI Imaging in the Acute Care of Severely Injured Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (57), S. 1-8.

Klute, Lisa, Pfeifer, Christian G. , Weiss, Isabella, Mayr, Agnes, Alt, Volker und Kerschbaum, Maximilian (2021) Displacement of the Greater Tuberosity in Humeral Head Fractures Does Not only Depend on Rotator Cuff Status. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (18), S. 1-8.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Tyczka, Morgane, Klute, Lisa, Heller, Marie Theres, Koch, Matthias , Popp, Daniel , Lang, Siegmund , Alt, Volker und Worlicek, Michael (2021) The Tibial Plateau Map: Fracture Line Morphology of Intra-Articular Proximal Tibial Fractures. BioMed Research International 2021, S. 1-6.

Walter, Nike , Mendelsohn, Daniel, Brochhausen, Christoph , Rupp, Markus und Alt, Volker (2021) Intracellular S. aureus in Osteoblasts in a Clinical Sample from a Patient with Chronic Osteomyelitis—A Case Report. Pathogens 10 (8), S. 1-4.

Geßlein, Markus, Krutsch, Volker, Krutsch, Werner, Härtl, Jonas, Bloch, Hendrik, Alt, Volker , Klein, Christian, Reinsberger, Claus, Seiffert, Robin, Huber, Lorenz und Weber, Johannes (2021) Head injuries in professional football (soccer): Results of video analysis verified by an accident insurance registry. PLOS ONE 16 (8), S. 1-9.

Rupp, Markus , Baertl, Susanne, Walter, Nike , Hitzenbichler, Florian , Ehrenschwender, Martin und Alt, Volker (2021) Is There a Difference in Microbiological Epidemiology and Effective Empiric Antimicrobial Therapy Comparing Fracture-Related Infection and Periprosthetic Joint Infection? A Retrospective Comparative Study. Antibiotics 10 (8), S. 1-9.

Freigang, Viola, Gottsauner, Maximilian, Rupp, Markus , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Grechenig, Stephan, Kerner, Alexander, Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2021) Surgical Drill Guide for Insertion of an Infra-Acetabular Screw Based on an Anatomically Precontoured Plate System: A Cadaveric Study. BioMed Research International 2021, S. 1-7.

Freigang, Viola , Baumann, Florian und Alt, Volker (2021) Bilateral septic arthritis with rapid progressive destruction of the femoral head after joint injection in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Bone and Joint Infection 6 (7), S. 255-256.

Stich, Theresia , Alagboso, Francisca, Křenek, Tomáš, Kovářík, Tomáš , Alt, Volker und Docheva, Denitsa (2021) Implant‐bone‐interface: Reviewing the impact of titanium surface modifications on osteogenic processes in vitro and in vivo. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 2022 (7), S. 10239.

Keuntje-Perka, Sarah, von Roth, Philipp, Worlicek, Michael, Koch, Matthias, Alt, Volker und Kaiser, Moritz (2021) Pinless Navigation in Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 2422.

Walter, Nike, Rupp, Markus , Hierl, Katja, Pfeifer, Christian G. , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hinterberger, Thilo und Alt, Volker (2021) Long-term patient-related quality of life after fracture-related infections of the long bones. Bone & Joint Research 10 (5), S. 321-327.

Popp, Daniel , Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Lang, Siegmund , Henssler, Leopold, Ernstberger, Antonio, Alt, Volker , Pfeifer, Christian G. und Worlicek, Michael (2021) Influence of Oral Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Drugs on Outcome of Elderly Severely Injured Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1649.

Schmitz, Paul, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Lamby, Philipp, Lang, Siegmund , Alt, Volker und Worlicek, Michael (2021) Iliac Bone Corridors to Host the Transiliac Internal Fixator—An Experimental CT Based Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1500.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Lang, Siegmund , Fiedler, Lasse, Alt, Volker, Loibl, Markus und Neumann, Carsten (2021) Does Dynamic Anterior Plate Fixation Provide Adequate Stability for Traumatic Subaxial Cervical Spine Fractures at Mid-Term Follow-Up? Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (6), S. 1185.

Walter, Nike , Rupp, Markus , Hierl, Katja, Koch, Matthias, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Worlicek, Michael und Alt, Volker (2021) Long-Term Patient-Related Quality of Life after Knee Periprosthetic Joint Infection. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (907), S. 1-9.

Riedl, Moritz , Mayr, Agnes, Greiner, Stefan, Pfeifer, Christian G. , Weiss, Isabella, Forchhammer, Lina, Alt, Volker und Kerschbaum, Maximilian (2021) The Loop Tenodesis Procedure—From Biomechanics to First Clinical Results. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10,432), S. 2-10.

Popp, Daniel , Frankewycz, Borys , Lang, Siegmund , Ernstberger, Antonio, Alt, Volker, Worlicek, Michael und Kerschbaum, Maximilian (2021) Are There Any Red Flag Injuries in Severely Injured Patients in Older Age? Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (2), S. 185.

Koch, Matthias, Frankewycz, Borys , Voss, Andreas, Kaeaeb, Max, Herrmann, Sebastian, Alt, Volker und Greiner, Stefan (2021) 3D-Analysis of the Proximal Humeral Anatomy before and after Stemless Shoulder Arthroplasty—A Prospective Case Series Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (2), S. 259.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Lang, Siegmund , Baumann, Florian , Alt, Volker und Worlicek, Michael (2021) Two-Dimensional Visualization of the Three-Dimensional Planned Sacroiliac Screw Corridor with the Slice Fusion Method. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (2), S. 184.

Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Schurr, Leonhard Andreas, Riedl, Moritz , Mayr, Agnes, Weiß, Isabella, Klute, Lisa, Popp, Daniel , Pfeifer, Christian , Ernstberger, Antonio , Alt, Volker und Dendl, Lena Marie (2020) Clinical Value of CT for Differentiation between Ascites and Hemorrhage: An Experimental In-Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (1), S. 76.

Krutsch, Werner, Clement, Annabelle, Heising, Tobias, Achenbach, Leonard , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Weber, Johannes, Alt, Volker und Krutsch, Volker (2020) Injury profile and sex-specific differences in bubble-soccer – A first scientific survey of a dangerous new sports trend. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2020 (11), 161—168.

Mannala, Gopala K., Rupp, Markus, Alagboso, Francisca, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Sommer, Ursula, Kampschulte, Marian, Domann, Eugen und Alt, Volker (2020) Galleria mellonella as an alternative in vivo model to study bacterial biofilms on stainless steel and titanium implants. ALTEX 2020 (38), S. 1-9.

Chu, Jin, Lu, Ming, Pfeifer, Christian G. , Alt, Volker und Docheva, Denitsa (2020) Rebuilding Tendons: A Concise Review on the Potential of Dermal Fibroblasts. Cells 9 (9), S. 2047.

Pattappa, Girish , Krueckel, Jonas, Schewior, Ruth, Franke, Dustin, Mench, Alexander, Koch, Matthias, Weber, Johannes, Lang, Siegmund , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Johnstone, Brian , Docheva, Denitsa , Alt, Volker, Angele, Peter und Zellner, Johannes (2020) Physioxia Expanded Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Have Improved Cartilage Repair in an Early Osteoarthritic Focal Defect Model. Biology 9 (8), S. 230.

Popp, Daniel, Thiedemann, Claudius, Bäumler, Wolf, Ernstberger, Antonio, Alt, Volker und Schicho, Andreas (2020) Modified Split-Scan Computed Tomography (CT) Diagnostics of Severely Injured Patients: First Results from a Level I Trauma Center Using a Dedicated Head-and-Neck CT-Angiogram for the Detection of Cervical Artery Dissections. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), S. 2568.

Krutsch, Volker, Grechenig, Stephan, Loose, Oliver, Achenbach, Leonard , Zellner, Johannes , Striegel, Heiko, Alt, Volker, Weber, Johannes, Braun, Markus, Gerling, Stephan und Krutsch, Werner (2020) Injury Analysis in Professional Soccer by Means of Media Reports – Only Severe Injury Types Show High Validity. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2020 (11), S. 123-131.

Freigang, Viola , Müller, Karolina, Ernstberger, Antonio, Kaltenstadler, Marlene, Bode, Lisa, Pfeifer, Christian G., Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2020) Reduced Recovery Capacity After Major Trauma in the Elderly: Results of a Prospective Multicenter Registry-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), S. 2356.

Yan, Zexing, Yin, Heyong, Brochhausen, Christoph, Pfeifer, Christian G., Alt, Volker und Docheva, Denitsa (2020) Aged Tendon Stem/Progenitor Cells Are Less Competent to Form 3D Tendon Organoids Due to Cell Autonomous and Matrix Production Deficits. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (406), S. 1-16.

Worlicek, Michael, Messmer, Benedikt, Grifka, Joachim, Renkawitz, Tobias und Weber, Markus (2020) Restoration of leg length and offset correlates with trochanteric pain syndrome in total hip arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 10 (1), S. 7107.

Koch, Matthias , Memmel, Clemens, Zeman, Florian , Pfeifer, Christian G. , Zellner, Johannes, Angele, Peter , Weber-Spickschen, Sanjay, Alt, Volker und Krutsch, Werner (2020) Early Functional Rehabilitation after Meniscus Surgery: Are Currently Used Orthopedic Rehabilitation Standards Up to Date? Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2020, S. 1-8.

Huber, Michaela, Schlosser, Daniela, Stenzel, Susanne, Maier, Johannes, Pattappa, Girish , Kujat, Richard, Striegl, Birgit und Docheva, Denitsa (2020) Quantitative Analysis of Surface Contouring with Pulsed Bipolar Radiofrequency on Thin Chondromalacic Cartilage. BioMed Research International 2020, S. 1-8.

Riedl, Moritz , Witzmann, Christina, Koch, Matthias, Lang, Siegmund, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Baumann, Florian , Krutsch, Werner, Docheva, Denitsa , Alt, Volker und Pfeifer, Christian (2020) Attenuation of Hypertrophy in Human MSCs via Treatment with a Retinoic Acid Receptor Inverse Agonist. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (4), S. 1444.

Alt, Volker, Rupp, Markus, Langer, Martin, Baumann, Florian und Trampuz, Andrej (2020) Can the oncology classification system be used for prosthetic joint infection? Bone & Joint Research 9 (2), S. 79-81.

Azar, Fady, Pfeifer, Christian, Alt, Volker, Pregler, Benedikt, Weiss, Isabella, Mayr, Agnes und Kerschbaum, Maximilian (2019) Clavicle Elevation or Shoulder Girdle Depression in Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: A Radiological Investigation. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 7 (11), S. 1-6.

Pattappa, Girish , Schewior, Ruth, Hofmeister, Isabella, Seja, Jennifer, Zellner, Johannes, Johnstone, Brian, Docheva, Denitsa und Angele, Peter (2019) Physioxia Has a Beneficial Effect on Cartilage Matrix Production in Interleukin-1 Beta-Inhibited Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenesis. Cells 8 (8), S. 936.

Pattappa, Girish , Zellner, J., Johnstone, B., Docheva, Denitsa und Angele, Peter (2019) Cells under pressure – the relationship between hydrostatic pressure and mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis. eCells & Materials 2019 (37), S. 360-381.

Myrick, Karen M., Voss, Andreas, Feinn, Richard S., Martin, Thomas, Mele, Bernadette M. und Garbalosa, Juan C. (2019) Effects of season long participation on ACL volume in female intercollegiate soccer athletes. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 6 (1), S. 1-6.

Koch, Matthias, Hammer, Selma, Fuellerer, Julian, Lang, Siegmund , Pfeifer, Christian, Pattappa, Girish , Weber, Johannes, Loibl, Markus, Nerlich, Michael, Angele, Peter und Zellner, Johannes (2019) Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate for the Treatment of Avascular Meniscus Tears in a One-Step Procedure—Evaluation of an In Vivo Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (5), S. 1120.

Pattappa, Girish , Johnstone, Brian, Zellner, Johannes, Docheva, Denitsa und Angele, Peter (2019) The Importance of Physioxia in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenesis and the Mechanisms Controlling Its Response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (3), S. 484.

Worlicek, Michael, Weber, Markus, Wörner, Michael, Schwarz, Timo, Zeman, Florian, Grifka, Joachim, Renkawitz, Tobias und Craiovan, Benjamin (2018) The final implant position of a commonly used collarless straight tapered stem design (Corail®) does not correlate with femoral neck resection height in cement-free total hip arthroplasty: a retrospective computed tomography analysis. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 19 (1), S. 1-7.

Docheva, Denitsa, Hsieh, Chi-Fen, Schumann, Ricarda, Yan, Zexing , Milz, Stefan, Pfeifer, Christian und Schieker, Matthias (2018) In Vitro Comparison of 2D-Cell Culture and 3D-Cell Sheets of Scleraxis-Programmed Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Primary Tendon Stem/Progenitor Cells for Tendon Repair. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (8), S. 2272.

Weber, Markus, Renkawitz, Tobias, Voellner, Florian, Craiovan, Benjamin, Greimel, Felix, Worlicek, Michael, Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2018) Revision Surgery In Total Joint Replacement Is Cost-Intensive. BioMed Research International.

Koch, Matthias, Mayr, Felix, Achenbach, Leonard , Krutsch, Werner, Lang, Siegmund, Hilber, Franz, Weber, Johannes, Pfeifer, Christian G., Woehl, Rebecca, Eichhorn, Jürgen, Zellner, Johannes, Nerlich, Michael und Angele, Peter (2018) Partial Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures: Advantages by Intraligament Autologous Conditioned Plasma Injection and Healing Response Technique—Midterm Outcome Evaluation. BioMed Research International 2018, S. 1-9.

Schmitz, Paul , Cornelius Neumann, Christoph, Neumann, Carsten, Nerlich, Michael und Dendorfer, Sebastian (2018) Biomechanical analysis of iliac crest loading following cortico-cancellous bone harvesting. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 13 (108), S. 1-8.

Koch, Matthias, Achatz, Felix P., Lang, Siegmund, Pfeifer, Christian G., Pattappa, Girish , Kujat, Richard, Nerlich, Michael, Angele, Peter und Zellner, Johannes (2018) Tissue Engineering of Large Full-Size Meniscus Defects by a Polyurethane Scaffold: Accelerated Regeneration by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cells International 2018 (820707), S. 1-11.

Baumann, Florian , Schmitz, Paul, Mahr, Daniel, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Gänsslen, Axel, Nerlich, Michael und Worlicek, Michael (2018) A guideline for placement of an infra-acetabular screw based on anatomic landmarks via an intra-pelvic approach. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 13 (77), S. 1-6.

Ernstberger, Antonio, Koller, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hilber, Franz, Diepold, Eva, Loss, Julika, Herbst, Tanja und Nerlich, Michael (2018) A trauma network with centralized and local health care structures: Evaluating the effectiveness of the first certified Trauma Network of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. PLOS ONE 13 (3), e0194292.

Salzmann, Gian M., Niemeyer, Philipp, Hochrein, Alfred, Stoddart, Martin J. und Angele, Peter (2018) Articular Cartilage Repair of the Knee in Children and Adolescents. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 6 (3), S. 232596711876019.

Loss, Julika , Weigl, Johannes, Ernstberger, Antonio, Nerlich, Michael, Koller, Michael und Curbach, Janina (2018) Social capital in a regional inter-hospital network among trauma centers (trauma network): results of a qualitative study in Germany. BMC Health Services Research 18 (137), S. 1-14.

Woehl, Rebecca, Maier, Johannes, Gehmert, Sebastian , Palm, Christoph , Riebschlaeger, Birgit, Nerlich, Michael und Huber, Michaela (2018) 3D analysis of Osteosyntheses material using semi-automated CT segmentation: a case series of a 4 corner fusion plate. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 19 (52), S. 1-8.

Grubmüller, Michael, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Diepold, Eva, Angerpointner, Katharina, Nerlich, Michael und Ernstberger, Antonio (2018) Severe thoracic trauma – still an independent predictor for death in multiple injured patients? Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 26 (1), S. 1-8.

Ried, Michael, Eicher, Maria-Magdalena, Neu, Reiner, Sziklavari, Zsolt und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2017) Evaluation of the new TNM-staging system for thymic malignancies: impact on indication and survival. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 15 (1), S. 1-8.

Baumann, Florian , Weber, Johannes, Mahr, Daniel, Bäumlein, Martin, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Müller, Karolina, Rillmann, Paavo, Nerlich, Michael und Loibl, Markus (2017) Joint awareness in posttraumatic osteoarthritis of the knee: validation of the forgotten joint score in long term condition after tibial plateau fracture. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 15 (1), S. 1-7.

Lin, Dasheng, Alberton, Paolo, Caceres, Manuel Delgado, Volkmer, Elias, Schieker, Matthias und Docheva, Denitsa (2017) Tenomodulin is essential for prevention of adipocyte accumulation and fibrovascular scar formation during early tendon healing. Cell Death and Disease 8 (10), e3116.

Dex, Sarah, Alberton, Paolo, Willkomm, Lena, Söllradl, Thomas, Bago, Sandra, Milz, Stefan, Shakibaei, Mehdi, Ignatius, Anita , Bloch, Wilhelm, Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke , Shukunami, Chisa, Schieker, Matthias und Docheva, Denitsa (2017) Tenomodulin is Required for Tendon Endurance Running and Collagen I Fibril Adaptation to Mechanical Load. EBioMedicine 2017 (20), S. 240-254.

Loibl, Markus , Lang, Siegmund, Dendl, Lena Marie, Nerlich, Michael, Angele, Peter, Gehmert, Sebastian und Huber, Michaela (2016) Leukocyte-reduced Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) Treatment of Basal Thumb Arthritis – A Pilot Study. BioMed Research International 2016 (2016), S. 1-6.

Baumann, Florian, Popp, Daniel, Müller, Karolina, Müller, Michael, Schmitz, Paul, Nerlich, Michael und Fickert, Stefan (2016) Validation of a German Version of the International Hip Outcome Tool 12 (G-iHOT12) According to the COSMIN Checklist. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 14 (3), S. 1-10.

Angele, Peter, Salzmann, Gian M., Niemeyer, Philipp, Vogt, Stephan, Kreuzer, Peter M., Arnold, Markus, Fritz, Jürgen, Mujeeb, Ayeesha, Rosenberg, Ralf und Steinwachs, Matthias (2015) Practical execution of defect preparation prior to surgical cartilage intervention: results from a representative meeting survey among experts. Springer Plus 4 (682), S. 1-7.

Göcze, Ivan, Koch, Matthias, Renner, Philipp, Zeman, Florian, Graf, Bernhard M., Dahlke, Marc H., Nerlich, Michael, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Kellum, John A. und Bein, Thomas (2015) Urinary Biomarkers TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Early Predict Acute Kidney Injury after Major Surgery. PLoS ONE 10 (3), S. 1-11.

Huber, Michaela, Eder, Christoph, Loibl, Markus , Berner, Arne, Zellner, Johannes, Kujat, Richard, Nerlich, Michael und Gehmert, Sebastian (2015) RFE based chondroplasty in wrist arthroscopy indicates high risk for chrondocytes especially for the bipolar application. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 16 (6), S. 1-8.

Parsch, Wolfgang, Loibl, Markus, Schmucker, Uli, Hilber, Franz, Nerlich, Michael und Ernstberger, Antonio (2014) Trauma care inside and outside business hours: comparison of process quality and outcome indicators in a German level-1 trauma center. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 22 (62).

Angele, Peter, Kujat, Richard, Koch, Matthias und Zellner, Johannes (2014) Role of mesenchymal stem cells in meniscal repair. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 1 (12).

Zellner, Johannes, Taeger, Christian Dirk, Schaffer, Markus, Roldan, J. Camilo, Loibl, Markus , Müller, Michael, Berner, Arne, Krutsch, Werner, Huber, Michaela, Kujat, Richard, Nerlich, Michael und Angele, Peter (2014) Are applied growth factors able to mimic the positive effects of mesenchymal stem cells on the regeneration of meniscus in the avascular zone? BioMed Research International.

Schreml, Stephan, Meier, Robert Johannes, Kirschbaum, Michael, Kong, Su-Chii, Gehmert, Sebastian , Felthaus, Oliver, Küchler, Sarah, Sharpe, Justin R., Wöltje, Kerstin, Weiß, Katharina, Albert, Markus, Seidl, Uwe, Schröder, Josef, Morsczeck, Christian, Prantl, Lukas, Duschl, Claus, Pedersen, Stine F. , Gosau, Martin, Breneburg, Mark, Wolfbeis, Otto S. , Landthaler, Michael und Babilas, Philipp (2014) Luminescent Dual Sensors Reveal Extracellular pH-Gradients and Hypoxia on Chronic Wounds That Disrupt Epidermal Repair. Theranostics 4 (7), S. 721-735.

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Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Urologie

Spachmann, Philipp J., Fischer, Sophie E., Goßler, Christopher , Denzinger, Stefan, Burger, Maximilian, Breyer, Johannes , Otto, Wolfgang, Schnabel, Marco J., Bründl, Johannes und Rosenhammer, Bernd (2024) Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid in Transrectal Biopsy of the Prostate—An Alternative in Times of Ciprofloxacin Obsolescence and Fosfomycin Limitation? Antibiotics 13 (10), S. 940.

Spachmann, Philipp J., Radlmaier, Maximilian, Denzinger, Stefan, Burger, Maximilian, Breyer, Johannes , Otto, Wolfgang, Schnabel, Marco J. und Vergho, Daniel (2024) Recurrent Cystitis in Women—A Real-World Analysis of Bacteria Spectrum and Resistance Situation for Calculated Therapy. Antibiotics 13 (9), S. 890.

Zöhrer, Pirmin I., Vauth, Franziska, Jaekel, Anke K., Rösch, Wolfgang H. und Hofmann, Aybike (2024) Navigating Life with Posterior Urethral Valves—Sexual Health and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (15), S. 4380.

Hofmann, Aybike , Ioannou, Alexandros, Zöhrer, Pirmin Irenaeus und Rösch, Wolfgang H. (2023) Ureterocystoplasty in Boys with Valve Bladder Syndrome—Is This Method Still up to Date? Children 10 (4), S. 692.

Engelmann, Simon U., Pickl, Christoph, Haas, Maximilian, Kaelble, Sebastian, Hartmann, Valerie, Firsching, Maximilian, Lehmann, Laura, Gužvić, Miodrag , van Rhijn, Bas W. G., Breyer, Johannes, Burger, Maximilian und Mayr, Roman (2023) Body Composition of Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer: Sarcopenia, Low Psoas Muscle Index, and Myosteatosis Are Independent Risk Factors for Mortality. Cancers 15 (6), S. 1778.

Blecha, Sebastian , Hager, Anna, Gross, Verena, Seyfried, Timo , Zeman, Florian, Lubnow, Matthias , Burger, Maximilian und Pawlik, Michael T. (2023) Effects of Individualised High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Crystalloid Administration on Postoperative Pulmonary Function in Patients Undergoing Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Randomised Single-Blinded Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1460.

Vauth, Franziska, Zöhrer, Pirmin, Girtner, Florian, Rösch, Wolfgang H. und Hofmann, Aybike (2023) Open Pyeloplasty in Infants under 1 Year—Proven or Meaningless? Children 10 (2), S. 257.

Pickl, Christoph, Engelmann, Simon, Girtner, Florian, Gužvić, Miodrag , van Rhijn, Bas W. G., Hartmann, Valerie, Holbach, Sonja, Kälble, Sebastian, Haas, Maximilian, Rosenhammer, Bernd, Breyer, Johannes, Burger, Maximilian und Mayr, Roman (2023) Body Composition as a Comorbidity-Independent Predictor of Survival following Nephroureterectomy for Urothelial Cancer of the Upper Urinary Tract. Cancers 15 (2), S. 450.

Lebentrau, Steffen, Wakileh, Gamal Anton, Schostak, Martin, Schmid, Hans-Peter, Suarez-Ibarrola, Rodrigo, Merseburger, Axel S., Hutterer, Georg C., Necknig, Ulrike H., Rink, Michael, Bögemann, Martin, Kluth, Luis Alex, Pycha, Armin, Burger, Maximilian, Brookman-May, Sabine D., Bründl, Johannes und May, Matthias (2021) Does the Identification of a Minimum Number of Cases Correlate With Better Adherence to International Guidelines Regarding the Treatment of Penile Cancer? Survey Results of the European PROspective Penile Cancer Study (E-PROPS). Frontiers in Oncology 2021 (11), S. 1-8.

Promm, Martin, Otto, Wolfgang, Weber, Florian, Götz, Stefanie, Burger, Maximilian, Müller, Karolina, Rubenwolf, Peter, Neuhuber, Winfried und Roesch, Wolfgang H. (2021) Expression of Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor p75 in Classic Bladder Exstrophy. Frontiers in Pediatrics 9 (634343), S. 1-7.

Bründl, Johannes , Wallinger, Sabine, Breyer, Johannes, Weber, Florian, Evert, Matthias, Georgopoulos, Nikolaos Theodoros, Rosenhammer, Bernd, Burger, Maximilian, Otto, Wolfgang und Rubenwolf, Peter (2018) Expression, localisation and potential significance of aquaporins in benign and malignant human prostate tissue. BMC Urology 18 (75), S. 1-9.

Mayr, Roman, Gierth, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Reiffen, Marieke, Seeger, Philipp, Wezel, Felix, Pycha, Armin, Comploj, Evi, Bonatti, Matteo , Ritter, Manuel, van Rhijn, Bas W. G., Burger, Maximilian, Bolenz, Christian, Fritsche, Hans-Martin und Martini, Thomas (2018) Sarcopenia as a comorbidity-independent predictor of survival following radical cystectomy for bladder cancer. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2018, S. 1-9.

Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)
Informatik und Data Science > Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik > Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I - Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Günther Pernul)

Dietz, Marietheres , Reichvilser, Thomas und Pernul, Günther (2024) A Data-Driven Framework for Digital Twin Creation in Industrial Environments. IEEE Access 12, S. 93294-93304.

Böhm, Fabian , Dietz, Marietheres , Preindl, Tobias und Pernul, Günther (2021) Augmented Reality and the Digital Twin: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives for Cybersecurity. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 1 (3), S. 519-538.

Vielberth, Manfred , Böhm, Fabian , Fichtinger, Ines und Pernul, Günther (2020) Security Operations Center: A Systematic Study and Open Challenges. IEEE Access 2020 (8), S. 227756-227779.

Hummer, Matthias, Kunz, Michael, Netter, Michael, Fuchs, Ludwig und Pernul, Günther (2016) Adaptive identity and access management—contextual data based policies. EURASIP Journal on Information Security 19.

Sänger, Johannes, Richthammer, Christian und Pernul, Günther (2015) Reusable Components for Online Reputation Systems. Journal of Trust Management 2 (5), S. 1-21.

Richthammer, Christian, Netter, Michael, Riesner, Moritz, Sänger, Johannes und Pernul, Günther (2014) Taxonomy of Social Network Data Types. EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2014 (11).

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnerhaltung und Parodontologie

Pohl, Sandra, Akamp, Tobias, Smeda, Martyna, Uderhardt, Stefan, Besold, David, Krastl, Gabriel, Galler, Kerstin M., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Widbiller, Matthias (2024) Understanding dental pulp inflammation: from signaling to structure. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Pfister, Julia L., Federlin, Marianne, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Schmalz, Gottfried, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Cieplik, Fabian und Scholz, Konstantin J. (2023) Randomized clinical split-mouth study on partial ceramic crowns luted with a self-adhesive resin cement with or without selective enamel etching: long-term results after 15 years. The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry.

Merle, Cordula Leonie , Richter, Lisa, Challakh, Nadia, Haak, Rainer , Schmalz, Gerhard, Needleman, Ian, Rüdrich, Peter, Wolfarth, Bernd , Ziebolz, Dirk und Wüstenfeld, Jan (2022) Associations of Blood and Performance Parameters with Signs of Periodontal Inflammation in Young Elite Athletes—An Explorative Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (17), S. 5161.

Schmalz, Gottfried und Widbiller, Matthias (2022) Biocompatibility of Amalgam vs Composite – A Review. Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry 2022 (20), S. 149-156.

Bucchi, Cristina , Ohlsson, Ella , Anta, Josep Maria de, Woelflick, Melanie, Galler, Kerstin M., Manzanares-Cespedes, María Cristina und Widbiller, Matthias (2022) Human Amnion Epithelial Cells: A Potential Cell Source for Pulp Regeneration? International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (5), S. 2830.

Widbiller, Matthias , Weiler, Rita, Knüttel, Helge , Galler, Kerstin M., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Scholz, Konstantin J. (2022) Biology of selective caries removal: a systematic scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 12 (2), e061119.

Kirschneck, Christian , Straßmair, Nadine, Cieplik, Fabian , Paddenberg, Eva, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter und Schröder, Agnes (2021) Myeloid HIF1α Is Involved in the Extent of Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement. Biomedicines 9 (796), S. 1-11.

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Widbiller, Matthias , Galler, Kerstin M., Weber, Manuel , Korkmaz, Yüksel und Feuerer, Markus (2021) Inflammatory Response Mechanisms of the Dentine-Pulp Complex and the Periapical Tissues. IJMS 22 (1480), S. 1-23. (Eingereicht)

Schröder, Agnes , Gubernator, Joshua, Leikam, Alexandra, Nazet, Ute , Cieplik, Fabian , Jantsch, Jonathan, Neubert, Patrick, Titze, Jens, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2021) Dietary Salt Accelerates Orthodontic Tooth Movement by Increased Osteoclast Activity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (2), S. 596.

Niedermair, Tanja, Lukas, Christoph, Li, Shushan , Stöckl, Sabine, Craiovan, Benjamin, Brochhausen, Christoph , Federlin, Marianne, Herrmann, Marietta und Grässel, Susanne (2020) Influence of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Osteoblasts of Patients With Cox-Arthrosis and/or Osteoporosis on Metabolism and Osteogenic Differentiation of BMSCs. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (615520), S. 1-15.

Li, Shushan, Stöckl, Sabine, Lukas, Christoph, Götz, Julia, Herrmann, Marietta, Federlin, Marianne und Grässel, Susanne (2020) hBMSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Attenuate IL-1β-Induced Catabolic Effects on OA-Chondrocytes by Regulating Pro-inflammatory Signaling Pathways. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8 (603598), S. 1-24.

Haferkamp, Sebastian, Drexler, Konstantin, Federlin, Marianne, Schlitt, Hans J., Berneburg, Mark, Adamski, Jerzy, Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Ganapathy, Vadivel, Parkinson, E. Kenneth und Mycielska, Maria E. (2020) Extracellular Citrate Fuels Cancer Cell Metabolism and Growth. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (602476), S. 1-11.

Cieplik, Fabian , Wiedenhofer, Alma M., Pietsch, Verena, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Hiergeist, Andreas , Wagner, Andrea, Baldaranov, Dobri, Linker, Ralf, Jantsch, Jonathan, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Schlachetzki, Felix und Gessner, Andre (2020) Oral health, oral microbiota and incidence of stroke-associated pneumonia – a prospective observational study. Frontiers in Neurology 11 (528056), S. 1-12.

Muehler, Denise, Rupp, Christina, Keceli, Sercan, Brochhausen, Christoph , Siegmund, Heiko, Maisch, Tim, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Buchalla, Wolfgang und Cieplik, Fabian (2020) Insights into the mechanisms of the antimicrobial photodynamic action toward biofilms using phenalen-1-one derivatives as photosensitizers. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (89364), S. 1-15.

Schramm, Sandra, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Cantzler, Sylvia, Weilemann, Hannes, Cantzler, Maximilian, Zimmermann, Julia L., Cieplik, Fabian und Maisch, Tim (2020) The Latest Time Point of Retreatment (LTPR) as a Novel Method to Determine Antibacterial Effects for Binary Use of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Conventional Agents. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (576500), S. 1-12.

Schröder, Agnes, Käppler, Paul, Nazet, Ute, Jantsch, Jonathan, Proff, Peter, Cieplik, Fabian , Deschner, James und Kirschneck, Christian (2020) Effects of Compressive and Tensile Strain on Macrophages during Simulated Orthodontic Tooth Movement. Mediators of Inflammation 2020, S. 1-10.

Scholz, Konstantin Johannes, Federlin, Marianne, Hiller, Karl-Anton , Ebensberger, Helga, Ferstl, Gerlinde und Buchalla, Wolfgang (2019) EDX-analysis of fluoride precipitation on human enamel. Scientific Reports 9 (1), S. 13442.

Widbiller, Matthias , Schweikl, Helmut, Bruckmann, Astrid, Rosendahl, Andreas, Hochmuth, Eduard, Lindner, Sophia R., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2019) Shotgun Proteomics of Human Dentin with Different Prefractionation Methods. Scientific Reports 9 (4457), S. 1-8.

Cieplik, Fabian , Steinwachs, Viktoria-Sophia, Muehler, Denise, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Thurnheer, Thomas, Belibasakis, Georgios N., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2018) Phenalen-1-one-Mediated Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: Antimicrobial Efficacy in a Periodontal Biofilm Model and Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Cytoplasmic Membrane Damage. Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (688), S. 1-13.

Cieplik, Fabian , Pummer, Andreas, Leibl, Christoph, Regensburger, Johannes, Schmalz, Gottfried, Buchalla, Wolfgang, Hiller, Karl-Anton und Maisch, Tim (2016) Photodynamic inactivation of root canal bacteria by light-activation through human ental hard and simulated surrounding tissue. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (929), S. 1-8.

Cieplik, Fabian , Pummer, Andreas, Regensburger, Johannes, Hiller, Karl-Anton, Späth, Andreas, Tabenski, Laura Karla, Buchalla, Wolfgang und Maisch, Tim (2015) The impact of absorbed photons on antimicrobial photodynamic efficacy. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015 (6), S. 1-35.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Zahnärztliche Prothetik

Merle, Cordula Leonie , Gocke, Julia, Seitz, Patrick, Gutberlet, Matthias, Saeed, Diyar, Haak, Rainer , Ziebolz, Dirk , Gohmann, Robin Fabian und Schmalz, Gerhard (2024) Comparison of Dental Findings with Computed Tomographic and Clinical Examination in Patients with End-Stage Heart Failure. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (18), S. 5406.

Broll, Alexander, Rosentritt, Martin , Schlegl, Thomas und Goldhacker, Markus (2024) A data-driven approach for the partial reconstruction of individual human molar teeth using generative deep learning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 7.

Merle, Cordula Leonie , Lenzen, Carina, Schmalz, Gerhard und Ziebolz, Dirk (2023) Systematic Review on Protocols of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation in Non-Surgical Periodontitis Therapy. Nutrients 15 (7), S. 1585.

Merle, Cordula , Wüstenfeld, Jan , Fenkse, Fabian, Wolfarth, Bernd , Haak, Rainer , Schmalz, Gerhard und Ziebolz, Dirk (2022) The Significance of Oral Inflammation in Elite Sports: A Narrative Review. Sports Medicine International Open 6, E69-E79.

Borchers, Josephin, Merle, Cordula Leonie , Schöneborn, Deborah Diana, Lyko, Lea Ronja, Thouet, Thomas, Wolfarth, Bernd , Kottmann, Tanja, Scheibenbogen, Carmen , Zimmer, Jeannot, Diederich, Sven, Bauer, Katrin, Sack, Ulrich , Schmalz, Gerhard, Ziebolz, Dirk und Wüstenfeld, Jan (2022) Salivary Diagnostic for Monitoring Strenuous Exercise—A Pilot Study in a Cohort of Male Ultramarathon Runners. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (23), S. 16110.

Ullrich, Niklas, Schröder, Agnes, Jantsch, Jonathan, Spanier, Gerrit, Proff, Peter und Kirschneck, Christian (2019) The role of mechanotransduction versus hypoxia during simulated orthodontic compressive strain—an in vitro study of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. International Journal of Oral Science 11 (4), S. 1-10.

Cieplik, Fabian, Jakubovics, Nicholas S., Buchalla, Wolfgang, Maisch, Tim, Hellwig, Elmar und Al-Ahmad, Ali (2019) Resistance Toward Chlorhexidine in Oral Bacteria – Is There Cause for Concern? Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (587), S. 1-11.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Zellbiologie und Pflanzenphysiologie (Prof. Dr. Klaus Grasser)

Obermeyer, Simon, Stöckl, Richard , Schnekenburger, Tobias, Moehle, Christoph, Schwartz, Uwe und Grasser, Klaus D. (2022) Distinct role of subunits of the Arabidopsis RNA polymerase II elongation factor PAF1C in transcriptional reprogramming. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, S. 974625.

Michl-Holzinger, Philipp, Obermeyer, Simon, Markusch, Hanna, Pfab, Alexander, Ettner, Andreas, Bruckmann, Astrid, Babl, Sabrina, Längst, Gernot, Schwartz, Uwe, Tvardovskiy, Andrey, Jensen, Ole N. , Osakabe, Akihisa, Berger, Frédéric und Grasser, Klaus D. (2022) Phosphorylation of the FACT histone chaperone subunit SPT16 affects chromatin at RNA polymerase II transcriptional start sites in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (9), S. 5014-5028.

van der Linde, Karina und Göhre, Vera (2021) How Do Smut Fungi Use Plant Signals to Spatiotemporally Orientate on and In Planta? Journal of Fungi 7 (2), S. 107.

van der Linde, Karina und Göhre, Vera (2021) How Do Smut Fungi Use Plant Signals to Spatiotemporally Orientate on and In Planta? Journal of Fungi 7 (2), S. 107.

Grasser, Klaus D. (2020) The FACT Histone Chaperone: Tuning Gene Transcription in the Chromatin Context to Modulate Plant Growth and Development. Frontiers in Plant Science 11 (85), S. 1-8.

Mondragón-Palomino, Mariana , Stam, Remco , John-Arputharaj, Ajay und Dresselhaus, Thomas (2017) Diversification of defensins and NLRs in Arabidopsis species by different evolutionary mechanisms. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (1), S. 1-23.

Vogler, Frank, Konrad, Sebastian S. A. und Sprunck, Stefanie (2015) Knockin' on pollen's door: live cell imaging of early polarization events in germinating Arabidopsis pollen. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, S. 1-17.

Dresselhaus, Thomas, Bleckmann, Andrea und Alter, Svenja (2014) The beginning of a seed: regulatory mechanisms of double fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (452).

Acri-Nunes-Miranda, Roberta und Mondragon-Palomino, Mariana (2014) Expression of paralogous SEP-, FUL-, AG- and STK-like MADS-box genes in wild-type and peloric Phalaenopsis flowers. Frontiers in Plant Science 5 (76).

Mondragon-Palomino, Mariana (2013) Perspectives on MADS-box expression during orchid flower evolution and development. Frontiers in Plant Evolution and Development 4.

Absmanner, Birgit, Stadler, Ruth und Hammes, Ulrich Z. (2013) Phloem development in nematode-induced feeding sites: the implications of auxin and cytokinin. Frontiers in plant science 4, S. 241.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für experimentelle Medizin und Therapieverfahren

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Durst, Franziska C., Grujovic, Ana , Ganser, Iris, Hoffmann, Martin, Ugocsai, Peter, Klein, Christoph A. und Czyż, Zbigniew T. (2019) Targeted transcript quantification in single disseminated cancer cells after whole transcriptome amplification. PLOS ONE 14 (8), e0216442.

Alieva, Maria, Leidgens, Verena, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Klein, Christoph A., Hau, Peter und van Rheenen, Jacco (2019) Intravital imaging of glioma border morphology reveals distinctive cellular dynamics and contribution to tumor cell invasion. Scientific Reports 9 (2054), S. 1-11.

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Scheitler, Sebastian, Hoffmann, Martin, Hodak, Isabelle, Dietz, Klaus , Lehnert, Petra, Naimer, Veronika, Polzer, Bernhard , Treitschke, Steffi, Werno, Christian, Markiewicz, Aleksandra, Weidele, Kathrin, Czyz, Zbigniew, Hohenleutner, Ulrich, Hafner, Christian, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Berneburg, Mark, Rümmele, Petra, Ulmer, Anja und Klein, Christoph A. (2018) Genetic alterations driving metastatic colony formation are acquired outside of the primary tumour in melanoma. Nature Communications 9 (595), S. 1-17.

Werner-Klein, Melanie, Proske, Judith, Werno, Christian, Schneider, Katharina, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan, Rack, Brigitte, Buchholz, Stefan, Ganzer, Roman, Blana, Andreas, Seelbach-Göbel, Birgit, Nitsche, Ulrich, Männel, Daniela N. und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Immune Humanization of Immunodeficient Mice Using Diagnostic Bone Marrow Aspirates from Carcinoma Patients. PLoS ONE 9 (5), e97860.

Ulmer, Anja, Dietz, Klaus , Hodak, Isabelle, Polzer, Bernhard, Scheitler, Sebastian, Yildiz, Murat, Czyz, Zbigniew, Lehnert, Petra, Fehm, Tanja, Hafner, Christian, Schanz, Stefan, Röcken, Martin, Garbe, Claus, Breuning, Helmut, Fierlbeck, Gerhard und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Quantitative Measurement of Melanoma Spread in Sentinel Lymph Nodes and Survival. PLoS ONE 11 (2), e001604.

Czyż, Zbigniew T., Hoffmann, Martin , Schlimok, G., Polzer, Bernhard und Klein, Christoph A. (2014) Reliable Single Cell Array CGH for Clinical Samples. Plos One 9 (1).

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für Ökologie und Naturschutzbiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter Poschlod)

Krickl, Patricia und Poschlod, Peter (2023) Calcareous grassland restored by clearance and subsequent sheep grazing show fast recovery of plant functional traits – Results from a 25-year-long experiment. Global Ecology and Conservation 45, e02509.

Lehmair, Theresa Anna, Poschlod, Peter und Reisch, Christoph (2022) The impact of environment on genetic and epigenetic variation in Trifolium pratense populations from two contrasting semi-natural grasslands. Royal Society Open Science 9 (5), S. 211406.

Mašková, Tereza und Poschlod, Peter (2022) Soil Seed Bank Persistence Across Time and Burial Depth in Calcareous Grassland Habitats. Frontiers in Plant Science 2021 (12).

Tushabe, Donam und Rosbakh, Sergey (2021) A Compendium of in vitro Germination Media for Pollen Research. Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (709945), S. 1-14. (Eingereicht)

Pagel, Ellen , Lehmair, Theresa A. , Poschlod, Peter und Reisch, Christoph (2020) Genetic Variation of Typical Plant Species in Hay Meadows: The Effect of Land Use History, Landscape Structure, and Habitat Quality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8 (593302), S. 1-11.

Reisch, Christoph, Meier, Stefanie, Schmid, Christoph und Bartelheimer, Maik (2020) Clonal diversity and genetic variation of the sedge Carex nigra in an alpine fen depend on soil nutrients. PeerJ 8 (e8887), S. 1-17.

Reisch, Christoph, Meier, Stefanie, Schmid, Christoph und Bartelheimer, Maik (2020) Clonal diversity and genetic variation of the sedge Carex nigra in an alpine fen depend on soil nutrients. PeerJ 8 (e8887), S. 1-17.

Fokuhl, Gerriet, Heinze, Jürgen und Poschlod, Peter (2019) An Ant-Plant Mesocosm Experiment Reveals Dispersal Patterns of Myrmecochorous Plants. Forests 10 (12), S. 1149.

Tausch, Simone, Leipold, Martin, Reisch, Christoph und Poschlod, Peter (2019) Dormancy and endosperm presence influence the ex-situ conservation potential in central European calcareous grassland plants. AoB PLANTS 2019 (plz035), S. 1-33.

Valdez, Jose W. , Hartig, Florian , Fennel, Sabine und Poschlod, Peter (2019) The Recruitment Niche Predicts Plant Community Assembly Across a Hydrological Gradient Along Plowed and Undisturbed Transects in a Former Agricultural Wetland. Frontiers in Plant Science 10 (88), S. 1-9.

Reisch, Christoph und Schmid, Christoph (2018) Species and genetic diversity are not congruent in fragmented dry grasslands. Ecology and Evolution 2018 (00), S. 1-8.

Rosbakh, Sergey, Pacini, Ettore, Nepi, Massimo und Poschlod, Peter (2018) An unexplored side of regeneration niche: seed quantity and quality are determined by the effect of temperature on pollen performance. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018 (9), S. 1036.

Listl, Daniela Maria, Poschlod, Peter und Reisch, Christoph (2017) Phylogeography of a tough rock survivor in European dry grasslands. PLoS ONE 12 (6), e0179961.

Simmel, Josef, Poschlod, Peter und Reisch, Christoph (2014) Subcanopy genetics – the relationship between canopy tree size and genetic variation of the savanna species Pollichia campestris Aiton (Illecebraceae). Open Journal of Ecology 4 (2), S. 60-65.


Stegmüller, Nathalie , Binder, Karin und Krauss, Stefan (2024) How general is the natural frequency effect? The case of joint probabilities. Frontiers in Psychology 15.

Steib, Nicole, Krauss, Stefan , Binder, Karin , Büchter, Theresa, Böcherer-Linder, Katharina, Eichler, Andreas und Vogel, Markus (2023) Measuring people’s covariational reasoning in Bayesian situations. Frontiers in Psychology 14.

Abels, Helmut und Liu, Yadong (2023) Short-time existence of a quasi-stationary fluid–structure interaction problem for plaque growth. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 12 (1).

Elmanto, Elden, Hoyois, Marc , Khan, Adeel, Sosnilo, Vladimir und Yakerson, Maria (2020) Modules over algebraic cobordism. Forum of Mathematics, Pi. (Im Druck)

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan und Wiesner, Patrick (2020) A new visualization for probabilistic situations containing two binary events: the frequency net. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (750), S. 1-21.

Sprang, Johannes (2019) EISENSTEIN–KRONECKER SERIES VIA THE POINCARÉ BUNDLE. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 7 (e34), S. 1-59.

Medizin > Institut für Epidemiologie und Präventivmedizin > Medizinische Soziologie

von Sommoggy, Julia , Skiba, Eva-Maria, Lander, Jonas, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Curbach, Janina und Brandstetter, Susanne (2024) Health Literacy in Pediatric Consultations on Allergy Prevention. HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice 8 (2), e47-e61.

von Sommoggy, Julia , Grepmeier, Eva-Maria , Apfelbacher, Christian , Brandstetter, Susanne und Curbach, Janina (2023) Pediatricians’ experiences of managing outpatient care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Germany. Frontiers in Pediatrics 11.

Jochem, Carmen, von Sommoggy, Julia , Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Schwienhorst-Stich, Eva-Maria und Apfelbacher, Christian (2023) Planetary health literacy: A conceptual model. Frontiers in Public Health 10.

von Sommoggy, Julia, Rueter, Jana, Curbach, Janina, Helten, Jessica, Tittlbach, Susanne und Loss, Julika (2020) How Does the Campus Environment Influence Everyday Physical Activity? A Photovoice Study Among Students of Two German Universities. Frontiers in Public Health 8 (561175), S. 1-11.

von Sommoggy, Julia, Rueter, Jana, Curbach, Janina, Helten, Jessica, Tittlbach, Susanne und Loss, Julika (2020) How Does the Campus Environment Influence Everyday Physical Activity? A Photovoice Study Among Students of Two German Universities. Frontiers in Public Health 8 (561175), S. 1-11.

Rueter, Jana, Brandstetter, Susanne, Curbach, Janina, Lindacher, Verena, Warrelmann, Berit und Loss, Julika (2020) How Older Citizens in Germany Perceive and Handle Their Food Environment—A Qualitative Exploratory Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (19), S. 6940.

Sauter, Alexandra, Lindacher, Verena, Rueter, Jana, Curbach, Janina und Loss, Julika (2020) How Health Promoters Can Assess Capacity Building Processes in Setting-Based Approaches—Development and Testing of a Monitoring Instrument. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (2), S. 407.

Loss, Julika , Müller, Daniel, Weigl, Johannes, Helbig, Horst, Brandl, Caroline , Heid, Iris M., Finger, Robert P., Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Curbach, Janina (2018) Views of ophthalmologists on the genetics of age-related macular degeneration: Results of a qualitative study. PLOS ONE 13 (12), e0209328.

Atzendorf, Josefine, Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Gomes de Matos, Elena, Kraus, Ludwig und Piontek, Daniela (2018) Patterns of multiple lifestyle risk factors and their link to mental health in the German adult population: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 8 (12), e022184.

McCool-Myers, Megan , Theurich, Melissa A. , Zülke, Andrea, Knüttel, Helge und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2018) Predictors of female sexual dysfunction: a systematic review and qualitative analysis through gender inequality paradigms. BMC Women's Health 18, S. 108.

Ernstberger, Antonio, Koller, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hilber, Franz, Diepold, Eva, Loss, Julika, Herbst, Tanja und Nerlich, Michael (2018) A trauma network with centralized and local health care structures: Evaluating the effectiveness of the first certified Trauma Network of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. PLOS ONE 13 (3), e0194292.

Loss, Julika , Weigl, Johannes, Ernstberger, Antonio, Nerlich, Michael, Koller, Michael und Curbach, Janina (2018) Social capital in a regional inter-hospital network among trauma centers (trauma network): results of a qualitative study in Germany. BMC Health Services Research 18 (137), S. 1-14.

Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Jones, Christina J. , Frew, Anthony und Smith, Helen (2016) Validity of three asthma-specific quality of life questionnaires: the patients' perspective. BMJ Open 2016 (6), e011793.

Heinl, Daniel, Prinsen, Cecilia A. C., Apfelbacher, Christian J., Drucker, Aaron M., Ofenloch, Robert, Humphreys, Rosemary, Sach, Tracey und Flohr, Carsten (2016) Measurement properties of quality of life measurement instruments for infants, children and adolescents with eczema: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 5 (25), S. 1-10.

Apfelbacher, Christian J., Heinl, Daniel, Nankervis, Helen und Chalmers, Joanne (2015) Eczema Trials: Quality of Life Instruments Used and Their Relation to Patient-reported Outcomes. A Systematic Review. Acta Dermato Venereologica 2016 (96), S. 1-24.

Apfelbacher, Christian J., Drewitz, Karl Philipp, Loss, Martin und Loss, Julika (2014) Predictors of non-transplantation of adult donor organs - an observational study using routine data from Eurotransplant. BMC Health Services Research 14 (584).

McCool, Megan E., Theurich, Melissa A. und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2014) Prevalence and predictors of female sexual dysfunction: a protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 3 (75).

Loss, Julika, Drewitz, Karl, Schlitt, Hans J. und Loss, Martin (2013) Accept or refuse? Factors influencing the decision-making of transplant surgeons who are offered a pancreas: results of a qualitative study. BMC Surgery 13, S. 47.

Apfelbacher, Christian J. , Molin, Sonja, Weisshaar, Elke, Bauer, Andrea, Elsner, Peter, Mahler, Vera, Weiss, Melanie, Ruzicka, Thomas und Diepgen, Thomas L. (2013) Characteristics and Provision of Care in Patients with Chronic Hand Eczema: Updated Data from the CARPE Registry. Acta dermato-venereologica 93. (Im Druck)

Matterne, Uwe und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2013) Is the impact of atopic disease on children and adolescents' health related quality of life modified by mental health? Results from a population-based cross-sectional study. Health and quality of life outcomes 11, S. 115.

Medizin > Lehrstuhl für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie > Molekulare Neurowissenschaften

Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Slim, Dounia, Bader, Stefanie, Koch, Victoria, Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Alvarez-Carbonell, David, Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer und Wetzel, Christian H. (2019) CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated TSPO Gene Knockout alters Respiration and Cellular Metabolism in Human Primary Microglia Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (13), S. 3359.

Milenkovic, Vladimir M. , Stanton, Evan H., Nothdurfter, Caroline, Rupprecht, Rainer und Wetzel, Christian H. (2019) The Role of Chemokines in the Pathophysiology of Major Depressive Disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (9), S. 2283.

Wetzel, Christian H., Jendryke, Thomas, Prochazkova, Michaela, Hall, Bradford E., Nordmann, Gregory C., Schladt, Moritz, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Kulkarni, Ashok B. (2016) TRPV1 function is modulated by Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation: insights into the molecular mechanism of nociception. Scientific Reports 6 (22007), S. 1-15.

Wetzel, Christian H., Jendryke, Thomas, Prochazkova, Michaela, Hall, Bradford E., Nordmann, Gregory C., Schladt, Moritz, Milenkovic, Vladimir M. und Kulkarni, Ashok B. (2016) TRPV1 function is modulated by Cdk5-mediated phosphorylation: insights into the molecular mechanism of nociception. Scientific Reports 6 (22007), S. 1-15.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Molekulare und Zelluläre Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Peter J. Flor)

Estrela, Karolyne A. R., Senninger, Lisa, Arndt, Josephine, Kabas, Melanie, Schmid, Ferdinand, Dillmann, Larissa , Auer, Sophia, Stepfer, Thomas, Flor, Peter J. und Uschold-Schmidt, Nicole (2022) Blocking Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subtype 7 via the Venus Flytrap Domain Promotes a Chronic Stress-Resilient Phenotype in Mice. Cells 11 (11), S. 1817.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Neurogenetik (Prof. Dr. Björn Brembs)

Skoulakis, Efthimios M. C., Steymans, Isabelle, Pujol-Lereis, Luciana M., Brembs, Björn und Gorostiza, E. Axel (2021) Collective action or individual choice: Spontaneity and individuality contribute to decision-making in Drosophila. PLOS ONE 16 (8), S. 1-17.

Palazzo, Ottavia, Rass, Mathias und Brembs, Björn (2020) Identification of FoxP circuits involved in locomotion and object fixation in Drosophila. Open Biology 10 (12), S. 200295.

Brembs, Björn, Damrau, Christine, Toshima, Naoko, Colomb, Julien und Tanimura, Teiichi (2018) Octopamine and Tyramine Contribute Separately to the Counter-Regulatory Response to Sugar Deficit in Drosophila. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11 (100), S. 1-11.

Brembs, Björn , Gorostiza, E. Axel und Colomb, Julien (2016) A decision underlies phototaxis in an insecticide. Open Biology 6 (160229), S. 1-16.

Mendoza, Ezequiel , Colomb, Julien , Raybak, Jürgen , Pflügler, Hans-Joachim, Zars, Troy , Scharff, Constance und Brembs, Björn (2014) Drosophila FoxP Mutants Are Deficient in Operant Self-Learning. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e100648.

Brembs, Björn, Button, Katherine und Munafò, Marcus (2013) Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, S. 291.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Neurophysiologie (Prof. Dr. Veronica Egger)

Suyama, Hajime , Bianchini, Gaia und Lukas, Michael (2024) Vasopressin differentially modulates the excitability of rat olfactory bulb neuron subtypes. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 18.

Aghvami, S. Sara, Kubota, Yoshiyuki und Egger, Veronica (2022) Anatomical and Functional Connectivity at the Dendrodendritic Reciprocal Mitral Cell–Granule Cell Synapse: Impact on Recurrent and Lateral Inhibition. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 16, S. 933201.

Lage-Rupprecht, Vanessa, Zhou, Li, Bianchini, Gaia, Aghvami, S. Sara, Mueller, Max, Rózsa, Balázs, Sassoè-Pognetto, Marco und Egger, Veronica (2020) Presynaptic NMDARs cooperate with local spikes toward GABA release from the reciprocal olfactory bulb granule cell spine. eLife 9 (e63737), S. 1-27.

Ona Jodar, Tiffany, Lage-Rupprecht, Vanessa, Abraham, Nixon M., Rose, Christine R. und Egger, Veronica (2020) Local Postsynaptic Signaling on Slow Time Scales in Reciprocal Olfactory Bulb Granule Cell Spines Matches Asynchronous Release. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 12 (551691), S. 1-11.

Ona Jodar, Tiffany, Lage-Rupprecht, Vanessa, Abraham, Nixon M., Rose, Christine R. und Egger, Veronica (2020) Local Postsynaptic Signaling on Slow Time Scales in Reciprocal Olfactory Bulb Granule Cell Spines Matches Asynchronous Release. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 12 (551691), S. 1-11.

Müller, Max und Egger, Veronica (2020) Dendritic integration in olfactory bulb granule cells upon simultaneous multispine activation: Low thresholds for nonlocal spiking activity. PLOS Biology 18 (9), e3000873.

Egger, Veronica und Diamond, Jeffrey S. (2020) A17 Amacrine Cells and Olfactory Granule Cells: Parallel Processors of Early Sensory Information. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 14 (600537), S. 1-7.

Egger, Veronica und Diamond, Jeffrey S. (2020) A17 Amacrine Cells and Olfactory Granule Cells: Parallel Processors of Early Sensory Information. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 14 (600537), S. 1-7.

Lukas, Michael , Suyama, Hajime und Egger, Veronica (2019) Vasopressin cells in the rodent olfactory bulb resemble non-bursting superficial tufted cells and are primarily inhibited upon olfactory nerve stimulation. eneuro 2019 (18), S. 1-50.

Go, Mary Ann, Mueller, Max, Castañares, Michael Lawrence, Egger, Veronica und Daria, Vincent R. (2019) A compact holographic projector module for high-resolution 3D multi-site two-photon photostimulation. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0210564. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Go, Mary Ann, Mueller, Max, Castañares, Michael Lawrence, Egger, Veronica und Daria, Vincent R. (2019) A compact holographic projector module for high-resolution 3D multi-site two-photon photostimulation. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0210564. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Egger, Veronica, Ona-Jodar, Tiffany, Aghvami, S. Sara, Rose, Christine R. und Gerkau, Niklas J. (2017) Two-Photon Na+ Imaging Reports Somatically Evoked Action Potentials in Rat Olfactory Bulb Mitral and Granule Cell Neurites. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 11 (50), S. 1-12.

Egger, Veronica, Bywalez, Wolfgang G., One-Jodar, Tiffany, Lukas, Michael und Ninkovic, Jovica (2017) Dendritic arborization patterns of small juxtaglomerular cell subtypes within the rodent olfactory bulb. Frontiers Neuroanatomy 10 (127), S. 1-18.

Egger, Veronica, Chatterjee, Mahua, Perez de los Cobos Pallares, Fernando, Loebel, Alex und Lukas, Michael (2016) Sniff-like patterned input results in long-term plasticity at the rat olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cell to granule cell synapse. Neural Plasticity 2016, S. 1-17.

Medizin > Notfallambulanz

Vogel, Manuel Julian, Leininger, Simon B., Staudner, Stephan T., Hubauer, Ute, Wallner, Stefan , Mustroph, Julian , Hanses, Frank , Zimmermann, Markus, Lehn, Petra, Burkhardt, Ralph , Maier, Lars S. , Hupf, Julian und Jungbauer, Carsten G. (2023) Urinary N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide Predicts Acute Kidney Injury and Severe Disease in COVID-19. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research 48 (1), S. 424-435.

Lang, Siegmund , Loibl, Markus , Gläsner, Joachim, Simon, Michaela, Rupp, Markus , Grad, Sibylle, Neumann, Carsten, Alt, Volker , Gessner, Andre und Hanses, Frank (2021) VERTEBRAL OSTEOMYELITIS IS CHARACTERISED BY INCREASED RANK/OPG AND RANKL/OPG EXPRESSION RATIOS IN VERTEBRAL BODIES AND INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS. European Cells and Materials 2021 (42), S. 438-451.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Chair of Chemistry III - Physical Chemistry (Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry) > Prof Dr. Alkwin Slenczka

Slenczka, Alkwin (2017) Electronic Spectroscopy of Phthalocyanine and Porphyrin Derivatives in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets. Molecules 22 (8), S. 1244.

Slenczka, Alkwin, Premke, Tobias, Wirths, Eva-Maria, Pentlehner, Dominik, Lehnig, Rudolf, Richers, Ricarda und Vdovin, Alexander (2014) Microsolvation of Molecules in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets Revealed by Means of Electronic Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Chemistry.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Armin Kurtz

Mustroph, Julian , Hupf, Julian , Baier, Maria J., Evert, Katja , Brochhausen, Christoph , Broeker, Katharina A. E. , Meindl, Christine , Seither, Benedikt, Jungbauer, Carsten G., Evert, Matthias, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Cardiac Fibrosis Is a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Neubauer, Björn, Machura, Katharina, Rupp, V., Tallquist, M. D., Bestholtz, C., Sequeira-Lopez, M. L., Ariel Gomez, R. und Wagner, C. (2013) Development of renal renin-expressing cells does not involve PDGF-B-PDGFR-β signaling. Physiological Reports 1.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Christine Ziegler

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Grünberger, Felix, Reichelt, Robert, Waege, Ingrid, Ned, Verena, Bronner, Korbinian, Kaljanac, Marcell, Weber, Nina, El Ahmad, Zubeir, Knauss, Lena, Madej, M. Gregor , Ziegler, Christine, Grohmann, Dina und Hausner, Winfried (2021) CopR, a Global Regulator of Transcription to Maintain Copper Homeostasis in Pyrococcus furiosus. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (613532), S. 1-18.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Dina Grohmann

Hanelt, Tiana Nicole, Treiber, Nora, Treiber, Thomas, Lehmann, Gerhard, Eichner, Norbert, Rothmeier, Tamara, Schmid, Georg, Reichelt, Robert, Zambelli, Federico, Pavesi, Giulio, Grohmann, Dina und Meister, Gunter (2024) Endo-bind-n-seq: identifying RNA motifs of RNA binding proteins isolated from endogenous sources. Life Science Alliance 8 (2), e202402782.

Wörle, Elisabeth, Newman, Anthony, D’Silva, Jovita, Burgio, Gaetan und Grohmann, Dina (2022) Allosteric activation of CRISPR-Cas12a requires the concerted movement of the bridge helix and helix 1 of the RuvC II domain. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (17), S. 10153-10168.

Grohmann, Dina, Weixlbaumer, Albert, Grünberger, Felix und Werner, Finn (2021) Coupling of Transcription and Translation in Archaea: Cues From the Bacterial World. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021 (12), S. 661827. (Eingereicht)

Grünberger, Felix, Reichelt, Robert, Waege, Ingrid, Ned, Verena, Bronner, Korbinian, Kaljanac, Marcell, Weber, Nina, El Ahmad, Zubeir, Knauss, Lena, Madej, M. Gregor , Ziegler, Christine, Grohmann, Dina und Hausner, Winfried (2021) CopR, a Global Regulator of Transcription to Maintain Copper Homeostasis in Pyrococcus furiosus. Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (613532), S. 1-18.

Kramm, Kevin, Schröder, Tim, Gouge, Jerome , Vera, Andrés Manuel , Gupta, Kapil , Heiss, Florian B. , Liedl, Tim , Engel, Christoph, Berger, Imre , Vannini, Alessandro , Tinnefeld, Philip und Grohmann, Dina (2020) DNA origami-based single-molecule force spectroscopy elucidates RNA Polymerase III pre-initiation complex stability. Nature Communications 11 (2828), S. 1-12.

Kramm, Kevin, Schröder, Tim, Gouge, Jerome , Vera, Andrés Manuel , Gupta, Kapil , Heiss, Florian B. , Liedl, Tim , Engel, Christoph, Berger, Imre , Vannini, Alessandro , Tinnefeld, Philip und Grohmann, Dina (2020) DNA origami-based single-molecule force spectroscopy elucidates RNA Polymerase III pre-initiation complex stability. Nature Communications 11 (2828), S. 1-12.

Grünberger, Felix, Reichelt, Robert Martin , Bunk, Boyke, Spröer, Cathrin, Overmann, Jörg, Rachel, Reinhard , Grohmann, Dina und Hausner, Winfried (2019) Next Generation DNA-Seq and Differential RNA-Seq Allow Re-annotation of the Pyrococcus furiosus DSM 3638 Genome and Provide Insights Into Archaeal Antisense Transcription. Frontiers in Microbiology 2019 (10), S. 1603.

Jakob, Leonhard, Gust, Alexander und Grohmann, Dina (2018) Evaluation and optimisation of unnatural amino acid incorporation and bioorthogonal bioconjugation for site-specific fluorescent labelling of proteins expressed in mammalian cells. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 2019 (17), S. 1-9.

Dexl, Stefan Albin, Reichelt, Robert, Kraatz, Katharina, Schulz, Sarah, Grohmann, Dina, Bartlett, Michael und Thomm, Michael (2018) Displacement of the transcription factor B reader domain during transcription initiation. Nucleic Acids Research 46 (19), S. 10066-10081.

Dexl, Stefan Albin, Reichelt, Robert, Kraatz, Katharina, Schulz, Sarah, Grohmann, Dina, Bartlett, Michael und Thomm, Michael (2018) Displacement of the transcription factor B reader domain during transcription initiation. Nucleic Acids Research 46 (19), S. 10066-10081.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Chemie IV - Physikalische Chemie (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Dominik Horinek

Horinek, Dominik , Cölfen, Helmut, Rosenberg, Rose, Haffke, Dirk, Stemplinger, Simon und Zemb, Thomas (2023) Two Types of Liquid Phase Separation Induced by Soft Centrifugation in Aqueous Ethyl Acetate Using Ethanol as Cosolvent. Research. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Robert Kalbitzer

Narayanan, Sunilkumar Puthenpurackal, Nair, Divya Gopalakrishnan, Schaal, Daniel, de Aguiar, Marisa Barbosa, Wenzel, Sabine, Kremer, Werner, Schwarzinger, Stephan und Kalbitzer, Hans Robert (2016) Structural transitions in full-length human prion protein detected by xenon as probe and spin labeling of the N-terminal domain. Scientific Reports 6 (28419), S. 1-17.

Ramm Sander, Paul, Peer, Markus, Grandl, Margot, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Schmitz, Gerd und Kalbitzer, Hans Robert (2013) NMR spectroscopy of macrophages loaded with native, oxidized or enzymatically degraded lipoproteins. PloS one 8 (2), e56360.

Koehler, Joerg, Beck Erlach, Markus, Crusca, Edson, Kremer, Werner, Munte, Claudia Elisabeth und Kalbitzer, Hans Robert (2012) Pressure Dependence of 15N Chemical Shifts in Model Peptides Ac-Gly-Gly-X-Ala-NH2. Materials 5, S. 1774-1786.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Elmar Lang

Wein, Simon , Schüller, A., Tomé, A. M., Malloni, W. M. , Greenlee, M. W. und Lang, E. W. (2022) Forecasting brain activity based on models of spatiotemporal brain dynamics: A comparison of graph neural network architectures. Network Neuroscience 6 (3), S. 665-701.

Ott, Christian, Rosengarth, Katharina, Doenitz, Christian, Hoehne, Julius, Wendl, Christina, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Lang, Elmar W., Schmidt, Nils Ole und Goldhacker, Markus (2021) Preoperative Assessment of Language Dominance through Combined Resting-State and Task-Based Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Personalized Medicine 11 (12), S. 1342.

Wein, Simon , Deco, Gustavo, Tomé, Ana Maria, Goldhacker, Markus , Malloni, Wilhelm M., Greenlee, Mark W. und Lang, Elmar W. (2021) Brain Connectivity Studies on Structure-Function Relationships: A Short Survey with an Emphasis on Machine Learning. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2021, S. 1-31.

Wein, Simon, Tomé, Ana M., Goldhacker, Markus , Greenlee, Mark W. und Lang, Elmar W. (2020) A Constrained ICA-EMD Model for Group Level fMRI Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14 (221), S. 1-10.

Goetz, Theresa, Tome, A. M., Hensel, B., Bert, Ch. und Lang, Elmar W. (2018) Electromagnetic Tracking in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy - A Composite Analysis Model. Advances in Applied Science Research 9 (1), S. 1-21.

Goetz, Th. I., Herzberger, F., Tome, A. M., Hensel, B. und Lang, Elmar W. (2017) EMTLAB: A Toolbox for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Tracking Data in Brachytherapy. Advances in Applied Science Research 8 (4), S. 40-61.

Götz, Th. I., Lahmer, G., Strnad, V., Bert, Ch., Hensel, B., Tomé, A. M. und Lang, E. W. (2017) A tool to automatically analyze electromagnetic tracking data from high dose rate brachytherapy of breast cancer patients. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0183608.

Al-Subari, Karema, Al-Baddai, Saad, Tomé, A. M. , Volberg, Gregor , Ludwig, Bernd und Lang, Elmar W. (2016) Combined EMD-sLORETA Analysis of EEG Data Collected during a Contour Integration Task. PLoS ONE 11 (12), S. 1-20.

Lang, Elmar, Al-Subari, Karema, Al-Baddai, Saad , Tomé, Ana Maria , Volberg, Gregor und Hammwöhner, Rainer (2015) Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis of EEG Data Collected during a Contour Integration Task. PLoS ONE 10 (4), S. 1-27.

Hoffmann, Sebastian, Shulter, Jamie, Lobbes, Marc, Burgeth, Bernhard und Meyer-Bäse, Anke (2013) Automated analysis of non-mass-enhancing lesions in breast MRI based on morphological, kinetic, and spatio-temporal moments and joint segmentation-motion compensation technique. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2013, S. 172.

Lang, Elmar W., Tomé, A. M., Keck, Ingo R., Górriz-Sáez, J. M. und Puntonet, C. G. (2012) Brain Connectivity Analysis - A short survey. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (CIN).

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Humananatomie und Embryologie > Prof. Dr. Ernst Tamm

Dillinger, Andrea E., Kuespert, Sabrina, Seleem, Amin A., Neuendorf, Jakob, Schneider, Magdalena und Fuchshofer, Rudolf (2023) CCN2/CTGF tip the balance of growth factors towards TGF-β2 in primary open-angle glaucoma. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 10.

Bohley, Marilena, Dillinger, Andrea E., Schweda, Frank, Ohlmann, Andreas, Braunger, Barbara M., Tamm, Ernst R. und Goepferich, Achim (2022) A single intravenous injection of cyclosporin A–loaded lipid nanocapsules prevents retinopathy of prematurity. Science Advances 8 (38).

Mietzner, Raphael , Pawlak, Ramona , Tamm, Ernst R., Goepferich, Achim , Fuchshofer, Rudolf und Breunig, Miriam (2021) Angiopoietin-1 Mimetic Nanoparticles for Restoring the Function of Endothelial Cells as Potential Therapeutic for Glaucoma. Pharmaceuticals 15 (1), S. 18.

Engelmann, S., Ruewe, M., Geis, S., Taeger, C. D., Kehrer, M. , Tamm, E. R., Bleys, R. L. A. W., Zeman, F., Prantl, L. und Kehrer, A. (2020) Rapid and Precise Semi-Automatic Axon Quantification in Human Peripheral Nerves. Scientific Reports 10 (1935), S. 1-9.

Fuchsdorfer, Rudolf, Tamm, Ernst R., Küspert, Sabrina Angela , Braunger, Barbara Maria und Junglas, Benjamin (2015) Regulation of Connective Tissue Growth Factor Expression Influences the Cell Viability In Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 19 (5), S. 1010-1020.

Herrnberger, Leonie, Hennig, Robert, Kremer, Werner, Hellerbrand, Claus, Goepferich, Achim , Kalbitzer, Hans Robert und Tamm, Ernst R. (2014) Formation of Fenestrae in Murine Liver Sinusoids Depends on Plasmalemma Vesicle-Associated Protein and Is Required for Lipoprotein Passage. PLoS ONE 9 (12), e115005.

Ohlmann, Andreas, Tamm, Ernst R., Knobloch, Verena, Müller, Birgit und Zeilbeck, Ludwig Franz (2014) Differential angiogenic properties of lithium chloride in vitro and in vivo. PLoS ONE 9 (4), e95546.

Ohlmann, Andreas, Tamm, Ernst R., Knobloch, Verena, Müller, Birgit und Zeilbeck, Ludwig Franz (2014) Differential angiogenic properties of lithium chloride in vitro and in vivo. PLoS ONE 9 (4), e95546.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Frank Schweda

Sinha, Frederick, Federlein, Anna, Biesold, Annika, Schwarzfischer, Magdalena, Krieger, Katharina, Schweda, Frank und Tauber, Philipp (2023) Empagliflozin increases kidney weight due to increased cell size in the proximal tubule S3 segment and the collecting duct. Frontiers in Pharmacology 14.

Donhauser, Ferdinand J., Zimmermann, Martina E., Steinkirchner, Anna B., Wiegrebe, Simon, Dietl, Alexander, Brandl, Caroline , Burkhardt, Ralph , Gessner, André , Schweda, Frank, Bergler, Tobias , Schäffner, Elke, Böger, Carsten A., Kronenberg, Florian, Luchner, Andreas, Stark, Klaus J. und Heid, Iris M. (2023) Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in 70- to 95-Year-Old Individuals: Cross-Sectional Results from the Population-Based AugUR Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), S. 2102.

Bohley, Marilena, Dillinger, Andrea E., Schweda, Frank, Ohlmann, Andreas, Braunger, Barbara M., Tamm, Ernst R. und Goepferich, Achim (2022) A single intravenous injection of cyclosporin A–loaded lipid nanocapsules prevents retinopathy of prematurity. Science Advances 8 (38).

Tauber, Philipp, Sinha, Frederick, Berger, Raffaela S., Gronwald, Wolfram, Dettmer, Katja , Kuhn, Michaela, Trum, Maximilian, Maier, Lars S., Wagner, Stefan und Schweda, Frank (2021) Empagliflozin Reduces Renal Hyperfiltration in Response to Uninephrectomy, but Is Not Nephroprotective in UNx/DOCA/Salt Mouse Models. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12, S. 761855.

Schramm, Andrea, Schweda, Frank, Sequeira-Lopez, Maria Luisa S., Hofmann, Franz, Sandner, Peter und Schlossmann, Jens (2019) Protein Kinase G Is Involved in Acute but Not in Long-Term Regulation of Renin Secretion. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019 (10), S. 800.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Prof. Dr. Gernot Längst

Wernig-Zorc, Sara , Kugler, Fabian , Schmutterer, Leo , Räß, Patrick , Hausmann, Clemens, Holzinger, Simon , Längst, Gernot und Schwartz, Uwe (2024) nucMACC: An MNase-seq pipeline to identify structurally altered nucleosomes in the genome. Science Advances 10 (27), eadm9740.

Michl-Holzinger, Philipp, Obermeyer, Simon, Markusch, Hanna, Pfab, Alexander, Ettner, Andreas, Bruckmann, Astrid, Babl, Sabrina, Längst, Gernot, Schwartz, Uwe, Tvardovskiy, Andrey, Jensen, Ole N. , Osakabe, Akihisa, Berger, Frédéric und Grasser, Klaus D. (2022) Phosphorylation of the FACT histone chaperone subunit SPT16 affects chromatin at RNA polymerase II transcriptional start sites in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 50 (9), S. 5014-5028.

Längst, Gernot, Watzlowik, Maria Theresia, Das, Sujaan und Meissner, Markus (2021) Peculiarities of Plasmodium falciparum Gene Regulation and Chromatin Structure. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 5168. (Eingereicht)

Maiser, Andreas , Dillinger, Stefan, Längst, Gernot, Schermelleh, Lothar , Leonhardt, Heinrich und Németh, Attila (2020) Super-resolution in situ analysis of active ribosomal DNA chromatin organization in the nucleolus. Scientific Reports 10 (7642), S. 1-11.

Schwartz, Uwe, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Exler, Josef H., Hansch, Stefan, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Heizinger, Leonhard , Merkl, Rainer und Längst, Gernot (2018) Characterizing the nuclease accessibility of DNA in human cells to map higher order structures of chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-16.

Hoffmeister, Helen, Fuchs, Andreas , Erdel, Fabian , Pinz, Sophia, Gröbner-Ferreira, Regina, Bruckmann, Astrid, Deutzmann, Rainer, Schwartz, Uwe, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Huber, Claudia, Dendorfer, Anne-Sarah, Rippe, Karsten und Längst, Gernot (2017) CHD3 and CHD4 form distinct NuRD complexes with different yet overlapping functionality. Nucleic Acids Research 45 (18), S. 10534-10554.

Längst, Gernot, König, Fabian und Schubert, Thomas E. O. (2017) The monoclonal S9.6 antibody exhibits highly variable binding affinities towards different R-loop sequences. PLoS ONE 12 (6), e0178875.

Längst, Gernot, Silberhorn, Elisabeth, Schwartz, Uwe, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Symelka, Anne , Koning-Ward, Tania de und Merkl, Rainer (2016) Plasmodium falciparum Nucleosomes Exhibit Reduced Stability and Lost Sequence Dependent Nucleosome Positioning. PLoS Pathogens 12 (12), e10060.

Längst, Gernot, Schrader, Anna, Gross, Thomas und Thalhammer, Verena (2015) Characterization of Dnmt1 Binding and DNA Methylation on Nucleosomes and Nucleosomal Arrays. PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0140076.

Längst, Gernot und Manelyte, Laura (2015) Chromatin remodelers: from function to dysfunction. Genes 2015 (6), S. 299-324.

Längst, Gernot, Gross, Thomas, Strohner, Ralf und Manelyte, Laura (2014) Chromatin targeting signals nucleosome positioning mechanism and non-coding RNA mediated regulation of the chromatin remodeling complex NoRC. PLoS Genetics 10 (3), e1004157.

Diermeier, Sarah , Nemmeth, Attila, Rehli, Michael , Grummt, Ingrid und Längst, Gernot (2013) Chromatin-Specific Regulation of Mammalian rDNA Transcription by Clustered TTF-I Binding Sites. PLoS Genetics 9.

Kammel, Christine, Thomaier, Maren, Sørensen, Brian B., Schubert, Thomas , Längst, Gernot, Grasser, Marion und Grasser, Klaus D. (2013) Arabidopsis DEAD-box RNA helicase UAP56 interacts with both RNA and DNA as well as with mRNA export factors. PloS one 8 (3), e60644.

Manelyte, Laura und Längst, Gernot (2013) Chromatin Remodelers and Their Way of Action. In: Radzioch, Daniela, (ed.) Chromatin Remodelling. , S. 3. ISBN 978-953-51-1087-3.

Zillner, Karina, Filarsky, Michael, Rachow, Katrin, Weinberger, Michael, Längst, Gernot und Németh, Attila (2013) Large-scale organization of ribosomal DNA chromatin is regulated by Tip5. Nucleic Acids Research 41 (10), S. 5251-5262.

Pham, Thu-Hang, Minderjahn, Julia, Schmidl, Christian, Hoffmeister, Helen, Schmidhofer, Sandra, Chen, Wei, Längst, Gernot, Benner, Christopher und Rehli, Michael (2013) Mechanisms of in vivo binding site selection of the hematopoietic master transcription factor PU.1. Nucleic acids research 41 (13), S. 6391-6402.

Felle, Max, Hoffmeister, Helen, Rothammer, Julia, Fuchs, Andreas , Exler, Josef H. und Längst, Gernot (2011) Nucleosomes protect DNA from DNA methylation in vivo and in vitro. Nucleic Acids Research 39, S. 6956.

Felle, Max, Joppien, Saskia, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Thalhammer, Verena, Dobner, Thomas, Kremmer, Elisabeth, Kappler, Roland und Längst, Gernot (2011) The USP7/Dnmt1 complex stimulates the DNA methylation activity of Dnmt1 and regulates the stability of UHRF1. Nucleic Acids Research 39, S. 8355.

Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Guido Kings

Sprang, Johannes (2019) EISENSTEIN–KRONECKER SERIES VIA THE POINCARÉ BUNDLE. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 7 (e34), S. 1-59.

Sprang, Johannes und Ertl, Veronika (2018) Integral Comparison of Monsky-Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology. AMS Series B 2018 (5), S. 64-72.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I > Prof. Dr. Gunter Meister

Hanelt, Tiana Nicole, Treiber, Nora, Treiber, Thomas, Lehmann, Gerhard, Eichner, Norbert, Rothmeier, Tamara, Schmid, Georg, Reichelt, Robert, Zambelli, Federico, Pavesi, Giulio, Grohmann, Dina und Meister, Gunter (2024) Endo-bind-n-seq: identifying RNA motifs of RNA binding proteins isolated from endogenous sources. Life Science Alliance 8 (2), e202402782.

Meister, Gunter und Neumeier, Julia (2021) siRNA Specificity: RNAi Mechanisms and Strategies to Reduce Off-Target Effects. Frontiers in Plant Science 11 (526455), S. 1-7. (Eingereicht)

Ho-Xuan, Hung , Lehmann, Gerhard, Glažar, Petar, Gypas, Foivos, Eichner, Norbert, Heizler, Kevin, Schlitt, Hans J. , Zavolan, Mihaela, Rajewsky, Nikolaus, Meister, Gunter und Hackl, Christina (2020) Gene Expression Signatures of a Preclinical Mouse Model during Colorectal Cancer Progression under Low-Dose Metronomic Chemotherapy. Cancers 13 (1), S. 49.

Kneuttinger, Andrea C. , Zwisele, Stefanie, Straub, Kristina , Bruckmann, Astrid, Busch, Florian, Kinateder, Thomas, Gaim, Barbara, Wysocki, Vicki H. , Merkl, Rainer und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Light-Regulation of Tryptophan Synthase by Combining Protein Design and Enzymology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (20), S. 5106.

Widbiller, Matthias , Schweikl, Helmut, Bruckmann, Astrid, Rosendahl, Andreas, Hochmuth, Eduard, Lindner, Sophia R., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Galler, Kerstin M. (2019) Shotgun Proteomics of Human Dentin with Different Prefractionation Methods. Scientific Reports 9 (4457), S. 1-8.

Dueck, A., Evers, M., Henz, S. R., Unger, K., Eichner, N., Merkl, Rainer , Berezikov, E. , Engelmann, Julia C., Weigel, D. , Wenzl, S. und Meister, Gunter (2016) Gene silencing pathways found in the green alga Volvox carteri reveal insights into evolution and origins of small RNA systems in plants. BMC Genomics 17 (1), S. 853.

Dueck, A., Evers, M., Henz, S. R., Unger, K., Eichner, N., Merkl, Rainer , Berezikov, E. , Engelmann, Julia C., Weigel, D. , Wenzl, S. und Meister, Gunter (2016) Gene silencing pathways found in the green alga Volvox carteri reveal insights into evolution and origins of small RNA systems in plants. BMC Genomics 17 (1), S. 853.

Loedige, Inga, Jakob, Leonhard, Treiber, Thomas, Ray, Debashish, Stotz, Mathias, Treiber, Nora, Hennig, Janosch, Cook, Kate B. , Morris, Quaid, Hughes, Timothy R., Engelmann, Julia C. , Krahn, Michael P. und Meister, Gunter (2015) The Crystal Structure of the NHL Domain in Complex with RNA Reveals the Molecular Basis of Drosophila Brain-Tumor-Mediated Gene Regulation. Cell Rep (Cell Reports) 13 (6), S. 1206-1220.

Evers, Maurits , Huttner, Michael, Dueck, Anne, Meister, Gunter und Engelmann, Julia C. (2015) miRA: adaptable novel miRNA identification in plants using small RNA sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 16 (370), S. 1-10.

Meister, Gunter, Schindler, Susann G., Danner, Johannes, Kremmer, Elisabeth, Pfaff, Janina, Hannus, Stefan, Depping, Reinhard und Schraivogel, Daniel (2015) Importin-β facilitates nuclear import of human GW proteins and balances cytoplasmic gene silencing protein levels. Nucleic Acids Research 2015, S. 1-15.

Grassmann, Felix , Schoenberger, Peter G. A., Brandl, Caroline , Schick, Tina, Hasler, Daniele , Meister, Gunter, Fleckenstein, Monika , Lindner, Moritz , Helbig, Horst, Fauser, Sascha und Weber, Bernhard H. F. (2014) A circulating microRNA profile is associated with late-stage neovascular age-related macular degeneration. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e107461.

Hannus, Michael, Beitzinger, Michaela, Engelmann, Julia C. , Weickert, Marie-Theresa, Spang, Rainer, Hannus, Stefan und Meister, Gunter (2014) siPools: highly complex but accurately defined siRNA pools eliminate off-target effects. Nucleic Acids Research 42, S. 8049-8061.

Dueck, Anne, Ziegler, Christian, Eichner, Alexander, Berezikov, Eugene und Meister, Gunter (2012) microRNAs associated with the different human Argonaute proteins. Nucleic Acids Research 40 (19), S. 9850-9862.

Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke

Garcke, Harald, Hüttl, Paul und Knopf, Patrik (2021) Shape and topology optimization involving the eigenvalues of an elastic structure: A multi-phase-field approach. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 11 (1), S. 159-197.

Garcke, Harald, Hüttl, Paul und Knopf, Patrik (2021) Shape and topology optimization involving the eigenvalues of an elastic structure: A multi-phase-field approach. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 11 (1), S. 159-197.

Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Helmut Abels

Abels, Helmut und Liu, Yadong (2023) Short-time existence of a quasi-stationary fluid–structure interaction problem for plaque growth. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 12 (1).

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie III > Prof. Dr. Herbert Tschochner

Hannig, Katharina, Babl, Virginia, Hergert, Kristin, Maier, Andreas, Pilsl, Michael, Schächner, Christopher, Stöckl, Ulrike, Milkereit, Philipp, Tschochner, Herbert, Seufert, Wolfgang und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2019) The C-terminal region of Net1 is an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription with conserved features from yeast to human. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1008006.

Hannig, Katharina, Babl, Virginia, Hergert, Kristin, Maier, Andreas, Pilsl, Michael, Schächner, Christopher, Stöckl, Ulrike, Milkereit, Philipp, Tschochner, Herbert, Seufert, Wolfgang und Griesenbeck, Joachim (2019) The C-terminal region of Net1 is an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription with conserved features from yeast to human. PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1008006.

Linnemann, Jan, Pöll, Gisela, Jakob, Steffen, Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien , Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2019) Impact of two neighbouring ribosomal protein clusters on biogenesis factor binding and assembly of yeast late small ribosomal subunit precursors. PLOS ONE 14 (1), e0203415.

Milkereit, Philipp, Pöll, Gisela, Müller, Christian, Bodden, Malena, Teubl, Fabian, Eichner, Norbert, Lehmann, Gerhard , Griesenbeck, Joachim und Tschochner, Herbert (2017) Structural transitions during large ribosomal subunit maturation analyzed by tethered nuclease structure probing in S. cerevisiae. PLOS ONE 12 (7), e0179405.

Milkereit, Philipp, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert , Ohmayer, Uli, Gil-Hernández, Álvaro, Sauert, Martina, Martín-Marcos, Pilar und Tamame, Mercedes (2015) Studies on the Coordination of Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events Involved in Prosessing and Stabiliz. PLoS ONE 10 (12), e0143768.

Ohmayer, Uli, Gamalinda, Michael, Sauert, Martina , Ossowski, Julius, Pöll, Gisela, Linnemann, Jan, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Kumcuoglu, Beril, Leger-Silvestre, Isabelle, Faubladier, Marlène, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Woolford, John , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2013) Studies on the Assembly Characteristics of Large Subunit Ribosomal Proteins in S. cerevisae. PloS one 8 (7), e68412.

Hierlmeier, Thomas, Merl, Juliane, Sauert, Martina , Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Schultz, Patrick, Bruckmann, Astrid, Hamperl, Stephan , Ohmayer, Uli, Rachel, Reinhard, Jacob, Anja, Hergert, Kristin, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Hurt, Ed, Milkereit, Philipp, Baßler, Jochen und Tschochner, Herbert (2012) Rrp5p, Noc1p and Noc2p form a protein module which is part of early large ribosomal subunit precursors in S. cerevisiae. Nucleic acids research 41 (2), S. 1191-1210.

Ohmayer, Uli, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge, Hierlmeier, Thomas, Pöll, Gisela, Williams, Lydia, Griesenbeck, Joachim, Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Local Tertiary Structure Probing of Ribonucleoprotein Particles by Nuclease Fusion Proteins. Plos One 7, e42449.

Jakob, Steffen, Ohmayer, Uli, Neueder, Andreas , Hierlmeier, Thomas, Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Hochmuth, Eduard, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Tschochner, Herbert und Milkereit, Philipp (2012) Interrelationships between Yeast Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events and Transient Ribosome Biogenesis Factors Interactions in Early Pre-Ribosomes. PloS one 7 (3), e32552.

Physik > Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik > Prof. Dr. Isabella Gierz

Krause, Razvan, Chávez-Cervantes, Mariana, Aeschlimann, Sven, Forti, Stiven, Fabbri, Filippo , Rossi, Antonio, Coletti, Camilla , Cacho, Cephise, Zhang, Yu , Majchrzak, Paulina Ewa , Chapman, Richard T., Springate, Emma und Gierz, Isabella (2021) Ultrafast Charge Separation in Bilayer WS2/Graphene Heterostructure Revealed by Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Physics 2021 (9), S. 668149. (Eingereicht)

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Karl Kunzelmann

Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2024) Functional Interdependence of Anoctamins May Influence Conclusions from Overexpression Studies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (18), S. 9998.

Centeio, Raquel, Cabrita, Inês , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2023) TMEM16A/F support exocytosis but do not inhibit Notch-mediated goblet cell metaplasia of BCi-NS1.1 human airway epithelium. Frontiers in Physiology 14.

Schreiber, Rainer , Cabrita, Ines und Kunzelmann, Karl (2022) Paneth Cell Secretion in vivo Requires Expression of Tmem16a and Tmem16f. Gastro Hep Advances 1 (6), S. 1088-1098.

Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Centeio, Raquel, Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2022) Expression of SLC26A9 in Airways and Its Potential Role in Asthma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (6), S. 2998.

Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Centeio, Raquel, Cabrita, Inês , Talbi, Khaoula, Zimmer, Oliver , Graf, Moritz, Göpferich, Achim , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2022) Airway Delivery of Hydrogel-Encapsulated Niclosamide for the Treatment of Inflammatory Airway Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (3), S. 1085.

Talbi, Khaoula, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn, Centeio, Raquel, Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2021) Calmodulin-Dependent Regulation of Overexpressed but Not Endogenous TMEM16A Expressed in Airway Epithelial Cells. Membranes 11 (9), S. 1-14.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Centeio, Raquel, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Cabrita, Inês , Schreiber, Rainer , Talbi, Khaoula, Benedetto, Roberta, Doušová, Tereza , Verbeken, Eric K., De Boeck, Kris und Cohen, Isaac (2021) Mucus Release and Airway Constriction by TMEM16A May Worsen Pathology in Inflammatory Lung Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (7852), S. 1-18.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Talbi, Khaoula, Cabrita, Ines und Schreiber, Rainer (2021) Gender-Dependent Phenotype in Polycystic Kidney Disease Is Determined by Differential Intracellular Ca2+ Signals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 6019. (Eingereicht)

Kunzelmann, Karl, Centeio, Raquel, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn und Schreiber, Rainer (2021) CLCA1 Regulates Airway Mucus Production and Ion Secretion Through TMEM16A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 5133. (Eingereicht)

Centeio, Raquel, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Schreiber, Rainer und Kunzelmann, Karl (2020) Ca2+ Dependence of Volume-Regulated VRAC/LRRC8 and TMEM16A Cl– Channels. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (596879), S. 1-14.

Oliver, Paula M., Neubert, Patrick, Homann, Arne, Wendelborn, David, Bär, Anna-Lorena , Krampert, Luka , Trum, Maximilian, Schröder, Agnes, Ebner, Stefan, Weichselbaum, Andrea, Schatz, Valentin, Linz, Peter, Veelken, Roland, Schulte-Schrepping, Jonas , Aschenbrenner, Anna C., Quast, Thomas, Kurts, Christian, Geisberger, Sabrina, Kunzelmann, Karl, Hammer, Karin, Binger, Katrina J., Titze, Jens, Müller, Dominik N., Kolanus, Waldemar , Schultze, Joachim L., Wagner, Stefan und Jantsch, Jonathan (2020) NCX1 represents an ionic Na+ sensing mechanism in macrophages. PLOS Biology 18 (6), e3000722.

Schreiber, Rainer, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn und Kunzelmann, Karl (2020) Targeting of Intracellular TMEM16 Proteins to the Plasma Membrane and Activation by Purinergic Signaling. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (11), S. 4065.

Centeio, Raquel, Cabrita, Inês, Benedetto, Roberta, Talbi, Khaoula, Ousingsawat, Jiraporn, Schreiber, Rainer, Sullivan, John K. und Kunzelmann, Karl (2020) Pharmacological Inhibition and Activation of the Ca2+ Activated Cl− Channel TMEM16A. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (7), S. 2557.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Centeio, Raquel, Wanitchakool, Podchanart, Cabrita, Inês, Benedetto, Roberta, Saha, Tultul, Hoque, Kazi Mirajul und Schreiber, Rainer (2019) Control of Ion Transport by Tmem16a Expressed in Murine Intestine. Frontiers in Physiology 10 (1262), S. 1-10.

Kunzelmann, Karl , Ousingsawat, Jiraporn , Benedetto, Roberta, Cabrita, Ines und Schreiber, Rainer (2019) Contribution of Anoctamins to Cell Survival and Cell Death. Cancers 11 (3), S. 382.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Michael Thomm

Hausner, Winfried , Reichelt, Robert Martin, Gindner, Antonia und Thomm, Michael (2016) Genome-wide binding analysis of the transcriptional regulator TrmBL1 in Pyrococcus furiosus. BMC Genomics 17 (40), S. 1-18.

Fouqueau, Thomas , Zeller, Mirijam Elisabeth, Cheung, Alan C. , Cramer, Patrick und Thomm, Michael (2013) The RNA polymerase trigger loop functions in all three phases of the transcription cycle. Nucleic Acids Research.

Kreuzer, Martina, Schmutzler, Karolin, Waege, Ingrid, Thomm, Michael und Hausner, Winfried (2013) Genetic engineering of Pyrococcus furiosus to use chitin as a carbon source. BMC biotechnology 13, S. 9.

Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Niko Naumann

Sprang, Johannes und Ertl, Veronika (2018) Integral Comparison of Monsky-Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology. AMS Series B 2018 (5), S. 64-72.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Didaktik der Chemie > Prof. Dr. Oliver Tepner

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie I > Prof. Dr. Patrick Nürnberger

Wortmann, Svenja, Kutta, Roger Jan und Nuernberger, Patrick (2022) Monitoring the photochemistry of a formazan over 15 orders of magnitude in time. Frontiers in Chemistry 10, S. 983342.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Biochemie I > Prof. Dr. Rainer Deutzmann

Ruther, Joachim, Hagström, Asa K., Brandstetter, Birgit, Hofferberth, John, Bruckmann, Astrid, Semmelmann, Florian, Fink, Michaela, Lowack, Helena, Laberer, Sabine, Niehuis, Oliver, Deutzmann, Rainer, Löfstedt, Christer und Sterner, Reinhard (2016) Epimerisation of chiral hydroxylactones by short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases accounts for sex pheromone evolution in Nasonia. Scientific Reports 6 (34697), S. 1-13.

Birner, Christoph, Hierl, S., Dietl, A., Hupf, J., Jungbauer, C., Schmid, Peter M., Rümmele, Petra, Deutzmann, Rainer, Riegger, Günter A. J. und Luchner, A. (2014) Experimental Heart Failure Induces Alterations of the Lung Proteome - Insight into Molecular Mechanisms. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 33 (3), S. 692-704.

Hierlmeier, Thomas, Merl, Juliane, Sauert, Martina , Perez-Fernandez, Jorge , Schultz, Patrick, Bruckmann, Astrid, Hamperl, Stephan , Ohmayer, Uli, Rachel, Reinhard, Jacob, Anja, Hergert, Kristin, Deutzmann, Rainer, Griesenbeck, Joachim , Hurt, Ed, Milkereit, Philipp, Baßler, Jochen und Tschochner, Herbert (2012) Rrp5p, Noc1p and Noc2p form a protein module which is part of early large ribosomal subunit precursors in S. cerevisiae. Nucleic acids research 41 (2), S. 1191-1210.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Rainer Merkl

Kneuttinger, Andrea C. , Zwisele, Stefanie, Straub, Kristina , Bruckmann, Astrid, Busch, Florian, Kinateder, Thomas, Gaim, Barbara, Wysocki, Vicki H. , Merkl, Rainer und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Light-Regulation of Tryptophan Synthase by Combining Protein Design and Enzymology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (20), S. 5106.

Ramchandran, Ramani, Plössl, Karolina , Straub, Kristina, Schmid, Verena, Strunz, Franziska, Wild, Jens , Merkl, Rainer, Weber, Bernhard H. F. und Friedrich, Ulrike (2019) Identification of the retinoschisin-binding site on the retinal Na/K-ATPase. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216320.

Schwartz, Uwe, Németh, Attila, Diermeier, Sarah , Exler, Josef H., Hansch, Stefan, Maldonado, Rodrigo, Heizinger, Leonhard , Merkl, Rainer und Längst, Gernot (2018) Characterizing the nuclease accessibility of DNA in human cells to map higher order structures of chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research 2018 (1), S. 1-16.

Merkl, Rainer, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Hupfeld, Enrico und Sterner, Reinhard (2017) Rosetta:MSF: a modular framework for multi-state computational protein design. PLOS Computational Biology 13 (6), e1005600.

Kandlinger, Florian, Plach, Maximilian G. und Merkl, Rainer (2017) AGeNNT: annotation of enzyme families by means of refined neighborhood networks. BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1), S. 1-13.

Merkl, Rainer, Verprinsky, Valery, Plach, Maximilian G. und Heizinger, Leonhard (2017) Assessing in silico the recruitment and functional spectrum of bacterial enzymes from secondary metabolism. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (36), S. 1-15.

Merkl, Rainer, Plach, Maximilian G., Reisinger, Bernd und Sterner, Reinhard (2016) Long-Term Persistence of Bi-functionality Contributes to the Robustness of Microbial Life through Exaptation. PLoS Genetics 12 (1), S. 1-14.

Merkl, Rainer, Žváček, Clemens, Heizinger, Leonhard und Friedrichs, Gerald (2015) An assessment of catalytic residue 3D ensembles for the prediction of enzyme function. BMC Bioinformatics 16 (359), S. 1-8.

Diermeier, Sarah Daniela Helena , Kolovos, Petros , Heizinger, Leonhard, Schwartz, Uwe, Georgomanolis, Theodore, Zirkel, Anne, Wedemann, Gero , Grosveld, Frank, Knoch, Tobias A., Merkl, Rainer, Cook, Peter R., Längst, Gernot und Papatonis, Argyris (2014) TNFα signalling primes chromatin for NF-κB binding and induces rapid and widespread nucleosome repositioning. Genome Biology 15 (12).

Janda, Jan-Oliver, Popal, Ajmal, Bauer, Jochen, Busch, Markus, Klocke, Michael, Spitzer, Wolfgang, Keller, Jörg und Merkl, Rainer (2014) H2rs: Deducing evolutionary and functionally important residue positions by means of an entropy and similarity based analysis of multiple sequence alignments. BMC Bioinformatics 15 (118).

Janda, Jan-Oliver, Busch, Markus, Kück, Fabian, Porfenenko, Mikhail und Merkl, Rainer (2012) CLIPS-1D: Analysis of multiple sequence alignments to deduce for residue-positions a role in catalysis, ligand-binding, or protein structure. BMC Bioinformatics 13, S. 55.

von Mandach, Conrad und Merkl, Rainer (2010) Genes optimized by evolution for accurate and fast translation encode in Archaea and Bacteria a broad and characteristic spectrum of protein functions. BMC genomics 11 (1), S. 617.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Ralph Witzgall

Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Lorenz, Sebastian, Schmidt, Barbara , Laqtom, Nouf Nasser M., Mazzulli, Joseph R., Francelle, Laetitia , Yu, Timothy W., Greenberg, Benjamin , Storch, Stephan, Tegtmeier, Ines, Othmen, Helga, Maurer, Katja, Steinfurth, Malin, Witzgall, Ralph, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Wetzel, Christian H. und Reichold, Markus (2022) CLN7/MFSD8 may be an important factor for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry. iScience 25 (10), S. 105082.

Heinl, Elena-Sofia, Lorenz, Sebastian, Schmidt, Barbara , Laqtom, Nouf Nasser M., Mazzulli, Joseph R., Francelle, Laetitia , Yu, Timothy W., Greenberg, Benjamin , Storch, Stephan, Tegtmeier, Ines, Othmen, Helga, Maurer, Katja, Steinfurth, Malin, Witzgall, Ralph, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Wetzel, Christian H. und Reichold, Markus (2022) CLN7/MFSD8 may be an important factor for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry. iScience 25 (10), S. 105082.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel

Stöckl, Richard , Nißl, Laura, Reichelt, Robert, Rachel, Reinhard, Grohmann, Dina und Grünberger, Felix (2023) The transcriptional regulator EarA and intergenic terminator sequences modulate archaellation in Pyrococcus furiosus. Frontiers in Microbiology 14.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biophysik und physikalische Biochemie > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Sterner

Kneuttinger, Andrea C. , Zwisele, Stefanie, Straub, Kristina , Bruckmann, Astrid, Busch, Florian, Kinateder, Thomas, Gaim, Barbara, Wysocki, Vicki H. , Merkl, Rainer und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Light-Regulation of Tryptophan Synthase by Combining Protein Design and Enzymology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (20), S. 5106.

Semmelmann, Florian, Hofferberth, John, Ruther, Joachim und Sterner, Reinhard (2019) Mapping key amino acid residues for the epimerase efficiency and stereospecificity of the sex pheromone biosynthetic short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases of Nasonia. Scientific Reports 9 (330), S. 1-7.

Merkl, Rainer, Löffler, Patrick , Schmitz, Samuel, Hupfeld, Enrico und Sterner, Reinhard (2017) Rosetta:MSF: a modular framework for multi-state computational protein design. PLOS Computational Biology 13 (6), e1005600.

Ruther, Joachim, Hagström, Asa K., Brandstetter, Birgit, Hofferberth, John, Bruckmann, Astrid, Semmelmann, Florian, Fink, Michaela, Lowack, Helena, Laberer, Sabine, Niehuis, Oliver, Deutzmann, Rainer, Löfstedt, Christer und Sterner, Reinhard (2016) Epimerisation of chiral hydroxylactones by short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases accounts for sex pheromone evolution in Nasonia. Scientific Reports 6 (34697), S. 1-13.

Merkl, Rainer, Plach, Maximilian G., Reisinger, Bernd und Sterner, Reinhard (2016) Long-Term Persistence of Bi-functionality Contributes to the Robustness of Microbial Life through Exaptation. PLoS Genetics 12 (1), S. 1-14.

Sommer, Bettina, Waege, Ingrid, Pöllmann, David, Seitz, Tobias, Thomm, Michael, Sterner, Reinhard und Hausner, Winfried (2014) Activation of a chimeric Rpb5/RpoH subunit using library selection. Plos One 9.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie (Archaeenzentrum) > Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wirth

Wirth, Reinhard, Luckner, Manja und Wanner, Gerhard (2018) Validation of a Hypothesis: Colonization of Black Smokers by Hyperthermophilic Microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (524), S. 1-11.

Wirth, Reinhard, Ugele, Matthias und Wanner, Gerhard (2016) Motility and Ultrastructure of Spirochaeta thermobhila. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (1609), S. 1-8.

Probst, Alexander J., Birarda, Giovanni, Holman, Hoi-Ying N. , DeSantis, Todd Z., Wanner, Gerhard, Andersen, Gary L. , Perras, Alexandra K., Meck, Sandra, Völkel, Jörg, Bechtel, Hans A., Wirth, Reinhard und Moissl-Eichinger, Christine (2014) Coupling Genetic and Chemical Microbiome Profiling Reveals Heterogeneity of Archaeome and Bacteriome in Subsurface Biofilms That Are Dominated by the Same Archaeal Species. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e99801.

Weiner, Agnes, Schopf, Simone, Wanner, Gerhard, Probst, Alexander und Wirth, Reinhard (2010) Positive, neutral and egative interactions in cocultures between Pyrococcus furiosus and different methanogenic Archaea. Microbiology Insights 5, S. 1.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Richard Warth

Meindl, Katrin , Issler, Naomi, Afonso, Sara Cerqueira, Cebrian-Serrano, Alberto, Müller-Decker, Karin, Sterner, Christina, Othmen, Helga, Tegtmeier, Ines, Witzgall, Ralph , Klootwijk, Enriko D., Davies, Benjamin, Kleta, Robert und Warth, Richard (2023) A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11.

Lo, Jacky, Forst, Anna-Lena , Warth, Richard und Zdebik, Anselm A. (2022) EAST/SeSAME Syndrome and Beyond: The Spectrum of Kir4.1- and Kir5.1-Associated Channelopathies. Frontiers in Physiology 2022 (13), S. 852674.

Warth, Richard, Forst, Anna-Lena, Reichold, Markus und Kleta, Robert (2021) Distinct Mitochondrial Pathologies Caused by Mutations of the Proximal Tubular Enzymes EHHADH and GATM. Frontiers in Physiology 12 (715485), S. 1-10. (Eingereicht)

Mathematik > Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Lindl, Alfred, Krauss, Stefan , Schilcher, Anita und Hilbert, Sven (2020) Statistical Methods in Transdisciplinary Educational Research. Frontiers in Education 5 (97), S. 1-11.

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan und Wiesner, Patrick (2020) A new visualization for probabilistic situations containing two binary events: the frequency net. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (750), S. 1-21.

Weber, Patrick, Binder, Karin und Krauss, Stefan (2018) Why Can Only 24% Solve Bayesian Reasoning Problems in Natural Frequencies: Frequency Phobia in Spite of Probability Blindness. Frontiers in Psychology 9, S. 1833.

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Bruckmaier, Georg und Marienhagen, Jörg (2018) Visualizing the Bayesian 2-test case: The effect of tree diagrams on medical decision making. PLoS ONE 13 (3), e0195029.

Habs, Michael, Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Müller, Karolina, Ernst, Brigitte, Valentini, Luzia und Koller, Michael (2017) A Balanced Risk–Benefit Analysis to Determine Human Risks Associated with Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA)—The Case of Tea and Herbal Infusions. Nutrients 9 (7), S. 717.

Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan und Bruckmeier, Georg (2015) Effects of visualizing statistical information – An empirical study on tree diagrams and 2 x 2 tables. Frontiers in Psychology 2015 (6), S. 1-18.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie > Lehrstuhl für Chemie IV - Physikalische Chemie (Solution Chemistry) > Prof. Dr. Werner Kunz

Horinek, Dominik , Cölfen, Helmut, Rosenberg, Rose, Haffke, Dirk, Stemplinger, Simon und Zemb, Thomas (2023) Two Types of Liquid Phase Separation Induced by Soft Centrifugation in Aqueous Ethyl Acetate Using Ethanol as Cosolvent. Research. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Huber, Verena, Muller, Laurie, Hioe, Johnny, Degot, Pierre, Touraud, Didier und Kunz, Werner (2021) Improvement of the Solubilization and Extraction of Curcumin in an Edible Ternary Solvent Mixture. Molecules 26 (24), S. 7702.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Anatomie > Lehrstuhl für Molekulare und zelluläre Anatomie > Prof. Dr. Will Minuth

Minuth, Will W. und Denk, Lucia (2014) Tannic acid label indicates abnormal cell development coinciding with regeneration of renal tubules. BMC Clinical Pathology 14 (34).

Minuth, Will W. und Denk, Lucia (2012) Illustration of extensive extracellular matrix at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface within the renal stem/progenitor cell niche. BMC Clinical Pathology 12, S. 13.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Physiologie > Prof. Dr. Wolf Hayo Castrop

Schießl, Ina Maria , Bardehle, Sophia und Castrop, Hayo (2013) Superficial Nephrons in BALB/c and C57BL/6 Mice Facilitate In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy of the Kidney. PLoS ONE 8 (1), e52499.

Mederle, Katharina, Schweda, Frank, Kattler, Veronika, Doblinger, Elisabeth, Keishi, Miyata, Höcherl, Klaus, Oike, Yuichi und Castrop, Hayo (2013) The angiotensin II AT1 receptor-associated protein Arap1 is involved in sepsis-induced hypotension. Critical Care 17, R130.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Biochemie, Genetik und Mikrobiologie > Cell Cycle Control > Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Seufert

Vanselow, Sven, Neumann-Arnold, Lea, Wojciech-Moock, Franziska und Seufert, Wolfgang (2022) Stepwise assembly of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (2), S. 101583.

Humanwissenschaften > Institut für Bildungswissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung - Prof. Dr. Sven Hilbert

Lindl, Alfred , Hilbert, Sven , Schilcher, Anita, Krauss, Stefan , Kirchhoff, Petra, Asen-Molz, Katharina, Ehras, Christina, Elmer, Michael, Frei, Mario, Gaier, Lisa, Gastl-Pischetsrieder, Maria, Gunga, Eileen, Murmann, Renate, Röhrl, Simone, Ruck, Anna-Maria, Weich, Matthias, Dittmer, Arne, Fricke, Michael, Hofmann, Bernhard, Memminger, Josef, Rank, Astrid, Tepner, Oliver und Thim-Mabrey, Christiane (2021) FALKE: Experiences From Transdisciplinary Educational Research by Fourteen Disciplines. Frontiers in Education 12 (579982), S. 1-12.

Lindl, Alfred, Krauss, Stefan , Schilcher, Anita und Hilbert, Sven (2020) Statistical Methods in Transdisciplinary Educational Research. Frontiers in Education 5 (97), S. 1-11.

Hilbert, Sven, McAssey, Michaela, Bühner, Markus, Schwaferts, Patrick, Gruber, Monika, Goerigk, Stephan und Taylor, Paul Christopher John (2019) Right hemisphere occipital rTMS impairs working memory in visualizers but not in verbalizers. Scientific Reports 9 (6307), S. 1-8.

Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Politikwissenschaft > Professur für Methoden der politikwissenschaft - Prof. Dr. Melanie Walter-Rogg

Escher, Romy und Walter-Rogg, Melanie (2018) Does the Conceptualization and Measurement of Democracy Quality Matter in Comparative Climate Policy Research? Politics and Governance 6 (1), S. 117-144.

Zentrale Einrichtungen > Rechenzentrum

Gruber, Nicole und Jockisch, Alfred (2020) Are GRU Cells More Specific and LSTM Cells More Sensitive in Motive Classification of Text? Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3 (40), S. 1-6.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Regensburger Centrum für Interventionelle Immunologie (RCI)

Hofbauer, Joshua, Hauck, Andreas, Matos, Carina , Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Rechenmacher, Michael , Schulz, Christian , Regotta, Sabine, Mickler, Marion, Haferkamp, Sebastian, Siska, Peter J. , Herr, Wolfgang, Renner, Kathrin , Kreutz, Marina und Schnell, Annette (2022) Immunometabolic Markers in a Small Patient Cohort Undergoing Immunotherapy. Biomolecules 12 (5), S. 716.

Balam, Saidou , Buchtler, Simone, Winter, Frederike, Schmidbauer, Kathrin, Neumayer, Sophia, Talke, Yvonne, Renner, Kerstin, Geissler, Edward K. und Mack, Matthias (2022) Donor-But Not Recipient-Derived Cells Produce Collagen-1 in Chronically Rejected Cardiac Allografts. Frontiers in Immunology 2022 (12), S. 1-12.

Matos, Carina , Peter, Katrin , Weich, Laura, Peuker, Alice, Schoenhammer, Gabriele, Roider, Tobias , Ghimire, Sakhila, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja, Güllstorf, Martina, Kröger, Nicolaus, Hammon, Kathrin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stark, Klaus, Heid, Iris M. , Renner, Kathrin , Holler, Ernst und Kreutz, Marina (2022) Anti-Thymocyte Globulin Treatment Augments 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Serum Levels in Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 12.

Hardardottir, Lilja, Bazzano, Maria Victoria, Glau, Laura, Gattinoni, Luca , Köninger, Angela, Tolosa, Eva und Solano, Maria Emilia (2021) The New Old CD8+ T Cells in the Immune Paradox of Pregnancy. Frontiers in Immunology 12 (765730), S. 1-14.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Weber, Daniela, Hippe, Katrin, Meedt, Elisabeth, Hoepting, Matthias, Kattner, Anna-Sophia , Hiergeist, Andreas , Gessner, André , Matos, Carina, Ghimire, Saroj, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Hoffmann, Petra, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2021) GPR Expression in Intestinal Biopsies From SCT Patients Is Upregulated in GvHD and Is Suppressed by Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Wertheimer, Tobias , Pausch, Antonia-Maria, Kammerer, Sylvia, Weber, Florian, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian , Holler, Ernst, Edinger, Matthias, Wolff, Daniel , Weber, Daniela und Jung, Ernst-Michael (2021) Parametric Imaging of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) for the Evaluation of Acute Gastrointestinal Graft-Versus-Host Disease. Cells 10 (5), S. 1092. (Eingereicht)

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Fante, Matthias A., Decking, Sonja-Maria, Bruss, Christina, Schreml, Stephan , Siska, Peter J. und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Heat-Inactivation of Human Serum Destroys C1 Inhibitor, Pro-motes Immune Complex Formation, and Improves Human T Cell Function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (5), S. 2646.

Oefner, Peter J. , Dettmer, Katja , Berger, Raffaela Sarah, Wachsmuth, Christian J., Waldhier, Magdalena C., Renner-Sattler, Kathrin, Thomas, Simone, Chaturvedi, Anuhar , Niller, Hans Helmut, Bumes, Elisabeth, Hau, Peter , Proescholdt, Martin A., Gronwald, Wolfram , Heuser, Michael und Kreutz, Marina (2021) Lactonization of the Oncometabolite D-2-Hydroxyglutarate Produces a Novel Endogenous Metabolite. Cancers 2021 (13), S. 1756.

Ammer, Laura-Marie, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Ruf, Viktoria, Wetzel, Christian H. , Riemenschneider, Markus J., Albert, Nathalie L., Beckhove, Philipp und Hau, Peter (2020) The Role of Translocator Protein TSPO in Hallmarks of Glioblastoma. Cancers 12 (10), S. 2973.

Weissert, Robert , Hilger, Clara, Riedhammer, Christine und Orsó, Evelyn (2020) Effects of Alemtuzumab on (Auto) antigen-Specific Immune Responses. Frontiers in Immunology 11 (563645), S. 1-8.

Boscheinen, Jan B., Thomann, Sabrina, Knipe, David M., DeLuca, Neal, Schuler-Thurner, Beatrice, Gross, Stefanie, Dörrie, Jan, Schaft, Niels, Bach, Christian, Rohrhofer, Anette, Werner-Klein, Melanie, Schmidt, Barbara und Schuster, Philipp (2019) Generation of an Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Expressing Human MelanA. Frontiers in Immunology 10 (2), S. 1-13.

Zimara, Nicole, Chanyalew, Menberework, Aseffa, Abraham , van Zandbergen, Ger, Lepenies, Bernd, Schmid, Maximilian, Weiss, Richard , Rascle, Anne, Wege, Anja Kathrin, Jantsch, Jonathan, Schatz, Valentin, Brown, Gordon D. und Ritter, Uwe (2018) Dectin-1 Positive Dendritic Cells Expand after Infection with Leishmania major Parasites and Represent Promising Targets for Vaccine Development. Frontiers in Immunology 9 (263), S. 1-20.

Weber, Daniela, Frauenschläger, Katrin, Ghimire, Sakhila, Peter, Katrin, Panzer, Isabella, Hiergeist, Andreas, Weber, Markus, Kutny, Daniel, Wolff, Daniel, Grube, Matthias, Huber, Elisabeth, Oefner, Peter, Gessner, Andre, Hehlgans, Thomas, Herr, Wolfgang und Holler, Ernst (2017) The association between acute graft-versus-host disease and antimicrobial peptide expression in the gastrointestinal tract after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. PLOS ONE 12 (9), e0185265.

Kreutz, Marina, Gottfried, Eva, Lang, Sven A., Renner, Kathrin , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin, Gronwald, Wolfram , Rehli, Michael, Einhell, Sabine, Gedig, Isabel, Singer, Katrin, Seilbeck, Anton, Mackensen, Andreas, Grauer, Oliver, Hau, Peter , Dettmer, Katja, Andreesen, Reinhard und Oefner, Peter (2013) New aspects of an old drug: Diclofenac targets MYC and glucose metabolism in tumor cells. PLoS ONE 8 (7), e66987.

Klug, Maja, Schmidhofer, Sandra, Gebhard, Claudia, Andreesen, Reinhard und Rehli, Michael (2013) 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine is an essential intermediate of active DNA demethylation processes in primary human monocytes. Genome biology 14 (5), R46.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Rettungszentrum Regensburg e.V.

Mustroph, Julian , Hupf, Julian , Baier, Maria J., Evert, Katja , Brochhausen, Christoph , Broeker, Katharina A. E. , Meindl, Christine , Seither, Benedikt, Jungbauer, Carsten G., Evert, Matthias, Maier, Lars S. und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Cardiac Fibrosis Is a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19. Frontiers in Immunology 2021 (12), S. 1-13.

Lubnow, Matthias , Schmidt, Barbara, Fleck, Martin, Salzberger, Bernd, Müller, Thomas, Peschel, Georg, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Lange, Tobias, Hitzenbichler, Florian , Kieninger, Martin, Lunz, Dirk, Graf, Bernhard, Brochhausen, Christoph, Weber, Florian, Lüke, Florian, Peterhoff, David, Schuster, Philipp, Hiergeist, Andreas, Offner, Robert, Hehr, Ute, Wallner, Stefan, Hanses, Frank , Schmid, Stephan, Weigand, Kilian, Geismann, Florian , Poeck, Hendrik, Pukrop, Tobias, Evert, Matthias, Gessner, Andre, Burkhardt, Ralph , Herr, Wolfgang, Maier, Lars S. und Heudobler, Daniel (2021) Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and severe liver injury induced by hepatic SARS-CoV-2 infection unmasking Wilson’s disease: Balancing immunosuppression. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 103 (2021), S. 624-627.

Rechtswissenschaften > Strafrecht

Landgraf, Steffen und Treskow, Isabella von (2017) The Seduction Script: Psychological and Cultural Norms of Interpersonal Approaches As Markers for Sexual Aggression and Abuse. Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2070), S. 1-12.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Tierphysiologie/Neurobiologie (Prof. Dr. Inga Neumann)

Oliveira, Vinícius E. de M., de Jong, Trynke R. und Neumann, Inga D. (2022) Synthetic Oxytocin and Vasopressin Act Within the Central Amygdala to Exacerbate Aggression in Female Wistar Rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2022 (16), S. 906617.

Jurek, Benjamin und Meyer, Magdalena (2020) Anxiolytic and Anxiogenic? How the Transcription Factor MEF2 Might Explain the Manifold Behavioral Effects of Oxytocin. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11 (186), S. 1-7.

Jurek, Benjamin und Meyer, Magdalena (2020) Anxiolytic and Anxiogenic? How the Transcription Factor MEF2 Might Explain the Manifold Behavioral Effects of Oxytocin. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11 (186), S. 1-7.

Schmidtner, Anna K., Slattery, David A. , Gläsner, Joachim, Hiergeist, Andreas , Gryksa, Katharina, Malik, Victoria A., Hellmann-Regen, Julian, Heuser, Isabella, Baghai, Thomas C., Gessner, André, Rupprecht, Rainer, Di Benedetto, Barbara und Neumann, Inga D. (2019) Minocycline alters behavior, microglia and the gut microbiome in a trait-anxiety-dependent manner. Translational Psychiatry 9 (1), S. 223.

Neumann, Inga D. , Di Benedetto, Barbara, Malik, Victoria A., Begum, Salina, Jablonowski, Lena, Gómez-González, Gabriela B. und Rupprecht, Rainer (2016) Fluoxetine requires the endfeet protein aquaporin-4 to enhance plasticity of astrocyte processes. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10 (8), S. 1-12.

Slattery, David A., Perani, Clara Valentina, Neumann, Inga D. und Reber, Stefan Oskar (2015) High-fat diet prevents adaptive peripartum-associated adrenal gland plasticity and anxiolysis. Scientific Reports 5 (14821), S. 1-10.

Shiban, Youssef , Reichenberger, Jonas, Neumann, Inga D. und Mühlberger, Andreas (2015) Social conditioning and extinction paradigm: A translational study in virtual reality. Frontiers in Psychology 6, S. 1-10.

Beiderbeck, Daniela Ingeborg, Lukas, Michael und Neumann, Inga D. (2014) Anti-aggressive effects of neuropeptide S independent of anxiolysis in male rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

de Jong, Trynke , Beiderbeck, Daniela Ingeborg und Neumann, Inga D. (2014) Measuring virgin female aggression in the female intruder test (FIT): Effects of oxytocin, estrous cycle, and anxiety. PLoS ONE 9 (3), e91701.

Nyuyki, Kewir D., Beiderbeck, Daniela Ingeborg, Lukas, Michael, Neumann, Inga D. und Reber, Stefan Oskar (2012) Chronic Subordinate Colony Housing (CSC) as a Model of Chronic Psychosocial Stress in Male Rats. PLoS One 7 (12), e52371.

Nyuyki, Kewir D., Waldherr, Martin, Baeuml, Sandra und Neumann, Inga D. (2011) Yes, I Am Ready Now: Differential Effects of Paced versus Unpaced Mating on Anxiety and Central Oxytocin Release in Female Rats. PLoS ONE 6 (8), e23599.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Tumorzentrum e.V.

Bohne, Annika , Grundler, Elena, Knüttel, Helge , Fürst, Alois und Völkel, Vinzenz (2023) Influence of Laparoscopic Surgery on Cellular Immunity in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers 15 (13), S. 3381.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Fischer, René, Spoerl, Silvia, Kirschneck, Christian , Wolf, Stefanie, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Biermann, Niklas, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2023) Statin Use Ameliorates Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Data from a Population-Based Cohort Study Applying Propensity Score Matching. Biomedicines 11 (2), S. 369.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Schimnitz, Susanne, Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Lindner, Sophia R., Ettl, Tobias, Ludwig, Nils , Spoerl, Silvia, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Relevance of Type 2 Diabetes and Metformin Treatment in Head and Neck Melanoma: Results from a Population-Based Cohort Study. Current Oncology 29 (12), S. 9660-9670.

Eichberger, Jonas, Weber, Florian , Spanier, Gerrit, Gerken, Michael, Schreml, Stephan , Schulz, Daniela, Fiedler, Mathias, Ludwig, Nils, Bauer, Richard J., Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Loss of MMP-27 Predicts Mandibular Bone Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers 14 (16), S. 4044.

Heudobler, Daniel, Fante, Matthias A., Felsensteiner, Mona, Mayer, Stephanie, Gerken, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Herr, Wolfgang, Vogelhuber, Martin und Reichle, Albrecht (2022) All-Oral Low-Dose Chemotherapy TEPIP is Effective and Well-Tolerated in Relapsed/Refractory Patients With Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma. Frontiers in Oncology 2022 (12), S. 1-11.

Spoerl, Steffen, Spoerl, Silvia, Reil, Stephanie, Gerken, Michael, Ludwig, Nils , Taxis, Juergen , Fischer, René, Ettl, Tobias, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2022) Prognostic Value of Perineural Invasion on Survival and Recurrence in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Diagnostics 2022 (12), S. 1062.

Munker, Stefan, Gerken, Michael, Fest, Petra, Ott, Claudia, Schnoy, Elisabeth, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Wiggermann, Philipp, Vogelhuber, Martin, Herr, Wolfgang, Stroszczynski, Christian, Schlitt, Hans Jürgen, Evert, Matthias, Reng, Michael, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika und Teufel, Andreas (2018) Chemotherapy for metastatic colon cancer: No effect on survival when the dose is reduced due to side effects. BMC Cancer 18 (455), S. 1-9.

Brockhoff, Gero, Seitz, Stephan, Weber, Florian, Zeman, Florian, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Ortmann, Olaf und Wege, Anja Kathrin (2018) The presence of PD-1 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancers is associated with a favorable outcome of disease. Oncotarget 2018 (9), S. 6201-6212.

Haj, Amer, Doenitz, Christian, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Ehrensberger, Denise, Hau, Peter , Putnik, Kurt, Riemenschneider, Markus, Wendl, Christina, Gerken, Michael, Pukrop, Tobias, Brawanski, Alexander und Proescholdt, Martin (2017) Extent of Resection in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Impact of a Specialized Neuro-Oncology Care Center. Brain Sciences 8 (1), S. 5.

Lindberg, Patricia, Netter, Petra, Koller, Michael, Steinger, Brunhilde und Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika (2017) Breast cancer survivors` recollection of their quality of life: Identifying determinants of recall bias in a longitudinal population-based trial. PLoS One 12 (2), e0171519.

Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Lindberg, Patricia, Koller, Michael, Wyatt, Jeremy C. , Hofstädter, Ferdinand, Lorenz, Wilfried und Steinger, Brunhilde (2015) Direct improvement of quality of life in colorectal cancer patients using a tailored pathway with quality of life diagnosis and therapy (DIQOL): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 16 (460), S. 1-11.

Lindberg, Patricia, Koller, Michael, Steinger, Brunhilde, Lorenz, Wilfried, Wyatt, Jeremy C. , Inwald, Elisabeth C. und Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika (2015) Breast cancer survivors’ recollection of their illness and therapy seven years after enrolment into a randomised controlled clinical trial. BMC Cancer 15 (554), S. 1-13.

Glockzin, Gabriel, Gerken, Michael, Lang, Sven A., Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Piso, Pompiliu und Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen (2014) Oxaliplatin-based versus irinotecan-based hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) in patients with peritoneal metastasis from appendiceal and colorectal cancer: a retrospective analysis. BMC Cancer 14 (807).

Medizin > Universitäres Herzzentrum Regensburg (UHR)

Schach, Christian , Lavall, Daniel, Voßhage, Nicola, Körtl, Thomas, Meindl, Christine , Ücer, Ekrem, Hamer, Okka W. , Maier, Lars S. , Wachter, Rolf und Sossalla, Samuel (2024) Time to Recovery from Systolic Dysfunction Correlates with Left Ventricular Fibrosis in Arrhythmia-Induced Cardiomyopathy. Life 14 (3), S. 330.

Wester, Michael, Pec, Jan , Lebek, Simon , Fisser, Christoph, Debl, Kurt, Hamer, Okka W., Poschenrieder, Florian, Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S., Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2022) Sleep-Disordered Breathing Is Associated With Reduced Left Atrial Strain Measured by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients After Acute Myocardial Infarction. Frontiers in Medicine 2022 (9), S. 759361.

Pec, Jan, Wester, Michael, Fisser, Christoph , Debl, Kurt, Hamer, Okka W., Poschenrieder, Florian , Buchner, Stefan, Maier, Lars S. , Arzt, Michael und Wagner, Stefan (2021) Central Sleep Apnea Is Associated with an Abnormal P-Wave Terminal Force in Lead V1 in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Independent from Ventricular Function. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (23), S. 1-13.

Schach, Christian, Körtl, Thomas, Wachter, Rolf, Maier, Lars S. und Sossalla, Samuel (2021) Echocardiographic Evaluation of LV Function in Patients with Tachyarrhythmia and Reduced Left Ventricular Function in Response to Rhythm Restoration. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (16), S. 1-12.

Zentrale Einrichtungen > Universitätsbibliothek

Bohne, Annika , Grundler, Elena, Knüttel, Helge , Fürst, Alois und Völkel, Vinzenz (2023) Influence of Laparoscopic Surgery on Cellular Immunity in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers 15 (13), S. 3381.

Hofmann, Luisa, Heinrich, Michael, Baurecht, Hansjörg , Langguth, Berthold , Kreuzer, Peter M., Knüttel, Helge , Leitzmann, Michael F. und Seliger, Corinna (2023) Suicide Mortality Risk among Patients with Lung Cancer—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), S. 4146.

Widbiller, Matthias , Weiler, Rita, Knüttel, Helge , Galler, Kerstin M., Buchalla, Wolfgang und Scholz, Konstantin J. (2022) Biology of selective caries removal: a systematic scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 12 (2), e061119.

McCool-Myers, Megan , Theurich, Melissa A. , Zülke, Andrea, Knüttel, Helge und Apfelbacher, Christian J. (2018) Predictors of female sexual dysfunction: a systematic review and qualitative analysis through gender inequality paradigms. BMC Women's Health 18, S. 108.

Chemie und Pharmazie > Zentrale Analytik

Obermeyer, Simon, Stöckl, Richard , Schnekenburger, Tobias, Moehle, Christoph, Schwartz, Uwe und Grasser, Klaus D. (2022) Distinct role of subunits of the Arabidopsis RNA polymerase II elongation factor PAF1C in transcriptional reprogramming. Frontiers in Plant Science 13, S. 974625.

Meurer, Florian , Dolomanov, Oleg V., Hennig, Christoph , Peyerimhoff, Norbert , Kleemiss, Florian , Puschmann, Horst und Bodensteiner, Michael (2022) Refinement of anomalous dispersion correction parameters in single-crystal structure determinations. IUCrJ / International Union of Crystallography 9 (5), S. 604-609.

Meurer, Florian , von Essen, Carolina, Kühn, Clemens, Puschmann, Horst und Bodensteiner, Michael (2022) The benefits of Cu Kβ radiation for the single-crystal X-ray structure determination of crystalline sponges. IUCrJ 9 (3), S. 1-6.

Schwinghammer, Vanessa F., Tiefenthaler, Susanne M. und Gärtner, Stefanie (2021) The Role of Different Alkali Metals in the A15Tl27 Type Structure and the Synthesis and X-ray Structure Analysis of a New Substitutional Variant Cs14.53Tl28.4. Materials 14 (24), S. 1-13.

Heilmann, Jörg, Tremmel, Martina und Kiermaier, Josef (2021) In Vitro Metabolism of Six C-Glycosidic Flavonoids from Passiflora incarnata L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (22), S. 6566. (Eingereicht)

Gärtner, Stefanie , Tiefenthaler, Susanne, Korber, Nikolaus , Stempfhuber, Sabine und Hischa, Birgit (2018) Structural Chemistry of Halide including Thallides A8Tl11X1−n (A = K, Rb, Cs; X = Cl, Br; n = 0.1–0.9). Crystals 8 (8), S. 319.

Mayr, Tobias, Grassl, Tobias, Korber, Nikolaus, Christoffel, Volker und Bodensteiner, Michael (2017) Cannabidiol revisited. IUCrData 2 (2), S. 1-11.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Hirntumore (ZHT)

Alieva, Maria, Leidgens, Verena, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Klein, Christoph A., Hau, Peter und van Rheenen, Jacco (2019) Intravital imaging of glioma border morphology reveals distinctive cellular dynamics and contribution to tumor cell invasion. Scientific Reports 9 (2054), S. 1-11.

Moeckel, Sylvia, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Riemenschneider, Markus J., Bogdahn, Ulrich, Bosserhoff, A. K. , Spang, Rainer und Hau, Peter (2016) Validation Study: Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 11 (3), e0151312.

Hau, Peter, Moeckel, Sylvia, Meyer, Katharina, Leukel, Petra, Heudorfer, Fabian, Seliger, Corinna, Stangl, Christina, Bogdahn, Ulrich, Proescholdt, Martin A., Brawanski, Alexander, Vollmann-Zwerenz, Arabel, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin und Spang, Rainer (2014) Response-Predictive Gene Expression Profiling of Glioma Progenitor Cells In Vitro. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e108632.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Klinische Studien

Drexler, Konstantin, Drexler, Hans, Karrer, Sigrid , Landthaler, Michael, Haferkamp, Sebastian , Zeman, Florian, Berneburg, Mark und Niebel, Dennis (2023) Degree of Actinic Elastosis Is a Surrogate of Exposure to Chronic Ultraviolet Radiation and Correlates More Strongly with Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma than Basal Cell Carcinoma. Life 13 (3), S. 811.

von Breitenbuch, Philipp, Kurz, Bernadett, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Brochhausen, Christoph , Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive GPCRs in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer—First Results. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (5), S. 1803.

Koch, Myriam, Rothammer, Tobias, Rasch, Frederike, Müller, Karolina, Braess, Jan, Koller, Michael und Schulz, Christian (2023) Gender Differences in Symptom Burden, Functional Performance and Global Quality of Life of Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Inpatient versus Outpatient Treatment. Cancer Management and Research 15, S. 175-183.

Blecha, Sebastian , Hager, Anna, Gross, Verena, Seyfried, Timo , Zeman, Florian, Lubnow, Matthias , Burger, Maximilian und Pawlik, Michael T. (2023) Effects of Individualised High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Crystalloid Administration on Postoperative Pulmonary Function in Patients Undergoing Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: A Prospective Randomised Single-Blinded Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (4), S. 1460.

Bauswein, Markus , Eidenschink, Lisa, Knoll, Gertrud, Neumann, Bernhard , Angstwurm, Klemens , Zoubaa, Saida, Riemenschneider, Markus J. , Lampl, Benedikt M. J. , Pregler, Matthias , Niller, Hans Helmut, Jantsch, Jonathan, Gessner, André, Eberhardt, Yvonne, Huppertz, Gunnar, Schramm, Torsten, Kühn, Stefanie, Koller, Michael , Drasch, Thomas, Ehrl, Yvonne, Banas, Bernhard , Offner, Robert , Schmidt, Barbara und Banas, Miriam C. (2023) Human Infections with Borna Disease Virus 1 (BoDV-1) Primarily Lead to Severe Encephalitis: Further Evidence from the Seroepidemiological BoSOT Study in an Endemic Region in Southern Germany. Viruses 15 (1), S. 188.

Kurz, Bernadett, Michael, Hannah Philine, Förch, Antonia , Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Ugele, Ines, Hintschich, Constantin , Haubner, Frank, Ettl, Tobias , Renner, Kathrin , Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2023) Expression of pH-Sensitive TRPC4 in Common Skin Tumors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2), S. 1037.

Denk, Alexander , Müller, Karolina , Schlosser, Sophie , Heissner, Klaus, Gülow, Karsten, Müller, Martina und Schmid, Stephan (2022) Liver diseases as a novel risk factor for delirium in the ICU–Delirium and hepatic encephalopathy are two distinct entities. PLOS ONE 17 (11), e0276914.

Andorfer, Kornelia E. C. , Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Zeller, Judith, Fischer, René, Seebauer, Caroline T., Vielsmeier, Veronika, Bohr, Christopher und Kühnel, Thomas S. (2022) TIMolol Nasal Spray as a Treatment for Epistaxis in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (TIM-HHT)—A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled, Cross-Over Trial. Pharmaceutics 14 (11), S. 2335.

Blecha, Sebastian, Zeman, Florian, Rohr, Magdalena, Dodoo-Schittko, Frank, Brandstetter, Susanne , Karagiannidis, Christian, Apfelbacher, Christian und Bein, Thomas (2022) Association of analgosedation with psychiatric symptoms and health-related quality of life in ARDS survivors: Post hoc analyses of the DACAPO study. PLOS ONE 17 (10), e0275743.

Koch, Myriam, Rasch, Frederike, Rothammer, Tobias, Müller, Karolina , Mohr, Arno , Koller, Michael und Schulz, Christian (2022) Gender Differences in Quality of Life of Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients. Cancer Management and Research Volume 14, S. 2971-2977.

Gottsauner, Maximilian, Fehrer, Clara, Spoerl, Steffen, Schuderer, Johannes , Zeman, Florian, Fiedler, Mathias, Maurer, Michael, Reichert, Torsten E. und Ettl, Tobias (2022) Influence of Radiotherapy on Ossification of Vascularized Osseous Reconstruction of the Jaw: A Radiological Retrospective Cohort Study Based on Panoramic Radiographs. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (17), S. 5041.

Oury, Cécile , Lubnow, Matthias, Berger, Johannes, Schneckenpointner, Roland, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Philipp, Alois, Foltan, Maik, Lehle, Karla, Heimerl, Susanne, Hart, Christina, Schmid, Christof, Fisser, Christoph und Müller, Thomas (2022) Prevalence and outcomes of patients developing heparin-induced thrombocytopenia during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. PLOS ONE 17 (8), e0272577.

Künzel, Julian , Brandenstein, Moritz, Zeman, Florian, Symeou, Luisa, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha und Jung, Ernst Michael (2022) Multiparametric Ultrasound of Cervical Lymph Node Metastases in Head and Neck Cancer for Planning Non-Surgical Therapy. Diagnostics 12 (8), S. 1842.

Bründl, Elisabeth , Proescholdt, Martin A. , Störr, Eva-Maria, Schödel, Petra, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Hohenberger, Christoph, Kieninger, Martin , Schmidt, Nils Ole und Schebesch, Karl-Michael (2022) The endogenous neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide after spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage–A potential psychoactive prognostic serum biomarker of pain-associated neuropsychological symptoms. Frontiers in Neurology 13.

Fisser, Christoph, Gall, Lara, Bureck, Jannis, Vaas, Victoria, Priefert, Jörg, Fredersdorf, Sabine, Zeman, Florian, Linz, Dominik, Woehrle, Holger, Tamisier, Renaud , Teschler, Helmut, Cowie, Martin R. und Arzt, Michael (2022) Effects of Adaptive Servo-Ventilation on Nocturnal Ventricular Arrhythmia in Heart Failure Patients With Reduced Ejection Fraction and Central Sleep Apnea–An Analysis From the SERVE-HF Major Substudy. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9, S. 896917.

Horvath, Christian M., Fisser, Christoph , Douglas Bradley, T., Floras, John S., Sossalla, Samuel , Parati, Gianfranco, Zeman, Florian, Castiglioni, Paolo, Faini, Andrea, Rankin, Fiona und Arzt, Michael (2022) Methodology for the nocturnal cardiac arrhythmia ancillary study of the ADVENT-HF trial in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and sleep-disordered breathing. IJC Heart & Vasculature 41, S. 101057.

Schuster, Antonia Margarete, Steines, Louisa, Müller, Karolina, Zeman, Florian, Findeisen, Peter, Banas, Bernhard und Bergler, Tobias (2022) Dickkopf 3—A New Indicator for the Deterioration of Allograft Function After Kidney Transplantation. Frontiers in Medicine 9, S. 885018.

Ghimire, Sakhila, Ederer, Katharina U., Meedt, Elisabeth, Weber, Daniela, Matos, Carina , Hiergeist, Andreas , Zeman, Florian, Wolff, Daniel , Edinger, Matthias, Poeck, Hendrik, Herr, Wolfgang, Gessner, Andre, Holler, Ernst und Bülow, Sigrid (2022) Low intestinal IL22 associates with increased transplant-related mortality after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Frontiers in immunology 13, S. 857400.

Bauernfeind, Stilla , Huppertz, Gunnar, Mueller, Karolina, Hitzenbichler, Florian, Hardmann, Loredana, Pemmerl, Sylvia, Hollnberger, Harald, Sieber, Wolfgang, Wettstein, Matthias, Seeliger, Stephan, Kienle, Klaus, Paetzel, Christian, Kutz, Norbert, Daller, Dionys, Zorger, Niels, Mohr, Arno, Lampl, Benedikt M. J. und Salzberger, Bernd (2022) Health Care Workers’ Sick Leave due to COVID-19 Vaccination in Context With SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Quarantine—A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 9 (7).

Lotter, Luisa, Zucal, Isabel, Brébant, Vanessa , Heine, Norbert, Hartmann, Robin, Mueller, Karolina, Prantl, Lukas und Schiltz, Daniel (2021) Intraoperative 3D Comparison of Round and Anatomical Breast Implants: Dispelling a Myth. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (1), S. 149.

Förch, Antonia, Wallner, Susanne, Zeman, Florian, Ettl, Tobias, Brochhausen, Christoph und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Expression of Proton-Sensitive GPR31, GPR151, TASK1 and TASK3 in Common Skin Tumors. Cells 11 (1), S. 27.

Karrer, Sigrid, Berneburg, Mark , Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael und Müller, Karolina (2021) A Prospective, Randomised, Controlled, Split-Face Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and the Efficacy of Cold Atmospheric Plasma in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. Applied Sciences 11 (23), S. 1-15.

Halmy, Laszlo, Riedel, Joshua, Zeman, Florian, Tege, Birgit, Linder, Volker, Gnewuch, Carsten, Graf, Bernhard M., Schlitt, Hans J. , Bergler, Tobias und Göcze, Ivan (2021) Renal Recovery after the Implementation of an Electronic Alert and Biomarker-Guided Kidney-Protection Strategy following Major Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (21), S. 1-13.

Schiltz, Daniel , Mueller, Karolina, Ortner, Christine, Tschernitz, Sebastian, Anker, Alexandra, Felthaus, Oliver, Schreml, Julia , Koller, Michael, Prantl, Lukas und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis: A Cross-Sectional Study to Investigate Clinical Features and Patients’ Quality of Life. Symmetry 13 (10), S. 1-13.

Kieninger, Martin , Sinning, Annemarie, Vadász, Timea , Gruber, Michael , Gronwald, Wolfram, Zeman, Florian, Lunz, Dirk, Dienemann, Thomas, Schmid, Stephan, Graf, Bernhard, Lubnow, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Holzmann, Thomas, Salzberger, Bernd und Kieninger, Bärbel (2021) Lower blood pH as a strong prognostic factor for fatal outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients at an intensive care unit: A multivariable analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (9), S. 1-15.

Memmel, Clemens , Krutsch, Werner, Koch, Matthias , Riedl, Moritz , Henssler, Leopold, Zeman, Florian, Knorr, Christian, Alt, Volker und Pfeifer, Christian G. (2021) The Conformity of Rehabilitation Protocols Used for Different Cartilage Repairs of the Knee Joint—A Review on Rehabilitation Standards in German Speaking Countries. Applied Sciences 11 (8873), S. 1-10.

Ried, Michael , Kovács, Julia, Markowiak, Till Marvin, Müller, Karolina, Huppertz, Gunnar, Koller, Michael, Winter, Hauke, Klotz, Laura V., Hatz, Rudolf A., Zimmermann, Julia L., Passlick, Bernward, Schmid, Severin , Hassan, Mohamed , Eichhorn, Martin E. und Hofmann, Hans-Stefan (2021) Hyperthermic Intrathoracic Chemotherapy (HITOC) after Cytoreductive Surgery for Pleural Malignancies—A Retrospective, Multicentre Study. Cancers 13 (18), S. 1-16.

Dollinger, Marco , Bäumler, Wolfgang , Brunner, Stefan M., Stroszczynski, Christian , Georgieva, Martina , Müller, Karolina, Schicho, Andreas und Müller-Wille, René (2021) Role of clinical and CT findings in the identification of adult small-bowel intussusception requiring surgical intervention. British Journal of Surgery Open (BJS Open) 5 (5), S. 1-6.

Kieninger, Martin , Mandlinger, Andreas Franz, Doblinger, Nina , Kieninger, Bärbel, Bele, Sylvia , Salzberger, Bernd , Schneider-Brachert, Wulf, Graf, Bernhard, Zeman, Florian und Holzmann, Thomas (2021) Impact of the implementation of a standard for preanalytical handling of samples for microbiological diagnostics on the quality of results at a neurocritical care unit. Medicine 100 (34), S. 1-8.

Summerer, Verena, Arzt, Michael, Fox, Henrik , Oldenburg, Olaf, Zeman, Florian, Debl, Kurt, Buchner, Stefan und Stadler, Stefan (2021) Occurrence of Coronary Collaterals in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Sleep Apnea. Journal of the American Heart Association 10 (15), 020340.

Greimel, Felix, Leiss, Franziska, Schindler, Melanie, Götz, Julia Sabrina, Maderbacher, Günther , Meyer, Matthias , Reinhard, Jan, Zeman, Florian und Grifka, Joachim (2021) Superior Functional Outcome and Comparable Health-Related Quality of Life after Enhanced Recovery vs. Conventional THA: A Retrospective Matched Pair Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (3096), S. 1-10.

Götz, Julia Sabrina, Benditz, Achim , Reinhard, Jan, Schindler, Melanie, Zeman, Florian, Grifka, Joachim , Greimel, Felix und Leiss, Franziska (2021) Influence of Anxiety/Depression, Age, Gender and ASA on 1-Year Follow-Up Outcomes Following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in 5447 Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (14), S. 3095.

Kirchmair, Rudolf, Poschenrieder, Florian , Meiler, Stefanie , Lubnow, Matthias , Zeman, Florian, Rennert, Janine, Scharf, Gregor, Schaible, Jan, Stroszczynski, Christian , Pfeifer, Michael und Hamer, Okka W. (2021) Severe COVID-19 pneumonia: Perfusion analysis in correlation with pulmonary embolism and vessel enlargement using dual-energy CT data. PLOS ONE 16 (6), e0252478.

Peterhoff, David, Werner, Maren, Pervan, Philip, Glück, Vivian, Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael , Burkhardt, Ralph , Glück, Thomas, Wenzel, Jürgen J. , Schmidt, Barbara und Gessner, Andre (2021) Evaluation of a Broad Panel of SARS-CoV-2 Serological Tests for Diagnostic Use. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1580. (Eingereicht)

Promm, Martin, Otto, Wolfgang, Weber, Florian, Götz, Stefanie, Burger, Maximilian, Müller, Karolina, Rubenwolf, Peter, Neuhuber, Winfried und Roesch, Wolfgang H. (2021) Expression of Low Affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor p75 in Classic Bladder Exstrophy. Frontiers in Pediatrics 9 (634343), S. 1-7.

Möller, Christina M. , Ellmauer, Peter-Paul, Zeman, Florian, Bitzinger, Diane, Flörchinger, Bernhard, Graf, Bernhard M. und Zausig, York A. (2021) Postoperative acute respiratory dysfunction and the influence of antibiotics after acute type A aortic dissection surgery: A retrospective analysis. PLOS ONE 16 (2), e0246724.

Zech, Nina, Seemann, Milena, Luerding, Ralf, Doenitz, Christian, Zeman, Florian, Cananoğlu, Hamit, Kees, Martin G. und Hansen, Ernil (2021) Neurocognitive Impairment After Propofol With Relevance for Neurosurgical Patients and Awake Craniotomies—A Prospective Observational Study. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (632887), S. 1-9.

Karrer, Sigrid, Szeimies, Rolf-Markus, Philipp-Dormston, Wolfgang G., Gerber, Peter A., Prager, Welf, Datz, Elisabeth, Zeman, Florian, Müller, Karolina und Koller, Michael (2020) Repetitive Daylight Photodynamic Therapy versus Cryosurgery for Prevention of Actinic Keratoses in Photodamaged Facial Skin: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Multicentre Two-armed Study. Acta Dermato Venereologica 101 (1), adv00355.

Pawlik, Michael T., Prasser, Christopher, Zeman, Florian, Harth, Marion, Burger, Maximilian, Denzinger, Stefan und Blecha, Sebastian (2020) Pronounced haemodynamic changes during and after robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 10 (10), e038045.

Zech, Nina, Schrödinger, Matthias, Seemann, Milena, Zeman, Florian, Seyfried, Timo F. und Hansen, Ernil (2020) Time-Dependent Negative Effects of Verbal and Non-verbal Suggestions in Surgical Patients—A Study on Arm Muscle Strength. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (1693), S. 1-12.

Freigang, Viola , Müller, Karolina, Ernstberger, Antonio, Kaltenstadler, Marlene, Bode, Lisa, Pfeifer, Christian G., Alt, Volker und Baumann, Florian (2020) Reduced Recovery Capacity After Major Trauma in the Elderly: Results of a Prospective Multicenter Registry-Based Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (8), S. 2356.

Markowiak, Till , Koller, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Huppertz, Gunnar, Hofmann, Hans-Stefan und Ried, Michael (2020) Protocol of a retrospective, multicentre observational study on hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy in Germany. BMJ Open 10 (7), e041511.

Schaible, Jan, Pregler, Benedikt, Verloh, Niklas, Einspieler, Ingo, Bäumler, Wolf, Zeman, Florian, Schreyer, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas (2020) Improvement of the primary efficacy of microwave ablation of malignant liver tumors by using a robotic navigation system. Radiology and Oncology 54 (3), S. 295-300.

Engelmann, S., Ruewe, M., Geis, S., Taeger, C. D., Kehrer, M. , Tamm, E. R., Bleys, R. L. A. W., Zeman, F., Prantl, L. und Kehrer, A. (2020) Rapid and Precise Semi-Automatic Axon Quantification in Human Peripheral Nerves. Scientific Reports 10 (1935), S. 1-9.

Wagner, Andrea, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Isenmann, Stefan, Steinbrecher, Andreas, Kapapa, Thomas, Zeman, Florian, Baldaranov, Dobri, Grauer, Oliver, Backhaus, Roland, Linker, Ralf A. und Schlachetzki, Felix (2019) Interdisciplinary Decision Making in Hemorrhagic Stroke Based on CT Imaging—Differences Between Neurologists and Neurosurgeons Regarding Estimation of Patients' Symptoms, Glasgow Coma Scale, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Frontiers in Neurology 10 (997), S. 1-11.

Kieninger, Martin, Windorfer, Martin, Eissnert, Christoph, Zech, Nina, Bele, Sylvia , Zeman, Florian, Bründl, Elisabeth , Graf, Bernhard und Künzig, Holger (2019) Impact of bedside percutaneous dilational and open surgical tracheostomy on intracranial pressure, pulmonary gas exchange, and hemodynamics in neurocritical care patients. Medicine 98 (35), e17011.

Verloh, N. , Probst, U., Utpatel, K., Zeman, F., Brennfleck, F., Werner, J. M., Fellner, C., Stroszczynski, C., Evert, M., Wiggermann, P. und Haimerl, M. (2019) Influence of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation: Correlation between histopathological changes and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging. PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0215752.

Meier, J. K., Schuderer, J. G. , Zeman, F., Klingelhöffer, Ch., Hullmann, M., Spanier, G., Reichert, T. E. und Ettl, T. (2019) Health-related quality of life: a retrospective study on local vs. microvascular reconstruction in patients with oral cancer. BMC Oral Health 19 (62), S. 1-8.

Verloh, Niklas, Jensch, Isabel, Lürken, Lukas, Haimerl, Michael, Dollinger, Marco, Renner, Philipp, Wiggermann, Philipp, Werner, Jens Martin, Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Beyer, Lukas Philipp (2019) Similar complication rates for irreversible electroporation and thermal ablation in patients with hepatocellular tumors. Radiology and Oncology 53 (1), S. 116-122.

Weber, Markus , Zeman, Florian , Craiovan, Benjamin, Thieme, Max, Kaiser, Moritz, Woerner, Michael, Grifka, Joachim und Renkawitz, Tobias (2019) Predicting Outcome after Total Hip Arthroplasty: The Role of Preoperative Patient-Reported Measures. BioMed Research International 2019, S. 1-9.

Haimerl, Michael, Probst, Ute, Poelsterl, Stefanie, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Weigand, Kilian, Brunner, Stefan M., Zeman, Florian, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Philipp (2018) Evaluation of two-point Dixon water-fat separation for liver specific contrast-enhanced assessment of liver maximum capacity. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 1-9.

Wagner, Andrea, Schebesch, Karl-Michael, Zeman, Florian, Isenmann, Stefan, Steinbrecher, Andreas, Kapapa, Thomas, Baldaranov, Dobri, Backhaus, Roland und Schlachetzki, Felix (2018) Primary cCT Imaging Based Clinico-Neurological Assessment—Calling for Addition of Telestroke Video Consultation in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Frontiers in Neurology 9 (607), S. 1-8.

Habs, Michael, Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Müller, Karolina, Ernst, Brigitte, Valentini, Luzia und Koller, Michael (2018) A Balanced Risk-Benefit Analysis to Determine Human Risks Associated with Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA)—The Case of Herbal Medicinal Products Containing St. John’s Wort Extracts (SJW). Nutrients 10 (7), S. 804. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Lehle, Karla , Philipp, Alois, De Somer, Filip, Foltan, Maik, Bredthauer, Andre, Krenkel, Lars und Zeman, Florian (2018) Life span of different extracorporeal membrane systems for severe respiratory failure in the clinical practice. PLOS ONE 13 (6), e0198392.

Ernstberger, Antonio, Koller, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Hilber, Franz, Diepold, Eva, Loss, Julika, Herbst, Tanja und Nerlich, Michael (2018) A trauma network with centralized and local health care structures: Evaluating the effectiveness of the first certified Trauma Network of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. PLOS ONE 13 (3), e0194292.

Greimel, Felix , Maderbacher, Günther, Baier, Clemens, Keshmiri, Armin, Schwarz, Timo, Zeman, Florian, Meissner, Winfried, Grifka, Joachim und Benditz, Achim (2018) Multicenter cohort-study of 15326 cases analyzing patient satisfaction and perioperative pain management: general, regional and combination anesthesia in knee arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 8 (1), S. 3723.

Loss, Julika , Weigl, Johannes, Ernstberger, Antonio, Nerlich, Michael, Koller, Michael und Curbach, Janina (2018) Social capital in a regional inter-hospital network among trauma centers (trauma network): results of a qualitative study in Germany. BMC Health Services Research 18 (137), S. 1-14.

Brockhoff, Gero, Seitz, Stephan, Weber, Florian, Zeman, Florian, Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika, Ortmann, Olaf und Wege, Anja Kathrin (2018) The presence of PD-1 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancers is associated with a favorable outcome of disease. Oncotarget 2018 (9), S. 6201-6212.

Benditz, Achim, Brunner, Melanie, Zeman, Florian, Greimel, Felix, Völlner, Florian, Boluki, Daniel, Grifka, Joachim, Weber, Markus und Renkawitz, Tobias (2017) Effectiveness of a multimodal pain management concept for patients with cervical radiculopathy with focus on cervical epidural injections. Scientific Reports 7 (7866), S. 1-9.

Habs, Michael, Binder, Karin , Krauss, Stefan , Müller, Karolina, Ernst, Brigitte, Valentini, Luzia und Koller, Michael (2017) A Balanced Risk–Benefit Analysis to Determine Human Risks Associated with Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PA)—The Case of Tea and Herbal Infusions. Nutrients 9 (7), S. 717.

Haimerl, Michael, Utpatel, Kirsten, Verloh, Niklas, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Nickel, Dominik, Teufel, Andreas, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Evert, Matthias, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2017) Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR relaxometry for the detection and staging of liver fibrosis. Scientific Reports 7 (41429), S. 1-10.

Benditz, Achim, Drescher, J., Greimel, Felix, Zeman, Florian, Grifka, Joachim, Meißner, W. und Völlner, Florian (2016) Implementing a benchmarking and feedback concept decreases postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty: A prospective study including 256 patients. Scientific Reports 6 (38218), S. 1-7.

Koller, Michael, Ernstberger, Antonio, Zeman, Florian, Loss, Julika und Nerlich, Michael (2016) Outcome after polytrauma in a certified trauma network: comparing standard vs. maximum care facilities Concept of the study andstudy protocol (POLYQUALY). BMC Health Services Research 16 (242), S. 1-8.

Roldan, J. Camilo, Pape, Hans-Dieter, Koch, Heribert und Koller, Michael (2016) Ten-Year Cleft Surgery in Nepal: Achievements and Lessons Learned for Better Cleft Care Abroad. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 4 (5), e711.

Verloh, Niklas, Utpatel, Kirsten, Haimerl, Michael, Zeman, Florian, Fellner, Claudia, Fichtner-Feigl, Stefan, Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian, Evert, Matthias und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Liver fibrosis and Gd-EOB-DTPAenhanced MRI: A histopathologic correlation. Scientific Reports 2015 (5), S. 15408.

Dollinger, Marco, Müller-Wille, René, Zeman, Florian, Haimerl, Michael, Niessen, Christoph, Beyer, Lukas Philipp , Lang, Sven A., Teufel, Andreas, Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2015) Irreversible Electroporation of Malignant Hepatic Tumors - Alterations in Venous Structures at Suba. PLoS ONE 10 (8), S. 1-11.

Lindberg, Patricia, Koller, Michael, Steinger, Brunhilde, Lorenz, Wilfried, Wyatt, Jeremy C. , Inwald, Elisabeth C. und Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika (2015) Breast cancer survivors’ recollection of their illness and therapy seven years after enrolment into a randomised controlled clinical trial. BMC Cancer 15 (554), S. 1-13.

Göcze, Ivan, Koch, Matthias, Renner, Philipp, Zeman, Florian, Graf, Bernhard M., Dahlke, Marc H., Nerlich, Michael, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen, Kellum, John A. und Bein, Thomas (2015) Urinary Biomarkers TIMP-2 and IGFBP7 Early Predict Acute Kidney Injury after Major Surgery. PLoS ONE 10 (3), S. 1-11.

Haimerl, Michael, Wächtler, Max, Zeman, Florian, Verloh, Niklas, Platzek, Ivan, Schreyer, Andreas Georg , Stroszczynski, Christian und Wiggermann, Phillipp (2014) Quantitative Evaluation of Enhancement Patterns in Focal Solid Liver Lesions with Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI. PLoS ONE 9 (6), e100315.

Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Langguth, Berthold und Landgrebe, Michael (2014) Which tinnitus-related aspects are relevant for quality of life and depression: results from a large international multicentre sample. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12 (7).

Machleidt, Anna, Buchholz, Stefan, Diermeier-Daucher, S., Zeman, Florian, Ortmann, Olaf und Brockhoff, Gero (2013) The prognostic value of Her4 receptor isoform expression in triple-negative and Her2 positive breast cancer patients. BMC Cancer 13.

Göcze, Ivan, Strenge, Felix, Zeman, Florian, Creutzenberg, Marcus, Graf, Bernhard, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Bein, Thomas (2013) The effects of the semirecumbent position on hemodynamic status in patients on invasive mechanical ventilation - prospective randomized multivariable analysis. Critical Care 17, R80.

Glockzin, Gabriel, Rochon, Justine, Arnold, Dirk , Lang, Sven A., Klebl, Frank, Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Schlitt, Hans J. und Piso, Pompiliu (2013) A prospective multicenter phase II study evaluating multimodality treatment of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from appendiceal and colorectal cancer: the COMBATAC trial. BMC Cancer 13, S. 67.

Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Schecklmann, Martin, Langguth, Berthold und Landgrebe, Michael (2012) Tinnitus assessment by means of standardized self-report questionnaires: Psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ), the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), and their short versions in an international and multi-lingual sample. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 10, S. 128.

Dillmann, Johannes, Popp, Felix C., Fillenberg, Barbara, Zeman, Florian, Eggenhofer, Elke, Farkas, Stefan, Scherer, Marcus N., Koller, Michael, Geissler, Edward K., Deans, Robert, Ladenheim, Deborah, Loss, Martin, Schlitt, Hans-Jürgen und Dahlke, Marc H. (2012) Treatment-emergent adverse events after infusion of adherent stem cells: the MiSOT-I score for solid organ transplantation. Trials 13, S. 211.

Popp, Felix C., Fillenberg, Barbara, Eggenhofer, Elke, Renner, Philipp, Dillmann, Johannes, Benseler, Volker, Schnitzbauer, Andreas A., Hutchinson, James , Deans, Robert, Ladenheim, Deborah, Graveen, Cheryl A., Zeman, Florian, Koller, Michael, Hoogduijn, Martin J., Geissler, Edward K., Schlitt, Hans J. und Dahlke, Marc H. (2011) Safety and feasibility of third-party multipotent adult progenitor cells for immunomodulation therapy after liver transplantation - a phase I study (MISOT-I). Journal of translational medicine 9 (1), S. 124.

Medizin > Zentrum für Neuroradiologie

Angstwurm, Pia, Hense, Katharina , Rosengarth, Katharina , Strotzer, Quirin David , Schmidt, Nils Ole , Bumes, Elisabeth , Hau, Peter , Pukrop, Tobias und Wendl, Christina (2024) Attenuation of the BOLD fMRI Signal and Changes in Functional Connectivity Affecting the Whole Brain in Presence of Brain Metastasis. Cancers 16 (11), S. 2010.

Nowak, Dennis A., Linden, Rainer, Arnold, Peggy, Seitz, Veronika, Stangl, Katrin, Wendl, Christina und Schlachetzki, Felix (2022) Case report: A complicated course of Collet-Sicard syndrome after internal carotid artery dissection and lenticulo-striatal artery infarction. Frontiers in Neurology 13, S. 939236.

Kilic, Mustafa, Wendl, Christina M., Wilfling, Sibylle, Olmes, David, Linker, Ralf A. und Schlachetzki, Felix (2022) Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Non-Imaging Brain Perfusion Ultrasound—First Case. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (12), S. 3384.

Sterz, Ulrich, Grube, Matthias, Herr, Wolfgang, Menhart, Karin, Wendl, Christina und Vogelhuber, Martin (2021) Case Report: Dual Checkpoint Inhibition in Advanced Metastatic Osteosarcoma Results in Remission of All Tumor Manifestations—A Report of a Stunning Success in a 37-Year-Old Patient. Frontiers in Oncology 11 (684733), S. 1-7.

Johannesen, Siw Wollebæk, Huie, J. Russell, Budeus, Bettina, Peters, Sebastian, Wirth, Anna M., Iberl, Sabine, Kammermaier, Tina, Kobor, Ines, Wirkert, Eva, Küspert, Sabrina, Tahedl, Marlene, Grassinger, Jochen, Pukrop, Tobias, Schneider, Armin, Aigner, Ludwig, Schulte-Mattler, Wilhelm , Schuierer, Gerhard, Koch, Winfried, Bruun, Tim-Henrik, Ferguson, Adam R. und Bogdahn, Ulrich (2021) Modeling and Bioinformatics Identify Responders to G-CSF in Patients With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 12 (616289), S. 1-5.

Medizin > Zentren des Universitätsklinikums Regensburg > Zentrum für Plastische-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Najafali, Daniel, Galbraith, Logan G., Camacho, Justin M., Stoffel, Victoria, Herzog, Isabel, Moss, Civanni, Taiberg, Stephanie L. und Knoedler, Leonard (2024) Class in Session: Analysis of GPT-4-created Plastic Surgery In-service Examination Questions. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 12 (9), e6185.

Zhang, Hanwen, Felthaus, Oliver , Eigenberger, Andreas , Klein, Silvan und Prantl, Lukas (2024) Treg Cell Therapeutic Strategies for Breast Cancer: Holistic to Local Aspects. Cells 13 (18), S. 1526.

Pollhammer, Michael S., Duscher, Dominik, Pagani, Andrea, Zaussinger, Maximilian, Wenny, Raphael, Zucal, Isabel, Schmidt, Manfred, Prantl, Lukas und Huemer, Georg M. (2024) The Clavien–Dindo Classification for Body-Contouring Surgery Complications: Evaluation of 602 Cases. Life 14 (9), S. 1120.

Ruewe, Marc , Siegmund, Andreas, Rupp, Markus , Prantl, Lukas , Anker, Alexandra M. und Klein, Silvan M. (2024) Osteomyelitis in Late-Stage Pressure Sore Patients: A Retrospective Analysis. Life 14 (8), S. 973.

Knoedler, Leonard , Vogt, Alexander, Alfertshofer, Michael, Camacho, Justin M., Najafali, Daniel, Kehrer, Andreas , Prantl, Lukas , Iske, Jasper, Dean, Jillian, Hoefer, Simon, Knoedler, Christoph und Knoedler, Samuel (2024) The law code of ChatGPT and artificial intelligence—how to shield plastic surgeons and reconstructive surgeons against Justitia's sword. Frontiers in Surgery 11.

Matar, Dany Y., Knoedler, Samuel , Matar, Anthony Y., Friedrich, Sarah, Kiwanuka, Harriet, Hamaguchi, Ryoko, Hamwi, Carla M., Hundeshagen, Gabriel, Haug, Valentin, Kneser, Ulrich, Ray, Keisha, Orgill, Dennis P. und Panayi, Adriana C. (2024) Surgical Outcomes and Sociodemographic Disparities Across All Races: An ACS-NSQIP and NHIS Multi-Institutional Analysis of Over 7.5 Million Patients. Annals of Surgery Open 5 (3), e467.

Pagani, Andrea, Duscher, Dominik, Kempa, Sally , Ghods, Mojtaba und Prantl, Lukas (2024) Preliminary Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Analysis Uncovers Adipocyte Heterogeneity in Lipedema. Cells 13 (12), S. 1028.

Knoedler, Leonard , Huelsboemer, Lioba, Hollmann, Katharina, Alfertshofer, Michael, Herfeld, Konstantin, Hosseini, Helia, Boroumand, Sam, Stoegner, Viola A., Safi, Ali-Farid, Perl, Markus, Knoedler, Samuel , Pomahac, Bohdan und Kauke-Navarro, Martin (2024) From standard therapies to monoclonal antibodies and immune checkpoint inhibitors – an update for reconstructive surgeons on common oncological cases. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Taeger, Christian D., Muehle, Clemens, Kruppa, Philipp , Prantl, Lukas und Biermann, Niklas (2024) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy—A Vacuum-Mediated Positive Pressure Wound Therapy and a Closer Look at the Role of the Laser Doppler. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (8), S. 2351.

Knoedler, Leonard , Dean, Jillian, Diatta, Fortunay, Thompson, Noelle, Knoedler, Samuel , Rhys, Richmond, Sherwani, Khalil, Ettl, Tobias , Mayer, Simon, Falkner, Florian, Kilian, Katja, Panayi, Adriana C., Iske, Jasper, Safi, Ali-Farid, Tullius, Stefan G., Haykal, Siba, Pomahac, Bohdan und Kauke-Navarro, Martin (2024) Immune modulation in transplant medicine: a comprehensive review of cell therapy applications and future directions. Frontiers in Immunology 15.

Knoedler, Leonard , Dean, Jillian, Knoedler, Samuel , Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Hollmann, Katharina, Alfertshofer, Michael, Helm, Sabrina, Prantl, Lukas und Schliermann, Rainer (2024) Hard shell, soft core? Multi-disciplinary and multi-national insights into mental toughness among surgeons. Frontiers in Surgery 11.

Pagani, Andrea, Duscher, Dominik, Geis, Sebastian, Klein, Silvan , Knoedler, Leonard , Panayi, Adriana C., Oliinyk, Dmytro, Felthaus, Oliver und Prantl, Lukas (2024) The Triple Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Exosome Technology as a Potential Tool for Treating Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cells 13 (7), S. 614.

Schiltz, Daniel , Eibl, Dominik, Mueller, Karolina, Biermann, Niklas, Prantl, Lukas und Taeger, Christian Dirk (2024) Therapist versus Machine—Immediate Effects of Manual versus Mechanical Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Secondary Lymphedema. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (5), S. 1277.

Kempa, Sally , Gross, Mascha, Oliinyk, Dmytro, Siegmund, Andreas, Müller, Martina, Prantl, Lukas und Tews, Hauke C. (2024) Health Implications of Lipedema: Analysis of Patient Questionnaires and Population-Based Matched Controls. Life 14 (3), S. 295.

Knoedler, Leonard , Alfertshofer, Michael, Knoedler, Samuel, Hoch, Cosima C., Funk, Paul F., Cotofana, Sebastian, Maheta, Bhagvat J., Frank, Konstantin, Brébant, Vanessa , Prantl, Lukas und Lamby, Philipp (2024) Pure Wisdom or Potemkin Villages? A Comparison of ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4 on USMLE Step 3 Style Questions: Quantitative Analysis. JMIR Medical Education 10, e51148.

Biermann, Niklas, Chak, Juy Chi, Wiesmeier, Anna, Klein, Silvan M., Ruewe, Marc, Spoerl, Steffen, Kruppa, Philipp , Prantl, Lukas und Anker, Alexandra M. (2024) Evidence-Based Approaches to Anticoagulation in Reconstructive Microsurgery—A Systematic Literature Review. Life 14 (1), S. 82.

Kempa, Sally , Buechler, Christa , Föh, Bandik, Felthaus, Oliver , Prantl, Lukas , Günther, Ulrich L., Müller, Martina, Derer-Petersen, Stefanie, Sina, Christian, Schmelter, Franziska und Tews, Hauke Christian (2023) Serum Metabolomic Profiling of Patients with Lipedema. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (24), S. 17437.

Knoedler, Leonard , Ruppel, Felix, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Obed, Doha, Wu, Mengfan, Prantl, Lukas , Broer, P. Niclas, Panayi, Adriana C. und Knoedler, Samuel (2023) Hair Transplantation in the United States: A Population-based Survey of Female and Male Pattern Baldness. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 11 (11), e5386.

Knoedler, Leonard , Knoedler, Samuel, Allam, OmaR, Remy, KatyA, Miragall, Maximilian, Safi, Ali-Farid, Alfertshofer, Michael, Pomahac, Bohdan und Kauke-Navarro, Martin (2023) Application possibilities of artificial intelligence in facial vascularized composite allotransplantation—a narrative review. Frontiers in Surgery 10.

Baecher, Helena, Hoch, Cosima C., Knoedler, Samuel, Maheta, Bhagvat J., Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Safi, Ali-Farid, Alfertshofer, Michael und Knoedler, Leonard (2023) From bench to bedside – current clinical and translational challenges in fibula free flap reconstruction. Frontiers in Medicine 10.

Kehrer, Andreas , Hollmann, Katharina S., Klein, Silvan M., Anker, Alexandra M. , Tamm, Ernst R. , Prantl, Lukas , Engelmann, Simon, Knoedler, Samuel, Knoedler, Leonard und Ruewe, Marc (2023) Histomorphometry of the Sural Nerve for Use as a CFNG in Facial Reanimation Procedures. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (14), S. 4627.

Knoedler, Leonard , Knoedler, Samuel, Panayi, Adriana C., Lee, Catherine A. A., Sadigh, Sam, Huelsboemer, Lioba, Stoegner, Viola A., Schroeter, Andreas, Kern, Barbara, Mookerjee, Vikram, Lian, Christine G., Tullius, Stefan G., Murphy, George F., Pomahac, Bohdan und Kauke-Navarro, Martin (2023) Cellular activation pathways and interaction networks in vascularized composite allotransplantation. Frontiers in Immunology 14. Zugang zum Volltext eingeschränkt.

Knoedler, Leonard , Knoedler, Samuel, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Knoedler, Christoph, Hoefer, Simon, Baecher, Helena, Gassner, Ulrich M., Machens, Hans-Guenther, Prantl, Lukas und Panayi, Adriana C. (2023) Three-dimensional Medical Printing and Associated Legal Issues in Plastic Surgery: A Scoping Review. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 11 (4), e4965.

Knoedler, Samuel, Matar, Dany Y., Knoedler, Leonard , Obed, Doha, Haug, Valentin, Gorski, Sabina M., Kim, Bong-Sung, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Kneser, Ulrich, Panayi, Adriana C., Orgill, Dennis P. und Hundeshagen, Gabriel (2023) Association of age with perioperative morbidity among patients undergoing surgical management of minor burns. Frontiers in Surgery 10.

Knoedler, Samuel, Hoch, Cosima C., Huelsboemer, Lioba, Knoedler, Leonard, Stögner, Viola A., Pomahac, Bohdan, Kauke-Navarro, Martin und Colen, David (2023) Postoperative free flap monitoring in reconstructive surgery—man or machine? Frontiers in Surgery 10, S. 1130566.

Spoerl, Steffen, Gerken, Michael, Fischer, René, Spoerl, Silvia, Kirschneck, Christian , Wolf, Stefanie, Taxis, Juergen , Ludwig, Nils , Biermann, Niklas, Reichert, Torsten E. und Spanier, Gerrit (2023) Statin Use Ameliorates Survival in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Data from a Population-Based Cohort Study Applying Propensity Score Matching. Biomedicines 11 (2), S. 369.

Schoeppe, Robert, Babl, Nathalie, Decking, Sonja-Maria, Schönhammer, Gabriele, Siegmund, Andreas, Bruss, Christina, Dettmer, Katja , Oefner, Peter J. , Frick, Linus, Weigert, Anna, Jantsch, Jonathan, Herr, Wolfgang, Rehli, Michael , Renner, Kathrin und Kreutz, Marina (2023) Glutamine synthetase expression rescues human dendritic cell survival in a glutamine-deprived environment. Frontiers in Oncology 13, S. 1-12.

Biermann, Niklas, Wallner, Stefan, Martini, Teresa, Spoerl, Steffen, Prantl, Lukas und Taeger, Christian D. (2023) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation: Analysis of the Rinsing Fluid as a Monitoring Tool and Approach to the Inflammatory Process: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2), S. 711.

Oliinyk, Dmytro, Eigenberger, Andreas, Felthaus, Oliver , Haerteis, Silke und Prantl, Lukas (2023) Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay at the Cross-Roads of Adipose-Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Research. Cells 12 (4), S. 592.

Knoedler, Samuel, Knoedler, Leonard, Baecher, Helena, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Obed, Doha, Hoch, Cosima C., Diehm, Yannick F., Vosler, Peter S., Harréus, Ulrich, Kneser, Ulrich und Panayi, Adriana C. (2022) 30-Day Postoperative Outcomes in Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Undergoing Upper Airway Surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (24), S. 7371.

Knoedler, Leonard , Miragall, Maximilian, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Obed, Doha, Bauer, Maximilian, Tißler, Patrick, Prantl, Lukas , Machens, Hans-Guenther, Broer, Peter Niclas, Baecher, Helena, Panayi, Adriana C. , Knoedler, Samuel und Kehrer, Andreas (2022) A Ready-to-Use Grading Tool for Facial Palsy Examiners—Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients Made Easy. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (10), S. 1739.

Prantl, Lukas , Eigenberger, Andreas, Reinhard, Ruben, Siegmund, Andreas, Heumann, Kerstin und Felthaus, Oliver (2022) Cell-Enriched Lipotransfer (CELT) Improves Tissue Regeneration and Rejuvenation without Substantial Manipulation of the Adipose Tissue Graft. Cells 11 (19), S. 3159.

Knoedler, Leonard, Baecher, Helena, Kauke-Navarro, Martin, Prantl, Lukas , Machens, Hans-Günther, Scheuermann, Philipp, Palm, Christoph , Baumann, Raphael, Kehrer, Andreas , Panayi, Adriana C. und Knoedler, Samuel (2022) Towards a Reliable and Rapid Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients: Facial Palsy Surgery Meets Computer Science. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (17), S. 4998.

Kehrer, Andreas , Ruewe, Marc, Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha, Lonic, Daniel, Heidekrueger, Paul Immanuel , Knoedler, Samuel, Jung, Ernst Michael, Prantl, Lukas und Knoedler, Leonard (2022) Using High-Resolution Ultrasound to Assess Post-Facial Paralysis Synkinesis—Machine Settings and Technical Aspects for Facial Surgeons. Diagnostics 12 (7), S. 1650.

Hoesl, Vanessa, Kempa, Sally, Prantl, Lukas , Ochsenbauer, Kathrin, Hoesl, Julian, Kehrer, Andreas und Bosselmann, Talia (2022) The LRINEC Score—An Indicator for the Course and Prognosis of Necrotizing Fasciitis? Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (13), S. 3583.

Reinhard, Ruben, Biermann, Niklas, Kuehlmann, Britta und Prantl, Lukas (2022) Breast Implant Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA- ALCL): A Systematic Review and Case Report Regarding Incidence and Pathology Workup. Medical Research Archives 10 (8).

Lotter, Luisa, Zucal, Isabel, Brébant, Vanessa , Heine, Norbert, Hartmann, Robin, Mueller, Karolina, Prantl, Lukas und Schiltz, Daniel (2021) Intraoperative 3D Comparison of Round and Anatomical Breast Implants: Dispelling a Myth. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (1), S. 149.

Schiltz, Daniel , Mueller, Karolina, Ortner, Christine, Tschernitz, Sebastian, Anker, Alexandra, Felthaus, Oliver, Schreml, Julia , Koller, Michael, Prantl, Lukas und Schreml, Stephan (2021) Multiple Symmetric Lipomatosis: A Cross-Sectional Study to Investigate Clinical Features and Patients’ Quality of Life. Symmetry 13 (10), S. 1-13.

Schiltz, Daniel , Lenhard, Jasmin, Klein, Silvan, Anker, Alexandra, Lonic, Daniel, Heidekrueger, Paul I. , Prantl, Lukas , Jung, Ernst-Michael, Platz Batista Da Silva, Natascha und Kehrer, Andreas (2021) Do-It-Yourself Preoperative High-Resolution Ultrasound-Guided Flap Design of the Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery Perforator Flap (SCIP). Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (11), S. 2427.

Bosselmann, Talia, Kolbenschlag, Jonas, Goertz, Ole, Zahn, Peter, Prantl, Lukas , Lehnhardt, Marcus, Behr, Björn und Sogorski, Alexander (2021) Improvement of Superficial and Deep Cutaneous Microcirculation Due to Axillary Plexus Anesthesia Impaired by Smoking. Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (10), S. 2114.

Prantl, Lukas , Eigenberger, Andreas, Brix, Eva, Kempa, Sally, Baringer, Magnus und Felthaus, Oliver (2021) Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Yield Depends on Isolation Protocol and Cell Counting Method. Cells 10 (5), S. 1113. (Eingereicht)

Schmitz, Paul, Kerschbaum, Maximilian , Lamby, Philipp, Lang, Siegmund , Alt, Volker und Worlicek, Michael (2021) Iliac Bone Corridors to Host the Transiliac Internal Fixator—An Experimental CT Based Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 (10), S. 1500.

Taeger, Christian, Wallner, Stefan , Martini, Teresa, Schiltz, Daniel , Kehrer, Andreas, Prantl, Lukas und Biermann, Niklas (2021) Analysis of Rinsing Fluid during Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation: A Potential Monitoring Tool in Acute and Chronic Wound Treatment. A Pilot Study. Cells 2021 (10), S. 732. (Eingereicht)

Drexler, Konstantin, Schmidt, Katharina M., Jordan, Katrin , Federlin, Marianne, Milenkovic, Vladimir M., Liebisch, Gerhard , Artati, Anna, Schmidl, Christian , Madej, Gregor , Tokarz, Janina , Cecil, Alexander, Jagla, Wolfgang, Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Wagner, Christine, Kolodziejczyk, Maria, Heinke, Stefanie, Stanton, Evan H., Schwertner, Barbara, Riegel, Dania, Wetzel, Christian H. , Buchalla, Wolfgang, Proescholdt, Martin, Klein, Christoph A., Berneburg, Mark, Schlitt, Hans J., Brabletz, Thomas, Ziegler, Christine , Parkinson, Eric K., Gaumann, Andreas, Geissler, Edward K., Adamski, Jerzy , Haferkamp, Sebastian und Mycielska, Maria E. (2021) Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression. Life Science Alliance 4 (6), e202000903.

Strauss, Catharina , Prantl, Lukas, Brix, Eva, Kempa, Sally, Felthaus, Oliver, Eigenberger, Andreas, Brebant, Vanessa und Anker, Alexandra (2021) Facial Rejuvenation with Concentrated Lipograft—A 12 Month Follow-Up Study. Cells 10 (3), S. 594. (Eingereicht)

Taeger, Christian D., Friedrich, Oliver , Horch, Raymund E. , Distler, Caroline, Kengelbach-Weigand, Annika, Wenzel, Carina, Prantl, Lukas und Präbst, Konstantin (2020) Tissue Viability of Free Flaps after Extracorporeal Perfusion Using a Modified Hydroxyethyl Starch Solution. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (12), S. 3929.

Lamby, Philipp, Minkow, Alexander, Handt, Stefan, Falter, Johannes, Schellenberg, Eva-Lotte, Graf, Stefanie, Hiebl, Bernhard , Haerteis, Silke , Gemeinhardt, Ole , Krüger-Genge, Anne, Klosterhalfen, Bernd, Jung, Ernst-Michael, Franke, Ralf-Peter, Momeni, Arash , Prantl, Lukas und Jung, Friedrich (2020) Histological and SEM Assessment of Blood Stasis in Kidney Blood Vessels after Repeated Intra-Arterial Application of Radiographic Contrast Media. Life 10 (9), S. 167.

Prantl, Lukas, Eigenberger, Andreas, Gehmert, Sebastian , Haerteis, Silke, Aung, Thiha, Rachel, Reinhard, Jung, Ernst Michael und Felthaus, Oliver (2020) Enhanced Resorption of Liposomal Packed Vitamin C Monitored by Ultrasound. Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 (6), S. 1616.

Engelmann, S., Ruewe, M., Geis, S., Taeger, C. D., Kehrer, M. , Tamm, E. R., Bleys, R. L. A. W., Zeman, F., Prantl, L. und Kehrer, A. (2020) Rapid and Precise Semi-Automatic Axon Quantification in Human Peripheral Nerves. Scientific Reports 10 (1935), S. 1-9.

Reinders, Yvonne, Felthaus, Oliver, Brockhoff, Gero, Pohl, Fabian, Ahrens, Norbert , Prantl, Lukas und Haubner, Frank (2017) Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Viability and Proliferation in Wound Healing Processes after External Radiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (8), S. 1819.

Haubner, Frank, Leyh, Michaela, Ohmann, Elisabeth, Pohl, Fabian, Prantl, Lukas und Gassner, Holger G. (2013) Effects of external radiation in a co-culture model of endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cells. Radiation oncology (London) 8 (1), S. 66.

Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin > Institut für Zoologie > Zoologie/Evolutionsbiologie (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heinze)

Errbii, Mohammed , Myrie, Ameka , Robinson, Dwight, Schultner, Eva , Schrader, Lukas , Oettler, Jan und Ortega-Del Vecchyo, Diego (2024) Genetic Variation in Jamaican Populations of the Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei. Genome Biology and Evolution 16 (11).

Chan, Benny K. K. , Shahdadi, Adnan, von Wyschetzki, Katharina, Liu, Hung-Chang , Chu, Ka Hou und Schubart, Christoph D. (2022) Molecular phylogeography reveals multiple Pleistocene divergence events in estuarine crabs from the tropical West Pacific. PLOS ONE 17 (1), e0262122.

Heinze, Jürgen , Marschall, Jella, Lautenschläger, Birgit, Seifert, Bernhard, Gratiashvili, Nana und Strohm, Erhard (2021) Courtship with two spoons—Anatomy and presumed function of the bizarre antennae of Cardiocondyla zoserka ant males. Ecology and Evolution 11 (12), S. 7827-7833.

Czaczkes, Tomer J. , Wendt, Stephanie und Oberhauser, Felix Benjamin (2020) Trail Pheromone Does Not Modulate Subjective Reward Evaluation in Lasius niger Ants. Frontiers in Psychology 11 (555576), S. 1-11.

Fokuhl, Gerriet, Heinze, Jürgen und Poschlod, Peter (2019) An Ant-Plant Mesocosm Experiment Reveals Dispersal Patterns of Myrmecochorous Plants. Forests 10 (12), S. 1149.

Wendt, Stephanie , Strunk, Kim S. , Heinze, Jürgen, Roider, Andreas und Czaczkes, Tomer J. (2019) Positive and negative incentive contrasts lead to relative value perception in ants. eLife 8, S. 1-22.

Deli, Temim, Kiel, Christina und Schubart, Christoph D. (2019) Phylogeographic and evolutionary history analyses of the warty crab Eriphia verrucosa (Decapoda, Brachyura, Eriphiidae) unveil genetic imprints of a late Pleistocene vicariant event across the Gibraltar Strait, erased by postglacial expansion and admixture among refugial lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19 (105), S. 1-20.

Giehr, Julia und Heinze, Jürgen (2018) Queens stay, workers leave: caste-specific responses to fatal infections in an ant. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (1), S. 1-11.

Cardoso, Danon Clemens , Heinze, Jürgen, Moura, Mariana Neves und Cristiano, Maykon Passos (2018) Chromosomal variation among populations of a fungus-farming ant: implications for karyotype evolution and potential restriction to gene flow. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (146), S. 1-10.

Deli, Temim, Kalkan, Evrim, Karhan, Selahattin Ünsal, Uzunova, Sonya , Keikhosravi, Alireza, Bilgin, Raşit und Schubart, Christoph D. (2018) Parapatric genetic divergence among deep evolutionary lineages in the Mediterranean green crab, Carcinus aestuarii (Brachyura, Portunoidea, Carcinidae), accounts for a sharp phylogeographic break in the Eastern Mediterranean. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (53), S. 1-21.

Giehr, Julia, Heinze, Jürgen und Schrempf, Alexandra (2017) Group demography affects ant colony performance and individual speed of queen and worker aging. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (173), S. 1-9.

Schrempf, Alexandra, Heinze, Jürgen und Metzler, Sina (2016) Mating and longevity in ant males. Ecology and Evolution 2016 (6), S. 8903-8906.

Trettin, Jürgen, Agrawal, Shobhit und Heinze, Jürgen (2016) Phylogeography of social polymorphism in a boreo-montane ant. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16 (137), S. 1-14.

Czaczkes, Tomer J., Weichselgartner, Tobias, Bernadou, Abel und Heinze, Jürgen (2016) The Effect of Trail Pheromone and Path Confinement on Learning of Complex Routes in the Ant Lasius niger. PLoS ONE 11 (3), e0149720.

Cristiano, Maykon Passos, Cardoso, Danon Clemens , Fernandes-Salomão, Tânia Maria und Heinze, Jürgen (2016) Integrating Paleodistribution Models and Phylogeography in the Grass-Cutting Ant Acromyrmex striatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Southern Lowlands of South America. PLoS ONE 11 (1), e0146734.

Herzner, Gudrun, Weiss, Katharina, Strohm, Erhard und Kaltenpoth, Martin (2015) Comparative morphology of the postpharyngeal gland in the Philanthinae (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) and the evolution of anantimicrobial brood protection mechanism. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 (291), S. 1-13.

Heinze, Jürgen, Buschinger, Alfred, Pöttinger, Theo und Suefuji, Masaki (2015) Multiple Convergent Origins of Workerlessness and Inbreeding in the Socially Parasitic Ant Genus Myrmoxenus. PLoS ONE 10 (7), S. 1-10.

Schrempf, Alexandra, Giehr, Julia und Heinze, Jürgen (2015) The ant Cardiocondyla elegans as host of the enigmatic endoparasitic fungus Myrmicinosporidium durum. Psyche 2015 (2015), S. 1-4.

Cardoso, Danon Clemens , Cristiano, Maykon Passos, Tavares, Mara Garcia, Schubart, Christoph D. und Heinze, Jürgen (2015) Phylogeography of the sand dune ant Mycetophylax simplex along the Brazilian Atlantic Forest coast: remarkably low mtDNA diversity and shallow population structure. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15 (106), S. 1-13.

Czaczkes, Tomer J. , Heinze, Jürgen und Ruther, Joachim (2015) Nest Etiquette—Where Ants Go When Nature Calls. PLoS ONE 10 (2), S. 1-8.

Oettler, Jan , Schrader, Lukas, Kim, Jay W., Ence, Daniel, Zimin, Aleksey, Klein, Antonia, Wyschetzki, Katharina, Weichselgartner, Tobias, Kemena, Carsten, Stöckl, Johannes, Schultner, Eva , Wurm, Yannik, Smith, Christopher D., Yandell, Mark, Heinze, Jürgen und Gadau, Jürgen (2014) Transposable element islands facilitate adaptation to novel environments in an invasive species. Nature Communications 5 (5495).

Trettin, Jürgen, Seyferth, Thomas und Heinze, Jürgen (2014) Behavioral Plasticity in Ant Queens: Environmental Manipulation Induces. PLoS ONE 9 (4), e95153.

Heinze, Jürgen und Burnett, William E. (2014) Sperm Bundles in the Seminal Vesicles of Sexually Mature Lasius Ant Males. PLoS ONE 9 (3), e3383.

Oettler, Jan, Dijkstra, Michiel B. und Heinze, Jürgen (2013) Egg-layiyng "intermorphs" in the ant Crematogaster smithi neither affect sexual production nor male parentage. PLoS One 8.

Seifert, Bernhard und Frohschammer, Sabine (2013) Cardiocondyla pirata sp. n. - a new Philippine ant with enigmatic pigmentation pattern (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys (301), S. 13-24.

Oettler, Jan, Schmid, Volker S., Zankl, Niko, Rey, Olivier, Dress, Andreas und Heinze, Jürgen (2013) Fermat's principle of least time predicts refraction of ant trails at substrate borders. PloS one 8 (3), e59739.

Heinze, Jürgen und Schrempf, Alexandra (2012) Terminal Investment: Individual Reproduction of Ant Queens Increases with Age. PLoS One, e35201.

Trettin, Jürgen, Haubner, Monika, Buschinger, Alfred und Heinze, Jürgen (2011) Queen dominance and worker policing control reproduction in a threatened ant. BMC ecology 11 (1), S. 21.

Brunner, Elisabeth, Kroiss, Johannes, Trindl, Andreas und Heinze, Jürgen (2011) Queen pheromones in Temnothorax ants: control or honest signal? BMC evolutionary biology 11, S. 55.

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